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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 15, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 15, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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REAL ESTATE ISLAND - 1.66 acres, 110 View. Power, septic design, 10 ODD. Call Annie (360) 402- 110/25-11/15 )ING LOTS for sale. All have sep- In approval. Starting at $16,500 , (360) 352-9223; (360) 701- [10/25-11/15 HER. Newer 4 bedroom, 1.75 2 car garage, nice corner lot trom high school, 102 Thyme $185,000. Call Carla, (360) ,, para espafiol (360) 490- AI0/25-11/15 ER, Oak Park. Split-level, 1,800 ry clean, newly remodeled, 4 m, 2 bath, large family room with ova. New windows, forced air r, large fenced yard, large deck. illtOrage shed, woodshed. Close ls, shopping. Price drastically IPd, only $189 000 for quick sale, 443 D1 J/8-29 $59,950, LIVABLE 1 bedroom trailer on beautiful 1/4 acre. Well, septic, power. BuildabJe lot, close to Shelton, South- side. (360) 426-2907. $11/8tfn AFFORDABLE BUILDING lots. Lake Limerick. Enjoy all the amenities, $59,950 each. Sheiton Land & Homes, (360) 426-5555. sheltonlandandhomes. com. $11/15 MINUTES TO Olympia. Custom view home with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, ca- thedral ceilings, beautiful wood floors, and cabinets, skylights, 1,875 sq.ft. All this and saltwater boat ramp and pic- nic area across the street, $339,000. Call Rosalee, Top Hat Realty, (360) 490-0673. Call for appointment to see. A11/15-22 SINGLE-WIDE MOBILE in Timberlakes on 2 lots, 800 W. Tirrtberlakes Dr., next to new sports park. Fixer. (360) 427- 6370, call for appointment. $72,000, no terms. B11/15-12/6 00autiful one acre plus lot with new 3 bedroom septic installed. Nice loca- tion between Shelton and Olympia. $89,000 Call 360-490-2837 , , ,", 1 I/8-1z/27 (360) 426-3319 Su 3er Crossword - &.PRIL DILEMMA - Answers are on page 33. John L. Scott Real Estate is pleased to welcome two new members to our Shelton team, Rich and Lainie Green. This business is Independently Owned and Operated ii SEARCH FOR: PRU6K3U3 NEW PRICE!! Away fronl the ids. 2 bdr, 1 bth home i1 l,ake Ar- C had c,,mmunity. 2 lots, I{V pa rkin4,, Irmt parks, lodge, swimming and at fishing. 865,O00. FIR,'T TIME ON MARKET! Delight- fttl doll house with view of lake. Total renovation completed. $159,500 TO FIND affordable 3 bdr, 2 in newer neighb(rhood. garage, fas forced-air fllrnace. ' fenced. (]h}sc to schools, mcdi- pping and county p,rk 70,950 NEW PRI('E!! I)()N'T IlORSE AROUND on this one. Buy now! 15 hcautiful acres overhoking Oakhmd Bay. (irecn pas- tures fi)r your horses, llamas or alpacas. 2,300 sq, ft. barn, covered parking for 6. ()h, and there is a 4,000 sq. ft. meticu- lously maintained home with 2 grand rock fircplaccs. One family room looks out at bay and oyster boat, the other overlooks pasture land. 675,000 LAKE CUSHMAN, price reduced. Well cared for doublewide manufactured home on double lot. Woodstove, heat pump, big covered front porch, fenced backyard, RV garage, carport, woodshed and small shop. Nicely landscaped on private cul- de-sac. Asking $158,900. Call Invest Re- alty LLC at (360) 426-3567. I11/15 6 BEDROOMS/price reduced for short sale. Mt. View area of Shelton. Possible to run daycare or group home or suitable for someone with a lot of kids. Many ex- tra rooms, but in need of some repairs. Price dropped by $90,000, now only ask- ing $185,000 for lender "short sale." Call Invest Realty LLC at (360) 426-3567. 111/15 PRICE REDUCED by $50,000. 10 city view lots (60x100 each), cleared and ready to build on. All 10 lots for only $199,900. Call Invest Realty LLC at (360) 426-3567. I11/15 NORTHCLIFF PARK, we are ready to build your new dream home in Shelton. New development offers a wide street with additional on-street parking and fiber optic Internet connection available. See the quality that we offer in all fixtures, ap- pliances, and materials. Will build to your specifications (with minimum require- ments.) Close to hospital, schools, shop- ping, and easy access to Hwy. 101. Me- dian price range is $350,000. Call Invest Realty LLC at (360) 426-3567. I11/15 PRICE REDUCED, nicely upgraded 4 bedroom home in Shelton. 2 baths, de- tached garage, covered patio and fully fenced. A real deal, now only $215,000. Call Invest Realty LLC at (360) 426-3567. 111/15 SHORECREST: BUILDABLE lot, all the amenities of Shorecrest, pool, access to saltwater, $18,500. Shirley, Real Estate USA, (360) 427-4488. R11/15 CASH AVAILABLE! Real Estate or con- tract loans. Local, private, fast (360) 491-5463. J3/16tfn i ii i Communm4 Mortgage Cente00 Our Community Credit Union HOME MORTGAGES THAT FIT YOUR NEEDS • Purchase or Refinance • Fixed and Adjustable Rate Loans • Construction • VA IJmns • Specialized Loan Programs Serving anyone living or working in Mason or Grays Harbor County 432-5210 • 800-426-5657 2948 Olympic Hwy. N. RESOLUTION NO. 115-07 2007 BUDGET Supplemental Appropriation/Budget Transfer Notice of Hearing WHEREAS, by reason of conditions which could not be reasonably foreseen at the time of making the budget for the year 2007. it is necessary to make provisions for supplemental appropriations and a budget transfer to the 2007 Budget as authorized by RCW 36.40.100 and RCW 36.40.195 for the following: SOpplemental Appropriations to the Corn- bided Utilities Administration Fund for the ad- ditional unanticipated revenue (and cost) of administration. Supplemental Appropriation to the Rus- tlewood Sewer & Water Utility Fund for an in- terfund loan from the Real Estate Excise Tax (REET 2) Fund to provide interim financing for sewer plant improvements. Supplemental Appropriation to the Bel- fair Wastewater & Water Reclamation Util- ity Fund for an interfund loan from the Rural County Sales & Use Tax (.09) Fund and a Community Trade and Economic Develop- ment (CTED) grant to provide financing for the design and construction of the new Bel- fair facility. A Budget Transfer from the Ending Fund Balance in the Current Expense Fund to the Sheriff s Department to add two deputies to the Sheriff's Department. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of Mason County Commission- ers: That the 20th of November 2007 at the hour of 9:30 AM in the Mason County Com- missioners Chambers in Courthouse Building I, 41 t North Fifth Street, Shelton, Washing- ton, is hereby fixed as the time and place for a public hearing upon the matter of supple- mental appropriations and budget transfers to the 2007 Budget as follows: Supplemental Appropriations: Com- bined Utilities Administration Fund in the estimated amount of $43,153; Rustlewood Sewer & Water Utility Fund in the estimated amount of $800,000; and Belfair Wastewater & Water Reclamation Utility Fund in the esti- mated amount of $4,000,000. Budget Transfer: From Ending Fund Balance/Current Expense Fund to the Sher- iffs Department in the estimated amount of $9,500. Dated this 6th day of November 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Lynda Ring Erickson Lynda Ring Erickson, Chair Absent Tim Sheldon, Commissioner /s/Ross Gallagher Ross Gallagher, Commissioner ATTEST: /s/Rebecca S. Rogers Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/Monty Cobb Monty Cobb, Chief Civil Deputy Prosecut  ing Attorney 11/8-15 2t State of Washington Department of Ecology Notice of Application to Consolidate an Exempt Water Use with existing rights (RCW 90.44.105) and change the place of use TAKE NOTICE: That Mason County Pub- lic Utility District 1 filed an application for change to consolidate an exempt water use with an existing right for municipal supply purposes granted under Ground Water Right Certificate No. 6829 for Canal Beach Tract Mutual. The well that will serve as the point of consolidation is located within Government Lot 7, SW 1/4 SE 1/4, Section 1, T. 22 N., R. 4 W.WM. The PUD proposes to consolidate the ex- empt right associated with two wells serving the Glen Ayr Resort with Certificate No. 6829 and merge the water systems. The exempt wells are also IocatQd within Government Lot 7, Section 1, T. 22 N., R. 4 W.W.M. Protests or objections to approval of this application must Include a detailed state- ment of the basis of objections and are sub- ject to public disclosure. Protests must be accompanied by a $50.00 fee (non-refund- able) and filed with the Dept. of Ecology, Cashiering Section at P.O. Box 5128 Lacey, WA 98509-5128 within thirty (30) days from November 15, 2007. 11/8-15 2t SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NO. 07-2-00764-8 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY NATIONAL LOAN INVESTORS, L.P., a Delaware Limited Partnership, Plaintiff, VS. CHESTER W. WILLIAMS, and the marital community of CHESTER W. WILLIAMS and JANE DOE WILLIAMS, his wife if any, De fendants. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO: CHESTER W. WILLIAMS and the marital community of CHESTER W. WILLIAMS and JANE DOE WILLIAMS, his wife if any. You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this Summons, to wit" within sixty (60) days after the 11th day of Oc- tober, 2007, and defend the above-entitled action in the above entitled court, and an- swer the complaint of the plaintiff National Loan Investors, L.P., and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for plaintiff National Loan Investors, L.P., at the office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the Complaint which has been filed with the clerk of said Court. This action seeks a judgment against the above named defendants for the unpaid amounts owing under a promissory note held by Plaintiff National Loan Investors, L.P., and for the issuance of a writ of replevin to put Plaintiff National Loan Investors, L.P., in immediate possession of the personal prop- erty of defendants which secures said debt, including, but not limited to, equipment and inventory. DATED this 2nd day of October, 2007. LAW OFFICES OF LAURIN S. SCHWEET Attorneys for Plaintiff National Loan In- vestors, L.P. By:/s/Thomas S. Linde Thomas S. Linde WSBA 14426 Address: 2955 80th Avenue S.E., Suite 102 Mercer Island, WA 98040 (206) 275-1010 10/11-18-25-11/1-8-15 6t NOTICE of a PUBLIC HEARING on the CITY OF SHELTON'S 2008 FINAL BUD- GET The Shelton City Commission shall on December 3, 2007 commencing at approxi- mately 6:00 p.m. hold a public hearing at the Shelton Civic Center at 525 W. Cota Street, for the purpose of fixing the final budget for 2008. Any taxpayer may appear and be heard for or against any part of the 2008 Budget. Vicki Look City Clerk 11/8-15 2t ACROSS 49 Pants part 94 Bizet opera 1 Lump 50 "The Jungle 96 Nasty 5 Showed sorrow Book" boy 97 "How sweet -!" 9 Anthony of 52 Cask 98 Cpl.'s superior "Boston Public" 54 Part 2 of remark 100 Type of fuel 14 Jambalaya 67 "Love - the 101 Porgy and bass ingredient Ruins" ('75 film) 104 Fast flier 19 Hammett hound 58 Neon - 105 He gives a hoot 20 Where to find an 60 Cap or dolman 107 Cooke or onager 61 Bookstore Donaldson 21 Songwriter section 108 Male swan Greenwich 62 Bog 110 End of remark 22 Spine-tingling 63 Precambrian - 121 Biblical city 23 Fertile soil 65 In honor of 122 "That's -" ('54 24 Tumble 66 Snick and - tune) 25 Java joints 68 - above 123 Actress 26 - -garde (somewhat superior) Thompson 27 Start of a remark 69 Part 3 of remark 124 Gymnast Korbut 31 Herriot title start 75 Baseball family 125 "West Side 32 Vigoda or name Story" role Saperstein 76 Antitoxins 126 Porsche 33 Slippery 77 Mouth piece? propeller character? 78 Long or Peeples 127 Tel- 34 Brit. fliers 79 Solidarity leader 128 Crucifix 37 Singer 81 Forger's need 129 Texas' state tree Manchester 83 Cultural 130 Marvell marvels 41 Celt 88 Wear away 131 Coty or Clair 44 Faucet 89 Carthaginian 132 Dweeb 47 94 Across 90 Part 4 of remark highlight 93 Comic Rickles 36 i R 111 ii ii I l ! I I 83 i 102 108 DOWN 38 Baton Rouge coil. 1 French Sudan, 39 Cloth finish today 40 - MateD, CA 2 From 41 Errs 3 Command to Fido 42 It darkens your 4 Mead's milieu doorway 5 Breakfast treat 43 Bird-to-be 6 Morales of 45 Join "NYPO Blue" 46 Follow 7 Disagreeable sort 48 "-you for real?" 8 Hard to believe 50 2001, to Tiberius 9 Priam's wife 51 Skater Midori 10 Cheer 53 Publisher Conde 11 - Romeo 55 At any time 12 Mortgage, for 56 Brewer or Wright one 57 Orion, for instance 13 Actor Arnaz 59 Part of Q.E.D. 14 Serenity 61 Tofu base 16 Disgust 62 Occupation 16 Composer 64 Sail through Khachaturian 65 Cozy cloth 17 Deep red 67 Tons of time 18 Volleyball divider 69 Mild cigars 28 City on the 70 Fermented tea Danube 71 Deplored 29 Kind of kiln 72 Shock 30 Fenwick or Carter 73 Word with baby or 34 Snitches snake 36 Inland sea 74 Inauguration Day 36 Prix - event ,- T£" e---3TT"TiT'q 75 Filled with wonder 80 instant, for short :T-"   82 Coq au - 84 - pellet :"-   85 '87 Streisand film 86 Egyptian deity 87 "- la vie" -- -- I 89 Supportive of [] 90 Princess bruiser 4- 45 91 Klutz 92 Plastic -Band " 1  95 Bill of Rights grp. __ 1  96 Interoffice e o communique   99 Honda competitor 101 Wimsey's creator gg--  102 From C to shining '4 C? 103 TVs "Scooby -" 106 '81 John Lennon hit 107 Senator Thurmond 109 Borg of tennis 110 Actress Skye 111 Banks backup org. 112 Clammy 113 "Typee" sequel 114 h bit of Beethoven 115 Weekend warriors: abbr. 116 Donated 117 Frigga's fellow 118 South African plant 119 Sikorsky or Stravinsky 120 Diane of "Chinatown" 121 Weaken Thursday, November 15, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 37 REAL ESTATE ISLAND - 1.66 acres, 110 View. Power, septic design, 10 ODD. Call Annie (360) 402- 110/25-11/15 )ING LOTS for sale. All have sep- In approval. Starting at $16,500 , (360) 352-9223; (360) 701- [10/25-11/15 HER. Newer 4 bedroom, 1.75 2 car garage, nice corner lot trom high school, 102 Thyme $185,000. Call Carla, (360) ,, para espafiol (360) 490- AI0/25-11/15 ER, Oak Park. Split-level, 1,800 ry clean, newly remodeled, 4 m, 2 bath, large family room with ova. New windows, forced air r, large fenced yard, large deck. illtOrage shed, woodshed. Close ls, shopping. Price drastically IPd, only $189 000 for quick sale, 443 D1 J/8-29 $59,950, LIVABLE 1 bedroom trailer on beautiful 1/4 acre. Well, septic, power. BuildabJe lot, close to Shelton, South- side. (360) 426-2907. $11/8tfn AFFORDABLE BUILDING lots. Lake Limerick. Enjoy all the amenities, $59,950 each. Sheiton Land & Homes, (360) 426-5555. sheltonlandandhomes. com. $11/15 MINUTES TO Olympia. Custom view home with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, ca- thedral ceilings, beautiful wood floors, and cabinets, skylights, 1,875 sq.ft. All this and saltwater boat ramp and pic- nic area across the street, $339,000. Call Rosalee, Top Hat Realty, (360) 490-0673. Call for appointment to see. A11/15-22 SINGLE-WIDE MOBILE in Timberlakes on 2 lots, 800 W. Tirrtberlakes Dr., next to new sports park. Fixer. (360) 427- 6370, call for appointment. $72,000, no terms. B11/15-12/6 00autiful one acre plus lot with new 3 bedroom septic installed. Nice loca- tion between Shelton and Olympia. $89,000 Call 360-490-2837 , , ,", 1 I/8-1z/27 (360) 426-3319 Su 3er Crossword - &.PRIL DILEMMA - Answers are on page 33. John L. Scott Real Estate is pleased to welcome two new members to our Shelton team, Rich and Lainie Green. This business is Independently Owned and Operated ii SEARCH FOR: PRU6K3U3 NEW PRICE!! Away fronl the ids. 2 bdr, 1 bth home i1 l,ake Ar- C had c,,mmunity. 2 lots, I{V pa rkin4,, Irmt parks, lodge, swimming and at fishing. 865,O00. FIR,'T TIME ON MARKET! Delight- fttl doll house with view of lake. Total renovation completed. $159,500 TO FIND affordable 3 bdr, 2 in newer neighb(rhood. garage, fas forced-air fllrnace. ' fenced. (]h}sc to schools, mcdi- pping and county p,rk 70,950 NEW PRI('E!! I)()N'T IlORSE AROUND on this one. Buy now! 15 hcautiful acres overhoking Oakhmd Bay. (irecn pas- tures fi)r your horses, llamas or alpacas. 2,300 sq, ft. barn, covered parking for 6. ()h, and there is a 4,000 sq. ft. meticu- lously maintained home with 2 grand rock fircplaccs. One family room looks out at bay and oyster boat, the other overlooks pasture land. 675,000 LAKE CUSHMAN, price reduced. Well cared for doublewide manufactured home on double lot. Woodstove, heat pump, big covered front porch, fenced backyard, RV garage, carport, woodshed and small shop. Nicely landscaped on private cul- de-sac. Asking $158,900. Call Invest Re- alty LLC at (360) 426-3567. I11/15 6 BEDROOMS/price reduced for short sale. Mt. View area of Shelton. Possible to run daycare or group home or suitable for someone with a lot of kids. Many ex- tra rooms, but in need of some repairs. Price dropped by $90,000, now only ask- ing $185,000 for lender "short sale." Call Invest Realty LLC at (360) 426-3567. 111/15 PRICE REDUCED by $50,000. 10 city view lots (60x100 each), cleared and ready to build on. All 10 lots for only $199,900. Call Invest Realty LLC at (360) 426-3567. I11/15 NORTHCLIFF PARK, we are ready to build your new dream home in Shelton. New development offers a wide street with additional on-street parking and fiber optic Internet connection available. See the quality that we offer in all fixtures, ap- pliances, and materials. Will build to your specifications (with minimum require- ments.) Close to hospital, schools, shop- ping, and easy access to Hwy. 101. Me- dian price range is $350,000. Call Invest Realty LLC at (360) 426-3567. I11/15 PRICE REDUCED, nicely upgraded 4 bedroom home in Shelton. 2 baths, de- tached garage, covered patio and fully fenced. A real deal, now only $215,000. Call Invest Realty LLC at (360) 426-3567. 111/15 SHORECREST: BUILDABLE lot, all the amenities of Shorecrest, pool, access to saltwater, $18,500. Shirley, Real Estate USA, (360) 427-4488. R11/15 CASH AVAILABLE! Real Estate or con- tract loans. Local, private, fast (360) 491-5463. J3/16tfn i ii i Communm4 Mortgage Cente00 Our Community Credit Union HOME MORTGAGES THAT FIT YOUR NEEDS • Purchase or Refinance • Fixed and Adjustable Rate Loans • Construction • VA IJmns • Specialized Loan Programs Serving anyone living or working in Mason or Grays Harbor County 432-5210 • 800-426-5657 2948 Olympic Hwy. N. RESOLUTION NO. 115-07 2007 BUDGET Supplemental Appropriation/Budget Transfer Notice of Hearing WHEREAS, by reason of conditions which could not be reasonably foreseen at the time of making the budget for the year 2007. it is necessary to make provisions for supplemental appropriations and a budget transfer to the 2007 Budget as authorized by RCW 36.40.100 and RCW 36.40.195 for the following: SOpplemental Appropriations to the Corn- bided Utilities Administration Fund for the ad- ditional unanticipated revenue (and cost) of administration. Supplemental Appropriation to the Rus- tlewood Sewer & Water Utility Fund for an in- terfund loan from the Real Estate Excise Tax (REET 2) Fund to provide interim financing for sewer plant improvements. Supplemental Appropriation to the Bel- fair Wastewater & Water Reclamation Util- ity Fund for an interfund loan from the Rural County Sales & Use Tax (.09) Fund and a Community Trade and Economic Develop- ment (CTED) grant to provide financing for the design and construction of the new Bel- fair facility. A Budget Transfer from the Ending Fund Balance in the Current Expense Fund to the Sheriff s Department to add two deputies to the Sheriff's Department. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of Mason County Commission- ers: That the 20th of November 2007 at the hour of 9:30 AM in the Mason County Com- missioners Chambers in Courthouse Building I, 41 t North Fifth Street, Shelton, Washing- ton, is hereby fixed as the time and place for a public hearing upon the matter of supple- mental appropriations and budget transfers to the 2007 Budget as follows: Supplemental Appropriations: Com- bined Utilities Administration Fund in the estimated amount of $43,153; Rustlewood Sewer & Water Utility Fund in the estimated amount of $800,000; and Belfair Wastewater & Water Reclamation Utility Fund in the esti- mated amount of $4,000,000. Budget Transfer: From Ending Fund Balance/Current Expense Fund to the Sher- iffs Department in the estimated amount of $9,500. Dated this 6th day of November 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Lynda Ring Erickson Lynda Ring Erickson, Chair Absent Tim Sheldon, Commissioner /s/Ross Gallagher Ross Gallagher, Commissioner ATTEST: /s/Rebecca S. Rogers Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/Monty Cobb Monty Cobb, Chief Civil Deputy Prosecut  ing Attorney 11/8-15 2t State of Washington Department of Ecology Notice of Application to Consolidate an Exempt Water Use with existing rights (RCW 90.44.105) and change the place of use TAKE NOTICE: That Mason County Pub- lic Utility District 1 filed an application for change to consolidate an exempt water use with an existing right for municipal supply purposes granted under Ground Water Right Certificate No. 6829 for Canal Beach Tract Mutual. The well that will serve as the point of consolidation is located within Government Lot 7, SW 1/4 SE 1/4, Section 1, T. 22 N., R. 4 W.WM. The PUD proposes to consolidate the ex- empt right associated with two wells serving the Glen Ayr Resort with Certificate No. 6829 and merge the water systems. The exempt wells are also IocatQd within Government Lot 7, Section 1, T. 22 N., R. 4 W.W.M. Protests or objections to approval of this application must Include a detailed state- ment of the basis of objections and are sub- ject to public disclosure. Protests must be accompanied by a $50.00 fee (non-refund- able) and filed with the Dept. of Ecology, Cashiering Section at P.O. Box 5128 Lacey, WA 98509-5128 within thirty (30) days from November 15, 2007. 11/8-15 2t SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NO. 07-2-00764-8 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY NATIONAL LOAN INVESTORS, L.P., a Delaware Limited Partnership, Plaintiff, VS. CHESTER W. WILLIAMS, and the marital community of CHESTER W. WILLIAMS and JANE DOE WILLIAMS, his wife if any, De fendants. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO: CHESTER W. WILLIAMS and the marital community of CHESTER W. WILLIAMS and JANE DOE WILLIAMS, his wife if any. You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this Summons, to wit" within sixty (60) days after the 11th day of Oc- tober, 2007, and defend the above-entitled action in the above entitled court, and an- swer the complaint of the plaintiff National Loan Investors, L.P., and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for plaintiff National Loan Investors, L.P., at the office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the Complaint which has been filed with the clerk of said Court. This action seeks a judgment against the above named defendants for the unpaid amounts owing under a promissory note held by Plaintiff National Loan Investors, L.P., and for the issuance of a writ of replevin to put Plaintiff National Loan Investors, L.P., in immediate possession of the personal prop- erty of defendants which secures said debt, including, but not limited to, equipment and inventory. DATED this 2nd day of October, 2007. LAW OFFICES OF LAURIN S. SCHWEET Attorneys for Plaintiff National Loan In- vestors, L.P. By:/s/Thomas S. Linde Thomas S. Linde WSBA 14426 Address: 2955 80th Avenue S.E., Suite 102 Mercer Island, WA 98040 (206) 275-1010 10/11-18-25-11/1-8-15 6t NOTICE of a PUBLIC HEARING on the CITY OF SHELTON'S 2008 FINAL BUD- GET The Shelton City Commission shall on December 3, 2007 commencing at approxi- mately 6:00 p.m. hold a public hearing at the Shelton Civic Center at 525 W. Cota Street, for the purpose of fixing the final budget for 2008. Any taxpayer may appear and be heard for or against any part of the 2008 Budget. Vicki Look City Clerk 11/8-15 2t ACROSS 49 Pants part 94 Bizet opera 1 Lump 50 "The Jungle 96 Nasty 5 Showed sorrow Book" boy 97 "How sweet -!" 9 Anthony of 52 Cask 98 Cpl.'s superior "Boston Public" 54 Part 2 of remark 100 Type of fuel 14 Jambalaya 67 "Love - the 101 Porgy and bass ingredient Ruins" ('75 film) 104 Fast flier 19 Hammett hound 58 Neon - 105 He gives a hoot 20 Where to find an 60 Cap or dolman 107 Cooke or onager 61 Bookstore Donaldson 21 Songwriter section 108 Male swan Greenwich 62 Bog 110 End of remark 22 Spine-tingling 63 Precambrian - 121 Biblical city 23 Fertile soil 65 In honor of 122 "That's -" ('54 24 Tumble 66 Snick and - tune) 25 Java joints 68 - above 123 Actress 26 - -garde (somewhat superior) Thompson 27 Start of a remark 69 Part 3 of remark 124 Gymnast Korbut 31 Herriot title start 75 Baseball family 125 "West Side 32 Vigoda or name Story" role Saperstein 76 Antitoxins 126 Porsche 33 Slippery 77 Mouth piece? propeller character? 78 Long or Peeples 127 Tel- 34 Brit. fliers 79 Solidarity leader 128 Crucifix 37 Singer 81 Forger's need 129 Texas' state tree Manchester 83 Cultural 130 Marvell marvels 41 Celt 88 Wear away 131 Coty or Clair 44 Faucet 89 Carthaginian 132 Dweeb 47 94 Across 90 Part 4 of remark highlight 93 Comic Rickles 36 i R 111 ii ii I l ! I I 83 i 102 108 DOWN 38 Baton Rouge coil. 1 French Sudan, 39 Cloth finish today 40 - MateD, CA 2 From 41 Errs 3 Command to Fido 42 It darkens your 4 Mead's milieu doorway 5 Breakfast treat 43 Bird-to-be 6 Morales of 45 Join "NYPO Blue" 46 Follow 7 Disagreeable sort 48 "-you for real?" 8 Hard to believe 50 2001, to Tiberius 9 Priam's wife 51 Skater Midori 10 Cheer 53 Publisher Conde 11 - Romeo 55 At any time 12 Mortgage, for 56 Brewer or Wright one 57 Orion, for instance 13 Actor Arnaz 59 Part of Q.E.D. 14 Serenity 61 Tofu base 16 Disgust 62 Occupation 16 Composer 64 Sail through Khachaturian 65 Cozy cloth 17 Deep red 67 Tons of time 18 Volleyball divider 69 Mild cigars 28 City on the 70 Fermented tea Danube 71 Deplored 29 Kind of kiln 72 Shock 30 Fenwick or Carter 73 Word with baby or 34 Snitches snake 36 Inland sea 74 Inauguration Day 36 Prix - event ,- T£" e---3TT"TiT'q 75 Filled with wonder 80 instant, for short :T-"   82 Coq au - 84 - pellet :"-   85 '87 Streisand film 86 Egyptian deity 87 "- la vie" -- -- I 89 Supportive of [] 90 Princess bruiser 4- 45 91 Klutz 92 Plastic -Band " 1  95 Bill of Rights grp. __ 1  96 Interoffice e o communique   99 Honda competitor 101 Wimsey's creator gg--  102 From C to shining '4 C? 103 TVs "Scooby -" 106 '81 John Lennon hit 107 Senator Thurmond 109 Borg of tennis 110 Actress Skye 111 Banks backup org. 112 Clammy 113 "Typee" sequel 114 h bit of Beethoven 115 Weekend warriors: abbr. 116 Donated 117 Frigga's fellow 118 South African plant 119 Sikorsky or Stravinsky 120 Diane of "Chinatown" 121 Weaken Thursday, November 15, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 37