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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 15, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 15, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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00€00ournal: emise violated tThe Journal: damental cornerstone of Inocracy is that you can- tried for the same "event" Fit appears our :tate Su-  Court has violated this ba- the same ruling will be forthcom- ing shortly on Initiative 960 (a law to require a public vote on future taxes). The recently concluded elec- tion made the choice of the people ise. clear! What right do nine people king down Initiative 747 have to override our vote? pure limiting the raising And "they" call this a democ- Iperty taxes td 1 percent per racy. 1 ey have done just that! Bruce J. Casebolt D may bet your last dollar Mountain View 00serve recognition ' The Journal: you about their sons and daughters e appreciated the feature in serving in the military. We know LWeek's paver about our son, of a handful in the same age group Y, a senior airman serving that were classmates of our son. teas. We were delighted when But how many more, and who? opened the paper, and there he We know that there may be b page 3. some fear about offering informa- r e Submitted his picture and tion to the paper, but a photo and lines about his enlistment a few lines can be interesting with- lSe we felt that since he was in Mason County, his for- achers, coaches, neighbors thers who had a hand in his hood would be interested in he is up to now. e truly appreciate the recog- for him as he has stuck it nl the Air Force and served his in this time of war. e wish that more of the par- i the area would share with out offering too much information! We enjoyed learning about the Gardners and others in the area. All those who serve deserve this recognition. Thanks again for the "In the Ser- vice" column. And the "Honor the Veterans" feature. The Journal does a great service to the community by recognizing the people who serve. David and Suzanne Philpott McCleary !h happy day r, The Journal: Want to express my appre-  to all of the people who !November 9, 2007 one e happiest days of my life: helton School Board; the nistrators and teachers at ton High School; all of the Bats for letting me receive raduation diploma; all of my ly; all of the veterans and la- auxiliary members; and the many friends. Larry Godwin Shelton (Editor's note: The author, an 85-year-old veteran of World War II, received his high-school diplo- ma at a Veterans' Day assembly at SHS last Friday through a pro- gram called Operation Recogni- tion, which allows those who left school to fight in WWII or Korea to receive diplomas.) ,hrzstmas Pledge ICHARD BURGER want to have some fun be- 1 now and December 24? I ,a suggestion. It's something ilOle myself, more than once, ow it works and I know how fun it is.  'o Ike the Hard-Nosea, 1 -Ex- B, No-Exceptions, Shop-Local- *r'Christmas Pledge. By "lo- I mean m the town that you or closest to where you live. ation this now because it will a little forethought and plan- to buy every gift you want to thout leaving town, but let 11 you, it will be one of the best as shopping seasons you've years, for several reasons. eat off, you won't have to set a mall unless you just want there to watch all the other e be bumped, pushed, jostled, ed, stepped on, glowered i generally abused' as they U' The malls around here Ywhere else, for that matter e about as much personality ardboard box. I mean, they're ally interchangeable. It seem: ey have the same stores, th :decorations, the same music he same salespeople. I've nev- derstood how somebody came Conclusion that everyone in ica wants to be able to go to ae stores no matter where are. It's downright boring, no .r what time of year it is. ca, of course, you also won't to pay dearly to fill your fuel With gasoline refined from oil purchased from an area World where at least some, aany, of the residents would o see you- and Santa Claus Ld. I don't know about you, ehow that just takes some zing out of the season for d heck, who knows, maybe k of demand will help stabi- le price of gas. What a great Christmas present that would be. But perhaps most importantly, for those of you who would like to have some fun buying presents, you'll get that opportunity in spades. For one thing, the people who own and operate small retail stores in small towns are always individualists. They march to the beat of a different Little Drummer Boy. Almost certainly, they really like what they do. I can say that because it's obvious they're not in it for the money. That is often re- flected in the merchandise you'll find there - merchandise you won't find elsewhere. If you go into a small store and you don't find what you want, try asking the owner - who will often actually be in the store - if he can get it for you. You'll be surprised at how often he'll get a twinkle in his eye and pull out a little cata- logue or several little catalogues, and go out of his way to help you. Try that in a mall and the best you can hope for is a shrug and direc- tions to a different store, where you probably won't find what you're looking for either. There is also anOther hometown phenomenon you should take ad- vantage of: Christmas bazaars. They'll be held in church base- ments or maybe at community cen- ters or somewhere like that. Look for ads in your community news- papers (shameless self-promotion notwithstanding). You'll always find one-of-a-kind homemade gifts and things like red currant jelly. Talk about bargains! Trust me, the experience is one you'll savor. There's no place like home(tow/) for the holidays. (Richard Burger reports for the Review Independent newspaper in Toppenish, where this column first appeared. It's reprinted with spe- cial permission from Yakima Val. ley Newspapers.) lib il our ,  F , (:all for Parties, etiss, Receptions FRESH Avrl’ vtyof . CC Special SHELLFISH Seod & Oter .'t ies aslon Lunches DAILY with Chef Xinh T, Dwelle/s Asian list ) 427-8709 * Open for Supper Tuesday-Saturd__ay L._Downtown Shelton • Comer of 3rd and West Railroad G :142 SAW 1 #350 SAW , #357XP SAW / . Engine power- '.9 kW /U hp) | / • En00inepower- | | • 00°ginep0wer-3.00 00W/4.4 | 19900.9S 349.95 J #359 SAW r 24" BAR • Cylinder displacement. 3.6 cu. in. (59cc) • Engine power- 2.9 kW (3.9 hp) 6026 PW PRESSURE WASHER 130732 #460 SAW 28" BAR • Cylinder displacement- 4.0 cu. in. (65cc) • Engine power- 3.4 kW (4.6 hp) HUSKY BLOWERS 125B 125BT 3S6BT #953200902 Hand blower 149.95 #953511522 Backpack blower 199.95 #953210101 Backpack blower 399.95 r EUIOOOIA2 EU2000i EU3OOOis M I799s • 1,000 wafts (8.3 A) of Honda Inverter 120V AC power • Super quiet- 53 to 59 dB(A) • Super ligheight (less than 29 Ibs.} • Eco-Throe TM runs up to 8.3 hours on 0.6 gal. of fuel • 12V-8A DC output • Parallel with another EU100OiA2 for additonal power • 2,000 watts (16.7 A) of Honda i Inverter 120V AC power • Super quiet- 53 to 59 dB(A) • Ligheight (less than 47 Ibs.) • Eco-Throttle TM runs up to 15 hours on 1 gal. o1: fuel • 12V-8A DC output • Parallel with another EU2000i for additonal power ,, 99.5.00 • • 3,000 waits (25 A) of Honda Inverter 120V AC power • Super quiet- 49 to 58 dB(A) • Eco-Throffle TM runs up to 30 hours on 3.4 gal. of fuel • Convenient electric starting • 12V-8A DC output • Oil Alert TM, Overload Alarm and Eco-Throe TM CAST IRON BOXWOOD STOVE • 6" flue size (round) • 96,000 BTU's • Sealed joints • Swing away. top for refueling • Two Ifl out lids 199.00 • I CFM CENTURY WOOD STOVE r • 18" log Capacity • Heats up to 1,000 sq. ft. • 26,000 BTU's Heavy steel plate : Requires 6" flue 499.00 00’HIMNEY BRUSHES AND ICLEANING RODS r CFM HOME PRODUCTS WOOD BURNING STOVE • Hts up to • 18 log capacity • Cast iron door w/ceramic glass • Leg base design i e EPA approved ,  CFM HOME PRODUCTS WOOD BURNING STOVE Hardware First & Mill, Shelton 426-4373 or 426-2411 Monday-Saturday 7:30-6 Sunday 9:00-5 ii iiii • 20" log • 55,000 BTU's • Cast iron door w/ceramic glass • Ash drawer • EPA approved I ii i ilillii Thursday, November 15, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5 00€00ournal: emise violated tThe Journal: damental cornerstone of Inocracy is that you can- tried for the same "event" Fit appears our :tate Su-  Court has violated this ba- the same ruling will be forthcom- ing shortly on Initiative 960 (a law to require a public vote on future taxes). The recently concluded elec- tion made the choice of the people ise. clear! What right do nine people king down Initiative 747 have to override our vote? pure limiting the raising And "they" call this a democ- Iperty taxes td 1 percent per racy. 1 ey have done just that! Bruce J. Casebolt D may bet your last dollar Mountain View 00serve recognition ' The Journal: you about their sons and daughters e appreciated the feature in serving in the military. We know LWeek's paver about our son, of a handful in the same age group Y, a senior airman serving that were classmates of our son. teas. We were delighted when But how many more, and who? opened the paper, and there he We know that there may be b page 3. some fear about offering informa- r e Submitted his picture and tion to the paper, but a photo and lines about his enlistment a few lines can be interesting with- lSe we felt that since he was in Mason County, his for- achers, coaches, neighbors thers who had a hand in his hood would be interested in he is up to now. e truly appreciate the recog- for him as he has stuck it nl the Air Force and served his in this time of war. e wish that more of the par- i the area would share with out offering too much information! We enjoyed learning about the Gardners and others in the area. All those who serve deserve this recognition. Thanks again for the "In the Ser- vice" column. And the "Honor the Veterans" feature. The Journal does a great service to the community by recognizing the people who serve. David and Suzanne Philpott McCleary !h happy day r, The Journal: Want to express my appre-  to all of the people who !November 9, 2007 one e happiest days of my life: helton School Board; the nistrators and teachers at ton High School; all of the Bats for letting me receive raduation diploma; all of my ly; all of the veterans and la- auxiliary members; and the many friends. Larry Godwin Shelton (Editor's note: The author, an 85-year-old veteran of World War II, received his high-school diplo- ma at a Veterans' Day assembly at SHS last Friday through a pro- gram called Operation Recogni- tion, which allows those who left school to fight in WWII or Korea to receive diplomas.) ,hrzstmas Pledge ICHARD BURGER want to have some fun be- 1 now and December 24? I ,a suggestion. It's something ilOle myself, more than once, ow it works and I know how fun it is.  'o Ike the Hard-Nosea, 1 -Ex- B, No-Exceptions, Shop-Local- *r'Christmas Pledge. By "lo- I mean m the town that you or closest to where you live. ation this now because it will a little forethought and plan- to buy every gift you want to thout leaving town, but let 11 you, it will be one of the best as shopping seasons you've years, for several reasons. eat off, you won't have to set a mall unless you just want there to watch all the other e be bumped, pushed, jostled, ed, stepped on, glowered i generally abused' as they U' The malls around here Ywhere else, for that matter e about as much personality ardboard box. I mean, they're ally interchangeable. It seem: ey have the same stores, th :decorations, the same music he same salespeople. I've nev- derstood how somebody came Conclusion that everyone in ica wants to be able to go to ae stores no matter where are. It's downright boring, no .r what time of year it is. ca, of course, you also won't to pay dearly to fill your fuel With gasoline refined from oil purchased from an area World where at least some, aany, of the residents would o see you- and Santa Claus Ld. I don't know about you, ehow that just takes some zing out of the season for d heck, who knows, maybe k of demand will help stabi- le price of gas. What a great Christmas present that would be. But perhaps most importantly, for those of you who would like to have some fun buying presents, you'll get that opportunity in spades. For one thing, the people who own and operate small retail stores in small towns are always individualists. They march to the beat of a different Little Drummer Boy. Almost certainly, they really like what they do. I can say that because it's obvious they're not in it for the money. That is often re- flected in the merchandise you'll find there - merchandise you won't find elsewhere. If you go into a small store and you don't find what you want, try asking the owner - who will often actually be in the store - if he can get it for you. You'll be surprised at how often he'll get a twinkle in his eye and pull out a little cata- logue or several little catalogues, and go out of his way to help you. Try that in a mall and the best you can hope for is a shrug and direc- tions to a different store, where you probably won't find what you're looking for either. There is also anOther hometown phenomenon you should take ad- vantage of: Christmas bazaars. They'll be held in church base- ments or maybe at community cen- ters or somewhere like that. Look for ads in your community news- papers (shameless self-promotion notwithstanding). You'll always find one-of-a-kind homemade gifts and things like red currant jelly. Talk about bargains! Trust me, the experience is one you'll savor. There's no place like home(tow/) for the holidays. (Richard Burger reports for the Review Independent newspaper in Toppenish, where this column first appeared. It's reprinted with spe- cial permission from Yakima Val. ley Newspapers.) lib il our ,  F , (:all for Parties, etiss, Receptions FRESH Avrl’ vtyof . CC Special SHELLFISH Seod & Oter .'t ies aslon Lunches DAILY with Chef Xinh T, Dwelle/s Asian list ) 427-8709 * Open for Supper Tuesday-Saturd__ay L._Downtown Shelton • Comer of 3rd and West Railroad G :142 SAW 1 #350 SAW , #357XP SAW / . Engine power- '.9 kW /U hp) | / • En00inepower- | | • 00°ginep0wer-3.00 00W/4.4 | 19900.9S 349.95 J #359 SAW r 24" BAR • Cylinder displacement. 3.6 cu. in. (59cc) • Engine power- 2.9 kW (3.9 hp) 6026 PW PRESSURE WASHER 130732 #460 SAW 28" BAR • Cylinder displacement- 4.0 cu. in. (65cc) • Engine power- 3.4 kW (4.6 hp) HUSKY BLOWERS 125B 125BT 3S6BT #953200902 Hand blower 149.95 #953511522 Backpack blower 199.95 #953210101 Backpack blower 399.95 r EUIOOOIA2 EU2000i EU3OOOis M I799s • 1,000 wafts (8.3 A) of Honda Inverter 120V AC power • Super quiet- 53 to 59 dB(A) • Super ligheight (less than 29 Ibs.} • Eco-Throe TM runs up to 8.3 hours on 0.6 gal. of fuel • 12V-8A DC output • Parallel with another EU100OiA2 for additonal power • 2,000 watts (16.7 A) of Honda i Inverter 120V AC power • Super quiet- 53 to 59 dB(A) • Ligheight (less than 47 Ibs.) • Eco-Throttle TM runs up to 15 hours on 1 gal. o1: fuel • 12V-8A DC output • Parallel with another EU2000i for additonal power ,, 99.5.00 • • 3,000 waits (25 A) of Honda Inverter 120V AC power • Super quiet- 49 to 58 dB(A) • Eco-Throffle TM runs up to 30 hours on 3.4 gal. of fuel • Convenient electric starting • 12V-8A DC output • Oil Alert TM, Overload Alarm and Eco-Throe TM CAST IRON BOXWOOD STOVE • 6" flue size (round) • 96,000 BTU's • Sealed joints • Swing away. top for refueling • Two Ifl out lids 199.00 • I CFM CENTURY WOOD STOVE r • 18" log Capacity • Heats up to 1,000 sq. ft. • 26,000 BTU's Heavy steel plate : Requires 6" flue 499.00 00’HIMNEY BRUSHES AND ICLEANING RODS r CFM HOME PRODUCTS WOOD BURNING STOVE • Hts up to • 18 log capacity • Cast iron door w/ceramic glass • Leg base design i e EPA approved ,  CFM HOME PRODUCTS WOOD BURNING STOVE Hardware First & Mill, Shelton 426-4373 or 426-2411 Monday-Saturday 7:30-6 Sunday 9:00-5 ii iiii • 20" log • 55,000 BTU's • Cast iron door w/ceramic glass • Ash drawer • EPA approved I ii i ilillii Thursday, November 15, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5