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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 11, 2021     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 11, 2021
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Page A—40 - Shelton-Mason County Journal Thursday, Nov. 11, 2021 Port of Allyn schedules budget hearings, declares emergency over repaired water system By Kirk Boxleitner kbox/eitner@masoncounty com Port of Allyn commissioners had planned to conduct their first public hearing Nov. 1 on the preliminary draft of the 2022 budget, but they realized during the meeting that they hadn’t giv— en proper public notice of the hearing. Only Jeff Carey was virtually “pres- ent” from the public, to offer comment via Zoom, and while he perceived that “the general categories are correct,” he demurred offering further input. “At this point, I can’t give any really good comment on it, because I haven’t compared it enough,” Carey said. Commissioner John, Sheridan as- sured Carey — and by extension, the rest of the public — there would be two more public hearings on the budget, which he and his fellow commissioners agreedto schedule at 6 pm. on Nov. 15 and 29, to give sufficient time for the public to be properly noticed. ' This scheduling of public hearings came less than a week after the port convened a special meeting Oct. 27 for its commissioners to approve an emer— gency resolution regarding the port’s water system. Commissioners noted that they’d al- ready met to consider the failure of the . port water system’s main pump and control unit, which they agreed consti- tuted “an emergency situation” that “re- quired immediate action at the time of the incident.” Although Executive Director Lary Coppola was empowered, by his own \ declaration of authority, to take such immediate action to initiate repairs, in order to prevent a failure of the entire system, the port’s board nonetheless followed suit by “duly considering all relevant evidence,” albeit after the fact, so they could declare the failure of the main water pump and control unit to constitute “a bona-fide emergency.” No other port business was dis- cussed during the four-minute meeting : Oct. 27. GRAPEVIEW, continued losing; 37' Farmer added, “We will havea robust maintenance budget for the port because of saltwater, and we can expect that.” 2021 Elma Veteran’s Day Celebration and Parade Thursday, November 1110.921"; Veteran‘s Memorial Ceremony (11"‘ day/1:1"I month/11m hour) next public‘hearing. m“ The meeting was adjourned without any members of the public asking questions or offering comments, although Farmer reported that a recently received let- ter from a resident would be read into the record at the ism Yer are , You are invited for a ear inspection using the. latest video technology to if you could-be helped by a hearing; aid. The port had two remaining public hearings on the budget and IDD. One was Tuesday, after the Herald’s- deadline, and the final one is at 7:15 pm. on Nov. 16. To Zoom into either meeting, click the links on the front page of the Port’s website: portofgrapeviewcom. ‘ 1.5T FOR 1’ limit? Elma Veteran's Memorial Park, located on the East side of the Viaduct WWWmo/thwoa ..a¢%rawoe¢vsswemerQW Now through N vember 16, 2021 Call for an appointment now to avoid waiting! It’s All FREE! nemwmmv’ Norway/award? witch/«la» 1: .m. PAR E PLEASE LINE UP IN THE HIGH SCHOOL PARKING LOT AT NOON Check in with Volunteers to sign Release and Waiver of Liability (required) 8‘ pick up your Parade Entw Number, Three prizes for Parade Entries will be Awarded: FREE Video Otoscope Ear lnspectlon' ' This show—all Picture of your ear canal is displayed on a color monitor, so you'll see exactly what we see to determine it you could be helped by a hearing aid. FREE Complete Electronic Hearing Test" . This Audlomeu'lc evaluation will precisely show you what you’ve been missing grid ii you can be helped by a hearing aid. m" a FREE Package of Hearing Aid Batteries It you now wear a hearing aid, you will receive one FREE package of Hearing Aid Batteries. it we test your hearing to see it you could be helped by a hearing aid you will receive another FREE Package. FREEln-Otflce Repairs All invoificehearlng old repairs she‘ll be FREE...and factory . repairs, regardless of make or model shall be 50% OFF the total cost of the repair. ' , lg the NEW Chip in the Ear ~IrI-Tllre-Canal Advantages V 1. Best Patriotic $100.00 2.1udges Choice $50.00 3. Most Creative $25.00 MarkDaniel Brasel VFWPosti 253-561-4336 For Entry Form or questions contact: This event is to honor all military comrades, their fami- lies and friends. As it grows annually, so does the need for support. Volunteers to help with parade day events and monetary donations are always welcome. If you would like to help us honor veterans, please contact MarkDanlel Brasel, VFW Post 1948, information above. us #1 Septk Service FOUR Thank you Shelton for voting y years in a rowl And thank you Belfair for voting us #1 Septic Service in TWO years in a row! We are proud to be a part of this community! 360.275.640 CIC ITC ITE - individualized ‘ Sizes to meet your lifestyle O (Uses the car’s natural ability to locate sounds Comfortable to wear - Most models compatible with wireless Blue tooth® Technology ’ Open Fit/Receiver—ln-The-Canal Advanced, powerful technology allows even more options to wear this more. natural sounding and comfortable hearing aid. Open Fit hearing aids fit securely behind the ear and have a thin tube that directs the sound into . your ear canal. The RIC (Receiver~In—The—Canal) . . . es prowdes more targeted sound With a speaker I ~ added to the end of the clear, thin tube. 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