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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 15, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 15, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 16 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAI5  Publish&amp;l in "Ohrstmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Thursday, November , , | For sale WOOD FC)R SALE -- fir Poles any length 10 per cord 426-3857 Phone 428-8260, Sl23 tfn iii--6Klka----S-KWK- s---4 iia--ii-le: We are ()pen SLndays. Shelton Marine Hillerest Hardware. 426-8163. 8/29 tfn time to apply Mossite from Gra:- stone of Shelton. Free use of sprcatt- er. Phone 426-6661. 4119 +.In $100 value for $75. Terms. 426-3649. B 4/5 tfn IV-C-IR-OL--IIX SALES, service d supplies, John Rice. Phone 426-608. Free demorLstration, R 1/7 tfn NEW I-'TAT, lfO volt light plant, trailers, heats, campers, $198.59, Saeger Motor Shop, 426-4602," 12/7 tfn YO-'6-U--N PUM, P more water and longer with Fafrbanks Morse pumps. See them at Shelton Electric Co., 419 Railroad. 3116 tfn RTC, BLCK---6Y-i£, fill aYK, road and fill gravel, washed sand and gravel, drainage gravel and pea grave 1 for driveways. Norman An- derson, phone 426.3a52. John's Creek Sand and Gravel, Bayshore. 7/25 tfn Music ox, 205 Cota St., phone 426- .DL4: .......................................... 2!L tfn SEE GRAYSTONE FOR PYLON, the amazing, improved finish for floors! and farntture that lasts and lasts and lasts. 5125 tfn ) SALE -- Used steel, pl'-Tpip- pulleys and shafts. All types sal- vage. Sbelton Junk Co., 'lrst and Mill, phone 426-8626. 918 tfn Cnitmned rans, refrigerators, wmsher., (rycrs. ells pliance Center. PYLON WlI-I --0-'-CRACK, chip or peel. Permanent finish and sealer, does not discolor with age. ee Graystone. 5/25 tfn -0-CH BOY PAINTS -- We are open Sundaye. Shelton Marine. Hillcrest lIardware. 426-8163. 3129 tfn ............. or Rent For Sale I For Sale F SEE OUR FINE stock of fireplace I FOR SALE: 26" girls Scbwinn bicycle, FURNISHED APARTMENT available equipment, Fl,om fireglow to Frank- $35, 13 ft. ski boat kit, $190. Call at Goldsborough Apts. S 4/4 tn lm stoves, grates qo glass doors, [ 426-6319. Moll-l-15 :-E-V¢(5Oj--iT,S-'t- Carls')ns Tle and Fir(: lilac( Mt I ................................................. -" ' .... : .... o. , :, RENTAL EQUIPMENT ful one" and two bedroom furnished vew. J.lm-.u 3 t I HAIN SA1VS, Rotary Lawn Mowers, al)artments, lots of closets. Near -FS':R---,-XIi27_24"7:-'-g'7;ils'S':i;w-i--1;i'. ' Reel Lawn Mowers, Garden Tillers, Shelton Airport and prtson site. cycle, $35. 13 ft, ski bolt kit. $190 loor Waxers and P~ollshes, Wheel phone 426-3772. S 10/11 tfn C,,ll d(i-6R19 Me 11/R/15 larrows, leetrlc aws, llCCWlC Z'Q-l;] "rj0-''EN-I7. :-I;;hi:{liT,-"-2 ............................................................ Drills, Saber Saws, Sanders, Exten- bath home that Mann Real Estste TOP SOIL/, gravel, fill dirt, F. E. sign Ladders, Step Ladders, Pipe has for sale'? It is a terrific buy at Ogden, 426-6156. 2/12 tfn Wrenches. Slelton M.arine Supply, $9,250. Call 426-6592 for aa appoint- 'LAi--WOii-'$'i-O':gO--eoi:-d'-f-Po]'ewoo'd 426-8163. 6/7 tfn ment. 11/15 and fireplace wood $14,00 cx, rd, Ph. N'-OV--Y6Tf-CAq--SHfJPFl:id-"g.ll(s'F6t-I'Tbedrohrn)e 426-3010 after 6 p.m. F 7119 tfn 'till 8:30 at Sears Catalog Sales Of- house, water and garbage furnishes. ............................................................................. lice. Evergreen Square. 10/11 ITs Phone 426-8150. N 5/25 tfn NOWalso reloading 358 W at 3.25/20 ffI-X-I£E--ISISI:iWASt_---Tfi:)):--s-i-e, FOR RENT one 6-room house unfurn- and 82 W Spec. at $2,80/20. J. & M. Shooters Supply, Shelton, Phone 426- _:.L4 8_ .? r_ ! .26: 1 . :- ....................... _/33 ) . tan 1956 GE WASHER and Dryer. Good condition. Phone 426-4617. H 10/4 tfn 'til 8:30 at Sears Catalog Sales Of- tice, Evergreen Square, 10/11 tfn per cord, We haul $12.50 cord• Length dcsh'ed. Call 426-4363. Nlell on Olympic Hiway So. Mac 1O/ll tfn at Johnny's Music Box. 205 Cots St. ' 4112 tfn. I:i]:)RS- MANURE -- Fresh or "o.i $3,00 pickup load, U haul. Phone 426- 8476, M. Taylor. 9/13 tfn stamps for' sale at the Journal, $1,25 each. 227 West Cots. 12/1 tfn TRADE your old camera In on a new Zetss 35ram automatic at our new discount price. Reduced from $132,50 to $99.50. Limited time only. Ziegler's Camera Shop. 6128 tfn  E W-- TOfft T L E"Kii d- ' ff g i h L i  ii--fii S' lfa Arcadia. 426-4378. V 816 tfn PtiiLiXIKE-e'£55117HUSb'EhiK6iU-$3: World books, rack. $60, like new. 426-6811 evenings or weekends. BIl-l-15 ii0i iT'i:r E L I LiA V E Nb-'Eiid-mihig: any glaes top coffee tabh;, $50. Call Hoodsport 877-5420 after five. H11-I-15 "S N Ei-X uS'6iEXTi0" - 7;A:Z AC;- STff: ing lnachlne repossessed with full Call 426-8078. Kenmore. S 10/18 tfn (TN i-" t,'Si,J D-it-el i--day-L owTe-y--;:ga-n. One used Hamilton upright plane. 2 llsed slng'li) manual Thomas organs, Johnnys Music BOX 205 Cots St. J ll/Stfn crib with $15, Both good ._con.dilLon 426-4777 ..... 0 11_/.15:, 2 TA1"LE MODEL Zenith TV for sale. Phone 426-3779. W 11/8/15 BLUEBERRY PLANTS! Order now for Christmas giving. Phone Olympia 352-8031. Beautify your own grounds. Colorful fall and winler, Discounts oil field plantings. Sturdy plants. Free folder. Eberhardt Blueberry Nurseries, Route 1, Box 392, Olvm- I pin, Wash, 11/8/22 I ___, UsedCars I 19o0 FORD l/ ton pickup 'for sale, ] $200. Call cvcnhlgs 426-6700 t T 11/15 tfn t FOR SALE: 1951 International a ton pickup, Geod condition. $325. Call ished, 707 Ellinor. Phone 426-6663. CIl-ltfn FOR RENT -- beautiful waterfront home, newly redecorated. Will rent with option to buy. Owner. 426-8132. Rll-ltfn FOR RENT: 2-b-eclr partly furnish- ed house. Rent includes hotwater heat, water and garbage. Inquire 100 West Pine. Phone 426-8643 or 426-4679. Rll-Itfa Mt, View, furnished, also water, has garage, $50. Phone 426-3218. Rll-ltfn THREE R)-(J Furnished apartment for rent. Washing facilities, carport, Inquire 828 Cota St, R 10/25 tfn FOR RENT -- Reed Apt, 2 bedroom, unfurnished, garage, yard. Call La- Bissonlere Agency, 426-4666 or 426- 4836. D 3/29 tfn LAWTON APARTMENTS, Bachelor unltu Ideal for single men or wo- men. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. All untlllties furnished, except lights. Reasonable. Phone 426-2121 or 426-8177. 1214 tfn --4-26-£.7. 21 .................. .S.11_/1.5_._t.In GOLDSBOROUGH TRAILER PARK 1953 BUICK Super hurdtop for sale,, Convenient to mills and downtown $195, Phi,no 426.6338, H 11/8/15 stores, City sewer and water. At l'9!iff " M(j D J IS---(Yo-ife, -]i79"'-{ h-')-j highway bridge. S 4/4 tfn condition, body fair, Best offer over 1SLEEPING ROOMS, with kltc-hen-pr]: $150. 518 Elinor. W 10/11 tfn vlleges, for rent. Inquire 720 North '---'SA"-2-','5-5-",'d--9S-Ih-S''g-(7: I--0urth,_phone 426-2487. R 4/19 tfn station wagon. Good condition, Call OVERIGHT OR WEEKEND guests 426-2204, M 10125 tfn you haven't room for? Send them 1F'iji-SXI:?EUZ95--j58O-6"-¥.-doTT--$45T to Lawton Apt.-Motel. Apartments now available by day, week or month, Phone 426-2121 or 426-8177, ..... For Rent GATEWAY APARTMENTS'-- Furnish- ed nlodern apartrnent for cout)le or singh: person. 218 No. First. Pllone 426-4481 or 426-4895. G 10/18 ttn : EKx{Yriq]L--iilh/.iKp- fu/:iTisiii,d '-' I)edro{ II1 bea('h hem, $60 n )nthly until May. I{efel'Cl)c(!s requil'{!d. Cal' available 877-5535 Mc11/15-29 ---i3 EEiRO d M--ii0u}@7--l:;iT-i:(ni -" -i;a,. school, psi'fly foruished, inchlding garage. 426-4428. J 11/15 ifn UPSTAIRS furnished aparin{ent, $35 per month. Call 426-351,€}. Downtown, close to bank slid stores, ................................................ ._ __n/.5 K'l WE HAVE tbl'ee rentals, two two-hed- rootitl homes $45 per month each, one three-bedroom downtown, $60. Mann Real Estate, phone 426-6592. FOR RENT; 35 ft, 2 bedroom tra{ler house, $35 per month. Pimne 426-3169 B 11/lo-22 FOR RENT -- Unfurnished three bed- room house, downtown. References. Phone 426-3218. B 9/20 tfn rooms, everything furnished except dishes. 426-4679, 100 West Pine. R 9/20 tfn figX%n;fl-7,:fdgfTOnTE?dtwS- bh- room furnished cottages with or without linens or TV. Heat, dec- tl'leity, water, garbage collection in- cluded ill lOW wet;Rig or monHfly winter rates. Mill Creek Motel. Call 426-4420. 9/6 tfn FURNISHED apartnmnts for rent l block from Safcway. Phone after 6 p.m. -- 426-8655. W 9/27 tfn 27-qffiSlSR-t3-0}7--H0 CrSE-a.t-- 160§ -mEson St., electric heat, utility roenl, ga- rage, $40 per me, Inquire at 1201 E. Diekinsoa. .LA 11/8/15 FOR RENT OR SALl--four-bedreonl ]louse al 1003 Raih'oad. Call El)hrata, Wash. Skyline 4-3037 colle(:t. H 11/8/29 RENT A TELEVISION SET AT Miscellaneous ,H NOW YOU CAN SHOP Friday nigilts 'til 8:30 at Sears Catalog S'ales Of- fice, Evergreen Square. 10/11 tfn ATTENTION DANCE CLUBS. New Year's favors, hel'ns, hats. whistles, balloons, etc. Call 426-6784. Hll-ltfn IJ llion-Skoli(,lllish junction, Hour, day or week. 426-3895. B11-ltfn 'LET' S'- M X K E - }/-hhi e-t\\;7-ffS)it-tY.--- F-Jr exl)ert l)ainting and wall ])al)el'[ng, call "Fcnnett Painting Company, 426-3248 B 11/8 tfn CHEM CLEAN Does more than just clean, it twill remove stubborn spots, restore the original lustre to your fabrics. Rugs and upholstery are dry md ready to use within two hours aft- er cleaning. Available at Lumber- men's Mercantile. I i Hay & Feeds ALFALFA HAY for sale by t(m or bah:, Phone 426-4827 or 426-d160 R 11/15 ALFALFA DAIRY HAY Fine stemmed, oft/ leafy, green, 2700 tons, first, second and third cuttings. Also tops, bottoms and feeder hay, delivered anywhere lead lots only. Call collect evenings SU 1-2180, George, Wash. If no mswer call eL 9-2003, Marysville, Wash. Ul Ul Pets, Livestock CHIItUAHUA terrier puppies fer salt, 2020 Wasllington sir, A 11/15-22 Wanted WANTED TO I{.;N'P, 1,:,,:, :: h,u;a: with ol)tioll, sHla|l ('OtUlt I'y hoIll{!, close ill, with a(!l'{![lg!. "Will .rlllll'lll- tee excellent C(l'e. }tav(! U([t!rellCtS. ,126-,1332. , T 11/8 tfa TREES TbP:eD,-rimmd7 removed. Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. 426- 4823. 2/13 tfn WANTED -- 1000 recappable tires. OK Rubber Welders, Mt. View. 1/10 tfn st'.huol and weekend. Husky teenage b,)ys. Will accci)t any type odd job. ,i26-213,t. ,, , C 11/8-15 WNTlRD Ueea Furniture Will Buy or Cormtgn KELLY'S FURNITURE Phone 426-2411 HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED Real Estate LISTINGS WEEK 200 E. PINE H 2/8 tfz, Real Estate , ,,,, , ,., , TRADE good house ill Skokomish val- ley, close to highway 101, for Christ- rims tree or timber land. Phone 426-6084. R 11/8/ 11"n -C6R- SAIg-b-b-W/im'.-C0niiJact two bedroom Hillcrest honle, Completely repahlted, electric heat, large vies- eta, large utility porch, attached &P•I garagc.. $275 down, owner will car- fort,- evenings, itlt . I. ti I ry contract. Ph. 426"4370E 9/13 tn tb I-6tS--Ei3K-KL-E"--:-Thre bcdroonL lo the persons thereto entl!, Use plastered, hardwood floors, fireplace, discharge the maid Admli.tso '' large uttllty, attached garage, tented NOTICE IS FURTHER oI"::'le" said final report and pdtltlamnl"-' l'e in pat,o, close to M t. v,ew ,moo, :.'a'd, !'.': uoms ,,. BATHS NO 331 -l" 0 .............. ,'2iN6  m, no stairs---everythi l,]-'ffRT AND PETITI.01,'.level. Convement ktch{ DIs IRIlSUTIOI  re ...... P," _.h,p.Iil,, a, nreplace, Iorced IN THE SUPERIOR CO.. new roof, fireplace a STATE OF WASH* r I1 • ' ' e't are 3ust a few of MASON COUNTY In the Matter of th.e,Ures. Hurry thisrneW li M. C, ZINTHEO, De.cea%)ll sell fas '9 W. H. Anderson, ExecU°l  all .t. $.,250 is I Estate. has filed with sattr  d you can assume 1 reporL'distribu the prOPall persons thereto entithd ,all,I WV I EW--V I EW I ):)l(?tnSadillEX) ut°z'.e hea, dfia'a"T;Io'l a the market home d,y of Novenmer, 1902,i' i .eno°vgiillnaeoedhl/ in the Courtroom o sa t. ew on the market home ttted !.l'age the Coul:ty Com.thouse i/,YoU can View the Oly Washington. tIm the coi4afortable livi DATED THIS 22nd dayiel, e are three s)ack 1962. DEYETTE. 2',' lus a family room.. HARRY Clerk of the SuperlQ":'I,0011  by : Teckla Vermillt0);li --" Deputy Clerk :IL CHARMER ROBERT L. SNYDER !g the easiestFURNISHEE]way to h0i Attorney at Law !__P ETELY 125 N. 5th ip. This well-kept two bi rae ,with Silelton, Washington '. 'i'l 10/2 - 10 extra lots, doul :..:]and carport can be yet ,'o. a:. g :z .000 .ow00: ,.c!u, RI.;POI{T AND I)]E'I'I.T_,°..,I...% (most oi t newl . coUB # ,.,vou. IN Tt4E SUPERIOR CQU_I] C,,a,-,-v *mttmm, '.3N C-uNT ..... _ ,:'= new nsnng Inat nas , "i'rlm.ATr'3I; including ten acres In theb cOltnmttet' of the c0' th a lnra (rlr runui Isles o f RM.ot h ....... . ....... IDA :13.- -----6vD'IIl t e property. In the hot NOTI0000900L00k00' find two bedrooms, final Ix!port and petition .I. LOAN tion. and to distribute your G.I. eligibili purchase this ram is a full baseme on the main flo, Galbraith Golf Green. Graystone of Shelton. 426-6661. 4/19 tfn Music Box, 205 Cots St. 4/12 tfn WAX NO MORE -- PYLON liquid transparent plastic coating, never needs waing, polishing or scrub'- bing. Ideal tor all surfaces, inside or out, See Graystona. 5/25 tfn I.{jS '-i:I" [i G/'i°T "CA R/'1'] 'i '- 661"6 {& -"" ":" . r(,tL,)f't' tllcetn will /?,hi(' /.,u.|r(' {mr- IWI and upholst(.ry cleaner. Lumber- Illl!l]'.'; lerc[(ntile Conlpany. 11/15 F6KsX1h-=::-&:iEi[y 'fn-r{IL:b]3iiii; 't',:;Z- zer. or({ year o17 i)aylnents 1)11 4;111] 426-46/7, D 11/15 tln FOR SALE Fix'{! sJz, 11-12 [ol'lnal, I ¢ 'IY d'qa4es, aIld .l'antzva ski l)ants, F)ilone ,126-3607 C 11/15-22 GOOD AUTOMATIC washer $35; 5 Die()(! diu(tle set $10. Je(]s, v,'tnlty alld e'th(!r --. ,126-2:77 or ,126-3560 O 11/15 Ifn Aho harld-lnade gifts. Open Fridays. Iar-Dlus. 520 Vir(.st FvuIklln. 11 It 5... 12/20 19 fl Bryanl ; Piallo good ('Oll(litiou $75: girls bi('ycl( $15; girlt, slz,'. 2, .lme skab,x $5,00; Roberson (tlS]l- mn)J No. "2 Pollnh:h. R 11/15 SMALl, ELi']CTtl l C al)/t r t }i'l{qll slz() SIoII.I clt{an lind ill gOOt condillon $20 thlion 8.%'-2270 L 11/15-22 WE"S(]{EEN au;- ]'ir,i')}/{/;. "Oi'(hw m,w for "{211)'iM lUaS deliv{q'.'. (2arlsous Tile and Fir(.pbt(!c Sholl, MI. View. H]5-29 3 t j]7[)'Ij--(jU T H-t};i}] ';li{d " i n n er .sp r {]g ulattr('ss like n(w $50. AIs) r(ady to fiolsh toy C]l(:sts and ehnh''. 'Call • t6-,t652 It 11/15 tt'n THE BEST USED FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 17" T.V.-Radio-Phono combination .................... $135,00 3 pc. Sectional, very good ..... $75.00 a pc Sectional. like new original price $895, Now $250.00 2 pc• Sectional, light green very good ........................ $79,50 Crib and mattress ................ $17.50 21" T.V. consolette ............ $59,50 27" Zenith Console, blond .. $175.00 21" Zenith console, new picture tube. 1-yr. guar, $99.50 3 Door lamps .................. $20,00 ca. 3 Davenports and chairs $50.00 ea, Dryer, very good ............ $69,50 Freezer-Refrigerator 16 cu. ft ............................. $135.00 G.E. washer and dryer, both for ............................. $150,00 10 x 14 Braided rug, with pad ........................................ $35,00 Olsen Furniture Co. 328 Cota St. 426.4702 "__-2"_7-'--]-- "-,---" ..... balane,.  due of only $47.20. Want respon.Mble party to astlln(! bahtnee sl only $5,00 per montll. Machine will zig-zag overcast sew on but- tons, sake buttonhohs, all wltlumt a|ta('Bnlenls, (luarantecd. l'or ful'theP infornlation call Olynlllia 36-8551, allylilnp, ll.-llfn ] ) ft "'S A f]E'{-" 6Ei-4]zi;cl "i;;-d7 "-ihai.-(iFff and .pring, witll legs, $40. 1952 Dodge, $i01/, Call d26-8078. $11-1-15 f;bKS'XEE:2-W};oS,-i'6-iai{d-oTSr_ Slah $12,50 a cord; Pole Wood Alder and Maple, $16 cord. 426-4867. S 9/6 tfn LOGGING EQUIPMENT D2 with blade, drum and canopy ........................ $3,500 TD9 Crawler. ....................... $8,0(.)(.) Jolm Deere Be Crawler .... $850 John Deerc 40 Crawler with blade, drum and canopy .. $2,750 John Deere 440 Crawler with blade, drum and canopy __ $4,250 Oliver OC3" with blade and drum .......................... $1.,850 Oliver OC,t with blade. loader and drum ............. $2,250 Terra-Trac Cr'awler loader. ............................. $4,00(J Bay City Shovel, Mod. 30 .... $2,750' Log Arch for TD 9 ................ $600 FARM EQUIPMENT 8N Ford Tractor with loader . ..................... $1,100 9N Ford Tractor ................ $750 Int. Farmall A ........................ $495 John Deere AR with loader ........................ $950 Montesano Equipment Co. Phone 151 Montesano NEED A FENCE? Beautiful, long.lasting, western red cedar fences of dlstlnctio, by Versapanel. Installed or do-if yourself with nothing down, usual- ly $10 per month. Fast guaranteed service or de- livery. FREE estimates. Glen Watson Ph. 426-3170 V 7/26 tfn Call 877-5596, D 11/8-15 :F'()'R-SALE (]7" I.--in't'}71:{{;a.{ioIlal--d'{vid ¢)r box, $85. Phone 426-8597, D 11/8/22 , Sporting Goods HUNTING RIFLE 30:06 model 721 ReminKkon wiLh scupe, Call 426-8,115 evenings after 5 p.lll. .............................................. L..)t...o<'4 _Kn 1,t b"I'. PLY%VOOD ]oat $75, Wood tl(ah'r ,':i5. Call 426-6(12(I D 11/8-15 lVI I R iJbE--SX£E s-n-a- 6/i]e: - w6 are open Sundays. Shelton Marine ltillcrcst Hardware. 426-8163. 3/29 tfn BOAS" "ib:R- "S'A L,E-'S2"- 'i 8"r' i{r d' -i.ii2 about, I60 l.p., $1495, call TW 8-2296 Union. or see at Hood Canal Marine. D 8/9 tfn ment at Walt's Marine Supply, on beautiful ]-Iood Canal. Phone Hooda- • P.o.rJ...TR. _7:524.4: ................. .l__/!9_tfn CUSTOM RELOADED hunting am- nlunitlon. 243 $2.80; 30-30 $2.70; 270 7 : 57 Mouser, 308. 30-06 $3,10 per box, yotlr cases; 30-06, {'HI' cas{)S $3,60 per box, J & M Shooters Sup- ply, P.O, Box 273. Shelton, Wash. Pb. 426-2448. 8/30 tfn BOAT and TRAILER 15 ft. Glass Boat, 35 h.p, Evinrude, electric starter, plus trailer, In- eludes spare tire and wheel for trailer and canvas cover for boat. Motor and trailer A-1 condition, Boat in need of minor repairs. "TOTAl PRICE ONLY $750.00 426-3283 Days, 426-2461 Evenings 10/4 tfn ,,i=, SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATIONS PRE-CAST SEPTIC 'YANKS lb0-gal., 250-gal., 500-gal,, 750-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging SHARER DIGGING SERVICE Phone 426-3660 R-1Rtf ii i| DICK'S TRANSFER and Delivery Phone 426-6364 Moving Anywhera In Mason County 7/16 tfn OLSEN FURNITURE XP'XR'M-EN-'r-fo-K,-&e-7-biIKf76iff 328 Cota Ph. 426-4702 downtown, Laundry and utilities furnished, except lights, Phone 426- 2461 or 426-3283. B 8-9 tfn FOR RENT or saleTLarge ono bed- Classified Service room house, c/ose to school, fencod yard. Phone 426-2259. S 4/26 tfn ..... V6rt--KINT------oiihSi;d¥13bn.--tiii= A. F. OPPELT. massuer, will be at stairs apartnmnt. Ceramic tile klt,- City Center Me(el. corner First & chen and bath, Ample closets, Phone Alder, each Wednesday, to give d26-6424 after 5 J 7/19 tfn treatments. O 7/26 tin heated apartment, Adults only. In- quire 311 No. First, phone 426-3025. P 6/28 tfn 9&ffR-- R-O-6ivf-fuT'h] fi-dh-p-£,=Tffih-Kf  r rent. Call 426-6345, S 8/'30 tfn 6-E---EYSK0b7-"fiaTfffi-4,d--dif6., downtown, $40,00, Phone 426-2081. are open Sundays. Shelton Marine Hlllcrest Itardware, 426-8163, a/fi9 tfn HAVE GUN WILL SPRAY! Exterlo-r and interior, Free estimates• Work uaranteed, Bennett Painting Co. hone 426-3248. 5/10 tfn ROOFING, blown rock wool insula- B 8/16 ttn tion guaranteed. Ph, 426-6417. 6/20 tfn FOR RENT -- Two bedroom unfurn .................................................. JACOBSEN SALES and service, We are el}ca Sunday, Shelton Marine. Hillcrest Hardware, 426-8163. ........................................ 3/2. t.j, ished apartment, Hot water heat, city utilities, range and refrtra- tor furnished, Holly l=llll Apts. Con- tact Apt. No. 2 or 426-2493. or 426- 2446. ....  .............. B 5/18 tfn ONLY: BEDi-Ob]((-BUNGXL-OIV_ An.i: side, $45 per month, Phone 426-4475 days, 426-6692 evenings. S 10/4 tfn iSffi-2fii,-bK6--iiqi{ii[i8-fiSUdS--f6i. rent Phon( .126-46.t4. S 10/25 tfn ONE-Y3EbR6-d--fd;:nfi"dparffih for rent, l-Ieat water and garbage furnished, hlqulre 1119 IPrankihL Apt. 5. Phone 426-6496 B 10/18 tfn V(J R--RE NT "-=--Lh/':g---fw'67gd i:6-6/F,. heated al}artment, Close in. Call 426-6283. S 10/18 tfn RICHFIELD SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE (Shelton) WELL ESTABLISHED business with high gallonage. Excellent opportunity for man with tune- up and brake experienoe. Free training, financial assistance for qualified applioants. For infor. mation call 426-4233 or Juniper 8-1954, Taooma. 11/15-22 I CHOICE RENTAL THREE BEDROOM suburban, close to town. 20 aores, fire- place, $65 per mqnth. Call Mann Real Estate. 426-6592 11/15 FURNACE CLEANING, repalrlng in- ' stall.tions, oil conversions. Sheltn Furnace Co,, 321 So, Third, Dial 42"6- _.12i. ........................... 5_/L.t*_a HOUSE WALLS, leveling, bulk heads and general mason work. Call Hodgsons firstl Phone 426-6844, It 6/21 tfn EXPERT AUTO GLASS Irmtallation. Jila Pauley Inc. 501 Railroad Ave. ) O ) Phone 426-8.31. , 4/28 tfn condftioned, reasonable, 8belton Re- frigeration Sere'ice, 315 Cots, phone 6- s0sA'_ay o._n!ht. - __.A/JSt FOR EXPERT MASONRY fireplaces, chimneys, phmters, call R. E. Mason, 426-2278. 3/1 tfn ARTIFICIAL BREEDING service pro- ven, and highly c!assifisd sires. Dairy, beef and charolais $7.00. Pi- per Brothers Inc. John' Caulfield, 426-2084. C 12/15 tfn JEROME BURKE Garden 1-otevalmg, field plowing, well- aged older sawdust, pit-run grave'l. Phone 426-3678, B 10/4 tfn C, iN--W-- g XHisENi N d=i)Ee-d accurate precision grinding. Now a Sacger Motor hop Hillcrest Phone 426-4602. * 1/15 tfn tors, copper, salvage ol all' kinds. Shelton Junk Co. First and Mill Streets. Phons 426-'8626. S 4/7 tfn Lost and Found CU Db- -Y-O 0--Ug-I;J "- 7-ii/;ii(li i-"-& l i a ,;:6 account ell food? Eelow retail prices, r,-ee home delivery, no ginunicRs, no high prices, Unconditional guaran- tee to salisfy you. Oiylnpia 943-3720. I)11-ltfn USED FUI%NITURE & APPLIANCES LDGgER MEAT I .... Bot Building LUMBERMEN'S MERCANTmE I Repairs Custom Cut and Wrapped, I Fibe.rglasslng Home Furnishings --- 2ndFloor Cooler Serv|ce. Phons . . • I Seaswfft Marine Lemke Service I 2316 Olympic Hwy. No. I Phone 426-4652 ] " I'" ] t t _,_ _ Eells & Valley Appliante Oenler ' , OASH 'PAI"FOR Your Washer.Dryer Headquarlers 60od, Glean, Used Furnilum : M and,APpliances; ' T A KELLY S FURNITURE 426-24,, , 1 y APPLIA C I E ALL MAKES & MODELS T OALL YOUR Always lhe beSladeal, by George! FRIGIDAIRE DEALER , , Eells & Vaile li r y il I d ad3rd and Railroad Pho en 426-8211 _Ph°n¢ 426.8211 I 2nd&2nd &Cota St. , Phone 46/:663Phone 426/24663 _I II[t'( Labradol to sonleone ill coun- 1-I }/13 tfn ..II'y? ................... MC10/415 .t(I1 IEAII-UTICljL--W.TItFRONT honle. WIENER PIGS FOP. SALE. Australian lewly i(de(:orated, 7 I/.. acl'ts, iCor Shepherd 1}nl,p;es to glV( away. safe. by own(yl', Will llc111 ] lnallC(,. Pllonc 426-8653. WII-1-15 l-'tmln: ,126-8132. I{ll-ltin WE NEED ACREAGE in A'lasol{ Wanted .... ,,sty la,',, or .,.a.. ,oi., Sli,,,a,l. (lt:l(llolI ltcaity). 3OX 251, Hr(,r LOOKIN(I Fill{ 5-{[:1)' w('ek baby siC- dale, Wash. $11-1-15 tina" iol). Good cal'( in lily IlOllle, IT01(- SALE" 011.-- TP.ADE- ler water- Call t26-3511i. W 11/15-22 fl'{)nt: newly 1)uintcd, l't'luode[cd IWO HANDY--MAN-------0dh--]8s,---ie-ii bedroonU htz'g(" backyard, trees, con- think it can't be fixed call Henry vcnlcnt it) stores and ilghway. Landis. 426-3098. 2/12 tfn Plmne 426-32,10 evenings, llil-ltln L-AI)-Y WhTNTS WOl=K--ly'--houl:---Ol" IVIUS'I' gELL two bcd,'oon{-lt, View day. Has own electric scrubber. 426- hoIll(L Patio lal'g't! gal'age, cornel' 4378. V 8/16 tfn lot, Close i) school, paved street. ................................................ Phone ,126-4510 or ,126-6192. HOUSE TRAILER towing anywhcre in M/1-1fi'n state. Piloue FL 7-6358 or FL 2-4940. - ................................ [.obel't Shulnilte, Olynlpla. l,'{)It SALE Ill O%VNEIt 9/20 tlll TI-III,]lfi UEDI{OOM ItuUSI£ lVlt.. Vie.w. XBYSITTINd-WANTEIS--ZZ-L0qng .... $}1:000, 426-22q8 _. ........... D 1.0./.18 tfn care for your cilildren in my home• LARGJ THREE bedroonl home. Faro- Phone ,126-6391. A 1/11 tfn ily room with built-in broiler, wa/l- to-wail carl}eting, range, dishwasher, iABYSITTING WANTED--L-Will }rare I'or children ill nly honl{L Daytinle R{,asona bh,h Close to school Call 41('85{7 ................ C_ 1 i/8 _t r,l: WANTE1) -- Lady companion for eA- derly wonlan. Ligbt housowork, Live in. Call 426-8t63 or 426-$268 F 11/8-15 SAW FILING. grinding and re-tooth- ing, All work guaranteed. Ted Ber- ry, 627 Wyandotle, phone 426-2433. 3/8 tfn , t SEPTIC TANKS Drain fields, Digging, Sewers Marr Const. Co. Phone 426-3053 Rt, 3, Box' 623 If no answer, Phone 426-613 Art's Bulldozing! Excavating -- Cement Grvel Fill Dirt Art Indahl Ph, TR 7-5454 Hoodsport, Wash, 5/17 tfn i BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS Phone 426-6441 3/27 tfn CHRISTHAS TREE WORKERS Applications now being taken for GUTTERS, DRAGGERS, BALERS and general yard help washer ana dryer. Phone 426-8078. ........................... __,, .:S:a/,}? .tn MUST SACRIFIC two-bedroom I-li]- crest tloule, I'urnihed or unlurh- ished, large garage, corner lot, close to school and iStol'es, JUSl move. Will sell at real bargains. Phone 426- 8549 afternoens or evenlngs. M 12/14 tin ihCXUS-I--bF-iJEA;I'H ii t'andly, an forced to sell incollle prol}erty. Also lOOP htPge cleared lots, ,t26-34/7, Cull evt, znllgs. A 10/18 tfn J'0"K'-SXLf- - Thl'e;- Bddr6oln -housd, bath lind hall fireplace, electr)c heat, call 426-2210 weekdays alter 5 D.m, ) 4/12 tfn '-dro--- -B E D RiSiOlVI--'-p ail-y---£1j i;iais-h'c d suburban and three bedroom sub- urban homes. For sale or lease. Pllone 426-41.t7. S 7/5 tfn SALI-- La£,ge "bcdrdoiii/" livingroo'ha, dining, carpet, drapes. Snndl down payment lurnished or not. Pllone 42t-4a36. C 8/2 tin NEW - Hd2dl"2-7 Excelleiil--downt6wh location, three bedrooms, 2/z baths, panelle(l living k'OOnl. R, H. Keenan, 2nd and ]3il,ch. K 6/21 tfn lots. lnqmre 172b tewart street or phone 426-8150. , N 7/23 tfn 2.: -hcilS--0 n-'ldVe-I -"Ci:b-6 k "-iK'--ci{7 linlits, $4,000, 426-2081. B 9/6 tfn I-0-i"SALE J )-bwiwr Ti-bT-.o,l.-fiEfd: wood l[oors, lots of storage, lat'ge ldtchen with 32 ft. Birch cabinets, l)llnclh)d dining l'()OlU. COl-ll(l ' £ire- phlce, ])atio and garage. FHA ap- pl'aised at $12,200. d26-4840 N 11/8-'2'2 3--iEDit00MS L- E-x: C l-i-c-n-uii fi,u c;: ties. Marine and llountaln View. Phone 426-6264. E 9/20 -, 1/4 0FFEi.E D B Y- -0 W N ER--2.-3"Ted-i;6ii Island Lake hunlo. 50 ft. lrontage, good dock, new 12 x 86 sundeck, fh'e- place, hardwood floor in living-dining area. Includes 50 ft, lot across road,' i0asonably prl'ded _2 $10,800.00. Call 421-4608 between 7 and 10 E 10/4 tfn ;(Jti-SXL]T'3-'bedroiii- h/fus{{-& l-hc-a/, all dPapes, euriaius and rugs will stay, $1,000 down easy terms. 426- 66.i4. M 11/15-29 t i A V E "Y ()l) -=S-E EQ - -iH;:T-be-diTo6fii - 2 bath home that Maun l.eal Esta(e has for sale? It is a terrific hay at $9,250. Call "126-6592 for an appoint- ment. 11/15 APPLY 10 A.M. TO 4 P.M. Q. R. Kirk Co. Christmas Tree Yard JOHN'S PRAIRIE ROADS SHELTON, WASH. Plone 426-8395 imB i _ IBI BEmm lelevisio, a,d Radio Re par Se " I rvm • v,''";n -m,,÷..cb Stanley, fully qualified by exnerlence' and special training, Js now handling our service work on re aw anp maintenance Havln at television and radio p " _ . .i . . • g . tended RCA color-television scnoot ne ts qualified in this special field also. EELLS and VALLEY APPLIANCE CEHTER Your sales center for RCA color TV, black and white TV, table model and transistor radios, stereo and 2nd and COTA STREET PHONE 426-4663 FOR SALE NEW HOME, downtown hospital area. Kitchen, living room, two baths, three bdrooms, den, large family room, basement, two fire places, lots of storage. Sprink- ling system. A superior quality, efficient, comfortable home in quiet, pleasant • surroundings. First time advertised. Reason- able. Shown by appointment. Ph. 426-3542 days or 426-4653 eve. nings, , P li/15 t,fn_ Legal Publ cations CALL FOR Bll'S S,ulh'd I:,ttl: will t)e reviewed by the (lud{q'sigll,!d tit tht! Fire I]all ill i]el- h{ir, 'Vasbil{gion. tit) [o 7:00 p.ln. en llle 271h day of Nov(:lllber. 1962. ful' the Illl'llJshing ol" ()lit: (1) 76(} GPM IFUllll}er Ih'(' lrll¢:l. Also ()ue (11 t)oh base lI)(' 8tPali Mast(.l' Si('t,l IJtuldlng, or ,'(llltl, 16'x36'. SiH.clfi('atiollS Oll ])olb Itnly lit.* ob- tmn,,d from Fire Chl(:f William D{.- Micro al. I=]tll's l:]arber Shol), Bclfa|r. Thc .BOal'd of fi|'C COllllnissieners I''- Sm'V('S the right te ac('ept or rejecl ,auy or all bids oP to accept tny bid (hqqll(!{l i}y lilcll] IO in' in tile t)cst in- tt,resls ,.)f tll(' 'Fi{'e Distri('.1. Board of Fh't' COIIUldSSi(}II{I'S Masen County Fire Dist)'i('.t No. "2 HOWARD I. TRAMMELL ecrctary. } 11/15-2  2t i extra large bedroom b(mr of 10:00 A. M., {,r as 0nd floor. There is a fil aft{,,' as the same lnaYcl,rii.,the living room. This { the Courtrooln in the , inB V¢iIlme has a new roof a si,,,n{,a. Mason ' Oi " Dated ibis 3th',(lY 6i de paint. Located in TECKLA VRI ll.t:' neighborhood. A go I}opulY ) , K o ;;lt .O aa County, Wa. b.  ' .I. '-. ' BYR()N E. MeCLANAI'IAII! J'BT NEh/-NEW Att( n hu t state i t eh ' ,y ' ' &' • .-,di_ t eck on this new :h P.O. Bo 333 d."."le today Three bedroo] 811clton, "'ashington " 1' " " nge closets, beauhful fi] -- finished recreation roe :NO. 8303 SIrMMONS BY PU] IN THE SUPERIOR STATE OF MASON COUNTY ()SCAR W. E. MICKELSON, his VS. CLARENCE :n(I if deceased, the Chu'enc( Reynolds; tile' LILLIE REYNOLDS, i all other persons or clah)ling ally or inleresl in in the COml)laint herein; THE STATE OF TO THE SAID NOLDS. if living, an( the unknown heirs Reynold," ihe ESTA LIE REYNOLDS, ()tll{!l" pel'sons or e aining any right, lien or hlterest in t l des(wibod in the I}EFENDA NTS : You, and each of Y summoned to days after double garage. Th{ more to see so call ted ent. CHOICE ,LISTINGS )NT HOME KITCHEN just 2V.o mi] Three extra spacic Bath and half. Lar 77' of choice frontal plus a carpo Fireplace. Don't m! Priced at $15,000 wi OF TOWN home with th two baths, large livi: on a large lot i We have it and t 'owner must sell ,Low down payment. cation of this sunmlonS }DED )CATION lille above-entitled actiOd'"  perior Court: aforesaid a •l- ...... conlplaint of the plaintif.)K 1 see tlns suburban-h a ;)l)y( of yt,' ans}ver t;ay. Spacious living roe de ', "gnd at  'ney " t; le 4th bedroom., Separa a( his office below sb) d0,1ara;e. View of downto case (11' your failure so tCy0#.,{il, ' Just $7,500 with $6 will be 'rendered against to tile denlands of tbe.:.') this a{,tion wllich has b, the clerk ef said eou't. The object of this actl ?il i'  SUBURSAN °l:rk dandy home just fi 111e in iliahttlffs to r  r ,,,,,, -..ol,ingto,. om town. Large wood ason ....... , " '" € e ' as: Sdg outdoor fireplace, tx tl ct oi la d in the C]r A ' , " l ' ;  0onis, cozy living, $45 SELl of the NEI Lt..b/, Townsbip 23 Nortil, /%n_Lf!;;_ f{iet'i Ibence' No,'th, !°)'(dIk  'It-ins.. Spacious livil ihe East line of .ald ) th . .... _ _ .,. flreplaee. Large he feet thence 00ast -,=- ....... ' the S,,,,lii line of sstd ,lli.':..'_ 'n cme., u..a, NEL; a d stance (f f!I'  :" 950. |ben(,e south 381 00" I '=I. /A'll'" Pllll mm'rmtm .... _ . . • lih,;U,.,-,..- .v,. ....... point of beginning .... iff(.li,10Wa, mAv.a=m'T"  I tbe el "ln of [1 "*/{'lt" IM r"ll¥11ll/ a.., against . . al ;, L • " and any one of then,. j' better hying on a mc GLENN E, co_ll,t'.get. This we/I-built old Attorney for ]'la-"- A1,i)riced at. only $11,500. Office and Post Office GLENN E. CORREA ,d;l:ll'0oms, large den or m B(ql Building " basement. Fami 121 Sotltll Street  J'}.,a ''m~ Fou rib rooms. Shelton, washlngtoh . 'i' aT'ad dining ... O I0/25 ll/Y'.A% Ls-.,town .ana..wm aece .-.---,__l'.Iq,A. financing. .,,,.,p: ,,F home 00oeated dew IATER l:SOv*T.Se to everything Ba. _ Olympla ,r I t:eX r TKE NOTICE:" "';,,i: t a bath, garage a That I, AVID O Needs some wo Washington, on JulYto|,:buy at $6,500. plieetion for pePnli" ;d.- - lit: waters of all unas:,,-7ei.-.EST tary of Fay Creek, ill  bedroom home---Sls (}.01 see{rod fi:mt, suhJ g room with hardwo, right.,: conlinuously eaO purpose oi' domestic sl Parate dining Appealil al')proxinlate point of i tlity Full basement ca(ed within Oove,uunell 0'ndition. $12,500. Terr west !'i of the South'S. Southeast ,.:i of SectiO :22 N., Rang(, 8 W.. w' bED WATERFRONT County. ) I' tl choice waterfront l Any objections nlu ..i trail) tB' a lwo dollar ($2.0%L of- excellent low-ba] ild flied with the StaP{p.llIli:lio h,.h i.dth lid .. ) ' .(}.'o,rces ' I1 days /'toni NovcodWx 2d'*'.' ded. Road to propert Witlmess Ill), lland {b6k[llVided $6 500 this 7th day of Not'e'',Ib " " " State Supervisor of W:;}vllg to both Sh'elton al .l'in{ two betlroom ho .... :"! utility room. Conve n, dining area. Lar NOTICI': i,_ksho. Lar.e Creek. E ''""°'TlLer u-l " Will eo DI /r i I tlt;!A[l2 *-P Y, I IN TIlE smaller home r{q){)P1:" di,t k'ibu te ' ' I i IIEAL l)(U'sons thereto entlr.j;atI' rnsn i}i! .... .,.., s,l00 00b,,.659, in the "{m,'l ,'oo,'o off t "tli; ANYTI M E C.unty Courthouse !Po(th First Street DTED THIS lt dP2: ;i '!SHELTON Ol Tle . NGS CALL Clerk I't)BEI-tT L. SNYD ,, %  At(or.rley at Law ' ' HIMLIE--426'6§01 Shcltvla, Wa.hillt)!l.,, , 'tT' .: ' .... '" <' '  MANN--426-3228