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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 12, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 12, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE FOUR THE MASON CO,UNT:JOURNAL "- 'r IIII I I I - ilrlllllH-I" - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1920 i i b' € e n b f, tl al r4 fl O! a! liJ th th H, So w ]HE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL GRANT C. ANGLE & SON, Publishers Member of Washington State Press and Washington Newspaper Associations ntered as second-e, lass matter at the postoffice at Shelton, Washington Published every Friday morning. Subscription: Domestic, $2 per year. Foreign, $2.50 in advance (All papers discontinued one month after delinquency) ARMISTICEDAY • The celebration of Armistice Day occurred Thursday, marking the second anniversary of the day America as well as the Allied World breathed a sigh of relief and CLOSE 'LOCAL E.XPRESS OFFICE ! • W. B. Staniford of the Amercian Railway Express Co., was in town Friday in the attempt to tind some lone to take the local agency who had sufficient room to store the num- erous bulky packages received here. Because of delay in removing ship- lments the present qualers were too small. 1 No one being found who couhl and would take the agency the office was closed on November 5th. Hereafter all express matter will be delivered either by the Tacoma or Olympia office. Express notices can be deliv- ered either to the purser of the boat for Tacoma or stage drivers for Olympia. While it is a considerable shed tears in the reaction. It marks the day when no annoyance to local patrons it seems more of our boys would be sacrificed in the great slaugh- the only service possible at this time. WILL ASK ACT TO JAIL THE BOOTLEGGERS. The state legislature, which c0n: venes in January, will be asked to enact a more drastis prohibition law despite the fact that the federal stat- ute's are designed to make all states bone dry. Donald A. McDonald, federal pro- 'hibition director for this state, has taken the initiative in the movement, and he has announced that the legis- lature will be reque,sted to pas a law that will send to jail every per- son convicted of liquor selling. Mc- i Donahl has enlisted the aid of George D. Conger, of Seattle, secretary of the state Anti-Saloon lea.gue, and Fred Shoemaker, commlssmner of public safety, in the movement. "As British Columbia voted wet, a ter, even if many still were doomed, never_ to.reach_ their_ • ,LAW VIOLATOat ....... At'm stringent law is' needed in Washing- homes safely. Armistice Day is new but destined to take . --=.--.-7 , . ton," McDonald said. "I know one "" " "--' -- '-- *-" ........ * *h American' o very weiJ miormeu citizen bootlegger in the state who has lOS ranK wlcn me rourm o pray as u,e u  e will be willing to declare that Mason 'cleared at least $50,000 in the past ntal days. As yet the days of the war seem too near and County is particularly law-abiding, tv.o years. Recently he was con:. r" " " " " •  J. , __.___ ___._. J.-- and that infractions of the auto, wceu ann nnea zou.  wan a st el: 1;o0 Iar ior l:ne people o IUlly appreciate wna me booze or other state laws ar. un jail sentence for first onenses against • • • ....... - . ,, world war really was, and to join with the younger gen- common, but it is one of the favored the hquor law. ,,|, ; ,lr  ÷h, ,,,,- ,44,,1 ,,, ; ol,,dA lleounties in respect to getting auto Mr. McDonald said that 50 roans ,,, a. .,sx. x s.; ,x;o, .ox,x j  ouu u----- i fin e money. Mason is about the only cross the line from British Columb!a and will be to mark the fervor of American patriotism. 'county which has contributed nothing into Washington, and th.e pro..em ". ...... to the state in the way of fines for ot sonping ,q.uor sams .wm rmsn Armistice Ibay has its mlSSlOn to perform in keeping infractions of various provisions of lColumbm again wet wll be much to the front the patriotic spirit of our people, and to edu- t,e auto lew, buthasreceived under I re°re difficult in the past." ' " ' o re er me annormnmen oou o zrom me cate the weak and wilful ones in our midst t p p state fu "'r .." . - I , support of the American ideals. The process of bringing of the ounieUSencltSprya m °me I ELMA TAX RA__TE IS 82.82 MILLS this country to its present state has been long and pain- ng n e [celjuakee om2?i [ Ehna, NOV.h.--hiththa taxhra[et:x f ful but its re ress durin the ast centur must assure 9d asking a change in the law Per- J82:82 mH E na , s e "g . '- P -g g - P - Y - - ha-s th- auto "co ....... " -' rae in rays harder county, accora- • " " m n h ve v e p wn roun uS:in to the list made public by the us that good, honest, true and pubhc splrxted _ e a  up some of these days. ^^.g.-* ......... lh,rtt .... lfh 1 ' in the main, been at the head of national affairs and i  misiseconi'anonesano " tlir',i devoting their best thought to framing its laws and'ava, vcm.vr naxo.rno with a tota! of,80.82. These figures ...... Ixr4tla ll/-llr /ltl   represem; ,ne rate at wnlcn axes dlrectm ts affmrs toward hberty, freedom, equahtyand .  l 0 • h  v , n'v g . . . I will _e floured for next .,ears .:,t[l- iustice for all people Some there are who beheve this oa oate  .... ments. On this basis, Aberdeen wil t x- x *  '€ • 't . . . I . . . " . n'. 1tlrnlsneo t)y pay in taxes more than the entire on In the ,taosn ( ,t nty Abstract & Fltle progress oo slow; oners wno may fllnK 1 over(1 e ' :: • ' " assessed valuation of Montesano. The some respects,--but most of us are fairly satisfied with Coml)ny. rate for the larger cities of the what has been done so far, and encouraged by the hope' w s. ;errigau and w to i:arl Harrt- co,nty to road and school districts man, wd, s of sw nw :13 20 3. Con. 20 follows: Hoquiam 77.24; Aberdeen :for the future. Armistice Day will grow with future organization and encouragement for the young men who have fought the country's battles in the near past and are to carry on the work of their fathers for the future. With such a baptism of service the country will be safe in their hands. One of the first great problems to be £aced by the new administration is that of immigration, and the sooner the open door is pushed to the narrowing point the better for the country. Other first issues are tariff, taxes and a working agreement with our allies. . , '! : READY FOR ADJUSTMENTS The ordinary citizen needs no particular credit for his foresight in preparing for the change in conditions sure to follow the era of inflation in all things the country over. Doubtless such have 'prepared for more settled conditions when a dollar will bring a full dollar of return, whether in labor or needful supplies. While there may • be some unfair things to follow in the wake of readjust- ments it is hopeful to feel'that the country is in the hands of an administration, every department of which will be on the job and co-operating to make conditions for all as equitable as possible, and that the interests of the public as ultimate consumer will have full share of atten- tmn. If nature takes its course in the form of' supply and demand and without artificial stimulant, things will not go far wrong nor long wrong. • • • , . * . • . ihe silk shirt eia m American history ]s passing and the element which has been wont to "soak" its dia- monds and glad rags on occasion for hooch finds the necessity of transferring finery for food; at least in the East. The great body of workingmen, however, have been making the most of the war-time'wages of the past :year or two and Will have their "swing" hereafter. , ' . ............. , : FULLREPUBLICA N SWING " According to the'final figures ttie electoral college has been placed at 404 Republican, leaving but 127, the Southern chain of state, for Cox. The Senate is Repub- lican by 19 and the House by 151, the latter rather more majority: than the  Republicans care for. It assures, however,, that the: Republican program will be carried out, and the country hopes that the new administration will prove equal to the heavy task ahead of keeping the balance as well as the peace an d prosperity of the people. While Mason County gave the Repu)lican electors 997 votes, the Democrats 383 and the Farmer-Laborites 351, the voters did not forget the other divisions on the ba"lot. The straight Socialists found 25 supporters, the Prohibitionists 19 and the Socialist-Labor candidate re- ceived but four votes in the county• / a THE BEST WAY OUT In spite of what little Mason County could do to boost for the Carlyon referendum, and incidentally boost f,r its best interest, the measure was swamped over the state. We are not particularly concerned whether a ccaent trust was behind the bill oran asphalt trust put- ting up the funds to fight it, but we are Concerned over the fact that Mason County is bound for a quarter-mil- lion dollars to hard finish its highway, and must look to its representative to find the way out. According to late returns from North Dakota Gov. Fraz.;er, the Nonpartisan candidate for re-election, had nosed out his Democratic opponent, O'Connor, and also Ladd, candidate for senator, won out With the returns i from back counties. In the several other states only a few minor candidates were elected. .,, ........ o, ......................... acres. Con. $10, I)ella F. Kneeland wtd to W. A. Johnson, wd, blk 1, Kneeland's add. Con, $10. Ctmrles Ctlsh to :FT. N. roolfle|d, Indian deed, lot 1 sec 6 21 3 and east half of ne so 1 21 4, Con. $1250. ,rayne Norris bach to IL ,1. Gavan, 'wd, e se se ne 33 23 3. Con, $10. Charles P. Llndstrom and w to C. M. James, wd, n% gov. lot 1 sec ]8 22 3, also tide land in front• Con. $10. Abrham B. Brlkerlmff and w to Jacob O. l,rinkerhoff, deed, und one half int, in w sec 30 and w e sec 30 and s of sw see 19, and no sw 19 22 1, also all of sec 25 22 2 exe sw sw, also und one- half of timber on e ne sec 30 and se se 19 22 1. Con. $6,000 .Tames vV. I-loll and w to C. C, Bald- win, wd, n nw sec 2 19 4. Con. $10. Ervln I. Meac'ham and w to John NIdlntosh, wd, sw ne and s s sne nw 14 20 3. Con. $2509. ICOUNTY FI CONDITION I (Continued from page 1) i paid salary for the 13th, and the in- ',coming officers also drew pay for the same day, and hehi that the former should refund $9.80. 1 A very thorough audit was made of the treasurer's office; cash items checked in detail and all money ac- counted for. Tax collections were : reconciled with the collection register ,and found correct insofar as the i totals were concerned. Bureau forms are in use and the general work of ',the office shows that it has been i very efficiently performed by the present incumbent. The cash bal- lance in all funds June 30, 1920, was $141,125.84. ! The records of the 'clerk's office ,during the period of examination lhave bc'en excellently kept. Docket and records were checked to' cash book and all fees found accounted !for and remitted, and also the tst funds. The neatness and accuracy , in which the recor(h are being han'- dltd show a very thorough knowledge 'of the work pmaining thereto. ] The work in the sheriff's office has ,been well handled; proper fees have been charged and money remitted to 'treasurer promptly. The books were found to be neatly and properly kept, The records of the office of school superintendent were found accurately I kept and all fees remitted. A num- i ber of consolidations have been made durinz the incumbency of Mrs. i Knight, thereby giving the pupils in those districts better opportunities 'for education• I BOOKS FOR YOUR BOY Every Boys' Library (Scout edition) includes all the best books for boys. Among the writers of these books are such favorites as Zane Grey, Rob- bert Stevenson, Jack London, Dan Beard and Ernest Seton Thompson. All books are well printed on good stock and have strong cloth bindings. These books sell for $1.00 each. We have other Boy Scout and in- teresting books ranging in price from 45e to 80e. If we do not have the book you de- rare in stock we are always glad to order and can secure in a few days if it can be pro- cured o the, coast. We also carry Copyrights, popular copyrights and gift books of all kinds. Our stock of paer covered, linen, mus- lin andpaint books is com- plete. Wc have a number of those large books for children which have been so popular of late including such titles as Peter Patter, Muffin Shop, Real Mother Goose and the Rhym- ing .Ring. The Volland books are also very attractive with their lrofuse illustrations and clever rhymes. We have the latest song hits. Don't forget Children's Book Week--Nov. 15 to 20th. JOURNAL STATIONERY SHOP Shelt0n, Wash. 81.23; Montcsano 81.81; E]ma 82.82; Cosmopolis 57.65; Westport 60.13; Oakville 71.01 and Ocosta 61. By way of comparison it may be added that the total tax rate for Shelton will be 75.381 mills, made up as follows: Total state and county tax, 30.381; road district tax, 10 mills; Shelton town tax, 21 mills; School District 309-1, 14 mills. The average tax rate in districts outside of Sbelton will be around 60 mills for the coming year. H. SAUER PRACTICAL PAPER HANGER AND DECORATOR Classified Ads FOR RENT--5-room house at Hoods- port. Mrs. M. J. Dickinson, Hoods- port, Wash. 11-12-1t FOR SAI,E--4-hole wood range, also 4-blnam kerosene range with oven. Mrs. M. W. Johnson, 5th and R.R. streets, Shelton. 11-12-1t TRY THE BARNUM HERB REN- OVATOR. Ed. Ray agent for Ma- son County. A laxative, tonic and diuretic. 11-12-26-3t FOR SALE--4-room house, running water and large pantry; 1 lot fruit with fruit trees. Price $750 for quick sale. Terms $300 cash, bal- an'ce monthly payments. Phone 443 or address P. D. box 124, Shel- ton.  11-26-3t Phone 71F6. P. O. Box 465 Shelton, Wash. 4-22 CUT FLOWERS and wreaths for funerals; bulbs, trees and shrubs of all kinds, can be had of Mrs. Esther Munson, Shelton. Rush or- ders receive prompt attention. PHONE YOUR ORDERS for fryers, roasters or stowing chickens to the Concord Beach Poltry Farm. Phone 30F44. Route 2, Shelton. 12-3-5t LOST--Six heifers, 2 black and white spotted, 1 spotted red and white. 2 light red, 1 dark red. Finder please advise A. P. Zumwalt, R. 2, Shelton. 11-22-2t FOR SALE--Milch cow, now milk- nig, 5 years old. Price $75. Geo. Trowbridge, Shelton. 11-12-3t WILL BUY ALL YOUR EGGS every week at best cash prices. Concord Beach Poultry Farm, Phone 30F44. Route 2, Shelton. 12-3-5t. FOR SALE--Mare 1300 pounds, 8 years old, gentle; colt 6 months. Will sell cheap. E. Johnson (Day- ton) Shelton P.O. 11-12-3t WANTED--A good, steady, gentle- manly salesman to handle a Ward's wagon in Mason County. No ex- perience needed. For full partic- ulars write promptly to Dr. Ward's Medical Company, Winona, Minne- sota. Established 1856. 12-6t $100 REWARD. For information leadnig to the ar- rest and conviction of persons rust- lin cattle branded "B" on left hip an(l earmarked. J. G. McRae, Bor- deaux Ranch. 12-8-3mo. FOR SALE--Woodstock Typewriter. This office. The new release of Brunswick rec- ords now in, Journal Stationery Shop ORDER YOUR Thanksgiving Turkey Now As usual, we will have Choice Turkeys, but the' number will be limited. Orders will be filled as received, first come first served• I WE HAVE CHOICE MINCEMEAT IN BULK SHELTOI MARKET J.E. Connolly, Prop. IIII I I ============================ Look r: your films over and bring the good ones in and have them en- larged and color- ed in oil or water colors. Te Heckman Photo Shop i ii SHELTON LAUNDRY Now equipped with power ma- chinery for first class work.• ]FAMILY LAUNDRY A SPECIALTY Cloaks and Suits cleaned, pressed and dyed. CENTRAL HOTEL Rooms for transients T. HAGIWARA, Prop. | I 'Please Rush this Order" These are the words we like tc. hear from our customers, and are. the usual words accompanying each order, for title work is usually pt ut off until the last minute, and there. wanted in a rush. We like to hear ou eust'omers say "PLEASE RUSH THIS ORDER," because we know we can accommo- date them, having spent years im our office for these,emer- geneses. ABSTRACTS TITLE INSURANCE  Mason County.. Abstract & Title Company (Under State Supervision) Shelt.. Wash. I II II ,) #,, SUNLIGHT YARNS Do you know that there are many kinds of Yarns made in the Sunlight, brand, all beauti- fully dyed and made from the Finest Wools. The Knitting Yarns, Germantown and Heatherball are the most wanted. The "GermantoWn" 4.fold, made of' a special selection of w9ol m several shades, The ideal for 'Sweaters, Slippers and Tying Comforters. The "Knitting" Yarn is considerably heavier than the Sunlight Knitting Worsted and has great wear. It is a full round thread. Makes Hose, Gloves, Sweaters and other gar- ments for warmth and wear. Sunlight "Heatherba!l'i is a Four-Ply Knitting Worsted in a variety of heather mix- tures. It is popular for Golf Vests, Sweaters and Hose. Comes in balls weighing one and five-eighths ounces. Cut Prices on Wash Dresses. Lumbermen's Mercantile Co. @ *. *. ,',,