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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 12, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 12, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE TWO THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Monday, November 1, 1920. Board of County Commissioners met in special session. Present Wm. E, Danlels, J. A. Cole and Chairman W. A, Hunter and clerk of the board. Letter recieved from W. W. Seymour in regard to employing A. L. Ward t, look after the South Shore road. Filed. Moved and earried that the following transfers be made: $799.87 from tne P. }I, Maint, to Road &amp; lridge; $109.09 County construction engineer filed report for the month of October, 1920, as follows: Sec. 1 Olympic. IIighway ....... $396.64 Sec. 2 Olympic' Highway ......... 96.15 Sec. 3 Olympic Highway ....... 844.38 Sec. 4 Olympic Highway ....... 284.83 Navy Yard Highway Sec. 1 ...... 42.52 Navy Yard Highway See. 2 ..... 171.66 Navy Yard Highway See. 3 ..... 20.22 Navy Yard Highway Sec. 4 ..... 644.11 Report eertilled and I ransmitted io state highway commissioner. }4eyed and carried tilat the salary l of the deputy auditor bc raised $5.00 per to take effect the Ist (lay l of November, 1920. The following bills were examined from Road Dist. No. 3 to Road and and ordered paid: Brtge; $82.04 from Special Road Fund M, F. Knight, dep. assessor ..... 92.00 to Road and Bridge; and $216.17 from Anna E. McMahon, county nurse 125.00 Road Distr. No. 2 to Road and Bridge, :H. E. Drew, Co, Agric .......... 100,00 and $14.60 from Road Dist. No. 1 to Earl I'. Dickinson, (;on. Eng .... 182.09 Road and Bridge. 'Sadie M. Beach, dcp, assessor... 10.59 Letter received from Wm C. Eatough, So bus Jaco .... attorney for Chas. Donnelly in reirard . p . . Ion, nail rent, elec. 5.00 ....... "  ina. J. Irving, aelivering elec- tO claim O1" oamag( In the sum of , tlon returns .pp,'ox,,tel thr hundred donas, leh . .k dili4&'""&';tli 5.2, caused by accident on ths lghway u' "'" ' g between Olympia and Shtltoo Tabled t s ppnes ..................... 14.@$ .......... " I R. N. Clifford delivering election nntll later In the resisting. ] retnrs ' Letter --o00ved fro= T. 00u,=ona00 I00oili. 3.2, :Iospitl tl rsd to thor ra.t for ] tge "r " ......................... 6.,0 2;ed, e00r, ,or the mouth of of c,00t,on.. 7.40 September 1920 filed and approved IM"  . Y' j ge of election 6.50 ........ " . | . lnnavelle Andrews, deliver- nu::°r?oSth#nneoth "5"O:t:leTe¢ ing returns and inspector .. 13,@0 and approved. C.J. Sund. inspector and carry- County Construction Engineer Earl ing election returns ......... 14.@0 Thee. H. James, clerk of election 9.00 F. Dickinson filed report on the condi- Cleora Oakley, Judge of election 9.09 tlon of the county bridges on the C. C." Baldwin, inspector and de- Shelton-Cloquallum, Belfair-Dewatto and ]leering returns .............. 9.2( l{oo(tsport-Lake Cushman road. Filed. Mrs. Ed. Stewart, Judge of else. 10,00 Contract entered into between the Eugene E. Taylor, Inspector and county ¢)mmissioners of Mason County. deltwring returns 10.2( and the county commissieers (11" Pierce ........... John T. Liegel, inspector and de- County in regard to care of Arnold t ]leering relurns .............. 9.50 ]Zurnett at. $17.00 per week. {I. N, %Vollard, judge of cqectton. 7.00 I]earing on tile ilolbrook road c°n'iTheo. P. Tr(,mper, rent of bldg.. 2.5(} tinued and am 11o one appeared before i\\;|t)d/li e Swan. clerk of insl}ecli(nl 9.50 the board with c]Rinl for danla,ges it, Freda E. 1,'redson, clerk of else. 9.50 was moved and carried that this road l'red Hiekson, judge of election. 7.50 be established according to the engi- Ads egg, judge of election ..... 7.50 neer's report. Report of H. E. Drew, county agri- culturist, for the month of Ootober, 1920, filed and approved. Moved by J. A. Cole and seconded by Wm. E. Daniels, that the services of G, C. 1<irk be discontinued after November 3, 1920. Engineer filed report on the survey of the Meadows road. Moved and err- tied that the report ef the engineer be Ernestlne Waldrlp, clerk of else, 9.00 accepted and that a date of hearing be IRes( B Darger clerk of election set for Monday, December 6th, 1920, at Susl"c E Pul'e ins ect  10.00 0 a.m. . Y, P or u Letter reecived from the state high-" e-*e e on emrK or" eectlon..INelec-ti°n-ls:--,'':--"'-"'-l--::'''" 10.009"50 Way c mmssion r. ,,ati,,, ,h ,.| supplyOofilorde_ourin.... :.atlsth::. Florenc e---'" -- , Stevens, Judge of elect. 8.00 hausted Filed Inez Afdem, inspector of else... 8.00 l 8.90 Mary N. Wllley, Judge of elec.. 10.0O J. J. Cruson, Judge of election. Mrs. l.. N. Clifford, inspector of : election ...................... ' 6.50 Fh)rence Saeger, Judge of else .... 9.50 Edward H. Faubert, judge of election ...................... 9.50 T. W, McDonald, clerk of I. O. O. F,, rent of bnilding ........ 5.90 f Martha L, Jacobs, Judge of elcc. 9.00 Emma L. McDonald, Judge of election ...................... 9.00 Tom Moran, Judge of election .... Board adjourned to meet Wednesday, November 3rd, 1920. 9.00 Sadie M. Beach clerk of election 10.00 Wednesday, November 8, 1920; Board Mrs, Chas. Flsk, Judge of else.. 10.00 0onvened in once. All present. Moved and carried that the estimate 'B. S. Barger, inspector ......... 10.0O of Nicholas Fleiness for $1647.0e pay- Jessie Jones, Judge of election.. 7.50 ment on contract for Post Road Pro- John A. Benson, inspector and Jeet No. 67 be paid, Remainder of day spent Inspecting bridges. Board adjourned to meet the following day. Thursday, November 4th, 1929. Board • onvened in ofllce. All present. Moved and curried that $200 be transferred from the county current expense fund to the institute fund. Moved and curried that $21.91 be delivering returns ........... 8.80 Eva M, Simmons, inspector ..... 6,50 i J. C. Woodworth, Judge ........ 6.59 I Mrs. Judge .... 6,50 Frank W. Price, Lee H. Huston, Judge of elec... 7.50 F. C. Malpass, inspector and de- livering returns ............. 9.00 Thee. P. Tramper, Judge of elec. 7.00 Anna Dickinson, Judge of else.. 7.00 T. B, Smith, Judge of election... 7.00 allowed the Skokomish Boom Co. a8 a Mrs. Philllp Abbey, inspector... 7.00 refund on taxes paid on tide lands in bW" T. Putnam, inspector ........ 6.50 front of lot 5 see. 6 twp. 21 N. R. 3 W. I V. L. Knowlton, Judge ...... 0.00 all tbts land is owned by the state. I J" B. Johnson, Judge and building Time having arrived for the hearing booths ....................... 8.00 on the VCrigbt road, and as no one Ruth E. Ladley, Judge ......... 6.59 appeared protesting agatnst the estab- Mrs. Robt. Cunningham, Judge.. 6,50 A, J, Anderson, inspector and de- llshment, it was moved and carried that llvering returns ............. 16.00 thiSthe engineer'sr°ad be establtshedreport, according to A. V, Reed, Judge ............. 12.00 Moved and earrled that the bill of iv. W. Knonagel, Judge ......... 12.00 Vv'. L. Miller .................. • • Iarold Potts in the amount of $11.25 T, W. Malaney, Judge ......... 7.00 Andrew Nelson ................ 18.00 $or driving county car be not allowed. W, O. Eckert, inspector and post 8.50 4.50 J. Wlngert, Judge .............. 9.00 W. L. Miller .................. 29.25 ............ Chas. Lindstrom, Judge ........ 6.00 Damon Lytle .................. 10009 Nothing , Worry Abqut E • ere.Ires motorl|t, Drive as last end as tag M you wish. H your eag'$ BOYCE MOTO-METBR ,quipped youqi have no eogiao troubles to worry about. lt your motor overheats you'll #now about it beture trouble. oomes. BOYCE MOTe- METER gives you ample wagn- ing. That means more pleemurs snd less trouble and expense. Attached in 10 minutes. "For Better Service" NEEDHAM & CLOTHIER J. H. Relic, Inspector and deliv- ering rethrns ................ 9.94 P, D. Woodworth, judge ......... 6.50 oy P. Simpson, Judge ........ 6.50 W, C, Dunkelberger, clerk of election ...................... 12.09 Thomas Taylor, clerk .......... 12.00 F. M, Curl, Judge .............. 7.50 J, M. Downs, Judge ............ 9.00 C. C. Hauptly, rent of hall ..... 2.50 Soren C. Nelson. Judge ........ 7.50 Lee Baker. delivering election returns and inspector ......... 11.70 We. O. Ellis, Judge ............ 8.50 Gertrude Barrett, clerk ......... 10.00 W. B. Eaton. Judge ............ 1O.00 Ouy,F. Kneeland. Inspector ..... 19.00 C. E. Fisher, Judge ............. 9.00 Wm. C. Shaw, inspector ....... 8.5@ R. W. Irving, Judge ........... 8.50 Adds Linton, Judge ............ 8.00 C. A. Wise, Judge .............. 8,0e E. I, Meacham, inspector ....... 8,00 H. E. Drew, tray. oxp .......... 12.78 Wallace Johnson Motor Co., sup, Agric., Poor Farm, Co. car and engineer ..................... ".77 Shelton Garage, supply Agrtc... 2,40 Grant C. Angle & Son, supply Aud, and Agrie .............. 68.00 L. M. Co., supply Co. ear, Eng. and court house ............. 15.03 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., sup. auditor and assessor ...... 1.75 Pioneer Bindery & Printing Co,, sup. auditor, clerk and primary election ...................... 903.88 Mason County Journal, publish- ing commissioners proceedings. election notices and tax fore- closure ...................... 1108.59 M. W. Logan, traveling expenses 5.50 Trick & Murray, supply clrk and attorn(,y ................ 7,79 Needham & Clothier. supply Co. car, engineer and Agrle ........ lPrank Ports, care Eng. car ...... 15.0 Cal)llal City 4al) & Bhte Print Co., supply Eng .............. 6.04 Lowman &Hanford Co., sup, Eng 8.11 Anna E. MeMahon, tray. exp .... 4.00 Gertrude Barrett, clerk Supt .... 37.75 Emma B. Rlchert, clerk Supt .... 7.50 E. It. Stalnaker, meals insane per- son .......................... 1.40 William Duby, work for sheriff. 9.00 R, W. Potts. tray. exp .......... 4.50 W. H. Smith, supply sheriff ..... 8.30 Harold Potts, deputy sherlf£ .... 108.00 Sholton Laundry. Jail ............ 66 Frank Lincoln Scott, dop. sher.. 4.59 Bur@ Shiek, auto hire. sheriff .... 12.50 G, W. Ingham, carp cunty poor medical ...................... 244.00 St. Peter's Hospital, care county poor ......................... 93.00 L. Z'. 'Co., Supply Co. poor ...... 9.70 W. M. Beach, care county poor,. 60,00 Francis Cart, care county poor.. 25.00 Thos. O'Neill, supply county poor and Janitor .................. 16.24 Shelton Light & Power Co., sup ply court house .............. 20.4l West Disinfeciing Co., supply janitor ....................... 10.0( She]ion Garage, sup. Co. car ..... 50 W. W. larrett, sup. janitor. .... 2.15 McDonald & Co., sup. Co. car... 1,29 N. E. l¢oberts, errs Co. poor, lncd 10.00 1,. M. Co., sup, poor farm ...... 3.50 Ttms. O'Netll, sup. poor farm... 63.88 A. N. "Ward, exp. coroner. ...... 3.4( Bureau of lnsllection, trans, re- ports ........................ 19,05 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., services. 43.29 StandVtrd Oil Co., sup. Eng., Agri, and county car .............. 39.50 County auditor revolving fund: Election, postage .... 14.64 • Auditor ............. 15.10 Supt ................. 8.91 Clerk ................ 1.09 Treasurer ............ 60 40.25 The following commissioners' claims were allowed, for special time: Wm, E. Danlols ................ 38.20 J. A. Cole ..................... 31L90 W. A. Hunter .................. 18.29 Pserles Market, sup. poor farm. . Skokomish Boom Company, refund taxe ........................ 21.2 amo Shelton Garage ................ 155.7 Hank Crossmaa ............... 110.@@ W. A. Tucker .................. 169.90 W. H, Smith .................. 8.46 S. A. Carlson ................. 199.@@ :goad Dstot o. 1. Wm. Deyette .................. 29.00 Harry Deyette ................. 18.00 V. Roberts .................... 22.50 oa Dlstzot 3o. 2. Tom Moran ................... 97.50 A. G. Fergusoa .......... : .... . 18.00 A. C. Kent .................... 108.75 Arthur Moran .................. 54.00 C. A. Woodall 18.00 A. Zumwalt ................... 22.50 l]huer Viss ................... 4,'}.50 Perl Jemlson .................. 2.25 Charles Foster ................ 46.00 %Valter Daniels ................ 23.00 J. H. Dunkin .................. 16.00 H. A. Beinsen ................. 2.25 E. L. Kellogg .................. 4.50 Harry Ash}leld ................ 4.50 Sam Hilton ................... 3.38 Allen Matt hes ........ i ......... 2.25 C. Bates ....................... 4.50 Melvin Bates .................. 9.00 Wallace Johnson Motor Co ....... 20 Louis Durand .................. 5,75 Arthur Cole ................... 8.62 Walter Panicle ................ 5.75 W. A. Duby ................... 10.09 Alex Benson . .................. 4.50 I-I. H, Wesserling .............. 25.00 F. Curl ....... t ............... 18.06 F. Cleveland .,,,.,, ............ 18.50 E. E. Housen o, ................ 27.00 L. M. Co ...................... 28.20' ]gosd Dlstot o. 3. A. Buechel ...................  9.00 David Elllson ................. 27.00 Guy Waldburgor .............. 27.30 Max Waidburgor ............... 13.50 Lester Waidburger ............ 13,50 Pearcy Whltner ........... ,... 13.50 Eugene F .Martin .............. 9.00 Joe Martin .................... 4.50 Andrew Krise ................. 1.14 Hodson Fecnaughty Co ......... 17.80 W. S. Taylor ........... ....... 62.50 T. W. McDonald ............... 40.50 Chas. Grlggs .................. 36.00 O, D. Durand .................. 40.50 F. L. Taylor .................. 36.50 Arthur Griggs ................. 36.50 Bob Griggs .................... 30,50 Win Griggs ................... 40.50 W, S, Taylor .................. 17.50 T. W. McDonald ............... 81.50 O. D. Durand ................. . 31.50 Wm. Malpass ................. 27.00 R, D. Wollard ................. 13.50 I. N. Woollard ................ 9.00 Frank Malpass ................ 20.25 H. L, Miller ................... 18.00 William Waldrip ............... 2.25 Harold Potts .................. 2.25 Louis Durand .................. 6,75 Homer Adams ................. 5.75 Archie LeCompte .............. 4.50 Burt Potts .................... 4.50 Ted Cole ...................... 5,75 G. C. Kirk .................... 10.09 Eli Sto]fts ..................... 14.50 "aol Distqot o. 4. John G MacRae ............... 20.50 R. W. Luther ................. 46.00 S. G. Howell .................. 40.50 Fred Hlckson ................. 111.50 John Olsen .................... 2.25 Peninsular Railway Co ......... 79 o Dtstct o. • Miles & Austin ................ 2:50 o Dttx.tot ro. e. c. w. Browner ................ 99.00 T. B. Smith ................... 36.90  Ed, Hiller ..................... 70.00 Marius Hanson ................ 36.00 Christ Blstad .................. 36.09 Gee, Guerrier ................. 69.75 Joe Young .................... 64.00 John Robinson ................. 27.00 oad lDlexlot 'o. 7. F. Rendsland .................. 90.00 • C. G. Lindstrom ............... 115.75 l-I. L. Rendsland ............... 209.25 Standard Oil Co ............... 38.62 ]gosd Dlstzet =go. 8. J. J. Ladley ................... 47.25 Chas. Newsted ................. 63.90 W. F. Bctasworth .............. 31.50 Ernest Herman ................ 9.00 J, A. Cheadle .................. 4.50 A. A. Ro,lers .................. 18.00 J. C. McKiei .................... 72.00 Luther Mullnlx ............... 45.00 A. E. Elphick .................. 50.00 R. Trenckmann .I .............. 18.00 Alex Anensen ................. 45.00 Andrew Anderson .............. 22.50 ]. S. Dufy ..................... 72.00 E. J. Puffy .................... 22.50 T. O. Fenetomaker ............. "18.00 S. W. Scott ................... 9.73 L. I .Co ...................... 1.50 Speolal oad Zund. Standard Oil Co ............... 8,08 Permanent rihway ua&utenancc. Dickson Garage ............... 3.80 L, M. Co ...................... 9,35 Thos. Purdy., ................. 7.37 C. C. Hauptly ................. 119.52 Standard Oil Co ................ 97.45 Phillip Abbey ................. 1.60 Chilcott Nash Motor Co ......... 19.35 N, W. Mottingor ............... 5.00 Shclton Garage ................ 1.50 Rose Wilcox Auto Co ........... 81.85 Hoodsport Lumber Co ......... 28.91 C, H. Iillman ................. 14.50 Mrs. D. H. Whither ............ 13.20 Wallace Johnson Motor Co ...... 23.55 F. C. Villey ................... 7.00 M. F. Pixley .................. " 100.9(} C. M. ilxley .................. 18.00 ,1. S. Galbeth .................. 11.25 Jack  eDonald ................ 5,1.00 W. A. Nobles .................. 9.00 G. W. Nobles .................. 4.50 Chas. J. Irving ................ 124.00 R. W. irving ' 45.00 Joe Vail ...................... 26.25 Frank Butler ................. 37.12 Arthur Cole ................... 8.62 Louis Durand ................. .87 VValter Daniels ................ 2.87 Archie LeCcnu)tc ............. 4.60 Harold Ports .................. 2.25 W. A. Duby .................... 40.38 F. Edler ...................... 95,00 John Hawk .................... 82.59 Harvey l-Iall .................. 101.21 Marcell Williams .............. 2.21 S. L. Thompson ............... 31.50 Leon Mason ................... 38.25 J. I. Eaton .................... 45.00 Lomucl Roe ................... 22.50 Prank Butler .................. 4.50 L. M. Co ........................ 5.25 Joe Dan ...................... 2.25 James Wilbur ................. 45,00 Allen Cawker ....  ............. 22.50 Lawrence Wilbur .............. 22,50 '. A. Morris .................. 18,00 we. Deyette .................. 45.00 Albert Newcll ................. 4.50 V. Roberts .................... 31.50 Joe Vail  ...................... 40.90 James Nimrod ................. 2.25 Roy Cart ,...; ................. 85.00 Guy Waldburger ............... 76.50 David Ellison ................. 64.00 Damon Lytle .. ............... 45.00 iMsrius Lytle .................. 18.00 Lester Waldburger ............ 3 .50 !Max Waldburger .............. 22.50 Roy Greenwood ................ 4.50 Guy Waldburger .............. 2.25 Charles Foster ................ 17.25 David li' 1 lis on 4.50 oad and Bridge Standard Oil Co ............... 23.22 -Wallace Johnson Motor Co ..... 8.00 G. F. Loetscher ............... 32.02 J. N. Vlibur .................. 6.75 Ira Redford ................... 6.75 Joe Vale ...................... 2.50 Archlc LcCompto .............. 8.62 Artiur Cole ................... 2.8 G. CI Kirk ..................... 69.66 A. C. Kent .................... 52.50 Frank Livingston .............. 5.50 Joe 1%cKlel ................... 2.25 Ernest Eaton ................. 10.00 Con 1(irk ..................... 5.50 Arthur Cole ................... 2.87 John Burnett .................. 1,00 C. H. Hillman ................ 15.04 Elmer riss ................... 12.00 Washington State Logging Co.. 53.32 W. A. Duby ................... 23.55 Cruson & Jomison ............. 55.68 Elmer Wiss ................... 2.50 L. M. C O .......  .............. 11.97 Shelton Lumber & Shingle Co... 45.40 Board adjourned to meet lovember 5th. November 6th. As there being no further business board adourned to meet Monday, December 6th, 1920. W. A. HUNTER, Chairman. IONE W. DOYLE, Clork. Look Up a FULLER DEALER in your town FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1920 "You Save Money" says the Good Judge And get more genuine chew- ing satisfaction, when you use ,this class of tobacco. This is because the full, rich, real tobacco taste lasts so long, you don't need a fresh chew nearly as often. And a small chew gives more real satisfaction than a big chew of the ordinary kind ever did. ny man who uses the Real obacco Chew will tell you that. Put ub in two st@los W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT'is a short-cut tobaccc THRIFT-- with every .... stroke of the brush when you paint with PAINT, ]f there's a good reason for any- thing, then it's painting your house with good pain. FULLER Paint is GOOD Paint. It saves a great deal more tha it costs--saves you money in up- keep and adds to the value of OUr property. vest in FULLER Paint right away. W. P. Fuller & Co. '.,  . ]got sty e done,--nor woolens,-- hip nor we +cmans ,-- but superi- ority in all o£ these,----has made S. H. Churchill made-to- measure clothes .%r men known 6 the country over as the' B0000Value Line o£ 00merica." # Will you look at this k better line today? GEe. E,,+ FREDSON SHELTON, WASH. ! ) :i+ r;t t