November 15, 2018 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Thursday, Nov. 15, 2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Page B-21
PART-ThME ,MUN~CdPA~ff~dvtanager. T~he Winona Plant Personnel co,m/about-us/careers equipped for events o[ any iS THE care of an eider
court judge - The City incumbent is responsible for Manager at (.360) 426-4232 Columbia Bank is proud size. It is crucial that the loved one leaving you
of Shelton is acceptingthe non-clinical aspects Of x2009. (S 11/15) to be an AA/EEO/Veteran/ new MD be well versed frazzled and keeping you
proposals for part-time the day-to-day operations ~ Disabled Employer. (C 11/1.- in all areas of business up at night? Does the health
municipal court judge of the Skokomish healthForest Products LLC, the 11/22) operations, have peoplecare system and finding
services. The individualclinic support staff. The leader in the wood fencing ~ skills to build relationships solutions overwhelm you9
with staff and user groups Don't know where to s'tart;t
selected will serve as the Office Manager will be industry, is looking for team and Recreation Community and much more! For a full Alpine Way can help you
sole Shelton Municipalresponsible for developing oriented, safety minded, Center job announcement:
Court Judge.Minimum intra-office communicationapplicants for an Industrial The City of Shelton is job description please visit sort out your options and
our website: https://www, walk you through a solution
Education and Experienceprotocols, streamlining Electrician position atseeking applicants for that fits your situation. No
including: Graduation from administrative procedures, the Shelten, WA facility, the establishment of a opening/ Salary will behard sells, only answers to
an accredited college or inventory control, office Minimum 5 years hands-on Civic Center/Community offered DOE. Must be able hardo]uestions. CalITrudyor
university and graduation staff supervision and task Industrial Electrician. Strong Center casual worker pool. to pass abackground check. Cyndy at (360) 426-2600. A
from an accredited law delegation. This position will knowledge of preventiveSuccessful applicants will be Please submit a cover letter, (8/3-tfn)
school with a J.D. degree be multi-tasking to assist the maintenance programs placed inthe pool and called resume and 2 references to
or equivale!t; citizen of the various programs. Develop and work order systems,upontostafftheCivicCenter/ panhandle4hcamp@gmail. ,A ,VLAUt- t-or Mom nas
United States; citizen of organizational procedures Proficient in troubleshooting Community Center duringcorn Please attach eachnelpeaoverammlonTammes
the State of Washington; and systems for office and repairing electrical functions. This position piece separately as a PDF find senior, living. Our
resident of. Mason County, personnel, including filing, and mechanical systems,involves event set-up, event document Only candidates trusted, local advisors help
Washington; attorneybilling, accounts payable, hydraulics,pneumatics,supervision, event take- who foilow these directions ' . .' "
find solulons to your umque
admitted to practice law payroll and scheduling,welding and manufacturing downl and minor custodial neeos at no costtoyou uaH
explcltly will be considered ;,;, ~,~,
before the courts of record Multitasking and decision- machinery. Insuranceduties. Applicants must be (L 10/25-11/15) too~,+~o-,+J,+o, tvv ~/mo)
in the State of Washington. making skills are essential, includes medical, vision responsible, have a flexible ~ ~.-: ~.~.
For complete details, refer Supervision of patient dental, short/ long term schedule, able to work ~@@~~~(.; charity Receive maximum
to the RFP and DRAFT scheduling, registration, disability, and life for weekends and late evenings. ~.~,~- ~
contract posted on the City medical records, billing employee and family. Drug Desired experience value of write off for your
website at www.sheltonwa, and collection data entry Free Workplace. Please includes customer service, taxes. Running or not! All
gov. EOE All proposals and and processing. Associate send resume to: jobs@ co nve ntion/m eeti n gSHEITON HOHSF conditions accepted. Free
acCompanying materials per degree in business or (A 11/8-11/29) supervision, and/or banquet ~,l~.~n'~T--u ~,fi,"f2,- ,n p'ckup Ca for data' s, (855)
the RFP must be receivedaccounting required (B.A. or
by 4:30 PM, on Monday, B.S. preferred). Advanced ~ supervision. Rate of guaranteed, free estimates, 635-4229. (W 11/15)
December 3; 2018. All computerskills, including value a culture of kindness $11.50 perhour. We will be residential,commercial,WASHINGTON DIVORCE-
proposals should be sent to: requiredproficiency inand positivity. That's why taking applications until the new construction. Move in, separation $155 $175
position is filled. Application move out, weekly, monthly, with chilclren. No court
City of Shelton, Attn: Pam MicrosoftOffice suite,we have a strict "no jerks" packets may be picked up one-time. Lidia Masligin appearances. ~ncludes
Ward, 525 W. Cota Street, Experience with scheduling, policy that maintains our at the Shelt0n Civic Center (360) 463-2884. Lic. property,billscustody,
Shelton, WA 98584, pare.budgeting and medicaloffice long tradition of values and located at 525 West Cota UBI604111759, Bonded & support ' Complete (C protocol $20.00-$35.00 culture based around strong Street or Insured (Stfn) prepara:lon of documents.
11/29) hourly 18closese 11/26/18 relationships. If this is the Call Jordanne Legal Alternatives,
THE SKOKOMISH INDIAN for a full job description type of culture you desire to Krumpols (360) 432-5106, ~ ~I~I~
(503) 772-5295. www.
visit our website at www. work in then we are looking Recreation Coordinator ~'~~'~ ~
Tribe is seeking to or contact for applicants like you. for more information. The
We are currently looking City of Shelton is an equal QUEEN o ANNE'S (W 11/15)@~
for a Full Time (32 hours) opportunity employer. (C Landscaping 100Yo green
Customer Service Specialist 10/25-11/15)
in our Hoodsport location, installation, restoring,
If interested please go to:
https://www.colu mbiabank.
:;:i: i) Iii
For s5 extra per week, add a full color photo
to your classified ad. Selling a cer? A house?
~A boat? Set of #clubs? Give 20,000
Journal reoders a Hook. Limited time offer
ends soon, cal 360-426-44] 2 or email I)eedline
Mondays at 5pro for Thursdey publication
(Fridays 5pro when there's a holiday).
ESf. 1886
lO.Box 430 227W. Cota
SheltonWA98584 i.(360) 426-4412
R E S I D E N T I A L consultation, creative
JOURNEYMAN Electrician. designs with photos, OFFERING HOME loans
Clean, driver's license, staging, pruning, high bank and mortgage services:
honest & dependable, restoration. (360) 426-4598 Peninsula Credit Union,
Mason & Thurston Counties. QUEENA10440R. (P tfn) Thomas 'TJ' Bracken, Real
Good pay & benefits. (360) ~- -,~ Estate Loan Officer NMLS
463-2507. (N 10/25-11/15) ~ "T4i:'~
~@~ ~ & FI Ill #669886, 360-426-1601,
ext. 3161, tbracken@pcfcu.
T&D field engineer, typically org * 521
with 7 years progressive LOST IT? Found it? CallW. Railroad *PC Box2150,
-work experience, in design, (360) 426-4412 for an Shelton, WA 98584 * PCU
cost estimating, one-line affordable listing here. Did NMLS #401239, Equal
diagrams and surveying you knowthe Journalwill run housing opportunity. (Ptfn)
required. See complete found pet listings for free?
It's true! (J tfn)
job details (job #11308)
and apply online at www. EO M/F/
Disability/Vet Employer.
(P 10/25-11/15)
Delivery Driver South
Sound Appliance, Shelton,
WA. Full-time, willing to
train. We are currently
looking, for a reliable and
knowledgeable applicant
to join our team! Self
motivated, organized, and
punctual person needed with
excellent customer service
skills, knowledgeable, and
confident in the appliance
industry. Need computer and
software navigation skills.
Must pass a drug screen/
background check. Must be
able to.lift 100 lb. Accurately
and efficiently diagnose
and repair-appliances in
customers' homes and/
or shop. Refrigeration
experience preferred but
not required. Electrical
background a plus. Have
a clean driving record and
a valid driver's license to
operate company vehicles.
Submit resume with
references to: South Sound
[ ] SIGN MEUP! My check is enclosed!
[ ] GET ME STARTED! But bill me later
Stnte Zip
Mail check or money order to:
PO Box 430
Shelton WA 98514
tn order by phone.
i ~ ~ Appliance, 1717 Olympic
f~~ ~ Hwy. N Shelton WA 98584
or email to applrp@hotmail
t Sierra Pacific Industries I com. (S 10,25-11,15) "
| 42t S.FrontStreet - |
I ~~~ Ck--'----- ~=',~",next Managing + Director
&~/ ell;On, WPtVO~ ~RI' -,(MD) of Panhandle 4-H
" C~mp Panhandle is a
Monday-Friday, 9AM-4PM .
. year-round facility, fully
maintenance, and leadership. Must be at least 18 with one year recent,
verifiable work history. Tobacco and drug-free work environment. Excellent
benefit package including paid vacation, retirement contributions, and low
cost health benefits.
great opportunities for advancement including production, equipment
If you are responsible, eager to learn, interested in a challenge and ready to
work, then we invite you to {]ROW WITH US.
$heltonDivis~on I spbind. om/~areers
We are an (EOE) Equal Opportunity Employer, including
those with a disability and veterans.
HURRY! Offer ends soon!
20 Weeks l)elivered for only $199s