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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 15, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 15, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, November 15&apos;Y, November 15, ]962 hsadvantage :: ,,,=,,, ,, H,,:' V W DLU UA tit WBVBVHIm J dl,, \\;&" " : Brian Snyder, Denny l is picture Fri.'Only Eatstone; Jim Riehards, Roy Kingsl}ury. Carl Du Bcsi]; CENTERS citer, Tin] Sheedy; BACK .... Bill Smith, err ; HALFBACKS Den Clary, [)an Olson; keP. Kelly Hurst, Tom Johnson; FULLBACKS (])lHhs, Fred Lament, hen; KICKER .... Ken SHE LTON--MASON COUNTY JOuR_NAL--. Publ!hed in "Christmastozon., U.8. A. Shelton, Washington Former Resident Chosen To Sing With Choral Group i A f))rmer Shelton resident, Mrs. \\;Villianl C. Gl'tlll ( I ]lee iVlal'ia M.ay Garcia) has heen chosen to sing with the Forest Grove Glee- men with selected \\;vornetl's voices. Mrs. GPant, now of Portland, is the dalrghler of Mrs. "l,taync Rob- et'tsotl of Sltelton. She is an Irene S. Reed graduate. ,., .,,...v ,..,,,, u,,eUmunrn, ,,a,,' This is one of the three choral gronps i'n the United States invit- ed to sip.g" nex June at the nter- II.. SAT.- SUN. HOOD CANAL CLUBS TO HONOR LOCAL AUTHOR AT AUTOGRAPHING TEA SUNDAY The Hood Canal Garden Club and the Hood Canal Federated'i Club will jointly sponsor an Autographing Tea from 2-4 p.m. S)mday at the Potlatch club- house l.o honor Mrs. Lois A. Pierce. Mrs. Pierce is the author of the book "Lost hnmigrants of 1845 anct the Blue Bucket Gold". Mrs. Pierce is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Elam E. Allen. She was born at Bly i Asotin Comity, "Wa'h. Her rattier was a ltarlless maker, stockman and farmer who later retired and Junior High Girls' Conference tleld At Canal School Twenty-five girls from Shclton Junior High School Gills' League attended a lively conference that was held at Hood Canal Junior high on Nov. 3. The officers of this conference were Carole Berken, Mille]' Jr. higb, Aberdeen, president; Sheila ltt}mchiclL Hopkins, Jr. high, Aberdeen, vice presidenl:; and Ma- y Commlly, Shelton Jr. high, sec- I eta]",'. SCORE IIY Shclton ................ 0 Ntn'til I{itsap ........ 6 To)tchdowIl-+ INK) run, 3, 78; Roberts, 6 ; Long, t)lung{,, 1. 'rEAM fly IL}aSSillg" . .......................... '"' 0 '[l : F'y i)enaltics .............................  1.1.4 Bvl:, I Ilushing (No. of play.s) ........ t3' / Yal'(ls g'aill0d .......................... *lq Yards lost .............................. t Nel yards gained ......... 2 ....'*°- l)asSillg Numt},q' ttttenll)ted 0 ..,,,,,,,,. LeROY.HiED KOHLMAR: Nlllllber had illtere(! .......... Yards gained T.tal ni!l yards .: Total plays .................................. Fumbles Ball los! .............................. :..:'" PIIllts ...................................... :w'. Yll'ds ........  ............................. '!'" Average .................................... Pllnt returns ............................ Yards returned'. .................... Average .................................... Penaltms ....................................... Yards lost ........................... IND1V1D1UAI, helton ' RtlM|ing : 'I'CB YG YL WatePs .............. 5 40 3 Combs ................ 7 28 0 SIIlilh ................ 10 23 8 (lht Py . ............... 8 2.'1 S Erickert .......... 1 '2 ^ 0  LaMent ............ 1 5 ' Low{', 1 16 O Passing: PA I'C 5mith .............. .q Nor/h KltSaP c I,ushing : 'r(!ll I'G willian's ......... lg 178 Elias.n ............ 5 12 i,]{tell)ht*, .....12 45 lhmdricksor] .. "3 5 (;n{}s .................. 2 15 gimnwr ........... 3 9 Long ........... 5 lg l'auinng : I)A P(] tines ............ 1 1 Edelbh)h' . .... 1 0 Jack '  f,'t m-,. ............... national Choral Festival held eve- '. :4,.:. . . . I.. .......  I I ry fB, e years IU Sa]zbtlrg, Austria, ,algn.aoventmttaaittoa!N lithe g.,l, p wil! spend lhree we.eks OLUMAPIIRFSm -'.: | I in l£ur01 e to include totu's of Ro- IMIItll ......... r"iilllqll :|l me, Paris, London, Vienna and II1111111"11 rrlR ]: possil}lv Switzerland The Gleemen lllllll' Itl|UiMlt]],;pccial]ze in show tunes, light Illl:l lllilflllill  I [ classics aud "fun" numbers. Ilriu I IND ImlRn iin rll Mrs. Grant worked under the direction of Lynn M. Sherwood wlfile attending ISR. She tolu'ed with tile St. Martin Players of O13mlpi' in 1952. She attended Seattle University where she wor- ked with Carl Pitzert. S'he has beer] "t member of the Chorus at Theatre Arts Co. and most of her work has been directed by Eugene Fuerst, condttctor of the Opera Co. m Portland. Now Located at Wes Lane in Olympia: ;AT. NIGHT 6:45 MAT. 1 p.m. only Ih:- is an |tib . -picture! e. Paren! should ' exercise aiscretlon :_, , . inpermitting. the immature to seeit, WALK OH THE WILD SIDE Republican Women Postpone November Meeting Two Weeks The November meeting of the Mason County Women's Republi- can club will be moved up to De- cember 5 since the regular meet- ing date occurs the day before Thanksgiving. Members will be favored with a report by Delegate Evalyn Stir- ling on the State Meeting to be held in Yakima Friday and Satur- day. All members are urgently requested' to attend for the trans- action of important business. Place of meeting will be an- nounced later. November 27 a meeting of the Executive Bom'd will be held at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Car- rnelita Shackleford, club president he lives one-half mile north of the Happy Hollow store on the South Shore of Hood Canal. Cof- fee will be served. About 6/ of tim cars involved in fatal traffic accidents are fonnd to have one or more unsafe con- ditions. New and re-drilled balls, King Louie shirts, precision drilling  | PHONE County ;h to express my sin- Dpreciation for your nd support in my be- a candidate for Mason Commissioner. --OSCAR LEVIN .= 'Said Political Adv.) Comfort, silence and <. ![:luxury to challenge any car from anywhere spent ills last years in Seattle. Lois Allen Pierce received most of her education at Outlook, Yak- ima Comtty, finisiing high school at Benton City in Benton county. It was here she met and Barrier 3oung I). H. Pierce in 1922. At the age of 18 years Let,, l;eard the historic story of her ancestt}rs froth her uncle, Albert Allen, aL The Dalles, Ore. She was respired to write of this but realized there was much research to be done first. She gathered materiai, cbccldng historic facts and place. in her spare time. Many years later she wrote of all this in her latest publication for which she fs now being honored. The highlights of tiffs confer- ence were the inspirational talks given by five professional women at the morning session and the skits presented by the leagues in the afternoon. Mrs. BarbaPa McDowell, advi- sor at the Hood Canal school was ]esponsible for the fine program. :Mrs. Remme accompanied the 8helton girls on their school bus trip. RUMMAGE SALE The Relief Society of the LDS church will hold a Rummage Sale from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. this Friday and Saturday at the PUD build- ins. Most of Mrs. Pierce's literary achievements have been in the Club Woman Of The WoEr field of poetry. She reoently won the Honorable Mention award from the State Federation of 'Women's Clubs on Creative 'Writ- ins, Serious Verse. The title of this poeln was "A Prayer for American Women." She has also bad poems published in about 10 anthologies. Mrs. Pierce worked as a Hoods- port t.elel)hone operator from 1951-53. She has also been a correspondent for the Journal. She is a civic leader, baying served as Treasurer of the TA while her children were in school, twice Past President of the Hood Canal Woman's Club and is now president of the Hood Canal Gar- den Olub. In addition to her other ac- complishments, Mrs. Lois A. Pierce i'aised a family of five chil- dren. The Pietce's have 13 grand- children and 3 great-grandchil- dren. Her eommtlnity feels Mrs. Pierce has indeed accomplislted a great deal in her lifetime and it is happy to gather and honor her on this occasio't. Candle Sale Iteld By Local Auxiliary The November meeting of the Rainier Orthopedic Auxiliary was held aL the home 0," Mrs. Clyde Ruddell with Mrs..]erone Stein as co-t]ostcss. Members reported on candle sales. This year lhe group is sel- ling • l wide variety of very high quality candles, both novelty and colored tapers. Any groul)s nter- ested in seeing them may call Mrs. Ruddell at 426-2098. Orthopedic Guild Plans Luncheon The Georgine Reed Orthopedic for many years. the activities of people in the rural areas. Guild will meeL at 1 p.m. this Friday at the home of Mrs Ed- In view of the fact that Farm- win Iovell Mrs. Olavi Aim will City Wcel¢ is being feted from be co-hostess for the hmcheon I Novembw 16-22 we decided it was Members will be able to t')'uvl an opporl:une tilne to feature a their Christmas calendars at the Iarmer's wife as this week's club- bnsiness meeting following the woman. hmcheon. Mrs. I. C. Ford has been active I There's a lot underneath the beauty of the '63 Chevrolet. Its roomy, comfortable Body by Fisher screens out noise and shock. There's instant response in a choice of 6- or 8-cylinder engines, a host of refinements to make it run and look like new longer, and plenty more that make it hard to believe it's a low-priced ear. But your Chevrolet dealer can prove it! The make more people depend on rcross • STHAS IRDS from our e selection ! L°° and up Pharmacy 426-3327 PIN(?, for your d, freshly cut Dou TREES CENT STATES OT TREE , . OT TREE , . in the Deckerville-Math}ck aPea for some years. When her child- ren were in school aL Mary M. Knight she was president of the PTO for a number of years. She wax instrumental in starting the school hot hmch program which is doing very well now. Mrs. Ford helped organize the school orchestra. Stle enjoyed working witll the youngsters on this project. She also used to give violin lessons. The 4-H Club had her' as d worker. She was one of the first leaders. In recent Mrs. Ford has narrowed her activities down to Matlock Ladies Club and Matlock Grange, which she is secretary of. She still attends PTO as her grandeitildren are students of Mary M. Knight school. The Ford farm specializes in Black Angus beef cattle. Their herd runs around 60 head. Mr. Ford used to do some logging but he spends his time on the farm now They. also have a few Christ- mas tres. Mr. Ford's parents were early settlers in the Decker-(tile area. His father had one of the first mills and sawed all the lumber for the original houses in the community, some of which are still standing. Deckerville got its name from another Pioneer family, O. O. Decker. Half of the Ford's prop- erty is on the original Decker place. Now that Mrs. Ford is not so active in as many organizations as in the past she has more time for her hobby of weavin rugs and knitting and crocheting She has time, too, to enjoy he: eight gran6children. i i • . • • t l Recipe Favorites of County Residents l ,,3 Page 1,1 ........................................................................................................... ._.,,...:::.27_., esh arrival ' A S S O R T E D N A T I V E : 1968 Chevrolet Impala 8pt Sedan shareaigs rare free Jet-moothness with the new Bel Airs and Biscaynes 1 ............ _____-J'. , Ask about "Go with the Greats," a specia/ record album of top artists and hits and see four entirely $ 009'P ,Company=-CE Prepai{I Delivery. 'r " --. " =  M' ELL CHEVRoLETL COMPANY' . SHELTON, WASlt.,,,;00llt;tove Streets Shelton, Wash. 46 4426 AS KENNY FRANK prepares to pop a few potatoes into the oven for baking it is hard tc picture him in the role of Mason County Conservation Farmer of the Year 1962. This distinction was be- stowed upon him for his outstanding worR in the Christmas tree industry. In the culinary department Kenny shares with readers a recipe right in keeping with Farm-City Week--Petite Marmite! Petite Marmlto 2 lb, Boiling beef I stewmg hen (cut up) 1 -.-2'/, can tomatoes 6 Medium Oniona 6 sticks celery 6 carrots .1/,', head cabbage shredded 1 turnip 1 green pepper Paz'sley Season with salt and pepper to taste. A hash of yam' favorite cooking wine will enhance fla- vor. Cover with water. Bring Lo boil, skimming off top to give a clear stock. Add onions, celery and carrots c{;oking until meat is almost done. Add all other ingre- dients. Cook until meat is done,. Take liberty with the vegetables --11se. ally Veil pre[er.) Kenny suggests you serve the soup wilh thick sLices of"Frefit:h bread spread Kcnel'ollslv-wtth gar- lic butt.6P. F]ax, e n{ inhil]itions, dl.lnk the foon in l:he rich brolh You'll want to try this one. For those who know l(enny Frank as a chef it may have been 8tu't)risJDg Lo learn he was chosen the Mason County Conservation Farm(r of the Year for' 1962. This honor wts bestowed upon hinl aL the Farmers' Banquet sponsored by the local Chamber of Com- merce last Thursday. Kenny's out- standing work iu the Christmas trec indnstry earned him this dis- tinction. In keepmg witl the theme of l,'arln-CiLy Week which is being celebrated November 16-22, Ken- ny is r,haring with the readm's a recipe which incorporates taro lriexpctlslvo t!lltS Of nlca[, l)on't let the expensive sounding name oi this dish-. Pehte Marmile-- fool you. This is re:tl eating! I.ealizing Kenny Fran]Cs StlC- Bess as n chef, one can't h(dp but won(let how he happened to clmose caking and baking as his Cal'eer, 1;)r aS long as he can re- member Kenny enjoyetl helping his mother in the kitchen. When tie was ohler he gah]ed eNperl(itce Junior ()rthopedic Guild Sets t)hms For New Year The Alma l:grH'l((, .hnfi()P (h'lhn. I:'('dic (;Lil(l m{,'l Nov. :+ ;it ll]e lira- lilt = ()I" ll.S Hdviso. IV[t,%. |MIt ) q),l|a' ' l.)l't'lt:;tHl, l{ita {;al'le pr'esided. ()tilt,)" el'fir'.el':-; lop th{, yt'H' tilt.hide t)le] btirie ()R'lioll, vice 1]residelit: Terhty Travis. st,creln)y, 1lent Va lsoI1, t i'easur{:r; Itlht Meh}dy I l{()roltn, sergell ill -al,*a rl ii s. Some ,}1 tire l)ro]ecls pl:lnrmd 1or the veaP are a 'B:tke Sale, a Collor] (JIllrdv sHle a lotth, I)r'ive  Ill](l a Ctlr Vllsll. The I10Xl, i]iPetil] K will l)e hohl fi.n Mrs. Drunpson's heine at 7;;10 1;.IT1. nt'xl A/lolt(tav. Irtilialion (}f t'e.v llleltlbers all('] "t Vthile Ele- phant sale wil! tahc p]a{:t  "it, this I tinie. Rerreshownts will I}e s(,twe{t by J{}arl Qlfintby and l<ynda Nutt. Final Card Party In Skokomish Fall Series 'Phe Sk{d(omish Colnmlmity Club will sponsoP )) pinochle (':lPtl party aL 8:15 t].ln. Lhis SatuPd,ny in l:he Conmtunitv hall. This will tx, the final party thi, s fall The seines pm'e will bc awarded. The 1]ublic is weleolne, At the last party prizes were won by Les CPossan and l)m'is Ncff. i THE HOMELITE CONVlENTIIIILE DNIVE CHAIN SAW BUILT FOR THE FARM/ • Converts from direct to gear drive in 9 tninutes or less • Cuts level with the ground • Instant starting in a. wealher ONLY $1499s for dir0ct drive  th 14" ba dud chat HAV£ A FR££ DMONS TRA TION TODA Y! Saeger Motor Shop t,o enjoy it to the l'uilesl. This dish is fit fop prince )] itautmr! wori(iug in l}akerics, as ;t I)astry l'ltaTl, if lhcPe was an el}ChillS f(}'r ] ............... (,nc, or a bread man if that's what thc job required. This was pos- sible at that time as the I}akery bltsilless was not llniol]ized. His one outstanding attempt to get otlL of the baking busincss still stands out clear in his mind. ' As a young man in California he decided to take a fliug at the assembly line in the Ford plant. He considers the fact that he to]Ighed it out for six nmnths quite an accomplishment. After lie "g'ave up" the auto- mobile industry, Kenny came to Washington where he cooked at 00e00cral p,acc., in the Seattie-Ta- Morgan Eacreli' coma area before settling in Shel-  S ton. He has been nt. lhc Cohmial II Honse now for 21 years. AiflOZifl PleW When we asked his wife Kit- STORIN6 ty, who co',ks tile family meals r$l lF she surprised ns by saving she does, The Franks have "one son, David, age 8. , tIU" 7 - ,w-. --_ - _ _. _ . . _ ;. Watch your family's face lightof / ALUM ". NUM • Y .' 're' them a real up when OU SOl gourmet dish from the files • Kenny Frank. You will be happy, tOO, becaus the dish will be easy I C O M B ! N AT I O N on your budget. To further sup- port your farmers, Kenny sng- gests for dessert, Washington- grown apples with slices of blm cheese. Shelton Garden Club Plans Book Review The Sheltop. Garden Club will meet aL 1 p.m, next Monday aL the home of Mrs. Nena Roberts. Mrs. Leona Elliot, Mrs. Phil Fred- son and Miss Rose Fredson will have charge of the tea. The program will be a book review by Mrs. Nina Miller. Members will give the names of 1heir favorite garden books. DOOR Changes from Storm Door fo Screen Door... IN SECONDS AS LOW AS '299s FUlL I" THICK • SAVE SPACE-All lnserls stm/on door all year • SAVE WORK-Sliding Panels tilt out for easywashlng • END RATTLES-Panels cushioned in wooX pile weather- LOGGING COMPANY, Inc. LOrGGING-- HEAVY CONSTRUCTION ON HILLCREST "We Service What We Sell" AND PILE DRIVING FOR DOCKS- FLOATS- BULKHEAD'S . BRIDGES • TOP OR BOTTOM BUILDING FOUNDATIONS U.N G .,o,,o.,,,w,,u.,.. EXGAVATING -- PITR ' RAVEL for Underground Utihtms . EQUIPMENT RENTALS By Hour or Contract i' DUMP TRUCKS -- LOADERS -- SHOVELS --TRENCH HOES MACHINERY L, OWBED  BOOM TRUCKS BULLDOZERSDIAL__426.6203- ROAD GRADER - COMPRESSOR426.3433 " PUMPS ' 707 South First i MORGiAN, EAORETT LUMBER H I LLC R EST Phone 426-4522 II IIIIIIIIIIIII II I II I II I I [I II . I • • I IIIII I