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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 14, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 14, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 16 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, November ldfi&apos;: g , , | _ , .... . IH For Sale WASHER-DRYER combination oil heater (rex room). 21" TV Pbilco console. Relaxieizor. phone after 6 p.m. 126-8524. H 11/7-21 ..................................... BLUEBERRY PLANTS for sale. Plant now. Eberhardt Blueberry Nursery. Stcamrmat Island Road left off free- way between Shelton and Olympia 352-8031. 11/7 tfn FOR SALE -- Restaurant equipment. Connnercial refrigerator, till, adding maclline, booths, etc. No reasonable offer refused. Contact Edna Pfahlerl 311 North 1st. Apt. 8, or Call 426- 2202: ........................ ll/7t_fn FIVE MOUNTED TIRES, size 6.70x15. Call after 6 p.m. 426-6440. A 10/1.7 tin IbR-SAiE" -;---7"Upright -iJi--no-,--elcctric range, highchair, play pen, table and chair set. Call 426-6510. B 10/10 tin " ¢R- SXLE -Z-- T D6--Cr,-Tl,¥:- Hy dr aulie Blade. Clearing Blade, Logging Drum. Call 426-4000 Evenings• W 10/3 tin BRAND NEW MODEL 100 Polaroid canwra, sensational camera at a sen- sational $149.50, Ziegler's Camera Shop. Z 9/5 tin )R SALE.- Three-piece sectional. wHh matcling c, hair and table. $50. Also dishwasher, 426-$078. S 10/24 11/14 SACRIPICE 4-year old organ.-Try iN. make an offer. All offers con- sidered. Call 426-4408. L 10/24 tin TRY OUR CATALOG---SERVICE -= Many thousands of items to choose from. Large descounts. We pay freight Sielton Marine Supply, Hill- crest M 8/8 tin ttAVE FM RADIO in your home. con- sole stereo units or component parts. Easy terms. Johnny's Music Box. 205 Cots St. 7/4 tin LOWREY ORGANS -- ,ew and -e(]: Terms. Johnny's Music Box. 205 Cots St. 7/4 tfn GROCERIES in institutional sizes by the dozen, or case lots, BJ Mart. Mt. View. 6/21 tfn L-0CK]t--AND CANNING supplies, Locker Beef. Economy size grocery ilems, BJ Mart. Kneeland building, Mr. View. . 6/20 tin 'rCHI-ISTMASTOWN. U.S.A:'* rubbel  stamps for sale at the Journal, $1.25 each. 227 West Cots, 12/1 tin CHARCOAL. fertilizer, dog food n the money-saving 50 pound sacks• Save at BJ Mart. Mt. View. 6/20 tin E--LE-CT-R-6L-IJk SALES. service and supplies, John Rice. Phone 426-6108. Free demonstrations. R 1/7 tfn ICE, PICNIC SUPPLIES. large size canned goods, save money at BJ Mart. Kneetand Building. Mt. View. 6/20 tin Y-6U CAN PUMP more water and longer with Fairbanks Morse pumps. See them at Shelten Electric Co., 419 Railroad. 3/16 tfn FOR SALE -- Used ', plates, pipe pulleys and shafts. All types sal- vage. Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill. phone 426-8626. 9/8 tin LOCKER, BEEF, larLE' frozen foods will sa;-c you money at BJ Mart, Mr. View. 6/20 tfn c,,ndittoned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Valley AP- pliance Center. 6/5 tin SEE OUR FINE stock of fireplace equipment. From fireglow to Frank- lin stoves, grates to glass doors. Carlsons Tile and Fireplace. Mt ._Vi.e.w_- ........................ _n_/1_5. !L n /JLA£ WOOD for sale. You haul $9,50 per cord. Te haul $12.50 cord, Length desired. Call 426-4363. Niell on Olympic Hfway So. Mac 10/11 tin VAN" DYKE mobile homes' Quality at a practical prier! DeTray' Mo- bile HomeS. 1617 Fones Road. Olym- pia. Wash, Phone 352-2907. 2/21 tin B-R'I-GGd T replacement engines, sliort blocks, parts in stock Cooke's Feed and Hardware, 219 S. First. Phone 426-2412. 3/28 tfn 120 BASS ]['i--i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i" Rosselli "c--oiT-dn. For Sale ARC WELDER CABLE. 65 ft. and accessories, 1/2 h.p. engine. Buffet. Small gas heater. Two tool boxes. Smoke house. 12v motor generators. Inquire 204 East Pine. Jerome Ker- hart. 1071 11/21 SPINE2 - PIANO to be sold. Wll]--s-,:tc: rifice to responsihle party ill this .es, ,Also electric organ. Cash. terms, trade. VCrite or phone Ad- juster. Talhnan Piano Store,. Inc.. 4759 University Way BE, Seattle. Wn., LA 2-5859. 10/31 11/14- sp0rt]ng Goods ELK HUNTERS SPECIAL -- New 7 MM magnum rifle only $98." 30-06 $88. Cooke's. 219 So. 1st. 426-2412. I0/31 11/7 NOW -- Also reloading 7 x 57 and $ x 57 Mauler --'$3,10 per 20 using your cases. J & M Shooters Supply. Phone 426-2,448 or 426-6154. 9/26 tin ........................... CUSTOM RELOADED AMMUNITION: 270 W, 308 W, 30-06. 358 W. for $3.10 and 30-30 W. 32 Special for $2.70. Above prices per 20 cartridges using your empty cases. Inquire for prices using our cases or for cartridges no listed above. J & M Shooters Supply, P.O. Box 273, Shelton. Phone 426-2448 or 426-6184. 9/12 tin ]VINRUDE-and HomeIlte outboards, Sabre Craft boats. Sales and service. Hood Canal Marina, Union, ,Wash. Phone 898-2252 3/21 tin BOATS, MOTORS. TIIRS, equip= ment at WaiFs Marine Supply, on beautiful Hood Canal, Phone Hoods- __po r=t--PR 7_ff5244_. .......... 1__]I_9 t _ 12 FT. PLYWOOD RUNABOUT with steering and controls. Also trailer, $125, 426-4714. N 11/7 tin FbR-SALE - Boat and motor. $45 Electric go-cart, $35. Boy's bike, $5. Phone 426-$597. D 11/14 For Reni' FOR RENT * Ilome outside of town. Contact Donn Marsh Realty, Allyn, 426-2329 or CR 5-2301. F 10/17 tfn T÷O---B])]iI'i:)()/I furnished' apartment. Nice and clean, $50 per me. Edge- wood Apts.. Shelton Airport. Phone 426-8584, S /0/17 tfn F-OR--I:NT TWO bedroom duplex apartment, one mile south city lim- it. Phone 426-2232. M ] 0/24 tin walking distance of mills. 426-4606. W 10/24 tfn FOR RENT -- Modern cabin with kit- chens. Weekly rates. Utilities and linens furnished. Sunrise Motel. Hoodsport. Phone 877-5301. D 11/14 tin FOR RENT -- Two r)om cabin, fur- nished. Call d26-8851. N ]1/7 tfn .................................................. LAWTON APTS.. furnislled and un- furnisiled one bedrooms apts• Ample storage. All utilities included except lights. Reasonable. 7th and Pine Sts., Phone 426-2121. 5/16 tin :'0-R--]5,]N"-- Three-roont furnished apartmenT. Inquire 218 North 6th. 426-3016. B 10/10 tin SLEE PING iR6OMS,--[tff- kitcheid-pri 2 vileges, for rent. Inquire 720 North Fourth, phone 426-3487. R 4/19 tfn "units. suitable for one or two. Corn- pletely furnished. All utilities in- cluded. Reasonable. 7th and Pine. Phone 426-2121. 5/16 tin HOUSEKEEPING rooms, sleeping rooms and 2-room apartments. Lin- ens. dishe, utilities supplied. 426- 2081.  2/28 tin unfurnished, garage, yard. Call La- Bissoniere Agency, 426-4686 or 426- 4336. D 3/29 tJn FOR RENT -- Two bedroom unfurn- ished apartment. Hot water heat, city utilities, range and refrigera- tor furnished. Holly Hill Apts. Con- tact Apt. No. 2 or 426-2493. B 5118 tfn -EA--N- one bedroom fm'n]she-d- house for rent. Phone 426-4644. S 8/15 tfn Sheltmt. Close in. Water furnished. Hoodsport 877-5591. S 9/12 tfn iLEAN_-cb-nfortable, one and two bedroom furnished cottages with or without linens or TV. Heat. elec- tricity, water, garbage collection in- cluded in low weekly winter rates. Mill Creek Motel. Call 426-4420. 9/5 tin room upper duplex apartment. $40 month, Call 426-8485. S 10/10 tfn 0R-RENT--------- Sn#all--unfurnislded house (except electric range and hot water heater): Phone 426-6265. G 10/17 tin FOR LEASE -- Furnished two-b-e-/{7 room Potlatch beach home, fireplace, double garage, automatic laundry. Phone Hoodsport $77-5457. C 11/14 ftn HORSES FOR SALE -- Four geldings, two mares, ages 2 years to 12 years, Also saddles and bridles. H. O. Rowe, 426-8032. R 9/19 tin pies, two males, one female, small. pink and gold. Phone 426-8377. $200. H 4/18 tin FOR SALE Pole wood 16 in. and over $16 per cord. Phone 426-4867 S 1/31 tfn REMINGTON Chain Saws outcut, last 'era all. Cooke's. 219 So. First St. Phone 426-2412, 8/29 tfn X ULk-gO-O-T-g-t ih:'%TfiG-.-',Sid-lO.--$-K or will trade for wood heater. Phone 426-2446. W 11/14-21 KENMORE AUTOMATIC Washer and dryer, Good condition. Matehed set. Call 426-4745. Sll/14 12/5 WASHER-DRYER combination $95. Phone after 7 p.m. 426-6489. M 11/14 Colonial bed, davenc Serta. Desk and chair, coffee table, corner cabi- net. platform rocker. Dining table, for**' chairs, laminated top. Book rase. table lamps, etc. Rug 9 x 12 ova] woven. Complete photo outfit, enlarger, printer, tanks, trays, etc. Scrni-pro outfit. Delta 9" yable saw, hc, avy duty with bladesJ Ladders and miscellaneous tools, F. H. Walk- er Moore addition, 201 Moore Ave. (ohl Moore homcl. W 11/14 well marked. Also some adult fe- .................................. males. Phone 426-6940. F 10/24 tfn SIEGLER OIL HEATER. witl super TutvmAwAx--t,gntmontt.ola--G'-'--v;-'=---r"wv-----l--"" t'luor heat, like new. less titan half l)r('scnl price. Phone 426-4339. kitten. Good pet, patient with child- ten. Call 426-$635. T 11/7-14 C LEV E N--W EANER--p i(%S--f o{--.le: $8 each. Phone 426-8747, Glen Leeds. Route 2. Box 740. 11/14 FOR SALE -- Burro witll pack sad- dle, $35: with pack saddle and rid- ing saldle. $110. Call 42£>-4297. Mc 11/7 .... Wanted' Rubber Welders, Mt. View. 1110 tfn ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE EASTERN WASHINGTON Phone Bill Wivell 426-3801 Chas. H. Wivell Dairies, Inc. Ro0te 3, Box 643 Shelton, Wash. 11/14-I2/5 Prompt - Guaranteed Service WHEATLEY & .KEARY 317 S. 1st 426-453 R 11/14-25 PIANO FOR SALE -- Schaeffer up- right, $100. Call 426-8618. B 11/7-21 r()P" IL--grav-el-ill- diTtT--F:--E: FILM SPECIAL -- Save on Agfa. the best black and white film money can buy. Iu 120. 620 and 127. 39e roll. 2 h,r 69c; m Ziegler's Camera Shop. 10/3 tfn BUY BIG sizes in quantity to cut food costs, Complete line at BJ Mart. ,Mt. View, 6/20 tin OLIf"CrJR'-O"-D sale. $16 per cord. Slab wood. $12.50. Call 426-3747, S 8/1 tfn R--Y AND CLARK PIANO'S'-. la'-sy terms. Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cota St. 714 tin FIi:LEIf"R(I,[:I]iS'-'. T. Furlong. Pllone .:126-6267 evenings. 9/19 tfn 0R--SLLE--==-EiOK U.'-ftVW-EATg: house refrigerator, $75; apartment size Hotpoint range. $35, Both clean and in perfect working order, Phone 426-2121 or 426-6433. L :]0/31 tin HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 200 E. PINE 426-4867 H 4/4 tin IL  _L__ 1. MOBIL STATION FOR LEASE In SheKon - Doing a good busi- ness. Selected individual will re- ceive 4 weeks training with pay, Financial assistance if qualified. Some investment is required. Con. tact Mr, Brazel at Tacoma, BR 2-3188 or JU 8-9359 evenings. WE HAVE ... . Mercury Outboards . MerCruiser Stern Drives • Glass Par Boats Pacific Marina Boats SANOE'S BOATS & MOTORS Belfair, Wash. 8/1. tfn Wanted HOUSEKEEPER WANTED -- Unin- cumbered for elderly lady• Some housework, Good wages and home. __€_all .__ t95-3754 McCleary. B 11/7-21 WILL DO IRONING in my home, $1..0-6 per hour. Phone 426-3262. P 11/7 tin [ AN-- OR- woMAN ---- Fabil ies-  e-({cl Rawleigh Service in Shelton. full or part-time. Some dealers earn $3.50 and up hourly. Write Rawleigh.-306 Adeline. Oakland. Calif, 94607. 11/7-14-2I work. Apply G. R. Kirk Co.. Bay- shore or phone 426-8395 starting Nov. 4. K ]D/31 tin VCANTED Salal pickers. Exper- ienced. 28- cents per bunch, See George Whitley on Cole Rd.. or call 426-3051. F 10f31 11/14 V'AIT]-D -- Nice home in Shelton area. Trade Beautiful view lot in Olympia for down payment. Olympia 043-i619. H 11/14-28 WANTED -- Responsible man or we- Classified Service EXPERT HORSESHOEING and trim- ming. Satisfaction guaranteed. Bill Oleachea, phone Olympia 943-4673. 10/31 tin SAND AND GRAVEL. top soil. peat soil. custom tractor work. Johns Creek Sand & Gravel Co,, phone 426- 3552. 9/12 tfn CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, sDeeq, accurate precision grinding. ow at Saeger Motor Shop. Hlllcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1/15 tfn WE BUY scrap iron, batteries, radia- tors,, copper, salvage of all kinds, Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill Streets. Phone 426-8626. S 4/7 tfn LET'S MAKE a date to decorate. For expert painting and wall Japering, call Bennett Painting wompmay, 426-3248 B 11/8 tfn HOUSE TRAILER towing anywhere in state. Phone 357-5358 or 352-4940. Robert Shumate Olympia. S 8/8 tin /EERIGEtATORS and freezers, re- man to restock and collect from conditioned, reasonable. Shelton Re- vending equipment in Shelton area. frigeration Service, 315 Cota, phone This is pleasant work and can be _426082 day or night._ _1/18 tfn handled spare time. Good earnings. PIPE Shop Service--do-it-yourself or CMsh investment required. .Write expert help available, day or night, Mercam Sales, c/o Box 100, The weekends, holidays. Roy Getty, 1014 Journal. 11/14 Franklin. Phone 426-4850, S]VWERS--W(IT:EbM-lVIED-D-YAT-EIZ-Tz G 512 tfn Work at home doing simple sewing. We supply materials and pay ship- pin, g both ways. Good rate of pay. Piece work, Apply Dept• 4. Box 7010. Adelaide Post Office. Toronto. On- tario. Canada• B 11/14 WANTED -- Salal or huckclber{:y--lic -y kers. Phone 426-6715. W 11/14-21 YR-SN 0---DdN E - ==- -r:--0ii day service if desired. Call 42,6-4593. L9/19 tfn WATERFRONT wante(L Tacoma pro- fessional family disires unimproved waterfront. Cash or contract with interest. No realtors. Write Box S. c/o The Journal. 2/21 tin TREES TOPPED. 'trimmed, removed. Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. 426- 4823. 2/13 tfn HANDY MAN -- Odd obs! If you think It can't be fixed call Henry Landis. 4_-3098. 2/12 tfn  WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK or ironing. Call evenings 426-4378. 638 Arcadia. V 9/5 tfn BAtYSITTER to baby sit in my borne. Prefer elderly woman. Inquire 1561 R.R. Ave after 5 p.m. weekdays. C 10/31 11/14 Used Cars 1960 DODGE 1-ton flatbed. 38,000 miles, good condition, Extra tires, R, J, Flakus, Phone 426-4541, F 1]/14 tfn O --SXL-E ------:I()d  ---A"/iT66rt rhhs-- mission and radiator. Call 426-3747. S 10/31 tin F0 RS)k=[ E ---i §4-2 -i0oi:d --p i cl- u p. Call 426-6870. W 10/31 11/14 '58 PLY271OUTH Station Wagon, 8 cylinder with straight transmission. 426-6406. O 9/26 tfn FOR SAL- 1963 Ford Falcon. Calf 426-2194• 1713 Laurel. W 10/3 tin )-958 PONTIAC Statior-Wagon. Auto- matte trans. Good condition. $650. Earl Landis. at. 1, .:Box 259A. Elmm Phone 426-8318. L 10/10 tin i958-0 LbS MOB i Iiq-t'wJ:-d o 0 r - hai'd( dp,, Good condition. Good Ures. Automat- ic transmission. $800. Phone 426-8387. L 11/7-14 f(J R-SALE -Z'-i96b--dT?? [ C__V6-Gi fires, stake rack. heavy duty canopy, Like nw. 426-4552. S 11/7-21 fffdg--l i£.=TON---Sjd85a-8r-i:ucE:-'-t-o. speed rear axle. New bed. needs some work. $265. 1311 Summit Drive. W ].1/7 tfn condition. $75 cash. Merle Cleve- land, 2235 Adams St. 426-2286-1/7-211 BABY SITTING done daily or hourly in my home. Any age. Please phone 426-8575. H 8/22 tin JEROME BURKE GARDEN rotovating, field plowing, pit-run gravel. Phone 426-3678. B 10/4 tin F_,E-ii AUTO GLASS mstallatfon. Jim Pauley In 501 Railroad Ave. Phone 426-8231. 4/28 tfn R00FIN-G__ blown roeR wool Insu-i-a-L tion guaranteed. Ph. 426-6417. 6/20 tfn FOR EXPERT MASONRY, ireplace, chimneys, planters, call R, E. Mason, 426-2278. 3/I n FURNACE LI, repalrlng, in- stal!ation, off conversions. Shelton Sheet Mtal Co., 321 So. Third. Dial 426-6121. and interior. Free estimates. Work taranteed. Bennett Painting Co. one 426-3248. 6/10 tfn Business Otportunities HIGHWAY SERVICE STATION for lease in Shelton. Financial assistance to responsible party. Call collect Mr. Watson,FUlton 3-441I, Taconm. T 10/24 11/14 Real Estate TWO BEDROOM HOME --On large double lot with fruit trees and gar- den area. One block from stm'es and highway on Hilicrest. By owner. 941 East Cascade. Week days after 4 p.m S 9/26 tfn 4-BEDROOM. fireplace• carpeting and draperies, double garage, room over garage, wash room and fruit trees. Large corner lot. 426-6510. B 4/11 tin UNFINISHED SPLIT-LEVEL 2-bed- room house with basement, one mile fl'oln downtown Shelton for salc. $B$00 or will consider offer. To see ,. fall 4264360. D 10/31 tfn THREE BEDR-((JM-ttiUSE for sale or trade. Large lot. Inquire 1102 Dickinson. /z basement. S 10/31 11/14 %)-I-SAii--ociri{-homd with fi/@ place, five acres of ground, fruit rees and berries. Creek runs through. Blacktop road / mile off highway .101. Call 426-3730. N 10/I0 tfn -6 -]E I--RE Ujii]T bed 2 room honm. large living, dining and kitchen area. Electrie l]eat. Ahnost one acre, terms, 426-$742. W 9/5 tin 2;I0--" r -  - -IS LXIg-D - IA-KE -tR ONTh-G/ with 100' x 30' lagoon Ior private boat moorage. Plus lots acloss coun- ty road with 76 ft. driven well and large solidly constructed two stm'y barn. Phone 426-8589. L 10/17 tfn ANGLESIDE CORNER lot, 90 x-120 for sate. Phone 426-8563. No Satur- day or Friday night calls, please. A 7/, tin 90 x 100 FT. CORNER LOT, Close to Mt. View school. Phone 426-3857 af- ter 430. B 11/14 tfn , m , Reduced Price ! ! ! Save $600 . . . Now you can put- chase this sound 3 bedroom home for just $8900. it has an extra large living room with fireplace, Spacious bedrooms, charming kit- chen and a full basement. Total down payment is only $500. MANN REAL ESTATE 426-6592 i, ii . i, ,, Art's Bulldozing! Excavating  Cement Gravel Fill Dirt Art Indahl Ph. 877-5454 Hoodsport, Wash. 5/17 tin | i, i Historic Olympic Inn Brinnon, Wash. : Open all year. Closed Mondays only. Outstanding Dinners served by Fireside at reasonable prices. New Management. Reservations Advisable. Phone 796-2351. Plan ahead for Holiday Dinners. 11/7-12/19 BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS PhOne 426-6441 3/27 tfn NEED A FENCE? Beautiful, long-lasting, western red cedar fences of distinction by Versapanel, Installed or do-if yourself with nothing down, usual- ly $10 per month. Fast guaranteed service or de livery. FREE estimates. Glen Watson Ph. 426-3170 V 7/26 tfn 1955 COUNTRY SEDAN. overdrive. V-8, motor nlechanicaIly good 426-3750. G 11/7 tfn Phone 426-8601. B 11/7-21 dio. heater. Good condition• $750. Call Chuck Rowe. 426-821i before 5:30 p.m. 11/7-14 1948 INTERNATIONAL '-ton New rings and paint, and canopy. $295. Call 426-6251. C 11/14 " Lost and Found LOST -- 14 FT. Bellboy Pleasure Craft from Skokomish river, Call 877-5355 collect. M 11/14 m Miscellaneous MEAT COOLING, cutting and wrap- .ping. Phone 426-6779 Lemke service. L 2/7 tin YWI-LL-BABY SIT in my home. Hltl- crest area. 426-6371. H 10/10 tin RUMMAGE SALE- Nov. 15-16. Build- ing nex to Library. 9 a.m. Spon- sored by Canal Court No. 79, Order of the Amaranth. 11/7-14 bUd-ffdi ff-CZUi-s 'Y T EN-T-ION-i - N e-w ear's party favors, horns, hatl, ,alloons. etc.. kits for six people, )0. Special prices to clubs. Phone -6784. H 1I/7-21 Nov. 22, 9 ann. Little Skookum Bay Club. 11/7-21 FR E E -2---Oil-ga 11o-i- f--A--&--W - P J6-0 t Beer to Arehie Young, 106 West J.. upon suitable identification at Min- or's A & W Drive-In on Mt. View. 11/14 WANTED MEN - WOMEN - COUPLES Motel-Resort Managers 13 to $1,200 a month is waiting for those who can qualify for the hundreds of fascinating executive positions now open in modern mo- tels and resorts from coast to coast. Pick location and climate! Employment assistance g i v e n. Course includes 2 weeks training, your lodging and meals provided, in a 100-unit luxury motel in Den- ver, Colorado. Write Motel Management, Train- ing Division, 11800 E, Colfax; Au- rora, Colo. 80010. 11/14 11/14 - 21 ,, , ,u, , , ,. - -- Legal Publications SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NO. 8530 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY HELEN F. LEWIS. Plaintiff. vs. Legal Publications NOTI.CE OF SALE OF VALUABLE MATERIAL ON STATE LAND STATE OF WASHINGTON. DEPART- MENT OF NATURAIJ RESOURCES. Bert L. Cole, Commissioner of Public Lands Notice is hereby given that on Tues- PAUL STOLE and JANE DOE STOLE. day, the 26th day of November. 1963. his wife: L. H. FORD and JULIE commencing at ten o'clock in the fore- FORD. iris wife• if living, and if de- noon of said day, at the Shelton. Dist- ceased, the unknown heirs of L H. rict Headquarters. located at Shelton Ford and Julie Ford: ELIZABETH County of Mason, State of Washington, BAUMGARDNER. and all other per- by tte District Administrator of said sons or parties unknown claiming any District. the timber on the following right, title, estate, lien or interest described state land will be sold at in the real estate described in the public aue'don to the highest bidder, Complaint herein. Defendants. to-wit: THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO Application Na. 28836 L. H. FORD and JULIE FORD, his Fosens Lake No. 2 located approxi- wife. if living and if deceased, the un- mately 25 miles north of Shelton. The known heirs of L. H. Ford and Julie sale is composed of all timber within Ford. and all other persons or parties marked sale area boundary and prop- unknown, claiming any right title, erty lines on part Lot 5. part N½ estate, lien or interest "h the real SW', SWV, SW'A, Section 4. Town- estate described in the complaint here- ship 23 North Range 3 West. W.M.. in. Defendants: cofitaining 115 acres, nmre or less, rum- You. and each of you, are hereby prising approximately 245.000 bd. ft. of summoned to appear within sixty (60) DoUglas fir: 15.000 bd, ft. of hemlock; days after tbe date of the first publi- and 10.000 bd, ft. of white pine, or a cation of this summons, to wit. within total of 270.000 bd. ft. sixty (60) days after the 24th day of Minimum acceptable bid: $5,047.50. October. 1963, and defend the above Timber will be sold on a cash or in- entitled action in the Superior Court stalhnent plan basis. Timber must be L e gal.Publieations NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE LANDS STATE OF WASHINGTON. DEPART- MENT OF NATUAL RESOURCES, Bert L. Cole. Commissioner of Public Lands NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Tuesday, the 26£h day of Novem- ber, 1963. commencing at ten o'clocR in the forenoon of said day. at the Count), Court House m tim city of Shelton. county of Mason. State of Washington, by the County Auditor of said county, tbe following de- scribed State lands, together with the improvements situated thereon, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder therefor, to-wit: Note--No one except citizens of the United States. or persons who have declared their intention to become such, can purchase state lands. Application No. 28315 A strip of land 60 feet wide. being 30 feet on each side of the center line of State Road known as the Olympic Highway as surveyed over and across Lots 10. 11 snd 12. of Block 6 of Lilli- waup Falls Plat in Section 30. Town- ship 23 North, Range $ West, W.M., as grated in a deed to the State of Wash- ingeam from Lester J. Munson and Harold E. Munson. July'15. 1914. aforesaid and answer the con]plaint of the plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned at- torney for the plaintiff, at his office below stated: and. in case of your failure so to do. judgment will be ren- dered ,gainst you according to the demands of the compFa]nt in this ac- tion which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The object of this action is to quiet title in plaintiff to real estate in Ma- son County, Washington, described as: Lot t in Block R of David Shel- ton First Addition to Shclton as recorded in Volume I of Plats, page 2. against the claim of the defendants and any one of them. GLENN E. CORREA AttornEy for Plaintiff. Office & Post Office Address: Glenn E. Correa Bell Building 121 South Fourth Street Shelton. Washington ]0/24-3i :11 7-14-21-28 6t RE SOL 12 T I O N ORDERIN( CLONUBE OF OPEN 14ANGE AREA WHEREAS. on the 5th day of Aug- removed prior to December 31, 1964. On or before November 26. 1963. at The above described property is ap- 10:00 a.m.. each bidder must make a praised at $100.00. minimum deposit of $504.? plus a This sale is inlended to convey only 55.00 bill of sale fee, total of that title obtained by the State of $509.75 in the form of cash. money or- der or certified check. Said deposit Washington through deed recorded in shall constitute an opening bid at tbe the office of the Mason County Audi- tor. in Vohmte 29, Page 56. Book of appraised price. Upon award of this sale, the respective deposits shall be returned to the unsuccessful bidders. The purchaser must pay the balance between the bid deposit and the full bid price on 1he day of sale, or may, if the purchaser so elects at the thne of sale. pay an additional amount, to bring the totsl amount of 'the de- posit, exclusive of fees. to equal 25% of the full bid price based on the cruise estimate, provided that such deposit shall not be less than $2.000.00. This balance may be paid by personal check. Purchaser must also furnish, within 30 days of date of sale. a surety bond of $1.000.00 to guarantee compliance with all terms of the bill of sale. All chocks, money orders, etc. are to be made payable to the Commissioner of Public Lands. Accessibility: Via public and Depart- ment of Natural Resources roads. Complete contract and specifications may he Examined at Shelton District ust. 1963, hearing was held before tile Headquarters. County Auditor's office. Board of Mason County Commission- and office of Commissioner of' Public ers. Shelton Wasifington, pursuant to Lands. Olympia. pelition and afteK hgai notice and To he sold at Shelton District Head- publJc.ation heiug giwm concerning quarters, on Tuesday, November 26, certain Lerritory as a stock restricted 1963. at 10 o'clock a.m. arcs iu Mason County, Washington; and Application No. 28951 Wakeiickeh No. 1 located approxi- WHEREAS, said Board after bearing nmtely 25 miles north oi; Shelton. The the said petition on the merits and fully considering Lhe same, and also sale is composed of all timber within hearing all oppositbm t'o the said pc- marked sale area boundarj" and prop- tition, o,' an)' part thereof, appointed }}{ ns'°l{),n eair?n f S {, , a tommittee to study the merits of SW. Section 22, all in Township 24 stock restriction and thereafter the meeting was adjonrned until Septem- North. Range 3 West, W.M., contain- ing 255 acres, more or less. compris- ber 30, 1963. and again adjourned un- ing approximately 440,000 bd. ft. of til Oetober 14. 1963. and the Board be- Douglas fir (second growth): 80,000 ing fully advised in the prc, nuses, hd. ft. of Douglas fir (old growlh); now therefore, and 100.000 bd. ft. of hemlock, or a to(al of 620,000 bd. ft, lJblimull -'eceptable bid: $14.360.00. Timber will bc sold on a cash or instalhnent plan basis. Timber must be removed prior to December 31. 1964. On or before November 26. i963. at 10:00 a.m.. each bidder must make a mininmm deposit of $1.436.00 plus a $5,00 hill of sale fee, r,r a total of $1.41.00 in the form of cash. money order or certified check. Said deposit shall constitute an opening bid at the appraised price. Upon award of this sale the :'e,'pective deposits shall be .returned to the unsuccessful bidders. The purchaser must pa¢ the balance between the bid deposit and the full BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that certain territory in the Matlock- Cloquallum vicinity be and is hereby declared as stock restricted areas and livestock of all kinds shall be pro- hibited front runnin at large within the territory described as follows: All of: Twp. ]9N, Ii:6W, W.M.; Twp. 20 N. R6W.. W.M.. except Sec. 8. :17 and 18: Twp. 21N. R6W.. W.M., except that portion of Olympic National For- est. All of: TWl). 19N. I,JW., W.M.. That portion of': Twp. 20N. R5W,. W.M.. including Sections 5,6.7,8,17. 18, 19.20. 29. 30. 31 and 32. Tinct portion of: Twp. 21N. RJVT,. W.M.. including Sections 19, 20, 21, 28, bc made payable to the Contrnissioner of Public Lands. Accessibility: Via public road. Complete contract and specifications may be examined at Shelton District Headquarters, County Auditor's office, and office of Commissioner of Public Lands. Olympia. To be sold at Shelton District Head- quarters, on Tuesday, November 26, 1963. at 10 o'clock a.m. Any sale which has been offered. and for which no bids are received shall not be re-offered nntil it has been readvertised. If all sales annot be of- fered within the specified time on the advertised date, the sale shall continue on the following day between the hours of ten o'clock a.m. and four o'clock p.m. Said timber on said land will be sold for not less tban the appraised value, as appraised by the' Con}missioner of Public Lands in the manner provided by law, a nohee of which is now on file in the office of the Auditor of said county, and District Administra- te)- of said district. Terms of sale are: cash or install- ment plan basis. BERT L. COLE Connnissioncr of Public Lands 10/31 11/7-I4-21 4t :NO. 3457 'OTICE TO CREDITORS TO FILE CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MA- SON (IN PROBATE) In the Matter of the Estate of Georgia Buxton. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN, That" LEtters Testamentary on the Estate of Georgia Buxton. Deceased. were granted to the undersigned, on the 25th day of October, 1963. by the said Superior Court. All 1)crsons baying, claims against said estate sre reqnired to serve them with the necessary vouchers upon me al the office of my attorneys Foster & FostEr. 501 Secm'ity Bldg., Olympia within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice. to-wit, witiin six mouths after lhe 31st day of October, 1963, and file the same with the clerk of this Court. together with l)roof of such service, t,r they shall be forever barred. Dated at Shelton. Wash., this 25th day of October. 1963, CARROLL E. BUXTON Executor of Estate Fosler & Foster Attorneys for /,cculor Security Bldg. Olympia, Wash. 10/31 11/7-14 3t bid price on the day of sale. or may, if 29. 30. 31. 32. and 33, the purchaser so elects at the time of BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND sale, pay an additional anmunt to bring ORDERED that said closure wilI he- the total amount of the deposit, exclu- come effective on the ]st day of Jan- sire of fees, to equal 25c/, of th'e full uary, 1965, and notice of this Resolu- hid price based on the cruise estimate. tion shah be given by tbe Clerk of This halance may bc paid by personal the Board as required by law. . check. Purchasm" must also furnish, DONE THIS 14th day of October, witifin 30 days )f date of sale a surety 1,963. " ' bond of $2,000.00 to guarantee eompli- Board "of County Connnissioners ance wth all ternm of lhe bill of sale. of Masan County. Washington. All checks, money orders, etc. are to MARTIN AUSETII HARRY EL¢[LUND Attest: C, Nolan Mason, Clerk of the Board, Approved a.s to form: Byron E. McChtnaban. Prosecuting Attorney I0/24-31 11/7-I4 4t . NO. 3487 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASI-IINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE) In the matter of the estate of KATHERINE E. MEDLICOTT. De- cemsed. NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that khe undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as the Executrix of the Estate of KATHERINE E. MED- LICOTT, deceased; that all persons havin hims against said deceased are hereby required to serve the stone, duly verified• on the under- sigfied Euilice Renslng or her au:orncy of record at the address below stated and file the same with the Clerk of the said Com, i. tOgEther witll proof oi" SUC]I service within six /uonths after the date of first publication of this notice or th, same will be barred. EUNICE "RENSING P, yron E. McClanahan Attorney for Estate Office and Post Office Address: Mason County Courthouse Shelton. Washington 11/1,1-21-28 Real Estate SECLUDED LARGE 4 bedroom, older Angleside home with view. Full base- ment, two atlis, fireplace, $16,000. 512 South 8th. Phone 426-8120. G 9/19 tin Vv'ATERF-ROIT -- 100 ft. by 1000 ft. deep. Some timber, spring water, small house, £ruit trces. 610 Pine St.. Shelt,,n. - L 8/29 tfn OLDER 3 -Ib-IO'O-}'e on Angle- side for sale. No Friday night or Sa- turday calls. 426-8563. A3/7 tfn Y-IJEh-I-TH--RE]e-droonl family home. Slate entry, hardwood floors, ma- hogany paneling, built-in appliances, h)ts of c,osets Family room lU, bat s double f replace." fenced 'ya'( carport wilh insulated, storage roonl. Close to Mt. View sclmol: Phone .126-8589. L 11/7 tfn YJN-GLl-Si t)E-3--e'd'i:86iii-h};u(;-Sii-- dii.-" ner lot. Family room dining roon], firep ace and radiant heal. ] =hone 426-8078. S 11/7 tfn D,eds. aw land located at Lilliwaup. Terms of sale: Cash. No deposit required prior to bidding. Any sale which hss been offm'ed, and for which no bids are received shall not be re-offered until it has been readvertised. If all sales cannot be of- fered within the specified time on the advertised date. the sale shall contin- ue on the following day between the hours of ten o'clock a,m. and four o'clock p.m. Said lands will be sold for not less than the appraised value above stated and upon the terms and conditions fol- lowing: Not less than one-tenth of tbe pur- chase price must be paid at the time of sale. The purchaser, if he be not the owner of the improvements, must forthwith pay to the officer making the sale the full amount of the appraised value of the improvements, as above stated. One-tenth of the purchase price nHlt • bc paid annually tlereafter wlth interest on all deferred payments at the rate of six per eentum per annunr: Provided. That any purchaser may make full payment of principal, inter- est and statutory fees at any tim and obtain deed, The purchaser of land containing timber or other van uable materials is prohibited by law from cutting or removing any such timber or materials without first ob- taining consent of the Conmtissioner of Public Lands. until the full amount of the purchase price has been paid and deed issued. All sales of state lands arc made sub- ject to the reservations Of oils, gasses, coal ores, minerals and fossils of every name. kind and description, and to tbe additional terms and conditions pres- cribed in section 3 of chapter 256 of the Laws of 1907. • ' Said land will be sold subject to 0e terms, conditions and reservations' of chapter 312 of the Session Laws of 1927. relatin to easemems for rights- of-way and the carrying of tintber, stone, minerMs and other products ov- er the same. BERT L. COLE, Commissioner of Public Lsnds I0/31 11/7-14-21 4t NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO AMEN1) GROUND WATER PERMIT NO. 576t STATE OF WASHINGTON. OFFICE OF THE STATE SUPERVISOR OF THE DIVISION OF WATER RE- SOURCES, Olympia TAKE NOTICE: That the Depart- mcnt of Institutions. State of %Vdsh- ington, Olyml)ia, Washington. filed aPlflication ou November 4. 1963 to change the place of withdrawal of 350 gallons per minute. 560 acre-feet per year: of waters from a well as granted in ground water Permit No. 5764. That said permit provides for the place of withdrawal being located within the NE,:ISWUt, Section 9. T. 20 N.,  R. 4 W.W.t{. That they desire to change the place of withdrawal to a point situated in the SW!.NWLI of Section 9. T. 20 N.. R. 4 W.W.M.. in Mason County, Wash- ington. Any objections to the proposed anmndment must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the State Supervisor of Water Resources within thirty (30) days from November 21. 1963. Witness my hand and official seal GET A "HILLER DEAL" ON YOUR APPLIANCE SERVICE CALL 426-8215 and "DEAL" your service worries to us! Miller's of Sbellon 3rd & Railroad i this 4th day of November, 1963. M G. WALKER, Supervisor Division of Water Resources 11/14-21 2t CALL FOR BIDS Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Clerk-Treasurer. City Hall. Sbelton, Washington, until 11:00 A.M. on Monday, November 25, 196. at which time they will be opened and read aloud by the City Clerk- Treasurer. for: I Furnishing one 1964 three-quarter ten chassis-cab with utility type body. II Furnishing one 1964 four door sedan. Specifications and proposal forms may be obtained at the office of tile City Clerk-Treasurer, City Hall, Shel- ton, Washingtmt. The City reserves the right to reject any or all .bids. CITY OF SHELTON Alma K. Catto Clerk-Treasurer 11/14-21 2t Real Estate Legal Pub NO. s45 :21Ni, NO'rlCE OF ]I] Et]IN [h';u REPORT AND 0T;I.I I IN THE SUPER,OR STATE OF WASB--dthe le' ASON COUNTY Ia   the Estate of JENNIE L. ' r Deceased.. { l }' Anthony" F. Grun(,rt "ll ` ' H. Grunert, Executors °" t th,,i' ' lmve filed with acid c0ar,. report and petition for a:lsal asking the Court to sottl0 distribute the property t°=ll thereto entitled and to 'n .o,._,, Executors. Said report. & will be heard on the 6tll. pl ember, 1963, at 10 a'n":JF'tle"] s'' ld:,.., room of said Court,  Courthouse at Shclton, "f'fk' DATED THIS 30th da 1963' L kURA M. WA GINt{I'/'''' .Clerk of tne SuP eri°r''ld bY Teckla Vermilli0'- th Deputy Clerk. -"Ilac Robert L Snyder . I,  Attorney at Law I 125 N. 5th .i, Shelton, Washington  llfla| 'it e '0 i WINNER, SAFETY POSTER Real i )Bl$50/w00i i Real Esta TRI-LEVEL, LIKE 4 lovely Well located on Attractively massive masonry cious living room. ing room; ultra 2 ear attached bmlt for gracious away under market FHA $950 down ing costs. Shown b if.hi ment. 3 BEDROOMS MT, V| )-- Close to school, tig.,, !ll0t i 100'. Extra htrge h/p{g'- with new hardwood I,.,t; .' ': drpcs. Part baseme[iceSt heat to each roOm. /;--I::'.' en cabinets. E!ec. t,a frig. included. VerY-lu Itl" t|% lated. A wonderful i  , $500. dOW 1.',, 600. FHA attacled vl" costs. Garage an d s,i' .*i arate garage won'tsoon, last long; fill  , SEDROOMS,' EDGE OF ToWN e, stora es, CentIal fr eI0. g i atln d r Y. n::O:i  ment, wood range. for $7,500. Pay lnediate possession. ... ;t<'llll DOWNTOWN I N G01!'L I' :?' EARNS. $900. ANNU rooms an ways r d 1 ved/'0°¢i) good investment. money will buy it fbr,00 still leave a profit;;  bot. 00. dow; t#, ly. Investigate; the" : WE HAVE A sUV-;P !' .... ' R pH ,.<,' CALL JOHN DIEV TO LST yOd CALL 426"4116 LaBisson0000 ,_ ., A o -:j,', REAL ESTATE-M°- --I .'011, ' 11 4 h  She t -' 9 So. t g , Eves: John DeVer .... •  .-- _.__= NOW IS, THE RI6HT TIME! Waterfront for recreation or course. . ill); * 65' no-bank lot, ready for d,i,01, low.balal¢ l e building, beautiful setting on * 165' of quiet bay, 4 miles east or nearly 5 acres °!die Shelton. timbered land, silo" hold. $8.000, @ @ ACREAGE, TOO ,,, t:1 3 ],ore thall 1(}0 acres ol * 160 acres of t[;:ee' .. .' ...... ' ' ll eat'- land - best naLtn't 00#LYd , close in view acreage a g -.- be c . o ed to divide inLo large tracts, ing arcs m  ,rra0 Must see Lo know profiL poLen- per acre. Tern]  tial. WATERFRONT REALT!0000,