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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 12, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 12, 2020
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Page A-4O - Shelton-Mason County Journal Thursday, Nov. 12, 2020 Post: Rest in peace, coach from page A—38 the Tigers slowed down the game and won 33— 31. The game was ultimately won with late free throws, and afterward, Russell jokingly told me they were “in-your-face coach” free throws by a player that had struggled at the free throw line prior to making them. Russell also was the school’s athletic direc- tor, and as such he and I enjoyed bantering at soccer matches. Soccer was a traditionally strong sport for Ogden, and Russell, who grew up with baseball and football, jokingly called it “that commie sport.” I had only seen Russell a handful of times since his retirement in 2011, but he was al— ways quick to flash a warm smile and a hand- shake. $5 OFF $25 Use Promo Code GRANDS ‘Vr’llld iii smu- or by shopping orilint- .ii address listed below Get rm Blld rum and 5131191Ful'tlt‘iwlimiycu pmwiii ) i no (one Mast 1200 Cooper Point Rd. SW SUite 304, Olympia, WA 98502 ‘ (360) 352 5458 nun-I- --- Meet the .Vcw Owner! 1200 Cooper Point Rd. SW Suite 304. Oiympia. WA 98502 (360) 352- 5458 - mywbucom/olympia BIRD FOOD FEEDERS I GARDEN ACCENTS - UNIQUE GIFTS g): {you "The world of humanity is possessed of two wings: i the male and the female. 50 long as these two wings are not equivalent in strength, the bird will not fly. Until womankind reaches the same degree as man, until humanity will not be realized; humanity cannot wing its way to a y 21 w. coia Street - sneiimi 6=01 You’re just a couple clicks away from having the Journal delivered to your home or business. name Visit ‘ emotion ' heights of real attainment.,When the two wings or parts become equivalent in strength, enjoying the same prerogatives, the flight t . man will be exceedingly lofty and extraordinary. BWLJBJ l i i i l she enjoys the same arena of activity, extraordinary attainment for i o A social media post by his son, Mike, who is the head women’s basketball coach at Snow College, said that the family was forced to watch much of Russell’s monthlong fight against COVID-19 through a hospital window before he died. Mike wrote’that his family was “over- whelmed by the outpouring of love, support and prayers on behalf of my dad and our fam- ily.” Even though it’s been a few years since I last saw him, I will truly miss Coach Russell and will always carry many memories of him with me. Rest in peace, coach. I Justin Johnson is the Editor of the Shel- ton-Mason County Journal. He can be reached by email at l FREE hearing tests’ Reveals if and where you need hearing assistance and is recommended for everyone over 50 years old. i l Fully. Digital -‘ Hearing ‘ ‘~ Aid». -. Many Styles Available! 1525 per month. Calculated n 12.9”. mum: in. so mm. mu qualify m Hula-11hr I‘llknl Financing. Tiny Hearing Aids On sale for a limited time! Tiny Digital technology delivers the clearest, most accurate sound quality available in hearing aids! Sale ends 11/18/2020 Attention hearing aid wearers: ‘ If you already wear a hearing aid (any make or model), we can help you, tool Our EREE computerized analysis and tuneup help keep your hearing aid working Its besttf » AudioTone’“ Pro "'Pummi in mm: Myour pun-hm agreement. the this must be man width 30 days at the mplciimi affirm; in unsavory madman {or a full wfund. Trusted for Over 70 Years Miracle-Ear Hearing Aid Sae free services! ear cana Ogden (Utah) High . School coach Phil Russell is pictured during a 2009 game. Russell, 75, died Nov. 3 of complications ’; from COVID-19 than 30 days in an intensive care unit. Photo courtesy of Erin Hooley/Standard— Examiner (Utah) Hearing Aids for as low as ~.\. inspections Sometimes it's nothing more than excessive earwax. We use our state-of- the art Video Otoscope to look inside your ear canal. You can watch on a video monitor as it happens. DON’T WAIT! For a limited time o ly Receive Hearing aids Now Only... WMiracle-Ear’ $28! per month’ LIMITED-TIME OFFR. CALL T DAY! MIRACLE EAR SHELTON 116 W. Railroad 'Ave. Ste. 106 0 Shelton WA 98584 360-836-4098 ' MIRACLE EAR ABERDEEN 323 W. Wishkah Street 0 Aberdeen WA 98520 360-205-5785 ‘Oui hearing Mr and video moscopic inspection are always 1r". Hearing test is an audiomwic us: to detvrmm proper ampMicztion rind. 01“mi are not medial cums oi diagnoses nor are they intended to replace a phyilcim‘s care. it you stupid a medical problem pious seek trurmont from your doctor. "Hearing we do m mim natural hearing individual nxporienm vary depending on severity ol hiring lost, lauracy or mimon, proper in ma ability to To Receive the Offer Mention Code; adapt to Amplification Cln|y your eracln-Ear' represent-tin can determine which rmdul and option: may be right (or you. 29Nov0ffer . after spending more .