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Page A-18 - She~ton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Nov. 15, 2018
North Bay Historical Society, plaster a wall, are a licensed electri-
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Sargent Oyster House from noon to 3
p.m. Saturday at that Tyvek-wrapped
building sitting below state Route
can use your help, especially if you can
hang a window, miter a joint or place
a header. We need builders and con-
3 next to the Port of Allyn
building to allow everyone to .
see what has been happening
on the inside.
It may look like it has just
been sitting there, as someone
put it, "forever," but inside it
has been cleaned out, shored
up and made stable. Asbestos
has been removed, which is
a very tedious task, but now By CAT
will lead to the spring begin- ROSS
ning restoration and recre-
ation of the glory that once
was. The history that lives on will be
there for generations to come in the
museum that will
soon sit upon a pier
in the North Bay for
all to visit and learn
of the life of the
only oyster house ~ '~' ~ ~IJl
left in this area.
The oyster house : ~
will showcase how
the business and
processing worked,
and so much more ~Q~ ~ ~:'~z:~
through local stories ~s:=:~@~ " .~II~:, " ~,~
and photographs ~u~v~
that created our
local oyster harvest-
ing and processing history. Everyone
is welcome.
The O vs~er House restoration
team is looking for a few good people
with the best skills. These are special
people that have a passion for history
and craftsmanship and a love for car-
rying on a tradition of fine work. Car-
penters, builders and contractors who
know that through working with their
hands sends a message to generations
of the future that this type of work
matters as it is architecture at its fin-
est. It's not a skill you can necessarily
learn in college; it is a hands-on or
trade skill.
You see history is not just in books,
it is in the fine craftsmanship of
well-made and well-built buildings,
cabinets, countertops that withstand
daily use for hundreds of years; that
too many of us take for granted or
only see in antique stores or at garage
sales or now on TV shows that sell an-
tiques that is old stuff to young kids.
The Sargent Oyster House is one of
tractors who can donate some
hours to help the project along.
This is a true commitment
-- the work comes in phases
as it's an old building, and it
all takes time. Nothing gets
rushed. This is where you
sign your name to the cabinet
you create to specs, you bring
your grandkid in and show
them and they say "cool." And
you and your grandkid know
and care; maybe they help
sand or carve. It's that kind
of work that gets carried on. Come
talk to the designer to see the big
picture, see where
your work and tal-
ents can be a part
~}. of history in the
- making, and your
~.~ work toward the
future for the one-
~! ~;,: of-a-kind Northwest
museum that will
~'~ be the pearl of Allyn
awaits history in
~ the making.
We are pleased to
announce one of the
first companies to
jump on board has a
long-standing charitable legacy start-
ed by its past owner, Jeff Mitchell.
His son. Andy Mitchell, st~te~"one
of the first things people that come to
work for Mitchell Lumber Co. tell him
is that is what they know about the
company and that it has been doing it
in the North Mason area forever and
that is why they want to be part of the
Mitchell workforce." Andy Mitchell
went on to say that he believes "help-
ing in this way; restoring older build-
ings from the '30, '40s or more offers a
community character, because anyone
can build a new glass building."
The Mitchell Lumber Co. of Belfair
has donated the materials for Phase I
of the 2019 spring build.
"We understand the long-term im-
pact the museum will have to the com-
munity and we knew having quality
supplied lumber to weather the storms
was key in a restoration project of this
historic value was necessary for the
sustainability in the community for
years to come," according to Mitchell's
these buildings. Although it is more genera] manager Angie Harris.
than 100 years old, it is time for it to In the Port of Allyn conference
be restored to its glory and for that room there will be light refreshments
it takes a team of specialized crafts- and people to answer questions: The
people that can see beyond that rough North Bay Historical Society will be
exterior and that disastrous interior, on hand to assist with sign-ups of in-
and do the work that is needed. So we terested workers and companies; Port
~ are seeking people that have a love of of Allyn commissioners to talk about
- that restoration work, a desire to save the future financing; the designer to
~,local history, a passion for keeping discuss the building plans and moving
history alive for the future, the kind forward timeline; the granddaughter
of people that don t say "tear it down of the Sargents will have family pho-
~~~;L :~ and build a new one." We want people tos that may be in the exhibits once
who take pride in creating their craft the museum is open.
and saving what was created before Please come sneak a peek and
them; people who can re-create and learn about the upcoming public wel-
build upon it to make it continue on come fundraiser, For the Love of Oys-
for another generation and posterity, ters -- Pirates & Pearls, coming April
So ifyou are one of those people,6 to the Port of Allyn Waterfront Park
please step forward. We are looking and Gazebo.
for you~o join in the ~vork~We areim
need of your expertise, your talent, Cat Ross is an active North Mason
I - ~ast Olympia, WA 98501 I your energy and your love of overcom- community member. She can be
ing the challenge, reached at