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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 15, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 15, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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O O CLASSIFIED" is words or less- $6.50 ,Classified deadline- 2 p.m. Tuesday • 10 cents for eachadditional word over 15 ,Classified display -- 5 p.m. Monday RATES • Four insertions for the price of three • Cancellation deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday Phone (360) 426-4412 to Place Ad In multiple Insertion ads, The Journal will be responsible for errors in the first .insertion only. IEDROOM sets. 1 antique birdseye 5-piece. 1 new 3-piece wood, I. r. $550 each OBO. Loveseat, $40. 10's stuffed chair, wood trim, $50. L,°sional tables with storage, $25 Rt). Ladies mauve recliner, $125. III6g. We are having a 50% l,ng, hoses, hat.s, belts, ies. Now thru December. I also carry jewelry, furniture, colle(;t- ay-Saturday. K11115-I 216 THER 7' plush couch and matching llt. Blackberry color. Great condition. i $3,000, sell $I ,200. Call (360) 790- B.C11115 .---...., kiCK CANOPY, dark green, fits 6' II bed, maybe others. Fiberglass, II sliding window, $150. (360) 432- . G11115-I 216 • -----. ..... NO UPRIGHT, mahogany, ivory )Card, cast iron frame. Made by elssohn Piano Co. Derby, Conn. r to 1930. Excellent condition. (360) • 5574. W11115 '--..._., 13OTA GENERATOR, diesel, 5500, trailer, never used, $3,800. a motor, 2002 model, long shaft, BP. (used 6 hours), $1,200. Insulated ,/ike new, $150. Amana clothes dry- tACARE PRONTO power wheel- llw, $1,000 OBO• (360) 402- DO 3500 factory flatbed,  boxes under custom heavy duty . Clean, 109,000 miles, $9,500. approximately 800' 2xSx11/2" foun- n forms Lots of miscellaneous eSsories. Concrete saw with new rnond blade, troweling, machine, and 1 tools, laser level, $5,000. (360) 7-6370. B11/15-12/6 NO RECORDS, '20's, '30's. '40's, 60's, Albums and singles, $200 • Sound Design radio, record and t player in cabinet, $50. Brother ltric typewriter, unused, $25. Stud- .tires, 225/60/16, used once, $25. 1898-4440. $11/8-15 IONZE YOUR baby shoes, $34.95 up. Kardia gold. Bronzed roses, .50. (360) 426-5726. M11/8-29 LL DIMENSION 3100, 19" LCD monJ- 1 gig memory, 3.0 ghz Pentium 4, 80 hard drive, XP home service pack, 2 rom and DVD RW (2 drives) 13-in- card reader, 2 speakers with sub. Very radeable. $750 OBO. (360) 432-7935; • 0) 789-5570, ask for Dan. 8/2ffn Collectible ' Coins • Currency • Militaria Ibl00 DAN'S COIN SHOP 1012 Harrison Ave. NW Olympia .___ 3S2-8848 j TOP SOIL High quality sandy loam Top cut • No Rocks • No Clay LANDSCAPING Lawns • Sprinklers Plants • Bark Backhoe • Dozer ROCK WALLS Bulkheads • Ripraps i ,'. Deliveries Anywhere NORTHWEST 4260093922 Journal's Super Crossword Answers LADY OF the Lake announces continu- ous holiday sales through the New Year - and additional store hours: now open Thursday through Monday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Hundreds of new items are added weekly plus a new sale every week- end! Veterans' Day weekend wilt high- light "Music of the Past" with sales on antique radios, Victrolas and musical instruments. The Lady offers wonderful options for holiday preparation including an Italian lacquer bar cart, an Art Deco secretary/curio/bar, a walnut curio/sec- retary, a magnificent antique oak china cabinet and side board, a mahogany china cabinet, two oak buffets, three oak dining tables, armoires, wool area rugs, chandeliers, Tiffany lamps, sconces, flo- ral arrangements and so much morel All on sale! In addition, unique decorating options include statuary, ornaments and exquisite crocheted snowflakes (over 60 varieties) for purchase or special order. A wonderful selection of fall clothing from Chico, Coldwater, Ellen Tracy, and other favorites is available and on sale through- out November. This includes sweaters, coats, fine leather and truly unique furs! And Pendleton shirts, jackets, blazers, robes and throws are available and on sale. Unique gift ideas from local arti- sans include handmade jewelry, stained glass, stationery, copper sculpture, can- dles, soaps, and even rare books! Lay- away and gift certificates are available so shop early for the best selection! Lady of the Lake, 1085 E. Pickering Rd. (across from Spencer Lake Resort) open Thurs- day thru Monday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. accepts VlSA/MC- (360) 426-8632. L11/1-22 1997 PACE AM cargo trailer, 20' box, tows great, $3,900. 2001 Komfort 5th wheel trailer, 22', rear kitchen, roof air, living room slide-out, very nice, $12,000 firm. Upright piano, $150. (360) 427- 4104. R10/25-11/15 SHEDS! SHEDS! Garden or storage, fall stock discount. Complete buildings for quick delivery. (360) 273-1603. B10/4- 11/22 DECKS AND ramps. We specialize in custom units and have stock sizes too. Woodsmith (360) 426-0820. L6/29ffn HOLIDAY BAZAAR Springroad Chapel, 1113 Shelton Springs Road (same road as high school). Friday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. $11/15 COUNTRY CHRISTMAS BAZAAR GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS PAVILION IN ELMA Saturday, November 17 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. Sunday, November 18 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. All handcrafted items decorations, country gfts. ,,/, , Harstine Island's - "Holiday House Bazaar" Saturday, Nov. 24th, 10:00-3:00 ,,, .Fo,ow the signs rr CLOSE-OUT. "Up The Creek Antiques" collectibles - gifts. 20% off everything, November 16, 17, 18, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. or call for appointment, (360) 877-9329. N. 561 Finch Creek Road, Hoodsport. J11/8-15 MISSION CREEK Antique Gallery Holi- day Open House begins December 1st. New inventory, special sales each weekend through Christmas. Order your Christmas baskets now: gourmet coffee, tea, chocolates, gourmet sea- food and much more. Come experience the warmth and make some fabulous finds in Belfair, 23611 NE Highway 3, Monday, Wednesday 12 noon-6 p.m., closed Tuesday. Thursday-Saturday 10:30 a.m.-6 p.m., Sunday 12:30-6 p.m. M11/15-12/20 RAY'S AUCTION Service specializing in liquidations, estates and benefits. Everything I touch turns to sold. (360) 495-3004. R8/23-2/14 INCREDIBLE COLLECTORS Auction! Saturday, November 17th at 4 p.m. Preview (noon-sale) at Johnny's Auc- tion in Rochester. www.johnnysauction. com. Info (360) 791-6085. 100+ pieces of Napcoware, Dresden, Occupied Ja- pan, Lefton, Goebel, Royal Copely, Nippon, Royal Albert, Royal Daulton, Luster Ware, Limoges, Franciscan, Blue Willow, Spode, VanBriggle, Rookwood, Roseville, Weller, Frankoma, Art glass, cranberry, Depression, opalescent pat- tern glass, crystal signed Libby and Waterford, Paden City, Quoizel lamp, mantle clocks, Tobey mugs, harp, spoon collection, sewing, buttons, die cast. 100+ Boyd's Bears, clowns, vintage kitchen, crocks, black Americana, ink wells, knives, Bundy alto sax, sterling Conn flute, old toys, giant nutcrackers, ivory, cuckoo clock, rugs, Lenox eagles, exceptional estate art. Tons of jewelry. Gobs of incredible furniture. Flat screen TVs. Lots of really great tools. A Stihl 028. Like new Honda 10 h.p. 4-stroke outboard. Pics are on the web now, check 'em outl J11/15 AUCTION THIS Friday, November 16. Preview starts noon; auction starts 6:30 p.m. 16525 Tilly Road, Tenino. For all auction info call Dale at (360) 580-2197 or come see what we're about and pre- view auction online at brumsfieldsauc- B11/15 I JOURNALCLASS'FIEDS] BUYING DVDs, scrap gold, costume jewelry. Kiss Me Clothing, 129 Railroad Ave. K11/15-12/6 OLD BICYCLES or parts. Will pick up and haul away free. (360) 868-2135. H11/15-22 CONSIGNMENTS WANTED: Cars, trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel- ton. (360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn WANTED: BAND to rein me in as a singer/songwriter. I'm a little bit country and a little bit '80's metal/powerballad. I like music that delivers a positive mes- sage and emphasizes the value of mor- als. Some would call me lame because I don't listen to bands with names like Hate Fist, and to that I say, "If the shoe fits I'll wear it and walk a mile." I'm looking for a group that's happy just to be heard. Shane. (360) 426-4540. P4/19tfn I I I FREE REMOVAL OF COMPLETE dUNK CARS AND UNWANTED VEHICLES within 20 miles of Shelton 360-427-9052 A TREASURE for everyone, antiques to trinkets and everything in-between. 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Friday-Sunday• 2041 E. Brockdale Road. O11/15 RUMMAGE SALE at Moose Lodge on Craig Road to benefit needy families for Christmas. Saturday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Sponsored by Fire District 5. Furniture, canoe, knick- knacks, truckloads of good misc. stuff. W11/15 FRIDAY-SUNDAY - 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Com- bining households - lots of good stuff. 529 Dearborn (in the garage). N11/15 FRIDAY 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m.- noon. Furniture, some tools, house- hold. 521 Fairmount Ave., sale in alley. Hll/15 SALE - FRIDAY, Saturday, Sunday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Most all items came from estate sales. We buy lots of jewelry (costume, rhinestone, silver). Vintage glassware, Fenton, Westmoreland, Dugan, Vaseline, art glass, plus much more. Beautiful dining room table with 6 highback cushioned chairs, household items, bedding, pots and pans, linens, Coming ware, Pyrex baking dishes and pans. Christmas decorations. Old han- dloader, wings military, Playboy maga- zines, books, records, VCR movies, collectors plates, board games for kids. Way too much to list. It will be worth your drive out Steamboat Island Road to Wringal Grange Hall (about 7 miles). Follow signs. H11/15 KITTEN RESCUE'S Last Garage Sale For 2007. Our last garage sale is huge! Items of interest: small pickup canopy; 2 electric trolling motors; oak roll top desk; antique writing desk; dining table; kids pedal riding tractor; Christmas decora- tions; garden tools; Murray lawn mower, Maytag clothes dryer; Inversion back swing; and wonderful lightly used and new clothing and jewelry; too much to list here. Proceeds all used for our shelter, wonderful quilt raffle going on right now! Information at (360) 426-2455 message and 584-0594 cell. Nov. 17, Sat. from 8 a.m. til 4 p.m., 420 SE S.R. 3, Shelton, WA. K11/8-15 /ll IHIII IIIII II IIIIIII IIIIIII'IIIII I'II IIIIIIII'I llllllllt " S.O.C.K. SWAP MEET Saturday, Nov 17 9am-4pm Saturday, Dec 1_5 9am-4pm 601 W Franklin across from Safeway Call 898-4957 Parking at Our Community Credit Union IIII!I[I|IIHi!IIIIIIII!IIIIII!IIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII| CNC MILLING machine shop. Price reducedl Owner retiring. Tools, equip- ment, customer list will be included in sale. $400,000. For more info call Shir- ley, Real Estate USA, (360) 427-4488. Rll/15 HOODSPORT MARINA Pub & Eatery on the water with pier over water for additional dining. $50,000 buys out our lease and excellent business. Stop out, have a look end visit. Buyer must be ap- proved by the landlord• Excellent long- term lease. (360) 427-0235. H11/1-22 WELLS CARGO Concession Trailer, equipped with Coke machine, 2 deep fryers, 4 sinks, 2 grills, freezer, 8,000 watt generator with inverter. $13,000, will take pickup as part payment. Call (360) 427-6144. $10/25-11/15 LOCAL BUSINESS IS GROWING • NOW HIRING! HAULING & BUYING VEHICLES MARY M. Knight School District needs substitute teachers. If interested call the school for more information at (360) 426-6767. $11/15 EXPERIENCED FRAMERS needed. Call K&T Construction, (360) 413-9987. K11/15-12/6 OLYMPIC COLLEGE Shelton Campus, Lab Facilitator, Immediate Opening, part-time hourly Lab Facilitator position opening on the Shelton Campus. Hold or be able to obtain RN license, BSN required, current CPR certification, cur- rent immunizations, recent clinical ex- perience, dosage calculations method. Open until filled. Salary: $27.26/hr. For application form and application require- ments, visit our web site www.olympic. edu/employment or stop by the Human Resource Services Office (HRS) during office hours, M-F 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. HRS is located at the Bremerton Campus on the 5th floor of the College Service Cen- ter or call (360) 475-7300. EOE. O11/15 SOUTH PUGET Sound Community Col- lege seeking part-time women's softball coach, open until filled. Application ma- terial received by November 23, 2007 will receive first consideration. For spe- cific position requirements and applica- tion packet, visit the website at www. An employment applica- tion packet can also be obtained in the Human Resources Office, South Puget Sound Community College, 2011 Mott- man Road SW, Olympia, WA 98512. Phone (360) 596-5500; or e-mail car- TDD access call (360) 596-5439. AA/EOE. $11/15 OLYMPIC SECURITY Services seek- ing full time security officer for Cushman Dam project. Must have valid driver's license, clean record. Pass drug test and background check. Willing to work outside. Contact Robert Kenmir (253) 779-7203 or Ruben Gonzalez (253) 502- 8779. O11/15-12/6 THE EVERGREEN Sate College, Olym- pia, WA. Program Coordinator posi- tions. Three positions available: 1) Ex- tended Education and Summer School. 2) Dean's Budget and Space. 3) Pres- ident's Office. Salary range, $2,433 to $3,150 per month DOQ. Applications due by December 4, 2007. For a full de- scription of each position and to learn how to apply visit: http://www.evergreen. edu/employmenlJstaffjobs.htm. EOEI AA/ADA. T11/15 SUBWAY - FULL time 1:30-9:30 p.m. Friendly, outgoing person a must. Pay up to $9.50 per hour. Apply in person at Taylor Towne Subway, 70 SE Lynch Road. R11/15-22 LIVE-IN CAREGIVER, seven days a week, 5 p.m.-8 a.m. Honest, depend- able. Room, board plus monthly stipend. (360) 427-9146. B11/15 SMALL JOB for person with tile experi- ence, Spencer Lake, (206) 399-5441. Pll/15 LOOKING FOR person with landscape experience (retaining walls, clearing, etc.). Would like someone with experi- ence operating equipment. 1-2 month job. Spencer Lake, (206) 399-5441. Pll/15 FULL TIME Medical Assistapt needed at busy OB/GYN clinic. Must be a self starter, team player with excellent com- puter and clinical skills. Benefit package available. Bilingual encouraged to ap- ply. Resume to: 2300 Kati Ct, Ste• A, Shelton, WA 98584; fax (360) 427-1268. G11/15-12/6 III1|11 Illllllllllllllllll fllllllllll IIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIII IIII IIg II IIIIIIII It lit fllflllllHIItlllll CERTIFIED ¥0.6A :INSTI00U(TOI00S NEEDED Must be loving and kind ,,0-868-2296 "Ask for Trisha nIiUIIt IIIllllllllt I III I NURSES A local family needs your helpl Make a difference in the lives of a family in Belfair ... Please call Maxim Healthcare Nationally accredited Employee benefits Free training SHELTON AUTO PARTS & WRECKING , Now with increased OMER'"'S REPAIRS pay rates/ 427 00S150 All shifttypes available II Full time and part time Call toll-free 1501 W. Dayton-Airport Road * Mon.-Sat. 9-5 866-617-3781 Thursday, November 15, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 33 O O CLASSIFIED" is words or less- $6.50 ,Classified deadline- 2 p.m. Tuesday • 10 cents for eachadditional word over 15 ,Classified display -- 5 p.m. Monday RATES • Four insertions for the price of three • Cancellation deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday Phone (360) 426-4412 to Place Ad In multiple Insertion ads, The Journal will be responsible for errors in the first .insertion only. IEDROOM sets. 1 antique birdseye 5-piece. 1 new 3-piece wood, I. r. $550 each OBO. Loveseat, $40. 10's stuffed chair, wood trim, $50. L,°sional tables with storage, $25 Rt). Ladies mauve recliner, $125. III6g. We are having a 50% l,ng, hoses, hat.s, belts, ies. Now thru December. I also carry jewelry, furniture, colle(;t- ay-Saturday. K11115-I 216 THER 7' plush couch and matching llt. Blackberry color. Great condition. i $3,000, sell $I ,200. Call (360) 790- B.C11115 .---...., kiCK CANOPY, dark green, fits 6' II bed, maybe others. Fiberglass, II sliding window, $150. (360) 432- . G11115-I 216 • -----. ..... NO UPRIGHT, mahogany, ivory )Card, cast iron frame. Made by elssohn Piano Co. Derby, Conn. r to 1930. Excellent condition. (360) • 5574. W11115 '--..._., 13OTA GENERATOR, diesel, 5500, trailer, never used, $3,800. a motor, 2002 model, long shaft, BP. (used 6 hours), $1,200. Insulated ,/ike new, $150. Amana clothes dry- tACARE PRONTO power wheel- llw, $1,000 OBO• (360) 402- DO 3500 factory flatbed,  boxes under custom heavy duty . Clean, 109,000 miles, $9,500. approximately 800' 2xSx11/2" foun- n forms Lots of miscellaneous eSsories. Concrete saw with new rnond blade, troweling, machine, and 1 tools, laser level, $5,000. (360) 7-6370. B11/15-12/6 NO RECORDS, '20's, '30's. '40's, 60's, Albums and singles, $200 • Sound Design radio, record and t player in cabinet, $50. Brother ltric typewriter, unused, $25. Stud- .tires, 225/60/16, used once, $25. 1898-4440. $11/8-15 IONZE YOUR baby shoes, $34.95 up. Kardia gold. Bronzed roses, .50. (360) 426-5726. M11/8-29 LL DIMENSION 3100, 19" LCD monJ- 1 gig memory, 3.0 ghz Pentium 4, 80 hard drive, XP home service pack, 2 rom and DVD RW (2 drives) 13-in- card reader, 2 speakers with sub. Very radeable. $750 OBO. (360) 432-7935; • 0) 789-5570, ask for Dan. 8/2ffn Collectible ' Coins • Currency • Militaria Ibl00 DAN'S COIN SHOP 1012 Harrison Ave. NW Olympia .___ 3S2-8848 j TOP SOIL High quality sandy loam Top cut • No Rocks • No Clay LANDSCAPING Lawns • Sprinklers Plants • Bark Backhoe • Dozer ROCK WALLS Bulkheads • Ripraps i ,'. Deliveries Anywhere NORTHWEST 4260093922 Journal's Super Crossword Answers LADY OF the Lake announces continu- ous holiday sales through the New Year - and additional store hours: now open Thursday through Monday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Hundreds of new items are added weekly plus a new sale every week- end! Veterans' Day weekend wilt high- light "Music of the Past" with sales on antique radios, Victrolas and musical instruments. The Lady offers wonderful options for holiday preparation including an Italian lacquer bar cart, an Art Deco secretary/curio/bar, a walnut curio/sec- retary, a magnificent antique oak china cabinet and side board, a mahogany china cabinet, two oak buffets, three oak dining tables, armoires, wool area rugs, chandeliers, Tiffany lamps, sconces, flo- ral arrangements and so much morel All on sale! In addition, unique decorating options include statuary, ornaments and exquisite crocheted snowflakes (over 60 varieties) for purchase or special order. A wonderful selection of fall clothing from Chico, Coldwater, Ellen Tracy, and other favorites is available and on sale through- out November. This includes sweaters, coats, fine leather and truly unique furs! And Pendleton shirts, jackets, blazers, robes and throws are available and on sale. Unique gift ideas from local arti- sans include handmade jewelry, stained glass, stationery, copper sculpture, can- dles, soaps, and even rare books! Lay- away and gift certificates are available so shop early for the best selection! Lady of the Lake, 1085 E. Pickering Rd. (across from Spencer Lake Resort) open Thurs- day thru Monday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. accepts VlSA/MC- (360) 426-8632. L11/1-22 1997 PACE AM cargo trailer, 20' box, tows great, $3,900. 2001 Komfort 5th wheel trailer, 22', rear kitchen, roof air, living room slide-out, very nice, $12,000 firm. Upright piano, $150. (360) 427- 4104. R10/25-11/15 SHEDS! SHEDS! Garden or storage, fall stock discount. Complete buildings for quick delivery. (360) 273-1603. B10/4- 11/22 DECKS AND ramps. We specialize in custom units and have stock sizes too. Woodsmith (360) 426-0820. L6/29ffn HOLIDAY BAZAAR Springroad Chapel, 1113 Shelton Springs Road (same road as high school). Friday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. $11/15 COUNTRY CHRISTMAS BAZAAR GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS PAVILION IN ELMA Saturday, November 17 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. Sunday, November 18 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. All handcrafted items decorations, country gfts. ,,/, , Harstine Island's - "Holiday House Bazaar" Saturday, Nov. 24th, 10:00-3:00 ,,, .Fo,ow the signs rr CLOSE-OUT. "Up The Creek Antiques" collectibles - gifts. 20% off everything, November 16, 17, 18, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. or call for appointment, (360) 877-9329. N. 561 Finch Creek Road, Hoodsport. J11/8-15 MISSION CREEK Antique Gallery Holi- day Open House begins December 1st. New inventory, special sales each weekend through Christmas. Order your Christmas baskets now: gourmet coffee, tea, chocolates, gourmet sea- food and much more. Come experience the warmth and make some fabulous finds in Belfair, 23611 NE Highway 3, Monday, Wednesday 12 noon-6 p.m., closed Tuesday. Thursday-Saturday 10:30 a.m.-6 p.m., Sunday 12:30-6 p.m. M11/15-12/20 RAY'S AUCTION Service specializing in liquidations, estates and benefits. Everything I touch turns to sold. (360) 495-3004. R8/23-2/14 INCREDIBLE COLLECTORS Auction! Saturday, November 17th at 4 p.m. Preview (noon-sale) at Johnny's Auc- tion in Rochester. www.johnnysauction. com. Info (360) 791-6085. 100+ pieces of Napcoware, Dresden, Occupied Ja- pan, Lefton, Goebel, Royal Copely, Nippon, Royal Albert, Royal Daulton, Luster Ware, Limoges, Franciscan, Blue Willow, Spode, VanBriggle, Rookwood, Roseville, Weller, Frankoma, Art glass, cranberry, Depression, opalescent pat- tern glass, crystal signed Libby and Waterford, Paden City, Quoizel lamp, mantle clocks, Tobey mugs, harp, spoon collection, sewing, buttons, die cast. 100+ Boyd's Bears, clowns, vintage kitchen, crocks, black Americana, ink wells, knives, Bundy alto sax, sterling Conn flute, old toys, giant nutcrackers, ivory, cuckoo clock, rugs, Lenox eagles, exceptional estate art. Tons of jewelry. Gobs of incredible furniture. Flat screen TVs. Lots of really great tools. A Stihl 028. Like new Honda 10 h.p. 4-stroke outboard. Pics are on the web now, check 'em outl J11/15 AUCTION THIS Friday, November 16. Preview starts noon; auction starts 6:30 p.m. 16525 Tilly Road, Tenino. For all auction info call Dale at (360) 580-2197 or come see what we're about and pre- view auction online at brumsfieldsauc- B11/15 I JOURNALCLASS'FIEDS] BUYING DVDs, scrap gold, costume jewelry. Kiss Me Clothing, 129 Railroad Ave. K11/15-12/6 OLD BICYCLES or parts. Will pick up and haul away free. (360) 868-2135. H11/15-22 CONSIGNMENTS WANTED: Cars, trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel- ton. (360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn WANTED: BAND to rein me in as a singer/songwriter. I'm a little bit country and a little bit '80's metal/powerballad. I like music that delivers a positive mes- sage and emphasizes the value of mor- als. Some would call me lame because I don't listen to bands with names like Hate Fist, and to that I say, "If the shoe fits I'll wear it and walk a mile." I'm looking for a group that's happy just to be heard. Shane. (360) 426-4540. P4/19tfn I I I FREE REMOVAL OF COMPLETE dUNK CARS AND UNWANTED VEHICLES within 20 miles of Shelton 360-427-9052 A TREASURE for everyone, antiques to trinkets and everything in-between. 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Friday-Sunday• 2041 E. Brockdale Road. O11/15 RUMMAGE SALE at Moose Lodge on Craig Road to benefit needy families for Christmas. Saturday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Sponsored by Fire District 5. Furniture, canoe, knick- knacks, truckloads of good misc. stuff. W11/15 FRIDAY-SUNDAY - 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Com- bining households - lots of good stuff. 529 Dearborn (in the garage). N11/15 FRIDAY 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m.- noon. Furniture, some tools, house- hold. 521 Fairmount Ave., sale in alley. Hll/15 SALE - FRIDAY, Saturday, Sunday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Most all items came from estate sales. We buy lots of jewelry (costume, rhinestone, silver). Vintage glassware, Fenton, Westmoreland, Dugan, Vaseline, art glass, plus much more. Beautiful dining room table with 6 highback cushioned chairs, household items, bedding, pots and pans, linens, Coming ware, Pyrex baking dishes and pans. Christmas decorations. Old han- dloader, wings military, Playboy maga- zines, books, records, VCR movies, collectors plates, board games for kids. Way too much to list. It will be worth your drive out Steamboat Island Road to Wringal Grange Hall (about 7 miles). Follow signs. H11/15 KITTEN RESCUE'S Last Garage Sale For 2007. Our last garage sale is huge! Items of interest: small pickup canopy; 2 electric trolling motors; oak roll top desk; antique writing desk; dining table; kids pedal riding tractor; Christmas decora- tions; garden tools; Murray lawn mower, Maytag clothes dryer; Inversion back swing; and wonderful lightly used and new clothing and jewelry; too much to list here. Proceeds all used for our shelter, wonderful quilt raffle going on right now! Information at (360) 426-2455 message and 584-0594 cell. Nov. 17, Sat. from 8 a.m. til 4 p.m., 420 SE S.R. 3, Shelton, WA. K11/8-15 /ll IHIII IIIII II IIIIIII IIIIIII'IIIII I'II IIIIIIII'I llllllllt " S.O.C.K. SWAP MEET Saturday, Nov 17 9am-4pm Saturday, Dec 1_5 9am-4pm 601 W Franklin across from Safeway Call 898-4957 Parking at Our Community Credit Union IIII!I[I|IIHi!IIIIIIII!IIIIII!IIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII| CNC MILLING machine shop. Price reducedl Owner retiring. Tools, equip- ment, customer list will be included in sale. $400,000. For more info call Shir- ley, Real Estate USA, (360) 427-4488. Rll/15 HOODSPORT MARINA Pub & Eatery on the water with pier over water for additional dining. $50,000 buys out our lease and excellent business. Stop out, have a look end visit. Buyer must be ap- proved by the landlord• Excellent long- term lease. (360) 427-0235. H11/1-22 WELLS CARGO Concession Trailer, equipped with Coke machine, 2 deep fryers, 4 sinks, 2 grills, freezer, 8,000 watt generator with inverter. $13,000, will take pickup as part payment. Call (360) 427-6144. $10/25-11/15 LOCAL BUSINESS IS GROWING • NOW HIRING! HAULING & BUYING VEHICLES MARY M. Knight School District needs substitute teachers. If interested call the school for more information at (360) 426-6767. $11/15 EXPERIENCED FRAMERS needed. Call K&T Construction, (360) 413-9987. K11/15-12/6 OLYMPIC COLLEGE Shelton Campus, Lab Facilitator, Immediate Opening, part-time hourly Lab Facilitator position opening on the Shelton Campus. Hold or be able to obtain RN license, BSN required, current CPR certification, cur- rent immunizations, recent clinical ex- perience, dosage calculations method. Open until filled. Salary: $27.26/hr. For application form and application require- ments, visit our web site www.olympic. edu/employment or stop by the Human Resource Services Office (HRS) during office hours, M-F 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. HRS is located at the Bremerton Campus on the 5th floor of the College Service Cen- ter or call (360) 475-7300. EOE. O11/15 SOUTH PUGET Sound Community Col- lege seeking part-time women's softball coach, open until filled. Application ma- terial received by November 23, 2007 will receive first consideration. For spe- cific position requirements and applica- tion packet, visit the website at www. An employment applica- tion packet can also be obtained in the Human Resources Office, South Puget Sound Community College, 2011 Mott- man Road SW, Olympia, WA 98512. Phone (360) 596-5500; or e-mail car- TDD access call (360) 596-5439. AA/EOE. $11/15 OLYMPIC SECURITY Services seek- ing full time security officer for Cushman Dam project. Must have valid driver's license, clean record. Pass drug test and background check. Willing to work outside. Contact Robert Kenmir (253) 779-7203 or Ruben Gonzalez (253) 502- 8779. O11/15-12/6 THE EVERGREEN Sate College, Olym- pia, WA. Program Coordinator posi- tions. Three positions available: 1) Ex- tended Education and Summer School. 2) Dean's Budget and Space. 3) Pres- ident's Office. Salary range, $2,433 to $3,150 per month DOQ. Applications due by December 4, 2007. For a full de- scription of each position and to learn how to apply visit: http://www.evergreen. edu/employmenlJstaffjobs.htm. EOEI AA/ADA. T11/15 SUBWAY - FULL time 1:30-9:30 p.m. Friendly, outgoing person a must. Pay up to $9.50 per hour. Apply in person at Taylor Towne Subway, 70 SE Lynch Road. R11/15-22 LIVE-IN CAREGIVER, seven days a week, 5 p.m.-8 a.m. Honest, depend- able. Room, board plus monthly stipend. (360) 427-9146. B11/15 SMALL JOB for person with tile experi- ence, Spencer Lake, (206) 399-5441. Pll/15 LOOKING FOR person with landscape experience (retaining walls, clearing, etc.). Would like someone with experi- ence operating equipment. 1-2 month job. Spencer Lake, (206) 399-5441. Pll/15 FULL TIME Medical Assistapt needed at busy OB/GYN clinic. Must be a self starter, team player with excellent com- puter and clinical skills. Benefit package available. Bilingual encouraged to ap- ply. Resume to: 2300 Kati Ct, Ste• A, Shelton, WA 98584; fax (360) 427-1268. G11/15-12/6 III1|11 Illllllllllllllllll fllllllllll IIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIII IIII IIg II IIIIIIII It lit fllflllllHIItlllll CERTIFIED ¥0.6A :INSTI00U(TOI00S NEEDED Must be loving and kind ,,0-868-2296 "Ask for Trisha nIiUIIt IIIllllllllt I III I NURSES A local family needs your helpl Make a difference in the lives of a family in Belfair ... Please call Maxim Healthcare Nationally accredited Employee benefits Free training SHELTON AUTO PARTS & WRECKING , Now with increased OMER'"'S REPAIRS pay rates/ 427 00S150 All shifttypes available II Full time and part time Call toll-free 1501 W. Dayton-Airport Road * Mon.-Sat. 9-5 866-617-3781 Thursday, November 15, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 33