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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 14, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 14, 1963
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November 14, 1Jda SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published nl "Christmastown. U.KA.', Shelton, Washington PAGE 17 Estate Real Estate HOOD CANAL North Shore Real 00000o,ou00 three bedroom marine Spacious three bedroom, marine no-bank beach, like new. $35,000. Estate South Shore : Two, bedroom, full basement, creek, CHARMER ! ! lan.dscaped, panoramic view of Ca- have all the conven-Inal and Olympics, $11,750. beauty you w f nd in IS Northcliff home. We I In Hoodsport Can f nd a home to T " " --" " "":*h I WO oeacn homes, tlreplaees, one Living room wit . . • _ .. ] beautiful v,ew, both for $27,000 - large oining room, s=-/_ nook, extra roomy bed-terms. a patio overlooking a Off the beach - ndw three bed- Why not call todaylrooms, creek, landscaped, large Will arrange an appoint-Igarage, $15,000. w you to see this lovely Three bedroom, plus business space, ideal location, $18,500. . "SEE ' Triton Head hear the kids fussing ;Play room when you move spacious Angleside home. home with enougn :he growing family with large living d spacious rec. room. It a carport and garage ano Wouldn't you like to US o l!l a large 3 bedroom spacious living room ace and a full basement. let priced home even has ;reek bordering the rear hen you see it, We are Will agree it is a goes The down payment so lets take a look. FOR LOCATION : a trim 2 bedroom-J3ome easy walking dis- all downtown convenien- easy to care for home for the retired couple, =s very easy to main- at just $5,200. YOUR been waiting for a 3 ;home under $7,000 you ; this. Located on a dou- DSe to both shopping anu attractive home has eared for ,has an extra 'hen, handy utility room other fine features. We U'll like it, so call today• ESTATE li NOW ! ! .an excellent buy in a 3 home for just $8,500. is in perfect condition newly painted in- There is even wall Carpeting in the living rd new tile floors in the fenced yard and storage area. Don't , See it now. :NEEDS :, , excellent home today. 3 bedrooms, cheerful >m and a most conven- en. You will appreciate about this charming Jding the low price ot There is a full base- trim yard and lots of REAL ESTATE 92 ANYTIME road Ave. @ CALL iE H I M LIE--426-6501 -M A NN---426-3226 For rent on the beach. 2 bedroom partly furnished $75. 2 bedroom unfurnished $45. HooD CANAL REAL ESTATE H O0 D S PORT Phone 877-5211 or 877-5575 Evenings EXCEPTIONAL VALUES LOCATED ON BEAUTIFUL SPENCER LAKE This almost new home has 90 feet of the best waterfront. Good dock. Landscaped. Outdoor patio. One bedroom guest cottage. High, wide and handsome living room with impressive fireplace. Dining room overlooking water. Kitchen has all built in appliances, birch cabinets. Handy utility room. So many features that must be seen. Owner will sell or lease with op- tion. Lease for $100 per month. Sale price, $21,000. NOW AVAILABLE F.H•A. APPRAISED ' This home has excellent view. 2 bedrooms and a den upstairs plus living room with fireplace. Sep- arate dining room. Kitchen has ample room for eating space. Full basement has 2 bedrooms. Large utility room. Lots of storage space. Lovely yard with lots ot shrubs and flowers. Outdoor 'patio, fireplace, llewly painted in ano out. This buy includes two extra lots. THE ENVY OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD Located on Mt. View. 3 bed- rooms. All plastered. Electric heat. Sidewalks all around the house. Attached garage all finished for a recreation room. Carpeted livhlg room and dining room. Fireplace. Bath and a half. Many more fea- tures to be seen. $17,000. EXTRAORDINARY AND BUILT FOR A HAPPY FAMILY This trim and neat home has 3 large bedrooms. Lots of linen closets. Tiled and easy to care for bathroom. Living room designee with wall space. King size utility room. Sunny and bright kitchen with dining area, lots of cup- boards. Garbage disposal 'and all the extras. Located on Mt. View for $14,250. Lot 90 x 100. TILLICUM BEACH RESORT Two cabins left. Also building lots. Come in now and get ready for next summer. $1000 down will buy you a summer place. FOR RENT i 2 bedroom furnished apartment. !$55 per month• ANGLE AGENCY Rest Estate Insurance HERB -- Phone 426-8272  DICK SUE DAN I EL8 DONALD (Bean) DANIELS 426-3434 ROTTER & ASSOCIATES REAL ESTATE BROKER feet saltwater frontage with tidelands. Approximately deep. Excellent buy at $75 per front foot, easy terms. Fireplace, Utility Room, Covered patio. 10 Acres several hundred feet of creek frontage. Double With large work shop adjoining. Price $17,600. Tertns. 2 Bedroom home on Angleside, Fireplace, Dinette, Hot Water heat. Large corner lot. Full price $10,500.00. buy this on easy terms. blocks from downtown on the narthside. 4 Bedroom acre, spring water, double garage and work shop $9,500.00. Terms. t. of Waterfront, 9½ acres drilled well, orchard. This needs some repair. Price $14,000.00. designed, modern 6 room home, 3 bedrooms, fire. room, garage & carport. Price $18,500.00 Terms. 3rooms, Fireplace, Electric heat. Owner will sell furri- er unfurnished $15,500.00/ of Hood Canal waterfront on the south shore ap- 9 acres. Full price $28,500.00. Down payment easy payments on contract. feet of Waterfront with tidelands low Bank 4% Acres. house 1 Bedroom, Fireplace, Garage with 2 Bedrooms rer garage, utility room. Full price $14,750.00. Down Easy payments on contract. L of waterfront, Excellent 3 Bedroom home with fire- Heat. This home is only 8 :years old. Out of town lust sell. Price $11,000.00. Easy terms. on Lake Nahwatzel 600 feet deep. 4 room home, 2 bed- electric heat, partially furnished large sundeek, at $9,900.00. GEORGE, Assodale Broker & WATERFRONT PROPERTIES' Phone 426-3530 Office Phone 426-6642 I, / , Legal Publications NO. 54 18 NO'I'I(E OF IIEAIIlNG I"INAL R E I'O it 1' IN THE sIrpERIOI COURT OF THE STATE OF rASH1NGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of GEORGE E. IIALSELL, Deceased. is hereby given thai CUIRTIS A. CAMMACK. as ca-executor of the Estate of Gem'ge E. Halsell has t'il(,d in the of'i-e of the Clerk of said Com't his final Report and petitim] for distribution, asking the Court to settle said Report. distribute the l)ro- perly to the persons thereto entitled and to discharge raid co-executor: and thai said Rep)rt and politbm will be heard on the 6ih day of December. 196a. at 10:00 A.M. at the Courthouse Foresters Group Hears Report OR Meeting With Secretary Freeman Dave James. Director of Public Affairs for the Simpson Timber Company, was guest speaker at the monthly meeting of Southwest YVashington Chapter of the So- ciety of American Foresters Fri- day night at lhe Colonial House in Shetton. James reported on a recent VCashingl.on D.C. meeting between at Shelton. Washington at which time lnen]bers of ConTess. Tinlber In- and pla('o any person interested in said Estate amy appear and file oh- dustry officials and personnel of jet/ions therelo and contest the same. the lJnited States Forest Service, DATED lhis 5th day of November, at which Secretary of Agriculture 1963. Freeman replied Io the industries /s/ LAURA WAGENER four point progran] submitted last Clerk of Mason County JOHN C. RAGA:N . year. In this program, concerned Attorney for Co-Exeoztor with Forest Service administra- Title Insurance Building glen of tinlber sales on National 122 Raih•oad Shelton. Washington Forests, the timber industry asked 11/7-14-21 3t for; an increase in the annual al- ..... lowable cut, a new method of tim- N(I. 3497 ber appraisal, a new method of NOTICE TO CRI,;DITOR. appeal in disputes and an updat- ing of the language of timber sale contracts. TO THE FIRST POINT. Secre- tary Freeman replied that the timber hmwes[ on National For- ests has been substantially in- creased during the past year as requested by" the timber industry. On the question of timber ap- praisals, Freeman stated that a committee •appointed to study the problem had recently submitted its conclusions• He pointed out that while many of the recorn- mendations of the committee were good, others required additional work and a continuing effort will be made to develop a workable ap- praisal program. On industries third point, James continued, that of a new method of appeal, Free- man stated that up to the level IN THE SUPEI%IOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE) In the Mtter of lim Estate STAN- LEY J. SUSHAK. Jr., Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, Eathryn J. Sushak. Ires been appointed and has qualified ns AdnliniMratrix of tim estate of Stanley J. ushak. Jr., deceased;-and that all persons having claims against the said deceased or the said estate m'e heretS, required to serve the sanle. duly verified with the necessary vou- chers attached upon the undersigned Administratrix or her attorney Of rec- ord at the law office of B. Franklin Houston. Angle Building. Shelton. Washington. and file such claims to- gether with proof of service with the Clerk of he above entitled Com't within six (6) months after the date of the first publication of this notice. to-wit: 31 October 1963, or all claims not so presented and filed will be forever barred, KATHRYN J. SUSHAK, Administratrix of the Estate of Stanley J. Sushak, Jr., Dec'd. Address : Shelton. Washington , of the Regional Forester the pres- B. FRANKLIN ttEUSTON, Ient method would not be changed. Attorney for said Estate, I Angle Bldg., Shelton. WaSIL I However, he pointed out that 10/31 11/7-14-21 4tie board rode ap of oth gover - Hood Canal Club YOU'LL BE HAPPY HERE! We can unhesitatingly recom- mend this modern home as one oz exceptional de$irability, location and value. It's just like new with up-to-date features we all want. The living room has raised hearth fireplace. There are 3 cozy bed- rooms, dining room, 11, baths• utility, all hardwood floors, 2 car garage with workshop and loads of storage space. A top Angleside area and only $15,500. Better see this now. A. ROY DUNN LIKE A PRIVATE PARK Because of the beautiful trees and grounds that are expensively lawned, and shrubbed, lovely ar- rangement of main floor and lux- urious bedrooms, this home can be ternted unique. Some of the many exceptional features include stone fireplace in 24 x 24 ft. liv- ing room, 1,. baths, extra sleep- ing quarters or guests, full con- crete basement with extra kitchen. 80 ft. waterfront with boathouse and 100 ft. dock. It's located o,t Hoed'Canal's excellent South shore and is a property set apart by its charm, even in this section of love- y homes• At $33,000 you wid agree it's a nexcellent buy. Call for an appointment to inspect• A. ROY DUNN ..... FAMILY PARADISE Give your family a treat by moving them into this ultra rood- Plans Game Night At Union Friday By Betty Dean UNION The Hood Canal Im- provement Club will hold a game night at the Union Community Hall Friday night at 8 p.m. Tick- ets may be purchased at the door or from members. Helen and Leo Pearce celebrat- ed their 26th wedding anniversary Nov. 6th. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gatewood and twins Lee Wasme and Wayne Lee spent a couple days visiting their Grandmother. Mrs, Edna Gatewood. Max Dean and Kenneth Pearce went hunting over "White Pass Friday evening and came back with a five point elk Saturday night. After Max shot the elk they spent most of the day carry- ing it out through knee-deep snow. Steve Morris and Paul Bigley spent the weekend at South Fork and came home with two spike elk. Pete Fassio got a nice big three point buck at North Shore Nov, 6. The Union Ladies' Civic Club will meet today noon at the Union Commumty Hall Mrs. Karl O'Berry and Mrs• Dick Buechel are hostesses_ MR. AND MRS. HARRY Maw- ern split entry home. You'll like son went to the wedding of their the location high on a hill. Living .nephew the weekend of Nov. 2, room has sandstone fireplace. 6 and this week they spent three bedrooms, 2Ya baths, family romln days at Crestwell. Ore.. with their has fireplace. There is a 2 ear son Harry Jr. and family. garage, workshop, patio and muen Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pearce and more. FHA prieeJ is $19,750. AI- daughter-in-law Sally and grand- ready approved - it must be goes. daughter Kenne spent the weekend at Hoquiam visiting George Mer- rick. Mrs. Georgia Fanning spent a week in Vancouver taking care of her sister while she is recuper- ating from an operation. She came home Sunday. Mickey Cotes spent Monday in Tacoma and Sestile shopping. She is getting some early Christmas shopping done. Mr. and Mrs. George Steelman celebrated their 491h wedding an- niversary Wednesday, Nov. 6. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. A J. Cowan nd family, Mrs. Alta Hen- nington. Mrs. Dorothy Metzler. :Mr. and Mrs. ttarry Mawson and Mrs. Sue Lewis'; all of Union. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cowan. and Douglas Keyes of Olympia. Mrs. Ruth Wil- lis. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Spaulding of Hoodsport, Ervin Selvela from Santa Barbara, Calif.. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ball were unable to attend. Cheryl and Kathy Cowan served the cake and Alia Henning- ton served the coffee• MR, AND MRS. IIERB Allen and Bonnie went to a house warm- ing Saturday night for the Ver- non Morris family formerly of Union. They have built a new house on the Lost Lake Road. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ball was invited for a cocktail hour at the Floyd Colemans Saturday evening in their lovely home at Madrona Beach. Mrs. Coleman has made a large nmral of sea shells and rocks from five different states. The Balls said it was beautiful. Legal Publications OFFIcIAl, NOTICE I)[NTRICT VII STATE 0l VCASHINGTON, DEPART- MENT OF AGRICULTURE Olympia pursuant• to. Cha)t(rl  1o.'44', R(xiqd'.. Code of Washuaglon, I Jee Dwqor Di- rector of Agriculture 'of )the Stat'e of Vasldngton, hereby give notice that a public n}eeting v¢ill be held at 1:30 nl 2,10113 15 No- I p, • -', "enbe.r 25. 1963 at tile ]Vlason COtlllty P.U.D. No. 3 Audi- torimn, 3(13 Cota. Shelton. Washington, for the purpose of nominating can- didates for the appointment to the Washington Slate Dairy Products Com- ]lnNsl0n fl )In DIs "s' ", "triet VII comprising of the counties of Clallam. lefferson. Kitsap. Grays Harbor. Mason and 'lhtnston An 3 dan ' '- :  "'yman who resides in the dsirict and has, within sixty days rmr to 'the meeting, produced milk. or ereffzn upon which the n- prticipate and nominate eand idates, JOE DWYER Director Signed at Olymoia. Washington October 18, l,To, 11/7 14-21 3t A. ROY DUNN PRICE REDUCED $5,000 Unbelievable but true! We have advertised this nice Mason Lake property at $'13,500. Now in the interest o fa quick settlement or an estate the price is only $8,500. It's a five bedroom home on 75 ft. of the loveliest beach on the lake• There is an excellent wat,av system, % acre of nicely wooded land, garage, extra guest cottage and 10 x 20 ft. dock. Delay may mean disappointment See this tin- usual offer today. A. ROY DUNN ALL THIS FOR $18,500 Here's a charming Hood Canal home built for comfortable and happy living. It features 50 ft. ot excellent frontage• Nice sized liv- ing room with glass doors to patio and beach. 2 lovely bedrooms. Kitchen ha built in range, oven. dishwasher. Nice bath and utility plus well groomed yard, carport and storage areas. We know ot nothing comparable in comfort. convenience and location. Ask to see it soon. A. ROY DUNN MORE GOOD BUYS 246 ft. Hammersley Inlet close to town. 1 bedroom cottage priced at $13,500 or will rent at $50.00 a month. Lovely 5 bdroom home in down- town area, fireplace and except- ional grounds. $19,750. 55 ft: on Lost Lake. $2,500 or will trade for auto or trailer. 3 bedroom Mr. View home. Full price is $9,950 FHA - GI or con- ventional terms. Fixer-uper  mile from town. Needs paint and elbow grease. bedrooms, full basement, only $4,- 600. A, ROY DUNN REALTOR Eves Call: Mary Voss .................... 426-8074 A. Roy Dunn ................ 426-4601 PHONE 426-6363 126 Railroad , , .m, mcnt and non government mem- bers will be appointed to hear major eases reaching higher levels of Forest Service administration. On the final point Freeman ad- mitted that changes were needed in the wording of Forest Service contracts. He said that a new pro- posed updated contract was being reviewed and as soon as possible needed changes wouhl be made. He stated however. •'any contract with the government is'and always will be weighted in favor of li:m government." In concluding this portion of the program Jhmes pointed out that throughout the Washington meeting, Secretary Freeman was well informed and 'to the point, and did much to create a sound prac- tical relationship between the For- est Service and the timber in- dustry. DURING THE remainder of the evening James made brief com- ments on several other meetings and conferences he attended in the last month. These included: the European Economic Cmmnission Timber Committee meeling in Gels- eva. Switzerland: the European Sawmill and Softwood Conference in Paris: an the American For- estry Association Conference; the annual meeting of the American Forest Products Institute; and the National Lmnber Manufactm'ers' Conference. all held in WashingLon D.C, 00cial Securily Office 00ives Tips On Gelling Address Changes Made Each month close to 19 million people receive social security checks in the mail. More than 2,100 of these people are in Ma- son County, acco{'ding to Cort- land A. Skinner. district manag- e of social sectu'ity in Olympia. "If you are one of these people, you probably depend on the cheek and expect it to be delivered on time each month. It is a real 'a- gedy to most folks if their cheeks are delayed." said Skinner. "Here are some suggestions that may help you eliminate the risk of hav- irg a check delivered late, or pos- sibly having it rettu'ned to the Treasury Department '" "If you are movng and are changing your address, try o give the Social Seeutity Administration advance notice," Skinner advised. "Social security checks are prepar- ed by the Treasury Department bout the middle of each month. This allows for delivery early in the next month. If a change of address is received in the social security payment center too late. the check will go to your old ad- dress. The only way that such a check coula be forwarded proper- ly is by reporting your change of address to the post offi(Ie Therefore. it is very important that the post office also be noti- fied of any changes of address." The report of a change of ad- dress must be made in writing and should include the benefic- iary's claim number• his full name. and the new address. All socia] security beneficiaries have been given a postcard form as a con- venience in making these requests. The same postcard can be used to notify the social security office of any important change in status which could stop or hold up a per- son's cheek, such as the remar- riage of a widow, the death of a beneficiary, or too much earnings dtu•ing the year. 33 Per Cent Of li Local People Date I Back To WW I 1 within the lifetime of present res- idents of Mason County? V/hat proportion of the local population goes back far enough in time to remember the first cross- ing of the United States by an automohile, in 1903 ? Or the'year 1909, whe Peary reached ' the North Pole? Or t'he outbreak of World \\;Var I? Or D-Day: when the Allies landed in France? A breakdown of Mason Coun- ty's population into age groups, based on Government figures, shows that only 33 percent, locally, had even been bm by the end of \\;¥orld War I. IN 1912 the 161h Amendment was approved, giving Congress the power, for the first time, to levy a Federal tax on income. That year also witnessed the sinking of the Titanic by an ieeherg, with a loss of 2.200 lives, About 27 per- cent of the county's residents date back tha t. far. Only 47 percent could have been present, when Lindbergh flew the Atlantic. in 1927. Not more than 61 percent had been born when the Japanese at- tacked Pearl Harbor, in 1941. New generations of young peo- ple, to whom many of these hap- pemngs are purely historical, have sprung up since then in Mason County. Today, the figures show. there are ntore of these young folk around• in proportion to the total population, than in the past. Since World War IY, when the birth rate started to zoom upward, they hw: been arriving on the scene ala rapid rate. As a result, nearly half the population of the United States is to be found in the under-25 age groups at the present time. THE INFLITENCE and power wielded by the ymmger genera- Lion }]as rsen just as rapidly. President Kenncdy, who reached the \\;¥hite House at age 43. is a prominent example. He was born after this country had entered World Wtr I. In Mason County, the figures show the ntedian age of the pop- ulation is 32.2. There are as many local peop!e under that age as there are over it. It compares with a median of 29.5 year in the United States as a whole. 29.7 in the Pacific States and 29.6 in t?m State of Washington. Foursquare Church 910 East Dearborn Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. C. Y.'s & Cadets ........ 6:00 p.m. Evening Service .... 7:00 p.m Bible Study (Wed.) .... 7:00 pro. Lewis B. Wysong, pastor 1/31 tfn MT. VIEW Alliance Church Washington and J Sts. Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.ra Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F ......................... 6.00 pan. Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m, Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. Robert S. Wick, Paster FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. E. C. Knau'z. Pastor 5th & Cota Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Minister of Christian Education SUNDAY, NOV. 17 Morning Worship I 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a•m. Morning Worship Bro_adcastover J "WHERE DO YOU LIVE" KHASI Guest Evangelist Dr. Herb Tyler 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups 7:00 p.m. "EASTER AT THANKSGIVING" 1280 - 11:00 a.m. DR. HERB TYLER - Speaker Wed. 7:00 p.m.--Bible Study and Prayer or the family FISHERHEN'S ..... CLUB SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 East Pine Street Mason Younglund, pastor Sunday School-For All Ages ............................................... 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship .................................................................... 11:00 A.M. Christ's Ambassadors (Youth) ............................................ 6:00 P.M. Evangelistic Service .................................................................. 7:00 P.M. Wednesday-Bible Study and Prayer ................................... 7:00 P.M. I , .. ,|. ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest 7:,30 a.m.--Ho]y Communion. 9:30 a.m.--Church School & Adult Bible Class 11:00 a.m.--Divine Worship. The Church is always open for meditation and prayer 30 Aide St., Shelton, Was . Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Church 11 a.m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p.m. Reading room located in church• Reading room hours 2 to 4 p.m. & Fri. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45. THE MET'HODIST CHURCH North 4th and Pine Streets REV. HORACE H. MOUNTS, MINISTER 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. "Worship Services 9:45 a.m. Church School for all ages - 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowsihp I , LJ FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia md Lake Boulevard Charles D, Wigton Bible School ....... 9:45 a.m. Youth Meetings 5:30 p.rm Worship ............ 11:00 a.m. Family Service 6:30 p.m. Wednesday  Bible Study and Prayer  7:30 p.m. Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CtIURCH MISSOURI SYNOD Olympic Hwy. So. & Cascade, The Rev. Gerald Herman, Pastor Sunday School .................................................................... 9:45 a.m. Adult Bible Class ................................................ : ............... 9:45 a.m, Morning Worship ..,. .......... , ........................ 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Welcome To FAITH LUTHERAH CHURCH 7th and Franklin November 17th; DEDICATION SUNDAY Worship: 8:15 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Affiliated with ":['he American Lutheran Church "A Growing Church in a Growing Community" Carl J. Carlsen, Pastor Phone 426-8611 11/14-1t YOU'VE GOT TO I / i TELL 'EM00 WHAT'S HEW? WHAT DO YOU HAVE FOR SALE? WHY SHOULD POTEHTIAL BUYERS DO BUSlHESS WITH YOU? I I The only way for everyone to know about your business is for Yell to tell the story. If you want your prospects to know.., if you want to give your business special meaning., excitement., interest., it means taking ad- vantage of every opportunity to tell people what you can do for them. ADVERTISIHG IS THE AHSWER IN THE i