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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 15, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 15, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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] Pa_fie 2 ............... .... iE'cAN tmo. AUX,UARY ,0. S, ." ,4 n... • EL J /'1 LLJOL4,. MAKES CHRISTMAS PLANS FOR VETERANS I! r ; n ! • u n €, I I T.da,, No,, At er can Legion Auxiliary Un- Campbell, assisted by Mrs. Via-  41   E U • Lb IT I EE Ib  r Past Matrons of Welcome Chap- No. 31 mt for th regula •ses- cent Connolly, is busy selecting  . - _.- ..... . ........  ter OES, 12:30 p.m. dessert hmcn- m Nov at lhe 1 iemoria: ball. giits to be sent to the American  Sj Waters • PImne 426-4412 le:on, home of Hattie Pierce. vs. Re:re Clinton, t resident con- i St. David's Episcopal Church cted ih meeting: Bazaar, 10 a.m.-9 p.m., hmcheon, legular (:h,sirm(m r(q)orts were PATRIGIA PRICE OHANGES NAME 1:1:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., parish hall. \\;Velfare chaivlnaL i"eporien a lay-[ (:tle placed for a needy family. tMrs. Harry Alexander gave a l()S[ cllcollr;:l','Jn" rcpmt on nlcn'l- Bership. Plans t) includo lhe Jllnior Ally iliary members in lhe Pan Ameri- (arl pro%q'ar)l were (liscussed. The nlajor concern for Nov. is centered in lira work of Ill() Iteha- Mlilation committee. Mrs. Ernest ,t No. 31 met fro' the regula.r ses- sion Nov 6 at the Memorial ball. Mrs. Royal Clinton, president, con- ducted ihe meeting. given. Mrs. Oscar Lovirl, Chtld oer the direction of an American Legi(m Auxiliary ltospital com- miltee lhe paticnts will be given lhe opportuntly lo choose gifts for lheir families. The gifts selected are then wrapped and mailed to lhe vet(wan's lamily. This projecl: is not restricted l:o Auxiliary )nen)bers. Anyone wish- ing to help by giving a gift to a hospitalized vete]'anmay do so. 2LTON--MASON COUNTY 3"0URNAIJ- Published in "Christmatown, U.S.A." Shelton, Wahlngton Lake Gift Simp. A nice display of Lifts is ah'eady on hand. Early in Decelllbcr they will bc taken to Ameriean Lake Hospital. Un- Navy Mothers Oh, b, 7:30 p.m., Thanksgiving Theme For Eight and Forty November Dinner Meet Eighteen partners Mason Co. Step up the ner by hostesses Dora Jackson, Iwt Parr a,id Elma White Nov. 11 at the Merrmrial hall. ']'able deco- rations reminded guests that Thanksgiving is near. ']'he, meeting was conducted ac- cording to ritual by Chapeau Be- ryle Fauhert. Departmental finan- tim reqvirements are to be remit- ted at once. Partner Lucy Ednliston was v.,clcomed back after a long ab- sence du?. to dlness, Partner Dora Jackson is tile fortunah' owner of a complete con lection of Christmas Tuberculosis League seals. The history of tim Christmas Seal was read and Do- ra's album of beautiful seals was tossed around for all to enjoy. The Chrictnms Seal originated in Den- mark in 1904 and the first sale as organized its the United Sta- tes in 1.907 and has been continu- ous since that thne. Plans for the December 11 Christmas party were made. Fol- h.wing the adjournment a clever "Trip Through Mexico" was given by Partner Agnes Alexander as- IN OCTOBER WEDDING CEREMONY ;isted 1)3" several partners. ,parents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Friauf, Vancouver, Wash. The newlyweds are making their home in Vancouver. Iv,(. AI/D MRS. CHARLES W. FRIAUF, Jr. were married Oct. 27 at the Shelton Methodist church. She is the former Miss Pat- rlcia Price, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Price, Shelton. His i ladder Menlerial hall. Mason Co. Democratic Club, g p.m., PUD bldg. 19th Hole Club, dinner, 6:30, meeting 8:00 p.m., Shelton Golf Club chlbhouse at Bayshore. Friday, Nov. 6 Rachel Knott Guild, 12:30 p.m. luncheon, home of Mrs. Harry Deegan. Georgine Reed Orthopedic Guild, 1 p.m., home of Mrs. Edwin Lovelff. , V F.W. Auxiliary, 8 p.m., Me- morial hall. S:turday, Nov. 17 State Pat:tel drivers' license cx- 1miner, 10 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., olice station. V.F.W. Turkey Shoot, 10 a.m. o 3 p.m., Airport firing range. ,uady, Nov. 18 Shelton chinches invite you to, ttend the. church of your choice. Ruby Rebekah Lodge annual birthday party, 1:30 p.m., rOOF roll. Momlay, Nov. 19 Shelton Garden Club, 1 p.m., home of Mrs. Nena Roberts. Pre-school PTA, 8 p.m., at the l/ay school. County commissioners weekly heeling, 10 a.m., courthouse. Tuesday, Nov. ' City commissioners wee k 1 y heeling, 2:00 p.m., city llL Fred B. Wivelt American Legion )qst md auxilry meetings, 8:00 xm.., lvremorial RuJdAng, official ,iits'of 4th District officers. Ved', Nov. 1 Laurel Com,t Order of Ama- anth, 8 p.m., Masonic temple. State Patrol driver license ex- uminer, 10:00 a.m., to 5:00 p.m., police station. Journal distributed, one day early. • Lawlon Lumber Co. Joe V. Simpson Dayton Girl Saved By Artificial Respiration By Telephone Man be:A[To?nli!i/@!ili2dltloMt, {: ' :--{.' ']'., '" i:liltlielh'211Mldi'tlilM!i!Bllcejiii:'. {' .' "i.., ."' "" { .. i nightmare day before it ended. Mrs. Havens was baby-sitting her sister's children while the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Simpson were in Tacoma. Connie Lynn a year and a half old became choked on something and soots beeame nn- eonseious. Mrs. Havens dispatched one of her children to the neigh- bors for help and luckily, Gene Stacy, telephone repair service man was there. Having had t,'ain- ing in mouth to mouth artificial respiration, he hurriedly drove to help. Co,rote had been nncon- scious for approximately three minutes and he despaircd of being able to help but soon had her, breathing. She was taken to the doctor for chccldng and seemed none the worse for her brush with death. This was the first time that Gene had been called upon to put his training to a test and was certainly thankful for his knowl- edge. But no less thankful than the parents who realize that words can't begin to show their grateful- nes.% Our sympathies to Mrs. Gert- rude Scott in the loss of her I PRE-SCHOOL PTA TO sister, Mrs. Arthtur Allen, Port-] EAR LIBRARIAN SPEAK land, who passed away Friday. I Pre-schol PTA xill meet at 8 Mrs. Scott accompanied her sister p.m. next Monday at the Play- and husband, Mr. and Mrs. George I school at 1226 Bayview. Hargraves, Port Angeles, to Port- Iu observance of Children's Book Sundfiy and had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rickm'ds and chil- dren. • Thur.'lay dinner gmsts of )/h'. and Mrs. A. O. Schuffenhauec were Mr. and Mrs. Emil Jeschke and Mr. and Mrs. Anion Wymer, Roy. SUNDAY LUNCHEON guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Todd were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hewer and Tony of Fo't Lewis and Mrs. Er- nest Todd of Manchester. Monday morning callers in the Pete Bloomfield home were Mrs. Les Bishop and Mrs. Bert Wood, Kamilche. M'. and Mrs. Alvin Hulbert had as Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hulbe,'t, Shclton. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bloomfield were Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Peter- son, Shelton. Mrs. Calvin Byrd and Sharon and Mr. Bill Spaar of Skokomish were Saturday dinner guests of Nr. ad Mrs. Merlin Rickards. Week, Mrs. Beelik, Shelton libra- rian, will speak on Selecting Rea- ding for Your Child. All members are urged to bring a guest. FACULTY WIVES MEET MONDAY Faculty Wives will meet next Monday with Mrs. LaVerne Kas- zycki, 2015 Adams street, as hos- tess. Mrs. Lorna Dayton will be co-hostess. Mr. Kenny Frank will give some tips on cake decoration. .............................. LAUREL COURT ORDER OF AMARANTH Laurel Court Order of Amar- anth will have its regular stated :1 ::/ • ., ,Y, 4November.]5, 19( Thursday, Nox embe  , Spiritual H ealingl : Scientists Subje¢ FREE deSlPti"it't; 1 ]2ai'*i;v: 1SI°LII ,e Sl?ielton First cburcll: r$of .e'ont'st in a Leon-Se l tals."the subjcet "Mor[a'is aM  , THI Scriptural• .selec.t]'ons will it this verse frons Matthew: when he had called unto 120 disciples he gave ther ,%,'ainst unclean spirits, them out and to beal all of sickness and all na  disease." Key science1 One of" ,:b l%t,ve. ' (Nov. to be ,'ead " .... Health with M . to tNJl: 1 tnres v by ar 3 Baker states: "Every day makes itS us for" higher pro0f,.._1%._ upon professions of Chl'i$u.' - than er. These proofs consLS.i, ist the dcstlalction of sri[ nnss, and death by the t Spirit, as Jesus destr'oYl --- This is an element of P.r.L_,=., ____ and progress is the laWTJ whose law demands of' u|  IIq|  ill  _k VOTERS SCHOOL WEEK OF NOV. Monday  Veg. soup cheese sandwich, milk. Tuesday -- Meat peas, sandwich, side-down cake, milk. Wednesday -- Turkey al vy over mashed potatoel berry sauce, tossed greet sandwich, pumpkin milk. Thursday -- tion. Friday -- Thanks lion. Supplement your with Plenamins Prepp's expresses his to the voters of the for the confidence hown by electing him 7 eep Quality Processing Costs No More I "4 i |      |i Gold and Slmlton Fi F R E E 5 x 7 Enlargemen a;:a= ,o: 1 WITH EACH ROLL OF BLACK AND WHITE FILM llPrice tt d I couver, Wa u  performed I Zieeler s Camera Shan I --'' .......... r II The 'id 124 North 2nd Street Phone 426 6163 }lie a!sl b e,= ¢ bronze chrysanthe- mum-filled baskets decorated the First Methodist Church for the 4 p.m., October 27 wedding ceremony of Miss Patricia Ann Price and Mr. Charles W. Friauf, The bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Friauf, Van- couver, Wash. Rev. R. R. Rings the ceremony before about 200 guests. The bride was escorted down lhe aisle by her father. She was a three-piece floor length brocade dress styled with ...... II tll I IIII I III I bell-shaped skirt and long train. When You Visit The .... Bamboo ,Gift Shop Bernie's Barber Shop You'll be in another lovely new building by We're particularly proud of the exterior SCREEN WALL BLOCKS! Our Gongratulalions To Doris and Bernie Bailey I I II [J I I A flower cluster h.eld her shoulder length veil in place. She carried white spider chrysanthemums cen- tered with a white orchid. The bride's sister, Miss Sharon Price, was her nlaid of honor. Iter bridesmaids were b'er sister, Miss Peg Price and Miss Elizabeth Moore of Scatlle. They were dres- sed in identical emaraid green taf- feta sheaths with matching grcen taffeta overskirts. Their hats were an emerald green rose with veil- ing. Bronze spider chrysanthenl- urns made up their bouquets. Mrs. Ronald Mason, Portland. and Mrs. Ted Hanson, Seattle. were eandlelighters. They wore to- paze taffeta sheaths with match- ing taffeta overskirts. Best man for" the bridegroom was Mr. Larry Otos, Vancouver. Ushel'H were Mr. James Burns, Seattle. and Mr. Randall Fergu- son Vancouver. Mrs. Wes Im.akeri u, as accompanied at the organ by Mrs. Harvey Hillman as she sang "Because" and "The Wedding Prayer" For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Price wore a moss greet] silk brocade sheaths with a mink co- lored feathered hat and accesso- ics. Green orchids made up her corsage. Mrs. Friauf chose a beige wool sheath dress with .an orange flo- ral hat and bronze accessories. Her corsage was of brown or- chids. Baskets of gold and bronze chrysanthemums decorated tle Open IN OUR Hew ON HILLCREST U THIS SATURDAY 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M. GOFFEE 4} ,COOKIES • GIFTS for Isl 100 ladies Bamboo Gift & Novelty Shop and Bernie's Barber Shop L Colonial House for the reception which followed immediately after the wdding ceremony. The wedding cake was a clover leaf topped with yellow tea roses. Serving were the Mesdames Euge- ne Hanson, A1 Munro, Oliver Kel- ly, Harry Wirth, Clint Willour, Glenn Strait, David Lloyd, Ella Smith, Bill Grcenley (sister of the groom), Ernest .Pierce, Randall Fergusm and Miss Jill Pierce; Miss Rhonda Greenley (niece of the groom) arrd Miss Diane Mun- to passed the groom's cage. Miss Charleen Smith was in charge of the guest book. The gt table was attended by the Misses Joan and Jill Pierce and Messrs. Erick I]anson and Larry Schnie- tier. The bride is a graduate of the University of Washington. Slm is presently employed as a teacher in Vancouver ,here the couple make their home at 102 W. 31st street, q tie bridegroom has attend- ed WSU and is now a student-at Clark College. 4-H NEWS IJTTLE EGYPT SEW AND SEWS The Little Egypt Sew and Sews 4-H Club met Nov. 7 at the home of Mrs. Jolm MacRae. The meet- ing was called to order by the pre- sident, Chris Bmmell. The flag salute and 4-H pledge were lead by Linda Williams and Judy Leon- ard. The minutes were read by secretary, Diane Frank. The suggestions which had been brought up at the board meeting were discussed. Chris Bunnell ga- ve a demonstration. The meeting was adjourned and refreshmets were served. There will be a work meeting at 10 a.m. this Saturday. The next regular meeting will be held" Nov. 28. Doris Hickson, reporter The Mason County 4-H Builders met Nov. 5 in the PUD auditor- ium. They decided to have a work party at the Panhandle Lake 4-H Camp Lodge Nov. 17-18 with a short meeting at Panhandle Nov. 17. An invitation to a meeting last aturday from the Thurston County Builders at the South Bay Grange was received. The. Mason County group plans a skirting party sometime later this month. Faye Fischer Reporter ThHksgiving Dinner For Golden Age Ohb Members of the Golden Age Ciub and their families .will meet at 5 p.m. next TMursday at the Memorial trail for a Thanksgiving dhmer. A dance will f011ow at 8:30 p.m. There were about 50 members present at the last meeting. Mrs, Hill is a new member. The Rummage Sale is still held each Friday and Saturday at 122 Railroad avenue. There is a large selection of articles to choose from, BPW NOVEMBER 21 MEETING CANCELLED Due to the Thanksgiving holi- day the Shelton Business and Pro- fessional Women's Club has can- celled its November 21 meeting. Members will meet December 5 at the home of Mrs. May Tokes. VFW AUXILIARY "/'he VFW Auxiliary will meet at 8 p.m. this Friday night at the Memorial building. Thursday, Nov. 22 Golden Age Club Thanksgiving dinner, 5 p.m., Memorial hall. Thanksgiving Day. Grange News By Lois Simpson All of you 430 Pomona members don't forget to go to Southside Sunday at 11 a.m. for the election cf officers. John Bariekman and his crew trove done a very com- mendable job for the last two years. However, if they want to be relieved now it is our respon- sibility to elect someone who has all of the qualifications needed to .fill their offices. Let's elect people that we'll all be proud of. and for the funeral. THE TRAVELING PINOCHLE Club will meet in its clubhouse Saturday evening, Nov. 17. The Harvest Dinner was quite a success with approximately 55 sitting down to enjoy it. Donna Anderson and Donna Combs en- tertained with zu old maid ski and some musical entertainment was provided by Harley Wivell, Clifford, Gary and Dennis Combs. Ladies' Club met last week with Mrs. Clifford Combs as hostess. The next meeting will be Nov. 27 witht Mrs. Jerry Heminger host- ing. Friday night, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Williams was the scene of a joint birthday dinner honoring Sugar Town'send and Willie Greenfield. Guests were: Mrs. Greenfield, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Roberts and Bill. Mrs. Roberts brought a birthday cake and other dishes to help out with the din- ner. John Schur was home from the University of Washington for the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Schur. Sunday, : the Schurs accompanied by Mrs. Mary Brandeberry motored to Su- quamish for dinner in the home of Mr. and Mrs .Charles Kiellor. Darl Goldy visited his sister, M's. Gladys. Zoyer, Sunday in IAlliwaup. MRS. GLADYS WlCKHORST motored with her mother, Mrs. W. A. Liemback, Hoodsport, and brother, Lyle Liemback, Shelton, to Billings, Mont., last week to Last Friday ended the gavel attend the funeral services of a season when Progress received the: niece, Cathy, daughter of Mr. and gavel trom Agate. There were i Mrs. W. R. Dullente. Our syrups- 109 present for the enjoyable thies to the family. evening. For the program Prog- Aleca Ruddell, daughter of Mr. ress really went all out. Partici- and Mrs. Clyde Ruddell, celebrated paling in the popular kitchen band her thirteenth birthday Nov. 11 were John and Alice Bariekman, and haxi as guests Mr. and Mrs. Ray an:t Winifred Morkert, and Clifford Ruddell and family of Eldon and Dorothy Todd. Jim Puyallup. Haines, Orin Brumbaush, Chet Thursday, L. A. Todd observed Richards, Cecil Blackwelder and Clyde Rains took part in a skit, Hazel Rains, and Bertha Lord gave readings and Mae McFie and Dan Wodo sang a duet with Mild- red Blackwelder as accompanist. The Stansbury's and Melvin Sparks provided music. Holding a regnlar meeting last Friday night. Skokomish decided to hold their elections on their next meeting which is November 23. Frieda Smith and Mary VaN ley served the luncheon after the meeting, "IEETING AT 6:30 p.m. for a birthday dinner Cl'oquallum was pleased with the 60 present for the hame dinner complete with strawberry shortcake. After din- ner they held election of officrse. Elected for the coming years were 5im Sauer, master; Bill Walk0, overseer; Peg Sauer, lecturer; Epike Hliboki. steward; Randall Norris, gatekeeper; Bud Eveleth, assistant steward; Ethel John, lady assistant steward; Fern An- tenson, secretary; Donna MeMil- lian, ceres; Dorothy Bolduc, po- mona; Gwen McMfllian, flora; Mary Walko, home economics; Leona Wright, chaplain; Tony An- tenson, e x e c u t i v e committee; Charles Oppelt, treasurer. Matlock held their elections last week but I wasn't able to get it until now. Re,elected Lud Ross- mater, master; Elvin Hearing, overseez'; Nellie Rossmaier, home economics; Robert Trenehmann, lecturer; Ira Ford, steward; Cliff Combs, assist, steward; Donna Combs, chaplain; Carl Portman, treasurer; Lottie Ford, secretary; Andrew McGarvie, gatekeeper; Lula Creamer, ceres; Rosetta Mc- Garvie, pomona; Ann Cash, flora; Melba Trenchmann, lady assist- ant steward; Forest Green, execu- tive committee; Max Cash, ex- ecutive committee; Homer Adams, executive committee, and Ione Green, pianist. Shelionian Honored At Skagil 'Dollege Two single honors have been bestowed upon Jerry Shimek, 1961 graduate of Irene S. Reed high school, at Skagit Valley College, where he is now a sophomore stu- dent. He was recently elected presi- dent of the sophomore class nd then was voted into Delta Psi Om- ega, national honorary dramatic fraternity as the result of Ins sup- erlative performance as the male Iced in the college play "Three Men on a Horse." Jerry is the son of Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Shimek, 414 Wyandotte St,, Shelton. One ungrateful man does an in- jury to all who need help. -- Publiltus yrus another bizhday and enjoyed hav- ing son, Eldon and family who came visiting, bringing a birthday cake. M. and Mrs, Alvin Hulbert at- tended the Parents' Weekend bmquet on Saturday evening at Seattle Pacific College and brought daughter, Donna, home for the weekend. Mrs. Thelma Howard Issaquah, spent Saturday night and Sunday: in the home of her son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Howard. Sunday drop-in callers wer his uncle and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson of Raymond. Sunday evening callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bloom- 0huroh of Christ Rans Thanksgiving Servioe A special Thanksgiving Day service, traditional in Christian Science churches all over the world, will be held in this area by First Church Of Christ, Scientist. Everyone i welcome to the servlcel which i begins at 11 a,m. Thanksgiving morning, in the church at 302 Alder St. Hymns, prayer, and a specially prepared Bible Lesson-Sermon are a part of the sezwice, which also includes a period for spontaneous expressions of gratitude by church members in the congre- gation. meeting at 8 p.m. next Wednesday at the Masonic Temple. 133 RR. Phone e by a mar- ...... rly 2000 votes Savage All nlembers are mvtcea to at- ;i v - , .'  oters nave none your tend. , . =a0w it is up to me to r 4 YOur Representative." ' 'responsibility he said j . ...... ., i isent ou in 'the Le is- " i Y " g" #IIM elp take care of state =e O  interest of the people District and the state UNION, WN. PHONE TW 8-2200 CDMPLETE THANKSGIVING DAY DINNER-- I:00 to 6:00 p.m, (BREAKFAST 9:00 A.M. TO 1:00 P.M.) _.,;,==\\;[ For reservations Phone 898-2200, Union,  Used Cars &,Truck00l 196o STUDEBAKER LARK V8 00.door00 dan. Heater, automatic, very clean. 1960 FORD FALCON RANCHERO piC; L Radio, Heater, Standard transrniS Real clean. Extra snow tires. 1957 MERCURY VOYAGER 9-pass. Wa{ Radio, heater, automatic, power stea brakes, rear window. 1958 INTERNATIONAL A-112 H.O. /:!! pickup. BD-264 engine, 4-speed, long  overloads, 6-ply rubber--SHARP. 1957 PONTIAC station wagon 2-door radio, heater, automatic 1951 WILLYS JEEP 4-wheel drive gon. Heater. Excellent Ford V8 en 19,63 Chrysler-Plymouth- as a long time Legis- t0 sa00d, he is a00uainted directors and adinhli:'s- Olympia and ears often and organizatiOneS when l)roblems to tak up in department. He said mean to imply that he the answers but that Y knows where to go answers. Savage said, hc will -Vailable to help inform he District on how ou', 'rnment functions and Ices are available by )afore meetings, schools, Crested groups. Savage es to bring voters and Little closer to their own ament. id Political Adv.) IAF E IT Now On XE S KIMBEL MOTORS Inc. 707 SOUTH FIRST ST. STANDARD HEATING OIL -- Confide] Your Privacy c Cheerful Servi( gency Aiz System Wide choice of $5.00 Yearly (p Gives you the warmest feeling Order STANDARD HEATIN(3 OIL now on our special budget plan that spreads the cost over ten monthly payments with no interest or' carrying charges. Call today for dependable housewarmer service from the man who takes better care of your heating comfor For any Standard Oil product, call ' i Shellon 00i00hurston Col ¢0unts Insured to $10 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. Mol 10 to 3, 4 to Jq0me Office & Capitol Way t :lyrnpia, Wash. POSIT BOXES  !