November 15, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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. :, November 15, 196,
Page :l BI-IL0N--A0N CO JOURNAE-- Publtahedm "Chv{,tm'a,'town, U..:4Y helton, Washington ,, Tl]ursdtLy, Novemb'erl5 -,--
' ' ' u .... ''-- T ' ' II " ' ...... ' " ............................................... I ................ '" taOles I;lV
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prices start .at
Budget Housing Go,
• Write for FREE Book •
Trusses, wall sections built to
order for new homes or addi-
tions at direct factory savings!
i i
DAVIS HALL, WSU, is proud to announce that Sharon Lee, 1959
graduate of. Irene S. Reed high school has bee, elected,Secretary
of the Senior Class at Washington state. University.:S'e is ,the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nell Lee, Sheltom .The. announcement
came last Thursday at Watch Night,:when all the class officers
are announced, MisSY'Lee wi erve from iI?w until-Jgqe'vlen She
will graduhte fr0m WSU in Elementary Eduoation.'She also was
recently tapped for Fish Fans which is the women's'synchronized
swimming group. She is one of the 10 members of the Independ-
ent Political Actions Council,
To My Many Friends
and Supporters
I am most appreciative of the support, given by my many
friends during my recent campaign for County Auditor, and
I'd like to thank you all for the fine expression of confidence re-
ceived at the polls.
We are unique, in this State, in havin the opportgnity to
vote our convictions without Party restrictmnsand I want to
particularly acknowledge the upport of my many Democratic
Friends. Their support was a vital Ingredient for Victory.
I shall continue to serve all the people in as unbiased a man-
her as I'm permitted, and hope that we may all come to realize
the advantage we have, and the importance of using our two-
party system as a safeguard for our preczous heritage of Free-
Please accept my Sincere Thanks,
Auditor, Mason County,
i iii , L L i
.................... I IIIIII IIIII I I I
YOung People's
Concerts To Be
Shown On TV
Opening its sixth season of
Youhg P0ple's Concerts, the 'New
Yorl Philharmonic Orchestra un-
dertlm dirction of Leonard Bern-
y.tein will originate from tm new
Philharmonic Hall in New York's
Lincoln Center in a progtm en-
Litled "The Sound Of A Hall" on
the CBS Television Network next
Wednesday 7:30 to 830 p.m, EsL.
The series of Young People's
Concerts zs sponsored by the Shell
Oil Company for tlle fourth con-
secutive year. Other concerts in
the series will be seen on Decem-
ber 21. January 15 and March 8.
Mrs. Jean Todd Fredson of Ya-
kima, formerly of Shelton, recent-
ly entered a Yakilna hospital to
undergo surgery.
For friends and ex-pupils who
would like to write her, the ad-
dress is Rout 6 Box 186. Yakima,
................. 2- ........
Marriage Licenses
Applying for marriage licenses
in the lason County Auditor's
nffice this past week were:
Gerald. R. Nault, 23, Shelton,
and Janet M. Rawding, 18, Shel-
Robert D: dstdrman, 26, Stlel-
ton. and Leona Bunnell, 25, Shel-
Alva L. Axton, 20, Olympia, and
Creda Maxine Byrd. 17, Olympia.
Fran Demmon, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Demmon, spent lasL
weekend visiting her cousin, Ja-
nice Demmon,..on the campus at
Central Washington State College
in Ellensburg.
Goodness is a special kind of
truth and beauty.
-- Harry Allen Overstreet
Iow'pn e car
with the 5-year
or -mile
on the move
Some cars talk about being well,built, but
Plymouth 63 is the loW-priced car that
puts it in writing. No wonder Plymouth's
on the move! So before you invest in any
new car be sure to investigate Plymou.
*Your Authorized Ply.nuth-Vallant Dealer% Warranty
against defects n material a,n workmanship on 1963 cars
has been xpanded to incluao parts .replacement or repair
for 5 years or 50,000 mi as, whichever .comes first, on the
engine block, head and internal part=; transmission case and
internal parts (excluding manual clutch); torque converter,
drive shaft universal joints (excluding dust coverS)erear axm
and differential, and rearvheel bearing% provided the vehl01e
has been eerviceo at reasonable intervals according to the
Plymouth-Valiant Certified Car Care schedules.
,, 707 Sos First St.
[] ------, im
ESA Members
To Donate Toys
To Rogers School
Members of Beta Zeta Chapter,
ESA, met Monday at the home of
Mrs. Ed Dunbar for their regular
busines3 and edncational meeting.
The chapter members voted that
Rogers school will be tle recipient
of a $25 donation in the form of
some new toys.
A group of 12 members is plan-
fiihg to attend the Western t.egi-
olial ni'detil' in Chehalis this Sun-
day. Representatives from all We-
stern Washington chapters wil! be
al tending.
Educational director. Mrs. Ed
Dunbar demonstrated how to cre-
ate ribbon crysanthemmns for rio-
ral table decorations.
A farevell shower was given
for Mrs. Wayne Hem'on who is
moving to .Tacoma. •Many lovely
Temembranees were bestowed up-
on her,
Mrs. Glenn Sowers is the new
Ways and Means chairman filling
the vacancy left by hit's. Herren.
Final plans were made. for the
preparations of the next catering
job tonight for the Men's 19th
field Club.
At tim +cl0ge of the evening re-
freshments were served by the
hostess and co-hostess,'Mrs. Gem'y
• The next meetin wlil be liSv.
26 at the home of V/rs. Bob WoN
Special Square Dance
In Tacoma Friday
Shelton Square Dancers are re-
minded of anoth'ei' special dance
this Friday at tim Realart Square
in South Tacoma featuring Tom
Stoye, caller. Tom was well recei-
ved at the last special dance. His
style is a bit different from Wash-
ington callers and he has calls
area dancers are not familiar
with, which leads to a very inter-
esting dance.
Mr. and Mrs. Wright H. Carl-
son will be host and hostess for
the evening. Dancing will start
at 8:30 p.m. with coffee and tea
being served at 10:30 p.m., then
dancing until midnight.
Eighteen girls were installed as
officers of Junior High Girls'
League on October 25. Holly Hen-
sen was the presiding officer.
Musical selections were given by
Judy Antonsen, Ltnda Clmrrier,
Kathy Porter. Shayne Larson and
Linda Stevens.
The following officers were in-
stalled: President, Sonic Sargent;
wee president, Candy Nutt; see.-
treas., Billie Sue Johnson; pro-
gram chairman, Linda Charrier
art chairman. Christie McMillin
social chairman, Lonie Redman
prep staff chairman, Mary Con-
nelly; musical director, Kathy
Porter; accompanist, Diane Frank;
flag bearer, Shayne Larson; color
guards, Sherry Jeffrey and Kathy
Luhm; 9th grade rep., SuAnn An-
derson, Pat Wolf; 8th grade rep.,
Carolyn Batstone and Ruth Ann
Trotter; 7th grade rep., Ann Con-
nolly and Peggy Nelson.
A social hour for the guests and
officers followed the installation.
Miss Katie Petzold was recently
l,onored with a bridal shower at
the home Mrs. William Cochran
of Portland. The hostesses were
three of the girls who will be her
attendants at her wedding, Miss
Angels Lesnick. Olympia, and
Misses Jerri Cochran and Jeannie
Gamboro, Portland.
A beautiful cake decorated With
pink sugar bells and rosebuds was
served to the guests. The bride-
elect's mother, Mrs. Albert Pet-
zold, made the trip to Portland
for the occasion.
Miss Petz01d and ,her mother
were hostesses for a bridesmaid's
hmcheon in Portland November 4.
A Noember 24 weddin'g date
has been set for Miss Petzcld and
John Sehallberger.
Shelton Eagles Hear
Tlk 'At Tenino
'State Prldent, Inez Rhodes,
of the Eagles AuxiliazT, gave an
inspirational talk recently at a
Tenino. eeting.
Attendlng from Shelton were
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis, Mr.
and M,;s. Herman Lorenzen, Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Herzog and Mrs.
Jeal Dorsett.
SRA Pinochle Club
Meels, Next Monday
The SRA Pinochle Club will
meet at 8 p.m. next Monday at
the Memorial hall.
At the last meeting June Petty
had high score and Leone Miller,
2nd high for women. For the men
Gene Martin had high score and
Norval Bins, 2nd high. June Petty
snd Walt Austin and Elizabeth
Butler and Gene Martin held 1,500
trump. Val Sienko and Tenna
Stockwell won the floating double
pinochle prize.
World Trip Slides
For Public Viewing
Girl Scout Troop 320 invites the
public to view the slides taken
by Miss Nellie Nelson on her re.
cent round the world trip. They
will be shown at 7:30 p.m. this
F.riduy in the Rusty Callow hall
at Bordeaux school.
There wi
CLUB OFFICERS Being hostess recently,
more than'100 girls of junior high schools from
Aberdeen to McCleary took some reviving re-
freshment for these Hood Canal Junior High
School Girls' Club officers. Bonnie Allen is pre-
Local Student To
Participate In
College Opera
Carol P,'aLher an Olympic Col-
lege student from Slelton, Will
take to the' operatic stage as a
mber 6f the shephet:ds' ehoii"
in k .Perf0rmaflce of "AnYahl and
th'e it'ht Vtsit0rs".
The he.Act Gian-Cat.olo Men-
ottt .0pei,a. will be presented .by
the Olythpic College Opera Work-
shop as a benefit performance for
Ha'rHson Memorial Hospital. All
proceeds will be donated to the
Hospital Building Fund through
Dr. Maurice S. MaLhis Guild of the
Performances will be presented
in Co0ntz auditorium, Nov. 23 at
3 p.m.; Nov. 24 a 8 p.m. and
Nov. 25 aL 3 p.m. Tickets are
avaflable throughout Kitsap
courtly trom various business es-
tablishments, college students and
members of the guild. Adult
tickets are $1 donation; student
tickets (through high school age)
sell for 50 cents.
The Ruby Rebekah Lodge will
hold its annnal Birthday Pary
and Dinner al 1:30 p.m. this Sun-
day at the IOOF hall.
Members are welcome.
T ,l I 2ii;i y Ethel l)alhy
• k |hk :The Uniou Ladies Civi
U lift;; lW,last Ttiursday at Uniol
I)',ty l=[alI with Presiden
-- UI.--,. lASiHichardson presiding. Mes
1 I|ldOl| UUMIP|ye Sterling and Par
il'e hostesses to the no(,
:! ..... !" i':' During the business ses
......... tlie taken with regard t
tal{e tins opporu., Club becominz a-
IFlt0,':It0od Canal Inproxemen
to majority of votes indJ
from the bottom of
siding over the punch stand with president San-
dra Simons on left. Next is treasurer Jan Rober-
son; secretary Sylvia Sund and vice president
Sandy Bollinger. Mrs. Barbara McDowell is
HoOd Canal Junior High School advisor,
New 'Orthopedic
Guild Organized
Members of the newly organiz-
ed Patrick T. Orthopedic Guild
met at the home of Terry Dewell
November 7 to discuss plans .and
projects for the year. The group
will be affiliated with the Mary
Bridge Hospital in Tacoma
Election of officers revealed Ju-
dy Manke as president; Marsha
N*atrgent, vice president; Sandy
Bernert, secretary; and Mac John-
ston, treasurer.
The next meeting will be a
Christmas party on December 11
at the home of Marsha Sargent.
Home From School
For The Weekend
Miss Janet Larson visited at the
]lOlYte of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Larson, during the Ve-
teran's Day weekend. With her
ve]'e three friends fronl school.
h{iss Pat Koehn, Renton. Miss Ly-
nette Burgess, Puyallup, and Miss
Mails Rinta. Ridgefield. Oregon.
All four girls attend Western
\\;Vash. State College at. Belling-
ham. Miss Larson i& a junior this
year. She has also attended Olym-
pic in Bremerton and the
University of Washington
V¢l]at artists call posterity is
the posterity of tim work of art.
-- Marcel ProusL
• members wished to cot
as an independant soci
Union Ladies Civic Clu
rears. One of the import
projects is the annu
!S Party for children c
UniLy which adults ale
Oyed' during the pa
[he Club existence.
!anal Womans Club meet
Ii a.m. at tile Clubheus
you have placed in I
!dent Mrs V¢ G Thwa
...... :: * * * ! tdi , ,, '" "
ST: ° ng. Ihe luncheon s a
I WILL 00 MY BE :i e,m. with Mrs. Jame
-.,i ad Mrs. W. G. Thwaite
TO KEEP THAT TRUeSSe s and will be fo
---;]Y the afternoon progra
lAItW AM/I iiL p'm. Mr. W. G. Thwaite
I]]k ]UL '][,t0r will provide entertai
.... ,:Owing his films of Ala,'
ER ' ld bh'ds of %hat countr
COMMISSION !t .... i
i,.l,|e and tea for Ivtrs. 19.
.......... ; :Vhose book on gold mir
ttaiu xolitieal AUV., iOl I_ _ o •
; . el" oay uregon, recenl
_. . off the Shelton-Maso
iJ0ul'nal Press will be hel
from 2-4 p.m. Th
' : ' being" snonsored b
en Club and friends of th
Hew Insurance Plan
Levelizes any number ,l00Iine M "
Levellzes,any number All pc|tries ,or hon eetlfll
.f nnl|, nvnm;.me auto, boat, busine@'i,a _ =. •
u pv,,%y p,;,,,,u,,, ;* .
- • - -. r ........... -_ and life are broug,,,laAiila IEnll
:-It'.= .......... ".---z "together into one i]UlUU) [dll
IlltU UflU GOflVefllUfll[. s urance p ion w.00+Sh
monthly payment meats, elt
errer'u'or o0o+,, ,.,
- ' :L.y I)onette Glase
SAFECO makes it easy for agents, like ourselves, to give IT]irNE.__ther e w!ll be
ss eetmg at the nail th
you the finest, most complete insurance coverage pc '" a_ ' ' . _ + :
ble. For example: ![tevening at i p.m..finn
....... '[,..ason u6um:y iviL Jg,
+ow you can pay au your_insurance premi- |ulreetor will discuss tk
urns with just one convenient mohthly.check! /hy when and wherefo
SAFECO offers many other time-saving, money-saving bel u sheiter for Harstin
Itwould be our pleasure todiscuss all the advantages of SAF]3i nd Bill Wflhams m
LIFEC0 or GENERAL Insurance policies at your conveiem] at home on Harstin
beautician in San Frm
,; uCI&U LICltll
- i! Bill is "at sea". Bt
YOU CAN RELAX . t If' I # r" a ear they vacation
WHEN YOU'RE @. i%., v el + + at
; ' ,',Iideaway and
¢OVEREDBY and make new friend" "-- rene
• "IV]_I o "T-00ening
o (; .of
116 North Second Phone 426-3357
they were the dit
Dot Smith.
Grange will meet th
6:15 fca- a pot luc
the business meeti
This will also be t?
of elections, 71 ,
81 registered vote:
: at Lhe polls last Tue
64 votes at the h
votes. The electk
S nanned by Helen Johl
tor; Dot Smith ar
er judges and Ma:
The three-legged milking stool has long since become a collector's
item, Today, stainless steel and glass machinery not only does the milking, but cools the
milk, transporLs it Lo Lhe dairy plant and processes it. lh'om the farm to your family, the
fresh, flavorful taste of milk is carefully guarded every step of the way. Continuous testing
during processing assures you that the milk you drink every day is of the highest purity
and quality. Before the milk is delivered to your door step or super market, it is scientifi-
cally pasteurized or homogenized. Then automatic machines and high-speed conveyor
belts package the cold, fresh milk in sterile glass or paper containers... AND
........ OUT
Lhe Social Ch
dinner and cm
hall for their men
rmw members join(:il The
[ "+;, They are: Mr. and Mr
i,.CAuliffe, Mr. and M]'
:[arns and Mr and Mr
next meeting w:
" all Dec. 14 with M
and Mrs. Gunn,
L [irells sses
... greatest Harsti,
}| Friday and traveh
refresher of all
ilthe storm to Okanog
"|ra bird hunting. The
'i,eir year-old Germ
i dogs behared beaui
that the pheasani
, ' ridge, chickens, qu
and that he m
their limits.
man on the ferry
Our new skippe
his "Ticket" and
through the Coa
us Islanders acre
Ph. 426-3172
" 426-4832
Ph. 426-6283
! Rubinsteln cos-
Ph. 426-3327
Ph. 426-2411
,11 Kinds
Phone 426-4412