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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 14, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 14, 1963
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PACT R gI-TELTON--MAg0N COUNTY JOURNAL- Published ill &apos;(, U.S.A.", ghelton, Washington and dance Satm'day evening. .ram I Shelton High Football Game Friday e 0000.mooo Grapeview Residents Attend Final Island, is attending the annual con- vention of the Oregon AssoCiation gene, Ore. The three-day conven- : .... "' Village. By ('hance. they caught GRAPE\\; 1EVq A good pm tmn , . \\; tion will conch]de wqt, h a banqnet of Grapeview's population attend- a glimpse of the well known Mad- BUSINESS DIRECTORY Auto Glass.. , Heating , • Safety check • Clean - up . Minor & major repairs STARKEY'S HEATING Sales & Service 514 Ellinor 426-4673 • Expert Installation JIM PAULEY, INC. 5th & Railrotd Ph. 426-8231 Insurance .... • Disability, Hospitalization • Life • Retirement Funds Mutual & United of Omaha Duane Rodgers - 426-6142 Barber .... • Appointments • Wednesday & Thurs. 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. PHONE 426-2072 BERNIE'S BARBER SHOP Landscaping .... • Lawns, rockeries, trees shrubs • Top soil, tilling, leveling • Free estimates SUNSET LANDSCAPING Herbert Baze 426.4718 J Beauty .......... • Hair Cuts - $1.50 Shampoo & Set  $2.00 : Permanents 2 $7.50 up • Evening Appointments CH RISTMASTOWN SALON 114 S. 4th downtown 426-8643 Building ............... • New I]uilding Remodeling • Cabinet Making Shelton Home Builders Joe Rank 719 N. 4th 426-4545 i J i Draperies • custom made • free estimates • 'wOrk guaranteed J. C, PENNEY CO. 305 RR Ave. Ph. 426-8283 i ii Drugs .... ,,,, I . Helena Rublnstein cos- [ tactics [ . Prescriptions . Hy0o-Allergic cosmetics | NELL'S PHARMACY I Gerry Bldg. Ph. 426-3327 Electrical ..... • House wiring & rewiring[ • Electric Heating I . Trouble Shooting | . IAcensed & Bonded | Contractor . .. ' ;I JIM EfNARSSON ELEC. | Star Rte. 2, Box 37, 426-6520 | Masonry  I ,,'Brick, Block, Stone I • Quality Workmanship | ', Free Estimates . | ,• Contract or Hourly Basis | ' BILL CARLSON iRt. 3, Box 331 426-4480 Snd, Gravel • Top Soil • Peat Soil o Custom Tractor Work Johns Creek Sand & Gravel 426-3552 Norm Anderson Sewing Machine I . Sales. Service Rntals • New and Used • Free Pickup & Delivery Singer Sewing Center 117 5th Ave. East - Olympia Open 'til 9 p.m. Fri. Ph. 357-7586 Tire Service , • New OK Tires • Recapping • Used ' . OK TIRE STORES Mt view Ph. 426-4832 i rJ Travel , • Air - Rail - Steamship • Bus - Hotels - Tours • No Extra Charge For Our Service Angle Travel Res. Center 401 Railroad Ave. 426-8272 426-4134 Electrical ....... • Fairbanks-Morse .Pumps • Electric Heating , WeStinghouse Appliances SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. 419 Railroad Ph• 426-6283 TV Service • Radio - TW . Phonographs • CB 2-way radio "LEROY'S TV SERVICE Mt. View Ph. 426-3172 i ed the Shelton high school home- coming football game last Friday night and was most thrilled and prolld, when at the half-time ac- livities, our own Liz Spinets was presented as the 1963 Homecom- ing Queen. A cheerful and willing disposi- tion and lmg hours devoted to many worthy activities earned this slim and pretty miss the honor of being kle first Grapeview girl to be chosen to reigm over the royal court. Among the Grapeview residents attending the game which won the Olympic AA Cham- pionship for the undefeated High- climbers were the Orin Bucking- hams. Walter Eckert. the Eke Eacretts. the Bill Spinets. the Har- ley Somers; Lhe Howard Somers, Mrs. Ed Okonek. Mrs. Fred Lutz. Bill Staudt. Walt Clayton, Julie Stock, the Larry Ethertons, the Don Pogrebas. the Art .Zehes. Miss Lynn Stevens and countless mem- bers of the school age group. It is timely to mention that among those Grapeview students contributing to Shelton's victor- ions ]963 football season. Kenny Stand• served as one of. the High climbers' managers and Larry Lutz played on the undefeated highschool "B" squad. On the junior high Blazer's squad from Grapeview were Don Nol] and Chief Clayton. The Blazers placed second in the Northern division of the Southwest Vashington jun- ior high league. IT WAS ALSO happy home- coming for several Grapeview fam- ilies, the Web Ethertons welcom- ing son Larry and wife Gayle for an overnight visit. Lynne Stevens who felt that attending the Home- Coming game was a "must" has nothing but .good to say of the U of W. Lynn, a 1963 Shelton grad, is living at the Kappa Delta sorority house. Double timing it, the Eke Eac- retts dashed up to see son Bob's Oak Harbor junior high football team wind up a most successful season by defeating Anacortes 27- 0 last Tuesday night. In the pre- game moments Eke was able to have a quickie-visit 'with Anacor- tea Junior, High Principal Bill Taylor, a former Sheltonian well known for his basketball prowess at the University of Washington. The Eacretts were joined by daughter-in-law Shirley and grandchildren Lori and Mike, all of whom enjoyed the game which wrapped up Oak Harbor's best season and the victory shower bath. given Coach Eaerett by his entlfusiastic team. that followed. Needless to say, bedtime was de- layed in favor of a family visit ad game rehash but Ann and Eke were up bright and early, headed homeward, duty calling, as always. Another very successful Grape- view miss. Ginny Freeman recent- ly returned from attending the NASA-NSTA Youth Science Con- gress, rNational Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Science Teachers Association) at Ames Research Center at Sunny-. vale. Calif. From start to finish the 4rip was filled with fascinating and exciting experiences. To begin with upon their arrival aL the San Francisco International Airport where Ginny was to be met by the Richerts family, in the plane landing next to them was none other than the President of Bo- livia, and the plane, President Kennedy's privaLe plane! That ev- ening brought a visit to colorful Chinatown and the International Floor Coverings . Linoleum • Tile I . Carpeting • 'Formica REX. FLOOR COVERING Mt, View Ph. 426-2292 I I J ....... llfl Why settle for a fraction of the action.., with three great new Olds 88s on the scene/ Sample the Super 88 . . . and its 330 horsepower's Worth Of Rocket V-8 responsel Try the new Dynamic 88 . . . Oldsmobile's popular-priced popularity star, (123-inch wheelbase and four- coil-spring ride are only a starterl) Now test- drive the Jetstar 88--newest, lowest-priced 88 V-8! Which is for you? See your Olds Dealer! Now t@re e[e three Nsedes... aodt0000 88 . /8 lM# pn00d #aH/ -...,,,,...,,,.,., VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DEALER. ,.WHERE THE ACTION ISl ,,.,,,.,., ....... • ame Nhu. who at the moment. seemed to be having quite a prob- lem with college students who seemed to resent her pesence in the city of the Golden Gate. TIlE EVENING ALSO gave Ginny an opportunity to chat with students from our six western states. Monday and Tuesday morn- ing from 6 to 11 a.m. were spent in listening to the papers of the ether parLicipants. The afternoon. 1 to 4 p.m. were spent touring the Ames Research Center where they were able to talk with re- searchers eoncerning their person- al problems with their particular projects. Many good pointers were pickup up this way. From 4 to 6 p.m. they were free to swim and lounge as they pleas- ed at their motels Ginny's being the commodious Holiday Inn of America. following which they at- tended a dinner and were given speeches qn the value of education. college and future goals. The last day they toured the "Man in Space" projects, sat in the trainer seats used by our astro- nauts, saw ion accelerators and got a good look at the model shops and electronic shops. Upon their departure Wednesday they were reluctant to hve it end. sorry that they would miss the arrival of Worrier Yon Braun that evening but too thrilled and excited about all they had learned to remember how tired they were. This congress was one of 10 be- Lug held all over the U.S.A. ald those lucky enough to be invited were chosen on the basis of having participated in the National Sci- ence Fair, as Ginny was chosen, or by the recommendation of a student's college. Ginny is indeed to be commended, for being one of the 25 top science students chosen from our six western states to attend aNASA-NSTA Congress is t l'eal honor. SEEMS THAT MORE than one local elk hunter had to come home empty handed this past weekend, some giving up after only one day to 'devote their efforts to more predictable returns. Jerry Hill spent one day in unsuccessful pur- suit. Art Zehe spent two days in the Camp Grisdale area and an- other elsewhere, seeing plenty of hunters but no elk, while Web Ether•on and Swede Johnson saw plenty of cow elk in the Cushman Ridge area, so also returned home empty-handed. Eke and Ann Eacrett were de= lighted to have Eke's Port Ange- les childhood bnddy and team- mate. Floyd Cox, drop in on them Sunday morning. Cox, who owns some property on the mainland ac- ross from Herron Island. ventured down by boat about a month ago ' ' e " i but rams d seems the Eacretts. In 'this more successful attempt to make his first visit in many years, he and Eke spent several hours catching up on past details of mu- tual interest. Sunday afternoon. Ray and Eliz- abeth Poinsett drove over fl'om Lakwood with their two sons, John and Joel for a drop-in visit to the Eacretts, Elizabeth and Ann being life-long friends. While the grown rips enjoyed friendly con- versation, the boys and their fris- ky French poodle took full ad- vantage of the fun offered by beach and tide! The Fair Harbor Grange met at the Grapeview Schoolhouse, Nov. 7, with the main business at hand being the election of of- ricers for ]964. The resu:Its were as-follows: Maser; Hereon earn- ard; Overseer. Orin Buckingham; Lecturer, Carl Izett; Steward, Vera Izett; Asst. Steward, Ethel Buckingham; Chaplain. Ann WeSt- berg; Treasurer, John Stevens: Secretary, till Spooner; Gate Kee- per, Hal Retzman; Ceres, Rtffoy Lewis; Pomona. Kay Sanford; Flo- ra. Morse Holl; Lady Asst. Stew- ard. Faye :Richey; Executive com- mittee, Florence Palms; Home Ec. Chairman. M'a Gearnard. The 4-H Barnacles met at the home of lhder, Mrs. Virginia cks last Tuesday after school for their regular business meeting. Main accomplishment of the get- .together Was. the choosing of pro- jeers for this year. Discussions were also,, leld on civic Service recreational and money-making activitie that might )e p0sibl, 4-H gardener Leslie Okonek was oe oT the honored guests attend- ing the Sears Roebuck Founda- tion annual banquet Saturday in the Orkck Hotel in Aberdeen. This banquet honors both 4-H garden- ers and tose entering food prep- alation 'cotets who have won blue ribbons from Mason, Grays Harbor and Pacific counties. Les- lie, who was accompanied by, 'his mother, Mrs. Ed Okonek and 4-H lub leader Mrs. A. J. Hicks was most deserving of the trophy which he brought home with him. This is the second year he has qualified to attend the banquet. The Sarah Eckert Orthipedie Guild will meet tomorrow (Friday, Nov. 15) at the home of Mi;s. Lloyd Richey at 1:30 p.m. The ladies are reminded not to bring any work along for this is to be a day of rest. The report on the re- sults of the Country Store will be given next week. Everyone is reminded that donation tickets for the Barbie Doll are available at the Grapeview Store or from club members. The Grapeview Mothers' Club met last Wednesday with 12 mem- bers being present. It has been decided that the Game Night will be held Nov. 22. at the school- house. At this time the Thanks- giving basket will be given away. Donation tickets are available t the Grapeview school and from members of the Mothers' Club. m stoical schemes of supply- ing our wants by lopping off Our desires, is like cutting off our feet when we want shoes. -- Jonathan Swift MELL CHEVROLET COMPANY, I st & Grove Sis. i1 . _ DON'T MISS THE AWARD-WINNING GARRY MOORE SHOW" • TUESDAY NIGHTS • CBS-TVI Thursday, November 14, : Faith Lutheran Plans Dinner To Conclude Stewardship Program The highlight event of this year's stewardship emphasis in Fa, it,h Lutheran Congregation will be a complimentary dilmer for all congregation members at the Ar- mory Friday, m 6 p.m. Guest speaker for the occasion will be Dr. Rismiller of the faclflty of Lu- theran Bible Institute. Seattle. The challenge of using God's gifts to God's glory will be brought by the Vision Chairman. Vince Him- lie. Toastmaster for the banquet is Clarence Anderson. who is also General Chairman for the entire campaign, Details of dinner arran- gements were planned by Charles Neth. This year's program, one which is being eondueled simultaneously in hundreds of congregation of the American Lutheran ChurCh, stres- ses particularly that each member commit himself to actual service in the tasks of the Church. "Temple.talks". committee meet- lugs, discussion groups, a souRd movie: "The Uncommitted". mail- ings to members, and similar forms of activity have taken place this past month, all a prelude to the dinner and "Stewardship Sun- day", Nov, 17. Other key leaders in this effort are Jerry Johnson. Monroe An- tonsen, Harold Jonson and Keith Hurst. Methodist Church Plans Potluck Sunday at 1 p.m. there will be an all-church potluck dinner at the Methodist Church. Following the dinner there will be a short pro- gram which will explain some of the work of the Methodist church in the Pacific Northwest Conference. This will be the first anniversary of the successful Ur- gent Needs Appeal. Some very exciting progress has been made with these funds, such as new churches being founded, portable educational units being put into use, and an expansion of the con- ference program. After the pro- gram there will be an ins•me•ion period for callers, who will then call upon members of the church OPERATION KERALA SCORES AGAIN -- St. Peters Hospital, Olympia, is the latest donor of obsolete hospital equipment to the Shelton Jaycees. who are participating in a statewide Jaycee project, "Operation Kerala". Jaycees are collecting materials, equipment and funds to build a 100-bed hospital in Kerala. India, a city of 800,000 population with just one small existing hospital• Arnold Fox, local Jaycee president, can take credit for having started the ball rolling in the Olympic Peninsula area by having sent an informative letter explaining the project to all of the area's hospitals. Shelton Jaycees have thus far collected about $10,000 worth of equipment, part of which has already been de- livered to Pier 91 in Seattle for Shipment, to India. Shown above from left to right are Sister Marcelle O'Dile, Administrator of St. Peters Hospital, Bob Osterman, Shelton Jaycee, and Charles Schlosser, Chief engineer at St. Peters. This will be followed by a short business meeting, a period of de- votions led by one of the laymen, and a program. All men of the church are invited. Ruth Circle of the Wt)man's Society of Christian Smwice will be cooking and serving the dinner. The Methodist Church School wishes to thank the people of the Shelton community for their sup- port of the UNICEF program on Halloween. The chilch'en collected over $118 in about one hour's time. for their annual pledges. ]This will be enough to purchase Methodist Men's Club will meet t over 59.000 glasses of milk for Monday, at 6:30 p.m. for dinner, hungry children of the world. Scot|ish Ri!e Plan Olympia OLYMPIA ( Specia Rite Masons and honor eight candidates 32nd degree at dinner in the here Saturday night. Lawson H Baskette, lhe Olympia Consistory, ner will be at 6:30 P. vited all Scottish Rite the Olympia. Shelton tralia-Chehalis areaS. After dinner, Dr. J,_. of Olvmnia will enej; ladies :,vhi'le the men gat,' ' lodge room to confer the o- gree on the candidateS. , Dr. Ogle will show co0re and-narrate the story of ?i constructed ghost to\\;m 0. ia City, Mont. The rnin e was at its height during " rush of 100 years agO. _ Before we passionatelY. anything which another e should examine as to the a of its possessor. __gochel The American , !l FRED B. wIV E:I: POST 31 Delbert Weston, Co, J. Mel Dobson, First & Third Next Meeting Tuesday, NoV. lg -- At The Memorial H Story & Clark Piano Lowrey Or[ans at JOHNNY'S ilgSlC BOX OPEN MON. & FRI. EVENINGS 205 Cota St. .:..:.::.:.:,:., ....................................................................:., :.::: ,:., i!i:i!:i<i!!ii:i#iiiiiiiii iliiiiiiil):iiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiii / ::: i:i:ii,i ::i i:!,:::.::: <i ,:i:i::::::,< ............................ ::`::.::::::!!:!>.i:\>;::.;:\>/\>:::!:;:!`: :::i i::iiiiiiiiiiiii% :i!i:: ili;i i!!!ii:iiiiiiil; :,-::.: =:: : iii!iiii:ili:}!il;::?:::!h:: Engine trouble, and not a service station in si It was such a tiny speck on the ocean that our tanker almost missed StY Far out in the Sulu Sea, beyond the direct ship lanes, the little Erm'edita ran into trouble: a shat- tered crankshaft. The captain and some of the crewmen left in small boats for help--but help never came. Seven days had gone by. There was no radio, just a white flag fluttering from the mast. Not a ship had passed. Supplies were running low. And hope, too. h They found seven shocked, tired men, took theO aboard, gave them medical care, and towed their" stricken vessel to the Philippines, saving their means of livelihood. It's only one of many times our tanker men have made friends for our Company by giving aid at sea. On land, Standard men and women seek to make equally good friends for our Company--by the char" Aboard our tanker, outbound to Sumatra, a lookout acter of our public services, the thought he saw a flash of white on the far horizon, integrity of our products, and our , -  The captain altered his course to investigate, behavior as a citizen. . STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA