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C hamber membership
meeting at casino •
~'s Bay Center for Music hosts the
Shelton Mason County Chamber of Com-
merce's November membership meeting
from 6-8 p.m. Nov. 29 at the Little Creek
Treick has more than 20 years of expe-
rience in office functions, including Excel,
QuickBooks. accounts receivable and pay-
able, invoicing, tax record preparation,
business forms, data entry, payroll, word
processing and office organization. For
more information, call 801-5886.
Casino Resort.
The gathering includes a conversation
North Mason businesses can
about tourism in Mason County. To RSVP, join 'Shop Local' prog ram
emall or call the chamber office at 426-202L
The North Mason Chamber of Corn-
Businesses sought to host merce's "Shop Local" program offers local
20i 3 chamber events businesses the opportunity to make them-
selves better known in more than 200 North
Mason households.
Businesses interested in hosting a Shel- "Shop Local" program volunteers will be
ton Mason County Chamber of Commerce stuffing about 200 reusable grocery bags
membership meeting or Business After with the "Shop Local" logo, and handing
Hours gathering in 2013 can call the or- them out at the community Christmas tree
ganization at 426,2021 or emait info@ lighting ceremony Dec. 2. Local businesses
sheltonchamber:org, can provide anywhere from 20 to 200 mar-
The following dates in 2013 are open: the ke~ items to place in the bags. They can
June20 rship meeting luncheon, the be dropped off at the Theler Community
July 18 membership meeting luncheon, the Center by Nov. 26.
Aug, 15 membership meeting luncheon, the Fliers will not be accepted, but items can
Nov. 13 Business Mr Hours, and the Dec. include coupons, pens, pencils, calendars,
S 9
11 Busmess After Hour . water bottles and other goods. If you cant
deliver them to the center, call Anne Whit-
man at Theler to arrange for them to be
Businesses accepting picked up
donations of mittens; -"
hats for kids Sound Learning hosts
project sponsored again by Michelle Corral corked for a Cause" from 6-9 p.m. Nov. 30 at
and her staff at the Shelton branch of Heft- the Mark E. Reed/Colonial House, 222 W.
tage Bank. Pine St., Shelton.
Warm Hands is the collection of new The event features wines, hers d'oeuvres
mittens, gloves and hats for Mason County and raffle items. Admission is $10, and in-
J ..... , photo b~ Gordon Week~ elementary school children. The items are cludes one "taste" and one raffle ticket. To
Executive Chef John Cruse will oversee the expanded offerings and collected all November, and then delivered RSVP, call 426-9733.
space at the remodeled Mason General Hospital cafeteria Bistro in the to elementary schools throughout Mason
County the first week of December. The
Basement, which reopens tomorrow, goal is to raise 1,200 sets of hats and mit- Love INC names Kamin
By GORDON WEEKS tore out the ceiling and l~nstalled metal
.~ordon(,,n shielding to keep radioactivity from new
.............................. MRI equipment from penetrating into the
bistro. For three and a half months, the hos-
When the Mason General Hospital caf- pital's kitchen was relocated to the adjacent
eteria closed for remodeling three months Shelton Methodist Church.
ago, the cramped Bistro in the Basement The crew assembled about 400 meals a
sported 25 seats and a salad bar. Hospital day in close quarters on a couple electric ov-
employees often grabbed their meal to go ens, one electric stove and a grittle.
because there was no place to sit. Malla Hayek, who used to work at Ni-
The cafeteria reopens tomorrow withta's Restaurant in Shelton, was hired four
twice the space and seating that accom- months ago as a dietician, just before the
modates almost 60, including some plush transition.
booths. A buffet bar will debut in January, At the church, "we've been finding out
offering fare that includes prime rib, eggs just how much we like each other because
benedict, seafood and saut6ed dishes, there's so little space," she said.
The remodeled cafeteria means "better Hayek added, "I helped move everything
morale for staff, a place they can call their out of here, and now I'm helping to move
own ... this is long overdue," said John everything back." As for this week's reopen-
Cruse, the cafeteria's executive chef. ing, "It's just going to be great," she said.
The buffet will allow customers to make "All the space we're going to have -- Wow!"
their food and portion decisions immediate- The changes coincide with the hospital's
ly, Cruse said. $33-million campus renewal project.
"It will speed up the wait time, especially The improvements include the addition
for staff who want to get in and out of here of a new surgery wing to the existing hos-
and back to work," said Cruse, who added pital; new operating suites to accommo-
that employees are encouraged to make date new technologies and replace existing
menu suggestions, rooms that are too small; an expanded and
The public will also enjoy the new offer- modernized emergency department to ac-
ings and ambiance, Cruse said. commodate patient needs and to increase
"It gives elderly people a place to come patient privacy and waiting space; and
that doesn't hit them hard in the pocket- upgrades to inpatient rooms and waiting
book," he said. areas that provide privacy for confidential
The cafeteria was shut down while crews meetings between doctors and families.
Nita turns 95
owner of
Nita's in
Shelton for
the past 60
her 95th
last week at
The event
was hosted
Friday, with
birthday on
Journal photo by
Gordon Weeks
New hats, gloves and mittens can be new
executive director
dropped offat the following businesses: the
Shetten branch of Heritage Bank, the Mar- Jayni Kamin is the new executive direc-
cy Johnson agency of All-State Insurance. tor of Love INC of Mason County.
Sage Books, Mariano's Fine Jewelry, KMAS The organization is reorganizmg to bet-
radio, Maple Glen, Prudential Realty, Gate- ter meet its mission of mobilizing local
way Prope~y Management, Green Diamond churches to work together to reach out to be
Resource Center. Mason County Tile, Tay- people in need in Mason County.
lor~Insnrance, the Mason County Senior Ac- Kamin is a founding board member of
tivities Center, Exceptional Foresters, Inc., Love INC of Mason County, a former Mason
Curves for Women, Edward Jones -- Janis County commissioner and a past member of
Byrd, the Alderbrook Country Store. Cameo the Shelton School District Board of Direc-
Boutique and the Union and Shelton offices ters.
of Hood Canal Communications.
North,Mason Chamber Marsh named MGH's
seeks trustees employee of the month
Shanna Marsh, clinic manager at Ma-
The North Mason Chamber of Commerce
........ o s for o te to serve son General Hospital Shelton Orthodontics,
~s seerJng nommat~ n pe p "--"" ¢ rs s ""ason Gene ;
on 'ts ~I~ Board ofm ~e "~o ations was selec~a lay her pee a ±vl rm
! k~LI ~ Cl IVUSVe S 1~ m!n ta . . ,,
• "n i,~ .... +~a ~**h~.ho ~.~. 1 ,,.h .... t Hospital and Family of Climcs Employee
ll:30 a.m. I~ov. 28. To add your name or get °I~:~n=:%~r~ee~ ~or the or~aniza
more information, call Chamber Executive _ . . " ' s sta" ul~;~ ~e
Director Greg Old'ham at 275-4267, ext 16. ~{onmr a,mos~ se#ven^year ~2.~ xxr~ a ~e
North Mason Mecacal ~llnlC. wneu me
clinic closed in 2008, Marsh worked at both
In the fall of 2010, Marsh helped ortho-
pedic surgeon Fred David, M.D., reopen
Barbara ~ick, president of Office Ex- Shelton Orthopedics after it had closed
perts, is opening new company offices at temporarily.Marsh is also a certified medi-
7540 E. Grapeview Loop Road in ~lyn. cal assistant and a registered X-ray techni-
Office Experts provides mobile admires- clan.
trative and bookl~eeping support services As clinic manager, Marsh handles the
aimed at regional small and home-based entire operation of the clinic. She also works
businesses in Mason and South Kitsap with Dr. Davis and fills in with other pc-
counties, tient care.
We at Urraco appreciate your patronage
and thank you for voting us #1 coffee!
Left to right: Maria, Madison, Leah, Kelsey, Tiffany, Alysse, Kathy, Kevin
CounW Food Bank,
Receive !5% off
i~ i1~2/12
Urraco Coffee Company
628 W. Cota Street * Shelton
Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Nov. 15, 2012 - Page B-3