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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 16, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 16, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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00000 I Measles... not just another kid disease. ere are some straight answers to show why and how you should keep your child from getting measles. Q. Is measles a serious disease? A. Yes. It is one of the most dan- gerous diseases of childhood. It lasts about seven days and causes much discomfort as well as temporary and sometimes permanent disability, or even death. Q. What complications can result from measles ? A. They include ear infections, pneumonia, deafness, blindness, con- vulsive disorders or other brain dis- eases. Q. How can you protect your child against measles ? A. By having a physician give your child the vaccine that now protects millions of children. Q. Who should receive this mea- sles vaccine ? A. All babies at one year of age and healthy older children who haven't had measles or the vaccine. Q. Can every child receive the measles vaccine safely? A. Yes, but when a s child hanna ' severe chronic disorder or allergyhis anyway ? A. Yes-after waiting at least six weeks. However, if the globulin pro- duced a mild case of measles, the measles vaccine is not needed.Again, a physician's guidance is necessary. Q. Should the measles vaccine be timed with other immunizations ? A. Yes. There should be at least a 28-day interval between the measles vaccine and oral polio (Sabin) or smallpox vaccination. Q- If a parent isn't sure whether a child has had measles or measles vaccine before, should the child be immunized ? A. Yes. It does no harm. Q. Are any side effects caused by the vaccine? A. As with other vaccines, a slight fever or a mild rash sometimes de- velops within 7 to 12 days and dis- appears in a day or two. Q. Can children who have had the vaccine spread measles to others ? A. No. Q" How is the vaccine given ? A. By injection in the upper arm. O. Should adultshave the measles FREE* VA'CCINATIONS FOR ALL CHILDREN AGES I THROUGH 12 YEARS 12 NOON TO 4 P.M. AT CLINICS Mason County Shell"on, Me÷lock Area CLINICS Public Health Building 5th & Birch, rSheli'on physician should be consulted first, vaccine? Q A" Yes' if they have never had the Belfair Area Cafe÷erium • If a child has had gamma glob- disease. This is sensible protection ulin after exposure to measles, even though measles is most serious should hehavethemeaslesvaccine for youngchildren" Elemen+ary School, Belfair L " Hoodspor÷ Area Teachers Room  |m--Cut Out This Form -- Bring To Cli..#ci..i Junior High ,)Crl .C'LooI il i  I TION R I "1 1 MEASLES 'MMUNIZA EGISTRATION FORM I  ,. I YES .o I Hoodspor÷ 1 Has this child had measles ("reguar measles", "hard r--] r- ] t] I measles," "10 day measles") I   2 Has this child had live virus measles vaccine previously?  D I II II 3. Has this child had oral polio vaccine or smallpox vaccina- [] [] • ''-"--"-- _    IIMeasles Musf Go II ii tion within the past four weeks? _m * ' .....   i"  The young set gets in the act! Joan, .J I 4. Has this child had a shot of gamma globulin within the [] [] -- '-:: ....  [ -, Lisa, ?ammy and Arthur Carstens of I past SiX weeks. I . . , °- . it, " I', Olympia carry home ttleir banner, and " s feathers  1 *NOT ff V inatlons 1 I 5. Is this child allergic to egg , , or chicken. [] U E. acc are At /llI' .... =; =, ,{tf--,,*'lTq/l- paign.remlnd everyone of the etatewide caro- l 6 Does this child have any form of cancer or leukemia' [] [] I free ns d " % |1 I l  "  ' .... "" ' 4: ....... | " " I . , but perso eslr I I | " 7. Does this child have tuberculosis, or has he recently been []  -- I .... mi-i " "k  , i I exposed to tuberculosis? I , , €o matee a n maE .."=)!| I : 1::.-.;-, ,:" 4'..! / . J I I 8 Is this child receiving X-ray treatment or any form of cort,- [ E] ' sone? 1 a' ¢on,ributEon may do so _ c',n , cs . . .  :'  t::'  y ()J L t  . . ., I1 I 9. Does this child have fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or skin rash [] [] I / llbl "L.lifJj >: ," " " " I - II ....  -- | I ,o: I - - | I __ ._o_ .......  ..... I MASLES-MUST-OO i, ,po,sored b, k " -- " -. . IL [---_] i I ' I te Department of Health and Wash- II/I! 2 I III I I ington State Medical Association, with ]l i ................. P a ;e n t'-s o- gu a r d ia-- ,-s-ha me .... I assistance from Washington State Med. IER ........... -i- -  " il "% o: I I Bet Address I sociation, and Washington Association i _ fo ] I I r Retarded Children. The Thurston, l i Ci y County --i c- I ason Committee is headed by Dr. J. V. / i This is to certify that I have read this form and have answered the questions to i Deshaye, health officer, and Dr. RoEer ..... | i the best of my ability. I am the parent or legal guardian of the ch d named  L. Barrett, of the Thurston-Mason Med. ] • above, and I request that this child be given Meas es Vaccine. icaI Society  . , I Signature of parent or Guardian ---- I I I NOTE: This form must be brought with the child. I I I D B IIIImilll.I I I II I I i I I II I i i.ii II i THIS MESSAGE IS SPONSORE Y THE FOLLOWING FIRMS: | YSICIANS SERVICE, INC. I 130 S. 3rd SIMPSON EMPLOYEES FEDERAL CREDIT UNION CAPITAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL IVE R 127 N 5th GREEN DRUG CENTER " Sheldon Branch " Evergreen Square SHELTON GENE RAL HOSPITAL 107 S. 4th MASON CO UNTY4FE :ECRe:L CRED IT UNION M E LV ' NsL;:nRceNOLeDnt "I NELL'S PHARMACY JIM SNEDDEN AGENCY Allstate In g PREPP S REXALL STORE Sears, Shelton, 426-4440 133 Railroad Franklin Center 125 N. 5th Thursday, November 16, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page-: