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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 12, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 12, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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RIbAY, 0ViMBER 12, 1920 THE MASON &apos;COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE F1VB 1" "7 I I I I I ill .,,! _ ELECTS OFFICERS FOR YEAR =- 1t.1..,.,1 twt... l.orrJ.wi E|, Earl F. Dickinson was chosen com- E L#UI.,U& u#La • #ov#(w.a --|rounder of the Fred B. Wivell Post --=" -!American Legion at the annual meet- --_ E ing hehl at the county court house d[LqiIllliiii|iii;UIiliii|li|n here. on Wednesday evening; The meeung was tne largest an(i mos John McKenzie was in town this Born, Shelton, November 10th, to_]enthusiastic gathering of the post in week from Tacoma. ]Mr. and Mrs. John Dodge, a 9-pound the past year and many th!ngs of -- -- son. [importance came up for discussion. W. A. Johnson was in Seattle the Arthur Griggs of Kamilche was early pal of the week. Mrs. Jerry Valley was in town from Matlock on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. P Saeger are spending the week in Seattle. Perle Jemison returned Tuesday evening from a visit to Seattle. Jay Needham returned Tuesday from a business trip to Seattle. Roy Kneeland of Tacoma is visit- ing his brother, Guy here this week. Mrs. Mary Doty returned last Thursday from a visit with friends in Seatt|e. Mrs. C. A. Norton returned Wed- nesday after spending several day in Tacoma,, Mrs. G. C. Angle left Saturdayfor a visit with her daughter, Mrs. E. J. Murnen, in Tacoma. Dr. BradbmT returned Wednesday The present prospect might indi- elected to the position of vie.e com- cate a touch of snow before Thanks- mander and Reginald Sykes as the giving, ndw adjutant. E. H. Faubert was re-elected to the post of finance A ncv 9-pound girl arrived at the officer hich he has held for the past home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bogue yea)'. H. E. Drew now holds the on November 6th. ,positjon of historian. The Carmody--'rchestra of Tacomal i,' gave a well-attended (lance Wednes-] i , IN SUPERIOR COURT clay evening at the Earlwin hall. i  ,': ---- -- I ludge Wright held the regular Next Sunday evenin at 7"30 wseaion of court Saturday November Servme of Song will be given at the -Gth. • / M. E. Church by some of the bestI::,Inthe estate of Helen Adeie Lewisj talent ,of Shelton. . ,Ide¢as.ed; orders dispensing with ap-  ..... |urtfisement and for notice to cred- -": Arm]stlce Day opens Up'the annual"I.Ito" :., .. . , Red Cross'Roll Call, ,adding the 1  Ithe tax foreclosure suit Of Ma.:. light call of a dollar membership to-].s, zounty vs. ,Fred Nicklaon and Mason County people. . .17 other detenoans, zor ueinquen ta)tes, the taking of judgment was The Ladies Aid of the M. E: Church will meet at the parsonage" November 17th with Mrs. Champlin as hostess. All are invited. Mr. and Mrs. Rohald McDonald are the proud parents of a baby girl, born at the Maxwell maternity home in Olympm on November 3rd .... evening from Toppenish where he took his wife last week.. ] The Alumni say the Thanksgiving Mrs. George Eldridge of Elma is leve dance will be the season's big- spending a few days visiting Mrs. gesttand best. You,ll be there on W. E. Parker this week. the dight before theholiday. The Peninsular trains are still making their regular trips but tim output of the Simpson camps is being slowed up a bit while the demand catches up. There are only two week's left in which to pay the last half of your taxes before they become delinquent, according to an office notice by the county treasurer. Thursday being a legal holiday,• Armistice Day, public offices were closed and as many of the business, houses as oossible Observed the afte,-. noon. Elmer Lind was in town from Se- attle a few days this week, visiting his mother, Mrs. A. Fordyce. An auto party of Elmaites, includ- ing Harw Callow and Charley Moore were visitors to Shelton yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. John Sund and Mrs. Truman Balch motored over from Hoodsport Saturday for a shopping visit. Mrs. Emmett Calloway of McCleary is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kent and the Gibbs amily. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wyatt and Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Dantels are daughter, who are recent arrivals at lthe proud parents of the iirst baby Potlatch, were She[ton visitors yes- to be born at the new Shelton Gen- terddy.  •, .  eral Hospital. It was an 8-pound ' Ihoy who,arrived on November 4th. Mrs. A. Bordeaux returned last| . - ,'  Saturday evening from' a trip into] SiXteen patients are upder care at Eastern Canada where she visited[the Shelton General Hospital at p:es: relatiVe L Ient, all of whom are imprgving. Both .... .}Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Fredson anti- Mrs. A., G, Cushman Is enj0ng  eitdate going to their ' homes this the sunshine at Jerome, Arizona,  week, <  d : .... r where she has gone for a visit of[ " ;fill ......... . .'----'7--. . : ..... several months. [ Tli:'Shelom,scnoom cmsea zor zb ....... : ]aftei0on oliday yesterday permit- O. P. Allphin ,of Albany, 0regon,!ting several narties of enthusiasts to spent several days*last week visiting attend: the football game between Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Allphin of the I Aberdeen and Olympia at the latter Shelton Pharmacy. city. . i ,, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Scott of Ta- Miss Lawson, superintendent at the Shelton General 'Hospital, states that there has been a good response to the call for empty medicine bottles v, and she wishes to thank those whd' have su-lled them so far. J. A. Schmidt has had the old Fairchild property on Second and Cota street newly shingled, and also 'cleared around and overhanled in preparation for rental, having several tenants in view. A section of the Southshore, or Navy Yard Highway, having become impassible from rains since it was opened to travel the Bremerton stages have been forced to return to the old route by way of Allyn. The school flag pole which had be- come weakened at the base by the ravages of ants has been strengthen- ed during the past week, by the addi- tion of a collar of concrete and with steel rods embedded. • Now tllat s number. of men are • " * ' a L copvalecng 'm he huspital and h ve plenty  of time to while away, a few books or magazines would be appr.e.- elated., Readng matti' an be gveh any of the store deliverymen and in due time it will, reackthe hospital. The week following election has brought  change in the iweather of the past iwo months, 'cool days and • froSty mornings taking the place of the rain. The thermometer has ] istered the freezing loint for severa mornings, am! the  woodpiles are showing the effects. Some pretty small individual in the west end of town is stealing the wood of Mrs. McEwen and Mrs. John- son, two elderly ladies, who have little enough for their support at best, and so far have gotten away with about two ricks, As the old ladies are nearly helpless it is a cold-blooded act to steal anything from them, and particularly dry wood laid away in the shed for winter. = W. O. Eckert writes from Detroit precinct that he mailed the returns of his precinct promptly on election night and wonders why they failed to ].each Shelton in time for last week's paper. The unofficial came Friday, m the mail by way of Steil- acoom, which accounts for some de- lay. Detroit is a good standby Re- publican precinct. ANNOUNCE TEACHERS' INSTITUTE I The superintendent's office announ- ces that the Mason County Teachers' Institute will be held at the high school buildingin Shelton, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, November 22, 23 and 24. The interesting pro- gram which is being planned will be announced later. The public gener- ally is invited to attend. Brunswick Phonographs and rec- ords at Journal Stationery Shop. coma, were thia ,week ,visiting the formdr's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A.. O. Scott at New Kamilche. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kneeland and :Mrs. Hettie Gamble of Tacoma spent several days this week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kneeland. Richard Karns left last week for a visit to his old home in Tenneessee, and may be joined later by his fam- ily to, spend the winter back East. W. S. Heckman made a trip to Seattle last Saturday and retm-ned on Monday with Mrs. Heckman, who has been visiting friends in th'at city. Mrs. R. H. Lockwood spent two days in Seatle this week with her son Calvin who had an examination of the arm which he broke several weeks ago. Allen C. Mason, a prominent Ta' coman who was largely interested n the nneties and placed large loans of Eastern money here, died in, that city Moday. Miss Katherine "Forrest wen to Hoquiam Saturday tO visit her sister, Mrs. Howard Oakland. Her mother, Mrs. Helen Forrest, accompanied her as far, as Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. William Gilbert and little daughter of Seattle, passed through town Wednesday on their way to spend two weeks at the W. A. Hunter farm in the Skokomish Valley. Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Pritchard made the trip to Hoquiam last Sunday and spent a few hours with Mr. and Mrs. Cnas. McReavy. Mr. Prithard states that the Lumbermen's Bank, in which Charles is 'connected, is shortly to move rote fine new quarters in the Memorial building recently completed in Hoquiam. K. S. Thurston, recently from Jef- fersen, Oregon, has taken a position in the groce W department at Mc- Donald & Co.'s, anal moved his wife and children here, occupying the Hauptly lmuse for the winter. Jacob Hauntly has decided to go away for the vHnter and will spend the time visiting with his daughters in.Se- attle. About 25 Shelton members of the Olympia Encampment visited that city Saturday evening, accompanied by a number of 'candidates for the advanced derrees, and enjoyed a big evening. After the class was taken into the fold the usual oyster supper was spread_ in the camp banquet room and the visitors fortified for their trip home in early morning. Now is the time to plant your bulbs. Will have tulips, hya'einths, freesia in stock and order anything else you want. Mrs. E. D. Munson. ll-12-1t deferred until November 20th. The :sale of the lands unredeemed will take place two weeks following the ta]ing of judgment. FIRST LYCEUM NUMBER COMING The McAllister Trio, the first num- ber on the winter lyceum course, will be in Shelton on Monday evening, November 22nd. The course is fur- nished by the Ellison-White lyceum bureau and is said by the ocmmittee to be the very best possible series of., entertainments obtainable• The sea- son tickets have been on sale by the school students for the past week. The price is $2.50 for the course. The proceeds of the course will be turned over to the County Memorial Fund. CYRUS LOGAN DEAD '; Cyrus Logan, a half-brother to Mrs. David Kelly/ and Mrs. Alley Ma.qoa ,of Matlock, died at the Kelly Tanch on Sunday of heart trouble, from, which he had been ailing for some: bimc. Deceased was a single mar aed 62 years, and had made hishome with Mrs. Kelly for several Methodist Episcopal Church Sunday Services Morning Sunday School 10 o'clock. Preaching 11 o'clock. Evening services at 7:30. Preaching at Skokomish first Sun- day of each month at 3 p. m. Pras,,er Meeting 7:30 Thursday evening• The public is cordially invited to these meetings. W. H. Thomas, Pastor. BAPTIST CHURCH Sund,%, School at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 a. m. B. Y. P. U. at 6:30 p. m. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. 'Prayer Meeting on Thursday night at 7:30. , :'EvmTbody cordially invited to at- tel these services. Addison Self, Pastor. : CATHOLIC CHURCH 't ., ! "St; Edward's Catholic.Church" 0n, 2nd Sundays first Mass' is at 8 :a' in. and second Mass at Skoko- mish at 10:.45 a., m, .. On fourth Sundays mass at 9 a.m. Father Benedict Sehweizer, O. S.B. • NOTICE ALUMNI GIRLS It's time to get busy preparing your articles of sewing for the Mere- oHM Benefit Bazaar which the Alumni are oing to give on December 10th land llth. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Unless the last half of the 1919 taxes is paid on or before November 30, 1920, the taxes become delinquent. If your remittance is not received in* the Treasurer's office by November 30th, interest attaches from June 1, p20. • ADA C. CLOTHIER 11-12-26-3t Treasurer Mason County. The Alumni and Shelton H'mme Economics Club, jointly, are to give a L Christms Gift Bazaar for the pur- pose of selling the County Memorial Fund. ears )ast. The funral took place rein the Chapel Thursda3 afternoon, attbnded by friends of the family :fiora Matlo'ck. MEMORIAI 'FIT ,BAZAAR :: The DeoDle"of Mason County will :a, an-oppori;unity to help • boost he Countv'Mem0'r, ial fund and at te ne time collect useful gifts at the Clristmas Bazaa): which the High. Otl%,; :Irltb., Articles of sc.ving| or o At the hazaar will be gladly I accepted from any person desirou O,,.] e'ding the' cause. ,' .... , ' '[ ]' lcIIffCHOOL DANCE SATURDAY' The senior cthe local ,liigh school annoflnces a dance fb,"this' Satm:day ewming, November 13th at the "Earlwn hall. The Harmony orchcstra wil] furnish the music. They promie a lively evenin with a good crowd. Everybody welcome. SHELTON VALLEY DANCE A ,o(,ial dance at the Shelton Vat- Icy hall will be p:iven on Saturday, November 20th. There will he Shel- ton music. A cafeteria supper will be served. Everybody welcome. Call Ray Baird for hous? wiring and electrical work of all kiffds. 11-19 Winter Millinery &mew stoel of winter stTles ,and shapes has arirved and I"  on "dmplP, y i " your ap- 1,'.;' roval. " ,The prices will satisfy you. t SHICK'S :":t' ' " MILLINERY ,000000DANCE THANKSGIVING EVE For the benefit of the County Memorial Fund given by the S. H. S. Alumni. The season's biggest and best affiair. Plan now to be here with the crowd. Music by The Paramount Novelty Orchestra of Olympia Big supper served by the Mason County Min- ute Women. The night before the Holiday . EARLWIN IIALL • SHELTON Wednesday, Nov. 24 i IRA LOUVRE 7, , In June, 1835, 1, " Robert Wallace fashioned the first Nickel Sil- ver - Spoon. made • in. meriea. * To, av the R. W'llacc & Sons Ifg. Co. have at Wallingford, Conn. the largest factory ,,,in the world de- " Voed exclusively to the manufac- ture of ,silver- ware, both ster- lin and plated. T:ds store has a complete stock of one of their exclusive pattc,rns (the Louvre) Gifts N. WOOD" Jeweler That Last Glasses Fitted BY DOCTOR WHITLOCK : Hotel Shelton Sunday, Nov. 14th WHITLOCK-SALMb-N • OPTICAL CO. 61718 Fidelity Bldg., Tacoma Wash. • , :': ' Hotel fiavoy Shelton, Washington UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Rates: 75 cents per night. $3.50 per week. $8.00 per month. Clean and Comfortable EMMA O. SMITH, Prop. The @uaranee on these Rubber Goods is liberal, so liberal in fact that there are no dissatisfied" • buyers O f them. FIR. DRUG STORE TRY OUR New Line of Candies Oriole Silver Chest Chocolates Oriole Purple and Cold Plg'n Whistle Candies .Parisian Chocolates Emory's Chocolates SHELTON PHARMACY L. B. ALLPHIN, 'Prop. ___= --::::----==== __ = =============================, HOME COOKING QUALITY AND SERVICE THE BEST PLACE TO EAT IS AT " Paine's Restaurant SHORT ORDERS ICE CREAI QUICK SERVICE * - : :. AND LUNCHES Qualit and Service .r * i :Mail ahd Camp I Orders a Specialty. .... I  We Pay Cash and, ` Market Prices for Stock and Poultry. A Large Assgrt- ment of Smoked Meats'. Sauerkraut and i Pickles. - ORDERS TAKEN NOW FOR THANKSGIVING TURKEYS PEERLESS MARKET i "BOSCH & CHESLOCK HISSES ANDLADIESI BATH ROBES Warm and comfortable these cold mornings. All sizes and a variety of colors in the heavy Beacon Robe cloth• $6.00 to $15.00. BOYS' CORDUROY PANTS Boys' long corduroy pants in bronze, semi-peg, cuff bottoms, hip pockets, two side pockets, belt loops, welted side seams• All sizes• $5.50• FOR THE BABIES We have now the Kleenaneet Wash Boot for the babies, in soft, white kid. It makes nO dif- ference how badly soiled they get you can clean them to perfect freshness• FURTHER REDUCTION ON DRY GOODS A further reduction has been made throughout our dry goods. We are meeting down, Sound prices on all, STANDARD qualities. FIcDonald & Co. BRUNSWICK 'PHONOGRAPH'S A ND RECORDS ARE KEPT ON IN- SPECTION AND SABLE AT JOURNAL STATIONERY SHOP. .o