November 16, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 16, 1967 |
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)N BA'LLCARRIER gained a few yards be-
Was cut down by the Creature from the Black
More Weekend
Elk Hunters
Weekend remains in
statewide bull elk
lad hunters to date have
conditions and gen-
success, reports the
son opened November
success, and although
down a little this
'all elk har-
has been
he lack of snow.
were elk
Blue Mountains and
Elk hunter suc-
Up better in the south-
and Yakima-Kitti-
continued to have
state re-
appreciable movement
wintering areas as
last week dumped
feet of snow at high
but most of this reel-
weekend rains.
of this less than ideal
weather, harvest re-
of last year, with
n the Playground --
a time" is the best
Playing on slides,
nd ladders. No one
nd every one has a
teeter.board face
and keep your
0rn under the board.
not to walk behind
they're swinging.
round monitor.
ayground clean of
ass, rusty cans or
Game Department tallies show-
ing 502 bulls checked thus far
this season, compared with 455
for the same period in 1966.
Elk harvest in this region con-
tinues to be widely scattered
with the higher areas (elk sum-
mering range) producing best
this past weekend. Permit elk
hunters in the Yakima-Kittitas
area, however, have had only
lerless elk harvest is now antici-
pated for 1967.
Overall success dropped in
coastal and Peninsula counties
over the weekend. Jefferson
county hunters continued high
success in the Clearwater area.
In Grays Harbor county,
Humptulips success dropped
some from the opening weekend,
went up: weekend check here
showed 235 hunters sampled
with 17 bulls; opening weekend
but Wynoche hunter success
on the Wynoochee check station
showed 1,120 hunters with 45
bulls. To date this year, 97 bulls
have been checked from the
Pacific county elk hunter suc-
cess was comparable to opening
weekend in many areas, but
hunter pressure was down on
this middle hunt weekend.
In the southwest area, the
main check points tallying last
week and past weekend hunters
at Cathlamet, Toutle and Lewis
river came up with 1 elk taken
for every 22 hunters checked;
compared to 1 elk for about 20
hunters on the opening weekend.
Lowest success was indicated
by the Lewis river check of 1,244
hunters with 42 bulls.
Better success was achieved
in the Cathlamet area where
1,576 hunters checked through
with 75 bulls. This station has
checked more hunters than the
other two, and had a large num-
ber of big racks.
Only the Toutle check showed
improvement over opening week-
end, as 1.050 hunters came
through with 59 elk.
In all southwest elk hunt areas,
kills were widely scattered with
no concentrations, as elk were
being found in small bands,
3rd & Grove
Vhere your windshield is guaranteed not to leak."
Lagoon at left. The action took place during Thursday's
muddy battle between Shelton and West Bremerton
CLUTCHING a slippery ball, a West Bremerton back pre-
pares to hit the soggy turf in the grasp of a Shelton defend-
er during Thursday night's game at Bremerton.
for information leading to arrest ,of person
or persons stealing Raccoon figures from
the Timber Lake signs.
Phone 426.4713 or 426-3995
Bowling Results and Statistics
Men's Hi Game: Eldon Todd 211
Men's Hi Series: Del Stormo 539
Women's Hi Game & Series: Mar-
garet Bibbee 208-571
Standings : Lake Cushman
Sales Co. 26-14, Grapeview Gro-
cery 25-15, Eacrett Lumber 24½-
15½, J & J Service 24-16, Ever-
green Florists 18-22, Tyee Well
Drilling 17-23, Allyn Shell 15½-
24½, Dick Sharer's Diggers 10-30.
Men's Hi Game & Series: Jerry
Mallory 209-542
Women's Hi Game: Joan Jay 147
Vgomen's Hi Series: Jean Temple
Scholars 4, Ralph Ervin 398;
Dropouts 0, Tom River 389; Flun-
kies 4, Jack Swanson 443; Skip-
pers 0, Marge Temple 346; Re-
din' 3, Jean Temple, Ed Foseide
379; Professors 1, Larry Lyle 466;
Tardies 3, Jerry Mallory 542;
Rithmatic 1, Joan Jay 366.
Standings : Redin' 26-10, Pro-
fessors 24-.12, Flunkies 22-14, Tar-
dies 16-20, Rithmatic 14-18, Schol-
ars 15-21, Dropouts 13-23, Skip-
pers 10-22.
Hi Game: Joan Sowers 209
Hi Series: Helen Rice 531
I.B.P. 4-{], Phyllis Ziegler 479;
Research 0-4, Mary Lou Ettlin
Olympic 3-1, Virginia Fuller
488; Purchasing 1-3, Dot McNa-
sara 462.
Accounting 4-0, Helen Rice 531;
I_z)ggers 0-4, Nancy Beckewith &
Norene Stevens 432.
.Lumber 4-0, Joan Sowers 522;
Engineering 0-4, Betty Cornier
Standings: Lumber 26-10, Ac-
counting 22-14, Olympic 19-17,
Loggers 18½-17½, Purchasing 17-
19, I.B.P. 16-20, Engineering 13½-
22½, Research 12-24.
Hi Game: Betty Renecker 193
Hi Series: Donna Coleman 527
National Bank of Mason Coun-
ty 1-3, Adair Neau 465-188; Shel-
ton Recreation 3-1, Donna Cole-
man 527-191; B & J Mart 0-4,
Frankie Southmayd 390-149; Rai-
ner 4-0. Mary Helen Anderson
468-169; Ritner's 2-2, Bobble Bar-
nett 451-191; Lucky Lager 2-2.
Shirley Stites 48.3-182; Olsen Fur-
niture 2-2, Gladys Adair 465-162;
Clary and Clary 2-2. Betty Renec-
ker 480-193.
Standings : Shelton Rec 34-6.
Clary and Clary 25-15, Rainer
24-16, Ritner's 18½-21½, National
Bank of Mason County 16½-23½,
Olsen Furniture 16-24, ;Lucky La-
gel' 14-2 B &"J Mart 12-28.
Hi Game & Series: Verna Jo-
hanson 194-477
Herb's 2nd Hand Store, Verna
Johanson 477; Timber Bowl,
Joyce Mork 369; Pauley Motors,
Carma Sylvester 407; Grant Lum-
ber, Allene Stepper 412; B & 3
Mart. Carole DeLack 394; Ander-
son & Jacobsen, Donna Anderson
354; N.W. Evergreen, Mae Dun-
bar 406; Hoodsport Cafe, Sue Dil-
ley 431; Cottage Cafe, Joan Wade
431; Balls Food Center, Ginger
Olsoe 410; Mmie's Java Hans,
Mary Olson 415; Kenner's Max-
well Service, Joan Johnson 415.
Standings: Herb's 2nd Hand
Store 14758, Pauley Motors 14730,
Grant Lumber 14447, N.W. Ever-
green 14427, B & J Mart 144336,
Cottage Care 14291, Hoodsport
Cafe 14142, Kenner's Service
14090, Mamie's Java Haus 14086,
Anderson & Jacobsen 14066, Tim-
er Bowl 14005, Balls Food Cen-
ter 13805.
Edna Clary won a pup from the
Yard Birds in Centralia for hay-
Bozo (low series) Diane Jensen
Hi Game: Jean Ream 192
Hi Series: Marge Witcraft 517
Ogden'sRadio & TV 3-1, Marge
Witcraft 517; Gott's Oilerettes 1-3,
Ginger Brown 380; Richfield Oil
1-3, Margaret Tobler 476; Fuller
Const. 3-1, Chris Daniels 458; Kel-
ly's Furniture 3-1, Jean Ream
511; Eells & Valley 1-3, Kathy
'Gaskill 398; Mjng Tree 0-4, DOt
Ahrens 417; Darigold 4-0, Diane
Laney 423; Certified Mfg. 1-3,
Millie Nelson 382; Jim Pauley's
3-1, Jean Ashley 408.
Standings: Ogden's Radio & TV
27½-12½, Richfield Oil 25-15, Ful-
ler Const. 23-17, Kelly's Furni-
ture 21-19, Ming Tree 20½-19½,
im Pauley's 20-20, Certified Mfg.
19-21, Gott's Oilerettes 17½-22½,
Darigold 13½-26½, Eells & Val-
ley 14-26.
Men's Hi Game & Series: Terry
Knight 163-303
Women's Hi Game & Series:
Mary Southmayd 102-187
Shelton Journal 3-0. Larry
Wood 139-255; Lions Club 0-3.
Mary Southmayd 102-187; Dah-
man Oysters 3-0, Chuck Dah-
man 123-230; Eagles 2079 0-3. Bry-
an Burgess 114-204; VFW Post &
Aux. 3-0, Eddie Bloomfield 99-198;
Cooks Plant Farm 0-3, Brad Simp-
son 126-218; The Hut 2½-½, Ter-
ry Knight 163-303; Wllour Ins,
½-2½, Sonny Vercher 129-224.
Standings: The Hut 18½-2½,
Shelton Journal 13-8, V.F.W. Post
& Aux. 11-1{], Cooks Plant Farm
10-11, Lions Club 9-12, Eagles 2079
8-13, Willour Ins. 7½-13½, Dah-
man Oysters 7-14.
Hi Game & Series: Margaret
Bibbee 197-564
Dean's Gunshop 0-4, Ellen Reb-
man 417; B & R Oil 4-0, Stella
Howard 452; Buechels 0-4, Sue
Dilley 410; B & W Marina 4-0,
Marge Witcraft 460; Waterwheel
3-1, Margaret Bibbee 564; Hood
Canal Marina 1-3, Verna Kolo-
winski 422.
Standings: B & W Marina 32-8,
B & R Oil 22-18, Waterwheel 20½-
19½, Dean's 17½-22½, Buechels
17-23, Hood Canal Marina 9-31.
Men's Hi Game & Series: Del
Hartwell 206-568
Women's Hi Game: Ruth Wolfe
Women's Hi Series: Jo Wentz 451
Odd Balz 3-1, Del Hartwell 568;
Hi Game: Maurice Landon 227
Hi Series: Dutch Stanley 539
Stewart's Pro Shop 3-1, Ed
White 493; Boon's Plumbing 1-3,
Ken Jones 494; Kimbel Motors
3-1, Jim Cross 450; Lumbermen's
1-3, Gayle Wentz 474; Western
Auto 1-3, Bob Riffey 491; Prepp's
Drug 3-1, Mike Gaskill 529;
Whites Logging 0-4, Ken O'Dell
478; Stewart's Food 4-0, Al John-
ston 525; Renecker Const. 3-1,
Dutch Stanley 539; John's Rich-
field 1-3, Dan Cormier 489.
Standings: John's Richfield 26-
14, Western Auto 25-15, Stewart's
Food 23½-16½, White's Logging
20½-19½, Stewart's Pro Shop 20-
20, Renecker Const. 18-22, Boon's
Plumbing 18-22, Prepp's Drug 17-
23, Lumbermen's 17-23, Kimbel
Motors 15-25.
Hi Game & Series: Glen Robert-
son 225-597
Standings: Mill 4 30-10, Load-
ers 24-16, Mill 3 20-20, Shop 20-20,
Loggers 17-23, IBP 17-23.
Chippers 16-20 & Railroad 12-24:
This week's bowling to be made
up. Lane break down.
Hi Game & Series: Troy West
Standings: Cats 23-13, Hem-
lockers 22-14, Four Diamonds 22-
14, Dry Shed 19½-16½, P;, P'n-
ders 13-23, Mill No. 3 8½-27½.
Hi Game: June Loving 176
Hi Series: Gerry Lou Geist 485
Lloyd's 2, Beth Brown 424; Sun-
beam 3, 1Yildred Daniels 414;
Morgan's 1, Carol Johnson 398;
Wilson CO. 1, Gerry Lou Geist
);85; Lumbermen's 2, Jean Yost
402; Millo's 4, Jo Hein 389; Apex
3, Sally Titus 413.
Standings: Lloyd's 23-9, Sun-
beam 23-9, Morgan's 20-12, Wil-
son CO. 18-24, Lumbermen's 18-
24, Millo's Diner 15-17, Apex 11-21.
Hi Game: Chuck White 224
Hi Series: John Long 554
Nimrod Club 2, Gary Wolden
485; Olympic Plywood 2, John
Rebman 501.
I.W.A.-38 3, Gene Benedict 514;
Fullers 1, Floyd Fuller 512.
Shelton Hardware 4, Frank Wil-
lard 515; Evergreen Fuel 0,
Gary Cole 473.
Moose Antlers 3, Lloyd Clark
529; Eagles 1, Leo Nault 537.
Kiwanis Club 1, Roy Dunn
497; Bull Moose 3, John Lortg
Men's Hi Game: Rick Peckha:7
& Gary Robinson 188
Men's Hi Series: Gary Robins.
Women's Hi Game & Series: Tm
J onger 168-397
V.F.W. 0-4, Dave Clark 177-4t2
Trailblazers H 4-0, Chuck Thoml
son 182-512; Beckwith's 0-4, Ricl
Peckham 188-462; J.C.'s 4-0, Car:,
Robinson 188-545; Moro's 4-0, I5o
Gardner 168-456; Trailblazers .
4-0, Mark Thompson 179- Mac"
Johnson & Thompson 430; Jo
lin 0-4, Wayne Case 139-364; Hem.
broff 0-4, Gary Stites & Cur:
Casey 132- Gary Stites 156.
Standings: Trailblazers ]I 235
Hembroff 17-11, Trailblazers I ]t
12, Merv's 14-14, V.F.W. 13-%
J.C.'s 13-15, Joslin 10-18, Beck
with's 5-23.
Men's Hi Game: Bill Lucke 22:
Men's Hi Series: AI Johnston Et
Women's Hi Game: Marg Bacc
W]omen's Hi Series: Barbara Sot"
enson 448
Wood Birds 3, A1 Johnston 593"
Acetate Aces 1, Jess Tobler 493
Maintenance 2, Jim Latime
524; Makeups 2, Harvey Dewey
ert 529.
Water Boys 3, Dutch Note.
boom 492; Rayonettes 1, Mar
Bacon 430.
Silva Foxes 4, Dick Lynch 477:
Pin Curlers 0. Barbara Soren.
son 448.
Standings : Maintenance 27-17,.
Wood Birds 26-14. Silva Foxes 24-
16. Acetate Aces 23-17, Makeup
21-19, Water Boys 17-23, Rayon-
ettes 13-27, Pin Curlers 9-31.
Hi Game: Ray Marentette 27t
Hi Series: Fritz Neau 582
Standings: Beckwith 22-8, 40 &
8 20-10, Hidden Haven 18½-111/.,
J & J Service 16½-13½, Simps(>
15-15, Certified 13-17, Cliftons 9
21, Nim Rod Club %23.
Men's High Game & Series: Max
Mikkelsen 214-494
Women's Hi Game & Series: Ins
Rutledge 176-458
Standings: Agate 27-17, Skokc-
mish 26-18, Harstine 25-19, Shel-
ton Valley 24-20, Pomona 16-2,
Southside 14-30
12:30 WOM]EN'S
Hi Game & Series: Donna Coleo
man 212-558
Standings: John's Richfield 2t
Dynamic Duos 1-3, Curt Wolfe 554. 14, Nell's 20-20, Shelton Union 1-
470; Sand Baggers 4-0, Troy West ,; • Lions Club 3,-J.: L.),Mc eP'" 22, Pastime 17-23.
469--.AIi Kats 0-4, Judy St. John ..f-; :Rotar}, Club I: Georg :.;.[.,,:. " ....
magm 536.
Standings :Fuller Cons't. 29½-
• 10½, Moose Antlers 27-13, Ki-
wanis 26-14, Bull Moose 22½47½,
Olympic Plywood 19-21, I.W.A.
19-21, Rotary 18-22, Lions 17-23,
Shelton Hard. 17-23, Eagles 16-24,
Nimrods 15-25, Evergreen Fuel
415; Knock Outs 3-1, Jim Ben-
nett 497; What's Next 1-3, Iva
Cook 443; Timber Ducks, forfeit;
Board Busters 4-0, Ron Davis 448.
Standings: Odd Balz 28-8 Knock
Outs 21-15, Dynamic Duos 20-16,
Timber Ducks 18-18, All Kats 17-
19, Sand Baggers 16-20, What's
Next 15-21, Board Busters 9-27.
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Thursday, November 16, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 11