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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 11, 2021     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 11, 2021
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page A-28 Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Nov. 11, 2021 , C Ia SS ifi e i ACTIVITIES CAMEO BOUTIQUE & Wine Shop Your Holiday shopping destination. Our store is filled with great fashions and Holiday merchandise. Open ev- ery day 10:00 a.m. 5:00 pm. 6871 E. Hwy 106, Union, WA (360) 898-3200 or email Cameo Boutique [] (C 11/11-11/25) GUN KNIFE Show: Mark your calendar, Saturday, November 13th, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 pm. and Sun- day, November 14th 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Centralia Fairgrounds; Admission $8 and $6 for Veterans. Questions: (503) 363- 9564. Or wesknodelgun- (K 10/28- 1 1/11) AUCI10NS PUBLIC AUCTION un- claimed storage units U- store Self Storage starts: 10:00 am Tuesday No— vember 2, 2021 Ends: 10:00 a.m. Friday, Novem- ber 12, 2021; located at 2992 East Johns Prairie Rd, Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-0851; Goods of every description .sold by storage lot. Bid online at or visit our website or call for more details. CASH OR CREDIT CARD ONLY. (U 10/28-1 1/11) AUTOM011VE PARTS/SERVICES GILLIS AUTO Center Ford, Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge. Warranty forever! 360-426-5585, 800-365- 4096, Fax 360-426-5935. www.gillisautocenter. com. PO Box 10,or mail to: 180 W. Hulbert Rd. (G tfn) V'BAZAARS ST. EDWARDS Catho- lic Church Bazaar, Fri- day, November 12th 9:00 a.m.- 3:00 pm. Saturday, Cr stals. Gifts. Nature Center . Lots of Gifts A from $5, $l0. $50. $IOO Largest rock mineral selection Ill Washington pen I Tuesday-Saturday .. ll:00AM-5:OOPM Sunday SIU SE Old Arcadia Road Shelton. WA 98584 lUlUltt.(Otlt‘t‘l‘llSItlIS.t‘Ulll 360~426-8l l I Inquire at th . November 13th 9:00 a.m.- 1:00 pm. 601 West “C” Street, Shelton, WA. (8 11/4-11/11) BOUTIOUES CAMEO BOUTIQUE & Wine Shop ~ Your Holiday shopping destination. Our store is filled with great fashions and Holiday merchandise. Open ev- ery day 10:00 a.m. 5:00 pm. 6871 E. Hwy 106, Union, WA (360) 898-3200 or email Cameo Boutique [] (C 11/11-11/25) CARS/TRUCKS FOR SALE CARS $995 and up, Sun Auto Sales. Large selec- tion of low priced cars, trucks, vans, SUVs. Cash priced to sell. From Shel- ton, take State Route E. towards Belfair. Located at 5961 E. State Route 3, Shelton. Call 360-426- 2907. (S tfn) GILLIS AUTO Center, your one-stop shop! Chrysler, Ford, Dodge, Jeep. 360- 426-5585. Hwy 101, 2nd Shelton eXit. www.gillis- autocentencom (G tfn) COMPUTERS COMPUTER SERVICE at your door and more. Dave’s Computer Service 360-898-3800. No travel fees, free estimate (D tfn): EDUCATION LOOKING FOR quality and stability for your children? Shelton Valley Christian School provides 1st 8th grade education. Strong STEAM program; small class sizes. Affordable excellence. Enrolling now for next year. See website sheltonvalleychristian- for details or call (360) 426—4198. (S tfn) EVENTS ALDERBROOK GOLF Yacht Club Invites You to Our Annual Holiday Gift Fair Saturday, November 20th 10am to 4pm Several Vendors Featuring Gifts for the Holiday Season 330 E Country Club Dr E. Union. (A11/4-11/25) FISH FRY November 19th 4:00-6:00 pm. Union City Masonic Lodge, 19331 N. Hwy. 101 Shelton, WA 98584 $13.00 3-piece fish fries coleslaw drink. Call: Wayne or Pete 360- 589-8040, 360-229-3164 (U 11/4-11/18) GUN KNIFE Show: Mark your calendar, Sat- Reach 2 Million Readers Festivals, Fairs, car shows, resorts and golf courses love the results they get! newspaper or call 360344—2938 - adséiwng urday, November 13th, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 pm. and Sunday, November 14th 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Cen- tralia Fairgrounds. Ad- mission is $8 and $6 for Veterans. Questions: (503) 363-9564. Or wesknodel- (K 10/28- 11/11) FOR RENT FOR RENT - Rental ad special 35 words includes photo, border, and head- line. $25 per week; call (360) 426-4412 (J tfn) FOR SALE SEASONED FIREWOOD, $150 cord, you haul‘ or small deliveries available. Call John (360427-4240. (B 11/11-10/2) CAMEO BOUTIQUE Wine Shop Your Holiday shopping destination. Our store is filled with great fashions and Holiday merchandise. Open ev- ery day 10:00 a.m. 5:00 pm. 6871 E. Hwy 106, Union, WA (360) 898-3200 or email Cameo Boutique @ [] (C 11/11-11/25) GOOD TV’S for sale, 65” $250; 57" new-$250; 32” $200; 27” $100; and Juke- box Seeburg, full of re- cords $300. Must sell!!! (360) 868-2066 (M 11/4- 11/11) 50 PHOTO / LOGO Classi- fied Special: FREE photo or logo when you buy 4 weeks. Call (360) 426- 4412 today to get your ad noticed by thousands of readers! Deadline: 5 PM. Monday. (J tfn) FREE FREE HOMING Pigeons (360) 426-2426 (B 11/11) HELP WANTED KITSAP TRANSIT Pur- chasing Specialist Re- quirements: HS/GED and ‘some college level coursework in business administration and/or business related pro- grams and equivalent exp in purchasing. Sal- ary: $25.97 $34.94 /hr., DOE. Job details, reqs, appl. packet benefits info at http: //kitsaptran— re- view of applications 4:00 pm (PST) Fri, 11/19/21. Applications accepted until filled. Kitsap Transit is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. (K11/4-12/2) CLAM DIGGERS Needed A'Smarter j wave Your‘l-lo e. Paid medical, paid va- cation. Must be autho- rized to work in the U.S. Must have a driver’s li- cense. GENASKOOKUM@ GMAIL.COM Carl / Jere- my Gena (360) 426-9759. (S 10/28-11/11) JOIN OUR friendly, small staff Thursdays and Fri- days 9:00 a.m. until the work is completed; no experience necessary, $15.50 hourly. Must be able to lift up to '40 lbs, operate equipment used for cleaning, must have reliable transportation. Email (no “e” in the word blue in email address). (B 10/28- 11/18) SEASONED PAINTER, minimum 3 years expe- rience, pay depending on experience. Call (360) 229-1874 (M tfn) LANDSCAPING ZJ’s LANDSCAPING, Con- struction Tree Service LLC, Residential, com- mercial, free estimates. Brush clearing, edging, thatching, hauling, lawn mowing, drainage, weed- ing, brick laying, moss re- moval, painting, firewood, gutters roof cleaning, pressure washing, fenc- ing, snow removal, con- crete pouring, sprinkler systems, construction, retaining walls, land clear- ing, remodeling, excavat- ing. Licensed, bonded, in- sured. General contractor #ZJLADLK848DC Find us on Facebook and Google+ free estimates, call or text, references available. Zacharias 360-463-4834. zj.yardmaintenance@ also, check out website:https://www. (Z tfn) LOST FOUND LOST IT? Found it? Call (360) 426-4412 for an af- fordable listing here. Did you know the Journal will run found pet listings for free? It's true! (J tfn) MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISE STATEWIDE with a $325 classified list- ing or $1,575 for a display ad. Call this newspaper at 360-426-4412 or WNPA at (360) 344-2938 for details. (W tfn) ATTENTION: OXYGEN users. Gain freedom with a Portable Oxygen Con— centrator! No more heavy tanks refills! Guaranteed lowest prices. Call the Ox- ygen Concentrator store: 844-495-7230. (W tfn) DONATE YOUR car to charity. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details, 855-635-4229. (W tfn) ELIMINATE GUTTER m , PWRm mm Wt“! Huh. mm: «mewmmxwtmwemswxwmwmy REQUEST A FREE QUOTE! ACT NOW TO RECEIVE A $300 SPECIAL OFFER!‘ l (866) 954—2961 cleaning forever! Leaf Fil- ter are the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a Free Leaf Filter estimate today; 15% off entire pur— chase; 10% Senior & Mili— tary discounts; call 1-888- 360-1582. (W tfn) GENERAC STANDBY Generators provide back— up power during utility power outages, so your home and family stay safe and comfortable. Prepare now. Free 7—year extend- ed warranty ($695 value!). Request a free quote to- day! Call for additional terms and conditions. , 1-888-674-7053 (w tfn) LOOKING FOR assisted living, memory care, or in- dependent living? A Place for Mom simplifies the process of finding senior living at no cost to your family. Call 1-855-913- 2628 today! (W tfn) MUSIC MEMORABLE EVENTS Add a touch of class with a live cello soloist. Call (360) 490-4695 for details and availability. (P tfn) ORGANIZATIONS MASONS, GUESTS: Union City Lodge #27 F. & A.M. meets across the street from the Lucky Dog Ca- ADD YELLOW highlight to your ad. Get noticed for only $20 more. Call the Shelton-Mason County lournal 360-426-4412 ADVERTISING REACH 20,000+ local read are per week. 20 words or less is only $12 tor the 1st week. When you buy 3 weeks, the 4th week to tree. Remember, the more you tell, the more you sell, and each word beyond the first 20 is just 20 cents ex- tra. The deadline is Monday 5pm (it there's a holiday on Monday then the ad dead- line is Friday at 5pm). Email classifieds@masoncounty. . com or call the Journal 8am-5pm Monday-Friday at 360426-4412. (J tfn) sino, North of Shelton on Highway 101, on the 2nd Thursday of each month. Dinner 6:30, Lodge 7:30. (June,1 st Thurs.) Sojourn- ers welcome! (U tfn) PETS KI'I‘I'EN :RESCUE of Ma— son County; Cats and kittens are available to indoor only homes. Web- , site:, con- tact (360) 427-3167. (K 5/23 tfn)‘ PYR HOPE Farm Dog Daycare, Lodging Park. Hun“: pvnplv just. \Innl. a good. ultlwl‘afihiuuvd an‘zll IMFVVNHHIH‘I'. Wv'l'v hvl'q‘ for ynu- EARLY DEADLINE tor Nov. 25 edition is Monday. Nov. 22 at 12 um Prepare for unexpected power outages with a Generac home standby generator REQUEST A FREE QUOTE! 888-674-7053 A $695 Value! leited Time Offer Call for Details Special Financing Available SUDJDCI to Credit Approval ‘To quality, (cumin install and army dealer Call for «i IuII list oI term; and conditions 7~Year Extended Warranty“ mustqu . quotepuich. . generator With a pmticrputinq