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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 12, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 12, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i!:! :,/% VOLUME XXXIV SHELTON, MASON COUNTY, WASItlN¢,TON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12 1920 SATSOP HATCHERY DAY WITH CAPITAL CITY BREAKING RECORD ,o+o ,ooo, ,,oop,o .: made tim trip to O4vpia yes[erday FOR PRODUCTION .,on a ,n city. A p,)gram of patriotic enter- i i tainnent was prepared for the aces- morning, baseball games in the after- I&apos;ISH, COMMI SAYS REC- noon, and dances and fireworks at night. The local post of te Amer- " : ORD WILL BE BROKEN BY ican Legion was invited to join the (:'!'+ ''::. HATCHERYoF MASoNIN COUNTyWEST END , .Olympiaparade withP°Stthein servicethe celebratiOnmen in uni-anl : form and all who could get away in Seattle, Nov. 11.--Fifty-five million the morning accepted the invitation, lsahnon eggs! .AYMENT This record, established several years ago as the largest number of  €! eggs ever taken from spawning sal- mon in a Washington state hatchery, TO BE EXPEDgED will be shattered this year, *according o the expectation of State Fish BY STA AUDITOR 2ommissioner L. H. Dalvin, who left Monday on a hatchery inspection trip £u Southwestern Washington. "There is every indication that a FRIENDLY TEST OF LAW FIRST • world hatchery record will ,e estab- lished this fall by the Chehalis hatch- ,ery, near Satsop, in the Grays Har- aor district," said Commissioner Dar- 'in. "The Pacific Coast record was established some years ago by a fed- eral hatchery on Yes Bay, Alaska, when between 60,000,000 and -,- )00,000 eggs were taken from salmon in a single season. For this state, BEFORE BONDS ARE OFFER- ED FOR SALE That the state officials charged with administration of the provisions of the soldiers' bonus measure will use every effort to expedite the payment of claims due the "ex-serwce men under the terms of the act, is indi- Lo++.,,, A,,,, AGED CIVIL MEMORIES!! Oly,?,ia, oo00oo00,o00 WAR VETERAN BY ,= day afternoon E. M. Chandler, el+fief cngieer, was authorized to make a -  "-'--  survey of all logged-off lands in this . _(\\;  c'/,,'*- state, to help in a plan whereby,a informed as to whether he is buying, CHAUNCEY D. KIMbIEL FORMER first, second or third rate land and RESIDENT" DIES AT OGYMPIA * also to determine the value of the }f.//'f."]Q'\\;'-'}'}[#/----"['. soil. This survey will be matte in BURIED HERE SUNDAY conjunction with the state college at Pullman which has been carrying on Chauncey D. Kimmel, a former . the work for some time. resident of Shelton, died at his home ' after'a brief illness, and in his 85th __.  year. q:he aged veteran was in his of paralysis a week before his death. .:wo00 , CONDITION..,.....,._.HIGH IN usUalolympiahealthon untiITuesdayViSitedconductedbY a strokeby Tile funeral service was held in / +. .+" I P2UtmIP, II00K'00 P/EPORT Rev. B. Waddtngton, assisted by Rev. i F. Huffman. The members of the ,,/ EXPENDITUR-- W-I?HIN LEGAL G. A. R., W. R. C. and Circle took LIMIT AND BALANCES SHOWN part in the service. Following the service the remains were brought to IN PRACTICALLY ALL Shelton whe the final service was FUNDS given and he was laid to rest beside / / The following notes are taken from the report of the state bureau of in- spection and supewision on the re- cent checking of the offices of Mason County, completed in Augus by G. W. Gaston, state examiner. the wife who had preceded him a few years. By courtesy of the com- manding officer at Camp Lewis, a fixing squad was detailed to give the final salute and a bugler sounded "taps" at the grave. Friends offered tribute in fine floral gifts. :55,000,000 eggs is the record. How- cated in a letter from State.Auditor x ever w h C W Clausen to Henr A Wise The fl uncial condition of Mason Mr. Kimmel was born in Ohio June . , e expect to break bet of ... • ...: .... Y ." . , ,   @ ,;,. County a the close of the examina- 4otdlSt6 g ndiVhemnovab3ut:WhrYe;n s xnese records at the Chehalis hatch- stae aajuan o me American .. ;--4  f. %/. tion was ver," ood there bein a ...... ". .......... ......... Le-ion 'h- letter follows • : -- z- / . . . ,. : .-. .... o tttinois. rom aot o too neservea ,ery nls season anu esr.,aOllSU a new g . x v ., , [; : / 6- • / t// cash tmtance at Sz,aoo.v in me cur- .:- ,^-: ...... ,- n€6 tm,,, ,,v,,,,,, world record," Since the passage, of Re{erenuum [  = . ." .] " /// rent expense fund and the net assets  gY " :,'.:'"lZ?::;t.' After salmon have been spawned Measure No. 2 by the people a me 1 = f  l 1/// , ch ,,,ntr wre -¢o925928 The ' o,.o .,? A" ..... ;'., : .... " .... • .... • . . . , % ....... , * w , Greign an(/ zntee Cnll(tren were earn an state hatchems, which are now electron on Nvember 2nd there has  'Yllff l ' ///I 'neal load and brid-e and zoad  " • " " " ' ' ro h ' // g " " g ' to them, Colonel Edward Kimmel of r a nauguratlng their annual operations, I been.consdrabl, e disem3 e sh v%crh [I */ -'      district expenditures were. confined to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Mrs Mark 'nousands of pounds of excellent food ou me s e s . .P . . I   ' I  U/// II/J the legal limit and a substantial bal- am.,, ,  ....  and Miss Bertha :fish become available daily. A rest are being taken by the varmus st_ae   -=- li II WdJ//, • ..... h ....  .... *:ll" aP the "Y ......... .:,v-? ..... luantity of this spawned out saon btficers to carry into immediate effect 9;// . ' I lilltl/[ fi unds ....... a p .......  • Kxmmel, who m eacnmg scnoot a =is now bein wasted, and Commis-Ithe provisions of this act.     . ]   Claims were found in very good Bordeaux.. .......... :sioner Darwh is so anxious that it[ "The act provides . for.the issuance I [z    ! condition; however, there is still[ In lt 3n:st:mnvmsVmnWwmtl • e utilized for food that he is offer- at some eleven maroon oonars worm *       room for improvement It was noted [' .:, .... n,*,tiola a :ink the fish free of cnarge roviding of bonds Varaous legal objections I W-   .-X ...... .................  , --' ". ......... P.. . I ........ n ----ested as to the ower   " /   U = ._ " na me signatures at superwso tiaere:ley lived until ,1912 when they ] is taken away zrom me nacnenes, uv ue u#s. ., . .,I" . / I   ' .2 /h,o-t or foremen were lacking on a good I o,, ,, ÷^ c .... a . rmma] a : As a result of a recent aupeal, the i of the people vo aumoraze mm m- / | " ' ' ' - man" of the-a,,rolls I ...... .. ?'.'Z" ..... :..¢;'"'=" "'.,- .commissioner has eceived .a cam-]debtedness..Wlai4e it is .my own pe ' There was olevy made last year ]]oy nt;¢:arnead a n %SotadmYo :munication from omeers a tgam sonar wew na me ac is Vallft anu , , ' . • • e_ P • m the court house ranking fund. At -Lewas, requesbng 800 onnds of lI have been so advised by. :the attar , • ollr trl. ! lallml/ II! I |]I D|CI I|I the nre n time the amount invested P2YmP!a,whlchas,,? een their home mpawned salmon every other day. The ]ney general, n eelhet.ess:.}n order r k ll.l l[IlIIl IIVIaV=uI  ||I u• in IbeS' t Bonds from this fund is l'::.m'm' w-llo'is attendi cltv of Tenino has also sent for/marKe¢ mese bonus, 1¢ Wlll De neces- _ .. ma wmlmct con na  .. "" Z'*"*T" L " .... " "' • i decision 'o the su *v,-" me omcers scnool at J ,eaven- 2,000 pounds to be retailed through alsary to obtan a .... f ..., FOR LUMBERMEN ltm wm.all.| al it will be noted that the county is worth - sedai military train munic|pal fish market or other public preme cour oz mis state upon mm ,,,,L, a atmlm divided into ei-ht road districts and . ; " • '" • " gen'c'y Several other communities question. _ : ' .. ' ' Li(il[ Jal: a levy of ten Smills placed on each in.g:, a.r_l:ieo in ftmher ;o lrPealiei i  J "and the as lum at Steilacoom are l The ae ecomes ertective upon zrm .... r un w,m ,,,, . • . :onranizin o dis,arch trucks toproclamatton of the goverllor, This FREIGHT RATE ADJUSTMENT  dist.nct,m, thelast .number of years, arrived from Texas the preceding -- -", "' " - ........... o^lamat:on can not be made until WILL RESTORE BUSINESS TRIO "STICK • UP" CREW ON WAY lz is. oenevea tnat. eter lesutts day, so all members of the :family , neary nacnelles an toau up warn p  " • ' ex " S , • C0UlCt De ODmmect anct me xunas were resent during the clsoing hauls free salmon for the o ulace as a the returns have been canvas ed by IS THE REPORT TO BUNK HOUSE AT JOHN " P " . • , P . .............. , " " " pended in a much more satisfactory o€ their father's illness se]a in cutting own living coss, me secretory o sme. ,s oon a ,r . ,rNSTONE, S ON .... ...... ts - " ' - - - • ..... ,---, - -, -, ....... ,---^ , " i o,   manner  ae numner oz axsmc Deceased was a member of the said the commissioner, WhO reker- ¢naz canvass m nao aria ne pruemm*- --"' ...... " - --' "" ' " ' - ' leas" hal" that • ................. - -- : ----'" -^ mediatel" i lhkU1Vlh, rOV. O.--A Silver lmmg t' RESERVATION were reduced to at  t United Presbyterian Church for fifty es na mm salmon is orrerea ree, mn maue, u w-, , ,- . . I*, ÷h, ,,,,, "o" ha"'in'- o,,e the l -..'" ....... n °tiU lower The - - - ----,-'-- -, ..... *^- • rowdm eommuntms or msbtutmns instituted m the supreme cour o . " '  ' ' ' ' in y ' " 'P g, ............. +o u,.  +he ,+ "€ h [lumber industry of the Pafie ,North- [ ,a ...... nl f t , r  at commissioners journal was found He was loved as a father and friend , ..... , • _ _he foe e s . . rrange zo take me zoos xrom me eo(,: . ,,o..(:t is fay- [west 'is seen by lulnbxemen in the ] .':, .;tone's Camn =on the [ good condition and all transactmns and many friends here extend to the na}cnery. . .... __:GL':_Cd': _7.'Si',L'"%-,\\;q- -o.- -he I prospects for an adjustment r of the t '.;:'.'', -''$,,-¢ion ' ,eSe -uietlv i recorded in full. • bereaved 'family their sympathies. - " oceed to xxaMa ae wncn wn avw a  .... '" t sin of "draw" to ........................  ........ on Puget Sound north of Vashon state board of finance will pr .... [+ .... :- ^,^_ '..n ...... ,^ ,,tj,l.eDovlnff a htt e g e . I - o l l .... rin the Island with the exception of ttood issue and sell the bonds. Imme(naeJy i÷...""','.. :""'" r':?_2u" 1 while away he tedium of last Friday I TM ruler uggy cngcea ?u g .... • a•' ral, I llrllO CanaL' closes next Wednesday until thereafter every possiole step will De tre's;(enttotlr.Vres • C*oas:umger,]evening they we e evitent]y watch'ed ] egrnt?:o2n::ntitP:l°lnaiI°Unver n LI ll{lU l [J[ a all of taken to facilitate the early paymen e , *  " by a trio wn0 natt me lucky man    • December 10. On Janu ry 1 . . ' men s Association, stated at a s ec- " . • . ]carefully audited and school records Puv.t Sound and Hood Canal will of compensatmn to veterans m the l ........... P_,, I picked out. As they filed out of the l ...........  .... ,, TABLES ON ELMA HI o- • " lal meeung oi gne organlzaglon, nmu • ". . 'unit voucners lounu in exce ..,..., 1 manner rescnbed by the act. In cook house to rathe they wele treat . . P . be dosed to fishm until Apn p " g ' I+ ..... ÷,,, u -sgible relim-[ Friday in Seattle, that prospects ] ^n ........  ma ,,, i- which [good condtmn. Road supewmors and | YI '  .T , ^,A .............. ]: ..... -4 ^- Tip be taken and at- Iwere good for a readjustment of the .......  foremen ale reqmrod to send n LUtaJE, I¢ TAIkP.Jb A bllLrl" i,et.j, ou,,, ., i,.,,,.oo ;,+6t ,, ,,-,.,,,h, Ine lucky man was unlucky enougn ].^^.o ,,,o,.;, ÷h, nrnnnnt nf their rangemem.s macte. ' l" ....... y ................. [ to be "stuck up," while the others l ........... :" ": ........... h-l  TH PASS BUSE I " " " atoi" is addressed • • payrolls, wluc gves a double c ec OUTPLAY VISITORS WI - IN REPLY TO A , Thin commumc n ! Amde from thin announcement the .... r  -q.'ed to ,ross on I ". .............   n urr Ire you for the reason it is thought [ meeting developed nothin but gloom I "t,.^'.'...  .d ..,  ....... much [ on,near worK= _- . . . . 1 A or .¢,,.y,V,,U.,-, ..... Alex Segow is in the Thurston I that you might deem it desirable to on the part of the 200 delegates from o'.r',°'+rou"lesoaer, .icked • a).u.ring 1pl 1;ne counLv an,+sa I'IAU .... " .... ar , .o.,   * ,  v flunking ucenses 18suect 1   ,1... county jail awaiting the result of an transmit thin lnformatmn to the v - all parts of Washington and Oregon "''" "T;s "eYonthe a- out [ " ' ...... ' ' " " " n Le "on • " u ne cOOK V S ' Y $4303, includin 12 trappers licenses invesbgatlon being made by Prose- l ious posts of the Amemca ga Prices have declined 40 er cent since ap . .......... •  g ---- _.' ...... , ........ , ...............  ,,_.a.in_to n ........  ..... Io clue was ef oy tne rlo, .wmcj I at $5 each; and fat the first half of The 16cal high eleven turned the, Cutlng 2orney t. I,.  ,,ear,y ,u mrougnou ne ae uz vvamx t • las¢ snrlng,, act ;ne mill 0U;Ut 0I evlclenl;l .... naa" " an auo" near ar .... nanG, I " Sth:r5 JoSh% Gff°dn:fath;y ecut; ' .......  t h:r Nce%!'wte, h:t23noCUei /: as the cYamp, is on:the highway, but i i,chY w$16slorrap;i°lnleT:dns:: tb;esl:  th:tE!a hhSsch:r°l ta2n7 .. • : .... ..__ W ...... ' ^am"  x,, ,., o v . . .- .....  v • . next day the cooks prized 9apers I In 1919 the county paid out $472 to & and moe than repaid them for {rUne% y -laog-UmPwaih E. AT THE COUNTY FARM ported 3rnt conln were uOWt oa. showing his honorable discharge from ]in bounties, which @ere refunded by the victory gained in thit city several w y , mer w , a  me o p h ere foundm the .......... d " ..... • ...... t e Canadian army w ' I the state. There were 7 coyotes at weeks at, o. The Shelton boys out- upon, re arts say, Seg p • .._ 1 ......... ^*'s for six years. He was about 82[valley markets by sendin lumer establish remflar visiting hours in half of 1920 18 more. boys ot away with another track '  5°ncmi'r:°f ne4hte!'mf:id I ith el!:!cgmu:e:m:ablni:c!e I Thi:uM!Sos!haplPwa3! Cacuaiie:e !adurerrws hrani:!!i!rfdeort]t/! !i:re:g: daunh: ::9me uret:tf ;7:i14i uiS!u!!m;Egmreelont.Clhldgh ' = :watch and another carried away a . . . ant f • . g . u' , . ..... " ' left hand The other [ whxch forced his rebrem . ram I The meeting followed a 13-hour ses- The hours have been. set at from 1 yesr $9191.25. . play a return game he m an .at- ,H,=. ,, ,,,o • d e " " " shots were unable to overcome the I w°rk', Decease was a. _ha i v ,h.  sion of theassocmtion board of tru.s- to .8 p.'m., allowing the full afternoon ...The eaminer found that the re- tempt to settle, the dispute over ne ^a ,, hod ,had in the mean- ] tganaa and nao no relaxves  s / tees, a wmcn conamons m me m- and evening in which to cah upon lrmg olncers in january, 1919, were game in that cty wmcn ney claimed "='*" "" "'  ......  .......... " "" a victor • country so far as,knowm dustry were discussed at length, friends m the mstltutmn. (Continued oh laage 4) was a tin. Shelton clamed Y • time. b[five points gined through a trick play. OFFICIAL VOTE OF MASON COUNTY OFFICERS, i92(00. PRECINCT \\; o L m m f z" o 2 0 Z 0 It I • " i  g o ? o z 0 m  ¢  ,..1  0 Z <  o Z ,Z I I TAHUYA ............................. I 61 15 151 151 ?1 191 1 7[ '10j 111 141 8[ 61 151 101 2 2 .., 2o I 21 31 ..1 ..t ..l_.__vl .., 4 I31 81 51 31. 101 o! 3, HOODSPORT ........................ I I31 151 121 211 9] 19/ 211 81 8. 141 121 141 121 41 16 I31 211 ..I 8 15i 41 81 161 i91 181 241 2a 141 121 151 71 101 61 71 91 SATSOP ............................. I 91 81 171 8 131 7[ 101 41 141 22 f 81 171 181t 1: 91 101 1'] 61 101 29[ 3 4 ..I .-] ..[ .... 116{ 171 171 12[ 5[ ]81 2: 22] DAYTON ............................ I 291 22] 321 21 30] 22] 26 11] ITI 301 221 251 I ] 221 131 231 71 211 271 '4 21 .23[ 5[ 261 281 281 18] 24 t 33] 101 191 16i 61 29 POTLATCH .......................... t 1S[ 2[ 22] 2] 19 t 21 1/{I 71 17t 121 21 221 31 15 2] 18[ ..I 251. 21 4 14[ 21 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 71 5' 91 4 111 UNION .............................. 1331 11 38[ 11 80[ 4 801 131 261 361 ..[ 401 31 24 I 221 15i 2__6[ 1'1 21] ]61 .. 28] 28[ 281 291 33t 281 6[ 191 8 91 141 6] 16 PICKERING ......................... I 81 111 39 81 401 71 86[ 141 201 361 81 301 141 281 4[ 19['211 221 41 24[ ]61 5[ 31 281 291 271 291 31[ 131 241 151 151 151 101 241 ARCADIA ........................... I 71 11 71 1 101 -.I .$[ 71 101 61 11 101 51 101 ..I 91 101 71 ..I 121 31 ..l 91 9 ! 10[ 111 a 61 8[ 111 1 31 21 41 81 NIIDE ......................... 121t 141 851 161 29[ 12[ 281 181 291 25[ 111 16 28 251 91 271 131 281 7] 231 ]51 8] 311 32 831 371 34 871 7[ 2-gj 13, 16€ 161 111 22t SKOKOMISI-I ......... , ............... I 281 21 411 9 411 4[ 40[ 91 171 80t 2 t 241 231 23 71 19 18[ 381 1L 211 211 1 91 '91 9t 191 161 281 7t 16 101 12] 10[ 71 1]1 L'-AKE CUSHMAN .................. ,,.I 181 41 341 81 191 71 151 211 261 211 21 201 141 281 4I 231 12t"2", 81 201 13 31 • .I . .I . .I • .I • . 24t 81 241 21 17] 61 15]'----9"7 IILI./ER ............................ I 451 71 471 81 521 81 471 81 241 521 lfl 431 121 101 91 231 471 4 41 441 101 31 .,I ,.[ ..I ..I • .[ 341 111 341 61 171 11' 1] 19 SOUTHSIDIg .., ....................... I 26t 231 391 21 401 291 481 81 151 431 151 861 181 13J 211 141 831 7[ 17[, 401 3[ 131 281 251 27[ 31t 27[ 231 161 27t 81 81 16 8[ 191 CLOQUALLUM ..................... [I I 15] 11[ 151 '171 231 81 161 91 131 16[ 11 101 191 111 11 181 251 ..I 71 241 6 51 151 14 161 191 19[ 141 111 22 51 121 101 8} 151 DEWATTO ......................... 121' 201 ]61 191 '; 1.61 7 161 161 71 71 14 18t 111 151 9[ 171 401 '2)I "21 13[ III 51 131 9[ 10[ 101 91 81 21 231 14 131 7_/6] 81 171 SI-IELTON NO. 1 .................... 11601 24] 175[ 291 164t 30f 158[ 451100 1691 261 146 601 87"I 311 97 1401 361 221 1291 49 201 1191 1191 1231 14211411 154t 211 139[ 331 741 391 551 691 NO, 2 ..................... 11091 9[ 1481 81 125 181 118[' 341 791 1271 101 121[ 351 811 131 881 '951 39[ 111 941 45"I---"8('Y061-1081--1061--121"1115 1111 221 1111 -83 SHELTON NO. 8 ...... . ............... 11291 18f 1511 191 1321 :lU 156 421 931 1441 14i 1211 551 631 241 838[ 57[ 12] 987-'531 71 951 95[ 961 11"/11151 1101 281 103 321 50] 49[ 371 6tl "MATI,OCK ........................... I 621 -761 851 78[ 7P' '?1 691 871 461 681 78t 771 251 341 721 471 4-91 37[ 66] 62[ 101 791 46t 461 401 521 511 651 601 79 851 881 441 13t 611 EELLS .............................. ]501 il 69 8 {L [}I 59 16 23 501 5 49 20 25 11 40 611 13 5 561 71 21 82] 33{ $21 88] 821 521 81 35] 101 11 16} 9[ 1 IAM[LCHE ..................... .... 1781 '+)1 881 581  II }1 751 341 '491 801 401 701 401 471 401 41 41t 581 411 721 80] 381 571 571 601 721 661 75I 82] 921 121 811 31] 23T'--53 LILLIWAUP ......................... ] 81 J31 121 231 111 20[ 281 81 10[ 111 151 11] 18 8 18 16 41 111 181 7 l 5 13 t 15,I 13 14[ 19{ 20[ 15 91 201 31 5] '9 51 101 LIFTON ........................... 1241 181 341 i81 29 16 221 191211 281 141 261 141 191 141 1 8 40 7 20 141 101 31 321 2S 871 341 281 19 81 151 281 ' 11 9 22 ALLrN .............................. 1241 15 t 841 :81 291 161 291 'tl S 82 f 141 261 :tt 10 11 6 121 271 I01 15 81 121 141 "141 161 14 141 261 2 201 4 :tll S 41 91 -IARSTINE .......................... Illl •. 85[ 141' 81 11[ 371 161 6'1 7] 131 8'4t '11 101' 171 281 9] '18 17 20 10[ 31' 801 22 221 22 241 22 101 26 19 '141 11 161 101 22 DmTrtOIT ........................... 1 081 71 181 1 lS[ rl lsl 81 ) 181 71 18/ 21 7I 61 71 171 91 II 181 21 61 I • t .I ..1 ''1 ..I ..[ . 't ..I ..1 ..I .-I .. TOTAL ........................... 19951 427[ X2231 4541 1121 4591 1'1081 9'16:11097 881110081 489 6241 4141 6951 92515431 3111 9161 360t 3131 848] 8641 8671 97919401 9681 4021 9491 3071 478 4321 801 6301 PURCHASES FINE REGISTERED CALF WIVELL FARM ADDS NEW BLOOD FROM L, INCOLN FARM Chas. H. Wivell of Isabella Valley last week purchased a fine thirteen months old bull from Lincoln Farm, Skokomish Valley, to put at the head of his herd of Jerseys. In this bull he has breeding and inheritance rich in the blood that transmits highest production and type in Jerseys, totether with size and I constitutional wgor.. I The sre of this young bull is full I brother, to Sophie's Agnes the first cow of the Jersev breed to produce /more than one thousand pounds of fat in a year, being sired by Pogis 99th of Hood Farm, Who is the great- test gold medal bull of the breed and t whose twenty highest testing daugh- [ters average more than eight hun- I dred pounds of fat in one year. I The dam of this calf is a fine In- I dividual and is backed by high pro- du'ction in all lines of ancestry. She is capable of high production herself and will be plaeed on test at her next freshening. Mr. Wivell is one of those progres- sive farmers who realize that there is no better breed of dairy cattle than the Jersey, mad in buying this bull he is maiIn sure that "the other I half of the herd" is strong in those ]qualities that make for greater pro. I fits in dairying. . .