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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 15, 2018     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 15, 2018
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Page A-22 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Nov.A 5, 2018 NORTHMASON BRIEFS F-- Board meeting Learn aboutJ Campaignskickoff https:/ The Humane 5%ci ason County is raising funds to help fur- resched ed at home longer To begin the se~ison of giving, sea- ~her its mission of helping displaced. The North Masor School District For those interested in learning i escheduled for m. Tuesday in possible, the HUB Center for S mors the administrative - " o a.@ing, located is hosting a free workshop from. 6 8 71 E. Campus Belfair. The p.m. Tuesday in Belfair. board will also hold a study session at The class is the last in a series of 5 :o.m. to review educa: ional goals, workshops at the senior center about Oyster house open for sneak peak staying young longer. It is titled "Ag- ing in Place Successfully," and will feature three guest speakers. Occupational therapist Carrie Marcello will talk about assessing a home to make sure it is safe to remain there. Geriatric care manager Sue-Marie Casagrande will focus on helping families create a sustainable care plan. In-home care specialist Nita Wilson will cover ways people can get help while living at home as long as possible. The center is at 111 NE Old Belfair Highway. Call 206- 321-8016 to register, or visit www. The Port of Allyn and North Bay Historical Society are hosting a sneak peak from noon to 3 p.m. Saturday of the historic Sargent Oyster House in Allyn. Check out the work volunteers have done to clean up the building, and learn more about what organizers plan to do in the near future to show- case local shellfish industry history. MARY'S MEMOIRS eral Give Local fundraisers are get- ting underway. ment Group is focusing on its efforts to build an outdoor amphitheater. The project is meant o be a "place t9 honor environmental stewardship, abandoned or abused animals by finding them homes. See https://bit. ly/2SOHo6V. Santa Claus is community, education and artistic ex- COming to town pressiori," according to a news release. Those interested in donating can visit Faith in Action West Sound, based in Belfair, is also participating in the campaign. The HUB Center for Se- niors offers programs to community members, including "neighbor nights" and weekly dances, and helps seniors get to and from appointments. See crafts from the Allyn Community As-, sociation. Then at p.m Santa Claus North Mason Resources is a Bel- will make his entrance on a fire truck. fair organization providing legal Volunteering can contact Ina Cul- and financial assistance to those in berson at 360-509-5733. need, with the ultimate goal of help- ing clients become self sufficient. See Compiled by reporter Dana Kampa Before their schedules get too busy with the holidays, join Mr. and Mrs. Claus for a day of fun in Allyn. Follow strings of colorful lights at 3 p.m. Nov. 24 to Allyn Waterfront Park, where visitors can enjoy music, hot drinks, homebaked cookies and F Thursday, Nov. 14, 1940 night and I finished it up the follow- Went to Mrs. Williams and had my ing morning. By this time they should hair fixed and then to the have had a good day's hang store. I worked all day and ing. then in the evening went J :t to chapter where we had J Saturday, Nov. 16, 1940 a good time. The worthy A cold day and I went to matron asked me to give a the store early for Emmett talk on my trip and I spoke had to go to get A1 Clatchy about five minutes. We and then about one to the had a lot of fun and I came doctor. We had a fairly busy home late. Ruth went to the day and I took some things rally at the high school and By SE rA up to my dad's and then went had a good time. I picked NELTER to the beach and told Ruth her up at Betty's after that it would be best ifMel- chapter. It surely did seem vin Rickabaugh did not come good to be with the girls again, down until the case was cleared in the papers for if any trouble came Friday, Nov. 15, 1940 to her then Mrs. Hamilton would This was a cold day and the sun think I was not a fit guardian for her was out and got quite a bit done. Em- and put her somewhere else. She .> mett went to the doctor again andthought it was for the best and we had some splints put on his hand. The talked over the whole thing. I think doctor said it should show some im- she is pretty level headed, and real- provement tomorrow, definitely. Took izes that he is not the best company Flossie Cady to town and then metfor her at this time. Saw Mrs. Skene Ruth at the dime store and we got her today and she is coming in the morn- some shoes and some other things,ing to get some oysters for dinner. Then we got home early for the Navy Her brother-in-law is down from yard had their pay day today and I Canada and he is fond of oysters; I knew we should be busyand I wanted told them to take all they wanted. to be there. Melvin Rickabaugh isThe oysters are real nice now. Ruth here and said he was put in jail and cleaned the house up good and it then when the real thief tried to sell seems fine to come home to a clean one of the rings he was let loose. I place and not have to spend half guess he was pretty scared and feels of Sunday doing that. Now we can fairly jittery yet. Now must do some make some of those Indian Charms. " other work and get to bed for tomor- Mrs. Richardson and her husband row there is to be a lot of work to do were out looking up some party and and Emmett had to go to the doctor stopped at the store and we had again. A1 Clatchy is coming over, and quite a talk. She will try to come to I hope we get something put on the the Christmas party. We surely miss shelves. We surely did not do very her. We took the cat to the store and well this week. Sam and Bill Cadyshe is certainly getting the rats. Bet- went to Toule Lake to hunt ducks and ty says that every night she makes [ hope they have a good time. Samthem squeak and I'm sure she is get- did all of his book work on Tuesday ting her share of them. Ruth went to ; liIeI !i=-" If p Herald file Photo by Dana KamDa -the dance at Colby with Betty Curl and Louie so should have a good time. It is a good place to go There is always a good crowd. Sunday, Nov. 17, 1940 A fine day and I surely got a lot done. Finished all the windows on the outside and then wrote down most of the money orders. Then the Skenes came over and we had a nice visit. His brothers from Saskatchewan were along and the men looked the whole place over. They really came over to get some oysters but the tide never went out far enough. Then in the evening Flossie, Ruth and t went into Bremerton and saw the show at the Rialto "No Time for Comedy" and enjoyed it very much. Home late and to bed. Monday, Nov. 18, 1940 A very cold day and we washed clothes and the ones to iron all got dry. Emmett had to go into the doc- tor again and so we did not get much Tuesday, Nov. 19, 1940 Betty was sick so I was in the post office all day. Sam went to Seattle. I called Norma up and she wants me to join some club. I told her I would come if I could. In the evening Bill Cady came down and we picked all the birds and afterwards I hung up the white clothes that were not dry yet. Had a card from Hacketts and a letter from my mother with Louie's, Henry's and my birth certificates in it. Made a fire in the fireplace and it feels very good. Wednesday, Nov. 20, 1940 A very wet day and quiet in the store. I asked Eddy's, Cadys, Sund- strom's and will ask Pink's for Sunday evening so we can draw for the dinner Dec. 1. Put away some of the drugs. Took down all the clothes and washed the washroom floor. Ruth went to her grandmother's for Thanksgiving. Sam tried to take our cat home in the pan- el last night and she ran out so now I an't find her. Went up to dad's today. done. Sam and Bill Cady came home He was cleaning house. from hunting and brought a lot of :- birds along. They had a lot of Chi- Seyta Selter is a lifelong lover of nese Pheasants alofig, this time. Had Hoo[l CanaLcUrrently residing in very poor duck hunting so went after Olympia. She practices ancestral heal- Chinks. Sam went to a meeting in ing, sometimes teaches at The Ever- Shelton and I went to the Girl Scout green State College, and is a passion- meeting and we have most of the ate amateur genealogist, archivist and plans made for the hobby show. Home family historian. She can be emailed early and to bed. at +