November 15, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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up or haul anything. (360)
or (360) 426-6805, ask for
Excavati-------n, 2--O ye--ars
Jile!ience.-i-andclearing, septic sys-
Installation digouts, rock walls
logging. Just about anytrling.
It/l_tty work the first time. (360) 898-
MR. F3/301fn
It WOKOJANCE window cleaning.
Mason County for 20 years.
IF} 426-9354. W12/1 ltfn
LENE'S CLEANING Service. Resi-
ltial/Commercial. New to area, over
Years experience. (360) 581-3995
I), bl 1/8-29
)RM CLEANUP. Limbs, cones,
CALL PAUL Handy Person. 26 years
experience, reasonable rates. Refer-
ences. (360) 427-5941. K11/8-29
HOUSE-SITTING AND other services.
Dependable and reliable. Licensed,
bonded and insured for your peace
of mind. Call today. (360) 432-8858.
HANDYMAN, GUTTER cleaning, repairs
and pruning. Skilled labor. Irrigation spe-
cialist, landscaping consultant. Benjamin
(360) 426-0084. B2/15tfn
at reasonable rates. Call Walter at (360)
275-8421. A11/15-12/6
Us, trees. Bush trimming, tree prun-
Have truck to haul debris away, if
(led. Free estimates. (360) 426-
R--andy---H11/829 ......... SITE PREP -land clearing, driveways,
USE CLEANING - local Shelton
lOnthly, twice monthly, weekly. (360)
1-4651. B11/8-29
II, YARD Services, four seasons. All
Yard work. Landscaping and yard
enance, roof cleaning and gutters.
:ks, pruning, hauling plus. Referenc-
licensed. Free estimates. (360) 432-
9. Call or record message or (360)
1-1677 Kris. K11/8-2
Ii Nora Haugan
774)602 Fax: 3604774)109
i Free Estimates
Craig Jennmgs
Ieneral Contractor
(360) 432-0333
Topping Licensed
Chipping Bonded
Stump Insured
(360) 426-4663
Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2
Im mm i ijm m am im m mlli .= m= am il. q
Sludge-free I
i Composted Top Soil I
Double-screened I
$299/22 yds Shelton I
:, This price is within city limits only -- I
lte Preparation * Landscaping I
[ Ponds * Rockeries I
,! Demolition Excavating I
Hauling * .Drainage I
. We buy timberl ' I
tSill McTurnal Enterprises i
360.432.0971 360.866.4594 I
Senior Discount Available I
lit ..... BILLMEm1981BN ...... a
I CAN fix anything and build anything.
Call Jerry at (360) 426-6805 or (360)
490-8008. PERpEC931DL. Pll/15-
excavating, utility ditches. Roan Con-
struction ROANCC*941PB, (360) 426-
7181. J11/15tfn
25' SAILBOAT - 1984 McGregor, 71/2
h.p. Honda, trailer, $4,900. (360) 426-
1453 afternoons and evenings. Dll/8-
2007, 1 p.m. Jarrelrs Cove Marina,
Harstine Island, (360) 426-8823. Aban-
doned boats for public auction: 27' Bay-
liner Buccaneer; 22' 1979 Catalina; 20'
1988 Bayliner. Sell for cash to highest
bidder. Vessel preview starts at 10:30
a.m. J11/15-29
Automotive Service"
|verday Low
Plus -
Quality Care Multi-
Point Inspection
All Fluids, Belts and
Hoses Checked
hcludeS complimentary
car wash
Plus tax and disposal shop fees
Up to 5 qts 5W.30 bulk oil
i Some vehicles slightly more
i' Shelton exit off Hwy 101
MAJOR SACRIFICE! Excellent condi-
tion. 26' 1993 Four Wynns 265, (2) 5.0
Liter Ford V-8s, trailer. Due to knee
replacement will sacrifice at $10,000.
Call (360) 426-9722 or (360) 250-5139.
i , Hi
360-426-4412 O
1966 MUSTANG Coupe - 289 V8,
31,500 miles! Auto, power steering, new
candy apple red paint. Detailed engine.
Great interior. Qualified buyers only.
$15,500. (360) 426-8389. F 11/15-12/6
1986 PLYMOUTH Voyager, red on red,
good runner, $750. Call (360) 432-1241.
2003 SATURN L200, 37,000 miles,
good condition, $8,950. (253) 347-5035.
Wl 1/15-12/6
1991 MAZDA MX/6, 134,000 miles, au-
tomatic, 4-cyl. CD player, AM/FM. Pow-
erful and comfortable, $1,150 firm. (360)
427-5761. R11/15-12/6
2001 TOYOTA Tacoma SR5TRD. Au-
tomatic, extended cab, 4WD. West Cab
canopy. Dark green. 166,000 miles.
$11,000, call (360) 426-3680. Vl 1/15
JEEP CHEROKEE parts. 1986-1993
models. Call with needs. (360) 791-
1152 or (360) 426-9023 please leave
message. L11/15tfn
1999 SUBURBAN 1500 LT, 5.7L V-8.
Automatic, 4x4, 3rd seat, leather, lots of
extras, 103,000 miles. Very well main-
tained, motivated seller. $10,000 OBO.
(360) 432-7879. G 11/15-12/6
1994 MERCURY Sable, clean, runs
good, 158,313 miles. $2,100. (360) 426-
8248 leave message. L11/1-8
1984 RANGER 4x4, new ignition, re-
cent tuneup and brakes, custom rims,
30" tires, great 4-wheeler or hunt-
ing rig, $800 OBO. (360) 426-2383.
1969 VW fastback, 1600 cc, runs/drives,
great car, $1,000. (360) 426-2383 leave
message. O11/1-22
SEXY 2005 Hyundai Accent, rare sport
GT, low mtleage, excellent condition,
KBB $10K, OBO, plus opt. warranty
100K miles or 10 yrs. from first owner
purchase. (360) 791-9193. C11/1-22
1993 CADILLAC DeVille sedan. New
tires/battery. 140,156 miles. $4,000
OBO. (360) 462-1953. K10/25-11/15
NOW SELLING consignments. Cars,
trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun
Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel-
ton, (360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn
Hurry and Save!
This sale only happens once a year!
19705 VlklngAve NW Poulsbo, WA
VIN # 1 FDXE45S78DAO0613
MSRP $78,353
Dealer Cost
Price $63,321
........ ,: ..............
08 Rainier Lite 18F
MSRP$15,758 Now$10,995
VIN # 47CTDRK238T202764
08 Wildcat Llte
MSRP $17,102 Now $11,995
VIN # 4x4rwcu2x8T009723
08 Wildcat Ute
MSRP$17,733 NewS12,995
08 Rainier Lite 25C
MSRP $19,508 Now $14,995
VIN # 47CTDRL258T202778
VIN # 1 F6MF53Y560A12302
MSRP $83,788
Dealer Cost
Price $88,624
Hurry and Savel
VlN # 1FDXE45547DB07777
MSRP $94,834
Dealer Cost
Price $78,450 $521
08 Snnseeker
MSRP $92,805 Now $67,004
VIN # 1FDXE45S98DAO0404
07 Winnebago
Aspect 26A
MSRP $87,936 Now $70,044
VlN # 1 FDXE45S 16DB41366
08 Georgetown
MSRP $109,451 Now $82,683
VIN # 1F6NF53Y470A06528
08 Winnebago
Sightseer 29R
MSRP$105,340 NewS84,179
VIN # 1F6MF53YX70A01 ol 0
POULSBO RV 1-m-.o.o***
19705 Viking Ave NW Poulsbo, WA 1-360-697-4445.
*Subject to credit approval. Payments based on 20% down cash or trade, plus taxes, licensing end PDI charges
with tier I credit rating on approval by lender. Terme: (1) 8.25% @ 240 mo. Prices and payments do not include
tax, license or mandatory PDI charge $525 to $2,000 (PDI charges are Included In all Rainier models). All units
may be different/rom images shown end are I only. The dealer may charge documentary service fee of up
to $50. Prices am not applicable to dealers or reesllers. Sale ends 11119/07. All offers not to be combined with
any other offers, and me not valid on previous deals, See dealer for complete details.
i i. J
CUSTOM S-10 1991 Chevy, 350 en- 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath, attached garage,
gine, too much to list. $3,200 OBO. Call double lot. Island Lake. $825. (360) 432-
Chris (360)490-0792. D12/14tfn 1024 or (360) 480-8256, ask for Mike.
CARS UNDER $2,000. Good selection. ............................... : ....................................................................
Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3. 2 BEDROOM, 1/2 bath, 2 story town-
Buy, sell, trade or consign. (360) 426- house with attached garage. Country set-
2907. S3/ltfn ting in Shelton, $750. (360) 432-1024 or
(360) 480-8256, ask for Mike. G11/15
SHELTON: LARGE, new 1 bedroom,
1 bath apartment. Wood floors, electric
heat plus air conditioning. All utilities paid.
Month to month. $675 per month plus de-
posit. For more info call Shirley, Real Es-
2 BEDROOM, 2 bath completely remod- tate USA, (360) 427-4488. Rll/15
eled with big carport on V2 acre near ............................................................................................
town. $725 monthly. (253) 537-9215. ALDERBROOK: 2 new homes, 3 bed-
TWO BEDROOM cabin, $800 monthly
plus utilities. Hartstene Pointe amenities.
Call (360) 427-8120. $11/15-12/6
UNION 2 bedroom, 1 bath cabin, fire-
place, patio. Orre Nobles Road. No pets/
smoking. $650 monthly. (503) 655-0357
or (503) 969-6927. U11/15-12/6
rooms, plus den. 2 baths, 1,767 sq.ft., 2-
car garage. No pets. No smoking. Each
$1,100 per month plus deposit. Tenant
can play unlimited golf for extra monthly
payment. For more info call Shirley, Real
Estate USA, (360) 427-4488. R11/15
WATERFRONT 2 bedroom, 1 bath home,
2 car garage. Washer, dryer, all appli-
ances. $1,000 monthly. (253) 709-4330.
GRAPEVIEW COVE waterfront. 3 bed- . ...................................................................................
room, 2 bath, family room. 6 month lease, LAWTON APARTMENTS - studio apart-
talk about pets. $1,000 month. (360) 426- ments available, $420 per month. W/S/G
3708. $11/15-22 paid. Pets okay under 25 pounds. Call:
(360) 426-0674. Address: 711 W. Pine
2 BEDROOM, 11/2 bath townhome in Street. P6/14tfn
Shelton. W/O hookup, covered parking ......................................................
well maintained grounds and building. RV SPACE $365 monthly. Historic Robin
$715 monthly plus deposit. (360) 701- Hood Village on Hood Canal.Walk to oys-
3888. R11/15tfn ters, crabbing, fishing. 8 minutes to Wal-
Mart. or (360) 927-
LARGE ROOM for rent, fireplace, $600 1105. B7/t9-12/27
monthly. Large room with bedroom and ...................................................................................
private bath, $700. 1 bedroom, $400. No
pets. All have laundry/kitchen privileges.
Rent plus deposit and screening fee.
(360) 427-0713. Bll/15-22 '
2V2 ACRES, Matlock, 3 bedroom, 2 bath
WE ARE accepting applications for low
income/HUD subsidized 1 bedroom apart-
ments for elderly. Controlled access,
minutes from downtown shopping. Equal
Housing Opportunity. Goldsborough
Creek Apartments, 303 South 7th, (360)
manufactured home with double garage. 426-3903. G2/15tfn
$800, $750 if paid on time. No pets ....................................................................................
$1,000 security fee. (360) 427-6370, WATERFRONT- 3 bedroom, 2/2 bath,
leave message. B11/15-12/6 2,500 sq.ft., custom built, granite/tile. Pos-
sible 2 party rent, $2,000 monthly. Avail-
MATLOCK STORAGE now open. As- able 12/1/07. (360) 426-9722; (360) 250-
sorted sizes and outside storage avail- 5139. W10/25-11/15
able. Call (360) 427-6370 8 a.m.-5 p.m .................................................... : ...........................
Bll/15-12/6 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath townhome, $800
monthly. Pets okay. Quiet country setting.
3-5 BEDROOMS, 1 plus 2 1/2 baths, Mt. (360) 352-9223; (360) 701-5855. T10/25-
View home with carport. Fenced yard, 11/15
no smoking or pets. W/D hookups. Dish- , ........................................................................................
washer, refrigerator and range. $500
damage deposit. Month to month, $1,000
rent. (360) 426-7300. F11/15-12/6
FAWN LAKE, 2 bedroom, 2 bath newer
manufactured home with 2 car garage/
shop. Big deck with view of lake. Owner
pays for water and sewer ($90 value).
$785 rent, $785 deposit. Available now.
Call Invest Realty LLC at (360) 426-3567.
ALDERBROOK, THIS spacious 3 bed-
room home on the golf course comes
with 2 baths (1 is master bath with garden
LAKE LIMERICK - very nice 2 bedroom
mobile home. Recently remodeled, almost
like new. Trees and golf course nearby.
$700 monthly. (360) 426-8483. H10/25-
TWO BEDROOM house, Shorecrest com-
munity, water paid. $700 monthly plus
security deposit, credit check. (360) 275-
3249. H10/25-11/15
BASEMENT STORAGE space available,
approximately 800 sq.ft, at 1930 N. 13th
Street, Shelton, (360) 269-0201. B10/25-
tub plus shower and huge walk-in closet), - .................................................................
double garage and large deck. No pets, 1 BEDROOM trailer on large lot, 2 miles
no smoking. $1,195 rent, $1,195 deposit, from south end of Shelton close to 101
Available soon. Call Invest Realty LLC at freeway. $435 monthly, $200 deposit. Pet
(360) 426-3567. 111/15 okay, prefer nonsmoking. W/S included.
(360) 426-2907. $11/8tfn
LAKE ISABELLA, 1 bedroom, 1 bath .............................................................................................
home with small yard. Access to private $350 - UNFURNISHED bedroom shares
beach on lake with dock access. Very home in the Shelton area. Includes all plus
cute! $600 rent, $600 deposit. Available broadband and nationwide long distance.
soon. Call Invest Realty LLC at (360) Credit check, non-smoking, deposit, 6
426-3567. I11/15 month renewable lease. (360) 432-8269.
LAKE LIMERICK on golf course. Spa ....................................................................................................
cious 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car carport. HOODSPORT- 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, liv-
No smoking, no pets, $850 per month ing and family rooms. High speed cable.
plus deposit. For more info call Shir- New hardwood floors, cabinets, fixtures.
ley, Real Estate USA, (360) 427-4488. All appliances except refrigerator. 2-car
Rll/15 garage. No pets/smoking. $1,100 month-
ly, references. (360) 877-9977. L11/8-29
2 BEDROOM, 1 bath mobile, woodstove, .............................................................
storage sheds, at Lake Cushman, $525. STORAGE BUILDING/shop. Hoodsport.
(360) 432-1024 or (360) 480-8256, ask Heated, 101/2 ' roll-up door. 25'x27'x11'
for Mike. G11/15 $250 month. 3 bays available - $50 each.
(360) 877-9977. L11/8-29
LARGE 2 bedroom, 1 bath apartment ............................................................................
with garage. $725 includes water/sewed HOUSE ON north end Harstine, private
garbage. (360) 432-1024 or (360) 480- forest sanctuary, 5 bedroom, 3 bath, acre-
8256, ask for Mike. Gll/15 age, garage, no pets/smoking. $1,395.
Possible lease/purchase. (360)' 426-1861.
SHELTON'S FINEST. These newer one Mll/8-29
and two bedroom six-plex units come .............................................................................
with their own dishwasher, washer, dry- 2+ BEDROOM, 11/4 bath, fireplace.
er, and spectacular view of Oakland Bay. Fenced backyard. W/G paid. No smok-
W/S/G paid. Very low heat bills. $795- ing. Pets negotiable. Shorecrest. $850/
$895. (360) 490-0569; (360) 427-3131. plus deposit, references. (360) 432-0333.
C10/18tfn Available 12/1/2007. J11/8-29
Prestigious 2 bedroom duplexes with den,
spacious floor plan, with 2 full baths, 2 car
garage, large master suite, natural gas forced
air heat, fireplace, high speed Internet access,
RV storage, extra storage units, professionally
landscaped and maintained grounds. $1,000
per month.
Call Lake Park LLC
for more information
Thursday, November 15, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 35
up or haul anything. (360)
or (360) 426-6805, ask for
Excavati-------n, 2--O ye--ars
Jile!ience.-i-andclearing, septic sys-
Installation digouts, rock walls
logging. Just about anytrling.
It/l_tty work the first time. (360) 898-
MR. F3/301fn
It WOKOJANCE window cleaning.
Mason County for 20 years.
IF} 426-9354. W12/1 ltfn
LENE'S CLEANING Service. Resi-
ltial/Commercial. New to area, over
Years experience. (360) 581-3995
I), bl 1/8-29
)RM CLEANUP. Limbs, cones,
CALL PAUL Handy Person. 26 years
experience, reasonable rates. Refer-
ences. (360) 427-5941. K11/8-29
HOUSE-SITTING AND other services.
Dependable and reliable. Licensed,
bonded and insured for your peace
of mind. Call today. (360) 432-8858.
HANDYMAN, GUTTER cleaning, repairs
and pruning. Skilled labor. Irrigation spe-
cialist, landscaping consultant. Benjamin
(360) 426-0084. B2/15tfn
at reasonable rates. Call Walter at (360)
275-8421. A11/15-12/6
Us, trees. Bush trimming, tree prun-
Have truck to haul debris away, if
(led. Free estimates. (360) 426-
R--andy---H11/829 ......... SITE PREP -land clearing, driveways,
USE CLEANING - local Shelton
lOnthly, twice monthly, weekly. (360)
1-4651. B11/8-29
II, YARD Services, four seasons. All
Yard work. Landscaping and yard
enance, roof cleaning and gutters.
:ks, pruning, hauling plus. Referenc-
licensed. Free estimates. (360) 432-
9. Call or record message or (360)
1-1677 Kris. K11/8-2
Ii Nora Haugan
774)602 Fax: 3604774)109
i Free Estimates
Craig Jennmgs
Ieneral Contractor
(360) 432-0333
Topping Licensed
Chipping Bonded
Stump Insured
(360) 426-4663
Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2
Im mm i ijm m am im m mlli .= m= am il. q
Sludge-free I
i Composted Top Soil I
Double-screened I
$299/22 yds Shelton I
:, This price is within city limits only -- I
lte Preparation * Landscaping I
[ Ponds * Rockeries I
,! Demolition Excavating I
Hauling * .Drainage I
. We buy timberl ' I
tSill McTurnal Enterprises i
360.432.0971 360.866.4594 I
Senior Discount Available I
lit ..... BILLMEm1981BN ...... a
I CAN fix anything and build anything.
Call Jerry at (360) 426-6805 or (360)
490-8008. PERpEC931DL. Pll/15-
excavating, utility ditches. Roan Con-
struction ROANCC*941PB, (360) 426-
7181. J11/15tfn
25' SAILBOAT - 1984 McGregor, 71/2
h.p. Honda, trailer, $4,900. (360) 426-
1453 afternoons and evenings. Dll/8-
2007, 1 p.m. Jarrelrs Cove Marina,
Harstine Island, (360) 426-8823. Aban-
doned boats for public auction: 27' Bay-
liner Buccaneer; 22' 1979 Catalina; 20'
1988 Bayliner. Sell for cash to highest
bidder. Vessel preview starts at 10:30
a.m. J11/15-29
Automotive Service"
|verday Low
Plus -
Quality Care Multi-
Point Inspection
All Fluids, Belts and
Hoses Checked
hcludeS complimentary
car wash
Plus tax and disposal shop fees
Up to 5 qts 5W.30 bulk oil
i Some vehicles slightly more
i' Shelton exit off Hwy 101
MAJOR SACRIFICE! Excellent condi-
tion. 26' 1993 Four Wynns 265, (2) 5.0
Liter Ford V-8s, trailer. Due to knee
replacement will sacrifice at $10,000.
Call (360) 426-9722 or (360) 250-5139.
i , Hi
360-426-4412 O
1966 MUSTANG Coupe - 289 V8,
31,500 miles! Auto, power steering, new
candy apple red paint. Detailed engine.
Great interior. Qualified buyers only.
$15,500. (360) 426-8389. F 11/15-12/6
1986 PLYMOUTH Voyager, red on red,
good runner, $750. Call (360) 432-1241.
2003 SATURN L200, 37,000 miles,
good condition, $8,950. (253) 347-5035.
Wl 1/15-12/6
1991 MAZDA MX/6, 134,000 miles, au-
tomatic, 4-cyl. CD player, AM/FM. Pow-
erful and comfortable, $1,150 firm. (360)
427-5761. R11/15-12/6
2001 TOYOTA Tacoma SR5TRD. Au-
tomatic, extended cab, 4WD. West Cab
canopy. Dark green. 166,000 miles.
$11,000, call (360) 426-3680. Vl 1/15
JEEP CHEROKEE parts. 1986-1993
models. Call with needs. (360) 791-
1152 or (360) 426-9023 please leave
message. L11/15tfn
1999 SUBURBAN 1500 LT, 5.7L V-8.
Automatic, 4x4, 3rd seat, leather, lots of
extras, 103,000 miles. Very well main-
tained, motivated seller. $10,000 OBO.
(360) 432-7879. G 11/15-12/6
1994 MERCURY Sable, clean, runs
good, 158,313 miles. $2,100. (360) 426-
8248 leave message. L11/1-8
1984 RANGER 4x4, new ignition, re-
cent tuneup and brakes, custom rims,
30" tires, great 4-wheeler or hunt-
ing rig, $800 OBO. (360) 426-2383.
1969 VW fastback, 1600 cc, runs/drives,
great car, $1,000. (360) 426-2383 leave
message. O11/1-22
SEXY 2005 Hyundai Accent, rare sport
GT, low mtleage, excellent condition,
KBB $10K, OBO, plus opt. warranty
100K miles or 10 yrs. from first owner
purchase. (360) 791-9193. C11/1-22
1993 CADILLAC DeVille sedan. New
tires/battery. 140,156 miles. $4,000
OBO. (360) 462-1953. K10/25-11/15
NOW SELLING consignments. Cars,
trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun
Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel-
ton, (360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn
Hurry and Save!
This sale only happens once a year!
19705 VlklngAve NW Poulsbo, WA
VIN # 1 FDXE45S78DAO0613
MSRP $78,353
Dealer Cost
Price $63,321
........ ,: ..............
08 Rainier Lite 18F
MSRP$15,758 Now$10,995
VIN # 47CTDRK238T202764
08 Wildcat Llte
MSRP $17,102 Now $11,995
VIN # 4x4rwcu2x8T009723
08 Wildcat Ute
MSRP$17,733 NewS12,995
08 Rainier Lite 25C
MSRP $19,508 Now $14,995
VIN # 47CTDRL258T202778
VIN # 1 F6MF53Y560A12302
MSRP $83,788
Dealer Cost
Price $88,624
Hurry and Savel
VlN # 1FDXE45547DB07777
MSRP $94,834
Dealer Cost
Price $78,450 $521
08 Snnseeker
MSRP $92,805 Now $67,004
VIN # 1FDXE45S98DAO0404
07 Winnebago
Aspect 26A
MSRP $87,936 Now $70,044
VlN # 1 FDXE45S 16DB41366
08 Georgetown
MSRP $109,451 Now $82,683
VIN # 1F6NF53Y470A06528
08 Winnebago
Sightseer 29R
MSRP$105,340 NewS84,179
VIN # 1F6MF53YX70A01 ol 0
POULSBO RV 1-m-.o.o***
19705 Viking Ave NW Poulsbo, WA 1-360-697-4445.
*Subject to credit approval. Payments based on 20% down cash or trade, plus taxes, licensing end PDI charges
with tier I credit rating on approval by lender. Terme: (1) 8.25% @ 240 mo. Prices and payments do not include
tax, license or mandatory PDI charge $525 to $2,000 (PDI charges are Included In all Rainier models). All units
may be different/rom images shown end are I only. The dealer may charge documentary service fee of up
to $50. Prices am not applicable to dealers or reesllers. Sale ends 11119/07. All offers not to be combined with
any other offers, and me not valid on previous deals, See dealer for complete details.
i i. J
CUSTOM S-10 1991 Chevy, 350 en- 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath, attached garage,
gine, too much to list. $3,200 OBO. Call double lot. Island Lake. $825. (360) 432-
Chris (360)490-0792. D12/14tfn 1024 or (360) 480-8256, ask for Mike.
CARS UNDER $2,000. Good selection. ............................... : ....................................................................
Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3. 2 BEDROOM, 1/2 bath, 2 story town-
Buy, sell, trade or consign. (360) 426- house with attached garage. Country set-
2907. S3/ltfn ting in Shelton, $750. (360) 432-1024 or
(360) 480-8256, ask for Mike. G11/15
SHELTON: LARGE, new 1 bedroom,
1 bath apartment. Wood floors, electric
heat plus air conditioning. All utilities paid.
Month to month. $675 per month plus de-
posit. For more info call Shirley, Real Es-
2 BEDROOM, 2 bath completely remod- tate USA, (360) 427-4488. Rll/15
eled with big carport on V2 acre near ............................................................................................
town. $725 monthly. (253) 537-9215. ALDERBROOK: 2 new homes, 3 bed-
TWO BEDROOM cabin, $800 monthly
plus utilities. Hartstene Pointe amenities.
Call (360) 427-8120. $11/15-12/6
UNION 2 bedroom, 1 bath cabin, fire-
place, patio. Orre Nobles Road. No pets/
smoking. $650 monthly. (503) 655-0357
or (503) 969-6927. U11/15-12/6
rooms, plus den. 2 baths, 1,767 sq.ft., 2-
car garage. No pets. No smoking. Each
$1,100 per month plus deposit. Tenant
can play unlimited golf for extra monthly
payment. For more info call Shirley, Real
Estate USA, (360) 427-4488. R11/15
WATERFRONT 2 bedroom, 1 bath home,
2 car garage. Washer, dryer, all appli-
ances. $1,000 monthly. (253) 709-4330.
GRAPEVIEW COVE waterfront. 3 bed- . ...................................................................................
room, 2 bath, family room. 6 month lease, LAWTON APARTMENTS - studio apart-
talk about pets. $1,000 month. (360) 426- ments available, $420 per month. W/S/G
3708. $11/15-22 paid. Pets okay under 25 pounds. Call:
(360) 426-0674. Address: 711 W. Pine
2 BEDROOM, 11/2 bath townhome in Street. P6/14tfn
Shelton. W/O hookup, covered parking ......................................................
well maintained grounds and building. RV SPACE $365 monthly. Historic Robin
$715 monthly plus deposit. (360) 701- Hood Village on Hood Canal.Walk to oys-
3888. R11/15tfn ters, crabbing, fishing. 8 minutes to Wal-
Mart. or (360) 927-
LARGE ROOM for rent, fireplace, $600 1105. B7/t9-12/27
monthly. Large room with bedroom and ...................................................................................
private bath, $700. 1 bedroom, $400. No
pets. All have laundry/kitchen privileges.
Rent plus deposit and screening fee.
(360) 427-0713. Bll/15-22 '
2V2 ACRES, Matlock, 3 bedroom, 2 bath
WE ARE accepting applications for low
income/HUD subsidized 1 bedroom apart-
ments for elderly. Controlled access,
minutes from downtown shopping. Equal
Housing Opportunity. Goldsborough
Creek Apartments, 303 South 7th, (360)
manufactured home with double garage. 426-3903. G2/15tfn
$800, $750 if paid on time. No pets ....................................................................................
$1,000 security fee. (360) 427-6370, WATERFRONT- 3 bedroom, 2/2 bath,
leave message. B11/15-12/6 2,500 sq.ft., custom built, granite/tile. Pos-
sible 2 party rent, $2,000 monthly. Avail-
MATLOCK STORAGE now open. As- able 12/1/07. (360) 426-9722; (360) 250-
sorted sizes and outside storage avail- 5139. W10/25-11/15
able. Call (360) 427-6370 8 a.m.-5 p.m .................................................... : ...........................
Bll/15-12/6 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath townhome, $800
monthly. Pets okay. Quiet country setting.
3-5 BEDROOMS, 1 plus 2 1/2 baths, Mt. (360) 352-9223; (360) 701-5855. T10/25-
View home with carport. Fenced yard, 11/15
no smoking or pets. W/D hookups. Dish- , ........................................................................................
washer, refrigerator and range. $500
damage deposit. Month to month, $1,000
rent. (360) 426-7300. F11/15-12/6
FAWN LAKE, 2 bedroom, 2 bath newer
manufactured home with 2 car garage/
shop. Big deck with view of lake. Owner
pays for water and sewer ($90 value).
$785 rent, $785 deposit. Available now.
Call Invest Realty LLC at (360) 426-3567.
ALDERBROOK, THIS spacious 3 bed-
room home on the golf course comes
with 2 baths (1 is master bath with garden
LAKE LIMERICK - very nice 2 bedroom
mobile home. Recently remodeled, almost
like new. Trees and golf course nearby.
$700 monthly. (360) 426-8483. H10/25-
TWO BEDROOM house, Shorecrest com-
munity, water paid. $700 monthly plus
security deposit, credit check. (360) 275-
3249. H10/25-11/15
BASEMENT STORAGE space available,
approximately 800 sq.ft, at 1930 N. 13th
Street, Shelton, (360) 269-0201. B10/25-
tub plus shower and huge walk-in closet), - .................................................................
double garage and large deck. No pets, 1 BEDROOM trailer on large lot, 2 miles
no smoking. $1,195 rent, $1,195 deposit, from south end of Shelton close to 101
Available soon. Call Invest Realty LLC at freeway. $435 monthly, $200 deposit. Pet
(360) 426-3567. 111/15 okay, prefer nonsmoking. W/S included.
(360) 426-2907. $11/8tfn
LAKE ISABELLA, 1 bedroom, 1 bath .............................................................................................
home with small yard. Access to private $350 - UNFURNISHED bedroom shares
beach on lake with dock access. Very home in the Shelton area. Includes all plus
cute! $600 rent, $600 deposit. Available broadband and nationwide long distance.
soon. Call Invest Realty LLC at (360) Credit check, non-smoking, deposit, 6
426-3567. I11/15 month renewable lease. (360) 432-8269.
LAKE LIMERICK on golf course. Spa ....................................................................................................
cious 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car carport. HOODSPORT- 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, liv-
No smoking, no pets, $850 per month ing and family rooms. High speed cable.
plus deposit. For more info call Shir- New hardwood floors, cabinets, fixtures.
ley, Real Estate USA, (360) 427-4488. All appliances except refrigerator. 2-car
Rll/15 garage. No pets/smoking. $1,100 month-
ly, references. (360) 877-9977. L11/8-29
2 BEDROOM, 1 bath mobile, woodstove, .............................................................
storage sheds, at Lake Cushman, $525. STORAGE BUILDING/shop. Hoodsport.
(360) 432-1024 or (360) 480-8256, ask Heated, 101/2 ' roll-up door. 25'x27'x11'
for Mike. G11/15 $250 month. 3 bays available - $50 each.
(360) 877-9977. L11/8-29
LARGE 2 bedroom, 1 bath apartment ............................................................................
with garage. $725 includes water/sewed HOUSE ON north end Harstine, private
garbage. (360) 432-1024 or (360) 480- forest sanctuary, 5 bedroom, 3 bath, acre-
8256, ask for Mike. Gll/15 age, garage, no pets/smoking. $1,395.
Possible lease/purchase. (360)' 426-1861.
SHELTON'S FINEST. These newer one Mll/8-29
and two bedroom six-plex units come .............................................................................
with their own dishwasher, washer, dry- 2+ BEDROOM, 11/4 bath, fireplace.
er, and spectacular view of Oakland Bay. Fenced backyard. W/G paid. No smok-
W/S/G paid. Very low heat bills. $795- ing. Pets negotiable. Shorecrest. $850/
$895. (360) 490-0569; (360) 427-3131. plus deposit, references. (360) 432-0333.
C10/18tfn Available 12/1/2007. J11/8-29
Prestigious 2 bedroom duplexes with den,
spacious floor plan, with 2 full baths, 2 car
garage, large master suite, natural gas forced
air heat, fireplace, high speed Internet access,
RV storage, extra storage units, professionally
landscaped and maintained grounds. $1,000
per month.
Call Lake Park LLC
for more information
Thursday, November 15, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 35