November 15, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 15, 2007 |
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Hosts needed for Christmas fe
(Continued from page 29.)
ceremony. They will be perform-
ing a second time in Shelton on
Sunday, December 16, at Shel-
ton High School, 3737 Shelton
Springs Road.
The Harstine Island Garden
Club has purchased a canopy to
be used over the barbecue. This
will come in handy when sprin-
kles are in the air and also serves
safbty purposes. Open fires must
be five feet away from the edg-
es of the eaves on the building.
Rendering another service to the
community and its historic hall,
the garden club will provide ad-
ditional funding for the instal-
lation of electrical outlets at the
main entrance to the hall.
Vohmteers are needed to host
the annual Christmas Day Din-
ner at the community hall.
HOSTS AND hostesses for
Friday's community club meet-
ing were Ed and Sandy Mur-
phy, Arlen Morris and Tim
McGregor. As she has done for
several years, Eleanor Pranger
presented a scrapbook of the is-
land news articles published in
2007. It was greatly appreciated
by the membership. While the
rest of the world may care little
about these collections of memo-
rabilia, they are documentaries
of Harstine's history. The books
would be great resources for
someone who would be inspired
to write another history of our
island. Ms. P?anger announced
that this year is her last year to
render this service. A volunteer
is needed to carry on the tradi-
tion. For more information, call
Dudley Panchot at 432-1749.
A slate of officers to guide the
affairs of the community club in
2008 was presented and will be
voted on at the meeting of De-
cember 14. Proposed are Gary
Benz, president, Arlen Morris,
vice president, Carolyn Ebey,
secretary, Jim Irving, treasurer,
Linda Benson and Jim Thomas,
members at large and Panchot,
past president. The door prize,
a multicolor night light donated
by Bob Hammett, was won by
Bey Pogarty.
The late Harley Hunt enjoyed
the days he was able to spend
at his home on Harstine Island.
When he first purchased his res-
idence at Hartstene Pointe, the
number of these days was limit-
ed because of his duties as pastor
of Grace Baptist Church in Ta-
coma. Upon retirement the time
Harley was able to spend on the
island increased and illness did
not keep him from meaningful
contacts with fellow residents.
Pastor Hunt was a member
of the island Friday Morning
Men's Bible Study Group. Af-
ter the 9/11 terrorist attacks on
New York City and Washington,
D.C., he led a memorial service
at the Pointe clubhouse.
Power boards
switch things
around,a bit
The PUD 3 Commission has
canceled a regular meeting
scheduled for November 20. The
next meeting will be at 10 a.m.
on November 27 in the board-
room at 307 West Cota Street in
The PUD 1 Commission will
meet from 10 a.m. to noon at La
Quinta in Tacoma to discuss the
residential exchange program at
a meeting of the Western Public
Agency Group, an association of
16 public utilities based in Wash-
ington and Oregon.
i i ............
$3.169 gal
400 gallon rate*
Senior Discount and Payment Plans
Automatic Fill up
r)A' $,.WGt GVOKIr PeW ,q
11, a large stained-glass win-
dow which had been installed
over the entrance to Grace Bap-
tist Church was dedicated as a
memorial to Hunt. Designed by
Pam Gazale, artist and a teacher
at Stadium High, Harley's ahna
mater, the window shows an
eagle in flight with the inscrip-
tion from Isaiah 40.31: "But they
that wait upon the Lord shall re-
new their strength; they shall
mount up with wings of eagles;
they shall run, and not be wea-
ry; and they shall walk and not
thmt." ttunt had an interest in
stained glass and this was his
favorite and sustaining verse of
the Bible. Karin Hunt, his wife,
brought this memorial to frui-
The tale we wrote, a couple of
weeks ago, about the Harstine
*Price subject to change
'l , i i , i ,
Page 32 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 15, 2007
Islander who visited Las Vegas
for a few days and had some luck,
but who lost her purse, contain-
ing a tidy sum of currency, at
the Seattle airport when she re-
turned home needs an update.
Her story ended with a U-turn
trip back to the airport to find
her purse, at the lost and found
department, devoid of green-
backs and silver coins. However,
there is an epilogue.
Settled back in the
ing environment of
Harstine, the islander
a phone call from the
which she had flown to
and back. They
that all her money,
coins, was in their safe
airport. They regretted
attendant at the lost and
desk was unaware
check arrived soon
Designed for all
in all
M nhodeo Uoyd Iknn
/sint Manager sistant Manager
excellent traction
:Without tire studs,
i. ]
155R,13 (}3 18/T1]41.13 7 52 21B/5TIl-11i
16M.11 5,6.55 175f/0E.14 63[4 llYUQ-Iil
175R-14 41 19S/70Ql14 74 2b 11l§/t]011-14
15R-14 #&'t? 2$8¢700F1-14 7l.,8 19/00TR-14
P18/TSQ4R-14 81,35 P/70(111-16 1.9 %ie/HTII-1S
PItSI75QR-14 87,4P P211/70QR-15 I T 3 i 16011R,1
PZOS/75R-15 9723 265/70Qfl-15 ' 225/10H,16
P21G/75R45 !0 2t5/70Q41,16 1328 235/601R-16
P225/75QR.15 11725 P255ftOQR-tO 7832 11}511m-lS
P23S/754QII-15 112, 275/70Qfl-16 t}'9,Z 205/55MR-15
P22S/SQIt-16XL1141 175/65TR-14 81,24 205/5tlU1,16
175/70QP,-13 l.!j ITR.14 914t) 211/.16
1(14.2 225/5[sl11111 146.A8
1268 2151t5Hl1-17 211 ,?
85! 225/5HR47 :I Lg6
9P 7 ZOe/5OTR-5 0585
lO&4 ] 1NJOHR.16 14395
113.93 206/60NIblll I55.79
IZ 76 J 22S/T1e 153,19
158 271 Z15/17 11 52
11,5 225/60N17 2179-.t
129,68 211/417 19215
38 SlI10.SM-'IS/6 82,?8
locking sipes
while provid-
Ing better handling
on dry, wet &
185/65R-15 15 215/5d.11XL 13 LT215/85R.16
215SR-15XL [I)3 K 22515SR.16XL 33 3
215/65R-16XL ! : 22/SSR-17XL %,45 tT235/85R-16
185/60R*14 235/55R-17XL 151,91 235//5SR45
llli/60R-15Xt 2flS,'SOR.16 1163 265/751R-15
195/60R-15 i ' 225'50fl.15XL t; 1 215/75R-16
205/60R.15 , i-I 205/50fl-tTXL 19 225/75SR-16
2O&eOR-I i: 'h: 225/5O 17X[ !5.54 235/75SR-16
215t60R-I$ i;!! :i':i 225/451L1?XL !]27 245/751R-16
225/60R-16XL 1 235/45R,t 7XL 148 St} 2§5/7§$R-!§
235/60R-15 b,: 225/40e-16XL 156,L8 LT235/TSR-15
185/SSR-151(L ] i[ 245/40R-IeXL 15,83 LT226/76R-11
205/SSR,l(XL 1 !: :'. LT245176R-16
E 148.07 $,T246/761K-16
E 11.40 LT26§/76R.l§
B gg.4T tT26IT{HR-16
Ill 114.87 228/711it-14
lib 11,23 235/?01R-15
O 108,$5 2661701ii-1§
D 116.93 215/70|R-18
II ;17.S5 21WVOSR-16
B 118.49 23§/701R-16
C 12;.55 241/7-16
E 145,I0 2n/TOSR,16
C 142,89 266170SR-1|
I; 15.4 LT246D'OR-17 | 205,95
C 150.12 LT26/70R-17 E 223.39
E 115A1'1 265/701R-17 II 142.77
HI 102,7 LT2715/7-17 C 231,23
II 110.2l 2H/6SR-16 II 130.26
II 13049 236Je§$Fl-17 ill 131,98
II 97,35 2411661R-17 B 141.2Q
II 112:11 27611OIW1-17 n 150.1
| 112,4;} 271/JOiR-20 C 258.09
le 113,25 31/10.$0R-1§ C 137,71
| 12&.71
II I 4.23
This is an excellent
lue on highway and
a smooth
and tough
belt construc-
1§5/80R-12BW 358 165/70HR-13|W ,1 11
165/gOR-13BW 3s,1 175/70HR.13BW 357
P1651|OR-13 34 41 185/70H-13BW 40.15
115/8M-13BW 34,41 17S/70HR-14XLBWSZ 5Z 50R-16
18§/TH-14DW 4 3ti 18S/70HR-14BW 40,29
19S/75R-148W ,1,5;I 195/70R-1411W 45.34
205/7§R-14DW 46.3? 205r/OR-14BW 5622
205/?SR-1SBW 27 205/'/OHR.1611W 54,?,1
215176SR.15BW 50,5 205/'/OTR-15ilW 55411
235/76SR-16iiW 55U9 218/'/OTR-1511W 5.Z$ B-15
E 243.92
E 264.46
E 308A6
E 277.35
E 282.60
E 325.53
E 35105
216,97 37114.tSOQIt-l§
350.46 38/14.SOQI-16
395.50 38/1§.50QR-20
338.55 38/1§.60QR-18
364.61 40115.80QR-20
EE 389.25 40115.SOQR-22
C 220.13
C 262.76
E 335.10
D 399.30
0 448.06
El 494.33
E 475.52
E 496.39
E 696.39
C 289.33
O 32888
El 461.94
O 505.95
El 604.86
O 707.41
M King
Soles & Service
Korey Ml©hul Ben Pdeo
Alignment Omkes & Aligment
glf gilES I!111Z1'!
Olympic Gateway Shopping Center, Shelton
Mon-Fri 8 a.m.-6 p.m. - Sat 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Hosts needed for Christmas fe
(Continued from page 29.)
ceremony. They will be perform-
ing a second time in Shelton on
Sunday, December 16, at Shel-
ton High School, 3737 Shelton
Springs Road.
The Harstine Island Garden
Club has purchased a canopy to
be used over the barbecue. This
will come in handy when sprin-
kles are in the air and also serves
safbty purposes. Open fires must
be five feet away from the edg-
es of the eaves on the building.
Rendering another service to the
community and its historic hall,
the garden club will provide ad-
ditional funding for the instal-
lation of electrical outlets at the
main entrance to the hall.
Vohmteers are needed to host
the annual Christmas Day Din-
ner at the community hall.
HOSTS AND hostesses for
Friday's community club meet-
ing were Ed and Sandy Mur-
phy, Arlen Morris and Tim
McGregor. As she has done for
several years, Eleanor Pranger
presented a scrapbook of the is-
land news articles published in
2007. It was greatly appreciated
by the membership. While the
rest of the world may care little
about these collections of memo-
rabilia, they are documentaries
of Harstine's history. The books
would be great resources for
someone who would be inspired
to write another history of our
island. Ms. P?anger announced
that this year is her last year to
render this service. A volunteer
is needed to carry on the tradi-
tion. For more information, call
Dudley Panchot at 432-1749.
A slate of officers to guide the
affairs of the community club in
2008 was presented and will be
voted on at the meeting of De-
cember 14. Proposed are Gary
Benz, president, Arlen Morris,
vice president, Carolyn Ebey,
secretary, Jim Irving, treasurer,
Linda Benson and Jim Thomas,
members at large and Panchot,
past president. The door prize,
a multicolor night light donated
by Bob Hammett, was won by
Bey Pogarty.
The late Harley Hunt enjoyed
the days he was able to spend
at his home on Harstine Island.
When he first purchased his res-
idence at Hartstene Pointe, the
number of these days was limit-
ed because of his duties as pastor
of Grace Baptist Church in Ta-
coma. Upon retirement the time
Harley was able to spend on the
island increased and illness did
not keep him from meaningful
contacts with fellow residents.
Pastor Hunt was a member
of the island Friday Morning
Men's Bible Study Group. Af-
ter the 9/11 terrorist attacks on
New York City and Washington,
D.C., he led a memorial service
at the Pointe clubhouse.
Power boards
switch things
around,a bit
The PUD 3 Commission has
canceled a regular meeting
scheduled for November 20. The
next meeting will be at 10 a.m.
on November 27 in the board-
room at 307 West Cota Street in
The PUD 1 Commission will
meet from 10 a.m. to noon at La
Quinta in Tacoma to discuss the
residential exchange program at
a meeting of the Western Public
Agency Group, an association of
16 public utilities based in Wash-
ington and Oregon.
i i ............
$3.169 gal
400 gallon rate*
Senior Discount and Payment Plans
Automatic Fill up
r)A' $,.WGt GVOKIr PeW ,q
11, a large stained-glass win-
dow which had been installed
over the entrance to Grace Bap-
tist Church was dedicated as a
memorial to Hunt. Designed by
Pam Gazale, artist and a teacher
at Stadium High, Harley's ahna
mater, the window shows an
eagle in flight with the inscrip-
tion from Isaiah 40.31: "But they
that wait upon the Lord shall re-
new their strength; they shall
mount up with wings of eagles;
they shall run, and not be wea-
ry; and they shall walk and not
thmt." ttunt had an interest in
stained glass and this was his
favorite and sustaining verse of
the Bible. Karin Hunt, his wife,
brought this memorial to frui-
The tale we wrote, a couple of
weeks ago, about the Harstine
*Price subject to change
'l , i i , i ,
Page 32 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 15, 2007
Islander who visited Las Vegas
for a few days and had some luck,
but who lost her purse, contain-
ing a tidy sum of currency, at
the Seattle airport when she re-
turned home needs an update.
Her story ended with a U-turn
trip back to the airport to find
her purse, at the lost and found
department, devoid of green-
backs and silver coins. However,
there is an epilogue.
Settled back in the
ing environment of
Harstine, the islander
a phone call from the
which she had flown to
and back. They
that all her money,
coins, was in their safe
airport. They regretted
attendant at the lost and
desk was unaware
check arrived soon
Designed for all
in all
M nhodeo Uoyd Iknn
/sint Manager sistant Manager
excellent traction
:Without tire studs,
i. ]
155R,13 (}3 18/T1]41.13 7 52 21B/5TIl-11i
16M.11 5,6.55 175f/0E.14 63[4 llYUQ-Iil
175R-14 41 19S/70Ql14 74 2b 11l§/t]011-14
15R-14 #&'t? 2$8¢700F1-14 7l.,8 19/00TR-14
P18/TSQ4R-14 81,35 P/70(111-16 1.9 %ie/HTII-1S
PItSI75QR-14 87,4P P211/70QR-15 I T 3 i 16011R,1
PZOS/75R-15 9723 265/70Qfl-15 ' 225/10H,16
P21G/75R45 !0 2t5/70Q41,16 1328 235/601R-16
P225/75QR.15 11725 P255ftOQR-tO 7832 11}511m-lS
P23S/754QII-15 112, 275/70Qfl-16 t}'9,Z 205/55MR-15
P22S/SQIt-16XL1141 175/65TR-14 81,24 205/5tlU1,16
175/70QP,-13 l.!j ITR.14 914t) 211/.16
1(14.2 225/5[sl11111 146.A8
1268 2151t5Hl1-17 211 ,?
85! 225/5HR47 :I Lg6
9P 7 ZOe/5OTR-5 0585
lO&4 ] 1NJOHR.16 14395
113.93 206/60NIblll I55.79
IZ 76 J 22S/T1e 153,19
158 271 Z15/17 11 52
11,5 225/60N17 2179-.t
129,68 211/417 19215
38 SlI10.SM-'IS/6 82,?8
locking sipes
while provid-
Ing better handling
on dry, wet &
185/65R-15 15 215/5d.11XL 13 LT215/85R.16
215SR-15XL [I)3 K 22515SR.16XL 33 3
215/65R-16XL ! : 22/SSR-17XL %,45 tT235/85R-16
185/60R*14 235/55R-17XL 151,91 235//5SR45
llli/60R-15Xt 2flS,'SOR.16 1163 265/751R-15
195/60R-15 i ' 225'50fl.15XL t; 1 215/75R-16
205/60R.15 , i-I 205/50fl-tTXL 19 225/75SR-16
2O&eOR-I i: 'h: 225/5O 17X[ !5.54 235/75SR-16
215t60R-I$ i;!! :i':i 225/451L1?XL !]27 245/751R-16
225/60R-16XL 1 235/45R,t 7XL 148 St} 2§5/7§$R-!§
235/60R-15 b,: 225/40e-16XL 156,L8 LT235/TSR-15
185/SSR-151(L ] i[ 245/40R-IeXL 15,83 LT226/76R-11
205/SSR,l(XL 1 !: :'. LT245176R-16
E 148.07 $,T246/761K-16
E 11.40 LT26§/76R.l§
B gg.4T tT26IT{HR-16
Ill 114.87 228/711it-14
lib 11,23 235/?01R-15
O 108,$5 2661701ii-1§
D 116.93 215/70|R-18
II ;17.S5 21WVOSR-16
B 118.49 23§/701R-16
C 12;.55 241/7-16
E 145,I0 2n/TOSR,16
C 142,89 266170SR-1|
I; 15.4 LT246D'OR-17 | 205,95
C 150.12 LT26/70R-17 E 223.39
E 115A1'1 265/701R-17 II 142.77
HI 102,7 LT2715/7-17 C 231,23
II 110.2l 2H/6SR-16 II 130.26
II 13049 236Je§$Fl-17 ill 131,98
II 97,35 2411661R-17 B 141.2Q
II 112:11 27611OIW1-17 n 150.1
| 112,4;} 271/JOiR-20 C 258.09
le 113,25 31/10.$0R-1§ C 137,71
| 12&.71
II I 4.23
This is an excellent
lue on highway and
a smooth
and tough
belt construc-
1§5/80R-12BW 358 165/70HR-13|W ,1 11
165/gOR-13BW 3s,1 175/70HR.13BW 357
P1651|OR-13 34 41 185/70H-13BW 40.15
115/8M-13BW 34,41 17S/70HR-14XLBWSZ 5Z 50R-16
18§/TH-14DW 4 3ti 18S/70HR-14BW 40,29
19S/75R-148W ,1,5;I 195/70R-1411W 45.34
205/7§R-14DW 46.3? 205r/OR-14BW 5622
205/?SR-1SBW 27 205/'/OHR.1611W 54,?,1
215176SR.15BW 50,5 205/'/OTR-15ilW 55411
235/76SR-16iiW 55U9 218/'/OTR-1511W 5.Z$ B-15
E 243.92
E 264.46
E 308A6
E 277.35
E 282.60
E 325.53
E 35105
216,97 37114.tSOQIt-l§
350.46 38/14.SOQI-16
395.50 38/1§.50QR-20
338.55 38/1§.60QR-18
364.61 40115.80QR-20
EE 389.25 40115.SOQR-22
C 220.13
C 262.76
E 335.10
D 399.30
0 448.06
El 494.33
E 475.52
E 496.39
E 696.39
C 289.33
O 32888
El 461.94
O 505.95
El 604.86
O 707.41
M King
Soles & Service
Korey Ml©hul Ben Pdeo
Alignment Omkes & Aligment
glf gilES I!111Z1'!
Olympic Gateway Shopping Center, Shelton
Mon-Fri 8 a.m.-6 p.m. - Sat 8 a.m.-5 p.m.