November 15, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 15, 1962 |
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Belfairites Attend State Meetings
As Representatives Of Groups
JSy Ra'hel Frlclin
131]LI#AIIL. ]3vlfah' sent repre-
+et)tativcs last week to two impor-
tanL lilt+flings oil +t state (Jr dls-
tl'k:L level, ;rod menlbers of two
loFal Gatden Clubs are preparing
¢;ont.ributioris for a third state-
wide event.
Mrs. Gool'gc Sitackleford was
it': Seati+lc Nov. 8-9. aLt,.'nding tile
agrffntal of the VashingLon
State division of the American
(aneer Society. Mrs. Shaekh+ford,
vice-president of the Mason Coun-
t3 group, repe3enied the eonnty
at lhe meeting in the absellce of
th0 president A. S. Viger.
o Connie Harris and Melinda Met'-
rill were North Mason representa-
tives to tim High School Honors
P, eminar held Nov. 9-11 at PII-
Hood Canal PTA
To Hear Juvenile
Probation Officer
ll." Mrs. Nell. Vanr
LILLIWAUP.---Hood Canal Jun-
ior High School PTA will hold iL.t
next :meeting Monday at+ 8 p.m.
Mr, Marvin Christensen, juven-
ih', office.r of Mason County will
he the guest speaker, Refresh-
ments will be served.
Lilliwaup Comnmnity Chlb held
ts busimss meeting Friday eve+
Iling following a 6 o'clock pot luck
cdnnel'. The meeting was called
h +) order at 7 p.m. by the president,
JaeR Leimback. Pinochle was
played :;ta, rtittg at 8 p.m., high
score going to Ectna Haines +tad
141arold Milo. second, high to Lnlu
Smith and Byron Miles. Three
,.lundred pinoo.hle to Mayhelle Will-
mn and Joe Huntley . Henry
Wawick won the door t)rize. Mr.
and Mrs, Mowick also displayed
J 1,500 trump) and in hearts which
also WOn a prizt'.
Tills WAN 'Fill': first ca.rd
party !n a serms of five. players
nHSI ;tit.end all five partys to be
t Jigible for series prizes. Doris
Beardt:q] and Me|tie Backhmd were
hostesse,+ for tile ewmmg. Nine
l.ables of pinochle were played.
Mr. attd Mrs. Walter S. Allison
ot Triio)l Head hnve given an altar
rug and chah' to tile Colnnlultity
Chllrel ill Irinnon.
Tiffs i,; probably the snlallc.qt,
17h(, new,:st and lhe most pictur-
(.sqlle, chtlreh oil lloo(l Canal pana-
'hodP. con,q| ruc|,ion. I)HJ]L alines|
without nails, it. is located beside
the old Brillnon graveyard, high
on a bluff owq'looking the Canal
Tilt'. bell snlvaged froln the
Brilllon' first school house, an-
rlolnlcff. Slllt(l;ly seFvJce, |+rolYl the
tilly belfrey, Tile congregation is
lna|l. aided temporarily by the
Villsge Missions Assoeia.tlon .
Tile thin'oh is well worth a visit.
bemg photogenic inside and out.
t I:ollow (he Doscwalip road inland
erie+half st|let.
BobtaJld Mary Anderson. and Miss
l)a l;lene Meycrs of Wens | che(,
,'et+e llnited in in+lrrlagC Sstttrday
nlornin.'¢ at. 11:30 aL Queen of
Angles Church in Port Angeles.
The ceremony was performed by
][.+'al.h¢i" Dennis Ptn'se]. Ti3e chnreh
w; beautifully dec, orated with
all flow<.rs, Ma+ny relatives and
triends a,itended tile wedding, The
Yc, ception was"hehl at the Literary
Club, The young couple received
many beautiful and useful gifts.
oth are sttldent.s aL the+ Peninsula
College in I'ort Ang'les.
.... le young cotlple will make
iL,, home in Port Angeles.
; Rt.nnie is well l+/noxvn ou I+tood
a}'l:ttl, llavtng at.tended school at
FIo0dsport aJtd itiKh school in Shel-
Los. Tl+dr many friend.s wish them
a loIlg and h;q)p3' lnarrlage.
:- M.I'I+. Jean McKas:;on and ellil-
dren, Jnlia and Billy, motored to
Port Angeles, Satm'dny morning
where they spent the weekend
;riCh Jenn's mother and hushanT,
Mr. a.nd Mrs. Thomas Layeoek,
also her sister, Jleanol. and 11(21"
iWO brothers and fanlilies.
Nell and Daisy Vance are en-
,IoymK a visit fronl i)flisy's broth-
t!l + Ilnfl IvJfe. r. £tnd l's. Glen
gee of Jae, l(sonville. Ore., they are
nlso vistliilg their niece, Marion
,lohllatOIl, MI'. and Mrs. Artlntr
IIIrK lind d&tlghter, Nelda Jean
m rIttconltt, spent. Stmday vtsit-
A r tt Ill",g pit t'ftl L,R, tile Va nees,
'I'hey also visited Avt'l iattr,
grim l,'irs camp neat- Port Orch-
ard. Tile Liberal Arts seminar on
Freedom an(l Truth was sponsored
by the Univm'sity of 'Wasllington,
and featured leehlres and discus-
sion periods on required reading.
been named to make tile floral en-
try for Evevg£'een Garden (2h+b at
the State Garden Club Federation
Show in Seattle next weekend.
Mrs. Elmer Svndstrom is m elmr-
ge of the club's donation of arran-
gement hases for the gift booth at
|,he show, and thododendron Gar.
den Club will be sending
mats as their contribution to the
"Whet| It's Christmas in Wash-
ington" is the theme and Dec. 1
is the date set for Rhododendron
Garden Club's annual Christmas
Show. Club members made plans
for tile event at their last meeting
at the home of Mrs. Robert Kelch,
with Mrs. J. Laverty as co- hos-
Tiffs year's show will be held in
tle basement of the Belfair Corn-
and gifts for sale.
M, Rudolph Udean is chair°
man, assisted by Mrs. Robert
Ketch and Mrs, Ken Niles. A sclm.
dulc for entries which will be ta-
ken front 8-10 a.m,, will soon be
out, and anyone wishing more in.
formation can contact the chair.
man at CR 5-2314
i'RANCES GI,AI)IN Orthope-
dic Guild met Nov, 14 at the home
of Mrs. Rohert Johnsen, New
Gnild members are: Mrs. Walter
Baseit, Mrs. Cm'tis Wells and Mrs,
Edward Harris.
All those interested in horseman.
ship are invited to a free show-
mg of three colored films on hof
:.u's at the Bear Creek Comnllmi-
ty Club on Nov, 16. Refreshments
will be served.
These films "HorscI+ Gaits".
"Horses in Ane.riea,," and "WIN
derness trails", are sponsored by
Ite Chuckw'rgon Raiders 4H
Group. Tills clnb has elected offi-
cers for this year as follows: Su-
van Collier. president; Ronny Grif-
fith. vice president; Kathy Riedle,
seeretat'y; and Steve Rose, trea-
vxn'er, I-)oroLhy Beard is in clfarge
of pd)li(.ity, and other committee
chtlil'nl.n are: Lhlda G realol'ex,
recreation; Linda Grill|tit, health;
l)oug Raine& pvogr;im; Sandra
Johnson. safety; and Cieryl Ridge,
,.;ervi('e. Mrs. I)avid l.aines is
gronp leader.
on leave from Fort Ord, Calif,
:pent last week end at the north
sl0re b0me of bis parents, the
cker Swa,nsons.
ConKratnhttions to Mr. and Mrs.
Gary Powers t Dickie Ann McKay
(,n their new da.ughter, and to
l,rou(l grandparents, the David
Mrs. Claire Bogle is home from
* visit in Atlanta, Ga.. where her
f'tay vtas CIlL short by concern
over Cuban situation in that part
ot the eonntry. Trips Lo Flerida
and the Georgia coas were ean-
(,elled, I)ut she did enjoy visiling
relatives m Mississippi and Ten-
All enthnsia,,+tic gardener, she
especially enjoyed the lovely sa-
anqna camellias, and the mmny
weather of tle South, but claims
it ia good to return t.o the calm
of her nol:Lh shore hol'ne,
Air Force Needs
Officer Candidales
An increasing mnlber of offi-
cers are needed to train in n(m-
flying skilla for today's aerospace
team, Sergeant Frederick Knight,
local Air Force recruiting repre-
sentativo announced today.
Recent emptmsis on military
p)'eparedness has resulted h in-
creased dema.nd for Officer Train-
Chmstmasfown: U.g.A.., Shelton, Washington
High Low Pre
................ 55 38
................ 52 38
................ 49 33
................ 49 39
................ 50 42
................ 59 47 .
November 22, 1
1st & Railroad 426-8183
)- ,
[ Shop Thriftway Now.For i/
Holiday Gift Wrtppings
0 .+TERNS, TR ,o ----qR €
(3 ROLLS, 49c) 6-ROLL PKG.
PKG. OF 6 ROLLS .......................
.... 8
180-FT.! CELLO PKG .................
Pauley Motors
from a rain storm w
4.84 inches of rain
. accompanying wind b
0me branches causing e
and telephone outa
roads temporarily
+T U R u =:vc ,... Lynden or Shurfresh 4:3 '
ii L i i1 guaranleed none finer, 10-14 lb. avg. Ib u ,'?:n
POt +o
ROAST u,,0,.,..,,.,...,. +4 .o00,oo+
CHUCK r''''''''''''r 5
Drip or Regular i
2-LB r. TIN . . . . . . . . .
12 Delicious Flavors
Try Them All!
3-0l, PKG, FOR , , , , ,
Or Arizona Yams (
Fancy Quality LB.
CRANBERRIES +°'+washingt°n Grown Ocean praYag 19 €
unlmUl:mt! + .RESNTEO -
a aen and pencil sel
SHURFRESH Company, after
ton, Idaho, Ot
15-OZ. TIN ................ on behalf of the Am,
.tpen-yeat.-01d Robert *Sp
Peview, was named
SHRIMP ? Forester for theN(
F ¢ R L ' 'r' '@Y aehleveme'" . t. ." j
.............. :lld/l[:ten ,t-H Foresters
4V= TINS ..... :\\; (:'{lgton, Idaho, Oregon
• dil,tR.
!e Peck, Mason Co
...... oa Agent, received thi
't || LY : '0t the State 4-H h
, llir, illi1. e+ ta at Washington State
' .,i #il v,
Shurfine, 14yz-oz. i =
. l] .[OllOl'S carries with ii
Tins now /
...................... I' . Paid trip to Chicago w
:' I, r Will attend the Natl
:lab Congress. There,
..... ieet representatives of
A' U| ]:' Forest Products I
r|| ll|t :ae., donors of the F
._ I:'P, Will leave from Se
4/':]. and return home De
Shur+Fresh, L/ 'I!T IS THE SON of
Triple Pack ................ )l;, ' William R Spoone
:i e.w. lie is an honor S
+ ,+' aL the North Mason '
!ongress, Robert: wll
support 4-H natb
ideas with 4-
the nation on
America. He will
and other Chi
get acquainted
ONIONS Vet|fine a. 29, '
Home of RED CARPET Service
Ad Prices Effective Nov. 15-16-17-19-20-21
On groceries, produce and turkeys
"+°'°°"+" 2/25 c ",. L,
NOTE: Norma '
gradnate of I]
tig'lt sehol, lloW 1
went throltgh
ienee of TYi)l
virtually dest r(
tl" of Gnam, a, U.S. t
in lhe Pay|fly I
Week. Ill the follov
for lhe ,Ion
lleally "ind vividly
(Inriltg (tne of
t)rlns ill the histor:
her high school ea
Miss Vincent wt
tlder all(I very a<'tiv
affairs. She, was a n:
the lhmor Society t
wa,s aelivt: ill
till, Thel)ia, n SO('
ep. Chlb, Art Chlh
Clu]t t|s well +is h
U.rl editor +'|rid sc
ill ]ler senior year.
;L IiletllbCr Of the
14, 1962
YOU hv¢ heard
IJ56 CliEV]+OLEI 4-door ................ $69,5
Radio, Hcater, Automatic
1956 DODGE ,t-door ................................ s695
Heater, Automatic
1958 HILLMAN 4-door ....................... s595
Stick Shift, Winter Tires, Radio, Hcater
L,)a3 S.[ UDEBAKER piekul) ................. $395
Six Cylinder, !/a-Ton
(_let A Dodge --They're Dependable
Dodge.Division pays Ihe full amount
on major repairs, excluded
Concerning our Dodge 5-YEAR 50,000-MILE
ing School applicants.
After successfully completing
the 3-month OTS program, the
new officer can receive training
in sneh fields am missile operation
and maintenance, gTItidance sys-
t.ems, supply, air police, finance,
elect rorfies, meteorology, com-
mnnieations and nlany others,
Some of these fields are availablo
for femate applicants,
Use Journal W anl Ad
Toms, Lynden or Shurfresh Inth
Every bird guaranteed 19-22 lb. avg.
nmnity Baptist Church from 2-8
p.m. The decorative division b 39' Tree
which is a/so open to entries by
those in the conlmunity, will be
tull of ideas for clever Christmas
am'angements, There will also be
a bazaar booth, with decorations Mason County reside
dried out somew