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ents in Mason County
dCourt Judge Victoria
'jurisdiction during the
ek include:
dg under the influence:
iAathony Demattos, 17148
, Run Lane SW, Rochester,
365 days, 95 suspended;
w Delgado Onofre, 491 Capi-
rd irie Road, Shelton, $1,288,
vit ' 364 suspended, and no
by insurance, $560; Felix
at lez Pablo, 60 East Blevins
Shelton, $1,288, 365 days,
I suspended; Ronald John-
iW630 North Highway 101,
r h $1,288, 365 days, 364 sus-
rt less driving: Daniel Jo-
U! irfl]iams, Allyn, $783, 365
64 Suspended.
S ag while license sus.
1 or revoked: Donald
. Lemoine, 3058 Christmas
e, Port Orchard, second
d ,$310, 90 days, 89 suspend-
t€ ti J. Albright, 80 East Ham-
.[PY, Shelton, third degree,
hYictor H. Dolanos-Acosta,
)kas Avenue, Shelton, third
-1 $360, 90 days suspended;
K. Eaton, 281 SE Arca-
-Jd, Shelton, third degree,
-1. 90 days, 83 suspended; Bear
r is, 41 SE Steh Class Place,
' first degree, $720, 365
5 suspended.
.valid operator's license:
red Roberts, 59 Arcadia
,q Shelton, and no liability
ce, $1,066; Santana L. Mes-
tachez, 290 SE T'Peeksin
.... $helton, and no seatbelt,
Robert E. Clayton, 7938 Box
[}rive, Olympia, and no seat-
1 speeding, $777; Angela M.
, 181 East Balbriggan Road,
$458; Dusti Rose Conway,
Agate Beach Drive, Shel-
failure to dim high beams,
vin K. Fisk, 320 West Pine
Shelton, $548.
liability insurance: James
IcLemore, 304 Devoe Street
_ gtPia, $538; Jeremy M. Bost,
Rasor Road, Belfair, and
too close to avoid a colli-
1 91; Sarah Danielle Mihaila,
P rt
rih Valhalla Drive, Tucson,
, ,and speeding, $721.
ng: Jacob Don Dan-
Wa,_ South Lafayette Avenue,
n, in a school zone, $271;
Eleanor Oldfield, 80 East
$Road, Shelton, in a school
71; Bryan T. Windhurst,
[ 'OWard Avenue NE, Kings-
a school zone, $353; Sylvia
Weiss, 361 SE Fuchsia Av-
Shelton, $411; Joseph Fred
il 3535 NE Belfair-Tahuya
i Tahuya, in a school zone,
tWful fishing in the first
;aMOm Chore, 4132 East Q
coma, possession of 2,005
ell clams, $1,220, 365 days
ded; Robert Howard High-
399 SW Glenwood Road, Port
d, snagging salmon, $250;
J. Marshall, 170 West
Road, Shelton, snagging
$125; Benito F. Valencia,
SE 218th, Vashon, snagging
1, an
, d second degree, posses-
agged salmon, $250.
awful fishing in the sec-
Qgree: James Christopher
[* 3461 Partridge Hollow,
rton, no fishing license, $109;
pean Thurber, 10047 Little
ad SW, Olympia, fishing in
area and possession of king
in close(l area, $271; Wil-
uavid Caswell, 9629 Little
Ltts were issued for the
qg people who failed to ap-
r hearings on Friday, No-
' 9, in Mason County Supe-
rt regarding legal financial
tons: Charles Ray Smith,
34; Shannon Amanda
' $3,414; Eddie Simpson,
76; Donna Jean Simp-
],790.47 and Nathan L
q atic, $1,748.09.
Rock Road SW, Olympia, fishing in
closed area and possession of king
salmon in closed area, $271; Daniel
Nguyen, 8034 South 36th Street,
Seattle, failure to shuck oysters on
beach, $109.
Solid-waste violations: Steven
T. Studer, 1150 NE Collins Lake
Drive, Tahuya, unlawful burning of
solid waste, $250.
Other offenses: Michael D. Ong,
520 NE Larson Boulevard, Belfair,
fourth-degree assault, $1,800, 365
days, 320 suspended; Louis Mi-
chael Joseph Stevens, 1444 15th
Street, Bremertorr, possession of a
dangerous weapon, $410, 365 days
suspended; Fred A. McCutchen,
16942 Sheldon Lane SW, Roches-
• ter, littering with tobacco product
capable of starting a fire, $1,025•
Judgments in Shelton Munici-
pal Court Judge Amber Finlay's
jurisdiction during the past week
Driving while license sus-
pended or revoked: Alejandro
Hernandez-Alvarez, 1739 Stew-
art Street, Shelton, third degree,
$343, 90 days suspended; Charlene
Marie Ditzel, 140 North Blevins
Road, Shelton, third degree, $343,
90 days suspended; Kevin Brian
Rhodes, 510 Grant Street, Shelton,
first degree, $500, 365 days, 185
Negligent driving: William S.
Gray, 1719 Union Street, Shelton,
first degree, $543, 90 days, 89 sus-
pended, and making false state-
ments, 365 days, 362 suspended,
three days community service, and
minor in possession or consump-
tion of alcohol, $100, 365 days, 362
suspended, three days community
service, and no liability insurance,
no vehicle registration, no seatbelt
and speeding, $335.
Criminal trespass: Daniel W.
Jewett, 884 Fairmount Avenue,
Shelton, first degree, $343, 365
days, 360 suspended, five days com-
munity service.
Violation of no-contact order:
Sean Thomas Carter, 410 Ellinor
Avenue, Shelton, domestic violence,
$543, 365 days suspended.
Divorces Granted
Jamie Lee Auld and Raymond
Michael Auld.
Barbara J. Matteri and Joseph
P. Matteri.
Rachel A. Dreon and Jeffrey Mi-
chael Dreon.
Kristina Marie Boxberger and
Patrick Gene Boxberger.
Greta Marie Oldfield and Arthur
Leroy Oldfield.
Michele Lynn Hoskin and Bran-
don Lee Hoskin.
New Cases
Shaub Joint Venture, Sanford
T. Shaub and Betty Shaub against
Antonio Lopez and Jane Doe Lopez,
unlawful detainer.
First Resolution Investment Cor-
poration against Richard Duncan
and Jane Doe Duncan, transcript of
Target National Bank against
Julie Milam, commercial.
New construction over $5,000,
shoreline work and other major
projects receiving permits during
the past week include:
Beth Andrus, 503 NE Mono-
na Drive, Tahuya, residence,
$102,577.10; Timberland Garages,
41 East Lakeshore Drive West,
Shelton, garage, $17,391; Pavel
Fuchs, 754 East Promontory Road,
Shelton, addition, $28,070.05; Aus-
eth Construction, Incorporated, 51
West Heatherwynd Lane, Shelton,
garage, $73,121.25; North Mason
Eagles, 80 NE Alder Creek Lane,
Belfair, covered area, $7,382, and
storage building, $10,334.80; Wil-
liam Campbell, 4461 East State
Route 3, Shelton, barn, $189,720;
Paramount Builders, 1451 East
Phillips Lake Loop Road, Shel-
ton, manufactured home, $69,000;
Jeff Campbell, 1451 East Phillips
Lake Loop Read, Shelton, garage,
Also: Andrew Spear Construc-
tion, Limited Liability Company,
* lrmcks • Sem,s • RV's * Trailers
108 29th Ave. SW #101 l00llmwater I
0000n-Fri 8am-5pm. 360-943 8136 j
780 East Dana Drive, Shelton, ad-
dition, $16,197.75; Hiline Homes,
60 East Ballow Road, Shelton, resi-
dence, $138,021.40; Northwest Pole
Structures, 1825 West Deegan Road
East, Shelton, garage, $53,121.60;
Nutt Construction, 991 East Bal-
lantrae Drive, Shelton, addition,
$22,776; Monte Maehu Dick Baurg,
721 East Hartley R0ad,Shelton, ga-
rage, $81,711.35; Robert Wold, 433
SE State Route 3, Shelton, interior
repair, $20,557.92; G.R. Wilson and
Associates, 920 East Old Ranch
Road, Allyn, four-plex, $662,266.10;
and Jim Verlinde, 961 East Leeds
Drive, Shelton, garage, $48,747.50.
November 7:7:57 p.m., oven fire,
208 North First Street, Apartment
November 8:12:32 p.m., vehicle
fire, 301 Wallace Kneeland Boule-
Tuesday, November 6
A caller reported people living
in a tent behind a locked gate at
the end of Laurel Street off East K
Detectives received a report of
alleged child molestation.
A vehicle prowl in a parking lot
at Mason General Hospital was re-
A caller from a business in the
1800 block of Olympic Highway
North said two juveniles on skate-
boards threw something at the win-
dow and broke it.
At 11:11 p.m. a caller reported a
woman sleeping in the post office.
Wednesday, November 7
Just after midnight officers re-
sponding to a report of a distur-
bance in the 200 block of West
Wyandotte Avenue requested the
assistance of deputies.
Officers received a report of a
student found with suspected drug
paraphernalia at Olympic Middle
A caller from the 300 block of
North Fifth Street reported being
A driver in a vehicle reportedly
made threats to a road crew work-
ing on Northcliff Road.
A vehicle prowl in the 300 block
of South Fifth Street was reported.
Thursday, November 8
Vehicle prowls in the 1000 block
of West Birch Street, the 2100 block
of Laurel Street and the 300 block
of West C Street were reported.
A caller from Oakland Bay Ju-
nior High School filed a threats
Police received a report at noon
of an alleged assault at Mason Gen-
eral Hospital. Disturbances at the
hospital were reported at 8:29 p.m.
and at 10:31 p.m.
Friday, November 9
Officers responded at 2:12 a.m.
to a report of a disturbance in the
100 block of South First Street.
Vandalism to two vehicles in the
2100 block of King Street was re-
Saturday, November 10
Trespassing at a place in the 200
block of North First Street was re-
At 1:38 p.m. a caller complained
about noise in the 100 block of
South 12th Street.
Just after 3 p.m. officers re-
sponded to the report of a two-ve-
hicle non-injury collision at the cor-
ner of South Third Street and West
Railroad Avenue.
A caller from the 400 block of
Chestnut Street reported the theft
of $2,000 in cash.
Sunday, November 11
Officers responding at 1:34 a.m.
to a report of a disturbance in a
parking lot in the 300 block of Rail-
road Avenue requested the assis-
tance of deputies.
Vehicle vandalism in a parking
lot at Mason General Hospital and
in the 1800 block of Laurel Street
was reported.
Vandalism to the window of a
business in the 100 block of North
First Street was reported.
At 10:35 p.m. a caller reported a
prowler in the area of Ridge Read
and Cascade Avenue.
Monday, November 12
Vandalism was reported to two
windows at a business in the 200
block of South Second Street.
A caller reported being threat-
ened at the courthouse.
Officers responding at 4:39 p.m.
to a report of a fight in a parking lot
in the 300 block of Wallace Knee-
land Boulevard requested the as-
sistance of deputies.
The Mason County Jail recorded
populations as follows during the
past week:
Wednesday 117, Thursday 110,
Friday 107, Saturday 103, Sunday
105, Monday 107, Tuesday 105.
Tuesday, November 6
Squaxin Island tribal officers re-
ceived a report of vandalism at the
A caller from East Rivendell
Road, Grapeview, reported the
theft of mail and a caller said some-
one went through mailboxes in Oak
Park near Shelton.
A caller from a place just over a
mile out East Johns Prairie Road
near Shelton reported the theft of
copper wire.
Deputies responding at 5:17 p.m.
to a report of a burglary in prog-
ress at a residence two miles out
SE Walker Park Road requested
the assistance of Shelton police of-
A caller from NE Meek Hill Road,
Belfair, reported receiving threats.
Wednesday, November 7
Items were reported stolen from
a trailer at a job site near Milepost
15 of East State Route 106, Bel-
A caller from NE Viewridge
Drive West, Belfair, reported Inter-
net blackmail.
A caller reported the theft of cop-
per wire from a Bonneville Power
Administration substation on North
Highway 101 near the intersection
with California Road.
The theft of forest products
was reported in the area of Stump
A break-in at a cabin near Mile-
post 224 of North Highway 101,
Hoodsport, was reported
Squaxin Island officers received
a report of the theft of shellfish and
shellfish pots from Salish Seafoods
on Peale Passage.
Thursday, November 8
Vandalism at the former lumber
yard on SE State Route 3 and at the
community clubhouse in Victor was
A caller from North Mason High
School reported receiving threats
from a student.
An alleged sex offense was re-
A caller reported possible neglect
of horses at a place about three
miles out West Skokomish Valley
A blue 1991 General Motors
pickup truck was reported stolen
from a place on East Harstine Is-
land Road and a 1998 Honda Ac-
cord was reported stolen from East
Anthony Road.
A burglary at a garage near
Milepost 23 of NE State Route 3,
Belfair, was reported and four tires
were reported stolen from a place
on NE Sundown Drive, Tahuya.
Skokomish tribal officers re-
ceived a report of a fisheries viola-
tion on the Skokomish River along
Purdy Cutoff Road.
At 5:31 p.m. officers responded to
a report of a disturbance involving
20 people at the park-and-ride lot
at the intersection of Highway 101
and West Shelton-Matlock Road.
Friday, November 9
Just after 1 a.m. a break-in at a
residence on SE State Route 3 was
A caller reported a break-in and
theft of a vehicle from the impound
yard on East Brockdale Road near
A burglary at a construction site
on North Nottingham Lane, Allyn,
was reported.
The theft of forest products on
property on West Highland Road
near the intersection with Overload
Road was reported.
A caller from West Storybrook
Lane near Shelton reported iden-
tity theft.
A caller from North Mason High
School reported the theft ofa laptop
computer, carrying case and other
Skokomish tribal officers re-
ceived a report of a fisheries viola-
tion on the Skokomish River.
A caller reported a burglary in
progress at a residence on East
Rose Lane near Shelton.
Squaxin Island officers respond-
ed to a report of a suspected drug
law violation at the casino.
Saturday, November 1O
A caller from NE Byerly Drive,
Belfair, reported finding a vehicle
with the back window broken out
and the ignition "punched."
Squaxin Island officers respond-
ed at 3:07 a.m. to a report of a
prowler on SE Klah Che Min Drive.
At 9:39 p.m. officers responded to a
report of a "disgruntled patron" at
the casino.
A burglary at a business on SE
Lynch Road off Highway 101 was
A caller reported a 25-30 foot
boat drifting between Fair Harbor
Marina and Treasure Island.
Trespassing on property on East
Spencer Lake Road was reported.
A caller complained about an
all-terrain vehicle on SE Firewood
Road near Shelton and said the
rider was harassing people in the
Sunday, November 11
Fire District 2 responded at 3:03
p.m. to the report of an illegal burn
at 51 NE State Route 3, Belfair.
Vehicle prowls at a place about
two miles out West Deegan Road
West near Shelton and on North
Fairway Drive East, Hoodsport,
were reported.
A caller reported the theft of
tools and other items from a shed
near Milepost 2 of East State Route
Skokomish officers received a re-
port of the theft of a gill net in the
vicinity of the Skokomish River.
Monday, November 12
Skokomish tribal officers investi-
gated four complaints about fisher-
ies violations in the area of the fish
hatchery in tIoodsport. A distur-
bance was reported at 6:30 p.m. at
a residence on North Salish Court.
A caller reported an injured fawn
near the intersection of East Agate
Loop and Daniels roads.
A caller complained about three
all-terrain vehicles on NE Sand
Hill Road, Belfair.
A caller from North Fairway
Drive East, Hoodsport, reported re-
ceiving an obscene phone call.
00lrrested but
not chnrged
No charges were filed in Mason
County Superior Court against a
man arrested in an investigation of
attempting to elude a pursuing po-
lice vehicle. Martin Stanley Ivie,
45, of Hoodsport was released from
all conditions imposed by the court
at the time of his arrest and the
same goes for two men arrested
on suspicion of operating a wreck-
ing yard on property in the Day-
ton area, David Joseph "Pete"
Stiner, 53, and Terry Howard
White, 49, of Mason County.
We deliver EATING IL
carry kerosene. Located at Sanderson
, mmm ..... Industrial Park
00wFl ....... 427-8084
Thursday, November 15, 2007, Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 25
ents in Mason County
dCourt Judge Victoria
'jurisdiction during the
ek include:
dg under the influence:
iAathony Demattos, 17148
, Run Lane SW, Rochester,
365 days, 95 suspended;
w Delgado Onofre, 491 Capi-
rd irie Road, Shelton, $1,288,
vit ' 364 suspended, and no
by insurance, $560; Felix
at lez Pablo, 60 East Blevins
Shelton, $1,288, 365 days,
I suspended; Ronald John-
iW630 North Highway 101,
r h $1,288, 365 days, 364 sus-
rt less driving: Daniel Jo-
U! irfl]iams, Allyn, $783, 365
64 Suspended.
S ag while license sus.
1 or revoked: Donald
. Lemoine, 3058 Christmas
e, Port Orchard, second
d ,$310, 90 days, 89 suspend-
t€ ti J. Albright, 80 East Ham-
.[PY, Shelton, third degree,
hYictor H. Dolanos-Acosta,
)kas Avenue, Shelton, third
-1 $360, 90 days suspended;
K. Eaton, 281 SE Arca-
-Jd, Shelton, third degree,
-1. 90 days, 83 suspended; Bear
r is, 41 SE Steh Class Place,
' first degree, $720, 365
5 suspended.
.valid operator's license:
red Roberts, 59 Arcadia
,q Shelton, and no liability
ce, $1,066; Santana L. Mes-
tachez, 290 SE T'Peeksin
.... $helton, and no seatbelt,
Robert E. Clayton, 7938 Box
[}rive, Olympia, and no seat-
1 speeding, $777; Angela M.
, 181 East Balbriggan Road,
$458; Dusti Rose Conway,
Agate Beach Drive, Shel-
failure to dim high beams,
vin K. Fisk, 320 West Pine
Shelton, $548.
liability insurance: James
IcLemore, 304 Devoe Street
_ gtPia, $538; Jeremy M. Bost,
Rasor Road, Belfair, and
too close to avoid a colli-
1 91; Sarah Danielle Mihaila,
P rt
rih Valhalla Drive, Tucson,
, ,and speeding, $721.
ng: Jacob Don Dan-
Wa,_ South Lafayette Avenue,
n, in a school zone, $271;
Eleanor Oldfield, 80 East
$Road, Shelton, in a school
71; Bryan T. Windhurst,
[ 'OWard Avenue NE, Kings-
a school zone, $353; Sylvia
Weiss, 361 SE Fuchsia Av-
Shelton, $411; Joseph Fred
il 3535 NE Belfair-Tahuya
i Tahuya, in a school zone,
tWful fishing in the first
;aMOm Chore, 4132 East Q
coma, possession of 2,005
ell clams, $1,220, 365 days
ded; Robert Howard High-
399 SW Glenwood Road, Port
d, snagging salmon, $250;
J. Marshall, 170 West
Road, Shelton, snagging
$125; Benito F. Valencia,
SE 218th, Vashon, snagging
1, an
, d second degree, posses-
agged salmon, $250.
awful fishing in the sec-
Qgree: James Christopher
[* 3461 Partridge Hollow,
rton, no fishing license, $109;
pean Thurber, 10047 Little
ad SW, Olympia, fishing in
area and possession of king
in close(l area, $271; Wil-
uavid Caswell, 9629 Little
Ltts were issued for the
qg people who failed to ap-
r hearings on Friday, No-
' 9, in Mason County Supe-
rt regarding legal financial
tons: Charles Ray Smith,
34; Shannon Amanda
' $3,414; Eddie Simpson,
76; Donna Jean Simp-
],790.47 and Nathan L
q atic, $1,748.09.
Rock Road SW, Olympia, fishing in
closed area and possession of king
salmon in closed area, $271; Daniel
Nguyen, 8034 South 36th Street,
Seattle, failure to shuck oysters on
beach, $109.
Solid-waste violations: Steven
T. Studer, 1150 NE Collins Lake
Drive, Tahuya, unlawful burning of
solid waste, $250.
Other offenses: Michael D. Ong,
520 NE Larson Boulevard, Belfair,
fourth-degree assault, $1,800, 365
days, 320 suspended; Louis Mi-
chael Joseph Stevens, 1444 15th
Street, Bremertorr, possession of a
dangerous weapon, $410, 365 days
suspended; Fred A. McCutchen,
16942 Sheldon Lane SW, Roches-
• ter, littering with tobacco product
capable of starting a fire, $1,025•
Judgments in Shelton Munici-
pal Court Judge Amber Finlay's
jurisdiction during the past week
Driving while license sus-
pended or revoked: Alejandro
Hernandez-Alvarez, 1739 Stew-
art Street, Shelton, third degree,
$343, 90 days suspended; Charlene
Marie Ditzel, 140 North Blevins
Road, Shelton, third degree, $343,
90 days suspended; Kevin Brian
Rhodes, 510 Grant Street, Shelton,
first degree, $500, 365 days, 185
Negligent driving: William S.
Gray, 1719 Union Street, Shelton,
first degree, $543, 90 days, 89 sus-
pended, and making false state-
ments, 365 days, 362 suspended,
three days community service, and
minor in possession or consump-
tion of alcohol, $100, 365 days, 362
suspended, three days community
service, and no liability insurance,
no vehicle registration, no seatbelt
and speeding, $335.
Criminal trespass: Daniel W.
Jewett, 884 Fairmount Avenue,
Shelton, first degree, $343, 365
days, 360 suspended, five days com-
munity service.
Violation of no-contact order:
Sean Thomas Carter, 410 Ellinor
Avenue, Shelton, domestic violence,
$543, 365 days suspended.
Divorces Granted
Jamie Lee Auld and Raymond
Michael Auld.
Barbara J. Matteri and Joseph
P. Matteri.
Rachel A. Dreon and Jeffrey Mi-
chael Dreon.
Kristina Marie Boxberger and
Patrick Gene Boxberger.
Greta Marie Oldfield and Arthur
Leroy Oldfield.
Michele Lynn Hoskin and Bran-
don Lee Hoskin.
New Cases
Shaub Joint Venture, Sanford
T. Shaub and Betty Shaub against
Antonio Lopez and Jane Doe Lopez,
unlawful detainer.
First Resolution Investment Cor-
poration against Richard Duncan
and Jane Doe Duncan, transcript of
Target National Bank against
Julie Milam, commercial.
New construction over $5,000,
shoreline work and other major
projects receiving permits during
the past week include:
Beth Andrus, 503 NE Mono-
na Drive, Tahuya, residence,
$102,577.10; Timberland Garages,
41 East Lakeshore Drive West,
Shelton, garage, $17,391; Pavel
Fuchs, 754 East Promontory Road,
Shelton, addition, $28,070.05; Aus-
eth Construction, Incorporated, 51
West Heatherwynd Lane, Shelton,
garage, $73,121.25; North Mason
Eagles, 80 NE Alder Creek Lane,
Belfair, covered area, $7,382, and
storage building, $10,334.80; Wil-
liam Campbell, 4461 East State
Route 3, Shelton, barn, $189,720;
Paramount Builders, 1451 East
Phillips Lake Loop Road, Shel-
ton, manufactured home, $69,000;
Jeff Campbell, 1451 East Phillips
Lake Loop Read, Shelton, garage,
Also: Andrew Spear Construc-
tion, Limited Liability Company,
* lrmcks • Sem,s • RV's * Trailers
108 29th Ave. SW #101 l00llmwater I
0000n-Fri 8am-5pm. 360-943 8136 j
780 East Dana Drive, Shelton, ad-
dition, $16,197.75; Hiline Homes,
60 East Ballow Road, Shelton, resi-
dence, $138,021.40; Northwest Pole
Structures, 1825 West Deegan Road
East, Shelton, garage, $53,121.60;
Nutt Construction, 991 East Bal-
lantrae Drive, Shelton, addition,
$22,776; Monte Maehu Dick Baurg,
721 East Hartley R0ad,Shelton, ga-
rage, $81,711.35; Robert Wold, 433
SE State Route 3, Shelton, interior
repair, $20,557.92; G.R. Wilson and
Associates, 920 East Old Ranch
Road, Allyn, four-plex, $662,266.10;
and Jim Verlinde, 961 East Leeds
Drive, Shelton, garage, $48,747.50.
November 7:7:57 p.m., oven fire,
208 North First Street, Apartment
November 8:12:32 p.m., vehicle
fire, 301 Wallace Kneeland Boule-
Tuesday, November 6
A caller reported people living
in a tent behind a locked gate at
the end of Laurel Street off East K
Detectives received a report of
alleged child molestation.
A vehicle prowl in a parking lot
at Mason General Hospital was re-
A caller from a business in the
1800 block of Olympic Highway
North said two juveniles on skate-
boards threw something at the win-
dow and broke it.
At 11:11 p.m. a caller reported a
woman sleeping in the post office.
Wednesday, November 7
Just after midnight officers re-
sponding to a report of a distur-
bance in the 200 block of West
Wyandotte Avenue requested the
assistance of deputies.
Officers received a report of a
student found with suspected drug
paraphernalia at Olympic Middle
A caller from the 300 block of
North Fifth Street reported being
A driver in a vehicle reportedly
made threats to a road crew work-
ing on Northcliff Road.
A vehicle prowl in the 300 block
of South Fifth Street was reported.
Thursday, November 8
Vehicle prowls in the 1000 block
of West Birch Street, the 2100 block
of Laurel Street and the 300 block
of West C Street were reported.
A caller from Oakland Bay Ju-
nior High School filed a threats
Police received a report at noon
of an alleged assault at Mason Gen-
eral Hospital. Disturbances at the
hospital were reported at 8:29 p.m.
and at 10:31 p.m.
Friday, November 9
Officers responded at 2:12 a.m.
to a report of a disturbance in the
100 block of South First Street.
Vandalism to two vehicles in the
2100 block of King Street was re-
Saturday, November 10
Trespassing at a place in the 200
block of North First Street was re-
At 1:38 p.m. a caller complained
about noise in the 100 block of
South 12th Street.
Just after 3 p.m. officers re-
sponded to the report of a two-ve-
hicle non-injury collision at the cor-
ner of South Third Street and West
Railroad Avenue.
A caller from the 400 block of
Chestnut Street reported the theft
of $2,000 in cash.
Sunday, November 11
Officers responding at 1:34 a.m.
to a report of a disturbance in a
parking lot in the 300 block of Rail-
road Avenue requested the assis-
tance of deputies.
Vehicle vandalism in a parking
lot at Mason General Hospital and
in the 1800 block of Laurel Street
was reported.
Vandalism to the window of a
business in the 100 block of North
First Street was reported.
At 10:35 p.m. a caller reported a
prowler in the area of Ridge Read
and Cascade Avenue.
Monday, November 12
Vandalism was reported to two
windows at a business in the 200
block of South Second Street.
A caller reported being threat-
ened at the courthouse.
Officers responding at 4:39 p.m.
to a report of a fight in a parking lot
in the 300 block of Wallace Knee-
land Boulevard requested the as-
sistance of deputies.
The Mason County Jail recorded
populations as follows during the
past week:
Wednesday 117, Thursday 110,
Friday 107, Saturday 103, Sunday
105, Monday 107, Tuesday 105.
Tuesday, November 6
Squaxin Island tribal officers re-
ceived a report of vandalism at the
A caller from East Rivendell
Road, Grapeview, reported the
theft of mail and a caller said some-
one went through mailboxes in Oak
Park near Shelton.
A caller from a place just over a
mile out East Johns Prairie Road
near Shelton reported the theft of
copper wire.
Deputies responding at 5:17 p.m.
to a report of a burglary in prog-
ress at a residence two miles out
SE Walker Park Road requested
the assistance of Shelton police of-
A caller from NE Meek Hill Road,
Belfair, reported receiving threats.
Wednesday, November 7
Items were reported stolen from
a trailer at a job site near Milepost
15 of East State Route 106, Bel-
A caller from NE Viewridge
Drive West, Belfair, reported Inter-
net blackmail.
A caller reported the theft of cop-
per wire from a Bonneville Power
Administration substation on North
Highway 101 near the intersection
with California Road.
The theft of forest products
was reported in the area of Stump
A break-in at a cabin near Mile-
post 224 of North Highway 101,
Hoodsport, was reported
Squaxin Island officers received
a report of the theft of shellfish and
shellfish pots from Salish Seafoods
on Peale Passage.
Thursday, November 8
Vandalism at the former lumber
yard on SE State Route 3 and at the
community clubhouse in Victor was
A caller from North Mason High
School reported receiving threats
from a student.
An alleged sex offense was re-
A caller reported possible neglect
of horses at a place about three
miles out West Skokomish Valley
A blue 1991 General Motors
pickup truck was reported stolen
from a place on East Harstine Is-
land Road and a 1998 Honda Ac-
cord was reported stolen from East
Anthony Road.
A burglary at a garage near
Milepost 23 of NE State Route 3,
Belfair, was reported and four tires
were reported stolen from a place
on NE Sundown Drive, Tahuya.
Skokomish tribal officers re-
ceived a report of a fisheries viola-
tion on the Skokomish River along
Purdy Cutoff Road.
At 5:31 p.m. officers responded to
a report of a disturbance involving
20 people at the park-and-ride lot
at the intersection of Highway 101
and West Shelton-Matlock Road.
Friday, November 9
Just after 1 a.m. a break-in at a
residence on SE State Route 3 was
A caller reported a break-in and
theft of a vehicle from the impound
yard on East Brockdale Road near
A burglary at a construction site
on North Nottingham Lane, Allyn,
was reported.
The theft of forest products on
property on West Highland Road
near the intersection with Overload
Road was reported.
A caller from West Storybrook
Lane near Shelton reported iden-
tity theft.
A caller from North Mason High
School reported the theft ofa laptop
computer, carrying case and other
Skokomish tribal officers re-
ceived a report of a fisheries viola-
tion on the Skokomish River.
A caller reported a burglary in
progress at a residence on East
Rose Lane near Shelton.
Squaxin Island officers respond-
ed to a report of a suspected drug
law violation at the casino.
Saturday, November 1O
A caller from NE Byerly Drive,
Belfair, reported finding a vehicle
with the back window broken out
and the ignition "punched."
Squaxin Island officers respond-
ed at 3:07 a.m. to a report of a
prowler on SE Klah Che Min Drive.
At 9:39 p.m. officers responded to a
report of a "disgruntled patron" at
the casino.
A burglary at a business on SE
Lynch Road off Highway 101 was
A caller reported a 25-30 foot
boat drifting between Fair Harbor
Marina and Treasure Island.
Trespassing on property on East
Spencer Lake Road was reported.
A caller complained about an
all-terrain vehicle on SE Firewood
Road near Shelton and said the
rider was harassing people in the
Sunday, November 11
Fire District 2 responded at 3:03
p.m. to the report of an illegal burn
at 51 NE State Route 3, Belfair.
Vehicle prowls at a place about
two miles out West Deegan Road
West near Shelton and on North
Fairway Drive East, Hoodsport,
were reported.
A caller reported the theft of
tools and other items from a shed
near Milepost 2 of East State Route
Skokomish officers received a re-
port of the theft of a gill net in the
vicinity of the Skokomish River.
Monday, November 12
Skokomish tribal officers investi-
gated four complaints about fisher-
ies violations in the area of the fish
hatchery in tIoodsport. A distur-
bance was reported at 6:30 p.m. at
a residence on North Salish Court.
A caller reported an injured fawn
near the intersection of East Agate
Loop and Daniels roads.
A caller complained about three
all-terrain vehicles on NE Sand
Hill Road, Belfair.
A caller from North Fairway
Drive East, Hoodsport, reported re-
ceiving an obscene phone call.
00lrrested but
not chnrged
No charges were filed in Mason
County Superior Court against a
man arrested in an investigation of
attempting to elude a pursuing po-
lice vehicle. Martin Stanley Ivie,
45, of Hoodsport was released from
all conditions imposed by the court
at the time of his arrest and the
same goes for two men arrested
on suspicion of operating a wreck-
ing yard on property in the Day-
ton area, David Joseph "Pete"
Stiner, 53, and Terry Howard
White, 49, of Mason County.
We deliver EATING IL
carry kerosene. Located at Sanderson
, mmm ..... Industrial Park
00wFl ....... 427-8084
Thursday, November 15, 2007, Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 25