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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 12, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 12, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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/ IRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1920 THE MASON CNNtTY JOURNAL ........ "r" PAGE SEYEN ( RED CROSS CHEER IN SOLDIERS' HOSPITALS Cretonne Curtains, Pianos and Phonographs gemarked By Writer. By ,1. F. LANDER "As dreary as a hospital." It's an often-heard statement, orig- inating probably with someone whose father or mother or baby had lain iu a hospital for days--someone whose experience 'had stamped on his mind forever a picture of white, plain bed; white, plain room; white, silent corri- dors deserted by all but white-clad, silent nurses. There are many such. Hospitals now are being established by the score, institutions of the Uni. ted States public health service which are to care for the former service mer who need medical or surgieal atten tion. Some of the patients'will make short stays. Some will be there years. Many are tuberculosis wreck- ed, with none too much Joy In life ahead at best, The public health service has a full- sized task on its hands in actual medi. cal and surgical work• There must be something more if these institutions-- some of them here in the Northwest at Tacoma, Boise, Port Townsend-- are different from the hospitals too many of us have known. The Red Cross is that something more. I learned that when I went out to the old Cushman Indian school, now a new public health service hospital. The buildings were old and alteration work had progressed just far enough to permit of the reception of forty-odd patients who couldn't be crowded into the older institutions; paint was lack- ing everywhere. It looked dreary enough to be a hospital. Then I found the Red Cross build- ing, headquarters for the social service workers assigned to the institution. I found the recreation hall---cretonne- curtained, equipped with piano, phono- graphs, books, and furniture which wasn't white and square. I found it filled with "walking cases" listening to Ted Williams' Jazz Band and AI J, oleon. I went with the Red Crss workers to boys who two years ago were fight- ing men but who now spend day and night In bed. They were not nurses' visits; they were the talks of friends. I saw the auditorium; the motion pic- ture machine from the national Red Cross; books, music, nice  things to eat, magazines, tobacco, from the local chapter of the organization. I saw a strange thing--hospital patients who • all were happy. After all, they really don t need to be "as dreary as a hospital." Measuring the Baby' Red Cross Aids Mother s in Directing Proper Care and Attention for Chfl* dren. JUNIOR RED CROSS HELPS IN COMMUNITY'S WORK Through the Junior Red Cross the school children of this county have an important part in work of the local I Red Cross chapter. Throughout the Northwest school child ra are taking a keen interest in the activities in which they are engaging as members of this organization. These activities do not interfere in any way with the regular work of the schools, but they do add zest to class room studies. In Portland, Tacoma, and Spokane Fne Juniors have financed clinics where children have been given dental and medical examinations. In numer- ous counties throughout Idaho, Ore- gon and Washington they have made provisions for first aid kits in every rural school. Besides other activities the Juniors of Boise, Idaho, are provid. ing flowers for the Barracks Hospital in that city where many disabled ex- service men are receiving treatment. Poor, crippled children in many towns r have received badly needed atten- tion, and the bills have been paid out of funds raised by the Junior Red Cross. i Through the Junior Red Cross t thousands of children in Europe have been fed and given medical care through contributions by members of the Junior Red Cross in this country. The Juniors of the Northwest gathered large quantities of clothing for the "Wild Children of the Urals," who were recently returned to their homes :, by the American Red Cross after hav- ing wandered uncared for over the wastes of Siberia. And now, through, the Junior Red Cross, It is being made possible for children in this country to correspond with clldren In other lands. GROWING ALFALFA Alfalfa is not a crop that grows naturally in Western Washington, though in many sections it does very well. (eg "oN u!;ollnfl ,sauI moI) HOG CHOLERA October, November and December are the months when the dread dis- Mr. Simms who has made a suc-case hog cholera is most apt to cess of alfalfa in Western Washing-]appear. During these months and ton has the following to say about ,until snow covers the ground, swine raising alfalfa under Western Wash-lraisers are urged by the United ington conditions. I States Department of Agriculture to "Alfalfa takes a well drained soil. i be especially obselwing when feeding I prefer a sandy loam soil with a;hogs in the morning. Any animals low water table. The plots were all in the herd which fail to come to manured years in succession their feed, and pmicularly thoe before being seeded to alfalfa. The with arched backs and rough coats, previous crop being corn, roots and potatoes. The ground was plowed as early in the spring as possible, then disked a nmnth later to kill weeds. Then as soon as the weather permitted, the round was harrowed to kill more weeds. About the first of May the ground was harrowed again and pre- pared for seeding. Seeding. No nurse crop is used. I seed 18 pounds to the acre of good seed. I inoculate the seed with alfalfa inoc- ulation. I seed by hand and follow should be. promptly removed from the herd. '. In some cases hogs sick with chol- era die within a few days; in others the disease may assume a chronic form and linger for weeks. If cholera is suspected swine growers should immediately call a veterin- arian to make a proper diagnosis and to apply the preventive serum treatment if they are found to b@ affected with cholera. A post-mortem examination of swine that have died with cholera will usually show one or more of the follow!ng symptoms: O0:SaIB:][OJBZS' NOTICI OZ' r-ZNG STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF MASON, SS. In the Matter of the Petition' of GEe. CUNNINGHAM et al for a County Road to be known as tle Meadows ltoad. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given, that the re- )ort and nu).l) of the County Engineer tn tile matt,,r of the road above nlen- tlonod, has been filed in t,c elites of the Board of County Conllnissh)ners of said Counly, said road being described in said report Its follows: ColunlcnClng at a point in tie center of the t;l)l,er l)ewatto Valley l{oad whteh Detnt iv arl)proxtmately 519.3 feet North and 168.1 feet West of the cenler of the center of Section 7 Twp. 2"1 N, Rg. 2 %V. runs thence in a general Southeasterly direction to a mint ill the center of the Dewatto- Self air I.oad al)proximalelY 350 feet South of lmrsoWs gate in the North- west quarter (,f the Southwest quarter of Section 29 Twp. 23 N. ]{g. 1%V., the wtmle distance being about 10 miles and 4059,8 feet and tile with thereof helng 40 feet, said road to be known am the Meadows Road. Therefore, it is ordered by the Board that the hearing of said report will be held by the Board of County Commie- sioners of said County at their oifiee at the Court House in Slmlton, Wash- lngton, on the 6th day of December, I920, at the hour of 10 o'clock a, m. Done this 1st day of November 1920. WM, E. DANIELS,' J. A. COLE, W. A, HUNTER, ° County Commissioners. By IONE W. DOYLE, Clerk of Board. (Seal) 11-5-12-2t O:RD:E:i :F:gxrNG TIME 1O a rEA.I- Ilq I:ETITIOI{ I'O, DISCA-G:E, ETO. In the Superior Court of tbe State of Washington for Mason County, In the Matter of the Estate of EMMA the seeder with a harrow. I roll the land well after harrowing and also after the crop is up, especially where the soil is loose. I mow once the first year and pasture lightly later in the season. The second year and evew year thereafter harrow thoroughly either late in March or early in April to loosen the top soil. My first cutting is usually in June. I watch the shoots and when they are from half to one inch long, I mow regardless of bloom. The second crop I cut wlien in about fifty per cent bloom. I usually use the third crop as green feed. I figure that I get from five to six tons per acre in a season and I can't do nearly that well with clover. Overflow from the river does not seem to hurt the crop even when the water stands f0r weeks." There are very few ranches in Purple blothes on the skin; blood L. SIMPSON, Deceased, colored spots on the surface of the it appearing to the court that George ,Simpson as adminlstrat,lr of the estate lungs and heart, on the kidneys and of Emma L. Slml)son, deceased, has .., . .... [tiled a petition setting forth that he on DOES Llle oul;er an(l inner surIaces has filed Ills IInal aeeonnt of the ad- ,,f :ho intestines toma,,h and Mad I minlstratl°n upon said estate in this ........ , "' "   " c,ourt; that all debts of said estate and der; reddening of the lymphatic of said deceased have been futly paid • , , .  .. . . land that a 1)ortt¢m of said estate re- g'lan(Is; enlal'gcmcll; oI 1;ne spleen, in nuttns to be divhle. among tile' belts ' acute cases" ml -loeration of the inner i,,r said deceased, and 1)raying aluong • ", --  t ()tiler things for all order sllowlng said lining of the large intestine. In the lingering or chronic cases of hog cholera it is usual to find in- testinal button llke ulcers on the intestipes. There was an outbreak of hog cholera in Mason County a few months ago and an entire herd oi approxinmtely 50 hogs was destroyed. If you are raising hogs it will pay you to be especially watchful at this time. Ratio of Sires and Dams Developments in the Better Sires- Mason County that could not use at" Better Stock campaign have resulted least a few acres of alfalfa to ad- in figures showing the relative num- vantage. There are several plots in I ber of males and females kept for the county and without exception the l breeding purposes. Following are growers are more than satisfied with l the figures based on more than 200,- alfalfa. The yields are larger than i 000 head of stock, of all kind listed fl)m clover, alfalfa is much higher in I with the U. S. Department of Agri- culture: feed value, and does not have to be I Cattle---1 bull to 18.9 cows. reseeded for years. ! If you are interested in trying an[ acre or a half an acre next year, I write the County Agent, as an effort I will be made in the spring to secure I seed for all who desire to try alfalfa, I and he will help you put it in right/ if you have had no experience with alfalfa. (From Better Farming) i No. 576. 'OTIC -' O C:R:EDITOIS TO I:LE CLZ:ZS. "" In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County. (ln Probate.) In the Matter of the Estate of ttELEN ADELE LEWIS, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of Helen' Adele Lewis, deceased, were granted to the undersigned, on the 30th day of October, 1920, by the' said superior court, All persons having claims against said estate, are required to serve them with the necessary vouchers upon me at the law office of Alden C. Baylcy, Washington, that being the place for the transaeation of business of said estate, within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit, within six months after the 12th day of,November, 1920, and file the same with the clerk of this court together with proof of such set- Horses--1 stallion to 16.9 mares. Swine--1 boar to 11.5 sows. Sheep--1 ram to 37 ewes. Goats--1 buck to 26.6 does. Poultry--1 rooster to 23.3 hens. These figures represent conditions on more than 2,000 farms in various parts of the country and are believed to be typical of other frowns. They show the importance of placing stress on quality in sires, since in prac- tically 11 cases tbe sire is the par- ent of a very much larger number of offspring than the average female animal. % Care of Baby Chicks The U. S. Department of Agricul- ture has recently published Farmer's Bulletin 1108, "Care of Baby Chicks," which may be had on application to Animal Husbandry Division, "Bureau of Animal Indust,, U. S. Depart-i I ment of Agriculture, Washington, ]D.C. This bulletin states in a concise form-the essentials of caring for chicks, and is compiled by men who have studied the question carefully. vice, or they shall be forever barred. It is of especial worth tO the be- flue[ aecouut and of distribution Of the residue of said estate onlollg till) ])ersons estitlcd. IT .IS OR1)I,H{liID lhat Saturday, the 20th dry of November, 1!)20, at ten o'clock a. m., at the Court House, Shelton, Washington. I)el)artment No. 1, be and the same is hereby al)l)ointed for the hearing of said 1)etition for the settlement of said final account and of distribution of the residue of said estate among tle heirs of the said Emma L. Simpson, deceased, according to law, and that duo notice thereof be given by publication in tle Mason County Journal, a newspaper printed and published in Mason County, Wash- ington, for a period of three successive weeks. D. F. WRIGHT, Judge THOS. M. ANCE, JULIA E. WALDRIP, i Attorneys for said estate, Olympia, Washington. 10-22-11-I2-4t Cause No. 1686. OTZC O1' B:xRn:F'S S£.Z O::F IWmAZ, :BT,a.'I Under Execution, In ths Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County. HOLLAND NORTH AMERICAN MORT- GAGE CO., a Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. H. F. WALKER and ANNA B, WALKER, His Wife, Defendants. Under and by virtue of au execution issued oat of and under the seal of the Superior Court of the State of Washington, in and for said County, on. the 13th day of October, 1920, upon a Judgment rendered in said Court ell the 8th day of October, 1920, in favor of I-Iolland North American Mortgage Company, a corporation, and against H. F. Walker and Anna B, Walker, hts wife, for the sum of One Thousand FortY-five 78-100 Dollars, together with attocney's fees, intcrest, costs and in- creased coats, and to me directed and delivered, commanding me to sell the following described property to satisfy said Judgment, to-wit: East half of southwest quarter (E% ef SV) west half of southeast quar- ter (W*h of SE¼) of Section Twenty- six (26) and the north half of the northwest quarter (NV of NW) Se. Thirty-five (35) townsMp twenty-one (21) north of range three (3) west W. M., together with all timber on-said lands. Notice is hereby given that on Sat- urday, the 13th day of November, 1920 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. I will sell the above descrlbcd roperty, or eo much thereof as may e necessary to satisfy said Judgment, together with attorney's fees intercst, i costs and increascd costs, in all amounting to the sum of Sis.yen Hun- dred and Eighty-seven and 73-100 Dol- lars ($1187.73). . .... Said sale will tags ptace at te front door of the Court House at Shelton, In said county and state, and will be at public auction, for cash in hand to the highest and best bidder. Dated at Shelton, Vash., this .14th day of October, 1920. R. W. POTTS, 10-15-11-12-5t Sheriff of said County. PRITIO 'O a DIC:KG:,; ETC. In the Superior Oeurt of the State of Washington for Mason County. In the Matter of the Estate of SOL G. Simpson, Deceased. It appearing to the court that George Simpson as administrator of the estate of Sol G. Simpson, deceased, has Dated at Shelton, Wash., this 12th gmner in the chicken industry, filed a petition setting forth that he day er November, 1920, . has filed his final account of the ad- ministration upon said estate in this CHARLES H. WIVEI,L TAWMIfT t court; that all debts of said estate and Administrator of the Estate of Helen Of ownership, management, etc, of The of said deceased have been fully paid , and that a portion of said estate re- Adele Lewis, deceased. Mason County Journal, required by Act mains to be divided ampng the heirs ALDEN C. BAYLEY, Attorney for Administrator, Shelton, Washington 11-12-12-$-4t WE00STE00'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARIES are in use by busl- mess men, engineers, bankers, judges, architects, physicians, farmers, teachers, librarians, cler- gymen, by successful men and women the world over. Are You Equipped to Wln? The New International provides the means to success. Itls an all- knowing teacher, a universal ques- tion answerer. If you seek efficiency and ad- vancement whynot make daily use of this vast tund of inform, atlon 400,000 VocabularyTarms. 2700 Pae. 6000 Illustrations. Colored Plat, 30,000 Geo|lraphical Sub|ect. 12,000 Bloraph/cal Entries. suhr and IMh-Pzper Editions. G.&C. prl,ield: MlU. of Congress: State of Washington, County of Mason, SS: Before me, a notary pu]llc, appeared Grant C. Angle, who, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he IS the :editor of the Mason County Journal, and the following is a true statement: Publishers, Grant C. Angle & Son. Editor, Grant C. Angle. Busines Manager, J. Eber Angle, Owners, Grant C, Angle and Robert C. Angle, all of Shelton, Wash. There are no bondholders or mort- gagees. GRANT C. ANGLE, Editor. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of November, 1920. ALDEN C. BAYLEY, Notary Publle. )of enid deesed, and praying among othr things for an order allowing said final account and of distribution of the residue of said estate among the persona entitled. IT IS ORDERED that Saturday, the 20th day of November, 1920, at ten o'clock a. m., at the Court HOuse, Shelton. Washington, Department No. 1, be and the same' is hereby appointed for the hearing of said petition for the settlement .of said final account and of distribution of the residue of said estate among the heirs of the said Sol G. Skmpson, deceased, aecording to law, and that due notice thereof be given by publication in the Mason HON. EDWIN T. MEREDITH Secretary of Agricuture, says: "|F while working conscientiously " at our several tasks we will save consistently and spend conservative- ly, we will have ,lone the tbins most needed to establish firmly our national prosperity." This bank will help you to save by adding 3 per cent interest, subject to usual regulation. THE STATE BANK OF SHELTON "Teach Your Dollars to Have More Cents" SMOKERS' HEADQUARTERS Cigars, Tobaccos and High Grade Candies. Guns, Ammunition & Sporting Goods Try our fresh. roasted peanuts W. H. SHITH All the Daily Papers S H E L T O N INDEPENDENT Auto Stages Daily Schedule effective on and after Sept. 15. Leave Shelton-- Leave Olympia 7:00 a, m. 9:00 a. m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p. m. 3:00 p.m. 5:30,p. m. Shelton to Old Kamilche.$ .50 Shelton to Snider's Prairie .... 75 Shelton to Mud Bay ...... 1.00 Shelton to Olympia ...... 1.P5 Leavimr Shelton from Ho,,el She(ton. Phone 4'. Olympia to Snider's Prairie., .50 Olympia to Old Iamilche. .75 Olympia to Cushman's .... 1.00 Olympia to Shelton ....... 1.25 Leaving Olympia from Braeger's Place. Phone 27 THOMPSON & DUNBAR Owners and Operators i SHARE YOUR BOX OF CANDY with him--he enjoys our chocolates and bonbons also. There are many men who appreciate candy after eat. ing ours, who never before would touch sweets. A trib- ute to our confections we appreciate, Next time ask hm to bring you a box, PAULSON'S SOFT DRINK STORE ,.0 W. W. BARRETT THE PIONEER HARDWARE STORE Stoves, Ranges, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Brushes, Picture Frames, Curtain Poles and Easels. All plumbing guaranteed as to work and material for one year. i i i i t PLUMBING General Repair Work SATISFACTION GUARANTEED C. F. WILSON NO. 527. IqOICE O' Sv--l O1 p It{I= OOUIT. IN TIIE SUPERIOR COURT OF THI STATE OF "vVASHINGTON IN AND FOil MASON COUNTY. (In Pobate,) In the Matter of the Estate of OLGA LA,]HTONEN, Deceascd, Notice is hereby given that F. C. V¢illey, thc administrator of the es- tate of Olga Lchtonen, deceased, has rendered and l)rescnted for settlement to, and filed tn the Sapcrlor Court of said County and Stets Final Account as such administrator, and that Sat- urday, the 20th day of November, 1920, at 10 o'clocl¢, A, M., at the court room of our said Superior Court, in the Town of Shelton, in said County, has been duly appointed by our Su- perior Court for £be Scttlcment of the Final Account, at which time and Dlacs any person interested in said estate may appear and file his exceptions in writing to the said Final account, and contest the same. Witness, the Hen. D. F. Wrlght Judge of tbe said Superior Court, ann the seal of said Court, affixed this 18th day of October, 1920. HATTIE E. RUCKER-GARFIELD0 County Clerk and Clerk of said Sup- erior Court. HAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for Ad- mfntstrator, Lumbermens' Building, Shelton, Wak/ngto. 10-22-11-124 Dealer in Rough and Dressed Lmber, Shingles, Mouldings, Doors, Windows. If you are going to build don't overlook the fact. We can save you money. Let us figure with you. A Square deal t all is our motto. Mill at Matlock. Yard at Shelton. HARRY FORD llllllIlllll! l i AND QUICK REPAIR SHOP FRED HANSEN, Prop. _ = - Manufacturers of heavy work shoes. We also -ffi have a line Of serviceable, high-topped logger boots. All kinds of shoe repairing neatly done. = County Journal, a newspaper printed j|||||||||||||||l|||||||||l||l||l|||||l|l|||l|||l|l|ll||l|||l|||l|||l|l|l|||l|||||||ll|||||||||l||||||||r and published in Mason County, Wash- ington, for aperiodofthreesuccessive Shelton Shoe Factory i weeks. D. F. WRIGHT, Judge THOS. M. VANCE. JULIA. E. WALDRIP, Attorneys for said cetate, . Olympia, Washlnglon. 10-22-11-12-4t PHONE 104 Shop at Fifth and Cedar. e