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mm“ 1 I. , November 13,1942. ' SHEL'I‘ON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAD ,
Page Seven
PS.’.‘§§“%.Z‘.‘. AS F RM DRIVE BEGINS collision I , .
20 words or less (m i n i m u m
III I I l I commencing at Eastei'l end of K
n, let to H I I I __ [ I October 5. 1942 I street at the Easterly side of
1- II t nation‘s steel mills are to before snow falls, it will not be i
(Inigoggmmfi ".i.r§%%‘fif‘gnfifssg}1néir§$f
ltllgtonfsgheextt in Mountain XlCW Addi-
w) “III I I , , I _:I .I . . . I I : ion 0 e on, running t ence in a
Pan III atIfull capacity through_ IpOSSIble toIkeep the mills opelat
IVmCem E,I Paul and H, R. Dwkm. Nonheasterly direction across the .m
If Winter months, the na irig at maXImum capacity. ,sttitn.
(gilmlfillsslonels. and Harry Doy— East half of NEW, of Sec, 13-2.1-4 -
t 1 ' .
ari 11). x- m harvest must be ush- State salva ' ‘ . :6 8' er
' and “‘0 west h 1‘ f NW3! or S“: R l t SS 8d 5 t d ‘ v v
“T 3;“ ‘ l‘ “136 utmost Vigor daring the necessitygeofOfilcfifbin
snail M“ Alden 0- Bayley appeared and 18-20-2 to lanoiaof0 J. E.‘
Biciisei, ea 3 e a 1 1 erVIce an e . CLASS'FIF‘” AI"
g “301105th that heanng 0“ DTOPosed thence Southeasterly to the Present
us so tha‘ ~ ing months of 1942,IWar weeds and tall grass, the fence:
plat of Longwood Beach be post- County Road. a distance of 1600 feet. MUST
SELL. 3 room house and
tel' up for H'l‘ Board officials sa . rows orchards ll‘ eeks
WOW“ um“ Tues‘iay' Ocmhm' 13' 3‘ accompanied by bond.
It was moved . .
VZO LOOPI . . I ytI I the émcs Stofeggogressalgg fir and . 1000. Granted.
, , and seconded that petition be accept- bath, 5 acres cleared, electric W
O M E N Cllurgs) 3 weeks 31.0051 week 50c.
f 19, . 18 the essence or our ha i i . e S The following applications for
beer ed and that County Road Engineer be pump chicken house and chick-
Lowe.I rates ior larger ads and
0 Schooi r. nst the AxisI and it is barns for every broken or wornI-
stilllddegllIl; 11061181;ng ngw’tcd ordered to examine, and report on
ens i miles from Shelton See I W A N T E D mlfirgadlglrselyggzés 30 er
'. _y essential to our nation- out plow share, disc blade, culti-'
leg omas K .euI i es.I same. Carrgcd. I i i To Work with new company 750 i
«i m h W; -
... I I I ilyn. H. W. Kuett. u s Tat am, Board adJoumed to meet agam Now
Walter Magoon, I m n mu c argc on each not.ce.
.ty, and to the safety and vatoi, shoi'cl, wheel, axle,
Shaft,'Union; ChariesISomers. St. Charles ember 2I 1942,
B_11-13_20_27__3t AND EDGER starting here Card of Tlianks,I 75c; Ioriginai
.tmct M y of millions of American gear. Sprocket. chain or
pulley..Wi£§fruydd Girgpertiggwémoum or $1011; BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS-
' Piece Work 310,91;ng gggcqu; rlgsgéstclassmed
p . n. v r... . fl - . n I .
'~I . men, that deadly Weaponsi M .II‘./ dlwflldll p()t!‘-I)an
Sklllet’ . for city's share of Civilian Defense
gégggflliisdTol‘éASON COUNTY' l FOR SALE: 9 room house on By Day or
Hour ' A. Day Advertisements accepted over
ISt modern design be plaC- Sto‘lel tUbi grate. hOL water bOt‘ l
GXDPJISQS. received for City Of Shelton, RI TRENCKMANNI large lot, one
bIOCR from busi_ G r nteed to Be in the telephone from phone subscrib—
m COUII Iir hands Without an ade- tle, rubber boot or overshoe, in-Iaiid
turned over to Treasurer. Chairman of BoardI ness centerI Easily converted
J_ LI C ATTO “3 a - 'g cm Cash should accompany all
', l t l d l._ ner tube tire or 1.ubber heel The The War Department of
U.S.A. hav- Angst; >I INQUIRE AT JOURNAL OR other orders or payment made
. ppy 0f Scrap me as u .’ , ' ing placed a valuation of $2250.00 for
HARRY DEYETTE Into apartments. $2500. termS. PHONE 10-3221 fore the first
of the month to
RF r I next few months, our pI‘O- large PleceS are eaSlly local-9d.
Triict N0. 8, Shelton Air 13856. With Clerk of Board ' 11_13_11I MrSI
CI EI RunacresI 20_23__tfn HARDWARE I save expense OfIbilling. An extra.
" . capacity of ships, tanks, they point out, but the small ones 1
appurtenances. it was moved and sec- mvwvw- TWO NEAT YOUNG MEN would charge
of 100 will be made when
a .._I _ are usua“ h-dden and must Ibe'onded that offer be aCCPDledI
and NOI 1542 FOR SALE. six room ho se 21/2 “W I I I I billing is
gunsi Small arms! mun y 1 voucher in that amount be Slgn8d- " i l n‘
' u llke board and room In private PHONE. 100
I_ . . searched forI . C ‘d NOTE" To. “mono 5 acres. Lots of
rasphberries '
. ‘1 311.1‘1nd5 0f WeCham?ed . . ame ‘ R d E i m. TO FILE CLAIMS . i
11 home, walking distance to Ray—
; Rea] .- Wm be senously 1m- School children are playing an A. L- Ward.
CouhtY. “8 “g “9’; IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THEl small barn,
chicken house, wood- d h.“ C f mesh I,
’ ' - was granted permission to do Wall ST , IN . omer, ay 5 1 . an
uri 'Vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvt
, . important part in the scrap liar-I00,18”qun Engineering with",
Ma.I FongfloEF CwoégggNggofiAsoémD shed, % mlle from Bremerton'
very good references. Jay E. 1
m] Insu I Warning coming at a timer vest. Their efforts are being di-I son
County, not inconsistent with. m PROBATE i Hood Canal Junction. Mrs. Dell
LOST; blue leather purseI per- Herringmn Wallace JI Hansen For
I“. .Im 1 II ‘ rected in a nation-wide campaign ! ills dunes ‘0 the
IcoumY- l In the Matter of the Estate of Beattfie. 10-16--11-16—1M sonal
' apers pictures and cur- ’
ore than 300,000 VO un . . . . hear- . , P i Room 14, Cameron Hotel.
N 311 erviSed b h 1 authont “"5 bung the time Set for lW- M. Blair
Deceased. ____________.._._._._._——————- . -u--nnnn-----n---w
BUILDI i- engaged in a Coast-to- p . .Y SC 0.0 ‘95- ing on Final Budgets.
and no oncl NOTICE Ir; HEREBY GIVEN. that n i. s renCY- Fmdel’ may keep
moneyi 11-13-20-27—3t. _
3 ‘ve for farm scrap, is ex- Elam“??? tmhfiany Stats]: has I appeared.
the Board proceeded to 6011- Letters of Administration on tho Es- I 2 lots
with foundation of house return rest to Mrs. Ray Hall. _-FOR SALE: kitchen
ito S 11!. local efforts and P 0V8 a C 1 I‘en are G ex- 5‘ “.5’alm-
frat“ 0‘ W- M- Blalri, deceased Were '. Hoodsport, Wash., c-o Jack
CHRISTMAS TREE CUTTERS wood range, table top model.
' thep ton on cellent scrap foragerS- ' Clam-13 allpwed' s .
°m.nted t9 th" unders‘gned on the 7thi water and sewer conneaegl
Manley. 11—13-—1t. wanted at once, full or part Good condition. Inquire
R. B.
. fullest cooperal Consideration Of Final Budgets Wa do.) or NocemborI
194g, , garage and woodshed Also fmlt I I I
I. of all citizens in the ag_ Newspapers throughout theIcontinued until
tomorrow. All persons having claims against; 500 T ' I time; men or
women. Cut on Simmons, Skokomish Valley or
1' 2‘ f th nation country are cooperating in the "a"
T‘ms‘hy’ “umber 6' 1942 said “late are requlmd to serve Wmu
trees‘ $5 ' 0‘ erms‘ LOST: Wahl fountain pen. Re- your land or
ours. Wages or phone 215.14. 11-13-20—2t.
' r. areas e ' u Board met. All present as of ycstcr-i I With the
necessar vouchers, u on the‘ * . . .
tlonal scra h t Wth t ._..__.————————-v—-—
.. ment sources estimate I P I af'IVeSI- l 011 .dayI lundersigned at
the Law 011ng of! HERBERT G ANGLE ward for return to Journal of- piece work
earnings better than
. .I . their cooperation. Said Paul Ca- Claims allowed. lAlden c. Bayley,
Title Insurance ' fice. 11-13—1t. avera e. Will bu Christmas FOR
SALE: Royal portable type-
t nt of . g y
, Exam:th 231,3“ SSW in bar dePUtY direCtOI‘ 0f the 0011' an? I
Fr§§§ggefs nggf:t t}: tfh‘: Filming Shf‘IIOIlvd WaShltngtO?v
“5:” l rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv wvvvvv
_————-———————-—-—-—~ trees standing or cut. J.
HOF- writer. Very good condition. $50.
c - ~- mu 0 o. in co .sai n 0 in e ', .'n e or , . - - ' ‘
rY ‘ession of indiviguals and igrvat‘on Diff‘s‘onv WarI
Pmduc‘1casoment over and across Tract No. tfangaction Braille ifféfiuis
of the as“ ed C LOST: party picking up ladies ERT, 106 N. Columbia,
Olym- Inquire 1211 Railroad Avenue.
1 is 1 t d . the homes 10” Board- The nations urgent PB 84.
Potlatch—Brcmcrton Line. re- tatc, Within six months afterIthe date S
purse on Stretch Island road pia; 121 S. 4th, Shelton or see Phone 62.].
‘, the ofmmml Ameh need for scrap Could not havc bee}l l
Cogggrgngdggggggdmggr Igoegrgagaggerw ggwtilge
@‘ifiiguglgatgggnggsUgftgngg I nvvvvvvvvvvvvvv , please mail at once.
Urgently W. W. Walker, Route 1, Box 40, -————~-—- ——~——-~
‘k -‘is establishes rural houw guide" “HOW” to the Public
"1 mol'row. 13th "day of NOvember, 1942. and file'FOR
SALE: 1941 “61" Harley— needed. Can keep money. Mar- Olalla.
11-13--12~24——7t. MUSKRAT FUR COAT for sale.
; d f t t - _ ‘me- I Wednesday. October 7. 1942I the same. with the Clerk
of this Court, l Davidson motorcycle exceuent garet Edwardson, Grapeview,
———————-——————————~— v~~ l Excellent
condition. Reasonable.
I an armers, Inex 0 Im Hard working local salvage com- Board met. All
present as oi yes-ltogether with prooi of such service,’ tires good
mecham'cm comp c-o Charles Pahl. 11-13—1t.lCAN~PAY 45 CENTS PER BALE
Size 18. Call 49R. K—11-13—1t.
’t as the nanan mOSt Emil mittees’ Who. are faced With the
tolifegliylittancc i'cccivl‘d from Hazel Tif- orrltiillgd
“tiliSbelailireligty bgiil‘elgoycmbcr tion 'Mrs Pearl Willey
Matlock l for ChriStmaS trees' to be from
Source Of Iron and s 68 :85k 8033 “5661ng tliat the scrap [any in Illie
iiiilnouéit fort $20.30 for'1942. on) BLAIR Road, w_’_11.6_1t, LOST:
pair gold rimmed glasses. tWO 3235;1gchtlfeeé Phé’tne FOR SALE: 6
weeks old Chester
rom ca ere fur ' _ , uipmcn rc-n a . ‘amc urne OVCI‘ B I la , . Oun
ree ‘
t I I m I t t th t the ed to local scra anarteaSIS mov In? Treasurer for
credit of Road Dis_l Administrator of the Estate __ Please return to
Journal office. $1 A i 01 m ia 11-13:27__3t Whlte pigs. J. C. VanCleave,
(I “I 811 130111 I011 a P 00 90 1011 depots. ma No, 1, of WI MI 31am
DeceasedI N0 1411 and 1412 Reward Will be paid. 11-13-1t. 6W V8-. 3’ P -
l Route 2, Box 311, Shelton.
I canow tprogutiing ttllileIgriIeIat- urgI; ell/firycélersoln to lend a
hand; filalnilsfallowedfi: A I p I fiLDEN Cf. BAASIIILEY.II I NOTICE OF:
HEARING ON FINAL LES—m STRAYED m- WANfED, four riders glare. 11-13—11;
. If" ge o S ee In (311' 15-; 60 e n e p In many waysI' I
csou ion re mergency pn‘o rl- ttomey or minis Ira or, REPORT AND PETITION
FOR ; ac e_ I
' ew furnaces are cOnstant— said one worker. “Beside
search-1mm" . . lee Insuram? Bu”de DISTRIBUTION male dog with brown
marking. 031‘ t0 Bremerton Navy Yard’ FOR SALE: six weeks old pigs.
' . . , . R l 2 l h A _ , , .
. g added to increase the :I mg out every available piece of Basso mum m m
c of S on” u 1 Shelton' wasmngtolnl-l3-20-27-—12-4—4t,
I%¥ET%SU5FER$§S§?§J§¥O%F Egg Answers to “Blackie.' Gener-l Day
shift. Call at 721 Alder. Mrs JI EI JonesI Route 2I phone
r F0005 I n Steel, they say, is madei scrap around the home place, and
SAfgxlIfllIl‘lI‘lurlsl'S l“‘l’°irtcd[0; anaggom . MASON
CIOPIJNTY ous reward. Notify 312 Alder K—11'13—1t- 4F21. On
Pickering road near
‘ ‘~ mately of 50 per cent vir- . collecting it into a convenient
"p ‘ was exam“ " V" . ’ 1’ ‘ i PROBATE . St. 01‘
Phone 579-1. —” '—-“_ Grant SChOOl house. 11-13—1t.
-’ . . .ed. NOTICE TO (:REDITORE h M tt bned Es- NT -D: ex erlenced
T PRICES ., “yore and 5% per ggnt 53mg). ‘. pile, tltiey ItiantIalsod
halél it to thel NIotico in}? Cot. Sbuperintendent that
lepgllzlngCébAél§% OF THE all; tofc AniaekiftfrilggeBglgirilnéton and
R—-11-6-13—I2I0_..3t. Wfinaq ETree curate“ Top prices WWI—small
upright piano
' i as muc as an neares c0 cc ion 8 o. f ever a evy Wi ,n0 c necessory
this IN THES Jeremiah Buffin ton, Husband and I I | * ' . I I .
. w t scrap is now being used body would do malt) the “mile l your
tor' institute fund. received and STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND ! Wife,
Both Decefsed. I LOST: billfold containing birth 709 North 6th- Mahogany
finish, good condi-
rDSPORT ll. 'I . . med. . . . FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. l Notice is
hereby given that Melvm t-f . 1- b tl S—«11-13-20-27-—3t. t~ ph 3
I e War Production Board Job could be dorIIiIe more quickly. Certification
of validity of ciIinIims IN PROBATE ‘Sutton, Administrator of the Estate
$3311cge'figwefiafiefie‘faggi ‘ —~—— lon' one 14R? 11
6 13 2t
unless the farms and Of course every od can’t do it for attendance on non
resident igh In the Matter of the Estate of of Anna Katrina Buffin ton. and
Exe- - Ca 1‘6 -i . ' '
“'"" llreas yield millions of tons but there 'are a lot
Who can ’ 5011001. DUNS 0‘ M330“ County at John Bauer. Deceased.
‘cutor of the Estate of eremiah Buff? Leave at Journal. WANTED women
toLdo laundry ——
. ' . accredited high schools by ICOunt)’l NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN.
thatlington, Husband and Wife. both de- B_11_6_13_20__3t work at ner home.
I. ————-—- Superintendent, received and filed. Letters
Testamentary on the Estate of ceased, has filed with the Clerk of ' and
address at JOUI‘nal. f s ' b1 ‘11 ‘Mixed col-
I . . A certified list of high schonls and John Bauer, deceased. were
granted the above entitled court his Fmal V'm" Pallets—1t or
prlng 00ml Ig.
ll Navy Now Calling lgon Chight scéioolsI itn éVlastonWCounty to the
bunderfégéied bun thed'lthbdgg'xof Riport tfinchettition
Distribution . on 200 per dozI Peony 11.00::
‘ oun y upcrin en en, as re—. Novem er, , sai ‘u I‘or as ‘n e our
O se e a d rove "‘“—"— ' .
' For More Womeni cgiVEd and filed' COUTL y thelsgame. distribute
the pgonggy to [WANTED AT ONCE: carloads or 4B] vanetleses a2? oetrhelrb
Is F I Certification of aggregate number of mirror. Is FURTHER GIVEN.
thatl the persons thereto entitled and to . truckloads of largeI smooth ue
Igrap p . g
0 . . , :days attendance by the several sellool all persons having claims
against said I discharge him as Administrator and AMA MAW.“ g d Ald r M
10 and Hem_ containers. Evergreen Gardens,
, Twenty-four new claSSlflcatlonsl districts. by ,County Superintendent
estate are required toserve them. withluxecutor. , . “0”” e ’. 3P .
. Rte, 2 Box 228.
.d O R t of service have been opened for PCCQlVCd and flled- _ the
necessary vouchers, upon the un- NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that FOR RENT- 3
room furlllSIled lock logs. Higher prices. Liber- ’ L__10_30__11_6_13_3t
‘ have P3“ 11 a wom n in the United States Nav_ A cartiflcate by CO.
S“ ermtendent dersigned at the Law Office ofIAlIden said Final Report and
Petition for apartment at Mallows AptS., a1 scale. Prompt settlements,
in Congre ‘3 lot the amount to be levie for SChool it. Bayley. Title
Insurance Building. I Distribution will be heard in the Court 718 North 6th
I D__11_13*1t V th t Ch - C T ———*'" '
1 c s i 31 Reserve“ ‘Dlstriet N0~ 311’ received and “18¢ Shelton.
Washington. that being tilelroom in the Mason County Court ' e 0r
“’95 3"" ompanyv a FOR SALE: old newspapers, 5c
ongrcs . “35 you Shomd know about Under ex anded activities an—l
Remainder 0f day was Spent on!“ place designated as: the place tor the
house in Shelton, Washington, at the . — coma, Wash. 11-6-27—4t. for
seven ound bundleI Jour—
1. . . . . p . . . . . . FOR RENT-2 f h d P
I level bes- e rationing" is the title of n d toda at the Office ofl
final budgets. COInSIdering Iof Final transaction of the business of the
hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon on I room Urnlsee ca 1 al circe
, "pact little folder issued by N212?Officeryprocurement Seat I'
gutdgt‘fts 9ViriaissIIgentinued until Friday. (eistate.fwiI:hlllfI sitx
niboInthts aftgfr tfile SgIItIiIirday, the 28th day of November. bin,
lights water and wood. l WANT To BUY: just fresh or n l . I I
. Oil Company, Incorporated, ' 013093 ad'ourlled ' at? t
'9» "'Sth'xl’lu 'mamlgiiltiis aftcls Dated th‘
24th do. of Oct b 1 Inquire Maple BeaCh 0“ Lake coming “05h Guernsey
A ‘l3 available free to Shell ‘fcie‘ aggrogflgggtgofizvgogg?',
0m Friday, October 9. .1942 lillgélcféllio‘diity X?
Nloveslll'i‘ber. 1942, and ElssTHERI gowns 0 er' 94 '
Isabella. J—10-30—-11—13—-3t. Write Arno GriggsI RtI 1I Shel-
and Shell Service stations. 9’“ .6 t th f- t l Board me‘t- A“ were
Present- lflle the same with. the Clerk 01 “Us Acting Clerk .of Mason
—. — ton. 11-6—13_2t.l May I express in this way my
. i. elm h t ft v St ocket trict, Will be sent o e lrs ses- City of Shelton
Ordinance No. 346. I court, together with proof of such County. Washington
.I HAVE A 4-ROOM furnished g sincere appreciation to the voters
.. “g 1 ‘e p S sions of the newly organized train- . adopting a budget
,of estimated ex-* service, or they will be forever barred. CHAS. B. LEWIS.
houseI Win give free rent to ANTED: 1 or Spools of barbed 'III I h . II
l(BtS, the folder tens motor- ,- h 1 I w and Geor pendlturcs and recelpts,
received andl Dated this 13th day of November, Attorney for the said Estate
. . , I of Mason County for t eir sup
/i- l . steps they need to take mg SC 005 1“ 11° 3' . D gla-l
included 'in the Final Budget. 4 ‘1942. ' Suite 1. Lumbermen‘s
Bldg., COlIIPle Wlllmg COIDOard me- 111‘ Wire. R. W. Mitchell, at Bus I
port given me at the polls last
' i ‘ they receive their gaso' EhefSChtOOISf'WIt gratin tgv
emit:- flights, {lie 83311335 (2:913:26: slid 3a: Egalii’irié'
(fiAttJlER'Last Will Shelton wuhmgtoib-ao—n-s-isao—n qmre Journal
off‘ce' Statmn' 10'3°"1113“'3t' week. and I
will do my utmost t6
lationing booksI It also con- .65 (gr. hi. lrs gsion: 1 e wee 5, levies
required to raise'thc amount and Testament and the Es-
“_,A"‘NT—’_‘—‘_"EDI f '—‘d f
—‘—‘—“work warrant that support. '
information about what to m °-° ma 1.0“ 5e . 0f the estimated
expenditures fer the late of John Baucr- Deceased ’ N0 1»... ' me“
or e “1.56 W. A. MAGOON
-- Lieut. (3g) Jane Bogue, Pro- fiscal year 1943. received and filed, ALDEN
C. BAYLEY. Nos. 1413 and 1490 , . -, a, , Good wages and overtime pay. __ _
«Mu _
Ore and after November 18. c rem nt Officer for the District Resolution No.
2. Mason County Fire Attorney for Executrix. , NOTICE or HEARING ON FINAL
NOTIQL T0 CREDITOIIW T0 Sh.“ c n te pr .3 t _“
" 20 (the revised re istra- u- 6- ~ ’ District No 1 requesting a
levy 01 Title Insurance Building ACCOUNT nEpo-RT AND PETITION PRESENT AND
FILE. (LAIMS ‘3 on 0 cre 0 110 S- I
g which includes Washington. Ore- ' lon- EXEéUTnlx.ADM[N[sTRATulx IN
I We Wish to express in this
MASON’ COUNTY CHRISTMAS TREES'I WlSh t0 way our sincere appreciation
dues) When Mr- and Mrs. 11—13-20-27--12-4—4t. rim SETTLEMENT,
gon, Idaho, Montana and Wyom-' was received and filed.
i [2 mills for operation and maintenance Shelton Washington
°bile Owner Will make a“‘Iing and the territory of Alaska,.
t h 1 h fResomofi No" 88a €601)“ng bmigst FW‘
ri to the so 00 ouse,’ . Io estimate expen iuIrcs an receps ' . . A b
r 0 r e‘ . . , . .~ .
I Iapto get gag coupons All saidIthe newly opened fields will I and
requegting a 2 min levy for gen- MOTION TO CBEDITOBS TO STATE OF WASHINGTON
IN AND J 1}? $10 SMIatIEer of the. Estate MI Olllymffia chgmb:
dtglveryIIcaet thanks to “HI rim,” fnends f0)
' .‘ . . . ' prOVIde opportunities for thous- eral purposes and a
. Deceased. y P I I P y P P - the flowers, kmcncsscs and sym-
lmmary essential Inform- ands of additional women in the retirement of
General Obligation Bond, in THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE IN PROBATE ,
hNOTICE.IS HEREBY GIVEN that‘ Anyone Wishing to contractl pathy Shown us
during our be-
S contained in seven para- ' women.s Reserve received Iand filed. 2 I
STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR In the Matter of the Combined t e
“nd9r5}gn€"d- Mary Smlthv has, trees get in touch with C,
Pureavément for our beloved father
I and the little folder helps Resolution No. 96 adopting a bud— MASON
COUNTY. Estates of Hattie E. Garfield and Guy beenI aIPDOlnted and has
quahfmd as Roundtree 1700 Yew Ave ’
I . . Under the expanded program, get of estimated expenditures and re- IN
PROBATE Garfield. Both Deceased. Admlnlfitmtl‘lx 0f the Estate 0f Jnhn I
i - " DP. 1362101).
Pl‘fy fu‘e entire bPr‘ifedure' women will he enlisted as areo-
Eggs to; P.U.D.tNo. 3 figcal glearTof 13 nice Mattehr lof Dthe Eitate of.
RINOTIIICEI lg Hagngr GIVEletlIiat fénfmgghvmgecgggfg :2; gift “2:161
gcird- Olympia Telephone 3759. Mr. and Mrs Arden Hall
‘ ' In or con on 00 s. - . an 1‘8 1165 ing 8 enel‘ 8X Ro ert .
Mic ae. ecease . ea u, owar , xecu rix- m n- , e .av - __ ._ I ' ’
I T. g I p _ graphersv {lvmt‘on metalsm‘IthsI levy of 2 mills received
and filed. I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENI that istntrix of the above entitled
com- Estate or the said Deceased are 10 2 11 13 7t MF- alld MrS- H-
l I .Iser war ttime stervut2e thati and {neilslanlfiiufgakers chaplains
Final buglgets éwiere approved. the undersigned. Hannah C. Mlclhaelé
plnfid estavtets, has {1193 herein ifiei— unfithtotrslerv: the some
(111in yer:— Mr. and Mrs, M, p. Beach,
' ivin 0 mo oris s oes assis an c eurs, cooks de- Boar a ‘Ourn . has
been appointed and has qua 1er in accoun. report an petition or e ecesaaryI
voucier a - _
’” iin ghandg with gasolinegra- gaussers ,freight clerks info’rma-
gnu ly. October 13. 1942 ‘as Administratrix with the Will an-I
settlement, and distribution of the lubed. “13°” the
undel'S'gned Admm' .IN APPRECIATION -
.. Board met. All were present nexed of the Estate of Robert C. Mi-
combined estates of said deceased per- “traulx 0’ her Attorney, 0‘
3909de I WlSh ‘30 thank the VOterS OI TO THE VOTERS 0F
sons. wherein the Court is asked to at Suite 1' Lumbermens
BU'ldml-f' Mason County for their support. MASON )OUNTY
It iS called the “Pace tion expertS, buSiness machine Op- It was moved
and seconded that the chaelI DeceasedI and that a“ persons.
, . . . , . . .
a small lored arrow erators line aSSistants ' 'proposed plat of Lon
00d Beach be havln claims against the said Estate approve said account and
report, and Shelton. Mason County. Washington. .. . I I
. fin to be stu'kco the lass trainer, operators “131’ kink accepted
and approve - med- lor tbi said Deceased are hereby re— make distribution
of the combined the same bang deslgnated as the glVen me m the election Of
Now We Slncerely thank you for
, I c on Ig i I 1 0m It was moved and seconded that the ui ed to serve the
some duly veri- estates. and discharge the Executrix- Place for the
transaction 0f the bufil- ember 3.51mi W111 commue to serve your
expression of confidence in
. III the speedometer dial at clerks, messengers, office clerks, proposed
plat of Clifton Beach Elli-l fie with the necessary voucher arm
Administratrix. Inc“ 01' .the said Estate and 10 “19 you to the
best of my ability dur- lect-n ‘ p by Util-t in
~ mark—and acts as a force- parachute riggers. pharmacists, lends be
accepted and approved. bar.- tached upon the undersigned Admin-l I NOTICE
IS FURTHER GIVEN. that such claims together With the proof in the coming 18
Nat-we 595. C. ‘. g “S 3’0“ u. 1? 1‘ 3’
taminder that 35 miles an hotographers Stewards to r nedI I listratrix 0,.
he, Attorney of RecordI m accordance mm an mate,- of said of service with
the Clerk of the above I3 8 District No. 3 Commissmners at
. is I i We Petition of J. E. Sanger. et al. for Suite 1_ Lumbermen‘s
Building, Shel- Court made and entered on the 31st enntled Court “Cm”?
5”" mtmths 3" Slons- the election November 3 To' de-
I the new war speed for all watchers and waitresses. the establishment of
a. County Road‘ton. Mason County, Washington; theeay of October, 1942, a
hearing wil ter the first ubllcahon 0f lhls mile?- CHARLES R. SAVAGE f’
’w: Violation of the new ———————_—. to be known as the
Swiger Reid. Wlsame being designated as. the place be had before the Court
on sad (0-Wlti 0cto 81‘ 30th. 1942. 01‘ Said st t Re t t. tq‘erve
your con "16110.6 and support
limit is like] to cause of- NO 4177 feet in width commenci at the Cor— :
for the transaction of the business of final account, re art and petition
on Claims wm be forever barred- a c presen a we 1“ the funnel WE W111. t0
the best
g m t . y . SUM'MONS ner of Section .27. 28 an. 34, 4:0 TWP- ‘; the
said Estate, and to file such Saturday. the 5 day of December. I MAB.Y_ A-
SMITH. —‘—‘—“—'—"—' of our abilityI manage
and oper-
.. 0 orlSts the 1055 Of thelr IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TH 20 N., R. 3
W.W.M.. running thence . claims together with the roof of 5911-:1942‘ at
10 o'clock, A, NI,V on gum Administratrix Iof‘ the Estate . - . .
\ .. 111g privileges STATE OF WASHING ON F0 Ea“ 0“ Section line to the
N. W- vice with the Clerk of t e ab0vc en- day in the Court Room of said
Court‘ of John T. Smith TO THE VOTERS ate the distrlcl "1 the
Interest 05
.~' ' MASON COUNTY T Corner of NE of NW. Sec. 34. abovei titled
Court, within six months afterlin the Court House at Shelton. Wash- CHAS»
11- LEWIS. I wish to express in this way the PeoP1e 0f Mason County-
' ‘ Hélen Kennedy plai t-ft- TWD~ and Range. 11 (“Stance 0‘ Vt
the first publication of this notice.‘mgton. .Attorne)’ for the said
Estate. m . re a reci t. t th Yours Very truly
. I _vvs _“1 ' mile, received. It was moved an(\vit: November
13th. 1942. Or said Dated this alst day of October. 1942. Sum? 1'
Lumbermen's Bu‘ld‘ng- y smce pp 3 Ion O ~e J BICHS ’
f i 0W Milton Kennedy Defendant Sammie“ .m‘“ petition be “wilted
3.“ claims will be forever barred. CLARE ENGELSEN, Shelton. Mason County.
Washin on. voters of MaSOn County for their - EL,
STATE OF WASHINGTON. to Mil_ Itlhait Engiitieer be ordexgd r1ugdexamixie
IggixlINgtH MICgIAfiIL. WI“ 1Clerl;II of the Sutperw gaunt
10—30—11-6-13- 0—4t. splendid support givén met at theL T. W. WEBB,
: . I In repor-. on same. ar . I mm raw ix WI e l or 35011 oun y. as ing~
ton Kennedy' Defendfint' Remittance f $1000 for e ui mcnt f th
E t to of t LOTKJ‘I 0F CLO‘ING 0F pons' WhICh eleCted me to the 0f
, You are hereby summoned to appear t 1 -: a) f 'C F Thq p and
“fixed 0M- h 91 S a ‘ a or." E ROLES REGISTRATION LBOOKS
'fice of Treasurer of Mason Count l
within sixty (60) days after the first ren a, receite rom . . omns I,
Robert C. ic ae , ecease Bi IES'I‘H , . i I I I y
Vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv' mo
0 .I . . ~ turned over to Treasurer for the CHAS. R. LEWIS. Actin Clerk.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a (II 11d m best to ser
or publication of this summons. to—Wlt Credit of R D NO 1 . - . n W1 0
3’ V9 you i
. . . . . . Att he to . c said Estate. ALDEN C. BA LEY, the registration
books in the precmms . . I CARDS
Certlflcates hustlefiéityisgyZniifidgfghd tiigdabifi . Request from U.
S. Dept- of Inter— Suit); 1,),Lulmgrmen's Bids. Attorney for
Executrix-Administranix, of the: City 0‘ .Shi‘lton» Mason Cow!”- and
warrant your Vow 0f COM" .
, . entitled gluon in theI 0131 aforesaid ior. Bonneville Project. Ifor
extension Shelton, Mason: County. Title. Insurance Building, Washington.
Will be closed to original den-0e. I ‘vaI'I'
s at . . v d and answ th 1 .Ct f the lam; of Option for :Transrmsswn line
Easc— i Washington. 11—13—20-27——12-4——4t. Shelton.
Washington. registratlon on and Iaftei‘ November J_ E MARTIN "
""9 ':"'
in 0:3h0f trutthS. bustsfes at“ tiff He] efoKer‘I’nggg‘P
31‘1"; Serve Epcopy means ac§oss Courfiy laws 1viIn SIIs/fC. dl.
——————-——l‘52r7—-—— 11-6-18-20-27—4t. ; filial
132;“ film lncludilIIIg D6083;-
us ave eir cer i ica es . an . wp. 21, . 3 . . ove N0. r , I. e same eing e
I. necéssity before applying gitgrlialeg alrigng 13%;“th
urIiIdgrsIIi-Ifigg and Iseaccnded that request be granted.I
Nag-IIriDEEgIchggpgrog? IIHE, 148 daige to; tag ciltlihiziéeotion.f N II
be To TflE VOTERS 0F James E. Lynam
. . . . ‘arre. N THE J. ’ N0. 3 . as is 1 ay 0 0v m r. o .
I lOcal War Price and Price, address herein-below Stiff/av. gnfilel‘:
Letter received from Clare Engel-lI STATE OF WASHINGTON, MA-lNOTICE OF
HEARING 01»; FINAL 1942. I NtlAtSOIfh CngTYf th Auctioneer
t ’. Rationing Board for their| cage 0‘ Yourdf‘illgm “Jot
“bduagcorw sen. County Clerk. giving notice of; SON COUNTY ACCOUNT.
I -. rations Edgar J Wright legl :38 Iain géganfigaggsmg complaint
hayIiIng beenB calIIIedf in lserVice,f aIIId In the Mager of dthe Estate of
Ole g ogtglazgwil'rnax Iron snmggggmNTI splendid tribute accorded me
by Real Estate and Livestock
. __ i v . . . polioning car or cave 0 a I, 11'] n. ecease. ' IBUT
N NI) DI R i '
of the Board, declared Whach hast be“ filed Wllh “16 Clerk 0‘ sence
from duty for such period ofl NOTIFOE IS HEREBY GIVEN matlIN THE SUPERIO
COURT OF TiiEE 11-13-20—21- your V-Ottes “the last 31%: mnth Ileave
dates at Bank or
', ii “I”, co‘gn t f' th. t. . to secure service, received. .
the undersigned has been appointed} STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND
"fl" appremaf ?.the honor {in a so 8 Matlock Route
.. '._ _ , a difofcelefil I“, ‘5 £52,110“ {iimm and Resolution
re appointing temporaryl and has qualified as administratrix FOR, THE
COUNTY F MASONI responSibihty. of the job of help-
»! .Cert‘flcates Of War neces' a amst use dgfoordont 0 p Clerk: lof
the estate 01’ 01“ 1- Hllmen- .de“ IN PROBATE ing to manage the
affairs of yours .
II leaned by the Office of De- g J W 'ggAfiAM Notice from the Highway
Depart' ceased: that all persons havmg claims In the Matter of the
Estate othatioml Forest Timber d t d ‘i .
Tr rt t' for th Ail f P r t.“ ment that Mason County‘s share of
against Said deceased are‘ hereby re- J. Lee Pauley_ Deceased, l ‘ ‘
' an my 0011“ y all 111 give my .
v! anspo .a 10’" m e Ofiprmyddor gut-2‘ Gas Tax for month of
August. was in[ uircd to serve the same. duly veri- , NOTICE IS HEREBY
GIVEN. that For Sale best to warrant your confidence. - C. BAYLEY
II. our issuance of trans- Gog; [1‘31 (1353511631311 was” Ihedainount
of $10,122.09. received and ited. on gold alémirtusttfiatrgd or ltiIeI‘
Sigsie E. Pauley. Executrix of the H. R. DICKINSON, ATTORNEY AT LAw .
ls r‘ " ' 18. i toreorecor_.o eareSS,e-a e. t'ld tat.ii
f‘ld ‘ . . ..
I ganon .éonzhossv gofitmgvhcal
10'23'30"11'6‘13'20‘27“12'4”7t' _
Claims allowed. liliw gtgted. and file the same With hegviiigi lgczouiist.
fem”? all; 1.35232 Sealed bids Will be received by COmmlSF-Ioner. DISt-
2. ‘- Tm I
_~ , “gs Sflclome hm rzfie Boailé W e théuest fIromI U. fs.
Bonneviiieafpcx; the glory of isIaid CcIIIIIrt. togmhcr wig. for settlement
and distribution of the the Regional Forester, Portlaiid,I
-——-——— oppos'iie Iggls'finlggtpufliimg
‘l I I‘ minis ra mil (1‘ cascmen »- suc SRI‘VII ». Wl n Six . est
I . , ' . long. Bank
*st bring with them these «SE-“MOSS FOB PUBMLATION Ev. of an Sec.
’19. Twp. 21 11., ll‘iiirgi‘itn: alter the first Dubllcation of:
Coal? i‘éf listifcadetcfaiiii‘inol'é'egii'd it?
or-eg‘m’ “p m “‘1 “0t later than To “"3 VOTERS 0F Ph
" {es t th u m IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE W.. 100 feet in width. for
transmls- this notice. or the sameIwill be barred. coiint and report and
make diam”..- 10:00 A.M'. November 20, 1942, MASON COUNTY one 3 - -
" oge _31' W1 l P Per' STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR sion line
received. It was moved and Date of first publication, October 23. tion of
the estate and dischar e 'v ' er marked or 1365— ' ‘
I hiecuted applications for a‘ MASON COUNTY seconded that casement be
granted. 1942 A D . Exgcutrix ’ g the for a" 1‘ 6 hr“. Thank you
for Wu“ Splendid
‘; ration” Aiiie Ahl, Plaintiff. Unanimously carried. 1 IDA MARIE
REEVES. NOTICE Is FURTHER GIVEN. that ignated for cumllg' and 3‘“
mer' : Support at the polls on Novel-ulcer.
. ~vs.—~ Board adjourned. Administratrix of Estate of in accordance-with
an order of said charitable dead timber located on;3. I shall continue to
serve you '1
tllvar necessuy certificatel Abrbwan
hOSeA‘tlliiea'C‘h’i‘istggimnggg Boa amondl‘y’ 1?”:yober
19’ mt” CHARLES“? Lori-Ilileng Dewased‘ 3°“er made and entered
on the 27th an area embracing about 660 acres to the best'of my ability
‘ l 0 , W 0 I ' 1' me, a are resen. . . ' ‘ ' ' . .
. 1e fe number of mugs. the is to Plaintiff unknown. Deceased. Remittance
in the anljount of $59.00 Attorney for Administratrlx bgyhgd
figigethemég‘ur't 3:831? {mill Winn“ secmons 14' 15'
22' 23' 26' Respectfuny yours' T G
.e OrI which the certificate Husband and Wife. The unknown heirs was
IrIeceived from U. S. Bonnevdle| office and Ecstoffice address: account
report and petition on sub iand 27, T. 22 N., R. 8 W., W.M., R,
. ‘1 Wlll be allowed to travel I ofk'l‘wymag fir)-
ApbgggeDgggasglb-bggf figuggérgttcnt in cgpenfstéogcrgggi finale
lgnldltnz. £33132} uniay. the 28th day of November, Harris Creek
watershed, Olympic I
..~ . - un nown ms 0 .m or renew on in ason oun y. . on. I . i I I II . .
I. . I
~ ..leathismall.l’iizdilr Masai l m‘nemcnilmrlwni «l and
it??? Fires e t ' “fl” “ “E” W
of I ’I known. having 01‘ 0 311m.“ ,0 ‘ same turned over to County
1'9 “renl I in the COu-rt House at Shelton. Wash-- 6 0 e e '
" 1 S i
I . gallons of asoline no an ri ht, title. estate. lien. interest Proposed
Pint of Stetson each N0. 1529 I i g . _i .
er this milegageI eded 1 32:53:53 fidafmdmgtethe heremafiel’i vans
wiégcsIeIlIiIlItvegl gym 223501;] dgd IN T ghogjgé 151% 15% $2918? THE
“Sign tléill-s‘Athh gayGloEf glcntober. 1942.
$330nge1§553351j3§i§2airfi2531§fr Computed for Oakland Bay
V7 OPA Rationin Board will THE STATE OF WASHINGTON that Monday. November
2. at 10:00 STATE OF WASHINGTON, MA-' ' ' 'E N L N”
lWéStern hemlock. 1500-000 feet 13. (Hood Canal tides are one our 1
n ~ g ITO: The said Twyman 0. Abbott A. M, be designated as the time forl
SON COUNTYI ' all?“ of) the fi‘tpe’gf (ffurfi I more or less of
western red_. 3; 55 minutes camel-)1] . 1 ELLIOT B. SPRING
I I e the amount of transport and Jane Doe Abbott, whose true marmg on same
Carried In the Matter of the Estate of t Mas n .Co y. as mgI i J , .
l. t-0 be issued for the Vehicle Christian name is to Plaintiff un-v Bond
of EstherI‘ROles. Acting County» Geor 9 Thomas Castle. Deceased, l ogy
ESTHER ROLES .cedari and 58690.0 feet B'M:',' more I ,
Acbounting Tax service.
II basis of the mileage allow-(known. Deceased. Husband and Wife. Clerk for
faithful performance of her NO ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Ithat , Acting Clerk
0.1- less 0f Pac‘f‘c Sllver flr saw Low 4:32 a.m. -1.6 ft. B .
certificate In no 08.5le9 unkm’w“ he“ 0‘ Twyma“ 0: Ab'
dutles- m the amount of $500000 was the undersigned has been appomled ALDEN
c. BAYLEY timber. No bid of less than $6.40 rFri Hi ii 11-54 am 150 ft l
°°kkeepma System:
' B . “bott. Deceased, the unknown heirs of approved. and has
qualified as administratrix of‘ Attorney for ‘Executlzix M fa t f D la
f. 2 85. . g . . . . .I I I
I . oard permitted to allow Jane Doe Abbott, Deceased. and all, Resolution
re Forest Reserve money. the estate of George Thomas Castle. Tm? Insurance
Bundl' Per as or oug 5' “3 $ ' ' .NOV- 13 LOW 5135 P-m-
6-4 ft“ 123 4th St ' Phone 565
.. gasoline than is stipulated other persons. unknown. IhavingI or
Resolution re Granting Emergency deceased. Ithat Iall persons
havinglsmn'ton Washington “5' Per M feet for western hemlock,_
High 10:15 pm, 12,7 ft. *v
certificate claiming to have any right.I title. Appropriation. claims
against said deceased are here-l 10-30_,11_6.13_20_4t $5.50 per M feet for
western red- l ' f,
r ’ ' estate, lien. interest. or qumty in and» In the matter of
Stumpllge Rates for by 129 “Wed t9 serve the salme- duly
———-——-—-— 'lcedar md $2 60 er M feet for 7 ft m
. "—— to the hereinafter described Real Es- Christmas Trees for
this season. it was iverifle . on said administratrix or herl I ,v r I -, I
P I I I . Low 5.28 am. -0. . ,
'tate; you and each of you are hereby moved and seconded
that"‘the rates attorney of record at the address be- NO 4115
Pac‘flc 311V“ 'fll‘i Wln-be ConSld‘ lSa.t. Higli 12:55 pm. 15.0
’ , Furlou h lsiiinmoned to appear within 60 days would be as follows:
Carried. low stated. and file the same with the' gym-MON; end In
addition to the prices bid .I N 14 de 6,54 m 6 1 ft .
g latter the date of this first ublication 2 ft. to 4 ft. Il/zc clerk of
said Court. together with IN THE SUPERIOR “SUM. OF THE for the gm 6 a coo
emf : OV- . ' P' ' . FUNERAL H l
.' Shortened' of this Summons. to-wit: ithin 60 4 ft to 6 ft. 2c
proof of such serVIces. Within six (6) STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND .'
mag p we High 1135 9-111» 11-8 ft- - - .'
: . days after the date of the 23rd day 6 ft. to 8 ft. 2%c monthsIafter the
first publication of; FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON ,depomt of $.15 per NI feet
B.M. __ I II
he' . 7— .- of October, 1942, and defend the above 8 to 10 ft. 4c
this notice. or the samewvlll be barred. Wythel C At 1 l . u I. to cover
the cost of tree planting Low 6.30 a m 0 r f, Licensed .Emhalmers
II. Inactive status per10d| entitled action in the aléove lentittledI to
12 ft. 5c mDaffiffihgflrst publication, October WEI/:38"! I . seed
sowing and timber Stand I SI“ Higr 1:55 p.m. 14.3 d. w A, WI I
' ’ ,“‘ newly—inducted draftees Court, and answer the amp am 0
Iwas moved and seconded that .- David L At 7121)“ d t . 1 l ‘ ~ - -
ltSiem- Prop.
“L , - - - the Plaintiff and serve a copy of your applications for 11
Chase of Tax Title CECILIA CLARA CASTLE. . we , en 811- improvement work on
the area .15 Low 8:17 .m. 5.3 ft. Ph ne - ash
'nrqhey begm mllltary Serwce Answer upon the undersigned attor- Lands
in Sale N8. is. will be accepted Admlnlsufitl‘lx of estate 0f
thzggidsgggg (1)11" erslfilggTog t9 ‘ cut over, for the total Cut
of tim- ' Nov __ p o 180 Shelmn’ W '
I e are; cut from two weeks Rte); Igor PIliaintlff at hits office (351$:
51;) tit) ang igclfidmg Saturday October; geeglsregde 1310mm; castle, ge-
I YOU ARE HEREBYWSIJMMOgi‘Snté bu. under the terms of the agree_ I .
High 1.07 a m 11 2 ft l
’r' . ee - saen, an in case 0' your a : . , c . _~ . . . V I. .
.. . . .
f ‘. affect-i byNthe “Er impart lso to do. judgment will be rendered:
Letter of thanks fa:gi§dAInerican Red CHARLES T. WRIGHT, I lgglt’gagf
Vflfhm, Slxty dIfiYSI lifter the merit, Will be required. $20,000.00 MonI
LOW 7:38 aImI 1I6 ftI .
ve. ‘ against you according to the demand Cross for use of room
in Welfare Bldg. Attorney for Admmistmtnx summons E first pu‘bh‘catm-n
0f tms must be dePO-‘lited With ea'Ch bid 'N v 16 Hi "i
2‘49 m 14 9 i
e ogtep 18 3- loglcal conse' o'f :IhlihColélPlagntfvigich
hgscbeert f'lIlIreId ggceconguct classes in home nursing. (Rug? £51
9:; Ofsffig‘ftggdre“: larger me’gt'fzfi'ofwém’fig dag
to be applied on the purchasd o ' ‘ Lav 9&8 4'1 i R.
Wit c er 0 esai our. 6 -lVe and f' , n6. : I ‘ , . . .‘ . -
.. . . ,. 11mBhe recent deferment of object Iof this action is to quiet
Plain, Board adjournlelgdto meet again Mon, Mason County. Washingrom {
gffend the abmo entitled action in price. refunded. or retained in part.
1--.... A." R . i
w .3, of WO-{l‘etsi Tequgslfd :5 tiff's ntie1 Insand to the West 130
reg: day. Olcltober 26. 1942. 10-30--11~6-13-20——4t-‘thg
ggglfiafgitngfdplgoggfi agygggwecr as liquidated damages, according! ‘
High 2.49 am 11 it ° "EV *7 LAW
na iona nece S! of Lot . ection 26. Towns ip 0nd . . ~ ' ' '
' l - ' ' ' ' ‘ “ .
man owe, ommisslonz North, of range 3 West, W. M.. in Board
mell’ai‘i’figfe’ $1353? ‘ , iAtwell. and serve a copy of your
t9.°9nd1tl°ns Of Sale- IThe “gm '50 Tues. Low 8:50 a.m. 2.6 ft.
Suite 1 L. M. Bldg
. P i . - P HAWAIIS GIRL SCO [answe . . .
r I I I I Mason CountyI WashmgtonI and to Clams allowed UTS f r Iuppn the
underSIgned attorney reject anylaxid all bids reserved. .NOV 11 ngh 3-42 pm
14 g I- l Shem,“ Washington
A y 0f war Samson sa‘d 1nlper etually bar and enjoin you and Remittance
in the amount Of $7010 ACTIVE IN DEFENSEl 19‘" “simmf- Charles T.
W” ht, at BefOre bids are submitted full in-t L . 1 i- ‘ ' ’
. i: ‘. eat. leac of you from asserting any right. from State Auditor for
Gas Tax Ete- ————— l Ms Office below Stated; and) n case form ti
n ' th ' 0V 0‘20 p'm' 2‘9 It" "I
3 “e d title claim e uit i- interest fund. rec u . . -°f. Your failure
so to do. Judgment . a °¥F°° cemmg e hmbervl —— _ —‘
I I .II II it n eferments in Ngyem’oer theIIéinI or. tgereyd 131
saver” to Treasurereiied and turned 0er to Hawaus Gm scouts __ nearly,
will be rendered against you accqrd- the conditions of sale, and the sub-l
High 5.31 am 12 4 ft
K I 1 II, the eceIssary for us 0 draw Plain“,st title thereto, and for ai
Letter from Industrial Insurance 5,000 strong—came through thawficko
t(IiIiIiemanfiIlI 3f thfiI ctoIInplaIinEé mission of bids should be
Obtained Wed LOW 9:56 a-m~ 3.5 ff. ..
II A. tmen 0“ maCtlve _Status' Dfect’ife adfldu‘igmg hel‘ t0
be the Owner gage? Slgssociation enclosing copy Iof bombing attacks of
December 7‘ of said Ciiurt. 'Ix‘lhe lolijecvtnof thise agtign from
the Forest supérVisorv Olym' NOV-18 High 4:25 L 'm. 14.7 ft.
I hat we may-receive the. 0 8 SalCHjélIdsfiI LEWISI . ed aim. gllégards
for quarries, recelv- unscathed and with a record ofi is to obtain a
divorceI Ipic National Forest.” OlympiaI Low 11:12 1.8 ft.
Fina: men thot the 311%" Plaintiff's Attorney. '
Remittance'in the mount of $1400. achievement. Reports from the.
CHf‘RL‘FS T- WRIGHT» Washington, or the Regional For- ' '
' Licensed p by» A t
e. OtherWISe the war Office and Postoffice address; received from Mrs Alice
Hovind for islands are that the Scouts traiml Off, Plaintiffs Attorney
ester Portland Oregon I I” '~ CCOU" aflt ,.
I IIQ. .c action Suite 1I Lumbermen.s Bldg” equipment re t1 I I
I I ,I l ice and Post office address: r i . .. High 5:31 am. 12.4 ft. Notar
Public “
u. 3%.. u. neural so... in... new... era Encompass ed Intensify f“ a W m
de" in“ Bowls Show 10'23 3““ “43“” 'Thus Low 1057
am 42 ft y
e . , I. . i , . . I , - I son mm yI I . I . . . . . I
n loggfifllgfigfiaI604”an_I7t_ “at gig-‘1‘- I II I tensemwg;
.thwereIII and still are} State of Washington Nov. 19. High 5:03 pm, 13,1
fig 325 Railroad Ave. Phone 115
I. . ‘4 ‘ a floor ilf f’fitlt‘IM-Df Dr. 14. I_ 9 30 i . I I J
1019493330-“.543. 90-21" I fl __ Low 11:52, pIrnI OIS “I l