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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 12, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 12, 2020
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, Nov. 12, 2020 Shelton~Mason Journal Page A-11 PUD1 urges customers to apply for CARES Act moe Kirk DoXIe'rtner W kbox/eitner@masoncounmcom Mason County Public Utility District 1, facing a high balance of past-due accoUnts before winter has even started, wants custom- ers to know that financial help is available. The CARES (Coronavi— rus Aid, Relief, and Economic Se- curity) Act offers federal money to people financially affected by COVID~19 to help them pay util- ity bills. “If we don’t use all the funds by the end of the month, we for— feit them, and we’re not OK with that,” said Kristin Masteller, PUD 1 general manager. “We worked hard to secure these funds for the households we serve.” Masteller urged PUD custom- ers to apply by either going online to assistance or by picking up a form at the PUD office’s drop box, then submitting it by Nov. 20. Any COVID-related financial hardships that a PUD customer Thank You! for voting Noel Longan Best Mechanic ' 6 years in a row! #1 Repair And this year's . J smatmucouml ourna Shop! ‘ ' Eaggf‘gfifia'e AUTOMOTIVE 2033 Olympic Highway North Shelton has experienced since March qualifies, even if you were laid off due to COVID but have since re- gained employment, she empha- sized. “Whether you had to stay home from your job to help your kids with remote learning or you work in a service industry job like a restaurant that’s seen a reduction in hours or tips due to COVID, or you’ve been ex- posed to the virus and incurred extra medical bills, all these ex- penses qualify for aid,” Masteller said. “Just about anything that’s knocked you off-course since this pandemic was declared would qualify.” Masteller stressed that CARES Act aid for paying utility bills is not tied to customers’ in~ come levels. “This funding is tied to COVID impacts, not income,” Masteller said. “Whether you submit your application online or in person, please make a follow-up phone call to the PUD at 360-877-5249 to ensure we received your com- 4% lnltlll Ounllty NAPA PINS 426—1467 HI” Service Automotive 03!?! IIDIIIGIIIWIIE Brake 8: MIIIIIBI‘ ‘ Mon V-lFri 8'00 am. 15:00 pm. f 125‘E.“Grove St f Shelton 0 36074264021“ = Quality Trust... That’s Hometowne Service We’re here to help you keep your car dependable at a very reasonable rate. From custom exhaust work & brakes, to tune—ups and \ oil changes for classic new cars trucks! pleted form.” Masteller lamented the rela- tively few applications the PUD has received to date for the aid, especially given the number of customers whose accounts are past due heading into winter. “We don’t want to see our cus— tomers fall so far behind on their bills that they might never be able to catch up again,” Masteller said. “As a public agency, we’re not allowed to forgive these cus- tomers’ debts. It’s also important for the PUD to receive those pay- ments, because none of us utili- ties were prepared to carry such huge balances over the winter months for so many people since we still have to pay the Bonnev- ille Power Administration for the power they use. But this way, PUD customers receive direct re- lief to offset their debts.” Mason PUD 3 also had CARES Act money available to their cus- tomers who have been financially affected by COVID, but the dead- line for applications to PUD 3 was Nov. 10. Mason County PUD No. 1 water Operator Roost- er Ogg adds cheese to a hambuger during the utility’s anniversary celebration in September. The PUD is inviting those affected by COVID-19 to apply for CARES Act money through the end of November. Journal file photo by Gordon Weeks \\ Winterize H‘Check Your Antifreeze, ‘~ v , v Battery. Brakes, \ g”, \M \ Belts and Tires! Come to VanderWaI’s and Be Prepared! 321 S. 2nd St, Shelton ' (360) 426-8208 xiii)? r/rc' /)/.'Ir({/uryou! Wc'rc A Rated for Years! AUTO PARTS TIME TO CHANGE YOUR CABIN AIR FILTER Curbside Pickup, Deliveries, and Online Ordering Available! visit www.cutrateautopartscom. Back to Regular Hours — Shelton 8:00am-8:00pm Mon-Sat - Sunday 9:00am-5:30pm First Co’ro in Shelton 360-426-2800 m 265-.