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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 15, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 15, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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HELTON--MASON. COUNTY. 30URNAL-- Published in.rTlri,tma.$oullL, U.g,A." Shelton, Wa,,hington "m mm, mm m m mu mm m m m ' m mmm m m am =L..=.1,1. , HH Hm m m, m m , , H,, Singer To Present Program At Skokomish Community Church ,, TIursday, November 15,. 190 ?T ...... 1;. .-, ...... _ __ .... .,, ........... 15, 191 rate tlleir honse. Other g'uests 1N OI;CIIE,TIlA l.--- Sunday were Mr. and Mrs Buzz Janet Iavttnville Stelt¢  pia, 1VII'. and Mrs. llans Cleveland, Fhonv ore, ne.tnt ol tae :.v Well Drilling WATER WELLS-- TEST HOLES Bedell Drilling Co. LAWRENCE BEDELL Route 3, Box 170, Shelton Phone 426-4713 By Mary Valley SKOKOMTSH-Jolm Webb, ex- opera singer from the Los Angeles Opera Company, a bassoproflmdo, = will be tit tile Skokomisii Com- munil,y Church, Sunday at 2 p.m. A cordi'iI invitation is extended lo /vel'yone. Warren Hunter, Jeff and Chris- li, the Dallas, Ore., visitill K his parents, My. and M a,. Paul Hml- ter owr the weekend. Christmas can't be fal' away, as he Htmt, er Byes. are beginning to haul Christmas trees and will soon be in full swing for the holidays. There will be, a P.T.A. meetinK in the Hood Canal Junior High School, Monday  8 p.m. Marvin Christensen, juvenile probation of- ficer of Maser, Cotmty will be the speaker. MI{. AND Mit;,q. Arthur Johnson were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley. The monthly meeting of the Skokollish Commlmlty Club will be this Tllursday evening at 8 p.m. The, club also wishes to announce lhere will he a card party this Satu]'day evening starting at 8:15 p.m. Mt'. and Mrs. Palll Yltlntey  a]ld Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter at- tended the wed(linK of their neiee, Miss Sharon ,Tones to Harvey Hicks of Seattle, in the Boulevard Presbyterian Church a.t Burien S'ltAll'(t;13" afternoon. Mrs. ]},'dlH1 Hunter slid Ml's. Arl/oht Cheney [(,(!Onll)ai'lie(t I henl. There will bt' a Thanksgiving sol'vice ill The Skokomish COll'IIllll- ,'lily Chlll'(ql Nov. 22, at ]0:30:1. m. Insh,ad of liblo Study on lhe VVednesd;ly evomng pl'eceedill' lll0 Thanlcsgiving Service thet'e will be a linlt of hymll sing'lag' and de- coratin tile chllreh with the fvt]- its of tiu lmrvest. 5{ II'I a i1 ( t MI'S. Hmnphrey Nelson I drove to ()lympia Sattlrday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith tlld MI'. and Mrs. Roy Yo(mm. 11'. arid MI'S. (lell (lee drove to iRaymo ld one (la.y last week and spent the day with Mr. Gee's 10re- lher and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin KEN EVAN, , CAME down from Seallle on the weekend Io elk trent and stayed overnight with'his par- cnts Mr. and Mrs. Archie Vaughn, Mrs. (]ertrude C, nt.)se of Seattle accompanied him for a visit with Mrs. Vaughn. Don Bearden spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bearden. Other visit.ors at lhe [(:;li'dell hol'lle Wel'e Mr'. and I Mz's. Dewey Cleveland, son and I gvanddmlgh'}ev from LaPush. J The Bob Claveland tione w'ts [ blzzing with Kuests over the ]weekend. Mr. slid IVll's. Art Niek- falls and family crone to redeeo- Shelton,  BqmA  • Nit. and Mrs. ilerb Baze and Mr. Northw,.st which ,,,,,ill ppe} B - .," theE y S,tlly 'i',ty;or H;11 ()n ;- " " ' ") . _apl$]Tfl NE\\;VS. t ioneev t-T lgwn c |e 7.  f lmsiness meeting No * * :;, ]hmenLs of cookies "u IOL,AR,,HIIere serve(t at the begi] Shelton, wathe meel!n'. A repo 'l \\;,r('sler l ays and /vie-ms ehairma a'iid £ee Slli i on the card party w __t0Ward n science proje, md Mrs. Jack Howard and family of Shelton. PalTy Jones of Shelton spent lhe past week with Mr. and Mrs. Erie SjoholnL MI{. AND MILq. DON Cypher of BI'enlel'lon wcl e L-/lrl(lay ,g'll('sts at the home of My. :rod Mrs. Don 1)oak. Other visit()l's at the Do'tl. home were Mrs. Edna Hunter and Mrs. Nancy Desk and son Mike of Shelton. V/sitars aI. the name (n7 Mr. and Mrs. Glen Get, on Friday and Sa- turday were Mr. and Mrs. Merle Davis and two eilildren from Se- dl'o Wooley. On Saturday and Sun- day their daughter Miss Glenda coneel't in Meany Hall on ivevsit:y of Washington :;;0 p.m. Nov. 17. GET% N('llOL'All ,HIi Marvin I3aily, Shelton, of tile tudents at Wester int.on Elate College wto received tuiti,m mid fee ships. SChool. A suo'gestion Wo,l,,,:.sdav and Th,,,'s"{. h,*i,g h,,L I,,,lds l: and M,.s *,,,llie V:,nghn ' ,,e ,,,o,n ,,,ll,,etin,.. tl Lea vix fat a visit wl ,3Rnds -,,, • )- , Vaughn'. brother, Earl v  treat and a book. , and family, those Daj(Is, parem (/:i  10 TO 16 LB. AVG. K FRESH BONELE00SS dl, Choice of flavors ET EL FOI A(ME, GRADE "A" PORK ROAS i 00i°ti 17 to 24 lb. Avg. 15 ,43' RATH'S, PURE PORK INTRODUCTORY OFFER/ " " TRADEWELL ' SausageRolis 39 € ,,....o,,. STANDING RIB ROAST Tradewell Markets, have complete supplies of Capons, Ducks, Geese, fresh Turkeys, and roasting Hens, all. competitively priced. FRESH TURKEYS ROLLED and TIED :i Shoulder Butt Cut i cooking and carving convert- tt' "Chinese" mustard mado with .......  . CRESCENT dry mustard. , i5 u nmi iniim RIB STEAKS Cubes Available for Thanksgiving Ib Sliced Lunch Meat Your choice of Bologna, Pickle-Pimiento, Olive, Oven or Tasty Loaf. All in vacuum packages to assure top quality and freshness. 4 Vaemtm $100 6-OZ. Pkgs. WELL AGED and TRIMMED Standby, Select PITTED OLIVES 4 ,o., sl RBE;S;/IilI;s 2 79" tall tins 8-oz. Libby's Perk up your holiday table with re d ripe SNOBOY CRANB: • Top Grade berries in cello bag, to assure freshness and quality. C I pound ello bags FINEGT QUALITY • U. So No. I Mambo Yams 1 BRUSSEL SPROUTS askot ............ 19* BOILER ONIONS 3 ,. ce,,O TRADEwELL has a supply of Potted Mums to Brighten your Thanksgiving Table. Ajax (28-oz. -- 73¢) Liquid Gleaner ................ .oz 99 ¢ Scotch Brlte Soouring Pads 12 ot. paks 49* Fab (price incl. 7¢ off label) Delergent ................ Giant size 78 ¢ Dog Beal Fr,sk,es 77 ¢ 5-lb. size .................... NBG Pinwheels choc ,,.oz. 49 € NBG Shorlbread st,,pped .-oz ..... 49' Heavy Duty, 18 inch width Reynolds Foil  ft. ro,,s 65 € Darigold GannedMilk 3 No, l tall tin 46* (price ncl. 12€ off label) Vim Delergenl G,a.t ................ 63* (price incl. 35¢ off label) All Delergeni lO,b s,.o $2.10 Lux Liquid DETERGENT ........... ..... ,.0, Wisk DETERGENT .................... ,t,. Folgers INSTANT GOFFEE .o jar Chocolate covered Royal Arms BRAGH'S GHERRIES ,.°' Sunshine HI-HO GRAGKERS ,b. p" STUFFED OLIVES .............................. .o,. 9,, Nalley's .,.0E .00AT ................................ 45* For Gay Holiday Seafood Corktails Surf Mist Stanttby PAGIFIO OYSTERS 3-O,.T,n, SI GOGKTAIL SAUGE ........ .-O. bt,.25e Standby, Tiny Pacific Maid I OOGKTAIL SHRIMP2 ''/°'" t,ns 85* O00KTAIL SHRIMP 2,,,/-oz.T,,,89C Sweet Mix or Whole Sweets UBBY'S PIGKLES 9  "'""" 3 S5  1.o,. AR OUGUMBER OHIPS ,.o,. jars 49" 00,aoo00, '1 ............ ,-o,. RED GHERRIES ......... 3 .. 8-oz. jars Libby's Pickles SWEET MIDGETS WEEKEND PRICES AT WASHiNGTON'S MOST BEAUTIFUL FOOD STORES. Prices effective through November 17. Limit rights reserved. Ib TAI ER BEETS delphia (All Varietie., IIHEESE kTE YAMS ................ ncy ;US 'nne ....................... BEETS LIMAS .............