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Thursday, Nov. 15, 2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-3
Seattle man faces Olympia man
trespasscharge sentenced for
Anthony Alan Kruger faces a pend- loca~ crimes
ing charge of criminal trespassing after
the 37-year-01d Seattle man was at- Judge :4znber Finlay sentenced a
rested Nov. I0 at a residence in AIIyn. 33-year=old Olympia man to I01
Judge Amber Finlay found prob- months in prison Monday in Mason
able cause for the trespass charge County Superior Court for pleading
Tuesday during Kruger's initial ap- guilty to three charges.
pearance in Mason County Superior Joshua A. Littte's Mason County
Court. Kruger appeared out of cus- sentence will run concurrently with a
:tody after paying $10,000 bond for 116-month sentence he's serving for
his release during convictions in Thurston County He's
the weekend from not eligible for release until 2028.
Mason County Jail. Little pleaded
He's scheduled to guilty Oct. 29 in Ma-
be formally charged son County Superior
during a Nov. 26 ar- Court to first-degree
raignment hearing, unlawful possession
A Mason County of a firearm-, second-
SheriffS Office degree possession
probable cause dec- of stolen property
laration states that and possession Of
MACECOM, the cocaine. Authorities
county's 911 call-dispatch center, ad-
vised Sheriffs Office personnel of an
attempted break-in at about 5 p.m. on
East Saint Albans Lane. Deputies ar-
rived and apprehended Kruger, then
interviewed the alleged victims.
According to the report, a couple
and children ages 7 and 5 were at
home wheri Kruger allegedly entered
their residence uninvited. After tak-
ing witness interviews and viewing
home security surveillance footage,
law enforcement believes Kruger
drove a Toyota Tacoma pickup truck
to the residence, walked inside and
was quickly and forcefully removed by
a 37-year-old resident:
Man released ,from
jail, receives new
Little arrested Little on
Sept: 11, 2017, while
Little was asleep in the backseat of a
vehicle off Cloquallum Road in Shel
ton. Mason County Sheriffs Office
personnel searchedthe vehicle and
located cocaine, guns, ammunition, SD
cards, ID card-altering equipment, a
bulletproof vest and $420 in cash.
Little pleaded guilty in July to
first-degree unlawful possession of a
firearm, drug possession with-intez t
to deliver/manufacture and drug pos-
session in Thurston County,
County jail inmate
charged with
criminal mischief
court schedule
Shelton's Benjamin Joshua Solano,
accused of three crimes in two cases
in Mason County Superior Court,
received a new schedule for court ap-
pearances Tuesday during court pro-
Though specific details had yet to
be posted to the county's online court-
reporting portal, Solano, 21, recently
posted $5,000 bond for his release
from Mason County
Jail. Because he
was no longer in
custody, Judge Am-
ber Finlay sched-
uled Solano's pre-
trial management
hearings for Dec. 17
and his jury trials
to begin the week of
Solano Jan. 8.
Solano faces a
second-degree arson charge, stemming
from a small July 27 brushfire that
caused no injuries or damage to struc-
tures and was contained to less than
two acres in the Agate area north of
Shelton. The Mason County Sheriffs
Office accuses Solano and his girl-
friend, Taylor Nicole Barrett, of having
started the fire by throwing lit fire-
works out the window of a moving car.
Solano was arrested a second time
on Oct. 18 and authorities charged
him with first-degree stolen property
trafficking and second-degree vehicle
prowling after Solano reportedly at-
tempted to sell stolen items in an cell-
phone marketplace app.
Solano faces up to 10 years in pris-
on and/or a $20,000 fine for the stolen
property trafficking charge and 364
days in jail and/or a $5,000 fine for
the vehicle prowl charge.
Autumn Marie Berman, who alleg-
edly attempted to escape confinement
Oct. 5 from Mason County Jail by dig-
ging her way through ceiling tiles in the
shower stall of her cell with a plastic
eating utensil, faces a pending charge of
second-degree malicious mischief.
Judge Daniel Goodell found prob-
able cause Nov. 8 to charge the
32-year-old Belfair woman with the
crime after the Mason County Pros-
ecutor's office filed the pendifi g charge
the day before.
According to a Mason County Sher-
iffs Office investigation report, Ber-
man was allegedly seen by another
inmate between 8 and 9 a.m. digging
into the ceiling with a spoon and jail-
issued shoes. Upon investigation,
a jail deputy reportedly discovered
a "white chalky substance on the
damaged spoon as well as on orange
sandals he located near the bunk as-
signed to Berman."
During the ini-
tial investigation,
Berman reportedly
~ ran to an office and
grabbed a correc-
tions radio. When
questioned about
the damage to her
cell, Berman re-
portedly answered,
Berman "news to me."
No date for
Berman's pending arraignment hearing
was posted to the county's online
court-reporting portal as of the Shelton-
Mason County Journal's deadline.
Berman faces residential burglary
and obstructing a law enforcement of-
ricer charges stemming from her Oct.
2 arrest at a residence on Northeast
Mission Creek Road in Belfair.
[] Compiled by reporter Michael Heinbach
Razor Clamming
with the Family!-
Clam Bags
-Stock He