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PACE ]4 .°,T-W.LT(SN'MAOM COTTY 30T/RNAL- Published in ¢'Chri.tmatoum, U.g.A.", 5helton, Washington Thursday, Novembe
29 EARN LETTERS WITH 1963 OLYMPIC LEAGUE Cl 00ro.00o.t 00oar 0000e,ton00 ,:
"i .- J' " ' .'" 's It's going to take some doing yards per game to opponents pas- VAI{SlT¥ .YF
/ But this is one of those NOT i 5
From Nell Evander ]situations. The 196o-Highclimber I s e' ne. 1-°°t:tr:eet°a-$7s
Other than a friendly "hello" I]. football team won the Olympic I ' " " " • I " • ' " . ' ' L Shelton 25 Tm :.JLt,_
In 22 games there ,,,as but one through the air, while yiehting Shelton 13 Ceilt,'al ''
was wondering what I'd talk shout mague crmn w!th only 11 seniors ! defeat. Four were ties. 17 victor- t 77.5 yards to enemy rushers and Shelt,m 24' South Klt,:' u
this week when the word "c-a-r-e" among the 29 players.who earnea t ies. Here's the table i62.8 yards to rival passers. The I Shellon 19' North Kit ,
occurred to me This "s a word tneir miters on the cnampionship i ' ; - on ). _h ,
• . l . Climbels completed 51 6 percent Shit p ' o ebaliS v 11,2" '
which come s squad, and five of those upper- i %V I, T T,
pf pa of their passes (46 of 91 attempts) Shelton 33. East B r#l
classmen were not starters, four] teams is not new to Sund the Varnity ............... 7 0 I 148 49 while opponents could make only
pretty close to
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i i iii iii i iii
were not even primary reserves. I
All of which paints a pretty
)icturc for next year, with 18 re-
turning letermen (16 juniors and
two sophomores ).
BY POSITION, the returning i
veterans include three ends: Mie
Brickert, Floyd Baies and Steve
Chase; four tackiest--Brian Sny-
der, Bill Batstone, Gene Toney
!and Ed Latham; three guards---
Steve Anstey, Jim Richards, and
Roy Ritner; one center--Steve
Archer; two quarterbacks--Larry
Powell and Bill Archer; four half-
backs--Don Clary, Tom Lowe.
Dave Johnson and Bob Miller; and
one fullback---Fred L'amont.
43o,h Justifiably Happy
broff, a pail' of junior ends; Steve
Close and Jim Rutledge, junior
guards; Ron LeBresh, sophomore
guard; Dale Downing, soph. cen-
ter; Mike Johnson and Scott Swi-
sher, soph. halfbacks (Swisher is
Miller and Bill A.rcher are the]also a quarterback possibilityl;
sophomorcs in this group, all of whom served enough varsity
it gives Coach Bob Sund a let- time 'this fall that they will be no
terman at every position and two strangers to the upper eschelon
at most• These 18 tettermen will next year and from whom capable
replacements for the departing
seniors should be developed.
Winning the championship this
year was a "bonus" Coach Sand
hardly expected. He felt this club
was about a year away from its
peak. But it had that certain some-
thing any championship squad
must possess, a combination of
spirit, teamwork, and basic ability, :
to overcome the mole-than-nor-
be augmented by an especially fine
crop of B squad material, which,
like the varsity, enjoyed an un-
defeated season.
SUCH BOYS, for instance, as
lennie Mason, a junior tackle who
should be above 190 pounds by
next fall. He missed his letter by
two quarters (due to that upset
Chehalis deadlock). And :such boys
as Duane Wilson and Jon Hem-
i Exclusive! Limited Edition-fine-qualitylong-play record.
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Front & Grove Sts. 19th & Pac, Ave. 5th & E Main
had one at Forks in 1956 just be-
fore eming to Shelton), this is
his first championship with the
Highclimbers. During his seven
years at the Hihclimber helm
Shelton has held membership in
three "l-eagues--Central, Seamount
and now Olympic. Sund's record
for those seven years is 28 wens,
23 losses, 5 ties.
The 29 lettermen of this year's
squad were gamsts of the coach
at a dinner party at iris home
Monday night. They'll be guests
again, with non-lettermen squad
members and their fathers, at the
annual Kiwanis Club post-season
football banquet scheduled for No-
vember 26. Tentatively, two Uni-
versity of Washington football
players--Mike Briggs, who recov-
ered the blocked punt in the end
zone which started the Huskies
to their big victory over USC,
and Dave• Kopay, who was Big
Six back-of-the-week as a result
of his play in that same game-
are scheduled to be special guests
at the banquet, according to chair-
xnan John Pill.
]st Score, last game
B Squad .............. 6 0 2 99 -ilg
JunioV High ........ 4 1 1 79 20
Totals .............. 17 l 4 326 87
In all probability this is an all-
time pinnacle .for football success
at Shelton.
thile winning the Olympic
league pennant in their second
year as conference members, the
Highclimbeis showed their domi-
nance over their rivals by the fol-
lowing statistics (including three
non-conference games} :
Sll. Op.
First downs ................ 115 47
Rushing yardage ...... 1647 898
Rushing losses .......... 185 280
i Passing yardage .......... 558 502
i i Net yardage .............. 2030 1t21
.::::: : :i! Passes attempted .......... 91 96
i Passes completed .......... 46 28
Intercepted ........................ 7 12
Penalties ................ 19/169 21/216
j Fumbles lost .............. 10 6
These stats show that the High-
climbers on offense averaged 254
yards per game passing and run-
ning and on defense yielded 140
* € :l:
(Continued from page 1)
27. The score was made in three
plays, two by Clry for seven and
14 yards on thrusts arourM left
end and through left guard.
Shelton ]eft the field at halftime
with a 19-0 lead, the third time
this year the Climbers enjoyed
a 3-touchdown advantage at the
Shelton went 85 yards in nine
plays for a third period touchdown
with Lowe doing he .heavy lea-
ther-lugging. Key play was his
35-yard gallop through right
guard on which he cut to the left
sidelines and was run-of-bounds at
the five. He made it on the next
play. Earlier in the drive he car-
ried for one 7-yard play. Lament
tossed in a big helping hand with
35 yards in five carries during the
onward march.
Lowe passed to err for the con-
td pat pts
%Villiama E ...................... 6 2 38
Don Clary S .................. 5 0 S0
Harrison PA .................. 4 1 24
Carlson NK ...................... 4 0 24
iron err S ........................ 3 2 20
Hunt PA .......................... 2 5 17
Tom Lowe S .................. 2 2 14
Briaa Brickort S ............ 2 1 13
Kelly Hurst S ................ 2 0 12
Corm CK .......................... 2 0 12
Peacock PA ..... ................ 2 0 12
Patterson PA .................. 2 0 12'
Brodigan E ...................... 2 0 12
Emos PA .......................... 2 0 12
Turner CK .............. . ....... 1 2 8
Bob ttlker S .................. 1 1 7
Fred hmon¢ S .............. 1 0 6
1)an Olson S .................. 1 • 6
I-Ioltin e SK ...................... 1 0 6
Sadowski SK .................. 1 0 6
Kerr PA ........... : .............. 1 0 .6
Witt CK ......................... :1 0 6
• Klein NK .......................... 1 0 6
Compton CK .................. 1 0 6
Larry Iowell S .............. 0 2 2
LOWE GOT his second touch-
down of the night just before the
quarter Closed when he hit right
guard and cut left again for 10
yards to terminate a drive which
junior tackle Brian Snyder made
possible with •recovery of a East
fumble at the Shelton 43 and
Which Walker activated with a 36-
yard ramble on the year's oddest
As the Climbers came up to
the line everybody was to the left
of the ball acting somewhat uncer-
tain and as if they wanted a time
out. Some of the linemen even
were facing the baclcfield, stand-
ing erect• But center Steve Ar-
cher snapped the ball slant-wise to
Walker and suddenly everybody
was blocking. Walker raced wide
to the'left and wound up with the
game's longest run from scrim-
The touchdown would have come
two plays earlier than it did, but
an offside penalty cancelled Clary's
13-yard run around left end into
the end zone.
East's tondhdown was scored on
an 85-yard return of Shelton's
I kickoff after the Climbers' fourth
touchdown. Speedy Rod Williams
took advantage of Coach Sund's
one concession to have all 11 of
his seniors on the field at once.
It was sort of embarrassing to the
departers, but fortunately did no
serious damage.
EXCEPT FOR Williams' scoring
run, East made its way into Shel-
ton territory only twice, late in
the second quarter after recover-
ing a fumble on the 22 (from
where the Knights steadily lost
ground until they yielded the ball
on the 29 four downs later), and
then not again until the fourth
quarter when they penetrated to
the Climber 42 ,against reserves.
These same reserves almost had
another Shelton touchdown soon
: Toney, Latham, Mason, Schuma-
cher; GJeffery, stey, Ritner,
Bugger, Close, Rutledge, LeBresk;
C-S. Archer, T. Sheedy, Downing;
Q-B. Brickert, Powell, B. Archer;
HB-Lowe, WaBer, Clary, D. Johri-
son, M. Johnson, Olson, Wagner,
Swisher, L. Sheedy, Rose; FB-
Hurst, Lament, Dronen, Marshall.
SCOR a {gusTs
Shelton ................... 6 13 14 0--33
East ...................... 0 0 6 0 6
(Shelton) B]'ickert (2, 1, 3,
sneaks; Lowe (2), 5, 11, runs;
Ciary, 7, pass fzm Lowe.
(East) Williams, 84, kickoff re-
Conversions: (Shelton) Powell,
run, err, pass from Lowe; Walker,
pass from Brickert.
First downs .................... 20 3
By rushing ................ 16 1
By passing ................. 4 2
By penalties .............. 0 0
Rushing INc. of plays) 41 34
Yards gained .......... 309 65
Yards lost .................. i 40
Net yards gained ...... 309 25
Passing •
Number attempted .... 18 11
Number completed .... 7 4
Number had intercept. 2 0
Yards gained .............. 96 56
Total net yards ............ 404 81
Total plays ...................... 59 45
Fumbles .......................... 3 4
Ball lost ...................... 2 2
Punts ............................... 1 7
Average ................. 43.0 29.1
Penalties ........................ I 3
Yards lost .................. 5 45
• Rnshing: 'b yg yl nyg avg.
Lowe .............. 8 88. 0 88 11.0
Mount E .......................... 0
-Wesbey OK ..................... :0
Netterfield E ................. .0:
Be!l PA .......................... 0
WaIker E .......................... 0
Billings CK .................... 0
Totals .......................... 49
OIympi6 League
Shelton 33, East Bremerton 6
Port Angeles 19, North 0
Central Kitsap 7, South 0
Bainbridge 34, N. Mason 0
Forks 25, Sequim 6
Port Townsend 7, Vashon 0
Sehmount League
North Thurston 32. Fife 0
Curtis 6, Peninsula 0
Bethel 7, White River 7
Sumner 53, Laughbon 0
Central League
2 21fterwad, but a pass on which
1 1 ]Bill Archer hit DaVE Johnson right
1 1 in the bread-basket was jarred
1 1 loose by a defender's tackle in the
1 1lend zone. This drive carried from
1 1 I Shelton's 21 to East's nine, largely
25 319 .on two pass-lateral plays on which
Larry Powell passed to err, who
in turn lateraled first to Clary for
42 yards, next to Mike Johnson
for 15 yards. Clary also ran for
10 yards on a left end sweep.
So ended a great season, be-
fore a full-house of completely-
pleased homecoming fans. It was
an almost flawless performance in
which picking stars among the 40
Highclimbers who saw action is
Hke throwing buck shot on the'
floor--you couldn't miss.
Regular starting guard Jim
Richards, a junior, missed the
Lament .......... 7 56 0 56 8.0
Clary .............. 9 92 0 92 10.2
Walker .......... 6 51 0 51 8.5
Hurst ............ 3 10 0 10 3.3
Brickert ........ 3 5 0 5 1.7
Powell ............ 2' 2 1 1 0.50
Olson .............. 1 1 0 . 1 1.0
M. Johnson .. 1 4 0 4 4.0
Passing: pit tae int. yg vg.
Lowe .............. 6 3 1 26 8.2
Powell ............ 4 2 0 58 26:0
Brickert ........ 5 2 1 13 6.5
Archer .......... 3 0 0 0 0.0
Ruslllng: feb yg yl nyg a'g.
Williams ........ 9 36 4 32 3.6
Mount ............ 7 23 0 23 "3.3
Claytoll ........ 2 5 0 5 2.5
Rickerson .. 4 1 3 -3 -0.8
Walker ........ 1 0 7 -7 -7.0
Brodigan ...... 2 0 22 -22 qI1.0
28 of 96 efforts for 29•2 percent.
Thus an early-season fear that
Shelton would lack an effective
aerial game proved grmmdless.
Junior halfbacks Don Clary and
Tom Lowe turned up with the
best individual offensive statistics,
finishing one-two respectively in
scoring and average gain per car-
ry, while junior fullback ran sec-
ond to Clary in total yardage gain-
• ed on the ground. Clary led the
scoring with 43 points, the total
yardage gained with 360, and the
average per carry with an even
seven yards. Lowe was second in
scoring with 27 points and second
in average gains with 6.6 yards.
l Lma]ont second in total
gained at 329 with Lowe third at
290. Senior quarterback Brian
Brickert had the most carries
with 82, followed by Lament with
79. Here are the tables on these
two categories:
Scoring td tfp ill
[Don Clary HB .............. 7 1 43
i:Tom Lowe HB 4 3 27
!Ron err E ..................... 3 2 20
Brian Brickert QB ........ 2 1 13
Bob Walker HB ............. 2 1 13
Kelly Hurst FB ...: ...... 2 0 12
:Fred Lament FB .., ...... 2 ,0 12
Dan Olson HB .............. 1 0 6
Larry Powell QB .......... 0 2 2
Totals ......... i ................ 23 10 148
]Bushing C yg yl nyg ave.
Clary .............. 52 366 6 360 7.0
Lowe .............. 44 309 19 290 6.6
Walker: ............ 32 150 11 139 4.3
La.mont .......... 79 335 6 329 4.2
Hurst .............. 42 125 0 125 3.0
I¢ ¢k
Shelton 6, Olympia 0 :I%PuI
Shelton 20, Eat BIIOllII
Shelton 27. O1vnlpla-ll 11
Shelto,{ 0. \\;Ves{ Brer ino{
20, Central gitt gi°frel
o. South Ii:=
Shelton IN;--,
Shelton 13, North I03'2
Sielton 13, Tumwater .
" l JUNIOR H|dll
S elton 7. Hoquia$ 7 5[]
Shelton 33, :Hopkins 0
Shelton 7" CentrallY'
Shelton 0: Jeffers°Ta : v(
Shelton :12. Miller ,., a'
Shelton 20, Wash ingt"
-- .--
-I the
Menus For sheltOn t,=,
-. "8 to
Week of ov. , 'iliad
Monday -- Veg'. s?P/¢Li
ham and cheese san.,i0a{
cream and milk.
Tuesday -- Sloppy J;
bun, whole kernel c0}
slices, applesauce, '-!
Wednesday -- chili
corn bread with butt.e,,
and celery sticRs, f!
cookie and milk. i
Thursday -- Turkey
mashed potatoe&
sauce, buttered peaS,
peaches and milR.
Friday Tuna alalo ..
cheese biscuits, colds
Olson .............. 11 35 3 32 3.0 and
Brickert .......... 82 , sauce milk. --.
281 43 238 2.911 -,ilk'
IV[. Johnson .... 1 1 0 0 1.0 I Supplement your ,'
Powell ............ 7 1 18 -5 -0.7 I I with PlenaminS "'e'
Archer. ........... 2 0 9 -9-45 rends R6 .i
I I r I- 4'e
The nutshell won-loss-tie record II 13' RR. ph°neLi,ph°ne .
of the three teams follows: I I
t| :-RI: e
OLD ,Ii: I
Code N °." t
i l
tleal bourbon people reach for]
They ellj0y the
Eatonville 10, St. Martins 0
Winlock 0, Toledo 0
White Pass 33, Yelm 12
Tumwater 7, Castle Rock 6
SWW Leagme
Olympia 32, Aberdeen 13
Vancouver 7, Hudson's Bay 6
Wilson 12, Long 0
Caress 25, Battle Ground 13
Morris 28, Columbia River 0
Raymond 33, South Bend 7
Elma 13, Montesano 6
m[s Wm
Computed for Hood Canal 1t
Oakland Bay tide are 1 hr. and 1t
50 mLl., later m'd pltm 3.0 ili 1t
Fa'idy, .Nl}v. 15
ttigh .............. 5 03.m. 11.0 ft.
%0w .............. :10:'23 a.m. 6.0 ft.
High .............. 3:48 p.m. 10.9 ft.
Low .............. 10:40 p.m. -0.7 ft.
S.turday, Nov. 16
High .............. 5:42 a.m. 11.5 ft.
Low .............. 11:04 a.m. 6.5 ft.
High ........... :.. 4:09 p.m. 10.7 ft.
Low .............. 11:10 p.m. -11.0 ft.
Sunday, Nov. 17
High .............. 6:19 a.m. 11.8 ft.
Low .............. 11:44 a.m. 7.0 ft.
High .............. 4-:32 p.m. 10.5 ft.
Low .............. 11:41 p.m. -1.3 ft.
' Mnda% Tov. 18
High .............. 6:49 a.m. 12.0 ft.
Low .............. 12:26 p.m. 7.3 ft.
High .............. 4:50 p.m. 10.3 ft.
uesday, Nov. 19
Low .............. <):15 a.m. -1.4 ft.
High .............. 7:39 a.m. 12.0 ft.
Low .............. 1:10 p.m. 7.6 ft.
High .............. 5:28 p.m. 10.1 ft.
i 'Weindy, Nov, 20
Low .............. 0:51 a.m. -1.3 ft.
High .............. 8:22 a.m. 12.1 ft.
Lbw .............. 2:02 p.m. 7.8 ft.
High .............. 6:02 p.m. 9.7 ft.
Thursday, Nov. 21
Low .............. 1:31 a.m. -1.0 ft.
High .............. 9;08 a.m. 12.1 ft.
Low .............. 3:01 p.m. 7.8 ft.
,I,Iig.h : ............. :48 ,p.m. 9.2 ft.
game due to illness, a ., arS, I
Pa,sing: ,,= ,,o extra f] v0r of the extl a 3 e :
29 14.5
-The lineups: Brodigan ...... 7 2 0 .,d.|--,,L
o 9 9.o < I"
SHELTON: E-err, Kieburtz, SLarkel ............ 2 • HIRAM WALKER & $0
Barnes, M. Brickert, Chase, Hem- McAboy ........ 1 0 14 '14.0 "• $11AIGtfflIOIJIONWHIKEY • 06:8 PROOF
0 O 0.0
broff, Wilson;T-Snyder, Bllttstone, Mount .......... N W and EX{ITI"
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