November 14, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 14, 1963 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in Christmasfown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 7
CULVER C3300 Series
Quality 23"* TV
Dverall diag.; 282 sq. in. view. area)
lowboy console
000-volt precision
.d chassis plus "Super
turret tuner insure ex-
area reception
opt., extra).
Alnico speaker. 30" h.,
w., 15" d. C3301
finishes on Hardboard.
with Admiral Full
Sonar Wireless Re-
Control--CS3300 Series.
Completely Off
Volume Levels
'Hoodsport Men Out Looking For
Elk, But, Ho Success Re,erted
By Merle Smith with folks at Cushman. Donna I)o-
HOODSPORT Well, here it
is. elk season, and wives and mo-
thers hardly had time to catch
their breath after being submitted
to the tall tales of the deer hunt-
One family taking advantage of
the season are Mr. and Mrs. Nell
Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Marsh of Puyallup and Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Johnson of Seattle are
visiting on the Canal and while
the men tramp the woods the three
sisters are having a marvelous
time just visiting. Needless to
say, they are all enjoying the
Simmon's new home on the Canal.
Dick Scott came over from
Olympia for the weekend to hunt
with his Dad, Andy Scott.
Mr. and Mrs, Bob Nesbitt and
Jack Grubb spent the weekend at
Quinault arching for the elk.
Maul'ice Kaare, and son Jerry
were joined by George Kaare and
Louis Schauffler on their hunting
Maybe I just didn't get news
from the right spots, but as yet
no known success story. And all
the men were so sure they knew
just where the elk were.
SEVERAL of the young college
students arrived home in time for
the Homecoming Game and Dance
for the Shelton High School. Jane
Shumate was home from Ellens-
burg. Judy Shumate from St. Jos-
eph's School of Nursing in Ta-
coma. Judy Nicholson spent the
205 Cote St. weekend in Hoodsport, coming
Men. & Fri. Evenings from Washington State. Coming
from Bellingham were Jeanne
Coles and Dennis Sandvig to visit
Low c,0s,
On Reducing Balances -- No Commission
Gounly Savings & Loan Assodalion
novan was home from Seattle to
visit her parents at Cushman. Joe
Hanson drove home from Centralia
Jr. College to spend the long
Mrs. Anna Sandvig of Belling-
ham accompanied her grandson on
his visit to Cushman and enjoyed
visiting the family. Julie Sandvig
joined a group of students from
Olympic Junior College and High
School on a trek to Mt. Elinor
and reported four feet of snow al-
Students of Richard Bates' fifth
grade class greeted last Tuesday
morning in a state of unbelief as
they left for their trip in sunshine.
The group toured Fort Nisqually
in Pt. Defiance Park and after
lunch visited the Washington State
Historical Museum in Tacoma. A
marvelous time was reported by
this reporter's son.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Casper were
Saturday evening guests in the
Bob Bearden home.
Eugene Avey has returned home
after spending the summer'months
in Alaska where he fishes and
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Blackstead
entertained his parents from Win-
don, Minn., during their week-
long visit here.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rodman and
children visited with her folks,
the Andy Scotts Monday.
Miss Jean Goree of Contrails is
visiting with her cousin and fam-
ily, the Bill Bryants.
Mrs. Jack Franklin spent a busy
weekend entertaining and being
entertained. Family members join-
ing in a birthday celebration were
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kare and
Karen, Mr. J. D. Tiptop and Mrs.
Hoaglund of Seattle, PFC. and
Mrs. Ed Griswold of Tacoma and
of course Jim, Mike and Monica
and 3ack Franklin. They enjoyed
a ride up in the hills just look-
ing around at the lovely scenery.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shumatc, Jane
and Judy, Jim Smith and Doug
Bishop traveled to Vancouver Sat-
urday to attend the wedding of
Charlene Stacel. She is the daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Stacel of Potlatch. Jackie Stace]
was maid of honor.
Judy Shumate and Jim Smith
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Smith and boys of Castle Rock
on Sunday.
The Tiny Tint Orthopedic Guild
Wool'N Striped 'N
Rayon Felt Solid Denim
88 € 44'
a yard a yard
Planning holiday €lec- Sportswear, dresses 'n
oration? Penney'slow decorating very fash-
prices felt in red, ionably, done! Ma-
white or green! chine washable!
Flmmel Pinwale
Prints Corduroy
25' 68'
a yard a yard
Save now on cotton Finest quality cotton
flannels! Prints for corduroy at big say-
children 'n grown- ings! Its uses are in-
ups, perfect for all finite, many colors!
uses! Maohine washable!
72" Wide Basic Notions
Nylon Net By-The-Card
20' 22"
a yard a card
Desig n the party Tape measures, trac-
dress you've always ing wheels, bobbins,
wanted, pay less at knitting gauges,
Pcnney's! P a s t e I. screw drivers, many
dark shades, morel
Harstine Families Return After Trips To Other States !
." '" ' " • sm Jim Lmg ], th caltoomst ld to b back home but that it
B3 (And) llait( , " . " ., , "J " , ' " . :. ....
HARSTINE The Gordon Next they visited some friends was also fUll visiting old friends.
Sin-4nons lUSt rot, lifted hon2e from
a LILIOU-IIIII Ll'lp LO 811 t)l die WcsL-
ern States except for three.
The first stop on their trip was
at Spokane to visit their son. Jim
Jim tool( them to two football
games, one being the Washington
State. Jim's ahna mater, vs. the
University of Utah,
From Spokane they traveled to
Virginia City and then to Yellow-
stone National Park.
Crossing Wyoming and South
Dakota. they came to Ohio, Gret's
home state. Here Gret and Gor-
don visited many of her old friends
and relatives and discovered that
Ohio had the best corn crop in
the history of the state. One-hund-
red fourty to 150 bushels of corn
per acre.
They spent two nights with the
Johnstones. former residents of
Pickering, in Oklahoma City. Also
while in Oklahoma City they vis-
ited the New Daily Oklahoma
Newspaper offce where Gret's cou-
in Admere. Okla.. Gordo exper-
Iellce, LIIC IIIONL Illl.t,I'CdLIUt part Oi
the trip, They visited a cancer
research foundation.
FROM OKLAttOMA they trav-
eled south to E1 :Paso. Tex., where
they crossed the river to Juarez,
Mexico. In Juarez they enjoyed
a full day of shopping and look-
ing at the scenery. From E1 Paso,
they went to New Mexico and vis-
ited White Sands, a missile base.
They visited Salt Lake City,
Utah. They also stood at the Four
Corners. the only place in the
United States where four states
come together aL one point.
To top off their trip, Gordon
and Gret spent four days with
their daughter, Dixie and her fam-
ily in Portland, Ore. They visited
a school for retarded ichildren
where Dixie. an occupational thet'-
apist, condncts classes. After their
four-day visit in Portland they re-
turned to their home on the island.
Grct and Gordon said they were
Junior Prom Is Scheduled For Saturday Night;
Veterans Day Program Is Held Friday
By Margie Green
The junior and senior boys have
been busy getting their dates for
this year's junior prom sched-
uled for Saturday night from 8
to 11:30 p.m. in the gymnasium.
Tickets will go on sale this week
in the office for the dance en-
titled. "Red Sails in the Sunset".
Friday afternoon the senior high
attended its Veterans' Day As-
tiDae, the remaining students tra-
veled to the field to view North
Mason's last football game of the
season. North Mason vs. Rain-
Wedncsday was audition day
for all students interested in par-
ticipating in the N.M. Hootenanny
of Dec. 6. The senior class will
sponsor the event and will collect
the funds for its senior ball.
sembly in the gym. The com.mand- Last week the Lettermcn's Club
er of the VFW, Mr. Grandy, was sold tickbts on a movie camera
guest speaker andOiscussed "What and two transistor radios. The
I a e *'
"s V torah . After the 10 rain- drawing was held at the Student
ute pep assembly which followed, Fund Dinner Saturday evening.
all non ASB Card holders were es- THE SOPHOMORIC] class spon-
corted to study hall. At the same sored the after-dinner dance from
7 to 10 p.m. Saturday in the ele-
met Wednesday evening in the mentary gym. Admission was 25
home of Mrs. Mike Kirk. Mrs.
Jerry Kaare was co-hostess. The
11 members present were given a
demonstration on the making of
wax fruit by Mrs. Marjie Smith.
New members are Mrs. Frank
Gray and Mrs. Harold Thurman.
A guest for the evening was Miss
Jean Gores.
ents at the Hoodsport School are
Janet Coulter and Barbara Ward.
Mrs. John Denison and Mrs.
John Pill are attending the Scout
Leaders training class in Shel-
Many local residents were seen
at the showing of "Dear Ruth"
presented by members of the jun-
ior class at the ,tShelton high
The Hood Canal PTA will hold
its regflar meeting on Monday,
Nov. 18 at the junior high school.
The theme for the month is Legis-
lation. Mrs. Bart Robbins. chair-
man for the membership commit-
tee will take your membership
dues during the evening. There
will be no school envelope drive
this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith and
Jack and Jerry had Sunday dinner
in Tacoma witb the Ray Peter-
I P°int
100 $14.95
and up
The election of Girls' Club rep-
resentatives took place this Wed-
Nov. 21. will be an open house
for all high school classrooms, in-
cluding woodshop and music. The
meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m.
in the high school g.wn with a
demonstration of the PE classes.
The bnsiness meeting will be omit-
ted. Cookies prepared by the Home
Economics classes will be served
with coffee in the Home Ec room.
Parents a.ttending the open house
are invited to make appointments
for confercnees with teachers if
they wish to discuss their child-
rep's school progress in detail.
THE CHRISTMAS concert to be
presented by the high school Music
Department will be December 18
this year. Plans are to also hold
a candy sale during December.
This Saturday in the Belfair
school gym, the bazaar sponsored
by the Elementary PTA will open
at 9 a.m. Baked goods, mnnmage,
I Christmas and all-purpose cards
and wrap, stationery, and spec-
ialty candies will be on sale. Also
offe,'ed will be gift items such a'
] ceramics, centerpieces, flowers,
etc. This is a fine opportunity t.o
complete some of your Christmas
shopping early!
Individual pictures will be taken
Friday aL the Bclfair and Allyn
The high school report cards
were issued this Wednesday.
First Aid classes will be spon-
sored by the North Mason Elemen,
tary PTA in January. The insLtc-
tot will be Mrs. Frank Fedenk of
Mission Lake. CR 5-5372. Daytime
Classes are planned with baby
sitting available. There will be
more details later.
(lad to have vou home. GreL
and Gordon.
Also returning hmne this week
were the Stanley Yates from a
trip to Colorado and Nebraska.
Mr. md Mrs. StanIey Yates,
hrother Faust Yates of Tacoma.
and sister Mrs. Lena. Coffman, of
Sultan. left from Tacoma by train
to go to a family reunion in Hol-
yoke, Colo.
They were met in Denver, Colo.
by Step's sister, Mrs. Ruby Bire-
ley from Livermore, Calif., and
were also joined by Step's other
sister, Mildred McCormick, and
husband of Holyoke. At Holyoke
they were joined by many other
relatives and friends.
From. Holyoke they traveled to
McCook, Neb., for another reunion
with Ann's folks, the Bakers.
many old friends in the vicinity
of Holyoke ms the whole family
homesteaded there in 1910. Stan-
ley and his family lived there
most of the time until they came
to Washington in 1950.
The Yates report a very nice
trip, visiting with relatives and
old friends but were iddened by
the midden death of Mrs. Yates
brother of Fort Wayne, Ind.. who
(as in Nebraska for the family
gathering. We offer our deepest
The A/ Pridhams hosted a party
to celebrate the birthdays of Gor-
don • immons and Nels Bannsguard
and the anniversary of Raymond
and Margerate McCulloch. Others
present were Mrs. Nels Bauns-
guard, the Sid Baunsguards, and
Mr. and Mrs. Lasko.
Weekend guests of the AI Prid-
hams were Mr. and Mrs. Lasko
of Vancouver, B.C. Sunday night,
the Pridhams and the Laskos xere;;,
invited to dinner at the Raymond
McCull ochs.
Ladies Club met at the Hall
with a good turnout, 16 members
and four guests. The guests were
Yvonne Stanborsky and her daugh-
ter Suzie, Lila Peugh, and Mrs.
Ted Ness. The Sate for the Ladies'
Club Christmas party was set
to be Dec. 19 at the home of Men-
ice Pridham. Gret Simmons will
act as co-hostess. Mrs. Lohrer
was appointed to purchase the
Christmas candy for the school
children at their annual Christ-
mas program. The ladies also de-
cided to pay for one third of the
new refrigerator at the Hall.
FRIDAY NIGHT, all the Har-
stine teenagers gave their support
at the last Highclhnber (Shelton)
football game. The Highclimbers
played the Knights of East Brem-
erton and beat them 33 to 6. This
game put Shelton first in their
league. They all returned at 12:30
on a special ferry.
Bob Stanborsky is stationed at
Albrook Air Base in the Canal
Zone. Bob will be stationed there
for approximately two years.
Yvonne and their daughter, Suzie,
expect to join Bob at the begin-
ping of the new year.
The Hi Birches visited the Lar-
ry Jerrells. The BiDches are from
Aberdeen fend have a summer
home at Point \\;Vilson. They have
just returned from a hunting trip
in Utah.
The Barrio Bm'khalters and
their daughter Mary Fran were
the gmests of the Sid Baunsguards.
They celebra_ted their daughter's
birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Tay-
lor were also the Sunday guest
of Sid's and Mary's. All of whom
are from Lakewood.
The-Social Club meeting was
held at the Hall Friday night.
They decided to have a potluck
dimmer at their next meeting which
will be held on Dec. 17. The enter-
tainment committee will be in
charge of the plans for the dinner.
that made Ford Econoline America's No.1 van..
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New 1-ton payload option.., new Iov00cost"pane/ van"
new 6,000-mile service 4-speed trans-
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JIM PAULEY, ING., 501 Railroad Ave.
Low-priced 2-speed, 3-cycle
Sturdy FRIGIDAIRE Washer!
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Model WCDA.64 4 colors or white
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• Rust-resistant Porcelain Enamel
$2.50 per wk.
Model IIBA-64 4 colors or white
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• Automatic defrosting
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Deep-shelf storage door
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ONLY 13.24 cu. ft.
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Clearance Prices
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DIAL 426-4393
Monday - Friday 8 a.m, tilt 5:30 p.m.
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