November 16, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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00rnunify Club Changes
,ihts For I+s Meetings
f Lilli
[ changed
abers vot
e by-laws.
, beginning
-- Meeting dates
IAlliwaup Community
Friday night
voted an amend-
in Decem-
held on the first Fri-
each month, instead of
Friday. The custom
to precede the business
]ith a potluck supper
|fQ0w the meeting with a
|0nd pinochle pa ty
• Party. r of
Will now be slated for
Priday evening instead
Lffth Friday. December
now be the first and
Will be another No-
hle party at 8 p.m.
BWere made to accomo-
who were members
e Skokomish grange
. Lilliwaup Community
that they might attend
.0f both organizations.
bles were in play at the
arty following last Fri-
' k supper and meet-
aers were Mrs. Mettle
]dhaad Mike Stolen, first;
4la'' Haines and Ed
decond • Mrs Elier C.
/.d 'Rolan W llson,
e, and door prize,
Y Breakfast, slated for
the Hood Canal Lions
Provide a headstart on
s Yuletide atmosphere
rOvide funds for the
tlal Christmas project
n. The breakfast, to
e Potlatch clubhouse
anal Woman's Club,
ed from 8 a.m. to 1
's of $1.25 for adults
ts for children will be
aSters, contribution to-
Lions ' Christmas pro-
:L tes the chairman, Ron-
e of Union.
nal families are busy
m--=¢ir plans for celebra[-
m;. giving Nov. 23, and
mivOndering how it can
mI to have ,he holiday
most here.
;V- Iy Solution to a large
(Thanksgiving celebration
s d and Maybelle Willson
Lt! use of the Lilliwaup
i Ly Hall for the occasion.
m taticipating that there
m10out 30 at the get-to-
m •
ISUmmertime it would
llem," said Mrs:Will-
large groups
Season when the l)atio
space at their
phms for the Bob
of 1VHke's Beach
a trip to Des
a holiday re-union
be shared with Bob's
brolhcrs, their wives
Prak Resort is to
dinner for
and the families
e regularly several
during the summer
e Party will be in the
rnunity hall and will
rkey, furnished by B.
and roasted by Mrs.
wife of the park
rest of the menu
Diesen enter-
Eld(m home Wed-
last week honor-
of Mrs. George
was served lit
tltifully decorated with
lhtlnls After the birth-
! dessert many lovely
tUPened by the honored
lhe afternoon was spent
i •
ml. guests present were
W' Fred Sauer, and
it. "aght of Shelton, Mr.
" ' oUis Schaufler, Mr.
th n K. Webb and
ated her 100th birth
i., t
;eraber; Mrs. Stella
Morken, Mrs. Ben Everett, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Diesen and
Mrs. Moake.
Mrs. George Moake and her
sister-in-law, Mrs. Evelyn Nichol-
son, returned early last week
from a four-day visit in Belling-
ham. They visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. George Hunsinger
(the former Judy Nicholson of
Hoodsport.) Sunday they drove
to Vancouver, B.C. and spent
the day touring around Stanley
Park and the beautiful city.
Dinner was enjoyed in Van-
couver's world-famous China-
town. As this is the Chinese year
of "The Lion", they arrived just
in time to see a street demonstra-
tion, with hundreds of Chinese
shooting thousands of firecrack-
ers, "killing" the dragon going
up and down the street. They
said that the smoke and noise
were so terrific that it was good
to get inside the restaurant.
A prize Catch of an 18-pound
blackmouth rewarded two fisher-
men who launched a boat at the
Allie Robinson Indian Beach
place Sunday morning. The fish-
ermen were E. J. Murphy,
former Potlatch resident now
living in LeGrande, and Wynn
Radcliffe of Potlatch. They were
using a plug, they said.
Spending the weekend in Lilli-
waup with her parents, Mr. and
M!rs. Sigurd Heft were Mr. and
Mrs. Gene Hulbert and four chil-
dren of Randle. Mike, Gene's
serviceman brother, who ex-
pects to be sent soon to the war
zone, was also a visitor here and
with their parents, the Alvin
Hulberts in Shelton.
rMr. and Mrs. Starr White re-
turned recently from a trip to
California to be with her mother,
Mrs. Elizabeth Tahja, who was
ill and a patient in the Fort
Bragg General Hospital. After a
week there she was able to re-
turn to her home in Comptche to
he cared for there.
Sunday the wedding anniver-
sary of the Starr Whites had a
belated celebration when her sis-
ter, Nrs. Ernest Campbell of
Shelton, and neighbors of the
Whites arranged a dinner party
for them at their beach home.
Mrs. White was especially
pleased when her sister prepared
an old family favorite Italian
seafood dish, the recipe for which
had been given the Starr Whites
in San Francisco by Joe De Mag-
gie. A cake baked by Mrs. Thee
Valjean was the anniversary
dinner dessert.
The Campbells, the Valjeans
and Mrs. Valjean's mother, Mrs.
Blagg; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Evans of Hoodsport and the
honored guests were present.
Mrs. Blagg, who is from Ohio,
is spending the winter in a cot-
tage near her daughter and son-
Faith Evans had a celebration
of her birthday Sunday, when
their daughters and their fan'filies
came about noon with a birthday
cake for their mother. They
were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wahl
and children of Tacoma, and Mr.
and Mrs. Mike Phelan of Olym-
pia, with her children. Faith's
mother, Mrs. Florence Ross, her
brother, Jim, and Mrs. Nora
Bryan of Seattle were also at the
Lewis Ewms Holiday Beach
home Sunday.
Later in the day the Evanses,
with her mother and brother
and Mrs. Bryan joined a group
to go to Lake Cushman Resort
for the smorgasbord sponsored
by the Blanche Radtke Orthoped-
ic Guild. The affair was for the
benefit of the Mary Bridge Chil-
dren's HosIfital in Tacoma.
Mrs. Ross stayed over to visit
this week and go into Tacoma
with Faith and Lewis Evans for
WHEN IA¥ING deck boards flat,
be sure to nail the boards with
their bark side up--annular rings
turning down. Check the curve
of the annular rings at the end
of each deck board. This pre-
vents cupping.
Community Church Sponsoring Royal Rangers Group For Boys Of The Area
KAMILHE -- The Kamilche
Church is sponsoring a new pro-
gram for the boys in our com-
munity. It is called the Royal
Rangers. In some ways this or-
ganization is similar to Boy
Scouts. They seek to build
character t h r o u g h Christian
teaching and healthy activities.
Activities include crafts, games,
camping and other outdoor skills
and community service.
The organizational meeting
showed there is a lot of inter-
ested in the program. At least 30
people attended the meeting.
Mr. Wincher, from district head-
quarters, explained the program.
He told of the fast growth of this
group :100,000 members in the
four years since it began.
The boys are divided into 4
age groups. Buckaroos, ages 7 to
9 will be led by Mr. and Mrs.
Tony Ellison and Sandra Loerts-
cher. Tony will mainly handle
the fiedl work.
Leaders of the Pioneers, ages
9 to 11, will be Dennis Loertscher
with Don Whitener and Tony
Ellison as Lt. Commanders.
The Trailblazers are 11 to 14.
Their leaders are Commander
Dale Mattson and Lt. Command-
ers Phil Simmons and Richard
Mattson and Gus Ellison.
There are no members at
present in the senior group, the
Air and Sea Rangers. Command-
ing General and chaplain of the
entire group will be Pastor Mar-
vin Moe.
The boys will be required to
purchase their own uniforms but
handbooks, etc. will be furnished
by the church. The uniforms are
light tan with red insignia.
The Kamilche School will com-
plete the Parent-Teacher confer-
ences thisweek. Written reports
will be issued.
The students have been play-
ing volley ball a great deal and
by now should have the new
mats for the gym. The P.T.O.
voted to purchase one.
Gary Mnrshall phoned hm
Ft. Hood, Texas to tell Chet and
Betty of his promotion to
Since writing this column last
week we have learned that B. J.
Whitener has returned home from
California. B. J. is recovering
at home from a severe cut on
his arm.
Florence Taylor, Ruth Nelson
and Alice Haines enjoyed a
smorgasbord dinner, held at Grif-
fin School, last Sunday.
A California man, Clayton
Corum received face and head
cuts and did extensive damage to
his car when it flipped over a
20 foot bank into a field. The
wreck occured last Thursday
afternoon just west of the junc-
tion of the Hurley-Waldrip road
and Highway 108.
Progress Grange elected new
officers last Friday. John
Barcekman was elected Master.
The grange will have a dance
Nov. 18. Music will be by the
Tune Toppers. The last dance
was very well attended.
Carrel Kelley has bagged both
an elk and a deer this season.
Another hunting achievement
has been called to our attention.
We hear that Rev. Marvin Moo
is quite a sharpshooter. He re-
cently hit a member of the wea-
sel family at 150 yards.
Visitors at the home of Rev.
and Moe are his sister and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rose,
their son, Pat, and daughter
The Rx)se family presently re-
side in Port Angeles but plan to
move to Kamilche in the near
future. They will move a trailer
onto some land they have pure
Only 11 Ibs, less bar and
chain. Come in and try it.
See how well it fits your
grip. See its narrow new
bar that cuts faster with-
out pinching.
"We Service What We Sell"
1306 Olympic Hwy. S,
chased on Little Skookum.
The new home being built near
the store belongs to Mr. and Mrs.
Jake Smith. Mrs. Smith said that
Mr. lgnes is home and doing
fine. He recently "blacked out"
and fell against his stove and was
badly burned on the face.
We just learned that Kamilche
again has a 4-H group. 1Yh-s.
Herbert (Joan) Welch is leading
a group of boys. They have held
a second meeting. A girls leader
is also needed.
Here are some election results.
David Whitener was elected to
the board position held previous-
ly by Harry Fletcher. Mr.
Fletcher didn't file for re-elec-
tion. Edwin Taylor retained his
position. Mr. Stoehr was not up
for election this year.
Ninety nine people cast ballots
with the bridge vote being 64
yes and 35 no.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Taylor will
be leaving soon for a three
month cruise. The trip will in-
elude ten days of fishing in New
Zealand, rock hunting in Aus-
tralia. (M. Taylor is a highly
skilled rock collector) various
stops in the Samoan Islands, in-
eluding Pango Pango and a week
in Honolulu.
Florence Taylor's birthday was
the occasion for several weekend
celebrations. Friday she and Mrs.
Newell Etlsion of Olympia cele-
brated their combined birthdays
by having dinner at Lee's Care
in Olympia. The birthday date
was Nov. 12 but so many people
wished to honor them they just
had to start early.
Brown or
First 4
Then 15¢
lb. pkg.
NO. 21/2 TIN
58 ¢
15 ¢
25 ¢
77 ¢
CRAN-APPLE JUICE (Reg. 5,) 39¢
32 oz. tin
PRUNE JUICE Sunsweet (Reg. 53¢) 49 ¢
32 oz. tin
RICE MIX MB Bee, (Re,. 3.,. 34
7 oz. pkg.
WALNUT MEATS -,°dsey (Re,. 97'
$1.09) 12 oz, pkg,
PECANS NUTS B,u, Bonnet (Reg. 38 ¢
43¢) 3-OZ. size
TOASTEM POP UPS (Reg. ,.,,,>
10 OZ. pkg. 45 ¢
DICED CITRON Pe°.nt (Reg. 39¢) 33 ¢
8 oz. size
BAKERS (Reg. 39¢)
s,z. 3Y
5/$1) 3 t,. 16 ¢
DEL MONTE Yellow Cling
SLICED PEACHES (Regu,ar,,,> 23
303 tin
PINEAPPLE "'" s,,., <R.g. /,,)
No., ,,a, 14'
PITrED PRUNES Sunsweet (Reg. 43'
49€) 12 oz. size
OVEN CLEANER Eae, o, s,.y 72
(Reg. 79¢) 7 oz. tin
WAX PAPER ZEE (Reg. 3,> 19
100 ft. pkg,
COFFEE MATE (R.gular 6.)
1, oz. j.r 77'
NOVEMBER 16-- 25
Mon. thru Thurs.: .... 11 a.m. - 6 Im.
Friday: ...................... I9 .m.i.- 7 p4n.
Saturday: .................... 9 Lm. - 5 p.m,
Thursday, November 16, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15