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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 15, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 15, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, Novemtier: gJ&apos;, November 15, 1962 i ....... ,, r r ,- Pos!office Acoe Christmas Help '00i::DARIGOLD and SHELTON MAID Applications , PACKAGED ICE CREAM Applications are n0v/ eepted at tho Shelton . IN ALL YOUR FAVORITE FLAVORS for Christmas rush a Postmaster J. H. Gray =" 'NOW available for your convenience tcrday. Two women and four  in self-service refrigerator at be added to the Shelt0 rice staff for this year'S, ". '. McGONKEY'S DRUG CENTER mas nlailing.perilod, e Evergreen Square He pointed out that.t two phases of "early  which the public can ob1 would greatly assist the'] " ,, m, , _ staff: Mail early in the s#  earl.y in the day. t and the gang He explained that hea, W ings shortly before mail d causes s much problem. postoffice as a,ly on(( S I every NON-STOP ACCIDEI. H A motorist who failed t - G' Friday 9-2 ate tile highway curVe I his property ripped out,2 . fence, ran across hiS'" N. T Saturday 9 12 drove right out his drt cut stopping last weel H Kimbel reported Ki , dence is .located'on hi# a3out a mile sbuth of t ' ' city lmit s. - " R a the Calcutta, India, H We would like to re T HELTOH OTEL ]ehof the Mothers' C S "g t to be held at th y school house SatuI'day. ,':30 p.m. At the conelfi evening the Thanksgivi jammed to overflowin[ hve goodies, will be to some lucky person. Eckert Orthopedic Guild a table of miscellaneoU' DR. SIDNEY HAYS hand for any potential .. shoppers. Optometrist P A R T Y is pleased to announce his Small Cubes association with Sacks Q. )THOMAS RYAN, O.D. SI-TELTON--MASON. COUNTY JOURNAL. -- P.ublisled in "Ch, ristma.tow7,. U.S.A." Shelton, Washington Page 5 .  . ' ' , ., ' J' .___- ..... :__Z:'-_=_---5-L.L---U---:L::2-."-L2--L.Z'ZZL " " '" ":.:L--_-..H__5 ............................................................................................................................. I ...... Bulldogs End Winless!00evory A_ , ....... -, Locknane, Bernhardt Season With 34-7 Loss To Speak At Kiwanis To Foster In Finale Club F0dball Dinner By 1 emits ShelLy  ........... Guest Sl)cakeI's for the 1962 Ki- BELFAIR.--Last game of the xanis Chib football hanquct will be the Lwo starting ends for the season is the one that team __--', w.tranv nuouunu wants to win, especially a team --r"--'" - r "" University of XMa:dlington Flus- To Doherty Initial k ies I)uanc Lol:kzlane and Lee like Norti] Mason that has had a S Bernhardt chairmall John Pill losing season. The North Mason Highclimber Hoop Call Iiy Denny IVagner First turnout of aspirants for the 1962-63 Highclinaber basket- ball team Tuesday night in the high sclmot library resulted in an impressive 69 boys responding to new coaeh Jim Doherty's call. The new Highclimbcr coach spoke to the boys on athletic training rules, outlining the rules on which disciplinary action will be taken for viol'H.ions. He also talked on dressing be- fore games, what the boys should wear. Times were set to regulate hours the boys should be home 10:30 on /eek-days exeept on nights before games 9:30, on week ends members of the team may stay up until 1:00 a.m. This year's team has five letter- men returning from htst ycar's Seamount leggue co-champions. They are Bill Smith, Bill Slosh, Jim Goodpaster, Mike Carte, and John Anderson, all of whom are now seniors, and all of whom had at least some starting assign- ments last year. . CONsiSTENCY- GETS JAOKSON 620 SUM MERCHANTS LI':A(; UI \\; L Old Mill Tavern ............ 24 :12 Prepp's Rexall Store .... 21 15 Ralph's Serve-U ............ 201/, 15Vc Thurston S & L ............ 18 18 Kimbel Motors ............ 18 18 BILL'S First and Cots OPEN TIt 9:00 LOYAL ORD,B MOOSB Shelton Lodge, NO, f "- Gerry Hartp Governor Phone 426-3041,, Russ iorken, seW'| " ., Phone 426.407 | MEETINGS HELS 'I''. 2nd and 4th Ta 7. of the p2nth ; 8 p.m:/rl(: ..... of Shelton at 536 Railroad Avenue Monday Appointments Bulldogs certainly showed their desire to win but bad luck turned their way and the Foster Bulhlogs bounded to a a4-7 vietory. The hnlf-time score was 15-7 and the Post team was really wof ried. Tlley came out in the second half of lhe game and scored three more times to assure themselves of victory. ON Tile OTHER tlAND, North Mason finally pulled a' switch in scoring. On the third play after getting the ball on the opening kick-off, quarterback Art Iralicek heaved a mighty pass to Mike Stevenson. Mike completed the play by running the rest of the 65 yards for a I'D. 2;he NM Bulldogs put together a eouple of very drives for the goal line but were hampered con- tumally by intercepted passes. One thrilling attempt to score came a the closing • of the half when Art Kralicek intercepted a Foster pass. a midfield. The gain sounded right after . the play sAarted so he had to make the touchdown or else. He broke away from several would-be tackl- ers but was finally dumped on the three yard line. MOST OF THE SENIORS that played ibis year had a personal interest m winning this last foot- ball game. It would probably be the last game that they would ever play. The Puppies were confronted with the same situation their last game of the season. 2-hey have had to play inter-squad games without being able to com- pete with other schools because of technical reasons that could affect high school athletics. Their game was a big upset with the seventh graders defeating the eighth graders, 7-6. Phone 426-4263 00UNG ,NAN ST. 6-2428 rve You with the ! Fire Insurance. ,-NCE COMPANIES nington, Illinois WOMEN'S COMMERCIAL Timber- Bowl ................ 27 17 Darigold ............................ 26 18 Eclls & Valley ................ 23 21 Richfield Oil .................... 21 23 Gott's Oilerettes ............ 21 23 Ming Tree Care ................ 21 23 Allyn Shell Service ........ 19 25 Bill's Shell Service ........ 18 26 High game--Bey Dunbar 191. High series: Betty Wolden 497. Darigold 4 (Adair Neau 479), Richfield Oil 0 (Phyl Ziegler 482); 161. ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON will be CLOSED at Noon, November 17 WILL BE OPEN at 9 a.m., November 27 410) ; Eells & Valley 3 (Julie 476), Timber Bow1 1 t Jean Ream 468) Bill's Shell 2 (Betty Wolden 497), Ming Tree Cafe 2 Iva Cook 487) ; vo,TuRs FROH CHRISTMAS... • ,. TO CHRISTMAS EST " = The C.ih r,a ', S,,o ro P/e?se piece combo • THE WHOLE YEAR THROUGH IS A SUBSCRIPTION To The NOV. 16 qUIInIIIIIIIImIIIUIIUUIImIU : ; 1 , , -  -  IlflfllllllllllflllUlllllllgllllllllg111111BglUIlrlmllgllmllillllllflgl OUTDOORS IN MASON COUNTY X,...m ......................... `Luummmmmmuum"usam||uuumumummuuu"uamummummWuuammm|"mmmmuum gnnot l)ccd this week. Tile banquet, is scheduled for Tuesday niglit, Nov. 27, in the ML. View school cafeteria, will( all pl;tyers alld coaches of the High- climber football team. as well as fathers (if th,:: i)layer's, as guests t.1 Ihe Kiwanis Club. 3IAS(ULINE SI'OIlT fans are invited to join the Kiwanians in honoring the gridiron gang. Tick- elm az'e $2 each and ntay be ob- tained from arly Kiwanian ]V[enl- Symptoms of Distress Arising front STOMACH ULCERS =UtTO EXCESS ACID UICK RELIEF OR NO COST Over five million packages of tim WILLARD TREATMENT have beensold $4.50 a year inside Mason County $5.00 a year outside Mason County We Send a Gift Card with Each Gift Subscription S ecompanied Guests 0,i ONS -- Phone 426.394!]- • . to 1:30 a.m. 2:30 BANTAM LEAGUE Jay Biz'ds ...................... 15 0 Willon r Insurance .... 8 7 Kelly Furniture ........ 7t 71 V.F.'W. Auxiliary ........ 6 :.'2 -,So Lumbermen's Mere ..- 5 10 Grant Lumber . ........... 3 13 High games---David Graffe 120, Sharlene Mikkelson, Linda Lane 89. High series---David Graffe 235, Sharlene Mikkelson. 150. 12:30 WOMEN'S LEAGUE Phil's Richfield ............ 23 17 NeWs Pharmacy ........ 22 17 Shelton Union Service 211,./., 18 V.z Dairy Queen ................ 12 28 High game--Lorene Wilson 209. High series--Connie Cronquist 516. Shelton Union Service 4 (Con- nie Cronquist 516), Nell's Phar- macy 0 (Rubye Frisken 464); Phil's Richfield Service 4 (Vera Bishop 504), Dairy Queen 0 (Syl- via Fonzo 414). V. F. IA r. TUlllii0V SltOOT N(?I IEi)UIJ'il) SA'I'IJII)AY Callinp" all sharpshooters! OU Call \\;vln ;t h/t'key for [tie Tllanksgiving fable Sattlrday with .YOIll' nlauil)lllatiollS of a gmL The Vetez'ar:s of l,'orcign VVal's have schedulcd a hu'key shoot aL the airport firing range between 10 a.m. and 3 ll.m. The public is invitecl to enler. for relief el symploms el distress arising fro Booth, a a-point by Rod Menden- i,all In area 10-P (Pacific e, ounty), 2-points by t,:cn Blll'fielld at Lake Onshnm.n and Carl Storey at Pit Creek. and a spike by John l)eni- son irl 10-P. There were no rep¢)rts what- Over fron] fistlerllleI1 lhis past week,, possit)ly due to the wet weatffer. Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers due to Eg- tess Acid--Poor Digestion, Sourer Upset Stomach, Gassiness, Heartburn, SieeJ- lessrw;s, ctc., due to Excess Acid. AI¢ r "Wlllard's Message" which full explaiul t2fis home treaUx)enL--frse--It NELL'S PHARMACY McCONKEY DRUG CENTER PREPP'S REXALL STORE bers of the clulYs boys and girls ............ bilities the banquet falls, are Pill s c, hairman, Ivan Myers, Bud Elk hunters fared rather poorly Paulcy, Roy Castle, Prank Travis during thc early days of lhc 1962 Jr., Bob" ]'ecnan, Bud Knutzen, season in Mason County due pro- Gay Taylor, Rolla Halbert, Roy bably to indicgtions the herds are McConkey and Tom Ryan. still'at high altitudes for the hies( The comnittee has financial p,.1,t. ' en  g/ /!  problcms in connection with this Only 6 reporLcd kills have b : year's banquet. In past years the egistered at Wingard's Sport club has been able to sponsor a Shop and Verle's Sporting Goods spccial football gal, receipts as of V¢cdnesday morning, but the ! RCAVICTOR from which have been used to ta- kill is expecteci to tare a sharp  ' U ( ( ke up the tab for Lhe dinners of .pward 1urn fronl n)w )n due Lo tim Ilayers, coaches and fathers, the fact that cows become eligible This year, however, suci a game prey in certain areas for tose was not able to be seheduled. L '  holding cow-elk permits. TV TO ALLEVIATE this financial 'With snow at the 3,000 f()oL 1e- problem, the Kivanis Club is sell- vel, the herds are gelmrally not citing sponsorships and advertis- as accessible as hunters would  ing on the dinner program from like. Cohler temperatures Tuesday all interested individuals and bu- night were eneouraging, however siness firms at $5 each. Such spon- and a movement to lower alti- sorships and advertising in effect tudes could help hunting nmtevi- pay for a player-dad-coach corn- ally in !he final stretch. The sca- bination, son closes next Sunltay. The dinner is being prepared Reportcd kills so fa) inchlde a again under the direetior of high pair of 5-points taken in area 10- school pzqncipal George Hermes. :E t MaLlock, l/y Bill and Ted ............................................................................................................. Timber Appliance ........ 161/,,/, 19 Bill's Shell Service ........ 15 21 Olympic Plywood ........ 13 23 High game ..... Byron Johnson 231 High series-- Floyd Jackson 620 Triplicate -- M.S. Preppernau (,IANGE BOWLING .VIi{ & MRS I IAGIII, W L W L Hitting over 200 all the way, Floyd Jackson posted a 620 series in the Merchants bowling' league last week as he led Ralph's Scrve- U to a 3-1 victory over Bill's Shell Service (Don Johnson 555. It was a ground-gaining victory for the third place grocers in as much as front-front Old Mill Ta- vern Lee Schuffenhauer 567 dropped a 1-3 4ecision to Kimbel Allyn Shell 3 (Carol Mallory 456). Motors (Bill Staudt 542, and see- Gott's Oilerettes 1 (Arlene Saupe end place Prepp's Rexall Store IMorley Preppernaeu 161-161-161 for 483) took a 4-0 whitewashing at the hands of Timber Appliance (Byron Johnson 552-231). Olympic Plywood 3 (A1 Wagner 579) won a 3-1 verdic.t from Thur- ston County Savings & Loan (Carl Cook 473, in tlle night's 4th match. Patrons ............................ 31 13 Matlock 27 17 Sotlthside .......................... 2(; 18 Shelton Valley ................ 25 19 Skokomish ...................... 22 22 Agate ............................... 17 27 Pomona ............................ 15 29 Cloquallmn ..................... 13 31 High.. games- Gladys._ /Nelson 179. LeRoy Simpson 211. High series---Gladys Nelson 4:;5, Jirn lossnlaier 565. Vagabonds .................... 30 18 Skid Row-Lers ............ 26 14 I, Da No ..................... 21 19 Bowl Evils ................... 21 19 Gutter Snipes .............. 17L2 221/, 4 Squacs .................... 16 24 Nile Owls ........................ 10 24 l)own Beats ................ 12 % 27 Hig'i games Geozge Lewis 230, Shirley Engen and Pae Rob- inson 177. High series: Del Stormo 526. Vae Iebinson 500. Matlock 4 r Jim Iossmier 5(;5) Agate 0 (Henry Warnes 442; Southside 4 ,Carl Emsley 48). Skolmmish 0 , Dutch Stanely464 ) ; Patrons 4 (LeRoy Simpson 554 Pomona 0 Bob Florck 445; Clo- ouallum 3 (Gladys Nelson 435, Shelton Valley I (Ralph Simpson 485). Bowl Nvils 4  l<'m Robtnson 500). 4 Sq|lares 0 ,Vcrn Becson 483; Gut.Ler Snipes 4 (Bill St aldt 514 ,. Down I3eals 0 (Jerry Christy 491); [. D:t. No. 3 Ehlon Todd o13. Nite Owls 1 (Frank Marler 48(:;); "Vngaboll(-ls 2 (,lOt I,]tgetl 504 ). Skid I.ow-Lers 2  I)el SLormo 526). HOUSEWIVES LEA(; UE W L Jim Pauley, Inc ........... :30 14 Hood Canal Marina .... 26 18 Shelton Union Service 22/ 21/ Shelton Marine Supply 22 22 Edward's Salon ............ 22 22 Evergreen Florists ...... 21 23 Angle Agency .............. 19 25 Ball's Food Center .... 14:V 29 High game--Stella Howard 201. High semes---Stella Howard 513. Split, picks---Sylvia Fonzo 5-7, Hazel Hansmmer and Verna Johanson each 5-10. Edward's Salon 4 (Edith Levitt 473, Angle Agency 0 (Evadean Lord 427); Shelton Union Service 3 (Stella Howard 513), Shelton Marine Supply 1 (Sylvia Fonzo 462); Jim Pauley, Inc. 3 (Connie Cronquist 472), Evergreen Florists 1 (Alice Sheppard 422); Ball's Food Center 2 (Mary Ann Winn 390), Hood Canal Marina 2 (Katie Niles 450 ). FRATERNAL LEAGUE W L Kiwanis Club ................ 25 A 141/., Fuller Construction .... 24 16 Lions ............................ 22 18 Shelton Hordware .... 19., 201/., Eagles Aerie ................ 18 22 Rotary Club ................ 17/a 22 Moose Antler ............ 17 23 Bull Moose .................... 16 23 High games--Gary Cowan 228, Lionel Leman 220. High series-Lionel Leman 579, Kiwanis 4 (Gary Cowan 556), Lions 0 (Walt 565), Moose Ant- lers 3 (Russ Morken 545), Eagles 1, (Lionel Leman 579); Shelton Hardware 3 (Frank Willard 547), Bull Moose 1 (Otto Hanson 536); Fuller Construction 3. IBill John- son 548), Rotary I (Jim Shrum 5O4), :MEN'S CITY LEAGUE W 40 & 8 ............................... 21 Beckwith Jewelry ............ 19 Wilson Company ............ 16 Simpson Timber . ............. 15 Shaub-Eilison .................. 15 F'risken Oil ...................... 14 RiP,el Logging. ............... 13 Lumbermen's Mere ...... 7 High games- Bud Knutzen 242. Fred Snelgrove 222. Earl Na- son 220. High series-Bud Knutzen 596. Wilson Company 7, {Allie Rob- inson 586), Rishel Logging 0 (Earl Nason 501; Beekwith Jewelry 3 ,Bud Knutzen 596. L.M. 0 (Aub Bloekberger 446, Ted Blair 445); 40 & 8 2 ,Fred Snelgrove 569), Simpson Timber 1 (Keithe Simp- ::on 503); Shaub-Ellison 2 (Stan Ahlquist 562), Friskcn Oil 1 I Jess Daniels 553). ICAYONIIR RESEARCH V L Maintenance ................ 29 1.5 Water Boys ................ 28 151:, Acetate Aces ................ 24 20 ilva Poxes ................ 22 V., 21  'Wood Birds .: ............. 20 24 Pin Curlers ................ 20 24 Rayonettes .................. 18 26 Four Fowlers .............. 14 30 High gamesRod Brandstrom 202, Marg Bacon 200. High series---Marg Bacon 520, Don Lurid 514. Pin Curlers 4 (Jenny Tratnick 379), Wood Birds 0 (Harvey Deweyert 40); Water Boys 3 (Don Lmd 514), Acetate Aces 1 (Jess Tobler 492); Rayonettes 3 (Marg Bacon 520); Four Fowlers 1 (Betty Mallinger 381); Main- temmce 2 IRay Brown 495). Silva Foxes 2 (Mary Morkert 492). L • MIXI']D FOURSOMES 9 VV L 1.1 Knock Outs ................ 25 15 14 Timber Ducks ............ 23b 16!,', :1.5 What's Next ............. 22 18 15 Rusty Ducks .............. 21 19 16 Board Busters ......... 19:2 20/ 17 Odd Balz .................. 17 23 23 Pin I3tzsl,ers ............... ](j...', 23/ Strippcrs ...................... 15t., 24La HiKhrKamesVerna Johanson 188, Cal Moran 203. High serl'es- Vcrna J ohanson 470, Cal Moran 51& rhat's Next 3 /Hank Boysen 472), Odd Balz 1 (Ron Freeman 474); Strippers 3 IMerle Fischer 428). Board Busters 1 IVerna Johanson 470; Thnber Ducks 3 (Clyde Landsaw 503), Pin Bust- rs 1 Ellen Rebman 446); Rusty Dlcks 2 (Cal Moran 514. Knock ellis 2 (Ken O'Dell 476. VOMEN'S (!ITY LEA(;UE ,¥ L Shelton Hotel .'. .......... 28 8 Sunbearn Bread ........ 21.1,/,,, 14 , Morgan Transfer . ..... 21 15 McConkey Drtlg Cent. 19V, 1.6" Lumbermen's Mere .... 17 19 Polka Dot .................... 16 20 Hoodspor't Lumber .... 11. 25 Millo's Diner. .............. 10 26 High game-- Lois Albrecht 215. High series---Lois Albrecht 501.. Split picks..--Carole Howard 3- 7-10, Joyce Maynard 6-10. Sunbeam Bread 4 ( Mildred Daniels 177), Shelton Hotel 0 (Dot Summers 443; L,M. 4 (Jean Yost 450), Drug Center 0 (Bobble Barnett 473); Polka Dot 3 (Lois Albrecht 501, Hoodsport Lumber 1 (Helen Spaulding 407): Millo's Diner 2 (Creole Howard 382), Morgan Transfer 2 (Rubye Fris- ken 470 ). CHRISTMAS EARLY? It has to be at Dean's Studio! It takes time to create a fine profes- sional photograph. Love, warmth and under- standing is yours to give at Christmas time if you choose to give the most personal gift of all-- a professional portrait of you or your loved ones. No one else can duplicate your gift--ONLY YOU CAN GIVE IT. Don't waitmake an appoint- ment in Novemker NOW! Call 426-3272, Paid Advertisement ) The WAYLAND • Series 233-C-84-M 93" tube Coverall diag.) 282 sq, in, picture MOST POWERFUL, MOST DEPENDABLE TV IN RCA VICTOR HISTORY! Aluminized Full-Picture tube with bonded-on safety glass  Super-powerful "New Vista" Tuner Brilliant "Golden Throat" tone Power Boosted Mac..,. . M0nitor. Chassis Precision-crafted Security Sealed Clrcuit Boards for extra dependability .1599s START AT I RADi0-STERE0 SPECIAL! ® The MADRIGAL With FM-AM Tuner 3VF04 Series RCA VlCTOR TOTAL SOUND STEREO WITH FM-AM RADIO Lowest Price Ever for RCA Victor Total Sound Stereo with FM-AM Tuner = Dual Channel Amplifier Has 20 Watts Maximum Music Power Output (8 Watts E,I,A. Standard) eTwo 8" High Diffusion Bass and Mid-rangs peakers, Two 3" Tweeters Available with built-In FM Stereo Radio, The Baritona, 3VF06 Series THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN TELEVISION " EELLS = VAL!EY TEll 426-4663 "E SERVICE ALL THAT WE SELL" Where You Get The Best Deal, By George