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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 16, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 16, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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County-City Record COUNTY : C0VRT on the docket in Justice Court be- Glenn Correa during vCeek were : State Patrol 224 S. 6th, defective ex- Cindy Tram- 1, Box 51, Belfair, forfeit; John L. Belfair, no opera- on person, defective forfeit. Perry, 555 E. Fir, valid operator's li- Larry L Mil- 2, Box 4, Shelton, forfeit; George 202rid, Lynnwood, $13 forfeit; Donald E. llth, Port Ange- $19 forfeit. OFFICE USS Cam- minor consum- speeding, reckless to heed red light fine, five days in Suspended 90 days; Rt. 1, Box 329, Shel- Public, seven days Vaughn, Box 351, driving, $56 Korzeniowski, St. 43, Lilliwaup, imporp- $26 forfeit. Rt. 3, Box drunk in public, P. Reed, Rt. 2, drunk in public, Gregory Rodgers, Bremerton, litter- 10 da' in jail; USS Cam- arran, littering high- in jail. Cash, 4056 91st, Mcr- POSsession of loaded vehicle, $25 forfeit; Ft. Lewis, pos- rifle in motor Lester De ;ashington, Brem- of loaded rifle Vehicle, $25 forfeit; eberg, 320 Park St., juvenile to kill closed season, $50 Johnson, St. Rt. 2, possession of motor vehicle, $25 SHERIFF'S OFFICE John Morrow reported a break- in at his shop at Lost Lake. Allen Bell reported a mail box torn down. Mike Fanning reported a wal- let lost. Two more raccoon signs were torn down at Timber Lake. Mike Swartzel reported four tires and wheels taken from his car which was involved in an accident on Dayton Peak Road. Delilah Wright reported a purse lost. Oliver Gray reported a boat broke loose. Joe Chamberlin reported a li- cense taken from a pickup. Dr. Raymond Waid reported a 20-gallon anitque iron kettle miss- ing. John L. Coon x:eported an at- tempted gas theft. A. L. Johnstone reported a cabin broken into and vandalized. St. Albin's Boy Scout Camp reported paint splattered on a car and rocks thrown. Douglass Attridge reported the theft of electric wire. Peter Overton reported about 150 Christmas Trees cut and taken. SHELTON POLICE Cars driven by William S. Hin- ton and Audrey Preppernau col- lided at Fifth and Railroad. Dave Miskinis reported a radi- ator taken. Les LaBissoniere reported two magnetic signs taken from a car at Kimbel Motors. Mrs. Ruth Strutz reported her son's mini bike frame stolen. Mrs. Georgia Zatkovich repor- ted the windshield of her station wagon broken by a rock. Joe Chamberlin reported a li- cense taken from his pickup. A car driven by Donald Boyd went off the road on Fairmont St. Mrs. Dee Gray reported a pil- low and pillow case missing from a motel room. A crosswalk sign at Highway 101 S and Cascade was reported down. Mrs. Jim Hills reported two tires on her son's car slashed while it was parked at the high school. Dick Stimpson reported an- other car scrapecl his while in the Shop-Rite parking lot. "  Mike Twardowski  R fh Y I 74 Di At H . U U e, , es ome " Weather Suorub, Aχ 72 Marrtage , Ruth Pierce Yule, 74, died The family requests donations Monday at her home, 113 Knee- be made to the Public Hospital z • Michael Twardowski, 72, died Licenses , street. Mrs. Yule had been District Building Fund in lieu of Sunday in Shelton General Has- a resident of Mason county the flowers. Hlg Lo Pre pital, iorn Nov. 4, 1895 in Illinois, past 39 years. She was born Dee. N::;m;  o Mr. Twardowski had ma(le his 13, 1892 in Nebraska and was a • home in Shelton the past 34 member of the Dirt Dabbers Gar- years. Before his retirement he • Applying for marriage licen- den Club and Ruby Rebedah NeU'me Morris Kinnan reported a gar- November 11 56 :,9 .34 ,as employed at the Simpson ses in the Mason county auditor's Lodge. W bage can taken. Mrs. Raymond err reported her son's bicycle taken. SUPERIOR COURT State Tax Commission against Paul LaMothe, doing business as Paul's Chevron Service, unpaid taxes. Dean Snuffin against Leon Mar- tinson, transcript of judgement. John A. Eager, as guardian of John E. Eager, against Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Frank, personal in- jury. Orville Kinney against Curtis Roberts, damages. Orville Kinney as administra- tor of the estate of Essie Kinney, against Curtis Roberts, wrongful death. Washington Service Co. against Donald Gates, debt. Asher Construction of Bellvue against Charles Shelton, delin- quent payments on contract. COUNTY BUILDING PEitM]T Building permits approved by the Mason County Commission • at its meeting Monday were to Leonard B. Painter, residence, $8,500; Bacon Maintenance, re- model service station, $3,000; Dale Fleshman, workshop, $500 and Dave Walker, woodshed, $1,000. Hazel Peferson Funeral Today • Hazel L. Peterson, Hoodsport, died Monday in Shelton General Hospital at 48 years. She was a resident of Mason County 41 years and was born Oct. 21, 1919 in Yakima. Rosary was said at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Batstone Fu- neral Home. The funeral service will be held at 10 a.m. this morning in St. Edward's Catho- lic Church. Father Gabriel Done- hue will officiate. Burial will be in Holy Cross section of Shelton Memorial Park. Survivors include her husband, Francis, of Hoodsport; three daughters, Mrs. Ronald Twiddy and Mrs. Jackie Courbille, both of Shelton, and Miss Sheri Peter- son, at the family home; three sons, Ronald and Curtis Peterson, Shara Watkins reported an i.o c,,.. ::,,  of the family home and Gary Laura Gibe ':tflrnedn fR"d "dp me ......  x-'terson, Fort Lewis; her father, vchicie, she: found on San Joaquin Ave. John LaClaire, Sbelton; two sis-  " : It was claimed by the owner, ters, Mrs. Stella Mayo, Port Or- COURT on the docket in before Judge Monday night were Jr., 528V2 Frank- no valid opera- forfeit; Lance V. Railroad, Shelton, $20 forfeit; Jo- Jr., St. Rt. 2, defective equip- Michael N. Dickinson, Shel- stop, $15 forfeit; 550 Dear- mmor consum- fine, $2.50 costs. 917 Frank- negligent driving, L. Nevitt, 304 Shelton, failure to Vehicle in careful $20 forfeit; St. Rt. 2, Box negligent driving, license, $50 E. Wilson, 1688 Alto, Calif., $25 fine, $2.50 Pierce, St. Rt. 1, throwing arti- inor in possession liquor, $27.50 the Harstine the week end- 'ere $249,60, the Office re- PERMITS lit approved by during the to Glen Watson, Sue Carter. " Ken Chapman reported the bat- tery taken from his car. Mike Longan reported three or four' pieces of sewer line dug up and dumped in a canyon. Wdlfred Nault reported about 15 bottles of pop taken from the machine at his service station. chard, and Mrs. Louise Adams, Shelton; one stepdaughter, Mrs. Geraldine Cultee, Shelton; four brothers, Wesley, Adam and -.Douglas LaClaire and Dwayne Ward, all of Shelton; one step- brother, Francis Peterson, Jr., of Pacific Beach; and six grand- children. II I Our shoes I I I never pinch because we never pinch on the leather Weyenberg selects the best grade leather money can buy. And then they make it even better. By rubbing a coat of wax into it and letting the wax soak in for four full days. At the end of that time, the leather is as soft and supple as leather can possibly get, Which makes life easier for us when we show you Weyenberg shoes. And easier for you WEY00N"00W when you wear them. SHOES FOR MEN Sizes: 7y2-12 D, 8V2-12 C, 9 to 101/= E Colors: Black, Olive and Brown on Freeway t B:45  Show at 7 &Y AND ONLYI IN TROUBLE" -hit A POPPIN" November 12 52 42 .08 Fibreboard Plant. He was a vet- eran of Worhi War I and a mere- November 13 55 43 -- her of the VFW and IOOF. November 14 56 45 .21 He is survived by one daughter November 15 61 44 .05 of Chicago; three stepsons, Paul Readings are for a 24-hour DeMiero, Bremerton, William period ending at 8 a.m. as re- and Frank DeMiero, both of Bel- corded by the Rayonier, Inc. fair; one stepdaughter, Mrs. weather station. Sylvia Lux of Seattle; 20 grand- FIVE-DAY FORECAST children and 16 great-grand- children. Temperatures Thursday thru Rosary was said at 7 p.m. Monday to average two to five Tuesday in the Batstone Funeral degrees above the normal high Home and the funeral mass was of 52 and low of 35. Precipitation held at 10 a.m. Wednesday in expected near normal with most St. Edward's Catholic church. of the rain falling on Friday and Burial was in Shelton Memorial Monday. Park. I I office this past week were: Ralph Sollock, Jr., 20, Shelton, and Mary P. Lee, 16, Shelton. Emery J. Winters, Jr., 34, Hoodsport, and Lila Miller, 20, I-Ioodsport. William F. Wilson, 53, Shelton, and Pearl Jackstadt, 50, Shelton. THE LONGEST highway in Washington is U.S. 410, most of which will soon be re-numbered U.S. 12. The route stretches 460 miles from Clarkston in the southeastern corner to Aberdeen and the Grays Harbor area on the Pacific Coast. ml She is survived by her husband, I. V. Yule, Shelton; one son, Howard, Shelton; one dau- ghter, Mrs. William (Ruby) Mal- lows, Shelton; two grandchildren; two brothers, Frank Pierce, Shel- ton, and Glen Pierce, Seattle; and three sisters, Mrs. Myra Her- rick and Mrs. Agnes Moore, both of Seattle, and Mrs. Laverne Callahan, Tacoma. The funeral service wilt be held at 1 p.m. today in the Bat- stone Funeral Home with Rev. Arthur Baals officiating. Burial will be in Shelton Memorial Park. Arrivals Shelton General Hospital • 1V£r. and Mrs. James Cahill, Tumwater, a girl, November 1. Mr. and Mrs. Erie Wilder, 1318 Edgewood, a girl, November 12. MY. and Mrs. Roy D. Wade, 717 May street, a girl, November 13. AMERICA'S woodlands g r o w enough sawtimber every day to build five times as many houses as are actually being built. III III I i ,i IS ON US with the Savings that Are Yours ... during Our Great With the purchase of $35 or more worth of merchandise, in one (1) day, you will receive a certificate for the first 10 pounds on the turkey of your choice, compliments of Miller's of Shelton for your table at Thanksgiving . . . Item or items may be purchased for either Cash, Charge or Lay-Away in any of the many departments of the store to total $35, tax not included . . . Items purchased on this ,offer may not be returned for credit or refund, but we will gladly make an exchange. Limit, one per family. This offer ends November 22nd. ENTIRE STOCK FAMOUS NAME MEN'S SUITS • Michael Stern . J & F • Cricketeer • Merit • Timely Recjularly $39.95 and $40 ........... 50 Recjularly $49 ................ Recjularly s55.00 .............. RecjLIIrly s59 50 and $60 • • • • • • • • • • • Recj,,IL,ly $65 00 Recjularly $69.50 and $70 .......... Recjlalkv'ly $80 and $85 50 • • • • • • • • • • • Recj,|l,,'ly $89.50 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Now =31 • • • • , .... Now =39 .... Now s44 .... Now s48 .... Now $52 .... Now $56 .... Now s64 .... Now s7 Any purchase made after Nov. 15---first payment not due until January 15, 1968. TWO GROUPS LADLES t ), THE NEW HOOVER DIAL-A-MATIC the modern approach to vacuum cleaning that answers EVERY need! Just dial your use, it's that easy Now Only $89.50 Complete Hoover line of Vacuum Cleaners Priced from $19.50 r r Check the Hoover small appliance line including: Irons, Blenders, Fry Pans, etc. FUR.TRIMMED COATS GROUP1 Now Only s38 Values to $90 ................................................................. GROUP 2 Now Only s68 Values to $89.98 ........................................................... Shop at rite store of Name Values 3rd and Railroad Thursday, November 16, 1967 - Shelton-Mason-County Journal -Page 3