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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 15, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 15, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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%[ (&apos;€" Thursday, Novembe S'l lr I ' .... "> hia n Pa e ]') Legal Publications *' *:  "*uver,s,n ,'a,le s,, 8',74 N,," 'ilO, i ten ,.,,,,,1,.,.: ,,.. s,ii&,;.l., sAI.,.: .,',,'1',,',.: T,', 'i',i,.:,,,',',,,,. 111 • III':AI, I';N'|'ATIg IN TIlE SUI:'ICIIOI{ C(ItrPJr OF TIlE • . 15 words or less (minlmtnn I ndel • Npeclal I.,xeeatlal! S'I'ATI': ()I" WASItINGTt N ] ll MA- 'nle "eltion IN Till,' SUPEIllOIt COURT OF THE S()N C()I!NTY from sho in center and schools. Immaculate tArot 'hour. IWIMI|I|| b NILiq0V|| V UII|V| VII |gN|ILIF||IMI cjat[ge, • .... [ N t[.^ • , Sq'A.'l'i o' OF WASI'tlN('T()N FOIl h,t • M,[]h,r o*i ,' 's ..... f Dor- F D  _*Nil i.::}, s pa,!;ppi:m:e2t:eya;:deh;:°ihate snowe, u, apes u, emt, eu aL'I'wm*iiactltx!;r';;;tiu,e ,ow, ,ow pr,ce t,L O ' each. Rates for a,ld l..:m As..,:iatio,,, l-h,intiff, a,ld qll,,li,'I,'(J Ex,,cut,." ,,r said ,:star,'; SO qO0. C,'lll ]2OOtty ]201' appt. • --vs.--- ,kll IWl',qOlll Ilavillg ('lllhlls aaills[ Sttttl request• Jack W. P.well and Ella M, Powell, il,,coas-d )u',' requiw,d to Srl'VO the isnlav $1 her hnshalld ll|l(t wife Dlq'ontialltS. F ' i i ( o, d( V "Vtq'i|' Iqt OU • • ' . • ,. • v • • . • . , ' ' . z- a a-. Ulitl'l' Dn(l by vii'trio i,]' Ii sl}l?cial i.x(.- 5aill Ex,,culor or his at'torlley, lll,borI IZdL on Nt View L shaped kitchen and dining loom gtamous sunken Ray and Ralph mnmmtly also got Valley home Sunday column inch • " '  ' "  " • "" ' ' ('alison iSSlll,(i o11| of 1111|1 1.111(ltq |ho l.. Slly(h'r. at tie' alhh' l),h',w ,|llled .'--WEE living room with fireplace• Large covered patio on shady side of an Elk Saturday. Mae Coekburn spent the week- Card of thanks $1•50. Read- ,,al of Ih,, Sul,'l'im''t of lit,, State and fih. Lh,' saln,' with tile Ch-u'k ,,f LISTINGS house, ideal for htzy summer time living, attached 2 car garage, The last gavel meeting of Ma- end with Sandra Miller. er notices 15 word minimum ,,l 'asl,ington, ill and t',r said County, f, ll the 261h day of ()vll)hor 1962. tlpon ,tl('h sotvh•t •. within six lllontlls aftol ___L0000gal eub00 holllC, HII':111- iTHIS WEEK 'ROOM S IL BATHS NO. 3351  om, stairs--everything NOTICE OF IIFAR ING; no l',iRq' AND I,ETITIO level. Convenient kitehen- I)IS'I?RIIHITi_OI, ( ,ea, fireplace, forced air IN TIlE SUPERIOR COU ^ ' STATE OF WASltIN(] new roof, fireplace, and .,at are just few of it's MASON COUNTY d.tU.e s. a In tile Matter of the Hurry, this new list M. C, ZINTI-tEO. D(,caS':!lllll!0rt: sel d W. H. Anderson. !:' .'.'. , fast. $9,250 is thethe Estate, has filed witExe}r7 e you can assume final report llnd l)(tition f  i10an. Call Vince i-limlie lion, asking the CouI'L t0l r ,(l)O 't, distt'ibu, the I)I'0P l:,ersons iherelo entitled .,aa Wvl EW--Vl EW c119,:,, sa,a...E,2cuto2[hSdalao' " on the market home is )( Ll[IOn WIll Ut lice 1' . . ;o,, ,atJaea alnong newel* homes day of Novenlner, '"(.(lai: in the Courtroon, of sala, t:l! ge lot will afford much the Coul:ty Courthouse a!'i i,,Y0u can view the Olym- Wasifinton. " -'a" d. the comfortable living DATED THIS 22ha u 'w*'ii  ' ][_nere are three spacious 1962. HARRY DEYETTE ,,'tlus a family room. All Clerk of the Superl0.r.'tV,0{) n Vermillt01hV-a = .... v. by: Teckla AL CHARMER Delnlty Cleric il ROBERT L. SNYDER PLETELY FURNISHED At.torney at Law 125/= N. 5th Shelton, Washington 10/25] NIl. 3311 '-' ].:.o.'; A,, , ,,:Tt " I)ISTRIlHITI( .:'-. tN TIlE SUPERIOR "coUncil STATE OF WASHINGT0% SON COUNTY (1N In the matter of the late of IRESTON AllB IDA B. ARMSTRONG, NOTICE IS HEREBY Paul E. Armstrong, Ads tilt; eonlbined estates o strong Jn(t IdR B. AI'nlS ed, has filed with above ontiih'd 'Court 11 and t)etiton for the eout.t to settle and final report and 1)etith)n lion, and to distribute t,, the persons thereto discharge the said Adl NOTICE IS said final report and tribuiion will bc heard 30th day of November, hour of 10:00 A. M., ,n" aft(!r tin the salll( nlay ]lie Collrtroonl ill the SIH.!]iolI, MtIS,)II Co/InlY Datt'd this 31h day TECKLA Dol)uty CIork (J(lllll y, W!l}l; 1.1 AN ' ]SYRON E. M(C, LAi** .. At|ol'ney for Estalc ,i P.O. I,o< 333 Sle.lton, Washington the easiest way to home ip. This well-kept two bed- 0me,with extra lots, double .and carport can be yours .$1,000 down. This includes .e, (most of it new) all 'Only $7,950. !E COUNTRY LIVING? r.a. new listing that has ev: including ten acres of a large ereek running e property. In the house find two bedrooms, a room, separate dining has a built-in range. a large garage and work- for $6,850. PAYMENT[ G.I. LOAN 'use your G.I. eligibility this family is a full basement on the main floor extra large bedroom on floor. There is a fire- the living room. This ex- has a new roof and paint. Located in an neighborhood. A good 500. EW--NEW check on this new Mt. today. Three bedrooms closets, beautiful fire- t. Ph. ; cve- by II ill L-It I).nl ii 1 fol }till II)t h! )a I' iin2 lm ol nln 1:), l;e! all  I l I  ll', i.., J;i lies il )llt!] J o. • afinished recreation room o. s:10 _,Ciqarge double garage. There Nirli.II}NS B I[ "lilll ITIo • ' "t]xil: re to see so call today IN TIlE SUPERIOR COU,-t41,- STATE OF WAsI:hN.{ pp°intment" OSCAR W. MICKELSU. IUII% L/ll.UlllL) IP E. MICKELSON, lsis wi!e:))l,,. LISTINGS c, RI,'NCI, REYNbLV.S,)';rJtE' =,,,.,.,. ,.,,.,, .. a, * • •  go --,*v,=-- , ,v,-, P.n(] i|' (101 'liNed tile ua-:j&.- Clln'.nce Ri;vm,ids; the.J7, 1 KITCHEN LILLIE REYNOLDS, aocation, just 2 miles all oitll?r itlsons or pill" .11 .... I  v • • "'"c m;, • Tnree extra spacious clailning any rignL tit ,tJll ,)r interest in lhe rod estati'. ath and half. Large in the OmllHaint herein;  77' of choice frontage, It Orkshoo, plus a carport. THE STATE OF .ell. Fi'replace. Don't miss TO TIlE SAID i [0ae. Priced at $15,000 with NOLDS. if living, and the unknown heirs  iVallab]e. It'yllods: the [1 [OF /OWN LIE B3]YNOLDS, oth,'r p,,'sons (,,' 0il like a home with three chtin ing any right. lien or inter(!st ill t II desc/'ibed ill the DEFENDANTS : You. and each of slnnlnoned to days after cLtion of this S(ul}nlonfl Ihe abovv-entitled per:or Court aforesaid COllll)laiut of ]he a copy of yOtl[' answer deI','ligned aitorney for ai his office below st( (',aso of y )ll' failure 80 tO two baths, large living on a large lot for We have it and the 'owner must sell so down payment. JDED LOCATION VIEW see this suburban-like Spacious living room bedroom. Separate View of downtown will be r(,ndered against Just. $7,500 with $650 to l}le (lcmands of the this action whi(ih las b' lhe clerk of said ceil't. E SUBURBAN The, (,bject of this act a dandy home just five t tile ill phlintlffs to fr01Tl town. Large wooded Mason County,  lgeouLdoor fireplace, two as : A tract of land ill tlle  ¢lrooms, cozy living. $4500 SE.I of the NEI el *J I Townsiip 23 Norlh. L W.M.. particularly de>, ILOW INTEREST? folh,ws: ...:ldom can you assume a me S" e, With only 4 percent: iheC°nmmncingsE'.i of theat !. o. OUt you can on this well-i Township a ullr be tion 29 ..... _,. droon home. Extra thence W2T. ah)PhemN}&)itchen.dinirg area with: of said /.i m t arPl}:'l)" ..... • • h ]0 4 aUt Ins S aclous hvlng feet : |hence Nort .... i-0}ff'Is'.. " ., P lat hne of aia II h f the '. " . _r#!l[r! ireplace. Large bed-: f ,et" theneo East Pa-a11. :_ ,;...^, ",,'n 1..,o= the so,,,i line of sal gi ..... NE',I a dlsta,we ,ff **[2$9, 950' ihenc.e south 381.0a ',ULATE CONDITION point of begnning ..... ¢'.{{Witl vIul=J T against the elainl ef [ '' ;' L ': b *" " ' "   " i''  ' " G'I" and ally one of thenl. -i' .]t0 better living on a m0d- GLENN E. COR1l.:'flt q,- well-built older platlW',]i,. ':" "..,o Attorney for ),9  I Prleecl at- and Post o.lco !:iced only_$11,500.00 GLENN E CORREA 0ore t, large aen owmu-- Bell Bull(ling I t' ,--J' FUll basement. Family OT [ili i!!i.I :i,orA'o N:/ment on this or, I'(q o" s3'i"llf,i{ m home• Located down- WATER :,',O.'"l,Se to everything. Base- Olynlpllt ;; .[11: e TII': NOTICr'" nlpm =f°II!: xtra bath, garage and Timi "DAVID e:" I7I, m. Needs some work Wash ugion, on Ju!Y v, buy at $6 500. plication f(ir permit t.0 '^." )i, waters Mr an u,lns,;',2T ttly i[ F/Iy (l(Ck in  i ) I .. " " "', .ogt': bedroom home--Slac- 0 01 secm)(i foot sllbJC.-'V] " ...... : .... . ' acid, '  room With naruwooo , ....... plil'pOSe of domes[ie s. .'arate ommg Appeaung ,a',lwoxin,:lt(, p(,inl,°t'_o*.lty. Full basemen -- cat( d within GovernnW.)ff,L.,.,',',(0ndlHn €19 nn rflrr, w,,s,, ,:,, the Soulhea:-;t !. of Secli°Jl.'o:'l:' 22 N., Rang(, "l W. W. ',::UF..O WATERFRONT ('ounty $ ' • ^.. ; .............. nlte,(l,  choice waterfront lot by a hvo d(,llar ($,0,!II ' [ff/ Of excellent low-bank q}d l"iloq, with the l,,iiNic e beach with tide- WaL()I' Ix(!Sl,urc(!s w* $ r days from N,v,'mb(ld:, ded" Road to property, Shire Supervi,or d:-W'g to both Shelton and _....'[{Srim two bedroom home ....... /e utility room. Conven-  aaael, dining area. Large '11'r](!|,: lorkshop Large creek. Ex- 11,]!',!'01I'1' AN..,};a[e .;,nnlv Will aon IN Tile St'Pi)¢ " for smaller home in AIh)lnty tt Iaw ' : , t , l HIMLIE--426-6501 all set on fenced lot and one-half completely landscaped to per- fection. F.H.A. appraised at $14,725, or completely furnished for $18,000, 10' dn., easy terms. "REALTOR'S DREAM" Homes of this caliber very seldom come up for sale. Built like the "Rock of Gibraltar"---This 2 BR home has hardwood floors, fnlly plastered, tiled drainboards, stove, ref., matched washer & dryer, drapes & rugs stay. The fenced yard is manicured to perfection & has a barbecue pit & several fruit trees. All within easy walldng distance of stores. Look and you'll buy, $9,0000. DOWIITOWN LOCATION This 2 BR home is very neat and roomy. Large lovely hwng room. Th(. 2 BR have mine than ffdequate storage spce. This home was "built to last". Yard is well lafldscape'd and 'easy to maintain. Ideally located within 4 blocks of church and stores. In a well kept friendly neighbor- hood. A home you'll really enjoy. Prided to sell at $8,500. Terms. LOOKING FOR A "GOOD BUY"? 'Check this immaculate 2 BR home. Comp'act "s[ep saving kitchen, bright dining area, cozy living room with new heat saving fireplace. Situated on 2 lots with plenty of room for garden and children to romp. :No close neighbors 7 Priced at $6,600. FOR RENT: 4 BR. house in City, garage, $60 per month. LaBISS0NIERE AGENCY REAL ESTATE -- INSURANCE 119 So. 4th  Phone 426-4666 Evening• Call AI LaBissoniere, Phone 426-8649 Vivian :Ntnemire, Ph. 426-8806 Harry (Bob) Wiles, Ph. 426-8926 Preferred Properties by Waterfront Realty 17 Railroad Ave. Call 426-8277 LOOKING FOR A START? The young family would be making a right move in pur- chasing for only $200.00 down, this recently completed 3 bed- room home on Mountain View. Low monthly payments include taxes and fire insurance costs. One year FHA construction warranty, as well. Let's look today. EVEN THO' WINTER'S HERE It's a good time to buy that mlmmer place before prices go any higher. Here is 150' of low bank, fine pebble beach, view of Mt. Rainier---just $9950.00 on easy terms. But also, it has a 3 bdroom summer home, fire- place, drilled well; a terrific value ! DON'T MISS THIS ONE! Large two-bedroom home lo- cated in excellent neighborhood. Low down payment; immediate possession• Full price--S7,950. For Properties of All Types AVAILABLE SOON ... A delightful lot on Island Lake with a furnished summer cabin for that warm, sunny swimming arid boating location. go close and handy and only $525O.OO. WANT A SLOWER PACE? Here is a small well-kept country cottage wit b a pleas- ant view; low Upkeep; room to garden--completely furnished .... $3950. THE PERFECT COMBINATION Here's an opportunity to com- bine that much-desired water- front location with a BIG, fam- ily-type house, located just 3 miles from town on Island Lake. No need to own two pro- perties when this one will meet all of your year 'round needs. -- Evenings Call -- MARDEN STROU D ......................... '.426-4000 DICK BOLLING .................................. 426-6162 @ EXGEPTIONAL VALUES OWNER MOVES TO BREME'RTON This family home is priced just right for the lucky one that buys it. Award winning yard--etra lot--separate workshop-- close to stores, schools and churches. This home has 2 bedrooms up and 2 down--tiled bath--lrge cheery kitchen with dining a.rea--economical to heat--just recently remodeled so move right in for $8,500. ONE OF SHELTON'SFiIES T HOMES Only 2 years old--this home has the best 1hater|also3 large bedrooms--tiled bath off master bedroom--elegant bath with two sinks--huge sliding door closets--built-ih shoe racks in clos- .on CounLy Grangers was held at Progress Grange last Friday eve- ling. Granger who attended from Matlock were Mr. and Mrs. Lad Rossmaier. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford, Mr. and Nh's. Clifford Combs. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Portman Mrs. Augusta Per(man, Carl Portman and Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Heanng. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cook of Montesano were Thursday evening overnight guests of Mr. and Sirs. Ralph Cook. MRS. HEItBERT ltELIN was a hmcheon guest of Mrs. William Trenchmann of Montesana, Tues- day. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ford and Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing at- tended the W.W.I. Veterans turkey dinner at the Memorial Hall in Shelton, Thursday eve- rag. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley spent Saturday evening wiLh Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Buhmeyer, Sr. ,, ,i TRADE FoR INCOME AND A HOME Three bedrooms one side, one bedroom on the other, this com- fortable duplex is located near town and schools. The owner will consider trade for small home as part payment and you can let your renter help pay the rest. The price is $10,750, Better see this, -- A ROY DUNN OUT IN THE COUNTRY This modest 2 bedroom home is located on 10 acres in the Pickering area, there are fruit trees, Christmas trees, some timber, good garden area, and a small stream, plenty of elbow room for $5,750. A ROY DUNN - GOOD LOCATION -- GOOD VALUE This 3V_, acre Spencer Lake property with 90 feet of front- age would make a first class homes|re or a summer retreat-- with waterfront prices continu- ing to rise, this one will prove to be a very fine investment. The price is $3,350--would sug- gest you see this one now. A ROY DUNN -- ATTENTION BUSINESSMEN Wish you had a better loca- tion ? We now have three choice buildings in the central down- town area that can be rented. leased or purchased. If you have planned a move, now is the time. For full particulars and an appointment to inspect, call now. A ROY DUNN ...... RENT BEATERS We have Lwo homes in the downtown area that can be yours with no down payment and only rent to pay. This is a good way to get a start and de- develop some equity in your own place. Better check these. A ROY DUNN - -- LAKESIDE DANDY Good beach with dock, excel- lent view of the lake, good fish- ing, are only a few extras that come with this nice 3 bedroom rustic home. There are two fire- places, daylight basement, elec- tric heat and many more fea- tures you must see to apprec- iate. Call today for an appoint- ment. A ROY DUNN LOTS OF LOTS If you have wanted to build a home, now is the time to choose your lot. We have a number ot excellent sites in al areas ot town. We are sure you will" find one iR an area you wsnt at the price you want to pay. A ROY DUNN REAL RANCH STYLE Mr. and Mrs. Lad Rossmaier and Mh's. Paul Rossmaier and son. Ricky spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Chamber- ]in of Shelton and helped Karen Chamberlin celebrate her second birthday. - Mrs. L1[]d Rossmaier .spent Sun- day at Napavme with the Morris Leman family and to visit grand- ma Rossmaicr, who has been quite ill. MR. AND MRS. WM. AVFRY and Denise spent Sunday with the Clyde Avery family of Brem- erton. MR. AND MRS, KENNETH Gribble and son Don spent Satur- day evening with the Herbert Brehmeyer. Jr. family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Swicher vnd Roy Fox of Shelton spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Boothe and family of Hoqtliam were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Simpson of Brenterton, spent gunday with Mrs. J. R. Singleton and the I. C. Ford family. MR. AND MRS. L. F. COOK of Montesano and Mr. and Mrs. Peter. man of Elma. spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken- leth Howard• Legal Publications NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTN ERSIIIP Tile underaigncd, Carl Morgan and Francis A. Eacrett. hereby give notice of the dissolution of the l)artaership formerly existing 1)etween them and doing busillCSS under the Ilalne of Mor- & Eacrott I.un|ber C(,tnpany. The said business firnl will cent|ate to do business under L|le 8anle nanle but un- (h'r tltv sole ownershll) of Francis A. and Ann Eaerett. husband and wife. Datcd this 12th day of Nov. 1962. Carl Morgan Il'a Eacrett 11/15-22-29-3 t No. 3399 NOTICE TO CRI':DITOltS IN Tt-TE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MA- SON COUNTY Ill the Matter of the Eslate or Har- ry Alh'll Shal'fer, Deceased. Vida V. Shaffel is lhe at)pointed and qualified Executrix of the Last Will nnd Testanlent and estate of Harry Alien Shaff(!r. del:(ased. All persons haviug elailllS I!gainst said e, atate ('l' said dl,ceas(:d l|rt. required to duly serve (lie sallle Ill)Oll Lhe lgxecutrix ¢)r her attorn,,y Illld agent. Roherl L. Sn.vder, and filc such clailns togeiher with i)root of s(q'vice with the (bl'k ,,] saLd Court within six lllonlhs aftor the (late of th,, lirst l)ul)ticatiou of this notice, t(,-wil: N,)venlber 15, 1962 or all claims no! s,, s(.rvod and filed will h,! I'Ol'('Vel' barred. Vida V. Shaffer Executrix. ]800 Orchard Sprhlgs Road Minnelll)o]is 20. Minnesota Rol)erl I2, Suyder 1 .).5 i North 5th Shelton, Washiugton Attm'ney for Executrix. 11/15-2929 12/6-4 NO. :]402 NOTICI,: TO CRI,;DITORS, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE 0F WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY • Ill the Matter of the Estate /of WIL- LIAM KENNETH DEAN, Deceased. Mae Violet Dean is the al)iiointed and qualified Administratrix of said estate. 411 persons having claims against said deceased are required to serve the anle in duplicate, duly veri- fied. on said Admlnlstratrix or her at- torney, Robert L. Snyder. at the ad- dress below atatea, and file tile same with the Clerk of said Court, togethl;r with proof of such service', within six nlonths after the datc of first publi- cation of this notice or the same will I)e barred. DATE of first publication November 1, 1962. MAE VIOLET DEAN, Adnlinlstratrtx. Potlatch. Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER, Attorney at Law 125Vz N. ,5th Shelton. Washington 11-1-8-15-22--4t. NO. 3353 NOTICE OF llI'.'ARING FINAL REPORT AND I ETITION FOR I}ISTRlltUTION IN THE sUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Royal E. Getty, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Mary M. Getty, Executrix of the estate of Roy- al E. Getty. deceased, has filed in the el'flee of the Clerk of 8aia uoart a final ets--living room with fireplace that can be enjored from living & Not many as solidly built as rel)ort and petition for distribution, dining roomevery woman would like this modern kitchen with this one, and just like new. asking the Court to settle said report, table-top stove and built in oven--cupboard• galoreking size You'll like the large corner fire- distribute the property to the peraons utility room with. time saving devices built in to mae work easy place, tiled bath, spacious kit(h- tlereto entitled and to discharge the --big fenced-in yard--double carport with storage rooms for tools en, outdoor patio and fireplace, as Executrix: and that said and equipment-7-all drapes and carpets are include d in this It even hasa guest house. We repor]2 and pelt(ion will be heard on h.-. .... *. .... € ennn , .... the, 4th day of January, 1963, a.t 10:00 ,ta,tuullu uuj .u ,pu,uu. know you II like it at $14,950. o'clock in {he forenoon of said day, or as soon thereafter as the matter can be SURROUNDED BY TEES kND YOUR OWN CREEK ____ heard at the eburt roolll of he al)ove ..... edroom hem ..... all me ' A IIV r||llL entitled court, in the t:ourthouse ill TIns -o e m the nome that you c ve in and "M, nu/ I#UlqR Shelton, Mason County, Washington, do little fixing and end up with a comfortable home. Large liv- ,   , . -" at. which tinle a.ld pJace any peraon .... • • ' ' n r=.  k, /  I% lllleresed in sli0 J.bstate ina appear lng room with a nice mew--sunny kitchen with dining area--3 and" file (ble(.tlons thcreto an contest bedrooms wth walk-in closets--=glassed in utility room to let the Eves Call" the same. ''" " sunshine in3 lots--spring water--located downtown and only .. , ........ Dated this 2nd day of Nov. 1962. 8 700 Mary vos ............... odaqsU14 HARRY DEYETTE w , . ' ' it.t. =,1 , o noo Clerk of said Court NTRY LI v.a, ................... wu-o By Teckla Vernlillion . IDEAL COU VlNG IN THIS rSPOT , A. Roy Dunn .......... 426.4601 Det)uLy.__ A Three tracts in this parcel of land, located only two miles GLENN E. CORRN from town and 'ust a ski and ' reewa , located tb llfk'NfflT lq £Og_O Attorney for Estate _ . . . .3 . . P a jump to f .Y.. . on ..- . j.$.ja.'.a: "z'UOOO Eell Building . uole roaa, € acres, trontage on paved road, paruany cleared and 10 6 Railr_ 121 snarl, Fou,.th St,'ee ready to build your dream home for only $1,500. . ul£u Shelton, Washington 11/8-15-92-9 4t HURRY! HURRY. HURRY--THIS WILL NEVER LAST! 3-bedroom home with a nice rental in the back. Located' ,--,mm,-,mm. -.-Amm-,,,-,-L'mm , m I right in the center of town. The large home includes 3 bedrooms, IIllIBIII O'lr'lr and ] living room, space saving kitche/ with lots of cupboards and I IIIII IIL Ill I III ] breakfast nook, 2 ,bedrooms up and 2 down, one needs to be fin-  [ |shed, bright utility room, new 're}f, new foundation. The rental . ', I1  Illlll ] has living 'rOom, bedroom, bathroom with new fixtures, kitchen AIIIIIiiliIJ]I I I-'I I Re • -- ----,,.-  =m---- ------..w area off living room. All recently remodeled, nt from this will help you make payments fo total nrice of $9,250 ............... ] - " Herb Hotterl:iroKer walter 13eorge AsSOOlate BroKer I NESTLED AMONG THE TREES AND A CREEK BY IT'S SiDE Office  Phone 426-6642 Evening• --- Phone 426-3530 I 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, utility room, are included Ill I in this home• Garage and carport, fenced yard, only two blocks Ill THREE BEDROOM HOME Fireplace, 'electric heat. This home ] from town and only $6,000. ill is just eight years old and is located on 60 ft. of salt water front- ] I 2-Bedroom, furnished apartment, water, garbage and ga- | Ilil NO DOWN PAYMENT Two bedroom home. Full price $3750. I rage, for $55. "" ] 2-Bedr0om, unfurnished, heat, water, garbage included, $60 / EXTRA INCOME | ] EXCELLENT TWO BEDROOM HOME Fireplace, oil furnace, I Co(her lot with three furnished apartments. Good rental  i and outside bar-b-cue. Full price$8,500. Terms. ] deal, live in one and rent the other two. Two have two rooms ]il ........... I it bath one ha two be WE HAVE SEVERAL ood buuamg lots for sale on pencer w h , s four rooms with bath, drooms Well Ill g ' I located• Come in and see about this. ' Ill lake. /I lil Herb Rotter & Ass0( / ANGLE AGe0Y ,ates Real Estate --Insurance ' E ........ . =,. , Ill REAL ES,AT ] HERB Phone 28 8272 -- O -- " EA \\; I/I 124 North 1st Street Union TW 8-2429 / SUE DANIELS 426-3434 DONALD (B N) DANIELS { ./ $1.00 or $2.00 pet" column inch. !'Not Responsible" notices $1.50 per insertion. All classified advertisements must be paid in advance. Ads taken over the telephone must be paid before the end of the month. An extra charge of 10¢ will be made when billing is necessary: ...... NO. 3403 NOTICE TO CitlCI)rroRs IN THE SUPERIOR COIJl'tT OF TIlE STATE OF WASIIIN(ITON FOR MASON COUqNTY. Ill the' 1Vhttl,q' of the Estate of JOttN THEODORE CbRLSON. De- Cells(d. Helen Frances Carls(m is th,. ap- Iminled and qultlified Ad ninistratrlx of said estate. All pel'SOus havinR" elainl8 against said d( ceased tll'e l'e- qulrcd to s(,rx'( the salllC in (hllllicaLe,, duly verifil.d on said Adlninistratrlx (,r her attorney, Roller( L. Sllydel' at the address I)eh)w statt.d, lind fib' the Sallle with the (]h.rk of said Coul'l. tO" 'e the I" with ])roof ol such sel'v leC wilhin six lnollth8 Iifh.r iho date of fh'st publiction of tills not[let., or the same will be barred. DATE of firs1 publication; Novcnl- bor 8. 1962. HELEN FRANCES CARLSON 534 Cascade SheIlon, Washingloll ROBERT L. SNYDER fl.ttornoy at Law 125 N. 5th Shelton. Washington 11/8-15-22-29 4t. NOTICE OF SALE O1," Tll)E LANDS ,STATE OF I$'ASIIINGTON DH'ARTMENT ()i" NATURAL RI'SOURCES (left I., Cole, Colnmitmioner ol l'ubl|e Laads NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That on Tuesday, the 18th day of l)ecl)nl- b,,r. 1962. ('onlnmncing at ten o'clock in the fo1'(noon of said day, lit the County Court Ilouse in the (']ty of Shelton, coanty of Mason, State ol' Washington, by the County Auditor of sald county, khe following dcscril)ed tide lands, together with the improve- rnents situat(,d thtq'eoil, will be sold al public auctiou Io the highest bid- der therefor, to-wiL: NOTE--No one except ciliz('llS of the United States. or I)ersons who ilal•e de(dar(•d their intt.lltion tl) I)ol'OlllO Sla'h. can pUl'(hase slate [ands. Applicalion No. 1361.3 The tidelands ol' Lhe se('(ind class, ownod by the Stale of Washington situate ill front i)f, adiacent to, or al)utt ng ul)on Govcl'nrll(!nt Lot 3, Sec- tion 11. Township 19 North. Runge 3 West. W.M.. wlfh a l'rontag, (if 20.62 lin(,al chains. 1]1(}1'(! or le.ns. Exc*q)tilg therefronl, the tidelands of tit,' sect)rid (:lass includod ill It tract (:onveyed by the State of Wllshingt(,n f,)r the el,ltivalion of oysters under the l,rovisions of Chal)ter 24. Laws of 18!}5, through deed issuod Io I-hnnph- 1'(,3' Nelson, May 12. 1919, under All- plicatiou No, 7589. apl)raiscd at $50.00 I)er ehain or $1.031.00. Purchaser nulst also i)aY IL $5.00 statutory fee. LoeB.ted ill Skol)kUlll ln[ei Ileal' Nt•w Itllllilche. hi Sotlthel'n MliSOll County. To Im sold at Sh,dton. County Seat Oll Tuesday, D('('(nlber 18, .1962 at 10 o'ch)ck a. II¢l. 4, AI)plicatlon No, 1',]677 The lidehulds ¢)f the second class. vwned I)y the State of Washington, siluate ill |']',)/It. l)r that I)ortion of Gov- ernnlent Lo] 3, Secth)u 10, Township t 20 N,,rlh. Rlinge 3 West. W,M.. in- (:Aided wtthin the l'olh)win d(!s(',ribd tract : legilllling at thl! west (lUal'tlq' sec- lion corllVt I)1 said Section 10 and I'lln- nilll then(.e Soulh along the west line of said Scetiou 10 to a lmint whiell is North .119 feet fl'(,lll the nllllndtl' coi'ller on sa|(I west lille, t|l:!nce N 5:1" 20' E ]6 f('0t, tllenc(! S 53 ° 15' I2 1(10 f(.4. |llOl•t ol • l(,:s, to the govern- lllent nl(onder line. t]lcncc northeaster- ly along said nleander line. to a l)aint which Is East of the poiut of beginning and thence West to the point of Ira- ginning, Jlavinl It frontag,2 O1 6.15 lineal ehaJns, inert: or less. Ex('el)t, however, ally of 1he above described lid(harris which are included in a tract deeded to L. B Byrne, No- venlber 26. 1900. Ior eultivati()n of oy.$ters |n acvordanee with the provl- sinus el Chap1[er 24. Laws of 1895. tulder Applkmth)n 5In. 2922, al)praised at $100.00 per chain or $615.00. Ptn'cllaser nnls]2 also llay a $5.00 SlalU[Ory fee. Located im Oakland Bay, near Shcl- ton and within the Port of Shelton in Mason Cotlnly. To be 8old at Shelton. County Seat, on Tuesday, December 18. 1962, at 10 Celock• Appllcalhln Na. 13678 The tldelands ¢1t' the second class, owned by the State of Washington. situate in front uf that portion of Gov- ermnent Lot 3. Section 10, Township 20 North. Ronge 3. West W.M, included wtthln a tract described as follows: tln Beg|nnlllg at ' nlPaudcr cornt.'r on 1he west line of said Section 10 and ruuntng thence North alollg said west line a distance of ll'J reel nlence N 53 ° 20' E 16 feet thence S 53  15' E 100 feet. there or less to tile govcrn- iqient meander line aIld 1[tlen(.e  5 ° jll([glll.nt l'(!ndorlq ill said (Oul't. Oil ill(' 2(;th dny i)f O('ttd)or 1962. ill laver O|" rrhul's|l)n (k , till[}' Fo(i(,ral Savings tll(I I,i)tll Assol'ia [ toll. It It(l tiainsl ,luck IV. Pt,well and lqllu M. Powoll. ltlSballd ItIld wif(', for tlw Stllil ol Five TImusaud Sixty-lwo aud 60/1(}0 ($5,062.50) 1D(,llars. L(H2?iil('r with aItol'- 1l('3"8 I':'t'S. illtel'os1[. COS|S an(l in(tl'etls- ell I!.)SlS. a1'111 It: lilt' (lirovD!d and dlqiv- ered. COllllIHln(ling Ill(' 10 Nt']l lhe fol- lov,,ing' (les('ribed I}r{)|l,rty Lll salisly said judgnmnt, to-wit: Thai I)art el Sholhm Donation ClaJnl No. 37 Township 20 Norlh Range 4 West. W.M. d(:se]'il)ed ItS folh)ws: F,e- ginning 1t t [)t)illt I)n tAP I)x[en(h'd EOIllht'l']y line (,f tI Street IIS shown on the plat of Mountain View Add:lion to Sholtoll as ro(,ortledod Jn Vi)]ulne 2 of Plats. page 41, N 61 '• 31' E 132.39 1",.(,I fr(ml l.h' west line of said Shelton Clnhtl: running th('n(e S (;1  31' W 1:32.39 let,t to said west line; tilt,rice Sotlth lllonl" said west lill( I Io tilt, illJrI[l,,est ('orllel" |,1 ll'il(*t ('onvt.yed Lo Darrell E, Sweal'ingl'n and others 10y deod daled Febrllary 7. I!H8 anti • eeord,d ill VohllllO 114 (,f deeds, l)ag0 458-A: ]111'111!(" N 61" 3]' E lind  28  2!]' E along the ncrthm'ly and e.aster[y bl)un(lari(¢s of said Swearingen tract to it S(,Ut]l('tlS( COl•her; ihen('e N 61 ° 31' E 80 feet nlore or l(?SS tO It point S 28 ° 29' E i)l' 1he point of beginning this; tlmnce N 2h ° 29' 10 feet; tAt, nee N 61  31' E. 2.39 feet: thence N 28 ° 29' W ld0 feet to said point el' beginning. In Mason County, Washington. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That on Friday the 3[|th day of Novefuher 1902. at 10 o'chmk ill the foreno(,ll of said day, I will sel the above describ- ed l)rOll,•l'ty, or 8[) lnUch |heTol)f as InlLy I)( necessary to saLisi'y said ,trig- lilt'hi, t(,gether wilh attornl!y's fees. inloresl, costs and in('r(!llscd COStS. ill all nnlountin to the snnl of ($5.441,05) Five Thousand Four }Iundred Forly- onP and 05/100 Dollars. Plus Sheriff's costs and cost tff i)ul)lication, Said sale will take place al the East door of th(' Court ltouse aL 4th & Pilm in said County and State. and will be Ill ])ul)lie auction fol* (;ash in hand o the high(sl and best bid- der. Dated at Shelt(m. Wash,, this 291h day (,f Oet(,ber. 1[}62. W. A. POTTER. Sheriff of said Counly. 11-1-8-15-22-29---51 The Bible is the learned maws lnast.erpiece, the ignorant man's dictionary, the wise malls direc- tory. .... Mary Baker Eddy .Mild ('tlurt. 1ogetlh'r with I)l'lof of lh*" (l'lb • d" fil'Sl [,ll[,lh'ilth,n t)J" this lil,[it't'. ,l' thl! F[llll' will b(' hal'l'od. Dnh, ,f fh'st inlI,licatitm Nt,v(,lll])er 15 t 962. .l,hn R. lZikendatl ]qx,'('llh,r Ill(} (.asca (lo Sil,']loI1. rasllilll2 | on• l:h,b'rt L. Sllyd,'r At|ll'llt'y /tl Law 1251, N. 51h Stltq|)n. 1.V/lS]l ill ' 1 oll q oo )I io/6-.] 1[ No. 3357 NOT1CI,: (ll," ill,:ARING FINAL RE- I'OIUi' AND I'I,'TITION I'OII DINTnI- nPTION IN TllE SPERI()R C(1)URT OF THE STATIq OF \\;V,,\SII1N(I'r()N I,'(')[ MA- SON COUNTY Ill the M.tter of tho Eslnte of Boat- I'IX H. Sinll)Sorl. Dt.ceasod. ()IRen ]a I Silnl)SOll. A(]luiflish'at(w Of said Estat( has filed with said Court lus final It'l)¢)l't an(1 I)t,(ilioo i'ol dis- tr[])nlion. IlSkillK II1€' COLU'i It) sett[," said I'ep,)rt. distrihut( the pr()l)erty to tile iler,ons therPto (,Ill|tied lind i.l d t- (hal•Ke said A(InlilliStl'ahl] Said l•eplrt lnzd l)"tlti0n wil I)e heard im the I,lih day of D(,eenll(,r. 1962. at 10 a.m• in 1he Collrt)'t)olll (,f sahl CollrL. hi the Connty Court}lOUm • at Sh,qton "Vas]l- ilig toll. Dated lhts 131h (111.',' of Novon'lher. 1962. ltarry DeyeLt e (71('1']( of t]h' Sllp0rior Collrt 1)y 'r(,('k h. Vl,rnlillion Dl'l)Uly Ch'rk. Rtd)l,ri. I2. Slly(hu' Atl-'ney at LIW ]251/; N. 5th Sho]tO]l. WashtIIgl on• qo o r> 11/15--.9-1./6 4t In nearly onc-fourth of the fatal traffic accidents, q driver or a- dult pedcstrian has been drinking. i MT. VIEW ALLIANCE CHURCH Washington and J Sts. Sunday School ............ 9:45 a,m. Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m, A. Y. F ......................... 6.00 p.m. Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m, Prayer Hour (Wed/) 7:30 p.m. Eugene Breld, Pastor FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor 5th & Cota Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Minister of Christian Ed'ucation SUNDAY, NOV. 18  Broadcast over [ 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. I 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship KMh$[ "Second Choices" 6:00 p.m, Youth Groups. 1280 - 11:00 a,m. 7:00 p.m. Evening Service, Rev. Sandoval . "Finding the Bases or Fumbling the Ball" FISHERltlEN'$ CLgB FOURSQUARE CHURCH 9.10 E. Dearborn Rev. Lewis Wysong, Pastor SPECIAL SERVICES WITH Evangelisl Dick Mills Tuesday Through Friday 7:00 p.m, Sunday  11:00 and 7:00 p.m. Sunday School -- 9:45 a,m, Young Peoples Service 6:00 p,m, FIRST ONUROH OF 01tRI00, SOIENTIST 802 Alder St., 8helton. Walh. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Church 11 a.m. wetnay evening testimony meetlnge 8 p.m, Reading room located in church. Reading room hour• 1 to W along said lneander lille 110 feet tO the point of heginning, having a front- 4 p.m. Men & Wrt. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45 agc of 1.76 lineal chains, InOFC Of less,  , , L i:xcept, huwevcr, any of the a|)0VP, di"  "'' t tL-±[ scribed tidehnlds which are included I ' ' J in a tract deeded to L. R. Byrne, No- I vember .26, 1900, for the. cultivation of I YOU ARE WELCOME AT SHELTON'S FRIENDLY ozste,'S |n accordance with the provl- | ASSEMBLY OF GOD slons of Chapter 24, Laws. of 1895, I under Application No. 2922, aPl)raised I East Pine St et MASON YOUNGLUND, Pastor al $100.00 pcr chain or $170.00. I 130 ? Ptu' nlust also I)aY a $5.00 I • • --=--.--=--= -=-,...,.==.=-...==,...,....,...=.....,..,.==,.=..,,., statutory fec. I Sunday School, classes for all ........................................... 9:45 a,m. Located el k Oakland Bay nltar She.I- I ton ana witlin the Port of Shelton | Morning Worship ................................................................ 11:00 a,m. In Mason County, I Totlleold at Shelton, C.unty Seat,  Christ's Ambassadors IYouth) .................................... 6:00 p.m, OllloTiies1.1,l, D(cenll),l 18, 1962, at 10[i Eva,lgelislflc Service ................ : ....................................... 7:00 p.m. Any sale which has be(!n ofl'lwcd, [I and for which no bids are r,ceived | shall not be rcoffered unt l t has i ' hi'ell readvertised, If all sale8 cannot . be offered within tl,e specified tinlc on !1 FIRBT CHRISTIAN CHURCH the advertised date. the sale shall c(m- i| t tinue on the loll,,wing day between tho]l . Arcadia and Lake Boulevard hours of ten o'clock and fotn' II Charles D. Wigtron ' o'clock p,m. ' II Said lands will be sold for not less I Bible School ........ 9:45 a,m. Youth Meeting• 5:30 p.m. than the appraised valu , above stated t I Worship ............ 11:00 a.m. Family Service 6:30 p.m. and .upon the ternls and conditions II Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer  7:30 p.m. following: Child Care service Available at Not leas than one-tenth of the pur- I 1.,0.1:0 Service chase price nits( be paid at tha tinle ]! , t , tJ of sale. The p(n,chaser, If lie I)e not' the i)wncl' of th(. |nll)rovelnents, lnust li ' '' ' ' ' ' i o,•tl,with pay lo the (,ff,cer ,uok,ng,, THE METHODIST OHUROH tAP sale tilt; full anlount of the ap- 1 praised value of the inlln'ovenumts, aa ! • ' above stMed, One-lentil of lhv pur-ll North 4th and Pine Streets chase price must be l)atd annually II there'af(er with interest on all defer-II • ROBERT R. RINGS, Minister red paYnlcuts at the rate. of six per [I centum ])er aunuul, Provided That any [I 9:30 a,m, Sunday School and Morning Worship. " .... purchaser umy make full payment of. II 11:00 a.m, Morning Worship 6:30 p.m, Youth Fellowship print.:pal, luterest and statutln.y fees[I at any time anti oM.ain deed. The pur. |" I chaser of land containing timber 0r ]' ' , " -- " ot]ler valuat)le materhds is prohihlted[I by law fronl cutthlg o,' renloving anY|l FAITH LUTHERA CIHJR N CH sueh tinlber or nmterials without firsi:tl 7tb ,nd Franklin S{reet obtaining consent of ]he CululldSsJ(}ller I i ,)f Publh; Lands. until Lhe fnll aunalnt ]l 8:15 Early Morning Worship Service I,f the l,ur('hase t)ri('e rum bven paid [ I 9:30 Sunday School and Adult Bible Cla l,nd deed issuod. II 11:00 Morning Worship Service , All sales IIf slate lauds lu•e luadc ]| subjects t(, Ill(: rest.'rvati(ns of oils, ll CARL J. CARLSEN, Pastor ofgases'everyC°'ll'namc.°reS'kludnfineralSand description,and fossils ]1 Affiliated: Lutheran Free Church -- National Lutheran Council aad to the additional terms alld con-! J J ' I - ditions2,56 prcscrihCdo.f t]lc in section 3 of chap- ].  . t  .' . ' -I ter r, aws ,st' 19o7, I I HURCH Sid l.a wi,l he sold sheet to ,.e I I ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL C terals, conditions, 'aad remrvations of I I Fourth an'd Cedar, Shelton, Washington clapter 812- of the Session Laws of t l The R cv. Clarence A. Lody, Priest 1927,, rel&ttg to easements for rights- ;I 'ol-way and the carrying of tinlbdr, II 7:30 A,M.--Holy Communion stone, miaerals and other products I 9;30 A.M.  Church School and AdultBible Clara over the sanlo, II 11:00 A.M.  Divine Worhip BERT L, COLE | Conunissh)ner of Public Lands. [I The Churc.h is always open for meditation and p.ra.£g,r. 11/8-15-22-29 4t ! , ....