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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 14, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 14, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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:!i i &apos;¸ vember 14, 1963 SI-TELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL .--- Published in "Christmasfown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington i i i Ji, =l ii illl i i i i ii i i ... i ill 'lal Visitor F er i iDemonstrations PLANS JANUARY NUPTIALS !Amarantl, ! Social Eren ts rGivenAtCanal :][light of tl.e last meeting ii e, Oourt, Ordor of Area,-, Garden Club Meet [0l Matron, Mac Munyon, I  oc,ety Kdttor The Hood Canal Garden Club given hvnors and present- / "'' enjoyed two demonstrations last t a_ gift by members and PLAN 'bur:;da, at t.e rcgular monthly [! the cofi'rt. To eelebrate t S meeting at the Potl,,ch Woman's ,in a dinner was served l clubhouse. |e meeting. { Mrs. Arthur Kra,us gave an in- Lourt secretary, Evelyn{ teresting talk on flower arrange- ,, also received honors as i ments and corsages, demonstrating itSsistant lecturer. , ] the main points of procedure to ]arna Hammond will en-] remember. Mrs. Josie Peteron l&bgrs O.£ the Snail'bib I showed how to make Christmas table centerpieces and door swags. i ,0roe for a work party/ ''A - . She also had several beautiful |';£ bazaar is slated for De- vall plaques made of cones and | in the Union Lodge Hall. ] beads on board backs and cone IG corsages to show hen we assign limits ' 1 lesires since nature hath At the morning business session |. presided over by the president, ' -- C. N. Bovee Mrs. D. H. Pierce, Mrs. Ella Lank =" .:< ! [3Uite a while, Ford was i auto manufacturer o 'price Big Three who ] eight-cylinder car But hevrolet and Plymouth into the V-8 business. It!however, a suprisingly reentage of people are etr going for the greater _[lhat is offered in the ![ tltead they-'re sticking ]SiXes. Even Ford is sell- great number of sixes. for the consumers' for the six-cylinder the old, old answer. Mo- true that the six will of pick-up power but the overriding that the smaller six gas. And. for some gas bill is the third on the family bud- a mighty good rea- iti 'Y SERVICE at a FAt R ''. , For all your TIRE  * . . PASSENGER, 1= or TRACTOR ... NEW :O tires available at -''|; TIRECAP . . . 1st & |"', 426-S104. Std. Features of Wn. MR. AND MRS. GEORGE BREWER, Jr. announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Mary, to Mr. Jerry Spiker, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Spiker, all of Shelton. Both young people are graduates of Shelton high school with the class of 1960 and are at present students of Central Washington State College at Ellensburg. A summer wedding is being planned. The thirst of desire is filled, nor fully satisfied. I Uts any shape--straight lines to circles lthe craftsman who wants speed, power and efficiency |z deluxe jig saw is the answer. Big 2.3 amp. motor, Model 514 |;'al gears, ball thrust bearing handle tough jobs-- $--"68 |{',o 2" in wood, V2" in metals. Contour-grip housing Z4 ntrol, accuracy. Automatic sawdust blower. ,HKTOH HARDWARE lO3 Rai,road ncver Homemakers Glub Slates Bread Sale HillcresL Homemakers Club wilt go' to Maple Lane Girls Home in Grand Mound next Wednesday. The club will sponsor a novelty bread sale tomorrow beginning at 9:30 a.m. at the Sears store in Evergreen square. The Christmas party for mem- bers and their families will be held at 2 p.m. December 1 in the Memorial hall. Everyone is to take a gift for theh" mystery pal aria a hot dish. At the last meeting 13 members were present. Mrs. Chas. DeMoss demonstrated making waste paper baskets. Some desii-e js accessory to keep life in motion; he whose real wants are supplied, must admit those of fancy. --- Samuel Johnson was thanked for her work making the year books. Mrs. John Short- sleeves reported on the District Fall Convention held in Sequim in October and Mrs. Mottle Back- land gave a two-year review ot the club project of landscaping at the Hood Canal Junior high school grounds. Roll call answered by each mem- ber and guest telling what vege- table they would be serving for Thanksgiving . dinner. Luncheon hostesses were Mes- dames W. A. Leimbec4q Short- sleeves, Frank McIntyre and Nic- holson. The club will meet December at the clubhouse. Mrs. George Moake will be demonstrating mak. ing coathangers. Members are to bring two hangers, Scotch tape and two 8-yard balls of different colored rug yarn. Guests are al- ways welcomed. There will be a Christmas gift display for ideas and sate. Be charitable and indulgent to every one but thyself. --Joubert BEAUTIFUL Virtue and Metalcraft 7-pc. DINETTE SETS SIX STYLES IN WALNUT AND MAPLE ALSO' 42 in. ROUND SETS (42 x 60 with leaves) Mr and Heat Resistant Tops - 6 Comfortable Style Chairs SPEOIALLYPRIOEDFR0. =99 See them now at A Subsidiary of p. N. Hirsch & Co. THE ENGAGEMENT of Miss Celia Lora Switzerto Mr. Michael Scott, son of Mrs. Paul Bishop and Mr. Clyde Scott of Olympia, has been announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Switzer, Shelton. A January wedding is planned. SET NOVEMBER DATE MISS CHARLOTTE MAE KIRK and Mr. Darrold DeLancy, Jr: will be wed November 30. The announcement is being made by her mother, Mrs. Geraldine Kirk of Shelton. The bride-to-be's father is Mr. William F. Kirk, Potlatch. Her fiance's parents are Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hliboki of Elms. The couple will live in Seattle following their marriage. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY It's l Date Tle Shelton Hospital Auxiliary 11 annotnlced a renovation has Today, Thurs.. November 14 taken place in its hospital gift bar. Golden Age Club, noon p'bt* The public is invited to visit the luck, Memorial hall. Girl Scout leaders' meeting, 9:30 hospital and see the wider Variety a.m., Girl Scout little house, and larger supply of gifts now Rotary Club luncheon, noon, available for selection. Ming Tree Care. - Chamber of Commerce annual Farmers Night dinner, 7 p.m., Ma- sonic Temple. 40 & 8 Voiture November prom, 7 p.m. dinner at Heinic's Broiler, 8 p.m. prom at Vets Club. Friday, November 15 Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild luncheon meeting, 12:30 p.m., home of Mrs, Har¢ Decga,n. VFW Auxiliary, 8 p.m., Memor- ial hall. Hillcrest Homemakers Club nov- elty bread ale, 9:30 a.m., Scars' torc. Saturday, November 16 Drivers license examiner, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., police station. Sunday, November 17 Shelton churches invite you to attend the church of your choice. Yacht Club social, 6 p.m., PUD auditorium. Monday, November 18 Shelton Garden Club, 1:30 p.m., home of Mrs. L. D. Hack. County commission's meeting, 10 a.m., courthouse. SRA Pinochle Club, 8 p.m., Me- morial hall. Tuesday, November 19 Kiwanis Club hn,chcon, l,oon. Memorial hall. City commission's meeting, 2 p.m., city hall. Fred B. Wivell Post 31, Amen- can Legion, 8 P.m.. Memorial hall. Slclton Rhododendron Society, 8 p.m., PUD auditorium. Wednesday, November 20 Laurel Court No. 26 Order ot Amaranth, 6:30 p.m. potluck; p.m. meeting, Masonic temple. Mason Co. Women's Republican Club, 1:30 p.m.. Memorial hall. WARC, 8 p.m., Capitol Hill Community ball. Exceptional Foresters Board, ,t- ( p.m., Capitol Hill conunuuity Hall. Drivers license exalniner, ]O - 5 p,m.. police station. B.P. & W, Dimler meeting, Col- onial House, 6:30 p.m Thursday, November 21 Welcome Chapter Past Matrons Club, 12:30 p.m. sack luncheon. home of Mrs. Viola Ferris. Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Mink Tree Care. Hood Canal Woman's Club, 11 a,m., Potlatch clubhouse. k Eight And Forty Droner Has Fall Decoration Theme Mason Co. Salon No. 508 Eight and Forty were guests at a 6:30 p.m. dinner Monday at the Memor- ial hall. Partners Mary Dobson, Agnes Alexander and Martha Wit- stets were hostesses to 17 mem- bers. Tables were decorated with autumn flowers and fl'uits. The meeting convened at 7:30 p.m. with Le Demi Petit Chapeau Premiere Mottle Backlund presid- ing. Regular business, with chair- ,nan r?ports, was conducted. Child Welfare chairman Agnes Alexan- der. reported a contribution of $25 to the "40 and.8 - Journal" Christ- mas fund and that 40 hours had been spent stuffing envelopes for the Mason County Tuberculosis Association. The net meeting will be De- cemhez!9 with Partners Merle Smith, Jenfiie Hog and Mottle • Backlund acting as hostesses. Following adjournment an ea- ucational and informative film on Cystic Fibrosis was shown Lo which the public had been invited. Support of the research work on Cystic Fibrosis * in children been added to the Eight and Forty program. Shelton Yacht Club Takes Fall Cruise Some of the hardier members of the Shelton Yacht-Club cruiser to Gerald Cove and spent the weekend. Staying overnight were Mr. and Mrs. Don M cCuiston. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hash, Mr. and Mrs. Les Hansen, Tom Storey and guest Ray Gilmer from Olympia. Those who went out just for the afternoon were Ed Beekcr, Mr. and Mrs. "Joe McAlfrey, Mr. and lVlrs. Joe Gatchcl and Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ken Chapman, Randy and Mr, Frank Chapman. PAGE 13 ii i i Van R. Hinkle Named Amaranth To Honor Grand iatron, Patron Amaranlh, Incorp. will w.<t at Van R. Hinkl., fovmc ' Sm)evvi-. 6.o0,,p.m.'" ' ,ext- - ",edne:,da .,' ....  at the sot, Division of Ctfildren and Youth Masonic Temple for a potlncl¢ din- Dept. of l n.=titutions, is now Ex-Iner honoring LIe Grand lhwal ecutive Seo'etary of "Vashingtou Matron, M.ay Munyon of DuPont, Association for Retarded Children. Mr. Hinkle will be at the next local chapter meeting of VARC to be held at 8 p.m. next Vednes- day at the Capitol Hill Coamun TM ity Hall, He will also meet from 4-6 p.m. the same "day with members of the Exceptional Foresters Board. All members of the chapter are urged to. attend, as well as any other interested persons. GRANGE HONORS GOLDEN ANNIVERSARIES Cloquallum Grange held a ham dinner last Sunday honoring the. golden anniversary couple Mr. and Mrs. A. E. "Boney" Loertchcr. Other guests of honor were Mrs. Magdelene Korzeniowski and Mrs. Ha2,el Betsworth. The cake was baked by Mrs. A. E. Loertscher, Jr. About 60 guests were present. Wa.h.. and Grtnd Roya! Patron, Ralph Holmstad of Lynnwood, Wash, An 8 p.m. meeting" will he held following' the dinner. All members a::e nrged to come ()ut and welcome the Grand offi- cers. DA00CIN6 Lamp,st Tavern :3 Sghis Ea©b Week Thurs. Fri. $;ii. Live Western hzsic FREE ANISSION thn =y buffeM i,,. Anadn Tablets not only bring fast, fast, fast pain relief but also relax nervous tension, Almond R0ca $1.00 can Hard to hold or regular Ciairol Hair Spray Tampa Cigars Shampoo Qts. Egg Cream or Castile In Evergreen Square Phone 4264456 Northwest dealers point out that Piymouths are selling so fast that before you can say,"Get up and go Plymouth..." they're gone ! What does It all mean? It means that we've come up with a car people like. Simple as that. They like its style. They like its performance. They like its stamina. And care has been taken to build it so they'll like it long after the new-car smell has worn off, Now what about you? Are you going to be swayed by our sales figures? Of course not! You're going to see us for a test drive... put Plymouth through its paces ... and make up your own mind. And we think one test drive will be enough to make us another friend, Kimbel Motors, Inc., I 707 South First St. ....... i! irl i i , ....... L .