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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 13, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 13, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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lbw. Elerovember 13, 1942. 9 Strong flavor can be ic- .'._'_.— «' from liver by scalding it: l Board b 1 . " i, 0i ing water. Also, when . l Y . Ing any kind of liver, it can 3 l man-mg . ad? firmer and easier to‘ ‘ , um vambgndypwg g“ bolmgrg; Granddaughter, By Mable . 'gcd by “l , min to mg l 0 51mm” ‘ ,,_,# Matlock, Nov. IO—Mr. and Mrs.’ Ictlng t1 ‘ les' Last week was a monentious Arthur Galyon of Montesano, vis-v .. setting m'iiv‘” one for Lester Bonner. He came ited with M1"- ahd Mrs. A. S. King‘ iotion, th.mal Want-Ads—Phone 100 home from a strenuous hunting Sunday afternoon. The Galyons, E tires is __L,,.. a, ...,..1# -- , tI'ip bringing with him, an'elk. l LlSed to live here some 25 years TIE move. ,Thc next day he became a grand— ‘ago. a“, fling: rep I * father. His daughter Mrs. Henry , MY. and MN. ElVin Hearing and i and 1ngf Blake gave birth to a daughter-IMI‘S. Alma RCdiSka were dinner, detl t0 . lat the Shelton Hospital Saturday ’ guests of Mr. and Mrs. William consch ‘ afternoon. The young lady is nam- Harris in Montesano Sunday, ‘ 1 Mrs. Mable Priszner received .ed not “Hank” but Patty Lou. ‘word from Albert Guynup who is are rem “ 'I-Ier daddy who in in the navy, rim, a n- ‘ jport unknown phoned home Sure, 3f twenti" ‘day learned the good news. ‘saying that his left leg had to be 18V be 1 Other sucessful hunters were‘remOVed and that the right one for the, Rhea and A1 Howard who both 1 is in bad condition but he is able :1, lbagged a deer over in Eastern , ‘10 get up in 3 Wheel Chair part (lemounte ltt'aghjngton, Herb and Bob Allen 3 01' the day. He will have to re- :pection, I” leach got an elk The only ones ‘ main there for sometime. ditior t0 in their party who were sucessful.l Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kelly and ‘ l Last Friday evening, Mr. alid150ns 0f Camp 3 SP0!“ the week :Mrs, Francis wright gave Allend in the Albert Winkelman lMartin a birthday dinner. Others ‘i home- i I enjoying the dinner and cards lat- er, were Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Neldon 1mm lattel's mower, ‘ and Ed Hegaas‘ ,of Hequlam, were dinner Mrs. Kurt Lange went into Se-‘ 0f M15 and Mrs- Lynn ROG“ ‘attle for the weekend to meet an lold friend she has known in Min- ‘nesota. This friend, Mrs. Emil iHayek from Redland California, lcame home with Mrs. Lange for la visit. Mrs. Hayek's son Fra‘nk ,Forest, former opera singer, will; jbe remembered as the singer and; fannouncer for the “Double or No- Mrs- A S- King- thing" Feanamint Program. I MI'S- Elvmg ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Dalbyi } are now living in their new home l returned from the Tacoma ,at Mountain View. Ed Metzler a' i‘former resident of their cottage' ios residing at Goldber’s Mr. and ers. Douglas Grout entertained 3, each irgo for I lual truCl‘ 7.50>120. 9 and Mrs. Elvin Hearing afternoon. Mr. Tesreau school at Mary M. Knight last year. This is :1 time forfigbters . on the home front as ell as with the armed f“flies. And, of Course, you Want to be in there every day! _But——are you getting your N C Vitamins regularly— not only I 31, but all of the other 211- :Enbjt aids? If, somehow, ,, 11 on’t seem to be quite hflt to fight" why not go and five a talk with a com petent d by, d .Ctor? It may be a vitamin 'nSOTC ‘gfimency; or some other of Hearing tion. his job in Grays Harbor . . . l on Fa, ndltion that is slowing I ‘ youdownmoldingyouback *‘ : iii/{rs Catroline Smith spent Sat— Gave/eu— dKEEpw m l = ur ay af ernoon with Mr. and Orches m 6 Mrs. Elvin Hearing and Mrs. Red— in the evening. .TAXI SERVICE Phone 392-.l ay, 1 I" RICCONKEY n T; PHARMACY I0¢ per p9 , ‘ 9:30 t, \ Tuesday. Mrs. Rhines is Hum-IE}? for her mother, Mrs. Mable (637 Fresco-lo ‘since her operation some ago. HS Cliff Wivell’s CERTIFIED l IEXAco SERVIOE Friday until Sunday e v e Representative in Mason County for l in the Hearing home. attle. in Bothell and Bremerton week and friends in both ‘ "Showered" her. PRODUCTS COMPANY ‘ on the Canal again, V.F.VV. TO MEET Regular meeting of the High Grade Fuel and Deisel Oils p l PROMPT SERVICE ' lot and Franklin Phone 397 I eneral Election -A-.. 7 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 8th day Of December, 1942, at Polling Places in each Precinct of City Of Shelton, in the County of Ma— son an election will be held for city officers as follows: . THREE COUNCILMEN For 4-Year Terms - ONE COUNCILMAN AT LARGE For 2-Year Term ONE CITY TREASURER For 4-Year Term ' whichelection Will be Opened at eight O’clock in the morning and will continue untll e1ght o’clock in the evening Of the same day. Dated this 13th day of November, 1942. 'ery bit or ,Bc. {you have“ {of 'nises today vol 'y do rope 9“ . GLENN W. LANDERS, Iity Clerk in the Marine hospital in Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Tesreau and Mrs. Hanson Saturday. They also called on Mr. in the taught Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wolgert Seattle spent the week end with the latters parents, Mr. and: with Mrs. L, D. Portman who just Clinton Reed got through with and is working for Bud Williams, , who is logging near Dayton. ‘ iska and attended Matlock Grange Calvin Rhine; drove over from Bremerton to see his wife and son I her, who is confined to her bed weeks , guests ick on school visited Gener- al Hospital after a major opera-, county caring Prisz- from n in g. These guests, Mr. and Mrs. Mor- rison Lawson were shown a lot of, our country by the Grouts who itook them to Bremerton an S6- for a . . I Cities V.F.W. Auxiliary will be held at the Red Cross rooms in the Welfare build? ing, Friday, November 13. . 1 Mrs. Marrietta Duckworth camel home Friday loaded dOWn with i lovely gifts. She had been visiting. Mr. and Mrs. George Schackle-I ford, well known COunty residents, who have been East for a couplel of months, are now at their home l Mr. and Mrs. Paul Paschka of! Seattle spent a week ago Sunday l i l l I AMERICAN Ho (Our (Great America it ig/flyozz LDERS OF NEARLY 40,000,000 LIFE INSURANCE _. SHELTONiMASQNQOUNTY-.JQURNAU . ,- ‘x iMartin Auseth l Chosen Pomona November 1. at Kamilclio. In mem— Cry of Past Muster Robert C., I Michael, month, the charter was draped {on this meeting. In addition to lowing officers were elected: Ov- 01'5991'- R- VV- Stl'IIWI SPCl'etm'Yv‘ stewed or baked fruits. Corn sirup1 PLAN AND CONVICTION The following conviction is ex- }In the Journal Want-Ans. .preased in Girl Scouting’s “plan! of work" for 1941-43: “Democracyl is the way of life that offers to‘. each individual the greatest oppor- i tiiliity to achieve.liberty, justice1 and happiness. It is the way we Give Him A Grange Master I ‘ SHEAFFER Electing Martiliikiisetli Mas— I, v , tor, the Masmn County Pomona ; Amencéns ha‘e Chose?" ,It 15‘ . Grange met in regular sessioni Him-Cfmc the way Of hfe fori T l which we must prepare youth s0} that it may understand and ap—‘ lastllll‘t‘l’il‘dte its privileges and re-, I sponsibilities." PEN 1 * Honey will replace sugar spoon; for spoon, when sweetening freshj who pa ssod ;l\\' a y l Ausetll the nil—l Page Three I {Results Repeat Again and Again. 'BUTTERMILK Mason County Creamery... qt. POLICIEG ARE lHDIRECTLY THE OWNERS OF APPROXIMATELY . a! IF ALL THE . FOREST LAND IN . 'THE UNITED STATES WAS IN A SINGLE AREA, IT WOULD BE' Wenatchee ABOUT 387MILES I bel‘ 13. WIDE AND 2,500 MILES Journal ‘rom those I Vants." “What Farm Leaders Say:” "War bonds not only help finance our war ul'l‘ori. but they are also the safest and lwsl‘ illvestliwnl we can make. l'or they are backed by the United States GliVI‘I'l‘Illlonl. itself. and it that i‘ollalm‘ai doesn't guarantee rockhouml salcty, then our homes. our forms, and all of , our investments are worthless.“ Hun-y P, Cal‘sit-nsvn. Master WASHINGTON STATE GRANGE “Money. loaned to Ul]('lt' sum, through is an investment in DPYII'K‘I‘UI'Y. It has the greatest security on earth b9hlnd it- It PETS a EJHWI rate ol’ l'oturn. I’m IOI' purchasing War Bonds and Stamps with every spare dollar." 0. H. \Voodwal'd. President WASHINGTON STATE FARM BUREAU "For us as farmers. the greatest possible buffer against this depression will be freedom from debt and the accumulated savings of every possible dollar through war Savings Bonds. These bonds are the safest investment on earth Ind ' and it certainly is no sacrifice on our part to invest our savings in bonds that are guaranteed at investment value pills intmest kill}: lllllt‘ and a profit of one-third in ten years." the purchase of War Bonds. Walter J. Robinson. Director FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION and Asmmale Adm. War Savings Staff—«Treasury. Cider Vinegar Peanut Butter W estag Vanilla “Beverly” brand, Imitation Vanilla “Mlll” brand ' BOTTLE BOTTLE 45¢ , 15¢ 13¢ , DAIRY PRODUCTS FRESH MILK Mason County Creamery... qt. 13¢ 8¢ 20¢ 15¢ 48¢ WHIP CREAM Mason County Creamery 1/2 pt. CREAM Mason County Creamery 1/2 pt. FRESH EGGS “Co-op” special “A” med... doz. FRESH BUTTER “Darigold” 93 score ...... .. lb. 57¢ FRESH. BUTTER “Tasty Pound” ................ .. 1b. 55¢ FRESH BUTTER “Glenbrook” ____ .............. .. lb. 54¢ FEDERAL MILK also CHERUB 141/g-o...;..._. 3/27¢ CARNATION MILK ’alsoBORDENS 141/3-oz. 3/28¢ HEW/7 SAFEWAY . Our Government requests that we use we more than 2% pounds of meat per person weekIY" mu’st all cooperate for‘VlOtOFy . . . . Help make the present supply go around. PORK ROASTS Fancy Loin Cuts 37 1b. VEAL ROASTS Large Loin Rump PORK STEAK .... .. lb. 35¢ Lean Blade Cuts WIENERS __________ _. lb. Skinlcss. Famous Milwaukee VEAL STEAK lb. Tendon; Milk Fed Veal PORK ROAST ...... .. lb. Center Shoulder Cuts SALMON ____________ ._ lb. Sliced or Piece 29¢ 32¢ 33¢ 29¢ or Leg LAMB’CHOP ____ .. lb. 35 Boned, IRIb 01-. L0?“ PORK SAUSAGE. lb. 27¢ 100% Pure Pork BE-FF LUNCH MEAT .... .. lb. 29¢ Large Assortment . GROUND ROUND lb. 31¢ Extra Lean LAMB ROASTS.... lb. 31¢ Shoulder, 1942 Lamb STEAKS Sirloin or Rib, Steer Beef 35¢lb. Prices Subject to Market da Strike; Steward, Peter Thoni—‘l Savage: Ex-Committeeman, S. \V.l Blanton; Home Economics Chair—l man, Margaret Bishop. The national grange meets at: Prices Good Friday thru Thursday, Nov. 13-19 *WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT * NO SALES TO DEALERS Elsie Vanderwal: Lecturer, Matil-, can be used to replace half the. sugar in these products. l $54?$§$§fi%€%€fifii§§fl§ggLy AMERICAN? MAINTAIN ABOUT ason: Assistant Steward, Lyle i _ “7-71 IN REAL ESTATE, STOCKS.AND BONDS 68,000,000 HEAD OF CATTLE O‘Dell; Chaplain Chi mime say- ‘H BEEKIQFSNEYAlga/XERZE" age; Treasurer, (T. L, Collins: * Ea ,yz HEAD pER [many Gatekeeper. Paul Kcever; Ceres. Ida Kundquistz, Pomona. Elta ; Blanton: Flora, Mildred Scott; ,‘ Lady Assistant Steward, Helen , next week. All grang-i ers wishing to take the seventh: degree may do so Friday, Novem— want-Aas get cash who want your “Don’t ‘ Real Flour Savings Fisher’s Blend. 49-lbs. $1.93 Enriched "All-purpose, wig—lbs. 96c Gold Medal ______ _. 49-lbs. $2.19 ‘ Enriched "kitclu-ll tested" BAII/fi-lllS. $1.09 Drifted Snow... 49-lbs. $1.99 SDIY‘I'y'S "homo perfected“ mtg—lbs. 99c Kitchen Craft... 49-lbs. $1.75 Enriched “home type" 24‘/3—ll>s. 89c Harvest Blossom 49-lbs. 1.47 Economical family typo l'lolll- Pastry Flour .... .. 9-8 lbs. 39¢ Fisher's "White Spear" I'lour Swansdown ______ .. 23/, ~1bs. 23¢ Fol light fluffy rakes Biskit Mix. 2l/2—lb. pkg. 29¢ Fisher‘s prepared biscuit i'lour Pancake Flour. 2l/2-lbs. 15¢ "Maximum" brand. ready mixed Flapjack Flour .... .. 40-01. 21¢ Alber‘s prepared pancake flour Breakfast Cereals Corn Flakes 11-0z. 2 for 17¢ Kellogg's fresh crisp Corn Flakes Wheaties ...... .. 8—02. pkg. 11¢ For that “Champion Breakfast“ VVhiffs 0’ Wheat ____ ._ 8—0z. 7¢ Expanded Wheat corral Shredded Ralstons 2 for 23¢ Elie size whole wheat cereal. 12-02. pkg. Ry Krisp ____ _. 13-0z. pkg. 15¢ Filling but not fattening Tobacco Values Cigarettes .... .. ....... _. pkg. 17¢ Raleighs. Kools. Luckil's. etc. (Cm. $1.59) Cigarettes ............ __ pkg. 14¢ Wings. Avalon. etc (r‘tn. $l.30) Prince Albert .......... .. tin 10¢ Also Half and Half. Velvet Safeway's “one-stop” shopping will save your TIRES, GASOLINE, TIME. and yOur MONEY! should save on EVERYTHING! Start today shopping at Safeway. You‘ll be agreeably surprised prices with what you have to pay else- where! Discover for yourself how much you can save at Safeway! SAFEWAY‘S Produce Stands are simply If He’s In Training In The United States Send Him a Box of Chocolate Candy- We have just Received a large selection of Fine Boxed Chocolates. SEE ‘OUR SELECTION TODAY FIR DRUG STORE tthis emergency we During Safeway when compare you Bulk Food Values Red Beans .... .. 2-lb. cello 17¢ Top quality Red Mexican beans White Beans... 2-lb. cello 17¢ Small white navy beans Split Peas ...... .. 2-lb. cello 25¢ Fancy Green split peas Brown Rice... 2-lb. cello 21¢ Fancy California brown rice Blue Rose Rice 2—lb. cello 20¢ Extra Fancy long grain rive. Spaghetti ______ .. 2-lb. cello 13¢ For Delirious Baked Casserole Kraft Dinners ...... .. 16-02. 9¢ Quickly prepared Macaroni and Cheese Creamettes.._. 8-0z. 2 for 15¢ Fine quality Senlolinn product Spaghetti .... .. 27-02. cello 19¢ Favro brand Macaroni and Spaghetti Canned Foods Grapefruit 20-Oz..... 2 for 29¢ “Highway” brand. broken segments Sliced Peaches .... .. 29-Oz. 21¢ "Casth Crest" sliced or halves Sliced Peaches .... .. 29-oz. 20¢ "Highway" brand sliced or halves Gerber’s Foods 4l/2-0z. 3/20¢ Strained Baby Foods ‘12 for 79(1) Libby’s Foods. 4l/z-Oz. 3/19¢ HmngenizediBaby Foods (l2 for 75v) Heinz Foods... 41/2-oz. 3/20¢ Heinz strained Baby Foods Sauces Mayonnaise ........ .. qt. jar 47¢ "Nu-Made" home made flavor (1)1. 27(-) Sandwich Spread .... .. qt. 40¢ "Lunch Box" tasty. nutritious (pl. 25(4) Miracle Whip...... qt. jar 41¢ Ki'ufl‘s lasly dressing (pl. 26(') bulging With Tempting Farm—Fresh Fruits ' and Vegetables . . . AND SUCH SAVINGS \w\ ‘ JONATHAN APPLES CRANBERRIES No. 1 Western Berries lb. 210 figmlggjgfiégfl Egg-V jigging; CRANBERRIES Full flavored Eastern . _, 1b. 25c ‘““““"“' GREEN PEPPERS Cal. Bell Peppers ______ ., lb. 15c Lb. ________________ __ e EMPEROR GRAPES Lge. swt. grapes lb. 10c -- SEEDLESS GRAPES Thompson ......... ,, lb. 10c ' U, s, No. 1 LEMONS Large Juicy Sunkists ______________ ,_ 1b, 11.. POTATOES ORANGES Lge. swt. Sunkist Valencias _. 1b. 100 U. S. No. 1 NI-ited Gems lOO—lli. sui'k $3.29 Lb. ____________ H 314$ CELERY Long, green Utah type .......... ._ lb. 1b. 7c LETTUCE Large, crisp, solid heads ...... .. lb. 100 SWEET RUTABAGAS Mlld, sweet, Yakima ...... .. lb. 31/30 L, SQUASH Locally grown Hubbard 1b. 4c “"‘Wl'm baking m“- CARROTS Freshly dug, topped,‘washed lb. 5c DRY‘ ONIONS U. S. No. 1 .......... ._ 10-lb. bag 350 gm Lb. ____________ _. j ‘Priees isupiect to Market APPLE .CIDER Fresh swt. apple cider gal. 49c BUNCH BEETS fresh crisp small beets bch. 2‘/-_)c l l l l