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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 15, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 15, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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sits in the rain Monday behind the Thrifty Shop in Gateway Center. The furniture was mlped there over the weekend. .l!ty managers in the limps over dumping he Nifty Thrifty Shop on sistant manager Feather Mer- atain View has had it with II!! dumping their worthless ;| ellind the store. nletime Saturday night or Y Sunday morning someone 'arded a couple of couches recliners that were broken y.aot worth much to any- 'he problem is, the Mason aty Senior Activities Cen- ,)Vhich owns the shop, has to rto have the junk hauled to '!lason County Landfill. I: L getting to the point I'm i to come back after the kead because I don't know at will be there," said as- edith. Besides broken furniture, people have dumped old mat- tresses, bags of clothes, garbage and empty beer cans. In addition, people have left nice things behind the store at night. Unfortunately, vandals tend to smash the good stuff. "We take furniture, mattress- es, all that stuff- when we're open," Meredith said. The shop's hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon- day through Saturday. Meredith is asking people to keep an eye out for those dump- ing junk behind the shop in hopes that increased vigilance will make the problem go away. .00r00ez convicted of three crimes: He's not guilty of assault after picking up wife at bar A 35-year-old (;rig Harbor mall She said she called her mother responded: "No. She just said she was acquitted of attempted as- and stepfather in Puyallup and was choked and strangled. Rankm sault in the second degree after a told them what happened. "They also said she read the statement three-day trial in Mason County told me I needed to call the cops. It she made to him about the as- Superior Court. . lrobably took me an hour because sault and signed it under penalty Greg Dean Brayton, of 13701 he told me if I called the cops or ofperjury. "What did the inside of 142nd Avenue KPN was tbund not told anyone, he would kill me." the residence looked like?" Sergi guilty of attempted assault in the She said her memory was not that asked. "I don't recall any damaged second degree. He had been ac- clear about times. "Everything is property," the deputy said. cused of domestic violence against kind of a blur at first; it's like mud- Peter Bale, who is married to his wife. He was residing at 3823 dy water," she said. Brock-Brayton's mother and lives NE North Shore Road, Belfair, She said she spoke with depu- in Puyallup, said that on June 19, with Stafani D. Brock-Brayton ties and they took photographs they got a telephone call "at about at the time of the alleged offense which she identified. She said they 1 a.m. from Stafani and we went on June 19. Jurors also acquitted told her to go to the emergency to their house. Baby Christian Brayton of third-degree assault, a room. She said her morn and her was under the table. The deputy lesser charge, mom's husband, Peter Bale, drove was there. She was extremely The jury was selected October her to Good Samaritan in Puyal- distressed and in great pain from 25 and testimony began October lup and there were marks "from her arm and her back." He said he 30 with Brock-Brayton. She said the top to the bottom of my neck" and his wife were there about two on the evening of June 18, afer her that she described as "very swol- hours and then drove the alleged husband got home from work, she len and at first, really red and victim to Good Samaritan. "She went and had a couple of drinks then kind of green." She said the and the baby came to live with us. at Babaloo's, a lounge in Belthir, bruising lasted about a week and She had a broken arm and broken with a co-worker of hers. She said that she moved from Belfair after ribs and bruising around her neck, she was there about three hours the incident and has been living marks that grew in color over a and had about four drinks, in Puyallup with her mother and few days." "I was distraught over people stepfather. NICK DRAGOVICH, a fire- lying to me. I was pretty sad," DEFENSE ATTORNEY Ron- fighter and emergency medical she said of her relationship with aid Sergi questioned Brock-Bray- technician with Fire District 2, her husband. She said her hus- ton about a statement she made testified about his interaction with band came to pick her up and they to law enforcement after the in- Brock-Brayton on June 19 at the drove home. "I was upset with him cident as compared to her testi- residence on North Shore Road. for lying to me, so I told him how mony at trial. "In the statement, He said he and another paramedic I felt about his actions and that I you say, 'He threw me around like arrived about 3:40 a.m. and found couldn't take it anymore." a rag doll' and you felt like your her sitting in a chair. He described "WHAT HAPPENED when eyes were going to bug out of your her as "pretty emotional." When you said that?" Deputy Prosecutor head," Sergi said. "You told the of- she calmed down, he continued, Rebecca Jones Garcia asked, ricer back then you were passed "She had told us her boyfriend "He choked me," she respond- out. You said you woke up and or husband beat her up and she ed. Greg had his hands around your wanted to be checked out. She had Jones Garcia asked Brock-Bray- neck. Nowhere does it talk about abrasions on her arms. We asked ton to describe the events after the being choked four times and al- her if she wanted to go to the hos- couple got to the residence after he most passing out." pital and then her parents said picked her up before he allegedly She conceded that was what they'd take her." choked her. she had said back in June but that Sergi asked Dragovich about Brock-Brayton said after she now she remembered more of the his incident report. He said Brock- told him how she felt, her hus- details. Brayton complained about sore- band left with Christian, their 2- Sergi also asked her about (Please turn to page 28.) year-old son, and they were gone statements she made at Good Sa- " police reports about anhour."Ifellandslipped maritan to the effect that her hus- rlbal on the steps while they were gone. band pushed her and pulled her Morris admits I was going out to have a cigarette, around the house. The statement 00asis of guilty verdict I misjudgedthestepsandlcame "talks aboutfracturestoribsand grabbing purse crashing down on my back. I tried the wrist," Sergi said. She said 39-year-old man from the and construction tools, with a to stand up but I was in too much those injuries happened when she of gambling gal a in Island Reservation total value of $3,950, were found pain. I fell and I could not get up," fell on the porch. found guilty of three felony inside his residence, she said. Jones Garcia also asked Brock- A Grays Harbor County man s after a bench trial by *Forgery ibrthree attempts at She said when her husband Brayton about some of her state- admitted grabbing the handbag ge Toni Sheldon in Mason producing U.S. currency in $10 came home with Christian, '3 told merits on the day of the alleged as- of a 79-year-old woman playing a i ty Superior Court. and $20 bills made on a eomput- him I was hurt. And he was laugh- sault. "I had just gotten out of sur- slot machine at the Little Creek gdelano Roy Perez, of 121 er and printer. "He indicated he ing at me and mocking me and vival mode. When you go through Casino when he changed his plea l le U1 Tad Loop, Shelton, was fooling around on his corn- went and got the video camera, something so traumatic it's just in Mason County Superior Court. ,led his rights to a jury trial puter," Sheldon noted. He finally put the video camera a big whoosh," she said. She said Heith Allen Morris, 22, of 112 , to confront witnesses n * Residential burglary, com- away and he came and helped me she could not remember who gave Moore Road, Elma, pled guilty on _d to a reading of the p lo;ic! mitted on March 3 at 4901 SE up, into the house. I went into the hospital staff information about November 5 to theft in the first rts. Perez is scheduled fo Lynch Road where Lillian Hans- bathroom and I got sick." what had happened, degree and unlawful possession of Hydrocodone, a narcotic pain ased on her reading of t os corn resides. Items belonging to "I TOLD HIM I know he lies to DEPUTY THUBMAN R. reliever which requires a prescrip- 4[teacing Monday. h e her were found inside Perez's me and I just couldn't take it any- Rankin from the Mason County tion. 't[rts, Sheldon found him residence on March 12 when of- more. That's when he choked me," Sheriffs Office said he responded In his plea statement Morris ity of the following crimes" ricers from the Squaxin Island she continued. She described him at 2:08 a.m. on June 19 to a 911 said that on September 21 he took Ossession of stolen proper- tribal police and the Mason as "very angry, scary. The look call and contacted Brock-Bray- a purse belonging to Lillian Lor- '1 the first degree, that is ste- County Sheriffs Office served a in the eyes he gets is pure rage. ton, whom he described as upset raine Nesbitt while she was seat- equipment and construction search warrant at Perez's resi- He came running at me with his and crying. He said she told him "ed at a slot machine. He said he } belonging to Jason Phillips. dence, hands out and grabbed me all the there were injuries to the back of intended to keep the contents of !liPs reported the theft in a The judge said the search way around my whole neck and her head, her back and the area the purse. He also said he had Hy- Le  prowl at Little Creek Ca- warrant was obtained through got on top of me. He did it at least around her neck. He said he ob- drocodone pills, which were found boa March 3. Squaxin Island Squaxin Island tribal court and four times." served some bruising on her neck in one of his pockets when he was s identified Perez through Mason County District Court./kf- She said the first time he got off and that because she was "hys- searched, and admitted he did not elliance cameras as partici- ter being advised of his Miranda her when she told him her back terical and upset" he had to "get have a valid prescription for the hg ia a vehicle prowl at the rights, he admitted entering the hurt "so bad" and added: "I got up her to settle down and talk to me." narcotic. o. The stereo equipm'ent residence and taking the items, and I was getting verbal with him. Rankin said he requested Fire Nesbitt's purse was recovered Right away he came running at District 2 paramedics to respond when Morris was detained in the me again, arms out and he was on because she was complaining of parking garage by Officer Steven llsbury says meth bust • top of me. He did the exact same pain. Brooks, who was off=duty from the C. thing, four times. The last time my "She was shaking. She appeared Lacey Police Department and pc- son was standing above me crying, to be traumatized. She said that it tronizing the casino by playing a ";L the start of campaign '00o00my, 00ommy and he finally was her husband that assaulted slot machine near the one Nesbitt got off of me and that's when he her." He said she told him she had was playing. Surveillance video 'e arrest last week of a Bel- Tarrant was booked into the Ma- decided to leave." consumed alcohol before the as- from the casino shows Morris .tVoraan suspected of selling son County Jail on an unrelated Asked by Garcia Jones to de- sault, and Nesbitt talking and then him scribe her feelings, Brock-Brayton Under cross-examination, Sergi snatching her bag. 'aaraphetamine culminated a warrant, Chief Deputy Dean Byrd said: "I thought I would die. It was asked Rankin: "Did she tell you Judge James Sawyer scheduled !thlong investigation involv- reported. the liason County Sheriffs Of- Samoy was identified on No- a really scary, helpless feeling." it was four different events?" He sentencing for November 26. ad the Fugitive Apprehension vember 7 in Mason County Supe- il of the Washington Depart- rior Court in an investigation of of Corrections, according to possession of methamphetaraine SS release from Sheriff Casey with intent to deliver. Judge James Sawyer appointed Ronald arlys B. Samoy, 47, of 480 Sergi as defense attorney, set bail ] Drive NE, Belfair, was ar- at $5,000 and scheduled arraign- N,)vember 6 when deputies ment for November 20. ed a search warrant on the "When I ran for the office ofsher- rty on Bietzel Drive where iff, I promised the people of Mason Sides in a trailer. Officers re- County drug investigations would ly found a wooden box which be made a priority," Salisbury said. Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. ied 20.3 grams of a sub- "This investigation is just the be- e which field-tested positive ginning of our effort to make that (25 + Years Experience} eth, $1,150 in cash, scales, promise a reality. We are putting ging materials and a hand-drug dealers on notice. We will General t) [1 [ y"en"s*r- ter ledger ailey John Tarrant, 47, of vigorously and diligently pursue the drug dealers who choose to ply c (rchard, also was arrested, their trade in Mason County." full service practice A-'ente°CaP] rl  T ...... ql00- Restorative care (Crowns, Bridges, Fillings) AUTOMOTIVE Extractions * Full & Partial Dentures The Professionals Repairs * Relines OlympicCh°ice of Highwaype°ple WhONorthare particular about426,1their467cars! Most Insurances Accepted Shelton, WA 98584 Dan Moldenhauer, owner S. Peters, DPD C. Ngo, DDS iii III i I I i Thursday, November 15, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 27 sits in the rain Monday behind the Thrifty Shop in Gateway Center. The furniture was mlped there over the weekend. .l!ty managers in the limps over dumping he Nifty Thrifty Shop on sistant manager Feather Mer- atain View has had it with II!! dumping their worthless ;| ellind the store. nletime Saturday night or Y Sunday morning someone 'arded a couple of couches recliners that were broken y.aot worth much to any- 'he problem is, the Mason aty Senior Activities Cen- ,)Vhich owns the shop, has to rto have the junk hauled to '!lason County Landfill. I: L getting to the point I'm i to come back after the kead because I don't know at will be there," said as- edith. Besides broken furniture, people have dumped old mat- tresses, bags of clothes, garbage and empty beer cans. In addition, people have left nice things behind the store at night. Unfortunately, vandals tend to smash the good stuff. "We take furniture, mattress- es, all that stuff- when we're open," Meredith said. The shop's hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon- day through Saturday. Meredith is asking people to keep an eye out for those dump- ing junk behind the shop in hopes that increased vigilance will make the problem go away. .00r00ez convicted of three crimes: He's not guilty of assault after picking up wife at bar A 35-year-old (;rig Harbor mall She said she called her mother responded: "No. She just said she was acquitted of attempted as- and stepfather in Puyallup and was choked and strangled. Rankm sault in the second degree after a told them what happened. "They also said she read the statement three-day trial in Mason County told me I needed to call the cops. It she made to him about the as- Superior Court. . lrobably took me an hour because sault and signed it under penalty Greg Dean Brayton, of 13701 he told me if I called the cops or ofperjury. "What did the inside of 142nd Avenue KPN was tbund not told anyone, he would kill me." the residence looked like?" Sergi guilty of attempted assault in the She said her memory was not that asked. "I don't recall any damaged second degree. He had been ac- clear about times. "Everything is property," the deputy said. cused of domestic violence against kind of a blur at first; it's like mud- Peter Bale, who is married to his wife. He was residing at 3823 dy water," she said. Brock-Brayton's mother and lives NE North Shore Road, Belfair, She said she spoke with depu- in Puyallup, said that on June 19, with Stafani D. Brock-Brayton ties and they took photographs they got a telephone call "at about at the time of the alleged offense which she identified. She said they 1 a.m. from Stafani and we went on June 19. Jurors also acquitted told her to go to the emergency to their house. Baby Christian Brayton of third-degree assault, a room. She said her morn and her was under the table. The deputy lesser charge, mom's husband, Peter Bale, drove was there. She was extremely The jury was selected October her to Good Samaritan in Puyal- distressed and in great pain from 25 and testimony began October lup and there were marks "from her arm and her back." He said he 30 with Brock-Brayton. She said the top to the bottom of my neck" and his wife were there about two on the evening of June 18, afer her that she described as "very swol- hours and then drove the alleged husband got home from work, she len and at first, really red and victim to Good Samaritan. "She went and had a couple of drinks then kind of green." She said the and the baby came to live with us. at Babaloo's, a lounge in Belthir, bruising lasted about a week and She had a broken arm and broken with a co-worker of hers. She said that she moved from Belfair after ribs and bruising around her neck, she was there about three hours the incident and has been living marks that grew in color over a and had about four drinks, in Puyallup with her mother and few days." "I was distraught over people stepfather. NICK DRAGOVICH, a fire- lying to me. I was pretty sad," DEFENSE ATTORNEY Ron- fighter and emergency medical she said of her relationship with aid Sergi questioned Brock-Bray- technician with Fire District 2, her husband. She said her hus- ton about a statement she made testified about his interaction with band came to pick her up and they to law enforcement after the in- Brock-Brayton on June 19 at the drove home. "I was upset with him cident as compared to her testi- residence on North Shore Road. for lying to me, so I told him how mony at trial. "In the statement, He said he and another paramedic I felt about his actions and that I you say, 'He threw me around like arrived about 3:40 a.m. and found couldn't take it anymore." a rag doll' and you felt like your her sitting in a chair. He described "WHAT HAPPENED when eyes were going to bug out of your her as "pretty emotional." When you said that?" Deputy Prosecutor head," Sergi said. "You told the of- she calmed down, he continued, Rebecca Jones Garcia asked, ricer back then you were passed "She had told us her boyfriend "He choked me," she respond- out. You said you woke up and or husband beat her up and she ed. Greg had his hands around your wanted to be checked out. She had Jones Garcia asked Brock-Bray- neck. Nowhere does it talk about abrasions on her arms. We asked ton to describe the events after the being choked four times and al- her if she wanted to go to the hos- couple got to the residence after he most passing out." pital and then her parents said picked her up before he allegedly She conceded that was what they'd take her." choked her. she had said back in June but that Sergi asked Dragovich about Brock-Brayton said after she now she remembered more of the his incident report. He said Brock- told him how she felt, her hus- details. Brayton complained about sore- band left with Christian, their 2- Sergi also asked her about (Please turn to page 28.) year-old son, and they were gone statements she made at Good Sa- " police reports about anhour."Ifellandslipped maritan to the effect that her hus- rlbal on the steps while they were gone. band pushed her and pulled her Morris admits I was going out to have a cigarette, around the house. The statement 00asis of guilty verdict I misjudgedthestepsandlcame "talks aboutfracturestoribsand grabbing purse crashing down on my back. I tried the wrist," Sergi said. She said 39-year-old man from the and construction tools, with a to stand up but I was in too much those injuries happened when she of gambling gal a in Island Reservation total value of $3,950, were found pain. I fell and I could not get up," fell on the porch. found guilty of three felony inside his residence, she said. Jones Garcia also asked Brock- A Grays Harbor County man s after a bench trial by *Forgery ibrthree attempts at She said when her husband Brayton about some of her state- admitted grabbing the handbag ge Toni Sheldon in Mason producing U.S. currency in $10 came home with Christian, '3 told merits on the day of the alleged as- of a 79-year-old woman playing a i ty Superior Court. and $20 bills made on a eomput- him I was hurt. And he was laugh- sault. "I had just gotten out of sur- slot machine at the Little Creek gdelano Roy Perez, of 121 er and printer. "He indicated he ing at me and mocking me and vival mode. When you go through Casino when he changed his plea l le U1 Tad Loop, Shelton, was fooling around on his corn- went and got the video camera, something so traumatic it's just in Mason County Superior Court. ,led his rights to a jury trial puter," Sheldon noted. He finally put the video camera a big whoosh," she said. She said Heith Allen Morris, 22, of 112 , to confront witnesses n * Residential burglary, com- away and he came and helped me she could not remember who gave Moore Road, Elma, pled guilty on _d to a reading of the p lo;ic! mitted on March 3 at 4901 SE up, into the house. I went into the hospital staff information about November 5 to theft in the first rts. Perez is scheduled fo Lynch Road where Lillian Hans- bathroom and I got sick." what had happened, degree and unlawful possession of Hydrocodone, a narcotic pain ased on her reading of t os corn resides. Items belonging to "I TOLD HIM I know he lies to DEPUTY THUBMAN R. reliever which requires a prescrip- 4[teacing Monday. h e her were found inside Perez's me and I just couldn't take it any- Rankin from the Mason County tion. 't[rts, Sheldon found him residence on March 12 when of- more. That's when he choked me," Sheriffs Office said he responded In his plea statement Morris ity of the following crimes" ricers from the Squaxin Island she continued. She described him at 2:08 a.m. on June 19 to a 911 said that on September 21 he took Ossession of stolen proper- tribal police and the Mason as "very angry, scary. The look call and contacted Brock-Bray- a purse belonging to Lillian Lor- '1 the first degree, that is ste- County Sheriffs Office served a in the eyes he gets is pure rage. ton, whom he described as upset raine Nesbitt while she was seat- equipment and construction search warrant at Perez's resi- He came running at me with his and crying. He said she told him "ed at a slot machine. He said he } belonging to Jason Phillips. dence, hands out and grabbed me all the there were injuries to the back of intended to keep the contents of !liPs reported the theft in a The judge said the search way around my whole neck and her head, her back and the area the purse. He also said he had Hy- Le  prowl at Little Creek Ca- warrant was obtained through got on top of me. He did it at least around her neck. He said he ob- drocodone pills, which were found boa March 3. Squaxin Island Squaxin Island tribal court and four times." served some bruising on her neck in one of his pockets when he was s identified Perez through Mason County District Court./kf- She said the first time he got off and that because she was "hys- searched, and admitted he did not elliance cameras as partici- ter being advised of his Miranda her when she told him her back terical and upset" he had to "get have a valid prescription for the hg ia a vehicle prowl at the rights, he admitted entering the hurt "so bad" and added: "I got up her to settle down and talk to me." narcotic. o. The stereo equipm'ent residence and taking the items, and I was getting verbal with him. Rankin said he requested Fire Nesbitt's purse was recovered Right away he came running at District 2 paramedics to respond when Morris was detained in the me again, arms out and he was on because she was complaining of parking garage by Officer Steven llsbury says meth bust • top of me. He did the exact same pain. Brooks, who was off=duty from the C. thing, four times. The last time my "She was shaking. She appeared Lacey Police Department and pc- son was standing above me crying, to be traumatized. She said that it tronizing the casino by playing a ";L the start of campaign '00o00my, 00ommy and he finally was her husband that assaulted slot machine near the one Nesbitt got off of me and that's when he her." He said she told him she had was playing. Surveillance video 'e arrest last week of a Bel- Tarrant was booked into the Ma- decided to leave." consumed alcohol before the as- from the casino shows Morris .tVoraan suspected of selling son County Jail on an unrelated Asked by Garcia Jones to de- sault, and Nesbitt talking and then him scribe her feelings, Brock-Brayton Under cross-examination, Sergi snatching her bag. 'aaraphetamine culminated a warrant, Chief Deputy Dean Byrd said: "I thought I would die. It was asked Rankin: "Did she tell you Judge James Sawyer scheduled !thlong investigation involv- reported. the liason County Sheriffs Of- Samoy was identified on No- a really scary, helpless feeling." it was four different events?" He sentencing for November 26. ad the Fugitive Apprehension vember 7 in Mason County Supe- il of the Washington Depart- rior Court in an investigation of of Corrections, according to possession of methamphetaraine SS release from Sheriff Casey with intent to deliver. Judge James Sawyer appointed Ronald arlys B. Samoy, 47, of 480 Sergi as defense attorney, set bail ] Drive NE, Belfair, was ar- at $5,000 and scheduled arraign- N,)vember 6 when deputies ment for November 20. ed a search warrant on the "When I ran for the office ofsher- rty on Bietzel Drive where iff, I promised the people of Mason Sides in a trailer. Officers re- County drug investigations would ly found a wooden box which be made a priority," Salisbury said. Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. ied 20.3 grams of a sub- "This investigation is just the be- e which field-tested positive ginning of our effort to make that (25 + Years Experience} eth, $1,150 in cash, scales, promise a reality. We are putting ging materials and a hand-drug dealers on notice. We will General t) [1 [ y"en"s*r- ter ledger ailey John Tarrant, 47, of vigorously and diligently pursue the drug dealers who choose to ply c (rchard, also was arrested, their trade in Mason County." full service practice A-'ente°CaP] rl  T ...... ql00- Restorative care (Crowns, Bridges, Fillings) AUTOMOTIVE Extractions * Full & Partial Dentures The Professionals Repairs * Relines OlympicCh°ice of Highwaype°ple WhONorthare particular about426,1their467cars! Most Insurances Accepted Shelton, WA 98584 Dan Moldenhauer, owner S. Peters, DPD C. Ngo, DDS iii III i I I i Thursday, November 15, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 27