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Shelton head football coach Matt Hinkle speaks to the Highclimbers in a huddle during a game this season.
Journal file photo
Hinkle cohesive enough bunch with bit. She's certainly support-
a common vision, then gen- ive as far as supporting me
Continued from page C-I erally you're successful win- in the coach capacity. She's
loss wise. And conversely, real positive and a steady
Is that what you were in when you don't have that, influence lots of times.
high school? when you have everybody
Yeah running in different direc- What's her name?
tions, it's a challenge to win. Lisa, and she's on the side-
What's the official degree I think it's like that every- lines, she traipses back and
you got from Western? where unless you're overly forth and usually stays out
A Bachelor of Science in in- git~ed with great athletes or of trouble. Every once in
dustrial arts, that's old-time you have none. But I think awhile, she gets too close to
verbage, for woodshop, the biggest trademark ofofficials or something.
the kids we get here is they
Do you have any other are generally A, hardwork- Do you have children?
degrees? ing and B, they generally We have two kids that are
I do now. i'm certified to attempt to share a common pretty much grown. We've
teach math, health and vision or goal. got a daughter that's 23
driver's education, now, her name's Hailey.
What do you think of She just graduated from
What has heen your most winning Best Mason Washington State. And I've
successful season with County Coach? got a son who is 20 and he's
the Highelimbers? Its certainly a nice gesture, at Washington State right
About five or six years ago I know there are a lot of now, his name's C.D. Actu-
whenwe went 9-0 betbre get- qualified coaches out there, ally, he's more sophisticated
ting beat, in terms of wins- I hopeit's a reflection of kids now and goes by his actual
losses. Success, I think, you having.a great experience, name, which is Clarke.
can measure iI~many dii~r- They're good kids and I've
ent ways. The biggest thing On a more personal lev- really enjoyed the.opportu-
is having the opportunity to el, I've noticed your wife nity to bring them up.
work with a bunch of kidswalking up and down
who are driven and want the sideline with you ev-
to accomplish something cry Friday. Is she a great
bigger than themselves, so source of support for you
years we have that, I con- in your career?
sider that a success. The Yeah, she's real support-
biggest responsibility of a ive. It's a challenge being
coach is two-fold: to get kids a coach in a community
as close to their potential as set off by itself a little bit.
possible and to (give)them You live in a bubble and
positive litbhmg memories it carries over into being a
that they ~an h,4~ I,ack on coacb's wife. There are re-
tbndly, wards and I think women
tend to gravitate toward
relationships, so the benefit
of being a coach's wife is the
thct that if you play it right,
you get relationships with
high school kids. I don't
Was there any year that
was more difficult than
the others?
No two years are the same.
Difficult as far as kids, I
would say to a certain de- know how to say it right,
gree, yes. But by and large but I think women are more
the type of kids you get in relationship-oriented and
Shelton are pretty good kids. she likes that aspect of it,
They come out and work getting to see the kids and
hard and when they've got a getting to know them a little
Did you have the
opportunity to coach
either of them?
Yeah, C.D. was the quarter-
back here a few years ago
and he's been at camps with
the kids every since he was
about 5, maybe, so he's been
around the program for a
long time.
Was it different for you
to coach your own son?
Yeah, it was. A, we were
Seeing kids come back after always an appealing thing.
being out and working their Looking in the rearview
way through life and being mirror, it's just where has
successful. It's always a nice the time gone now? It's been
feeling when they say that almost 30 years and some
high school football in par- people move about a lot and
ticular gave them tools that we haven't, for whatever
enable them to be successful reason.
and that they use them on
a regular basis. That's prob- Is there a great coaching
ably the biggest thing, dream you have or is this
pretty much it?
What's your biggest It used to be to have my own
regret? little office in some college
I think probably the time capacity, but they're such a
engaged in being a coach. It challenge at the high school
consumes you to a large de- level that I think the biggest
gree at the expense of other thing is to have a program
stuff. And every year goes a that consistently is able to
little bit faster, play at a very high level, at
a championship-type level.
How much longer do We had it for quite a few
you see yourself being a years and then the bottom
coach? fell out the last few. That's
I don't know, I really don't, always something I've ad-
it's kind of a year-by-year mired, is coaches that have
deal and that's a decision been able to year after year,
that you kind of make every foster teams that compete at
offseason. With the energy a very high capacity, wheth-
and time involved, that's er they have the talent or
certainly something that not. Some schools have the
the older you get, the more advantage of being able to
challenging it is. I feel for- pull some kids in, but we
tunate to have a good staff don't have that, you get
that carries quite a bit of the what you get. That's always
load. That's a nice thing, been the goal, is to have
something at a very high
Did you have any jobs level, year after year.
before you came to
Shelton? Do you know what the
No, I was straight out of col- key to that is?
lege. A lot of it is luck. There's
many factors that go into it;
certainly a youth program
is important, a stable and
supportive administrative
crew is important and then
What brought you to
going through a difficult. Back in the day, there
stretch win-loss wise and to wasn't very many wood-
compound that, he was the
quarterback and everything
funnels through the quar-
terback. Internally, it was a
real challenge for him. He's
a great kid and he's working
hard in college and being
shop jobs out there and we'd you have to be consistent in
hadn't competed against what you do, as far as your
Shelton when I was in high schemes and how you deal
school so I'd only been over with people and kids.
here a couple of times my
entire life, growing up a Is there anything else
short distance away. There you can think to add at
very successful, but back at wasn't any reason to come this point?
the time, it was a tough go. over and I love the area No, I really appreciate the
and the tradition of Shelton honor and like I said earlier,
I(t (t[ What do you think you're kids has always been one of I'm sure there are qualified
most proud of in your hardworking kids that are people that probably de-
career? " pretty physical, so that was" served it more than I do
II I ;{ I[
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Shelton senior Sarah Myers takes a breath on a stroke during the
l]~mlllt/~imRL ~1~~~~ I preliminaries of the 100-yard freestyle at the WIAA 3A State Swimming
Championships on Friday at the King County Aquatic Center in Federal
Way. . '
xAr{mm{nor He said that despite the disappointing
~" "" ~~:) finish at state, he was pleased with how
I@ 360-426-167 I ContinuedfrompaqeC-1 the team finished its season.
- - "I'm real excited about what we've got
I:.---: 1"800"675"7167 I "We didn't anticipate being at state coming back next season," he added.
this year," Youngquist said. "We im- With three swimmers returning to the
proved a tremendous amount and we team with state experience next year,
291 1 E. Brockdole Rood were,really pleased with the girls this Youngquist said he anticipates a much
year. better performance at state in 2013.
Since 1978
Page C-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - ] hursday, Nov. 15, 2012
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