November 12, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 12, 1920 |
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I HOOD00PO.T l i
The S. S. Kingston was taken oil']
the run up Hood Canal the last of I
October• The Aloha is now on the
Alfr¢d Dickinson, who has been
driving the Bremerton stage from
ttoodsport is running from Sheltofi
Mrs. Oren Ellison, Who has been
visiting at the home of her father,
returned to Kamilche Sflnday. Mr.
LHison in on his way home from De-
troit, Michigan.
The Clark Creek Logging Co. is
shut down until after New Years.
Chauncy Grayham, Tom Basser aml
Dr. Silvis left for Seattle Tuesday.
They will return when the logging
company opens up again.
A school directors meeting was-
held at the home of Mrs. T. B.
Smith Tuesday evening.
un orrespondence
: Mrs llavol, ho ]s at the h
. ,. : = -" ' " " '.' " ome
::;°:*:*:*:°t.`.-%--°.ut"°°°.°." ..... .u. . .,of her daugh e' lls An(cws is
" recovering s|owly from the effects
- '"'" ,, ,
ir. Woodall killed a large beef l°f the rather severe bruises sus-
and delivered part of it to the camp ,tained by a fall. • '
and the balance to the neighbors. Mr. Ashwil}, who recently came to
Mr. Inman butchered three fine I the coast from North D;kota, has
[rented the old Cowan ranch from C
hogs Tuesdav.
A "' "
Mrs. Mar.ha]l from Tumwater is i • Kindred. He will try to accustom
visiting her parents, Sir. and Mrs. In- 'himself to going out" to feed the
man for a few weeks. Harry Into°n, stock without being attached to the
end of a clothes line that he may
who has been in Alaska all summer,
returned home a few days ago to
spend the winter with his pare.hrs.
He reports the fishermen have been
at a great loss this summer.
Judge Hauptly of Shelton visited
with his sons C. C. and Harry last
Several young ladies from Shelton
"hiked" ever here last Sunday. They
enjoyed a splendid dinner at the
Tavern and called on Mrs. Gordon
McKay and Miss Ness at their cot-
Dr. and Mrs. Roberts of Shelton
find the house in case a sudden bliz-
zard "gc,Tlera]es."
The Arrow is laid u for a general
overhauling and the old reliable Dor-
othy made the run to Oh'mpia on
Tuesday, taking the Arrow;s place.
The grape crop is harvested and
retm'ns all in. Harstine shippcl more
than five thousand baskets from three
vineyards, neither of which wouhl be
called a vineyard in California, mere-
ly a "patch." The Califmmians may
tum up theh' noses and say that
Washington grapes do not compare
with those from the land of sunshine,
but so long as they compare favor-
ably in price and quantity "we should
Mrs. Emil Anderson and daughter
Inga went to Olympia Tuesday on a
S. Haruen, out'popular boat build-
l er, and Capt. Win. Brink went to
Tacoma last Wednesday in the "Two
of Us." While in Tacoma Capt. Brink
went to Orting to see his aged father
who resides at the Soldiers' Ilome.
Quite a few of the Stadiumites at-
tended the Detroit dance Saturday
evening. All ;eport a good time.
Election is over and people are
getting down to normal again.
I Judge Britton was a caller at C.
W. Baird's at the Dew I)rop Inn last
Charles Seiners of Seattle was a
Stadium visitor last Sunday.
S. Itansen took some folks to
Allyn on Tuesday in the "Two of Us"
on a shopping trip.
Mrs. 1%I. E. Brink was an Allyn
caller on business today.
i S. Hansen is building a new fence
on hs place now, vlnle Capt. B. is
here to help him.
Mrs. R. F. Johnson went to Olym-
pia today on the Arrow. .
/C. W. Baird and wife and son of
[the Dew Drop Inn were Allyn shop-
pers today.
Hank Hansen has been hauling
wood for the postmistress.
The Messrs. Alex and John Benson
Another Royal Suggestion
C00KI[:S and DROP C00KES
IIEN th:: child-
rcn romp in hu:,-
gry, bore arc SOlllC
wholesmje dclighls that
x,';ll s;,tasb, the most
la V tilt, US appetite.
".: ClII*; :ll!*II.r
,; Clip ,Hiik
": eggs
,4 t'lS](ll)ll e'raed lltc
1 L',-'[;Doorl v:nilla extract
or 'r,%ted rind of 1
4 cups flour
te,qspoons Poyal
Cream shortening and SUe
$:ar togeth(,l'; add milk to
I I beaten egg and beat
again; athl slowly to
[I creamed shortening and
ugar; add nutmeg and
flavoring; add 2 cuds flour
[| sifted With baking pow-
der; add enongh more
I[ flour to make stiff dough.
:Roll out very thin on
floured board; cut with
cookie cutter, sprinkle
I I It reported that Johnson's camp Everett Gooch made a trip to Ta- sin or a piece of English
spentisSunday here. Thec°mbinedAndersonbUSineSSfamilyand pleasurehave trip. were Shelton visitors Friday. with sugar, or put a ral- AJ.OI. '
friends and relatives in the Capital walnut in the center of
coma Tuesday to cast his vote for each. Bake about 12 rain-
was held up one evening last week City and the young folks especmlly Harding. urn in hot oven.
and a" few •poker players were re- are always glad of an excuse to Mad,, from Cream of Tartar,
C• W. Fer'is was a Seattle visitor lieved of thmr money. Fourteen of the friends and neigh-
for the past week end and re orts a make the trip to town Cocoa Drop Cakes
very loaant i, M w." ....... Bert Kneeland drove over from Se- o __, ........ • .... bors of Mrs. M. L. Hoke gathered 4tablesuoons shortentn dved from grap.
- -, r .......... v ....... ,,.o w=o attle one da this ,==un was an ulym la via ...... -
one . y week. . . . and gave her a surprise part last a cup sugar
of.the lucky number .wh@,recetved ! Rev. Wilson h a =,,,. , +he tor Tuesday, gom over m te Dor- ,€,,,a,,, ,, h ..... , ,h,- ...%,... a 1 egg
several nrst prizes on his vegetables i Masonie halt oela[,$'[2-^.:=_:2L omy. Mr. Carlson has not been in UI.:2L.':ZA "tL./'2":..'_': ........ ; .... #;.-- a,f, cup milk
at ....... h |*Ylnfft $ "$11' v • .o tJ.vlgU," gVtlllllg, thl ha/" a¢ hno|÷kat uXe .... V *'---- -----I MOLIIII/Ul ulnner was serveo, azter ." cup.s flour
U A "T-'- ,,,;'-:,.,a . .... ,^^,. rle• ,preached an excellent sermon, h2, ,¢,o: ...... s .e^].m uuu which Mrs. A. P. Zumwalt and Miss teaspoons Royal
, .a.7" ,'.' =;',:''r::#°u..-. ,wmcn was much enjoyed by those "',;;-LY_'Y'_; ........ = t;ucur.. Eva Blake sang a duet and the latter .- aklng Powder
'" ...... ..--.--.- - ,,= ---- ,,u,m present. " € wr#d, lill sorry ;o learn [l%a[ . ,,, clip cocoa
homo and spent a very pleasant a- Jack McDonald al,t .... , h'o ,, John Wilson had met with an acei- played a few selections on theorgan. N teaspoon salt
........................ v. ,,,, Fvv . • # Mrs. donn Ikraooennol; ancl Ivlrs. 1 teaspoon vanilla
tenoon lstemng to their new graph- ,horses last we k .,,,i h. .o o Jent at Camp 7 that will lay hm up I u ,-,- ........ - ............. ] -- -
oonoe i, , e .............. .o:' [or nmo +{ran ] k^4-k 1G.I .3 ! "-" "" l'lUKe Were Callers a, lvlrs, t.ream snorI:enlng; ado I fMF glUrldF Z''2'
": "%'_ .... !lonesome as though he had lost a ..... '" .":t ', t. " °"wer, "waru!Goodro's Wednesday sugar and well-beaten I %,vvn. LmJ,/rt. rl%r.r.
xrea tiroves, WhO has been viskin da- ¢,.ia,,! wilson, wsleo him in tlqe Shelton .... l - "" . , egg' beat well and add _ .
........... h ' Everett Gooch anti Harry Zumwalt mlll slowl • lit fl r The nsw Royal Cook Boo
cousin .H_ A. Long,.retu.rned to.] A number of visitors from various i°spl} a.l Saturday and repos that he I were in Shelton Thursday evening baking pov%'er• s salt °a%d I containing 400 delightful r; k-
-.;lome_a, ,wnena)m. tam; week. [!aces spent the week-end in town the_n_ g. along rarely DU may lose land attended the freshmen frolic cOCOa Into.mlxture; st r I ctpes, wlll be,..aent to you
war. J, IS eullQlng a new scow IThe follni,. ,,,oo ,+o o, ,h= e u.e el wo nngers, .. ., n ",_ . " Imtll smootn, add vanilla, l tree t you wm *ena you
-nnrl -.'nt..-- the+.. , ,,"h°' ,I* ;. a-:..^. I= ':"-" "'-'- "" " " • Mr .and ..-MP Ol°÷. ^ f., .^ [ .tvlrs. ztex oenson has Deen suffer- Put one tablespoon of I name snd address
h ,.a,*'.,..^?,/+,' ._ ........... ,ul-ra.e.n}.: lIr. and Mrs. Kuhn, Dr. we,.^'_^-'L__G-_'_"" "," ,,'Y'vm,ing from a severe cold the past batter Into each greased ROYll'.nATapn'wnn
• , ,,,,, -,,* .•..,.,, ,ar e enou n an r , we-enu guesr.s oI Mr. anti mufti I ----
. . g g d M s. . . lead, Mr. and Mrs wee n t n and bake in ................
mr r k 11 Fulton Street New York Clt
to. haul star fish n or use as fer- J 0 Stearns and the Misses Lo**:e s. Adolph Weiche• Mrs Plater and " -- ............ moderate oven about 20 I , In
tflzeI. He expects a bumper crop of Erskme and Pansy Read from o- M.Weiche are brother and sister. Brunswick Phonographs for ,one ' m, nut e. Cover with boll- l
potatoes next year.. He is going, to i qmam, Mr. and .... Mrs P M (',wl.,o ! t, Tlle open season for huckleberries. Brunswick Records fox" quahty and •
put out all the berries and frmt he well, Mr. and Mrs R G,'-Vri,h has not closed yet although Jack wear. Hear some of the late n:um- • =
can this fall and is-also setting out ] Gee. Crobert and family from Olvm- t V'ost.has been doing his best to end bels at Journal Stationery Shop. I [ i
earJy cabs)age. pia. - - lit. The two Bergeson boys, Ed and ....................... _ _
wcanng €rv1¢€,
. You know the]?opular Wednesday night dances. Well this
m, anot,her enemy zne u,arm, ody Five-piece Orchestra of Tacoma
They always nave zne nwmst music anc[ peppiest crowd.
EARLWIN HALL Shelton, Washington
%%%%2;\\;%\" \\;t:t\\\\\:L\\\\\LL\\\\\\\%%%:5\t%L:j
Official Vote of Mm=oa Count, r for State Ticket, 1920.
• r(Too late for last week)
Mr. and Mrs. Carr spent Saturday to
evening at Roy Greenwood's.
Quite a few from this vicinity at-
tended the masquerade at Forbes'
schoo house Wednesday evening. All
report a good time.
_ Carl Young is sawing wood for Mr.
Twentier this week.
Mrs. Waldberger and sons Guy and
Max were Olympia callers Tuesday.
Mrs. J. Y. Waldrip and daughter
Sarah of Seattle are visiting at the
Gene Taylor home,
Edith and Herbert Swanson of
Olympia were calltng in this vicinity
Sunday. . ,-
Roy reenwoo s were Olympia
visitors Monday evening.
Mrs. Gee. Barber, son and daugh-
ter and Miss Velma Miller of Arcadia
were callers at Roy Greenwood'a Sat-
urday afternoon..
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher and little
son of Auburn are spending a few
days at the home of Mrs. Fletcher's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Whither.
Mr. aud Mrs. Herchel Adams spent
Friday evening at the Waldberger
Mr. and Mg$. Young spent Tuesday
in Olympia•
Mrs. P. O. Swanson is spending the
week at her former home at Oyster
B=lrs'--- Waldberger and sons spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Guy
¢Chrlmu is e0mtng. Better get
acquainted fth the Brunswick 19hen-
ograph. See styles and prices at the
:Iournal Stationery Shop.
0 ! 0 [.,? ... ,_ I -- l .., 1 ,, ,-, [ €I ,., ,, IZ
-" o r " , : , • d E .= e .
=l = = IoI +. s ,.+ =-I =I ., ,+ , l =. .
' ,;,,' ',;t
'1 28i 4412'/j 6i 2'11 25}' 31 2 E 201, Sl 221 29 41 221 291 221 21 a, .; .; .' ...', :', _2[
POTLATCH .i +,i .a. .i i "' 10' . i 2i 9' ,-,-.._., +' 22! t 81 2 1 4i 22i
J,,+l Zl ]]I 51 9+1 141 -41 21 1 I I01 21 81 91 li
U --_ 41 -41 2 11 IOI 21 81 91 2i
I 9_...91..._.3 61 9t 371 61 7
AR 1 [
-' II 61 41 II 71 51 II 71 4
SK " 13t 17t 151 131 2tl '151 13 21 14
I I I 12
cus I
SOU 221 6 24 8 I 51
81 111 101 lS[ 221 1 91
,,o'5 ...... " ............. ,,,, ,0 ,, ,,,I ,51 ,,I ,20t 5, ,9 ,03t ,,' 3,,',2,1--,,' I°,89', 8 ,o5, ,,, ,o,2,,,, 0,, ,o ,
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DITII-tOIT .......................... I 171 5 61 17 "-2 74 16 11 .$1 171 "-i110]-i81---1--91-191--11--*/1:i91 11 71 19 r--,,... ." 2' .2' "' our -I u aa *z t SS/
............... - ' , --I **! Xl " tl I[ 71 20' 1 ' 5 20'
TOTALS ......................... 19971 383] 357 5461 3061 4241 992] 2814381 926] 2941 55011011] 217 443 954 254 i':16 9.o '. nan a ............... I I I I 11 7[
' /r ' ........... ' .... ' "''' POOl zo,t I Z11107112031 395] 9701 3901 3811 9501 ,861 $9i