November 16, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 16, 1967 |
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Hood Canal:
Class Visits
Dams On ' **
day saw Bernie Lang assisted W
by others, take the sixth grade
classes nn a field trio to the
Mayfield and Mossyrock Dams. ,
They ate lunch at the observa-
tion house overlooking the Mossy- lpl,
rock site and returned to Hood .... ,
Canal as classes were being dis-
K,'DERGARTEN -- Confer-
ences are being planned for Fri-
: ....s.?
z .... day for all parents. Mrs. Pill .'.<.,:.:
feels that it is quite important h:
for the parents to discuss their
children at the beginning of the
child's school experience.
= FIRST GRADE Mrs. Living-
.: ston's class welcomed two new o
children recently, Paffi Hanna
from Shelton and Donna Wallen
'" from Los Angeles. A recent party " '
enjoyed by everyone had Jenene
::.i;J,. Plienes, Michelle Hawk, Anna
Marie Plant, .Denese Strong and
'. Kenne Pearce as hostesses. The
. film, "Johnny Appleseed," was
::):.; ..... enjoyed by all. The rooms are
! > all starting to take on a Thanks-
.... giving motif in preparation for
: the big day.
day was a big day as the class
......... celebrated the coming of Veter-
ans Day. They made flags and
pretended being soldiers by
marching around the room.
::' ::": : THIRD GRADE--Iiss Moore's
class is busy preparing for tur-
I 0F THE GROUP who attended a timber land owners look at a map of the key day. Many gobblers are be- $TUDI=NTS in Mrs. Hazel Riffey's second grade room oral report on it and then made a cut-out of one of the
ing made from paper plates and pose with the cardboard story book characters they made characters.
i[ t Alderbrook Inn Friday night to area during a brief intermission in the colored paper. Yesterday was a
oblems of recreationists and meeting, big day for Tim McGee as he recently. Each of the youngsters read a book, made an
became a year older.
ATHLETICS -- Bill Bryant, dis-
:a trict athletic director, issued a Matlock:
son School: ca. for boys w0000ting to
participate in basketball to suit
00enf Red Cross Group In Contest UPboysthiSareWeek.expectedSometo turn40 outt° for50 Son Of Local Couple Home On Leave From Army Duties
the positions in the seventh,
M:EYER son's senior high chorus gave a In order to use one of the eighth and nineth grade teams. By DORA HEARING hostess are Mr. and Mrs. Louis Booth of Grayland were dinner gory. Darrell Chamberlin came
ao very fine performance after Rev. Honor Society's chess sets, you P.T.A. Mrs. Virginia Pill,
n's Red Cross • MATI_K)C- Pvt. Wayne Hol- Asche. guests. Thursday night Mr. and home to spend a week with his
| 'rank Wood (presi- Mr. Hardner's address, must sign up with Mr. Hawkins. Ways and Means Chairman, Mr. and Mrs. Max Nilsson of lV[vs. Lyle Bergstrom and family grandparents.
dve Macomber (vice The featured speaker for the When a chess set is available it wish a thank-you to all who latz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seattle were weekend guests of were dinner guests at the Breh- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Goodburn
assembly was Mr. Murphy who goes to the first person on the contributed to, and brought rum- Hollatz is home on leave from Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin. meyer, Sr. home. and children of Shelton were
|' 13rothy Puritt (see- Fort Sill, Okla. and will leave
aY Fedenk (treasur- was an engineer in Vietnam. He list if he is present. The chess made for the sale Nov. 10 and Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford and Sunday dinner guests at the Lud
told the student body about many program has had a lot of partici- 11. A special thanks to those soon for Vietnam. In his honor and Mrs. Edward Valley and Mr. Pebble and Becky Brehmeyer at- Rossmaier home.
:I'Y Johnson (student of his personal experiences in potion from the student body so serving as pricers and clerks, the family had a get together and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier, attend- tended the Michael Rabin concert Mr. and M2rs. Elvin Hearing
|'ePresentative) and and dinner at the Grange Hall
ae Participating in a Vietnam such as adjusting to far. The event will be repeated again ed the farewell party last Mn- at Jr. High in Shelton last week. spent Friday evening with Mr.
weather conditions, language dif- Any Honor Society members in the Spring. When you wish to Sunday. day night in honor of Mr. and Beth and Ira Brehmeyer spent and Mrs. Herbert Helin and saw
against the Kitsap ficulties, religion, and the goner- who would like to go on extra dispose of a large item, call Matlock Grange will have its Mrs. Clifford Combs at the Day- the weekend with their grand- their slides of their trip to
group is competing al culture of the Vietnamese election of officers Friday eve-
"bership Drive on a trips may do so if they contact school, 877-5463, and arrange- ton Community hall. The Combs parents Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford. Alaska.
people. He gave an inside look 1Yr. Hawkins and/or Susie ments will be made to store it hind. are moving to Port Angeles Mrs. Lud Rossmaier accom- Mrs. Ralph Springer, Mrs. Ken-
],uasis starting Nov. 13 of not only the political views Kowalczyk. If enough students until the spring sale. Mr. and Mrs. Art Osburn of where they purchased the Ruffles panied Mrs. Larry Chamberlin neth Howard and Mrs. Van-
0v. 17. The Member- but also personal views on the are interested in a field trip the FOURTH GRADE The class Kennewick were weekend guests Auto Court. and children to Seattle Thursday Norman were Thursday luncheon
ll be used to send of 1Wx. and Mrs. Harold Clift Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thomas of to enter Karen Chamberlin in guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. F.
conditions in Vietnam today, club will make arrangements to has been working on making out-
|a the Leadership Con- Tomorrow night is the first attend, lines and using paragraphs in Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. J . R. the Orthopedic Hospital for sur- Cook of Montesano.
" to help provide public performance of the senior The Debate team has been writing reports and is now ready F.E. Hewson of Grandview were Thomas of Astoria, Ore. were
L r the Red Cross play. At 8 p.m. the curtain will working hard on the combatting for Thanksgiving stories, visitors at the Clift home. Sunday guests of IV[r. and Mrs.
Census To Ask About Jobs
e rojects. rise on the Ducotel's home. You crime issue. Their first chance 1VIvs. Watson Ross of Olympia, Dick Tupper. Bill Crisman and
| e Membership Drive will witness the great misfortune for formal debate was the jam- Mrs. Edward Valley, Mrs. Lud son of Tacoma were weekend '
|llays have been c°n- °f the Due°tel family and the bm'ee at West High Sch°°l N°v" 1 i A¢ l%ossmaier and Mrs. Elvin Hear- guests at the Tupper home.
tbe high and elemen- clear way three "hardened" 16. Der ing were dinner guests on Wed- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker and During the week that the national figures on employment
|;' Posters and stickers criminals seek to solve their mis- North Mason's senior high nesday of Mrs, Augusta Portanan Mr. and Mrs. Dan Walker at- Census Bureau's population clock and unemployment. The Census
Q and Carl Portman. The occasion tended their folks, Mr. and Mrs.
home room and fortunes. Don't miss the Friday band has been busy selling ads F Lewi ticks off the arrival of the 200 Bureau acts as fact-gathering
Ii es have in the and Saturday night performances S was a belated birthday get-to- O. W. Walker's 60th wedding millionth American, census work- agent for the Labor Department.
been to go on the back of cushions. • gether in honor of Mrs. anniversary party at the Walker ors will be taking an employment survey
rOnaote contributions, of "My Three Angels". With a These cushions will soon be sold The is taken each
"[i representatives are cast of Rick Burrell, Emili F Sle Rossmaier. home in Auburn Sunday.
to the public. All proceeds will survey here, Director John E. month from a representative
the donetions for the Meyer, Cheri Bishop, Sue Ma- There were six tables of cards Mr. and lrs. Earl Wilder and
|Qhile appointed mere- lone, Rick Reynolds, Dale Loath- go towards the purchase of new r Tharaldson of the Bureau's re- sample of households in 449
, ed Cross group are erman, Larry Former, Ken Bond, band uniforms, at the Traveling Pinochle Club children and Mr. and Mrs. Le- gional office in Seattle announ- areas throughout the U.S. The
--" th The Girls' Club held another Saturday night at the Grange Roy Valley and son all of Satsop cod this week. identity of households surveyed
,e Upper and Lower Joe Turner, and Don Huson, it's • About 9,030,003 board feet of Hall. High score went to John spent Saturday at the Edward Interviewers will visit local is confidential by law, and the
schools. Each donor bound to be the best senior play successful candy sale at noon in standing timber is available for Irvin and Rachel Valley. Low Valley home. residents Nov. 20-25 to ask about facts obtained are used for sta-
"ted with a member- ever. " the student acitvities center, cutting .and removal from a por- score to Ed Valley and Vera Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. kinds of jobs, hours worked, time tistical purposes only.
d pin in recognition Congratulations go to the girls Their next money-raising pro- tion of Fort Lewis, Washington, Goldy and Pinochle to Elvin and John Drebrick of Shelton were off, and job-hunting activities, the Interviewers who will visit
L Orion. tennis team. Sophomore Gall ject will be the pie sale tomorrow according to Kelvin Greenstreet, Dora Hearing. The next meeting dinner guests at the Herbert regional director said. The data households here beginning Nov.
feature of the Dahl placed first in singles at andseniorSaturdayplay. Differentnight varietiesafter theof Chief of the Real Estate Division, Nov. 25, will be at the Bob Dave- Brehmeyer, Sr. home. Wednes- accumulated will be used by the 20 include Mrs. Polly A. Swayze,
_..ll)ai:)rive was a fifth the Olympic League Tennis Tour- U.S. District Engineer's Office, son home in Shelton. Host and day night Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Department of Labor in updating Shelton.
,tlc Cr° bly N tl t nament with a record of 13 undo- pie will be served with punch or Seattle District. One sale, con-
°You 'he feated matches. Susie Kowalczyk coffee. In charge of the pie sale taining 2,930,000 board feet, is
k Auction of inter- and Barbara Schillinger placed is Karen Squire. reserved for small business.
|, UnUsual items. Also second in doubles. Wrestling turnouts are Monday Species include Douglas Fir and
Dave Macomber The seniorclasswouldliketo at3:30p.m. To qualify for the minor amounts of other species. HO J00illlY hostess
who showed thank all the people who donated wrestling team you must have The timber will be offered by
during their atten- rummage and helped to make an A.S.B. card and a 2. average sealed bid advertising as three
Leadership Center. the rummage sale a great suc- in school. The first meet will be simultaneous separate sales,
cess. Dec. 7 against Central Kitsap. Interested persons may inspect
not donated and The senior class has placed The Chemistry and Physics the timber by calling the Corps to be£ e ''':*
contact Home their senior key orders. The keys room has been completed. Clas- of Engineers representative, Bry-
entatives Sheri Bar- 'should be delivered soon. sos have been meeting in the an L. Turner, Building T-7985 •
Barber, Vicki Balloon sales were very suc- adjoining room No. 9 until now. (North Fort Lewis), telephone )me out better
Johnson, Larry cessful at the North Mason vs Also completed is the home eco- Tacoma 96-72004, between 8 a.rn.
Pruitt, Connie Bainbridge football game Nov. 3. nomics room. and 3 P.m., Mondays through ,-, witha new range
Wood, Dave The next big event coming up Quarter tests are over and the Fridays, except holidays. Bid
Woods, and for the seniors is the senior ball second quarter has begun. Re- forms May be obtained there or
from the US Dm l r's
s. For elementary Dec. 2. port Cards came out last iV[on ...... • . " tr'ct Enginee
omce, Seattle District ,Corps of
ct Connie Sidwaski, The Lettermens Club held a day and should be returned as Engineers, Real Estate Division,
Penny Fedenk, swimming party Nov. 10 for all soon as possible.
Dorothy Pruitt, members of the club. The Letter- 1519 Alaskan Way South, Seattle,
The new bell system has Washington 98134, where sealed What more appropriate time than right
and Sheri Bar- men met at the school at 8 p.m. been installed. The bell (?) bares bids will be opened at 2:00 p.m.,
• 1 for the fine dis- and traveled to Shelton where
,PUblicity are Sandy they attended the party from 9 a faint resemblance to the sub- 30 November 1967. Iq000V, before the season's parade of guests
deY Fedenk, Frank to midnight, marine, Seaview, as it prepares ///
$idwaski, and Lar- The Honor society received to submerge into the deep. ' overwhelms you, to plan to meet the chal-
"the Red Cross Youth their pins at a recent meeting. Editor of the Nomahi NewS,
like to thank all Other business included the No- Sue Malone, has reported the /
lenge with a new
Ped Make their first vember trip to Central Washing- paper will be distributed at noon
ton State College Nov. 30 and tomorrow.
0 the Membership Dec. 1, and the trip to Olympic Congratulations to the J.V,
. of Veteran's Day College's production of "Love's football players who finished the
Labors Lost" in which two of season with a big win over Bain- ,
OUncil sponsored North Mason's former drama bridge 25-21. Scoring were Lyle d
fr grades five and students are Vernard, Bill Kortman, Mike
! LV NOV. 10. The participants
portraying roles. Stimac and Dave Fisher.
. e Star-Spangled
gla the assembly -
cly President Ken Transparent Plastic
introductory ad- "
1 "lag the address,
a, the principal,
|!,aernorial plaque to I -
t. ' The band per-
lody of patriotic
1 V. Wendell Harder -'7
; l,,student body on
From WIT
WIN KtT Inside o, Outdd,
with molding and nails. APPLIANCE
. viYpiar'lalph's Thriftway) It It.rdw.ret,,rywhe,e & t.mber I,.,., CENTER
Ct,;c'. t *' " e;*,* * I'lo *
. , ,,, " ,,:,: ,,:,, Streets o
1332 Olympic Hwy. S. 426-4522 -- i .... #
Thursday, November 16, 1967 - Sheiton-Mason County Journal - Page 13