November 16, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 16, 1967 |
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x ............ ................................................................. . ....................................... : ............ Hurts Women
S h did
c e u e ....... This is due large y to recent
• . breakthroughs in the law. Within
, A folk art exhibit which will !iiiii::::::::.:.:.:.:..:iiiii!ii:iiiiii:i::ii:::i::::::!:i:i:!:i:i: ......... ;.: ..... ducts, the past few years this is what
be presented next month to the ............. ::::::::::::::::::::::: .................... : ....... ::::::::::::::::: labels are often false and mis- often isn't raalice. It comes about has happened:
Hyogo Prefecture in Japan as a Society Editor Marj Jacobsen Phone 426-4412 leading. This mislabeling hits through an unquestioning ac- 1. The Equal Pay Act of 1963.
will be displayed in Olympia for alike where it hurts most--in the about femininity and masculinity, century of hard work behind it,
two weeks, starting yesterday, wallet. Joblabeling, more pre- It's self-deception, and we're all the equal pay bill became law
The exhibit, containing approxi- cisely, hits the pocketbook, since guilty of it. We are products of just 4 years ago. The fairness of
mutely 60 items created by arti- it is generally "women's work" our tradition, custom-made, con- equal pay for equal work speaks
sans from throughout the state, that is underpriced and women vention-bound. When it comes to for itself and needs no further
will be displayed in the lobby who are underpaid, women working, we tend to marco comment.
:: of the General Administration There is a big difference, lize. We ask ourselves, "Is it fit- 2. Title VII of the Civil Rights
building and will be available for though, I think, in intent. Product tint and proper?" when we Act of 1964.
, public viewing during daylight should be asking, "Is she willing This is without question the
.... and able?"
.... hours, biggest break for women on the
The collection of folk art will D Ch F Many of our assumptions a- books--the break with tradition.
be shipped to Kobe, Japan, some ate €1 nee or bout "male" or "female" jobs The effect of the law-4orbiddtng
time in December, and will be are false, and will prove so under employment discrimination be-
G I d Ag C I b closer examination. Some will
..: permanently displayed in the O e n e u cause of sex--along with the
city's new Citizens' building collapse under the sheer weight usual consideration of race, re-
of the numbers of women in the litton, color, or national origin
which is now being completed • The Golden Age Club will have labor force and those to come. is to extend fairness to the fair
near the Hyogo Prefecture gay- a potluck supper at 6 p.m. Fri- Others--the deepest lying ones-- sex in hiring, promotion training,
ernment buildings, day, November 24 in the Me- will be hard to root out; their and fringe benefits. And since it
Ep i mortal hall instead of the usual great destructive power is that applies to employers, employ-
il O Thanksgiving dinner, they affect women's attitudes merit agencies, and labor unions,
s on micron On December 14 a rummage about themselves and their own its effects will be far-reaching,
sale will be held from 9 a.m. - 5 abilities.
S p A p.m. in the Memorial hall. Mem- indeed.
To onset bers are to take a sack lunch FALLACY VS. FACT 3. The MinimumWageLaw
and their own cup for coffee Time after time you hear, the The most recent amendment to
Sp gh ÷÷i Di :: which will be served by the club. woman's place is In the home. the Fair Labor Standards Act,
MR. AND MRS..CLAY ALLEN a e nner There will be cake for sale there. Of course it is! And so is man's extending coverage to 9 million
; and children's. The home is the workers previously not covered,
Epsilon Omicron Chapter of main place for all of us. will be a great help to women.
Beta Sigma Phi will sponsor a
i ld L h Mothers should be with their Many women are clustered in
spaghetti dinner for members U UriC eon young children. Of course they the low-paying hotel, restaurant,
and guests this Saturday night in should! As much as they can be hospital, nursing home, school
the home of Mr. and Mrs. James MR. AND MRS. STEVEN JENSEN I The Georgine Reed Orthopedic and want to he! What of those and laundry fields newly covered.
Reeder, Hoodsport. This will be Guild will hold a noon luncheon
many, many working mothers We hope soon to see the day
the first social event of a busy in the Timbers restaurant this who are widowed, divorced, or when--between Federal and
season for the members, ovember__ Weddi g ___Bells Fo Mrs. Purl Jemison will separated? What of the women State action--no one is left out,
around the hems and sleeves. Highlight of next Monday's n r be hostess for the event, whose husbands' paychecks can't and the laws that now require
Each attendant carried a long- meeting in the home of Mrs.
stemmed red rosebud. Ronald Bechtold, will be a wig I iSS Wafters S÷even j needs--allbe stretchedof whomt° meeta secondthe familypay, thethenedbarest minimums are streng-to afford our workers a
Levi Green was best man and show by Karine Martin and I esen G d CJ b T check is an absolute necessity? real, decent living wage.
Lynn Ward and Ronald Fosett Gloria Koch of Karine's Styling a r e n u o For these women, the decision to
seated the guests, iV/usic was pro- Salon and Fashion Wigs of Lacey. The First Baptist Church was er of the bridegroom, lighted the go to work is in a sense a choice.
vided by Mrs. Olavi Aho. Soloist the scene of a November 1 wed- candles. Meet Mondav. In THE OLD OR.00 . , yVes*er--ear
was Sandra Kelley. Scott Pro- dine ceremony for Sharon Lee Miss Bloomfield was attired in
_thchurch for the service bert was ring bearer. Democratic Club Watters and Steven Robert Ten- a pastel long sleeved street- Methodist Church ged barriers to employ- Club Schedules
e daughter of Mr. and Pink rosebud corsages comple- sen. The ciouble ring rite was length dress. The bride's mother
performed by Pastor Arthur selected a pink suit and Mrs. merit of women, based on the
,01]ertofCamer°n'Mrs. LreneShelt°n'Fair- greenmented sheathMrS' Cameron'Swith matchingm°Ss Meeting Tonight Beals. Jensen chose a blue suit. All The November meeting of the rock of precedent, are beginning
rdea Grove, Calif. Pink jacket and Mrs. Fairbaien's hot Parents of the newlyweds are three wore white carnation car- Shelton Garden Club will be held at last to crumble and crack. Dinner Saturday
graced the aisles, pink chiffon sheath. • The Mason County Democratic 1V[r. and Mrs. Floyd Watters, sages, at 1:30 p.m. next 1V[onday in the
' Club will begin the evening with Shelton, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill A reception in the bride's home Fireside Room of the Methodist t. • A Thanksgiving potluck din-
I.°|*a bridemarriagewore bYa herfull A reception was held in the a potluck dinner when members Jensen, Portland. followed the wedding ceremony, church. SHS rads ake her has been scheduled Saturday
!t of English lace scat- church hall immediately follow- meet at 8 p.m. tonight in the Baskets of pink and white gladi- A pink and white theme was Mrs. William Henderson will be evening by the Shelton Car of
rose appliques It was ingmumstheandCeremonY.candlesPinkwereandusedWhitefor PUb auditorium. Speaker for the eli with pink and white bows carried throughout with gladioli hosteSSGruver andaSsistedMrs.bYJ. Mrs.j. 5ost.tL W. Good 'L -° -- Yesteryear Club at the home of
With long lace sleeves evening will be Rep. Frank and white candles decorated the in those colors used for decora- nowln President Howard Austin.
g satin edged train at- decorations. Marzano of Tacoma. church for the occasion, tions. The three-tiered wedding Members are asked to remem- Club members were reminded
the shoulders with A four-tiered wedding cake was Pete E. Bloom£ield, uncle of cake was white with pink roses her to bring any Indian baskets • Shelton High School principal at a recent meeting that there
i A lace petalled tiara topped with pink rosebuds and the bride, gave her in marriage and white bells and doves. It they may have for identification. Chet Dombroski reported last will be a swap meet in Spanaway
%lbow lepgtb veil. She two large doves. Serving were J bi T M The discussion will be lead by week that SHS graduates enter-
13ible with a bouquet the Mesdames Elizabeth Smith, O es 0 eel in the absence of her father, was topped with a miniature during January.
The bride's white street-length bride and groom. Miss Dora Fredson. ing their freshman year at the A swap meet, according to a
tSebuds and pink lace Irvin Pascoe, Laudis Gross, John dress was fashioned with an over- Serving were Susan Duel of University of Washington have club spokesman, is to a car en-
.e ribbon. Harrell and Ernest Harrell. Mrs. • Job's Daughters, Bethel 27 lay of lace and white bows at Olympia, Maxine Bloomfield and made an excellent showing, thusiast what a rummage sale is
LDS B T Nine Shelton Freshmen, after to a woman, except that the car
hari Mecks was maid Louis Beuneau was in charge of will meet at 7:30 p.m. next Tues- the wrists of the long, lace Terri Jensen. Debbie Watters was azaar 0
l! Mrs. Clovis Rodgers the guest book. day in the Masonic Temple. sleeves. Her bridal bouquet was in charge of the guest book. one year, had a cumulative grade buffs must be expert horsetraders
Srnaid. The b r i d e ' s The bride is a graduate of Jobies are reminded to take of white carnations and baby Following a short honeymoon point average of 2.65 compared to because there is more trading
hara Jo Harrell, was Shelton High School and has money for dues and dollars for pink tea roses, the bridegroom returned to duty Be Tomorrow 2.34 for freshmen from all other than cash business among the
l for he occasion, been working for Pacific North- the bake sale. Susan Bloomfield and Mike aboard the USS Ranger at sea. Washington high schools, ancient car set.
Ee dressed in identical west Bell in Seattle. Her husband Swartzel were the couple's at- The bride is living with her par- • A bazaar, sponsored by the
Ha" dresses of pink shun-attended Santa Ann High School ,/-"x% NEWI tendants and Dave Jensen, broth-ents at the present time. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
Ilong bell sleeves. The and Junior College and is now 00'00CLUB ' day Saints, will be held from 10 ,
re trimmed with white .( ' " ....
• ::: .)::; a.m. - 5 p.m. this Friday in the
statiohed at FOl s:They 'are , .! 7'
i bu rgundy ribbon making their,,homein Lakewood. F| i! PUb auditorium. Bazaar items Help dew aw00y ski lines ':
.... : " : .... hom made ch0colates, baked .... n
- . "%.' EVERGREEN WRANGLERS foods and a white elephant table a f]
.:. The Evergreen Wranglers 4-H
..... ; Club met November 4 and passed • An audible gasp of admiration The president commented that will be featured. ... 24 hours
out last year's record books filled the Junior High school audi- it is possible to bring such out-
which were discussed, torium last Thursday night when standing performers to Shelton J A
A Halloween party planned for Frank Maranville, president of When the members give such Eat es ssisf
that night was very successful, the Community Concert Associa- firm financial support to the
After the meeting the junior tion outlined the schedule of a Community Concert organization. CD
leaders got their groups together few days in the life of Michael Michael Rabin and Mitchell In Exercise
and filled out 4-H forms. Rabin, violinist, and his accom- Shaw thrilled the audience with
The next meeting will be held panist, Mitchell Andrews. • At the request of the Ma-
this Saturday at 1 p.m. at the After a Friday performance at a well-chosen and varied concert, son County commissioners Mable
fair grounds, the Kraft Music Hall with Jack I_ng to be remembered are Cammack, civil defense chair-
Carol Scrogham, reporter Benny, Sunday and Monday in Michael Rabin's beautiful varia- man of Eagle Auxiliary No. 2079,
"'" New York City, then Wednesday, tions of tone and mood, his per- participated in a Civil Defense
CHUCKWAGON RAIDERS Thursday and Friday in Port- feet flute-like harmonics, his emergency operation simulation
• Members of the Chuckwagon land, Shelton and Los Angeles fluent technique and polish and training exercise, October 11.
Raiders 4-H Club met October 24. respectively, Sunday in New his individual and dynamic On October 16 and 19 Mrs.
Enrollment and project selec- York again, and Monday and stamp of interpretive playing and Cammack, Shirley Keith and
tions were on the agenda. Tuesday in Washington, D.C. the the excellent and sensitive sup- Jean Dorsett of the Auxiliary
It was decided the annual win- two performers will enjoy a port given him by Mitchell An- participated as messengers in the.
dew display would be done in week of well-earned vacation, drews at the piano. Civil Defense training exercise.
March this year, The club's con-
stitution was adopted after cor-
rections and improvements were
Proects were chosen and Doug
Raines, president, gave members
who do not hold an office an op-
portunity to choose the commit- L ::
tee they wish to serve on.
• . . Linda Greatorex, reporter
• New officers for the Chuck- Helena R binstein
wagon Raiders &H Club are
Doug Raines, president; Cindy U
Raines, vice president; Sharon
Davis, secretary; Linda Greater- ONCE-A-YEAR
; ex, reporter; and Patty RaiIles,
MR, AND MRS. DAVID DETHLEF treasurer.committee officers are Allyn Skin Dew Sale
Fayne, scrapbook; David Lund,
H I S Of program chairman; and Darell
ome s cene Raines, community service.
Mrs. Shirley Raines is the
D fhl f M i leader with:Mrs. ShirleyGreator- Save 5 00
r- e e S arr acje ex as her assistant.
Club projects include horses,
sewing, child care, tractor, dairy, Gil your skin the day and night moisture it craves.
Orchard home of the bride is in her second year cooking, pigs, sheep, leathercraft Daytime, use SKIN DEW ® MOISTURlZ-
Morrice James at Olympic College. The bride- and junior leadership. Teach Them EMULSION, an ]nvJs,b,o beauij
scene of the No- groom, a Sbelton High School ... Linda Greatorex, reporter
of their daugh- graduate, attended the same col- treatment you wear
and David lege one year and is presently EVER WONDER what the '" (] t Ball understarts tomake'UP'dry-
bridegroom is employed by the Simpson Timber his" g/W.P "rll ? end
and MrS. Robert Co. orical markers say along Wash" --g heSS immediately.
ington's highways? The state
of the First Highways Department has pub" Nights or nap-time,
lished a 55-page booklet listing For oil their "big games" ahead: education, car,
in Bremertonper- SHS Student Is S00,N DEW MOIS-
evening ceremony, the 49 historical signs. Write to
given in marriage e* t the department's public informa" their own family end home . . . they'll find that TURE CREAM helps
3peazer in Olympia for a saving o regularly odds up to a
's A-line styled floor copy. :"
had three-tiered • Debbie iV£aranville, a senior Give your children savings training now, for life. Keeps skin soft,
and a high scooped at Shelton High School, spoke supple, smooth and
bow held her silk and showed slides of the United Open their account ot ony convenient TCF office contains exclusive
place. An orchid Nations Pilgrimage for Youth, I OrgL:E;i0$ I this week. Collagen Protein.
uet of chrysan- which she took part in last sum- Id$O available:6,50 value,
ribbon, mer at the Kiwanis Club meet-
the bridal pair ing recently. nOW OIIJy 3.50 (you $1Vl 3.00)
Austin and She was selected to goonthe Rent or Buy on )T IRST0]C0 rr LlmltedTlmeOnly
Mrs. Austin 3½-week tour by the Independ- asy Terms =,'- =='"''' PHARMACY
a light blue wool ent Order of Oddfellows, which
,-and carried blue sponsored the trip. Johnny \\;\///_..
"hrysanthemums. She was one of 33 young people ' o,t aCw .ao
served the wed- who took the bus trip which took
reception follow- them to Expo 6"/ in Montreal, Music Box ,..o,,,. ,.. ,,-, Franklin Square 426-3327
C a n a d a; New York and the Open "ztt 8:30 p.ra., mon. Frl.
are making United Nations and Washington 205. Cot. 426-4302
Bremerton where D.C ....
Thursday, November 16, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal. Page 7
Cameron, Clay Allen
00rried In Fall Ceremony
;i0ctober 28 wedding of
!r]e Cameron and Clay
'hheld in the Methodist
te double ring rite was
by Rev. Horace
)ll of white mums with
f and red roses decor-