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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 15, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 15, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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! !':2" 'Iiursday,,, ,.N°vember :15,. 196a , November 15, 1962 IN OIlCIIESTI{A "',.."---" (,f tile studentsinthe Youtllr PiO Hl.nn.fig ays 0 a se oney Fbonv ()rehestnt of tile ,7JIF -re mm,w mtrmvytmvvv which will nppeB, N'III" T.|-'Tor • r tlll ,X , 3 ,v concert m Mean\\; Hall on I-IEV i, i ......... • '. -,'L'" ..... S- : ..... e... t TO FTevsliy of \\;Vashulg'ton eamvlief fi " I)tlsi]les. meeting Nov. 3:30 p.m. Nov. 17. :,L. 'lr shlllents of cookies slid GI,'TS SCllOIXllSI|IP ]ete served ;it tile begin- Marvin Baily St:t'!!o 5 ,'Tt:e. l ne, no A ,'eporL of the tudents nt vvtm.l.Illl, llq Means chairman, ington ¢Hate Co eke who Bro0is, slated that received tuiti(m atld fee tile card party will ships, tOWard a science project .... ------Sehool A suggestion of R.Gee andH. Pulve,',Mrs" (e; i; o:v  o tah e,,# fee e n :, : leil .s ;(,ol(!:),:t e'd ', a, |h¢! Gee heal(,, in which the child- \\;Ve(Inesday and ring tiese trends to and Mrs. Archie Vanghn room collecting' the Longview for a visit will be tv,,al'ded $tll Vaughh's brother, Earl treat and II book° N0 and family, tilose Dajl(Is, parents, SIIELTON--AgON COUNT]" JOURNAU -- Published in €Ch, ri,tma.low, U.S,AY Shelton, Washington i i i ,i i i i i i aunts and meles, tile contest will I bral:e her 77lh birthday. hegin next week. A short movie[ Mrs Severin Nelson a residenl; was shown, then the parents paid lo n i;ii:ki'ing Pass,' di'ecl Nov. 9. visits Io lhe l'oonls IO see the \\;vorl,: [ Fl.lnel'lll services were held at the book4, art projects, and other ac-lElerding Mortnary in Aberdeen, [i\\;,ities cf lhe ehihh'en. I Nov 12 at 3 I).m. Mrs. |lAY" IV:II,KI,]IIS' naother[ From Olympi'. to Seattle by ,irs. Grace Taylor, fl'Olll Vancou-I Greyhotmd bus, yotll' reporter had ver B. C., has been visiting for a, as a companion, Mrs. Start Yates, of Harstine Island, who was going to spend a few days with her daughler, Thehna I0reshour. The bus from Seattle to Yakinla which ] tOO]{ \\;va.s }in express, non slop however, we dld slow down to take a better look at stone wild mountain goats which had come down out of the snow line to graze on tile lower slopes near the Hyak Ski resort A I lmderstand these goats don't come down that low as a rule or so near habitation. TIlE IVES'rEllN STATE Horse- man's convention at Yakima was I well represented bv delegates fronl every corner of Washington. From tile Pacific Z(me were \\;,ernice and AI Lorang, Tenino; Doug and Ja- net Rice, Bob and Florence Smith, and Bob Johnson fronl Grl.ys Hat. bor area; Glen and Denise Boley from Olympia; and yore" reporter from Shelton. Doug Rice was elee- led to beconle the second director, a new offiee created, in charge of game: for the Western division, The state of Washingtnn is divid- ed into three see(ion, ttle eastern, the eentral, and western, section. However ihe western ayes ha(t the largest number of zones and has 1)een nlore v'ork tllan one person could hnndle so the new office was added Io the by-laws. The of- fleers from 1962 will remain the same fop 1963 with one ehnnge, Virginia Huff, Se;tltle area, will be tile other Vestm'n division di- recto}'. All new rules and regula- Lion will be read at the Janual :'one m,.'eting, and l;he December meeting of lhe Mason County Bell l.idcrs. A reminder to the Bell Riders, there is a very nice game night at the Capitol Hill Club House this Saturday evening don't for- get;, bring as many guests 's yell wish. See you all then. Shelton Man Gets Deferred Sentence I-tarl'y Voelk, ShelLon was given a two-year deferred sentence on a charge of grand larceny in Ma- son Colmty Superior Court F]'i- day. He was charged with taldng a pO%g(.l" NIW alld SODle other tools from the Simpson Timber Co. The tools had been retm'ned and restitution made to Simpson for damage to thcm. Volk was represented by B. Franklin Heuston. Also appearing in court was James J. Green, charged with second degree burglary. John C. Ragan was appointed by the court as his attorney. LOW COST HOilE LOANS NEW CONSTRUCTION -- REMODELING PURCIIASE 6 ro On Reducing Balances -- No Commission Charges Mason County Savings & Loan Association TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING SHELTON few (lays this pant week. Shirley Cooper fell md injured her ba.ek Thm'sday and was taken by ambulance to Shelton General Hospital and came home Sunday where she is still recuperating. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brooks and family pahl a visit Sunday to Great grandmother Mrs. Charlot- te Young, Tac.onm to help eele- Page ,9 BERRIE qOBOY CRANB] hness and quality. RAWBERRIES TATO CHIPS ERAGES ams I ONIONS hanksgiving Table. BALLOONS-A- POPPIN' SATURDAY MORNING 350 Balloons, each with a Merchandise Prize for the customer who pops it. MJB Instant Coffee 6oz. 89 c School Boy a -o. pa g " " . .  Id'al Spaghetti & Macaron00 Campbell's  •  i Tomato Soup 3135 c 2-roll packs  I' l,ssue ,J/0 SNOBOY' Frozen 5 10.0z. $1oo Pkgs. Tradewell Brand. Guaranteed Fresh 11t Oz. Pkgs. SNO-QUEEN All Flavors Non-return Bottles ( :i i 1 3 89 89 kTE i€ CHICKEN NOODLE, DRY  ,I YAMS .............. o tins LIPTON'S SOUP ......... lli .as. MUSHR O.S 2 ,,. o,,,o .............................. 2 303 tins SARA LEE CAKE. , oz. s,z, ' EADS bag ............ ,, ' ...... ,, ,BEETS 6 '1 z00oo,. 49 '1 QUASH ................................ 2 303 tins , Rosedale, Yellow Cling .................. 0, t,ns SPIOED PEACHES 5 No. 2yeTins CHEESE 300o,000,s 59* .... . ........... MARGARINE ....................... 2 000,.79* MIXED NUTS ........................ ,.oz. Tin =.o,.,,o, 45' 4y-oz, jars 89 € Liquid rER,GENT ........... . ..... ,.o,. rERGENT .................... ,rs ;TART 00FFEE .oz. jar elate covered Royal Anns IIGH'S CHERRIES hine HO' CRACKERS ,b. ' /:! noy nne IUS ................................. 3 ........................................... BEETS ............................... 4 LIMAS .......................................... 4 4 300 Tins 303 Tins 1 Hunt's, Whole ' 300 tins NEW POTATOES 4 49* Del-Monte, Golden '1 89:* OREAMED CORN ...... i ..................................... 5 o t,ns 303 Tins 1 NIBLETS CORN ............. : .......................... ,-oz t,ns Standby, Sieve $1 303 Tins FANOY PEAS ............................................ o tins o T,., '1 Standby, Solid Pack 5 $1 TOMATOES . ............................. o ,ns I)EL MONTE Fruit STANDBY Cranberry , Sauce 300 Tins WEEKEND PRICES AT WASHINGTON'S MOST BEAUTIFUL FOOD STORES. Prices effeative through November 17. Limit rights reserved.