November 14, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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ovember 14, 1963 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Chrfstmastown, U.IJ.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 11:-
................ T I P hi CibT M t S dyE ...... cj
• " ' T oh GraD e Plans To B "id Hall D " "
ovldes $clentlS! Tex! wan - u] • avton rave inll ino( e u o ee atur a venln
a}: if righteousness is, cinded: "It is only by acl,no,vled- & ' •
lll lhe.pathvay thereof ing the supremacy of Spirit which | =| | | | F lie = m By Mabel Kidd Mrs. Nena Roberts of Shelton held in Abe,'deen at lhc Merck Cester V cv of Skokonfish Val-
ierea.aeatn." Tins passage; " IS tor ' "
i ve , i annul the claims of matter that DAYTON ..... The Gemge Chap- and her guests. Mr. and Mrs, ;Hotel Sattvday !lev. Drop-in callers were Mr. and
1: ,,,,1 bo, . .. tl0rarv riaflgeg be.air Area Lilliwaup ,,,ill host the "rr' ............ ', Sunda ",lni ht uests o 51:1 M'is ozh m Hulblt of Gl,sdlle
,,]el'vices at {he Shelton ! mm tam can l ty off mortafit5 and " ¢ - Franlc Somn%,'s ,,f Ald,,',:,,,,d M,- j ' y o ' ' g " • : f '. . '.. N " ..... ' .
'Illh of Christ, Scientist if|rid the indissoluble spiritual link
he subject of the Bible[which establishes man forever n
'.'"Mortals and Immort- i the divine likeness, inseparable
I,: ! from his creator" (Science and
nes from the Christian : Health with Key to the Scriptures
beXtbook will also be in- by Mary Bake: Eddy, p. 4911.
, A GeneralHomeowner policy saves you
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The new General Homeowner Policy of-
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For the compIete Roof of:Planne
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qObody Settles Claims Faster And More Fairly!
116 No. Second
By Betty Criss
BELFAIH -- Plans are under-
way by rwanoh Grange to build
a Grange Hall off the highway
on the Victor cut-off road. The
Grange would like to hear from
any eolmnunity m'ganization inter-
ested in using this hall, in regard
to their needs or requirements for
a meeting place. Anyone interest-
ed may call Lee Lopriore for in-
formation. The Grange also plans
a series of square dance lessons
for beginners in January. Fur-
ther allllOtlncelnent as to place
and cost will be made latcr.
Members and guests of the BYF
group of the Belfair Baptist Com-
nmnity church were entertained
Nov. 3 at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Jinl Wilson of the South Shore.
"Shadow of the Boomerang", a
Billy Graham fih'n taken in Aus-
tralia will be shown at the Com-
munity church the evening of Nov.
has set Dec. 7 at the date of its
annual Christmas show to be held
this year at the Bear Creek Com-
munity Club. The club will work
on corsages at their meeting Nov.
19 at the home of Mrs. Irene Ud-
ean. ,q
Mrs Lee Lopriore and Mrs. Tom
'Davis recenIy attended a meeting
in Bremerton in regard to the
possible future use of Harrison
Hospital as a retarded children's
center. Any individual or organi-
zation interested may call Mrs.
Lopriore for fm'ther information.
WHAT'S NE%V and best in ed-
ucation in the elenlentary school
was expertly portrayed "for the
Elementary PTA Thursday even-
ing, Nov. 7, in the grade school
gym. The Administration and tea-
ehers are to be commended for a
most interesting and informative
display which included reading,
mathematics, science, foreign lang-
uage, penmanship, art, library,
physical education, English comp-
osition and audio-visual matelSals,
Mrs. Tom Davis announced that
the Thurston-Mason County lib-
rary has offered to stock a library
in Belfall • and furnish a librarian
for 12 hours a week if th com-
munity will furnish a suitable buil-
ding and pay utility costs. The
county library suggested that a
comnmnity committee might be
formed as a "Friends of the Lib-
rary Committee" to further this
Mr. Ed Cokelet has offered the
use of his building on the Brem-
erred highway just out of Belfair
and a spokesman for the VFW felt
that they might help with the
erecting of bookshelves. This
sounds like a fine addition to the
comnmnity and one that should
appeal to a lot of people•
Southside PTO Discusses Parent-
Teacher Conferences At Meeting
By Mrs. Ray Kratcl!a
SOUTHSIDE -- Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Switzer of Arcadia an-
nounce the engagement of their
daughter Celia Lore to Michael
Scott, son of Mrs. Paul Bishop
and Clyde Scott of Olympia. A
January wedding is planned.
Southside PTO met Nov. 4 and
discussed Parent Teachers confer-
ences. The Parent Teachers' Con-
ference meetings will be held Nov.
14, 21 and 26, from 2 p.m. to 4:30
p.m. The first conference meet-
ing was held Nov. 7 and was re-
ceived real well. The success of
the Southside Carnival was dis-
cussed. PTO membership was won
by Mrs. Montgomery and Mrs.
Montgomery won the room eomt.
Don Brown spoke on "After High,
hers divided up into two groups,
one group is foods and the other
group is animals. Discussed how
to keep record books. Seventeen
members were present at the
meeting. Southside Eagles are
meeting at the home of their lea-
der, Catherine Bracy Nov. 21. The
club has a swimming party plan-
ned for November 23.
Mr. and Mrs. VerDe Sehuffenhauer
and family were Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Jones and family, Mrs. Lela
Clark, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Schuf-
fenhauer, Pearl and Keith Sat-
terthwaite and Mike Brownfield.
Monday visitors of tle Ray
Kratcha's were Orpha and Chas.
Botts and Dan Corm|or.
What", and discussed the period
afterwards. The Carnival chair-
man gave a report.
had nomination of officers at the
last meeting held Nov. 1. Those
up for nomination are John Oakes
for president. Leo Bishop for vice
president, and Cleo Roe for secre-
tary. An "Appaloosa" Horse film
will be shown at Cloqualhnn Nov.
30 and is sponsored by the Bell
Southside is glad to hear that
Robin Ogden is back in school af-
ter being ill.
Friendship club meets at the
home of Gaff Hurst Nov. 20 and
they are going to celebrate the
November birthdays. The last
meeting was ',held at Florence
Soutlside Eagles 4-H club rnem-
hers met Nov. 7 and were handed
out Christmas napkins to sell for:
a money making project. Mere-
veling Pinochle Club in their borne
Saturday evening. Meet at Lem-
ke's at 7:15 p.m.
Ladies' Cinb met Wednesday of
last week with Mrs. Jon Rock as
hostess. The birthday of Mrs. De- be soon forgotten by the Ah, ia
lores Nichols was observed. Mrs. I Chap man family. To go along
Dorothy Moore will be hostess lwith the tr, eme for the day, Red
November 19 at Dayton Mall i their shorthorn, bred to a Scottish
Mr and Mrs Edward Pelarson tsh°rth°rn, presented them with a
• " : "' . ' ". white calf No less surprised was
and family motmed to Sequml t : ......
• r • lnalTlma VChr) 10eKe(1 askance at nor
Friday ,ahere they spent the mght . . , - .
with his brothcr and wife, Mr and offsprm.g. -'eopie passing-on the
Mrs Rcginald Pearson formerly road pomL and stare aL tins od-
of Everett. Weekend guests of dty.
Mr. and Mrs. Seab Combs were I MILS. DICK LEONARI) and Ju-
their grandsons, Maurice, Leslie I dy accompanied by Linda %Viii|ares
and L,arry Pearson of Seattle. [ attended the, Sears 4-H Banquet
New Home At
By Frances Simmons
KAMILCHE --- Friends gather-
ed Sunday evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Taylor for
a housewarming in their new
home. Attending were Mrs. Ella
McCulloch, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff
Vivell, My. and Mrs. Jim Wa.ldrip,
Mr. and Mrs. John Eliason, Flof
ence Weeks, Bill Weeks and Mrs.
Dora Mueiler.
Mr. and IV[rs. Floyd Jones (ne
Mary Clark) who have lived in
Franklin, Pa., and Buffalo, N.Y.
for the past year and a half have
recently returned to this area to
stay. They have a girl Leanne and
a boy, Billy Lloyd.
A telephone call from Omaha,
Neb. to the William Cokcr home
announced the birth last Sunday
of Angelo Nigro to the Frank Ni-
gro (nee Sylvia Coker) home in
that city.
nor were Sunday afternoon callers [ and Mrs. Edward Pearson wel'e
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete iher parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T,
Roberts. i Swinhart.
Halloween 1963 is past but won't ' Mrs. Mary Bnchanan of Shelton
I visited Mrs. Gertrude Sex)tL on
Housewarming Held For
visited the Cecil Blackwelder
Last Sunday afternoon Mrs.
Frances Simmons was a dinner
guest at the home of Mrs. Bert
Rau in Ehna.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hulsey of
Seattle spent last weekend at their
, cabin at Kamilche point.
Saturday evening guests at the
Cecil Blackwelder home were Mr.
and Mrs. Ira Stansbury, Mr. and
Mrs. Gee 'Taylor, Ed Taylor,
Norma Wiles and son Pete,
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Marsden
and children left Monday morn-
ing for Ketehikan, Alaska, after
spending the week at the Wesley
VChitenea" home.
served Sunday at the Dan Wood
home to Mr. and Mrs. Don Main-
war|rig of Grants Pass, Ore., Kar-
en Maimvaring of Portland and
Mrs CPaude "Wheeler is COD'fined Mr. and Mrs. Les Mainwaring of
RenteD. The Woods motored to
in the hospital in Shelton for a Portland in the evening to take
few days..
Miss lMainwaring back to her
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Stepp of home in Portland.
Syracuse, Kan., visited at the Ce-I Twelve members of Progress
cil Blackwelder home last week. I Grange attendee], Pomona Gzan,e" =
The Kamilehe church had a pot- at Matlock last Sunday.
Iuck dinner last Sunday for all There will be a dance at Kam-
those having November birthdays, ilehe Grange this Saturday night
THURSDA.Y EVENIN6, of last iN°x" 16.
week Mr, and Mrs. Blackwelder Sympathy is extended to the
had as dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Mike Krise family whose grand-
Ira Stansbury of Shelton and Mr. son Henry James, was killed in
and Mrs. M. Kingam of Olympia.
Last week W. H. McFie of Twisp
Skokomish Valley Couple Return
Home After Trip To Europe
By Mary Valley
SKOKOMISH --- Mr. and Mrs.
Max Latzel have returned home
after three months of traveling in
Europe and visiting relatives in
Germany. %Veleome home neigh-
The \\;Vomens Fellowship of the
Conmmnity Chm'ch will meet in
the home of Mrs. Arvid Johnson
this Thursday evening at 8 p.m.
Mrs. Marg'areL Spaulding will be
co-hostess. A cordial invitation is
extended to the ladies of the Val-
ley. Please bring your Christmas
ideas for decorating.
Miss Esther Johnson has re-
'64 Jet.smooth Luxury CHEVRg00LE00T
' ' " t '
I'Iere are looks, luxury and comfort tha you d expect
to s lent ff they came from anybody
h et you back p y--" ." '
ut the ueoDte at Chevrolet. .
Fr-'-.;ted st, qin- with clean uncluttered lines
th .... - .... , s ooth Chevrolet its feeling of
at give the 64 Jet-sin . . .
hew zch new mterlols
• length and lowness. R" . . . "
With supple fabrics. Foam-eushmned .tronc
and rear seats and door-to-door carpeting:-
Sow dels mcluamg me
standard in all mo ,
modestly priced Biscaynes. And, of course, the niceties
of Body by Fisher craftsmanship.
You've gel a wealth of power to pick from--engines
from a peppery 140-hp 6 to a 425-hp V8*! And you've
got the 64 Jet-smooth ride to cushion you from road
nmse and vibration.
Been promisin yourself luxury like this
someday? Your someday is here, as your
dealer will gladly show you. *o,io,,,, =,= ,,.
Gladys Zoyer of Lilliwaup. Darl
Goldy's sister, has returned from
a month spent in Glendale, Calif.
with her daughter, Shirley Shel-
ton, who has been ill.
Cindy and Ctint Tibbits stayed
Sunday overnight with their
l grandparents, Mr. an'd Mrs. Dell
Tom Leonard had as Saturday
and Sunday overnight guests Den-
nis Combs," Judy Leonard had Deb-
bie Pearson as Sunday and Monday
overnight guest.
Mrs. Leon Scott of Shelton visit-
ed on Monday with Mrs. Gertrude
Scott. ,:
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roberts
and son were Sunday afternoon
callers in the Pete Roberts' home.
Sunday visitors in the A. E.
Lemke home were Mr. and Mrs.
A. /4. XVolden and children of Seat-
tle and Gary and Carol VVolden of
Sunday dinner gests of Mr. and
Mrs. L. B. Pharris were Mr. and
Mrs. Cliffm.d Pharris and children
of Seattle and Mrs. Mike John-
Son and ehildren Of Island Lake•
Dropping in for a while were Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Pharris.
Mrs. Edna Hunter of Skokomish
Valley called on Mrs. Alma Baker
• Sunday afternoon and they enjoy-
ed a drive up Hood Canal.
MR. AND MRS. Allen Tibbits
had as Sunday dinner guests Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits and children
of Chehalis.
Sunday hmcheon guests in the
Alvin Hulbefft home were Mrs.
Ted Ferris and her mother, Mrs.
Sarah Lozier of Olympia and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldy of
Afognak, Alaska. are the proud
pa,ents of a nine and a half pound
baby g'rl born No\\;,. 5. Little Miss
Erin Rea Irene joins brothers,
Joke and Robby and sister, Becky.
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. A.
"V. Pu(lerb:mgh and Mr. and Mrs.
Darl Goldy.
The Mason County Demo-
Cratic Central Committee Meet-
ing will be held 8:00 p.m.
Tuesday, November 26, 1963
at the Mason County Court-
house instead of Thursday. The
money collected on the Dollar's
For Democrat's Drive will be
turned in and counted.
• :NEW
a ear accident in Tacoma lain
Friday. He is the son of Mrs.
Nita Brown, Wapato. He was born
1 mile off highway on Cole Road
. Ask about a SMILE-MILE Ride and the Chevrolet Song Book at your Chevrolet dealer's
GroVe Sts " .... Shelton ............... 426-4426
at Kamilche and spent his early
),ears there.
What we most need is the prayer
of fervent desire for growth in
grace, expressed in patience, meek-
ness, love, and good deeds.
Cole Road Builder's Supply
Cole Road Ph. 426-8224
turned to her studies aL Seattle
Pacific College after spending the
weelcend with her parents.
We are happy to report that I
Mrs Calvin Gravatt is improving
having major surgery in an I
Aberdeen hospital.
Callers at the Chester Valley
, home Monday were their neph-
ews Douglas and Gary Lozier of
Tumwater. Gary recently complet-
ed his term in the armed forces
and spent some time in Alaska.
51R. AND MRS. Arthur John-
son spent last weekend in Seattle
where they were entertained at a
dinner in honor of their wedding
anniversary by their sons and
I wives, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald John-
I son or Milton and Mr. and lVh's.
Arlan Johnson of Seattle.
/ Rev. and Mrs. Edwin Hepner
/and family of Burns, Ore. visited
Mrs. Hepner's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Isaac Stenberg several days
last week.
Mrs. Edna Hunter returned home
[rom a month visit with her
daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Lake of Yak|me.
Miss Sue Valley of Island Lake
and Miss Cindy Stentz of Shelton
were overnight guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Valley.
Those from Skokomish Grange
attending Pomona at Matlock last
Sunday were Mr. Charles Savage,
Mr. and Mrs. George Barkley, Mr.
and Mrs. Martin Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Valley, and Miss Sue
Valley and Miss Cindy Stentz who
were on the Lecturer's program.
Mrs. Mints Ahen of Shelton
was hostess to the Grange Ladies
Auxiliary last Tuesday evening.
Those attending were Mrs. Edna
Hunter, Mrs. Mattie Barkley, Mrs.
Velma Doak, Mrs. Phyllis Broom,
Mrs. Mary Valley, Mrs. LaY|ha
Pulsifer, Mrs. Marie Simmons,
Mrs. Mary Hunter, Mrs. Ruby
Smart, Mrs. Doris Sjoholm, Mrs.
Alie CrosseD, and two visitors,
Mrs. Minnie Sauers and Miss Eliz-
abeth Butler.
panied several young people of
the Community Church to a
"Youth for Christ" meeting in Ta-
coma where they heard Mr. BOb
Daniels of Lob Angeles, a noted
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. PitLors of
White Fish, Mont., are visiting
their daughter and family, Mz'. and
Mrs. Bob Whitmarsh.
Mrs. Robert Minnis and Mrs.
Carol Hunter were among the mo-
thers who chaperoned the 5th
Graders on a tour last Tuesday.
Going by way of the Narrows
bridge they visited the Pt. De-
fiance Zoo, Fort Nisquatly, and the
Historical Museum in Tacoma, and
returning by way of Olympia., It
was a grand day for the kids and
we think the chaperones sm%,ix*ed.
Danny Hess of Sunset Beach
visited his grandmother, Mrs. W.
E. Bray over theweekend.
Start Lyman was one of the
lucky ones to bag an elk last week.
Callers at the home of Mrs.
Eugene Brown on Sunday werc
Mrs. Edna Hunter and Mr, 2. A. L.
O'Neill of Shelton.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Temple
and son of Olympia and Mr. Pa'-
ry Jones f Shelton were Sunday
dimmer gests of Mr. ad Mrs.
Eric Sjtholm. Joinhg them in the
evening were Mr. and Mrs. Gunn-
er SJoholm of Shelton.
-- Mary Baker Eddy
Shelton Tenino
[ II
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Naturally, there is free parking at any TCF office.
Our Shelton Branch is open until 5:30 Friday after-
noons for your convenience.
":Each account insured up to $10,000 by Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corp: