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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 12, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 12, 2020
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ByiKirk Boxiéitner kbox/eitner@masoncounn/.com Murder suspects Mathew Collett, 37, and Kylie Kadeen Craig, 28, were arraigned Nov. 3 in Mason County Su- perior Court, Craig had her bail set at $250,000 and Collett was denied bail. Mason County Prosecuting At— torney Michael K. Dorcy said bail amounts differed for the two suspects because of their criminal histories and alleged involvement in the kidnapping and slaying of Rachell Rene Roberts, a 31-year-old Lacey resident whose body was found in the Lake Cushman area Oct. 2. In his bail hearing memorandum for Collett, Dorcy cited the state con— 23 w. cota Street - sir Use Promo Code GRANDS 'Vallu iii-store or by «no i m Gel FREE Blld fond Meet the New Owner! 1200 Cooper Point Rd. SW Suite 304, Olympia, WA 98502 (360) 352- 5458 - mywbucom/olympla BIRD FOOD 0 FEEDERS ‘ GARDEN ACCENTS - UNlQUE GlFTS Vii i l equivalent in strength, enjoying the same prerogatives, the flight of ‘ man will be exceedingly lofty and extraordinary. "_ ‘QWMQM; ' Hnmn Hnmn ousren Pnnm SEDl—‘OUD STORE llliD DUSTER SillOUll Live Oyslers , & Clams Localed 12 miles north of Hoodsporl Reloil slore open daily 9:30 5:30 Call for Saloon hours: BBB-8776844 humahamaoyslerscom $5 $5 onlme .1! address listed below I “*1; "HS (cube in DH 2 l ’5 u e m n in> I order wr. pplrc Oller not valid on previn Rinses, one per person I , Some iesinruons apply It r ()1 tree shipping Oller valid I ms mm ll/i i/ZD Codr- Mason I 11% ("law 1200 Cooper Point Rd. SW Suite 304, ‘ M,» 3.4-, Olympia, WA 98502 ' (360) 352» 5458 cm "The world of humanity is possessed of two wings: the male and the female. 50 long as these two wings are not equivalent in strength, the bird will not fly. Until womankind reaches the same degree as man, until i she enjoys the same arena of activity, extraordinary attainment for i humanity will not be realized; humanity cannot wing its way to {nights of real attainment. When the two wings or parts become stitution, which states bail may be de- nied when a defendant is charged with crimes punishable by the possibility of life in prison, and when the defendant “shows a propensity for violence that creates a substantial likelihood of dan- ger to the community or any persons.” If a judicial officer finds “by clear and convincing evidence [...] that no condition or combination of conditions will reasonably assure the safety of any other person and the community” from the defendant, the state consti- tution states that the judicial officer must order the detention of the defen- dant before trial. In addition to asserting that Col— lett’s involvement in Roberts’ death qualified as first degree due to evi- 410’ \--- in 2021? “mawmcmawmwwmnwf - What is changing 0 What is Medicare Advantage? '0 What does it Cost? 0 Will my prescriptions a be covered? Thursday, Nov. 12, 2020 — Shelton-Mason County Journal — Page A-7 Murder suspects arraigned; Collett denied bail dence of premeditation, Dorcy’s memorandum cited Collett’s “lengthy felony criminal history, both as a ju— venile and as an adult.” Court records showed multiple warrants issued for his arrest based on his failure to ap- pear in court. According to Dorcy’s memorandum, Collett’s criminal history includes convictions for firearms and violent offenses, including burglary and rob— bery in the first degree. The memorandum further notes that Collett is under investigation by multiple law enforcement agencies, both state and federal, not only in Washington, but also in South Caroli- na and California, for crimes involving human trafficking, threats to kill, as- l’lN.\\(‘l.~\l. (iltfll‘l’ muwvanwmmanwwWWWKMNfififiwW Gar Earliestth ON T 1 Call Us Today: (360) 427-4248 or Contact Us at: M-F, 9:00 AM 5:00 PM Let us help answer your questions. We’ll find a plan to meet your Medicare needs. By calling; the number above you will be directed to a licensed agent. ' sault with a firearm and an attempted carj acking with a firearm, the latter of which he allegedly committed to elude Humboldt County sheriffs deputies in California who were trying to appre— hend him in the slaying of Roberts. 4 Collett is represented by Olympia attorney Karl A. Hack while Craig is represented by Mason County Deputy Public Defender Ronald Sergi. Collett and Craig are scheduled for an omnibus hearing Monday, followed by a pretrial hearing N 0v. 30. Hack did not return the Journal’s calls for comment as of press time, while Sergi told the Journal that, af— ter discussion with Craig, she request— ed that he make no comment at this time. BOWMAN FINANCIAL GROUP QUESTIONS ABOUT MEDICARE? Annual Enrollment October 15-December 7 We are here to help simplify your Medicare plan choices connect you with the right plan.