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Page A—28 Shelton-Mason County Journal Thursday, Nov. 12, 2020
Donate blood at The
HUB Center for Seniors
You can find out whether you have COVID—19
antibodies while being tested when donating blood
from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 20, and from 9 a.m. to 4
p.m. Nov. 21 at The HUB Center for Seniors, 111
NE. Old Belfair Highway.
Appointments are required by calling 800-398-
7888 or going to the website www.bloodworksnw.
org/donate. Bloodworks NW is testing all blood do-
nations for COVID-19 antibodies.
Donors will learn whether they have the anti—
bodies, which could help critically ill coronavirus
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patients. Blood donations will go to local hospitals.
Face masks are required, and distancing guidelines
will be enforced.
Walk-ins, guests and youths under the age of 16
are permitted onsite. v
Thanksgiving meals
Grab-and—go Thanksgiving meals are available
between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Nov. 19 at the
HUB Center for Seniors, 111 NE. Old Belfair High-
way. Donations will be accepted for the meals.
Mary goes to
was? Mary went to see
one of my favorite mov-
ies ever. I’ll let you find
out on your own. Hope
all is well in your lives.
I’m pretty much hun-
kered down for the win-
ter with the pandemic
and all. Be safe and be
Nov. 12, 1942
Had my hair waved
at Clara’s. It looks very
good too. Went to Chap-
, ter in the evening. I was
on the refreshment com-
mittee. We-had so much
fun. Mrs. Way’s flowers
were so lovely on the
tables. We were very
late going home. Mary
Ruth went to Ice Bowl.
It was a typical No-
vember week years
ago. Cold, wet and‘snow
beginning to fall in the
passes. Does anyone
know what the Ice Bowl
Nov. 13, 1942 I
I Went to the store
early. Sam had to go
to Bremerton and so
did Emmett, who had a
tooth pulled. We were
very busy at the store
all day. Rained hard
out. Doug wired the last
of the garage. He and
Aggie were here to din-
Saturday ,
Nov. 14, 1942
We went to the
store early and were so
busy all day we were
half dead at the end
' bridge at 10 to 8 and
, To bed late and very
Live music will be performed from 10 a.m. to noon.
Half price day
Nov. 27 at HUB Shop
Everything is half price at The HUB Shop from
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 27 at 111 NE. Old Belfair
Highway. . .
The shop is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays '
through Saturdays, closed on Sundays and Mon—_
days. '
I Compiled by reporter Gordon Weeks
In this undated photo,
Mary Theler poses
before getting into a
Courtesy photo
t h e m OV S
of the day. But Sam
thought we should go
to Wenatchee so Mary
Ruth and I went. We
left Washington pontoon
Nov. 17, 1942 ‘_
Was at the store all
day. Very busy. We
have so many things to
do. Seems we never get
caught up. In the eve-
ning we went to Seattle
and took Mrs. Skene
. along. We saw “Mrs.
got to Wenatchee at 12.
There was slush over
the pass so we sailed"
along. Ate our lunch on
the ferry so lost no time. Miniver” with Greer
A long day. Garson. It was very
good. Stayed all night
Sunday at Sam’s mother’s. Had
Nov. 15, 1942
Slept until late. Then
out to breakfast. Sat
around and read the
papers for a while then
out for a ride. We had a
fine visit with the fam-
ily. They seemed so glad
to have us home again.
In the evening we went
through the stores that
were open and I bought
one Christmas present.
a fine visit but no sleep.
Too much noise.
Nov. 18, 1942
Met Mrs. Skene at
the toy department.
We ate lunch with her
friend. Very lovely
of her. Bought bed
spreads and games for
, children. Saw Ruth
Ruff Thompson. She
We went to bed late. wants to work in the
store if her husband
Monday goes into the Army.
Nov. 16, 1942 Home early and a very
Left Michael’s at enjoyable day.
8:30. We got some saw- , . ‘
dust at the mill, then I Clydene Hostetler
is a longtime Belfair
resident, local histo-
rian, media archivist
and documentary
filmmaker Of “Hidden
in Plain Sight.” She
has been research-
ing Mary Theler’s life
for the past 12 years.
She can be emailed at
on our way. .We found ~
ice on both passes and
it was quite dangerous.
We were in Seattle a
half hour. Mary Ruth
got a coat and I found
wool socks. Made it
home and had Girl
Scouts in the evening.