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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 14, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 14, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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}, November 14, 1963 HASON SPORTS HEWS Ends With 27-0 Defeat Dealt !Bainbridge; Bulldogs Shorthanded Dennis Shelly football season canle for NM last Friday as the Bainbridge Spat&apos;- out a 27-0 victory NM wound up season with one vic- Seven losses, with no ,Olympic League Class NM with one win Both Sequim and OlympicLeague have played a fat' i average ganle on de- leir final clash of the offense was hnrt- the illness of senior-end 'er, and with the loss of Len qtitman. Bulldog starters were all despite limps, you name what other opening Bulldog drive short with a punt, commenced on a lrd drive which ended pass to senior-end for the touchdown. were now given mity with the ball and of it. They put to- vard drive, the longest game, only to be stop- three-yard line by a then failing to make Second quarter, the Spar- control of the ball 17-yard line. In just from scrimage, includ- • d pass play, the Spar- their way to the goal Dow scoring from 14 HALF of the second the entire third quar- by short drives, GRANGE NOV, 16 • 2:00 Music by The Ramblin' Four all abruptly halted with punts. It. ! wasn't until the fourth quarter that the Spartans came alive again, scoring two more touch- downs. The Bulldogs drove down to the Spartans 20-yard line when the final gnn sounded ending their nearest chance for a score in the second half of play. Next week basketball turnouts will begin, allowing a week and a half for the football players to est up. There is also ,a letter awards assembly and a banquet in honor of the football team cum- in K up in the near futtu'e. The football team will lose only six seniors frorn this year's team, with a present force of nine juniors looking forward to next football season. Score by Qu'trters NM .......................... 0 0 O 0 -00 Bainbridge ............ 7 6 0 14-27 Touchdowns: (Bain Meyer, 6- yard pass from Buitenveld; Dow, 14-yard run; Clementz, 2-yard run; Ganalon 22-yard run. Conversions: (Bain) Clementz, kick; Meyer, pass from Buiten- veld; Ganalon, run. TEAM STATISTICS' NM B First downs ...................... 7 12 By rushing .................... 5 ' 10 By passing .................. 0 2 By peffalties .................. 2 0 Rushing plays .............. 40 47 Yards gained ............ 125 227 Yards lost .................. 16 2 :Net yds. gained ........ 109 225 Passes attempted ............ 6 12 Completed .................... 2 5 Intercepted ................... 0 Yards passing ................ 17 66 Total net yards ............ 126 291 Total plays .................. 46 59 Fumbles ............................ 2 1 Ball lost ........................ 1 1 Punts ........................ 6/183 4/127 Average yds ............. 30.5 31.8 Penalties .................... 5/45 4/50 OLYMPIC A LEAGUE (Final Standings) W L T pf pa Port Townsend .. 5 0 0 110 38 Vashon Island .. 4 1 0 99 19 Bainbridge Is ..... 3 2 0 90 45 Forks ............ ..... 1 4 0 64 87 N. Mason ............ 1 4 O 13 137 Sequim ................ I 4 0 70 120 Last Week's Results Bainbridge 27, N. Mason 0. Forks 25, Sequim 6 Port Townsend 7, Vash0rl 0 WELL DRILLING water guaranteed HYERS PUHPS Sales and 24 hour service Russell Drilling Co, Phone 426-4245 EttELTON--MA0N C01JNTX2" J01iRNAL  P/lbiihed in (Ch)'i:,tmastotl,, r7 9  " ghelton, Waamng±on PAGE 5 tJ ,..*C-L, ) _ IllltllEi I ,ll I II NI Illl I Illll Illl I Illl I I I I  I I I RI,GE, SMITH HIT DUPLICATE 613s MEN'S iNI)I;,TIIIAL IV I, Canteen ........................... 251 141 Shelton Motors .............. 23 17 20th Cent. Tltriflway ...... 21 ]9 Pantorium Cleaners ...... 20 20 Clarv Trucking ............. 20 20 Cole's Mobile Service ...... ]8,,: 21 w Morgan Transfer. ............. 18 22 Lun]bernlcn's Merc ....... 14 26 High games Ray 255, Hal) Smith 226. lien O'Dell 220. High series. Ray Rice and Hap Smith each 613. Each using a big second game as their vaulting pole, Ray Rice and Hap Smith wound up with ident- ical 613 series in men's Industrial bowling league play last week. Ray had a fat 255 between his 19(i and 162 efforts as he led 20th Centm'y Thrif.tway to a 3-1 vie- tory over L.M. (Walt Elliott 529}, while Hap pitched a 226 between his 195 and 192 games as his Morgan Transfer quintet struggled to a 2-2 stalemate with league- leading Canteen (ene Hulbert 527). In the olher matches, Pantor- mm (Joe Holt 565) blanked Clary Trncking (Ken O'Dell 566) and Shelton Motors (Bob Newell 473} grabbed a 3-1 verdict from Cole's Mobile Service (Gary Clark 532) HURD HIKES INTO 600 PIN TERRITORY MAJOR LEAGUE Pts. Northwest Evergreen ............ 93 Tlmber Bowl .......................... 86  Dan's Nite Hawks .................. 80 Jim Panley Ine ....................... 74U_, LaBissoniere Agency ...: ...... 69/., Olson's B & B Shop .............. 66V._, High game--Charlie Savage 216. t-Iigh series--Eddie Hurd 601. Eddie Hm'd slipped into bowl-' ing's charmed land with a con- Jstent 197-193-211 performance for a 601 series ill Major league play Friday at the Timber Bowl. His effort paced LaBissoniere Agency to a 10-point production, second best of the night behind Northwest Evergreen's 16 (which got 579, 574 and 572 series from Bob Turner, Harry Peterson and Ray !Rice}. The brush pickers soared into first place on this bundle when Timber Bowl (L. L. McInelly 555) only produced four points. Dan's Nile Hawks (Stan Ahl- quist 585) had 9, Jim Pauley Inc. (Charlie Savage 571) hffd 4, and Olson's Barber & Beauty. Shop (Lynn White 549) hacT 3. RAYONI, ER RESEARCH W L Water Boys .................... 28 16 Maintenance .................. 27.) 161/ Rayonettes ...................... 26 18 Silva Foxes .................... 23 21 Acetate Aces ................ 22 22 Wood Birds .................... 21 23 Pin Curlers .................... 16l:2 27V Fourfowlers ...................... 12 32 High games --- Marg Bacon "186, John'Denison 211. High series --- Beth Brown 459 John Denison 567. $CNOOL $ OMI$ PMROLL$ OY[NMENT RAH! RAH! RAH! BULLS BAGGED  Randy ed his 2-point bull, which weigh- Kingsbury (left) killed the 4- ed out at 371 pounds, in the point bull elk whose head and "south fork of the Skokomish rack are shown above in the River area on opening day Sat- Lilliwaup swamp on Veterans urday. (Pictures by Wingard Day, while Mattie Hickam down- Sport Shop). OUTDOORS IN MASON COUNTY ELK HUNTERS DO WELL Elk hunters fared well in Ma- son County during opening days of the 1963 season, which began last Saturday and closes next Sun- day. Of those reported to Wingard's Sport Shop, the top trophy was taken by Perry Rose Jr,, Shelton high school sophomore, who bag- ged a 5-point bull on Baker Ridge on Veterans Day. Best party report was that ot Dale and Gene Rye and Don Ma- kovin_ey, who filled their tags while hunting above Camp Govey Sat- urday and wound up with a car- port full of meat at their Area- dia Road homes. The brother combination ot Wayne and Tom Coleman, hunt- ing near Camp Grisdale, also fill- ed out with a 2-point and a spike, while Jim Bariekman and Don Saeger, hunting together on 1060 Road, came in with a 2-point and spike. A trio Of 4-points fell to AI Dillenburg in the Skokomish Val- ley, Clmek Geehan neat, Matlock, and Randy Kingsbury at Lilliwaup swamp. Other successes included Ron Hiekam, 2-point, south fork; Pat Carney, 2-point, Lake Cushman; Frank Leeburg, spike, south fork; Bill Swisher, 3-point, Deekerville; Bill Jackstadt, spike, Camp Gtjs- dale. One of the last deer killed during the extended either-sex season last week was 175-1b. 3-point buck at Dewatto taken Wednesday by M. P. Fassio. lions of the area examiners on the instructors who are seeking nat- ional certification. These recom- mendations are then evaluated and the applicant is either refused or granted certification. The International Skindivers As- sociation is the original national group to attempt to have a pro- gram of well-trained instructors teaching a standard, well-planne¢I course in both skin and SCUBA diving. RECREATION REPORT Shelton Ranger District  All roads open but quite muddy from heavy rains and rapid run-off Snow forced elk herds down to lower elevation making the elk kill a little higher than normal. Kill is reported good in both Wynoo- chee and Skokomish area• Freez- ing level has gone back up to about 4,000 feet. GOLF CLUB AWARD DINNER DATED FOR NEXT THURSDAY With weather strictly limiting fairway a2tion, next big evea'f(" Shelton Golf Club members is the annual awards dinner next Thtfl's.* day night in the Bayshore club- house. Social hour is 6:30 to 7:,20 fol -• lowed by potluck dinner, after which trophies won during all l-lien's and "voln(}n's eoritpetitions dt,.ring the past year will be award- Another special 3-day buck- ed. only season opens throughout Wes- The dinner committee has at- tern Washington Nov. 23-26 for a tempted to contact-all members final crack at deer. I but hamft been able to reach some. , • , • • I Any m0aber who hasn't been COil- FULLER APPOINTED REGIONAL EXAMINER E. R. (Dick) Fuller, Shelton SCUBA diving instructor, has been named regional examiner for the state of Washington by the International Skindivers Associ- ation. As regional examiner he will select a group of certified instruc- tor's to serve as examiners through- out the state. The job of regional examiner is to receive tile recommenda- tacted is requested to call Leila Shell or Louise Schmidt. ANOTHER MIXED 2-BALL FOURSOME DUE NOV. 24 Followiko the awards dinner, another mixed 2-ball foursome is the next club event, dated for Sun- day, Nov. 24: with a 1 p.m. tee-off. After the golf action (indoor games will be substituted if wea- ther prohibits outdoor play), the usual social activity and potluck dinner will be enjoyed. We share with all the community great pride in the highly successful seasons com- piled by the football teams of Shelton Hig h School and Shelton Junior High School. The combined records of the three teams (varsity, junior varsity and junior high)ace indeed impressive  17 wins, one loss and four ties. But more importa.rtt thian the record are the efforts made by the coaches to instill in the players sportsmanship and a code of gen- tlemanly conduct both on and off the field. We salute Coaches Bob Sund, Harold Wilson, Bruce Kreger, Larry Weir Roger An- i derson, Bill Brickert, Walt Clayton, Jack Mallinger and Bernie Dorcy. RELY SIMPSON TIMBER COMPANY Shelton - McCleary - Olympia Founded in Shelton in 1890 Douglas Fir and Western Hemlock Lumber, Acoustical, Insulating and Hardboard products, Pl.ywood. and Doors. O EOONOMY GHAMPS O '63 FALCON RANCHERO 101 HP engine, 6,000 miles '62 FALCON SEDAN 4 dr., deluxe trim, auto. trans. '61 :FALCON WAN 4 Dr. '6.1 HILLMAN MINX 4dr. "4 on the floor" '60 RAMBLER AMERICAN 2 dr. station wagon '56 FORD CUSTOM 2 dr. 6 cyl. '55 FORD CUSTOMLINE 2 dr. 6 cyl. • Olher Good Used Oars • '59 FORD custom 300 4 dr. v.8 stick '56 FORD Country Sedan 4 dr. V-8, 9 pass. '56 PLYMOUTH Suburban 2 dr., V-8, auto. • TRUCKS • '61 FORD ½ Ton Style Side short box 6 eyl. '55 CHEVROLET ½ Ton Cab and Chassis '55 FORD Crew bus 30 passenger good for a big camper '45 4 x 4 1 ton steel flat bed JIH PAULEY INC, 5th & Railroad Phone 426,8231 Bu Rose Bob Wolden BILL JOHNSON'S 655 HEW RECORD }IEIICIIL-INTS LEA6 UE 1V I, Prepp's Rexall Store .......... 24 16 Miller's ................................. 23 ]7 Bill's Shell Service .............. 22 1S Olympic Plywood ............... 22 18 Ratph's Serve-U ................ 20 20 Old Mill Tavern .................. 18 22 Kimbel & Whitey's ........... 16 24 Stewart's Foodiiner . ......... 15 25 High games-. Bill Johnson 245, 236; Howard Fn!ler 233. t High series Bill Johnson 65-- Bill Johnson sandwiched stal- wart 236 and 245 slices around a skimpy 174 filling to establish an all-time Merchants league record 655 series at the Timber Bowl last week. In so doing he pitched his own sponsored team, Bill's Shell Set'- vice, to a 3-1 triumph over Kin]- bel & Whitey's (Jerry Christy 517) with a 233 helping hand from Howard Fuller which earned the. team a 1048 count in the final game. In other natches, Ralpb's Serve-: U (Carl Halbert 542) blanked Mil- ler's [Hap Smith 448), last place StewarUs Foodliner (Carl Cook 558) earned a 3-1 duke over league leadin E Prepp's (Bud Donaldson 493), and Old Mill Tavern (Run Strickland 555) rolled to a draw with Olympic Plywood (John Rob- man 481}. AHLQOIST TORRID INTRAVEL LEAGUE Stan Ahlquist opened all the stops .in the afternoon round to bring Sllelton home from Centra- lia with a 5-3 mark in last Sun- day's Evergreen Traveling League bowlitg competition. After warming up with a re- spectable 593 series in the morn- ing, during which Shelton split at 2-2 with Lacey, Ahlquist boiled over with a 660 performance in the afternoon as Shelton won a 3-1 verdict from Elma. It was lucky the youthful Stan was that good, too, for Shelton ear- ried the clinching total-pins point by just one slender pin. His games were 235-191-234. Lloyd Clark hit 498, Lionel Leman 476, Ed Hurd 512 and L. L. McInelly 555. In the morning nlatch Stan's gam£s were 222-225-146. Clark had 471; Leman 520, Hurd 523 and McInelly 589. Over 50 Candidates Seek Berths 6 HOOP LETTERllEH BACi( More than 50 aspirants for the 1963-64 Highelimber basketball squad reported to Coach Jim Doh- erty this week as opening work= 0UiS g'ot tlnderway. Inchlded are six returning let- termen, five of whom scale six feet or better in altitude-Larry YValk- or, Bob Va]ker, Ron Orr, Brian Brickert, Dan Olson, and Bob Je[- fery. Walker is the shorty of the sex- tet but with Powell was the only other regular starter on last year's club. Orr had several starting as- signments last year but Briekert, Olson and Jeffery were reserves AMONG THE non-Letter aspir- ants on whom Coaeh Doherty is placing heavy hope is slender, 6- foot-5 Bob Towle, who missed all last year due to illness and lacks game experience but has gooa moves and a good eye. Much oJ: Shelton's success on the maple court this year will depend on how Towle comes along. Dotiertv expects to cut his un- wieldly turnout down to workable size before this week is over, then get down to serious prepping for wth East. Chal,ging leagne affili- ations has been one difficulty, he said. 'i'ho Climbers have 16 g[nnes tabbed now but are allowed 20 by state rule, plus playoffs. ACT NOW IF YOU i WISH RESERVED HOOP TICKETS Basletl)ll fans who would like to have a reserved st,tl{ for llighelimber lionll g'ainPs this winh, r (tliere are eight of llle-n) shonhl lnake their wishes kno%vn to h'ene S. Reed high sellool prineipal George llerules innne ........ diately. ,4 nlininnlnl of 75 witl IIILV( to sign np for season tickels lie- fore any reserved section cau be plaaned, Princillal l[ernies says. Season tickets wilt he $8 lind will tie the best seats in lhP gyin. The s,aoll starts during" the first week in I)egember. so ae- tion'qaiekly is reeoullllended. 77 ONLY 20 MORE SHOPPING DAYS TILL XMAS - the opening of the season early .in December. FIRST COMB.T .action s?he.a,i for famiIy portraits at mea tor tne rngncnmoers is m I D-n'- s._ , the O13mpic league jamboree at} " ") Central Kitsap Dec. 3. First full-I-- ....... ------ --, .... scale ball game follows Dec: U, lit mm I when East Bremertou comes here I] a ,,  ,, or a no-count contest. The Climb-llalllO  IV ers and the Knights play two prac- illllmlllllllip tiee games this year as well as¥15r,, two league games. West Bremerton will be the first bl'ek & white or eolor official league opponent for the _< .. ,,_ ,, Climbers, in the second week m vrvme uutch Stamey December. PHONE 426-2014 Doherty has experienced some _ _ . difficulty in scheduling Opponents uays or e.venlngs this year, hence the extra game H BIG GEORGE BARNER and t!le Vettes EVERGREEN BALLROOH SAT., NOV. 16 9:30-2:30 Admission On the Old ,$1.25 Oly-Tacoma Highway PORCELAIN IS FOREVER Due to a Special purchase of Hotpoint WASHERS and DRYERS by Eeils & Valleyn a recent buy- ing trip, they are able to offer tlie FAHTASTlC PRICES Hotpoint WASHERS 'Model Shown here) '1888swat BUY THE PAIR Hotpoint DRYERS Model shown here) $ t 0 88 II, ,oO w/t w/t EELLS ..d VALLEY . APPLIANCE 00CENTER i Where YOu Get The Best Deal, By George i 2nd' & Cota Phone 426-4663